Strategic Plan 2021-2023
Strategic Plan 2021-2023
Strategic Plan 2021-2023
2021- 2023
Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, our City experienced civil unrest resulting
in a critical analysis of our Department’s response. This prompted a vital self-evaluation in the
form of three comprehensive After Action Reports, as well as Police Advisory Committee reform
recommendations. This feedback inspired a renewed emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion.
We have taken these lessons learned and woven them into our latest iteration of the Strategic Plan
as a pledge to do better.
The Strategic Plan 2021-2023 is a living document featuring six articulated primary goals which
build upon: protecting and engaging the people of Los Angeles to reduce overall crime; improving
organizational accountability; integrating advanced technology for effective patrol performance;
developing Departmental readiness for critical incidents through enriched training; and maximizing
workforce potential through career development and increased diversity recruitment. I look forward
to our accelerated progress in each of these dedicated areas.
For law enforcement across the country, this is a critical moment for organizational reassessment
and meaningful change. Our Department is dedicated to building community trust which we
will accomplish through transparency, accountability, proper training and advanced equipment.
Promoting a diverse workforce underscores our commitment to equity and inclusion, while bridging
gaps within the community. By investing in our neighborhoods through leading initiatives and
programs, we will gain legitimacy to foster lasting partnerships with our fellow Angelenos.
I invite you to review The Strategic Plan 2021-2023 and welcome your feedback as we explore and
develop the next generation of Department goals. The men and women of the LAPD bring expertise
across a wide range of assignments throughout our communities. The capabilities and continual
input from our workforce, coupled with community partnerships, will drive our growth to create a
better quality of life for the citizens of Los Angeles.
Chief of Police
Page 1
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GOAL 1 Page 3
GOAL 2 Page 11
GOAL 3 Page 19
GOAL 4 Page 25
GOAL 5 Page 29
GOAL 6 Page 35
The mission of the Los Angeles Police Department is to safeguard the lives and property of the people of Los
Angeles. Wildfires, a global pandemic and civil unrest tested that mission in 2020, bringing unprecedented
challenges. Last year’s death of George Floyd in Minneapolis prompted law enforcement across the country
to examine its policies, systems and workforce. This historic event, which sparked a worldwide movement,
encourages police agencies across the nation to create their own history through positive reform and
restructuring. This has accelerated our change process with a renewed energy and focus as we commit
to seeking more innovative and inclusive ways to serve our community. Moving forward, the Los Angeles
Police Department has a new Strategic Plan to guide us through the next two years.
The Strategic Plan, LAPD 2021 and Beyond, features six overarching goals, 74 key activities and 106
milestones. As the police department in the second largest city in the nation, we will use this living document
to expand upon previous progress and continue establishing advanced programs and leading initiatives that
benefit the people of Los Angeles. This new plan emphasizes reenergized efforts of community collaboration
and cultural competence. By reconnecting with our City’s past and teaching a historical perspective, our
workforce will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for future community interactions. We will
infuse the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion into the fabric of our organization, and deepen our
commitment to the expansion of community safety partnerships.
Law enforcement plays an essential role in keeping communities safe only when working in partnership with
our diverse communities. Including those with a shared vision of public safety is critical to rebuilding trust.
We have worked extensively over the years to implement change through strong relationships and we will
continue partnering with community stakeholders to heighten our accountability and transparency. Through
continual transparency and genuine reform, our organization will remain accountable to ourselves and the
communities we serve. We welcome this opportunity to examine our actions and engage in meaningful
reform to meet the needs of all Angelenos.
Protect Los Angeles Serve Los Angeles
Improve Organizational GOAL 4
Accountability Modernize Technology
Enrich Training Maximize Workforce Potential
t is the goal of the Los Angeles Police
Department to protect the rights of all
persons within the City, allowing them
to live in peace and free from criminal
activity. The Department serves over four
million City residents and is committed to
the safety and welfare of all Angelenos. We
are dedicated to maintaining law and order
through natural disasters, terrorist attacks,
traffic collisions and incidence of crime.
1. Seek national best practices • Seek new technology to disseminate • Begin system implementation to share OO
for crime reduction real-time crime data to patrol officers. real-time mapping/information.
2. Explore Part I crime • Establish Area level goals to reduce • Measure effectiveness of created goals OO
reduction methods. disparities in who is stopped, who and generate new goals as needed.
is removed from a vehicle, who is
searched and outcomes derived from
a stop.
3. Reduce gang violence • Use Gang and Narcotics Division to • Evaluate training and adjust as OSO
through crime intelligence. facilitate gang awareness training for necessary.
Metro and Gang Enforcement Details
4. Reduce gang violence by • Partner with the Gang Reduction and • Identify successful use of Gang OSO
further training GED officers. Youth Development (GRYD) program Interventionist strategies and share
to train GED officers on Gang amongst all divisions to establish
Interventionist functions. standardized practices.
5. Further youth diversion • Encourage JADP training in each • Evaluate JADP program based on OSO
by promoting Department geographic area and refine internal number of referrals and non-diversions.
awareness and use of systems to track juvenile diversions and
Juvenile Arrest Diversion rationale for non-diversions.
Program (JADP).
5 S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 3
Initiative B: Reduce Violent Crime Related to Los Angeles County
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA)
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Reduce Part I Crime within • Implement new strategies and adjust • Reduce robbery, aggravated assaults OSO
and around Metro Transit deployment to reduce robbery, and sexual assaults by an additional
System. aggravated assaults and sexual assaults 5%.
by 10%.
2. Improve public safety and • Utilize Senior Lead Officers (SLO) to • Work with MTA to identify and address OSO
ridership experience on MTA partner with City entities to prioritize additional areas where homeless
system. encampment cleanups that present congregate.
public safety risks or interfere with MTA
• Use MTA SLOs to attend Citywide • Evaluate recommendations for possible OSO
Community-Police Advisory Boards implementation.
(C-PAB) meetings to engage community
members and discuss ridership
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 6
1. Expand Department’s • Use Department courier system to • Evaluate process and adjust as needed OSO
National Integrated Ballistic automatically transfer evidence from for Department-wide expansion.
Information Network (NIBIN) Area property rooms to Forensic
services to additional Science Division.
2. Keep Department employees • Use gun coordinators to train on • Continue training and tracking via OSO
updated on current firearm evidence management, firearm COMPSTAT.
laws. violations, law updates and track via
3. Work with law enforcement • Through a joint taskforce with Alcohol, • Continue coordinating with taskforce to OSO
and community to acquire Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives seek best practices in reducing illegal
illegal firearms. (ATF) and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, firearms.
leverage existing resources to prioritize
targeted enforcement to disrupt illegal
firearms trafficking including ghost
1. Establish multi-agency • Conduct quarterly training exercises • Expand partners and incorporate OSO
training and exercises for with internal and external agencies for Command Staff into training.
catastrophic events. catastrophic event preparation.
2. Conduct annual Incident • Re-establish ICS 300 and ICS 400 • Expand ICS training at Command OSO
Command System (ICS) classes to prepare Department Development School/send Command
training for Department supervisors for assemblies, protests, Officers to Texas A&M Engineering
supervisors and Command mass violence and other critical Extension Service (TEEX) which teaches
incidents. ICS.
3. Enhance public awareness • Create a campaign using Terrorism • Broaden campaign through social OSO
of natural disasters, and Liaison Officers and Reserve Officers media platforms to increase terrorism
domestic and foreign to educate community, schools and awareness.
terrorism. businesses on terrorism.
4. Enhance Department’s • Present hazardous device and • Expand stakeholder pool and conduct OSO
capabilities and training for materials training to public and private four training sessions.
detection and interdiction of stakeholders.
radioactive threat materials.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 8
1. Reduce all traffic-related • Reduce all traffic fatalities and severe • Reduce all fatalities and severe injury OSO
incidents investigated by the injury collisions by 5%. collisions by 5%.
2. Maintain a robust sobriety • Increase DUI checkpoints and • Evaluate success of checkpoints and OSO
checkpoint and DUI saturation details in areas with high expand as needed.
saturation program. DUI-related traffic collisions.
3. Curb street racing Citywide. • Deploy a street racing task force in • Seek best practices and new strategies OSO
each traffic division and meet monthly to decrease street racing incidents.
to share enforcement strategies.
• Collaborate with state legislators • Continue to work with state legislators OSO
to change vehicle code sections to on laws to address street racing and
allow for increased penalties and the sideshows.
destruction of vehicles engaged in
street racing and sideshows.
Initiative F: Establish Incarceration Alternatives
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Create an Adult Diversion • Work with the City Attorney to establish • Measure the effectiveness of Adult OO
Program that provides guidelines and implement an Adult Diversion Program and modify as
options to deter recidivism. Diversion Program. needed.
1. Incorporate training and • Train Department personnel and • Measure effectiveness of diverted calls OO
shared responsibilities Communications Division to properly for service.
to support homeless route service calls without a law
engagement efforts. enforcement nexus.
2. Explore homeless diversion • Work with legislators to identify • Identify additional social and outreach OO
options and identify alternatives to incarceration and fines. resources for persons experiencing
resources. homelessness.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 10
he Los Angeles Police Department
recognizes that strengthening our
service to communities is critical to
achieving our mission to enhance public
safety. Building safer neighborhoods
requires us to not only be responsive to
crime that occurs but to also address its root
causes. As a Department, we will do so
by expanding upon existing public-private
partnerships and harnessing our shared
resources to provide programs and services
that meet the needs of residents.
1. Create a public campaign to • Develop and publish DEI plan. • Implement plan’s goals and objectives. OCPP
promote Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion (DEI).
• Introduce DEI team through social • Expand DEI campaign and continue to OCPP
media and create email to solicit address community concerns.
and address community-related DEI
2. Strengthen trust through • Partner with Human Relations • Continue dialogue and identify training OCPP
community-police Commission to facilitate dialogue needs and recommendations.
interactions. sessions between officers and
community members.
• Conduct Days of Dialogue (DOD) with • Expand community and Professional OSS
community stakeholders and academy Advisory Committee (PAC) member
classes. participation in the DOD.
• Develop pilot program to allow • Develop PSB social media platform to PSB
complainants to meet with employee’s promote mediation program, success
commanding officer to resolve bias stories, lessons learned and information
complaints. for the public.
3. Strengthen media • Create opportunities for local journalists • Expand training to include social media COS
partnerships. to attend select LAPD training to companies.
enhance transparency.
4. Create a Community Safety • Socialize Site Safety Plans (SSP) with • Execute each site’s unique SSP and CSPB
Advisory Council (CSAC) the community for broader community seek best practices to create CSAC
at each Neighborhood feedback and integration into the SSPs. forums in all four bureaus.
Enforcement Area
Community Safety
Partnership (CSP) site
to address community
13 S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 3
Initiative A: Build Community Trust (continued)
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
5. Implement a standardized • Develop an SSP model and include • Partner with academic institutions to CSPB
SSP model for all CSAC specific achievable milestones to assess efficacy of implementation of
members and standardized demonstrate success. SSPs across multiple CSP sites.
guidelines for CSP programs.
• Collaborate with institutional partners • Develop criteria to assess existing CSP CSPB
to identify possible duplicate CSP programs and determine their ability to
programs and conduct outreach to all serve CSP communities.
hard to reach populations.
6. Enhance community • Work with CSAC partners to conduct • Collaborate with academic advisors CSPB
confidence, trust and public sentiment surveys and use data to develop a standardized multi-site
public sentiment toward the to address public concerns, increase assessment.
Department. safety and improve trust.
7. Promote Department through • Create internal campaign encouraging • Continue strengthening social media COS
education and transparency. employees to promote Department wins liaisons to share success stories with
and success stories. Public Communications Group.
• Develop a Racial and Identity Profiling • Evaluate RIPA data with academic OCPP
Act (RIPA) community committee to partners to determine how trends and
share data and discuss relevant RIPA patterns relate to DEI concerns.
8. Promote the Community • Create deployment guidelines and • Modify as needed and identify external OO
Interactive Experience begin use of mobile FOS system for funding sources for sustainability.
Initiative with Mobile Force City functions and community events.
Option Simulator (FOS).
9. Expand resources for • Continue Building Blue Bridges and • Incorporate Building Blue Bridges with OO
at-risk youth. evaluate possible partnership with Los JADP based on analysis.
Angeles Unified School District.
10. Expand Gang • Select one bureau to develop a pilot • Assess pilot for success and possible OO
Enforcement Detail GED-PALS partnership to establish goals expansion.
(GED) community and objectives.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 14
2. Inform public on high-injury • Create a link on for the • Continue to provide high-injury network OSO
traffic collision locations. community to access high-injury traffic information to the public.
areas published by LADOT.
Initiative C: Enhance the Quality of the Community Volunteer and
Internship Programs
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Reinvigorate the Volunteer • Increase interest by renewing the • Maximize webpage viewership and OO
Program. Volunteer Program page and improving develop retention strategies.
visibility on
2. Bolster volunteer recruitment. • Transition youth program participants to • Increase new volunteers from youth OO
Department volunteers. programs by 5%.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 16
1. Assess Department training • Enhance Procedural Justice training with • Identify additional external partners to OSS
to ensure Procedural Justice external partners. ensure best practices.
principles emphasize
fairness, transparency,
inclusion and impartiality.
Initiative E: Enhance Relationships with Public and Private Entities
in the Downtown Civic Center Area
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Collaborate with external • Use Security Services Division to host • Adjust as needed and expand to live OSO
partners for City and virtual Brown Bag meetings. meetings if applicable.
Department efficiency.
• Establish quarterly meetings with media • Solicit media feedback for more COS
outlets to strengthen police-media productive meetings.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 18
ith one of the Los Angeles Police Department’s core values, Quality Through
Continuous Improvement, we are dedicated to embracing creativity, innovation
and continual change in order to advance and excel. Our Strategic Plan is a
dynamic, living document reminding us to move forward.
To operate optimally, we must also have a discipline system and constitutional policies
that are free from discrimination and bias. When allegations of misconduct arise, the
Department is dedicated to conducting thorough and timely investigations to ensure that our
employees consistently treat all community members fairly, with dignity and respect, in every
law enforcement encounter. Innovative programs, such as complaint mediation, provide
community members a voice to be heard in a safe and neutral environment.
By identifying use-of-force trends and risk patterns we can limit liability and emphasize
the standards of diversity, equity and inclusion in our practices within and outside the
organization. Through transparent examination processes, we will enhance public trust and
elevate the quality of service to the valued communities we serve.
1. Analyze Use of Force trends • Form working group with external • Incorporate working group OSS
to establish proactive policies partners to develop strategies to reduce recommendations into Department
and training. use of force incidents including Officer activities.
Involved Shootings involving edged
2. Encourage de-escalation to • Bolster de-escalation training and • Seek national best practices and OSS
reduce force and minimize techniques Department-wide. modify training as needed.
• Emphasize de-escalation during reviews • Utilize findings and identify patterns to OSS
of Non-Categorical use of force reduce incidents of Non-Categorical
adjudications. uses of force.
Initiative B: Promote Department Fairness and Efficiency
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Highlight the Department’s • Provide training on bias-free policing • Update Department’s bias-free policing OSS
commitment to Constitutional at specific intervals of an officer’s policy as needed to ensure national
Policing. tenure. best practices.
2. Enhance the complaint • Develop and implement e-Learning • Evaluate the effectiveness of training PSB
investigation intake process. training for captains and below for and adjust as needed.
Alternative Complaint Resolution (ACR)
3. Ensure employee • Review employee rating and selection • Work with Personnel Department OCPP
performance measures processes to incorporate DEI standards. and a focus group to incorporate
reflect DEI values. modifications.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 22
1. Explore and develop next • Draft, publish and provide bi-annual • Seek national best practices to OCPP
generation of Department updates for fiscal years 2021-2022 incorporate into future Strategic Plan.
goals. and 2022-2023 of the Strategic Plan.
Initiative D: Refine Risk and Harm Reduction Strategies
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Create risk management • Establish working group to identify • Develop and design training/policy OCPP
focus group. trends and patterns regarding employee changes to mitigate/eliminate the
traffic collisions, workplace conflict, behavior or pattern.
work-related injuries and uses of force.
2. Identify best practices and • Design dashboard to incorporate RIPA • Post RIPA reports on Department and OCPP
analyze Racial and Identity accountability into COMPSTAT profiles City websites.
Profiling Act (RIPA) data to for quarterly inspections at Area,
reduce disparities. bureau and City levels.
3. Create various resolution • Provide training to help supervisors • Expand training to officers teaching OCPP
opportunities. perform alternative complaint constructive conversations as an
resolutions, foster understanding and additional de-escalation tool.
improve community relationships.
• Identify conflict resolution training • Implement pilot program and modify as PSB
opportunities to improve the ACR needed.
4. Update Commanding • Review, identify and revise • Approve and distribute guide to OSS
Officers’ Use of Force Guide. Commanding Officers’ Use of Force Command Staff.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 24
he modernization of technology has become a pivotal component to the success of
the Los Angeles Police Department. Technology is increasing efficiency, enhancing
information-sharing practices, and improving informational and analytical capacities.
By continuing to implement innovative technologies, we will increase Department efficiency
and improve overall outcomes.
The Department will continue to leverage technology and invest in more effective and efficient
systems for reducing crime and serving our communities. With smartphones and new mobile
applications, officers will gain more flexibility to fulfill their daily functions and better meet the
needs of the communities we serve.
2. Update and replace the • Complete evaluation of solution, secure • Complete full integration of Records ITB
Crime Analytics Intelligence contract and begin implementation of Management System into CAIS.
System (CAIS) allowing CAIS.
personnel to access and
review data via a mobile
3. Expand technological • Complete deployment of new Solid- • Refine the configuration and network ITB
capabilities of patrol fleet State computers (MDC) and dual to fully utilize capabilities of enhanced
modems. carrier modems in patrol fleet. equipment.
4. Expand Community Online • Increase CORS online reports and • Seek community feedback and tailor ITB
Reporting System (CORS) to educate public of capabilities. CORS reporting to meet user needs.
better serve the community.
5. Digitize Department forms • Identify system and secure contract for • Begin development of system. ITB
and utilize digital signatures. digital electronic crime reporting and
subsequent Department workflow.
6. Modernize rating system for • Develop an online pilot system to • Assess and modify as needed. OO
probationary officers. streamline the rating process for
probationary officers.
Initiative B: Utilize Technology to Enhance Administrative and
Investigative Workload
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Update Department websites • Develop new internal website and • Solicit employee feedback and refine COS
for easier use. transition data. website as needed.
• Launch external website and maintain • Keep data updated and review COS
updated data and content. analytics to prominently arrange most
popular content on homepage.
2. Modernize civilian • Incorporate civilian human resources • Expand modules within LAPD365. OSS
management system. and payroll systems into a common
platform, LAPD365.
3. Strengthen detective case • Identify system for digital electronic • Deploy system and obtain NIBRS OSO
filing system for efficiency capture of National Incident-Based reporting certification.
through electronic Reporting System (NIBRS) data for
processing. crime reporting as required.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 28
o remain a policing model for training in the
21st century, the Los Angeles Police Department
continually seeks innovative ways to train personnel
to meet the City’s needs and societal shifts. We are
making long-term investments in our organization by
implementing current, relevant training practices. Moving
forward, a major component in our training will include
a cultural and historical perspective of the communities
we serve, and the role the Department has played in
the community’s perspective on law enforcement. The
Department will also institutionalize the Community
Safety Partnership values into various training modules
to enhance every employees’ ability to work with the
community to build trust, legitimacy, and reduce the fear
and incidence of crime.
1. Develop Department • Incorporate DEI principles into • Ensure DEI best practices and update OCPP
Diversity, Equity and Department curriculum/policies. curriculum and policies as needed.
Inclusion (DEI) training.
2. Identify ways to improve • Evaluate lessons learned on community- • Incorporate lessons learned into OSS
Department responses and police interactions, implicit bias, training.
interactions. and building and maintaining trust
especially during first amendment
assemblies and protests.
3. Research updated Mobile • Conduct thorough review of MFF • Incorporate lessons learned to update OSS
Field Force (MFF) concepts to training, identify tactics used during MFF training and crowd control tactics.
include best practices. civil disturbance incidents, and
recommend changes to current training
if applicable.
4. Develop Virtual Reality (VR) • Secure funding and identify vendor and • Complete build-out of identified OSS
training by establishing a VR Department locations for VR program. locations for VR implementation.
Initiative B: Integrate Cultural & Historical Perspective Training
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Emphasize historical • Incorporate community historical content • Compile community historical video OSS
perspective in Department into in-service curriculum. content for implementation into roll call
training. and in-service training.
1. Integrate CSP values • Create manual emphasizing CSP • Begin implementation of CSP in-service CSPB
Department-wide. components and values and provide training including incorporation into the
quarterly in-service training to CSP Learning Management System.
• Design CSP training to incorporate into • Solicit feedback and make adjustments CSPB
Police Academy, Field Training Officer, as necessary.
Supervisor, Watch Commander and
Command Development schools.
o better mirror the communities
we serve, the Los Angeles Police
Department will continue to prioritize
diversity recruitment to appropriately
staff our workforce at all levels. We
will also closely examine the reasons
employees leave the organization and
establish incentivized strategies to retain
qualified personnel. Providing clear
promotional paths and career advancement
opportunities will improve employee
wellness, job satisfaction and support the
Department’s retention efforts. By investing
in our people, our organization will gain
long-term benefits.
1. Identify organizational • Initiate study and use internal and • Implement strategies to ensure diversity OSS
recruitment needs to attract external resources to develop recruitment.
high-caliber candidates. recruitment strategies.
2. Engage candidates already • Maintain communication between • Continue constant communication with OSS
in the hiring process. recruiters and candidates to preserve candidates on their hiring process/
interest during the hiring process. status.
3. Expand hiring of female • Hiring efforts for female police officers • Increase female police officer hiring to OSS
police officers. to attain 45% representation of all new 50% of all new recruits.
4. Expand hiring of African- • Hiring efforts for African-American • Increase African-American police officer OSS
American police officers. police officers to maintain a 22% hiring to 24% of all new recruits.
representation of all new recruits.
5. Expand hiring of Asian- • Hiring efforts for AAPI police officers to • Increase AAPI police officer hiring to OSS
American Pacific Islander attain 10% representation of all new 12% of all new recruits.
(AAPI) police officers. recruits.
Initiative B: Strengthen Employee Career Development and Retention
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Establish exit interviews for • Form sworn and civilian exit interview • Modify process as needed and use OSS
employees separating from committees and begin implementation. exit interview data to develop retention
the Department. strategies.
2. Emphasize career counseling • Establish a Career Counseling and • Evaluate program and modify as OSS
and retention. Retention program to reduce the needed.
departure of experienced personnel.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 38
1. Design a healthy employee • Promote employee wellness through • Customize messages to address current COS
campaign. Chief’s messages, DOC notifications, Department health concerns.
and wellness days to encourage work-
life balance.
1. Foster civilian employee • Create a civilian development plan to • Gather recommendations from civilian OSS
success through program enhance career opportunities through employees for areas of improvement.
opportunities and training training, workshops and mentorship.
39 S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 3
Initiative E: Ensure Operational Efficiency Through Budget and
Personnel Cuts
Key Milestone Milestone Entity
Activity 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 Lead
1. Evaluate personnel shortages • Gauge qualitative returns gained by • Continue to assess and make OO
to identify deployment needs. returning officers to field duties. adjustments as needed.
2. Evaluate personnel and • Form committee to create a Patrol • Conduct workload study plan based OO
operational assets to workload study plan and identify on committee’s recommendations and
improve workload demands necessary funding. report findings.
and resource development.
• Form committee to create a Detective • Conduct workload study plan based OO
workload study plan and identify on committee’s recommendations and
necessary funding. report findings.
3. Complete workload • Assess workload study to redeploy • Implement deployment strategies to OSO
analysis/traffic patrol plan. personnel to traffic divisions. allow traffic officers to handle all traffic-
related calls for service.
4. Enhance the Reserve Officer • Advertise Reserve Officer job • Identify new strategies to increase OO
program to augment sworn opportunities through various social Reserve numbers.
positions and assignments. media platforms.
L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T 40
It is with sincere thanks to the men and women of the Los Angeles Police Department that we put forth this
collaborative, inclusive Strategic Plan that will allow us to reimagine policing in a manner that reflects local
priorities and rebuilds community trust and confidence. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the
LAPD’s Senior Leadership Team, staff and stakeholders that contributed to this strategic planning process. We
are grateful for the innovative thinking of our leadership team that formed key ideas in the development of
our Strategic Plan.