Sec 1 Chapter 5 Study Sheet ANSWERS
Sec 1 Chapter 5 Study Sheet ANSWERS
Sec 1 Chapter 5 Study Sheet ANSWERS
crust The lithosphere forms the The lithosphere is broken into giant pieces
different landforms that we tectonic
called _____________ plates
upper mantle see, such as mountains,
valleys, etc. These landforms
Why do these plates move?
are called Earth’s
lower mantle relief they move because they are on
top of the lower mantle which is
outer core partially melted so it constantly
What German scientist first moves, taking the tectonic plates
inner core proposed the theory of with it.
continental drift?
At one point, all the continents were stuck
Which layer(s) of the Earth are: Alfred Wegener together in one supercontinent called
crust, upper mantle, inner core
a) solid: ___________________________________
lower mantle
b) partially melted: __________________________ Name the movement of these tectonic plates: How do mountains form?
at a convergent boundary
outer core
c) liquid: ___________________________________ when the Earth’s crust lifts
lower mantle and folds
d) the thickest: _____________________________
e) the thinnest: _____________________________
convergent ___________________________
Combined the crust and upper mantle are called
the _____________________. What is the scientific name for
mountain formation?
Erosion is the wearing away of soil and rocks by glaciers, running water,
_______________________ land
: _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________
biosphere life
_______________________ : _______________________ and weather.
_______________________ air
: _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________
_______________________ water
: _______________________
Explain how a volcano can occur at a Tsunamis are most often caused by
when the plates Earthquakes typically happen at a
divergent boundary: ____________________ volcanoes
underwater ___________________ or transform
move apart, magma rises to the surface ___________________ boundary.
_______________________________________ earthquakes
to fill in the gap
Explain how earthquakes happen.
_______________________________________ In the open ocean, the tsunami waves are _____________________________________
When one tectonic plates tries to slide
moving _________ high
but they are not _______. past another one and gets stuck so the
Explain how a volcano can occur at a _____________________________________
As the tsunami enters the shallow water pressure between the two builds. As the
convergent boundary: ___________________
slow ________
close to shore, the waves ______ down plates get unstuck and the pressure is
one plate dives under the other plate _____________________________________
but get ____________. released as waves.
(subduction zone). The lower plate
melts and expands which increases the
_______________________________________ What is the difference between the
pressure under the lithosphere and What to do if you’re near a tsunami: FOCUS and the EPICENTRE?
forces magma to the surface. 1. Get as _______
high as possible. The focus is the place where the plates
2. Get as _______
far away from the ocean as got stuck (underground) while the
possible epicentre is the spot on the ground
Most of the world’s volcanoes occur in the
directly above the focus.
_______________ Fire
of ___________. _____________________________________
magma chamber