Photoshoot Guidelines

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The Property Management Office (PMO) shall regulate any commercial advertisement, taping,
photo shoot requests and the like within the project premises.


1. Proper documentation shall be requires before any shooting activities shall be done.
A letter of intent shall be submitted to the PMO containing the ff. information:
• Objective
• Time table
• Proposed Areas
• Schedule of Activities
• Provide story board or project brief
• No. of manpower
• List of names (manpower)
• List of equipment and gadgets to be brought in the property
2. Shoot hours are from 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM only. Strictly, no overtime or overnight
extension shall be allowed.
3. Only the Sky Lounge and amenity core shall be used with corresponding restrictions
and guidelines. The use of building lobbies, hallways, and MERF areas is prohibited.
4. The PMO may add, revise, amend any portion of this guideline without due prejudice
to the existing rules and regulations.


1. The renter shall submit written intention letter to the PMO at least 2 weeks before
the actual date of shooting subject for approval of the PMO , containing the
following but not limited to:
1.1 Scope of shooting and detailed chronological series of activities to be done
1.2 Venue/areas to be rented, date and time
1.3 Lists of all personnel/staffs, equipment to be brought inside the premises, and
details on vehicles to be used.
2. The renter shall observe all existing rules and regulation of the subdivision. No any
disturbances or undue inconveniences shall be created that will affect any residents.
3. The whole production team shall be responsible to safeguard all their valuables,
secure the safety and conduct of their staffs, and abide instructions from the
Property Management Office personnel as deemed necessary. The Property
Management Office has the right to stop any activities that could create harm,
nuisance, or any illegal acts while inside the subdivision premises.
4. The renter shall strictly observe confidentiality and shall not disclose any information
or private information concerning the property. The whole production team shall not
take any photos, videos aside from the one stipulated in the request letter and/or
Memorandum of Agreement.
5. The renter shall be charged with rental fee (with 12% VAT). Please do refer to matrix
of charges.

The Rental shall provide/abide the following:

1. Its own generator, and will not tap any utility from the common area outlets. Should
there a need to tap, a corresponding utility consumption billing shall be added on top
of the rented facilities.
2. Proper identification of all personnel and those who don’t have direct participation in
the shooting area shall remain in the vehicle or contained in a place designated by the
PMO. Strolling elsewhere shall be prohibited.
3. Secure gate pass of all equipment brought inside. Ensure that these equipment are well
placed/arranged on allowed areas only. Ensure that these don’t create any obstruction.
4. Guarantee that areas used during the shoot shall be cleaned and returned to its original
state after pack-up, with a clearance signed by an authorized representative of the PMO
as proof that the renter has left the location in good and order condition.

I/we have read and understood the guidelines written above. I/we hereby confirm and agree to
the foregoing guidelines.

Property Manager Renter / Authorized Representative

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