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User Manual For Online Application - IB

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User Guide for filling up the application form for ZED 5 Day Training


All the fields marked with *are mandatory to fill.

Step 1:

• Applying for the Training of: There are three categories from which one can select, it
can be a combination of Master Trainer and Assessor or Master Trainer and
Consultant Training or individually Master Trainer, Consultant, Assessor Training.
There is a restriction that one cannot select both assessor and consultant together.
• For “Upload Photo”, one has to upload a scanned copy of their own photograph. It
should be in jpg or png format and the file size should not exceed 500 KB. When the
photograph has been uploaded, the picture would be displayed on the left of the
Id Proof Details:

• For Document Type, there is a drop-down list that displays different Id proofs from
which one is to be selected.
• Provide the ID Number of the document selected.
• Name As per the document.
• Any other detail if asked in the fourth field.
• Upload the scanned copy of the id proof which has been selected. This document
can be in pdf, jpg or png format, and the file size should not exceed 500KB.

The next section varies with the selection in “Apply for the training of”

• For training category selected as “Assessor Training”: it would ask for- Nominated
through (only for ZED Assessors Training applicants): for this field one has to select
who has nominated him/her as an assessor to undergo ZED Training Programme and
fill the corresponding details (Name, email, contact of coordinator etc):
One may select Certification Body/ Credit Rating Agency/ Inspecting bodies if any of such
bodies have nominated him/her, if not selected Freelancer.
• Preference will be given to the applications which are being nominated directly by
Certification Bodies/Inspection Bodies/Credit Rating Agencies/any other Applicant
Organization applying for NABCB Accreditation (ZED scope) as all the ZED
Assessments shall be carried out only by ZED Assessors of QCI/NABCB accredited
Certification Bodies/Inspection Bodies/Credit Rating Agencies/any other Applicant
• A nomination mail is required to be sent to [email protected] by the Certification
Bodies/Inspection Bodies/Credit Rating Agencies or Consulting Organizations for
individuals who wish to apply for ZED Assessor Training.
• Similarly, If the selected Training Category is “ZED Consultant”, two options will be
displayed namely:
➢ Consulting Organisation
➢ Freelancer
If Consulting Organisation is selected, additional information is to be filled:

o Consulting Organization (Your associated consulting organisation name)

o Name of the Coordinator (Name of the coordinator of the consulting
o Coordinator’s Email
o Coordinator’s Phone

Step 2: The next section is for Personal Details, Mailing Address where in one has to fill the
relevant information asked.
Step 3: Spoken Language select the primary and secondary languages in which one is fluent
at speaking.
Step 4: Written Language: Select the primary and secondary language which you can write
Step 5: Educational Qualifications:

• Click “Add New Qualification” to add your educational qualifications

Note: Mention the qualifications in the order starting with the highest qualification

✓ Year: select the start year and end year of the qualification
✓ Institution/University Name: The name of the institute or the university from
where one has pursued the course
✓ Qualification: The name of the course
✓ Grade or % Marks: Percentage attained in the course
✓ Proofs (pdf, jpg, jpeg, png): upload the certificate of passing the course. The
document should be in pdf/jpg/jpeg/png format and the size should not be more
than 2000kb.

Step 6: Section 6, “Technical Skills as per ZED Discipline”

➢ The fulfilment of this field is an important criterion for participation in the master
trainer/consultant/assessor training program.
➢ Refer point 3 of the eligibility criteria for filling up this section.
1.For ZED Master Trainer/Assessor/Consultant Training (only consultants nominated
through Consulting Organizations) , a professional shall have the knowledge/expertise in
minimum 1 ZED Discipline from each category (A,B and C).
2. Individual consultants applying for ZED Consultant Training, knowledge on all 10 ZED
Disciplines is required.

• Click “Add new technical skills” to add your skills

✓ ZED Discipline: select the zed discipline for which he/she has undergone
training/certification or have hands-on experience on.

✓ Type: add the experience in the form of “hands-on”/ “training/certification” or both

Note: In case you have both “hands-on”, and “training/certification” in a specific

discipline, a new row needs to be added again for that discipline mentioning the

• If one has selected Training/Certification programs undergone, then provide

additional information like:
✓ Training/Certification Name: The name of the certification course that one
has undergone
✓ Conducted By: The name of the organisation which conducted this
certification course
✓ Duration: provide the duration of this training program.
✓ Upload the scanned copy of the certificate of the training program. The
document should be in pdf/jpg/jpeg/png format and the size should not be
more than 2000kb.

• For Hands-on-experience in the specified ZED Discipline, provide:

✓ Organization Name: The name of the organisation where one has had
the experience for the above-mentioned ZED Discipline
✓ Roles and Responsibilities: Here one has to provide the detailed
description of the roles and responsibilities with respect to the above
selected ZED Discipline
✓ Duration: provide the total duration of your experience in the
organisation with respect to the selected ZED Discipline

• Then, click on ADD tab to add this row

Step 7: Field: other relevant trainings

• Refer point 6, Eligibility Criteria to fill this section.
• Click “Add New Experience” to add your other relevant trainings with respect
to the category of the training applying for.
Step 8: Total Industry Experience: Here one has to provide their full experience in any
organisation or in any sector.

• Click on Add New Experience tab, a dialog box opens up

• Fill the following fields

✓ Duration: duration of working in the respective organisation,

✓ Name of the Employer/ Organization
✓ Department
✓ Designation
✓ Roles and Responsibilities
✓ Experience Certificate: upload the experience certificate corresponding to the
working tenure for that respective organisation.

• Click on ADD tab to add the working experience

Step 9: Point 9 will differ according to the training category one has opted for.

• For Master Trainer Training category:

9. (A) Details of the Trainings imparted as a faculty:

• Click on Add Training Experience

• Fill the following sub fields:

✓ Training Name: The name of the training delivered as a Master trainer
✓ Duration (in man - days): The duration of the training delivered
✓ Name of Employer/ Organization: Organization which is conducting the
✓ Roles and Responsibilities: a detailed description of the responsibilities
undertaken as a trainer in the respective training program
✓ ZED Discipline: select the ZED discipline from the drop-down list in which the
training was provided (if applicable).
✓ Select ZED Sector(s) in which the trainings are imparted : ZED Sectors are
different manufacturing sectors(as per Annexure 1,eligibility criteria). One
can select multiple sectors (press Ctrl button, while making multiple
selections) with respect to which he has provided the training.
• Click on ADD tab to add the training experience.

• For Assessor Training category,

9. (B) Details of the Assessment Experience as an Assessor

• One has to mandatorily fill in:

Number of Assessments done:
• Click on Add Assessment Experience tab and fill.

✓ Project name for: The name of the project for which the assessment was
✓ Duration: The duration of the assessment.
✓ Name of Employer/ Organization: The name of the organisation for whom you have
done the assessment of the project
✓ Area:
(QMS/EnMS/FSMS /OHSAS/FSMS etc.): Mention the assessment area.
✓ Mention ZED Sector(s) in which the assessments carried out (select multiple if
applicable by holding Ctrl button): One may select the zed sectors under which the
project falls.
✓ Roles and Responsibilities: A detailed description of the roles and responsibilities as
an assessor for the mentioned project
✓ Upload your Assessment logs/Work Order/Appreciation Letter

• Click ADD tab to add the assessment experience.

• For Consultant Training category,

9. (C) Details of the Consultancy Experience as a Consultant

• No. of Consultancies given:

• Click on Add Consultancy Experience tab
• The following dialog box gets displayed on the screen.
(The fields are similar to Assessor, here you have to mention details corresponding to your
Consultant experience)

Step 10: Provide summary of your skill set/competencies in not more than 500 characters:
Step 11:

• Select your preferred locations for the training program opted for.
• These locations are tentatively planned and may change.
• Just select the desired location and then click on Right Arrow button, which will shift
the location to the right box named Selected Preferences.
• The Order of selection of the choices specifies the order of priority of the locations.

• Any other preferred location other than the cities mentioned in “Available
Preferences”, can be specified under “Any other preferred location”

• Lastly click on the Left side box of the Declaration, and then click on Register tab

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