Reeves Rib Cage Expansion Full Body Routine

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By Steve Reeves
Please note that the author of this book is not responsible in any manner
whatsoever for any injury that may result from practising the techniques and
or following the instructions given within. Since the physical activities
described herein may be too strenuous in nature for some readers to engage
in safely, it is essential that a physician be consulted prior to training.

Written and distributed by the Golden Era Bookworm

Copyright © 2020 Golden Era Bookworm
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized
in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the Golden Era Bookworm.

In the other series of these booklets, I will try to give our readers the benefit of
Steve’s experiences in developing the arms, shoulders, chest, back, waist, calves
and thighs. In this particular booklet, I will give Steve’s own account n the
development of his rib cage which he combined with a full body routine. As he
stated, it was one of his favourite routines.
I find this rare and as of yet unpublished routine interesting, because it conflicts
with what other people have said about Steve’s thoughts on developing the rib
cage. Steve believed in rib cage development, due to the health benefits and the
impressiveness that it added to his physique.
I hope you enjoy this full body routine.

The Golden Era Bookworm

Reeves displays his Rib Cage development in a Rare Colourized Hands
Clasped Behind Head Vacuum Pose.

Successful bodybuilding contains three important principles – Exercise – Rest –
Good Food. These principles stand like the firm foundations of a house. Without
a strong supporting base NO building can endure – without this trinity of factors
you might as well stay in bed and move your fingers and toes – the results you
get will be as great. Naturally there are many offshoots from them but if you
don’t get sufficient sleep, a correct schedule of exercise and the nourishment
that will help build strong bones and healthy muscle, then all your efforts will be
wasted. Any attempts to cloud the issue by talking about “heavy” and “light”
days, “thousand and one” exercises, and various other schemes for extracting
cash from the pockets of the unwary, must be treated as down right
commercialism and dishonesty.

Let’s start off with the question of exercise first. In the majority of the bodypart
specialization booklets I have written, I have tried to give YOU the various types
of exercise that would develop certain areas of the body. These movements
have been those which I have found to be effective in the majority of cases.
Some of them were favourites of mine, others I didn’t like too much, but, as far
as I was concerned were extremely productive of results. The first step you must
take is together into a schedule, the exercises for EACH section of the physique,
that you not only LIKE performing but those that also PRODUCE RESULTS. It is
more than obvious, that if you ENJOY doing certain workouts, you will put a
much more whole hearted effort into the job than if you undertook the schedule
as a matter of duty, or work that just HAD to be done. A famous authority has
previously remarked in the pages of YOUR PHYSIQUE MAGAZINE that exercise is
“meant to be enjoyed NOT endured. When exercise becomes a punishment
instead of pleasure, STOP exercising”. With this maxim, I thoroughly agree.
ENJOY your workouts.

Steve teaches the deadlift to one of his young admirers!

When ever I exercise, I always make certain that I am warmly clad. Even if the
weather is summery, I put on a “T” shirt and I make it a rule NEVER to exercise
stripped to the waist. If possible, I strongly advise the use of a track suit. The
likelihood of strains is reduced and the sweat that is the result of the exercise, is
absorbed by the Track Suit or Training Togs, rather than staying on the surface
of the skin and drying there. The skin is an organ of elimination and the more
you let it function, the better you are going to feel. A warm Track Suit will
produce profuse perspiration and help elimination of the waste products that
results from your workout.

Reeves dressed in a track suit for his leg workout

During my workout I sip a mixture of orange or grapefruit juice and honey which
I have previously prepared. I take this between exercises for TWO important
reasons. Several bodybuilders have the habit of drinking copious quantities of
water during the workout, but I am against this because I believe that it bloats
Body Tissue. Therefore I utilize the water content of the Body by drinking a
“sharp” fruit juice, thus stimulating the salivary glands into action and satisfying
my thirst my NATURAL means. The juice also reduces acidity, assists elimination
and, in combination with the honey, provides a quick source of energy.

Reeves enjoy a bottle of milk during his movie takes.

I never hurry my workout. I believe in concentration. I make it a rule NEVER to
indulge in conversation during training and from this I have never swerved. To
allow any distraction, even for a moment, would prevent you from
concentrating on the work at hand, and I try to avoid the slightest interruption
– conversational or otherwise. Once I commence my training period, then there
is no thought of anything else in my mind. With each exercise and each and
every repetition, I think of the function of the particular muscle group, outing
everything I have into the job of building up STRENGTH and SHAPE.

Steve concentrates during a set of Alternate Dumbbell Curls

So much for the exercise side of a Training Programme. Now for that important
part of the schedule – REST! Included in this section is RELAXATION. Rest means
not only sleep, but what you DO in between your training days. A body builder
must get at least EIGHT HOURS complete sleep each night. On your training
nights, make sure to spend an hour in the air before retiring – you can do this by
walking home leisurely from the gym, talking with a friend about Life’s pleasant
things. Go to bed with one single objective – SLEEP. DON’T lie awake thinking or
worrying about the day’s happenings. On your non-training days, take life a little
easy. Now don’t neglect your social obligations, like helping around the house,
but do try and forget that such things as barbells exist. You have your training
periods in which you can give your Barbell exercises all you’ve got. Outside of
those periods FORGET barbells. During those periods WORK HARD and with
every ounce of energy you have. Listen to good music, read good books and
above all – keep the mind tranquil and DON’T worry.

Optimal Relaxation!

Good nourishing food is the last of the three definite requirements for successful
bodybuilding. Don't cram yourself with a lot of stodgy, starchy mucus forming
MUCK! Keep your starch intake down to a minimum. Eat plenty of protein foods
and fresh fruits and yegetables. Steaks, roasts and broiled chops are fine, good
nourishing soups and stews wonderful! Make it a rule to eat a small salad at
every meal and if you feel hungry between mealtimes, DON'T cram yourself with
candy bars or cookies, but replace these with apples, oranges, seedless raisins
or nuts. Substitute honey {or white sugar wherever possible. In the morning, as
soon as you get up, drink a large glass of orange or grapefruit juice -
UNSWEETENED. Make your breakfast the MAIN meal of the day. Always have a
good substantial breakfast - fruit juice - cereal with fresh fruit and cream - eggs
and bacon - whole wheat toast - and a LARGE glass of milk. This is the kind of
meal that "stick to your ribs" as the old saying goes. All dairy products are
excellent for he who is shooting for physical perfection. Cheese-cottage cheese
especially -- eggs, butter and milk will all help you build strong healthy bones,
teeth and muscle.

Steve Reeves would eat a whole food diet

There is always a heap of argument about smoking, alcohol, tea and coffee. Tea
and coffee I NEVER use under any circumstances. I neither drink or smoke, not
from any moral standpoint, but simply because I am of the opinion that they
have absolutely no value in a physical culture sense. But if you MUST drink or
smoke, then do so in moderation. At their best, smoking and drinking are purely
social habits and as such are relatively harmless. BUT - as soon as a habit
CONTROLS YOU instead of YOU controlling IT, then that habit becomes a bad
and dangerous one. Therefore I think it best for you to neither drink or smoke
unless you do so in the strictest moderation.

Reeves glows with strength and vitality, no need for any stimulants here!

Now for my exercises. I will give you the schedule I have used more than any
other. I am not saying that it will do the same for you as it did {or me, but it will
help you to formulate a workout programme of your own. There are certain
basic exercises that provide an all round schedule for the body, that utilize
movements that motivate the muscles as groups rather than as individual

The Routine
1. Incline Dumbbell Press 4 sets As man reps as possible (AMRAP)
2A. Reeves Breathing Front Squat 4 sets x 15 reps, superset with
2B. Reeves Breathing Dumbbell Flyes 4 sets of 15 reps
3. Seated Two Arm Curl 3 sets x 12 reps
4. Alternate Dumbbell Front Raise 2 sets of 15 reps
5. Bent over Barbell Row 2 sets of 12 reps
6. One Arm Dumbbell Row 2 sets of 12 reps
7A. Alternate Barbell Split Squat 2 sets x 15 reps, superset with
7B. Alternate Breathing Dumbbell Raise Lying 2sets of 15 reps
8. Good Morning Exercise 15 reps
9. Dumbbell French Press 3 sets x 12 reps
10. Calf Press on Leg Press Machine 30-40 reps
11. Close Grip Bench Press 2 sets x 12 reps
12. Wide Grip Bench Press 2 sets of 12 reps

1. The Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
My first exercise is the Supine Press on Inclined Bench. I start off with a hundred
pound dumbbell in each hand and do as many repetitions as I can. Then I take a
short rest and as soon as my respiration has returned to normal, I commence
my second set with 90 pound dumbbells and again get in all the reps I can. After
another short "breather" I commence my third set with a pair of 80 pound
dumbbells and then after a third rest, my fourth and final set of Incline Bench

Reeves performing the Incline Press with 110 lb dumbbells.

2A. Reeves Breathing Front Squat
The second exercise in my schedule is the Deep knee bend. I have my own
method of performance which I prefer to the orthodox "squat". Instead of
resting the bar across the shoulders, I hold it across the front as if I had just
finished cleaning the weight. I place my heels on a block of wood, hold my
elbows well up and tilt the bar right across the sternum. I take a deep breath,
squat, and as I recover to upright position, breathe out forcefully. For the first
ten reps or so, I take a single breath to each squat, but after these ten reps have
been performed, I take TWO or THREE breaths a squat. I use 150 to 200 pounds
and make 15 reps with my first set working three sets of 15 reps in all. In my
final set, I shoot for 15 reps, but if I am feeling a little tired, then I simply pound
out as many repetitions as I can.

Reeves performing the Reeves Breathing Front Squat, he keeps his chest
2B. Reeves Breathing Dumbbell Flyes
Immediately after my squats, I go right onto my third exercise. The Flying
Exercise. Lying on an exercise bench on my back, I hold 35 or 40 pound
dumbbells in each hand at arms length above my head. My elbows are SLIGHTLY
bent. I lower the dumbbells out to the crucifix position breathing IN as I Iower
them and OUT as I raise the dumbbells to starting position. In this exercise I use
three to four sets of 15 reps, and always in conjunction with the Squat. It is
GRAND for increasing the size of the chest muscles and the Rib Box.

The Breathing Dumbbell Fly. Focus on the Breath!

3. Seated Two Arm Curl
For my fourth exercise I use the Seated Two arm curl with a Barbell. I prefer this
manner of performance because I can eliminate any tendency to cheat. I can
also concentrate more deeply on the biceps and their function, and I certainly
get a more vigorous workout for the arms because of the heavier weight it is
possible to use. Just lay the bar across the upper hips. Grasp it with a shoulder
width grip and curl from there. Lower the weight as slowly as you can-
CONTROLLING it down to starting position. I use 100 pounds for three sets of
twelve reps each.

A model performs the Seated Two Arm Barbell Curl

4. Alternate Dumbbell Front Raise
The Alternate Forward Raise standing is a wonderful exercise for the fronts of
the shoulders, building up the anterior deltoids with results that are produced
by no other exercise. I use two 35 pound dumbbells for two sets of 15 reps. I
breathe in deeply as the weights are raised and out as they are lowered. I try to
keep all body motion out of the exercise although I DO allow a back bend if the
last few reps are hard.

Reeves performing the Dumbbell Front Raise, and Alternating Dumbbell

Front Raise.

5. Bent Over Barbell Row
One of my favorite exercises is the lean forward rowing motion. Many body
builders have asked me how I got my latissimus development and I attribute it
to this movement. It is unbeatable for building bulk in the "lats." First I use a
barbell for two sets of twelve reps each, pulling the bar up to my waist as I am
bent forward.

Bent over Barbell Rowing. Keep the back Arched, pull back and up!

6. One Arm Dumbbell Row
Now, switching to dumbbells, I do One Arm Rowing, with the free hand resting
on a bench for another two sets of twelve repetitions each hand.

One Arm Dumbbell Rows Work the Lats.

7A. Alternate Barbell Split Squat
It is always good to introduce the element of the unusual into your programme
and here is what I use in my schedule-Splits with Barbell. I place a fairly heavy
barbell across my shoulders and split the feet fore and aft as swiftly as I can,
recovering just as rapidly and continuing until I am breathless. This exercise gives
me a spring and bounce in my legs which is most beneficial when used together
with Alternate Raise Lying.

Barbell Split Squats

7B. Alternate Breathing Dumbbell Raise Lying 2sets of 15 reps
This exercise I perform on a bench while still breathless, breathing in deeply as I
raise the dumbbells and out as they are lowered. The weight I use is light with
accent on performance of breathing for 2 sets of 15 reps.

Alternate Breathing Dumbbell Raises, Lying. Focus on the Breath!

8. Good Morning Exercise
The Good Morning Exercise is the King Pin of all Erector Spinae developers. The
weight is held across the shoulders as in the Deep knee bend. The knees are
firmly braced and, as you bend over, the back is kept FLAT. Don't allow the back
to travel beyond level with the floor position. Don't use too heavy a weight, but
keep to one that will always allow you to get fifteen comfortable reps without
any struggle or strain!

Illustration of the Good Morning Exercise. Be careful with this one!

9. Dumbbell French Press 3 sets x 12 reps
The Dumbbell French Press, or as it is sometimes called, the Overhead Dumbbell
curl, is my favorite triceps exercise. I hold the dumbbell overhead and my UPPER
arm braced firmly against the side of the head and neck. Then I lower the weight
to the back of the neck contracting the arm strongly, and then raise the
dumbbell to arm's length. Throughout this movement, the forearm is the only
part that moves. The upper arm stays still at ALL times. Three sets of twelve reps
are used in this exercise.

Reeves demonstrates the Dumbbell French Press in front of star-struck kids!

10. Calf Press on Leg Press Machine
Getting close to the end of my workout, I start on my calf routine. During my
normal bodybuilding programmes I use a single exercise, but when specializing
I use a multitude of calf movements. The Calf Exercise and Leg Press is the lower
leg movement I use most of all in a normal workout programme. I pile up weight
on the Leg Press machine to 500 pounds, then press this to leg's length. In this
position, the entire foot is flat along the Machine platform. From here I raise the
weight even further by toe action, holding the final position until the calves
ache, then lowering to "flat footed" position again and repeating for 30 to 40
reps. The entire leg is kept -straight and locked, the only movement coming at
the ankle joint where the foot is raised and lowered to tip toe.

Calf Press on Leg Press Machine.

11. Close Grip Bench Press and
12. Wide Grip Bench Press 2 sets of 12 rep
I usually end my workout period with some Barbell Supine presses. At the end
of my training, I feel quite tired, so I take a rest of ten minutes and finish the
workout with the Bench press. I also vary the position of hand spacing, taking a
narrow grip to start and ending up with the hands right out to the collars. Two
sets of each spacing for 12 reps and that finishes my training period.

Other Exercises
Sometimes when I feel a little more ambitious and full of energy, I include other
exercises such as Zottman curls, alternate dumbbell presses, uprights, rowing
motions and equally effective movements. I always perform my schedule
carefully, deliberately and with as little cheating as I can manage. For this reason
some of my exercising poundages may seem light but it is my firm opinion that
it is more important to use a weight that is sufficient for the purpose and really
use it that to "use" a heavier weight and perform the movement in a slipshod
lackadaisical manner.

Reeves performs the Alternate Dumbbell Curl.

You fellows must keep in mind that my course of exercises might not suit all of
you individually. Some of you will require an entirely difierent schedule to the
one I have quoted above. One man's meat is often another's poison, but, as I
have tried to point out, with patience, perseverance and GUTS there is no reason
why you cannot reach the Body Building heights. It has been said that successful
bodybuilding is 99 per cent perspiration and I per cent inspiration. It is my hope
that I have managed to make my small contribution to the welfare of the Body
Builder, but no matter what advice I give - your success depends entirely on
Hard work - common sense - good food - a good schedule of exercise-lots of
sleep and relaxation Who can possibly fail?


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