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Kawai P Harmonic

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Josai /Ia,t,hem'a,tical "lonogra,phs

vol 3 (2001), pp. 63-70



1. Introduction

In this note we consider geometric properties of p-hanlLonic maps and p-harmonic

functions. Let (M, g) and (N, h) be connected Riemannian manifolds and p Z 2. We
suppose from a technical reason that (N, h) is isometrically imbedded in a Euclidean
space Rm and denote by H1.P(M, N) the space
{u HIP(M m) u(x) C Na.e.}.
A Hl.P_maJ.:) u from M into N is called a (weakly) p-harmonic map if it is a weak
solut,ion of the following equation

TaV(IduP 2du) = O,
where "Tr" denotes the trace. It is the Euler-Lagrange equa,tion of the p-energy
f unctional
Ep(u) = fM IduiP'

This definit,ion of p-harmonic maps does not depend on the embedding on N in a

Euclidean space and c,oinside with that of harmonic maps when p = 2.
Because we are now interested only in ))geometric' properties, p-harmonic maps
arc assurned t,o be of class C1 or C2 in the sequel. The following are t,ypical exa,mples
of p-harmonic maps.

ExA 4PI'E I . (t,otally geodesic maps) Every totally geodesic map tl. : Arf - N is
a p-ha,rmonic, m'ap for 'a,ny p. Indeed if Vd?1 = O, t,hen we have

TrV(IdujP 2du) = jdujP-2Tr(Vdu) + (VldulP-2)du)

= O + (p - 2)jdujP4((Vdu, du), du)
= O.
If v : N L is an isometric totally geodesic immersion, then the ident,ity
TIV(Id(voth) P 2d(vou)) = TrV(jdulP2d(vou))
= dv TrV(IdujP 2du)
holds for e¥rery ma,p 'u I M - N. Henc,e when 1¥r is embedded by i in L as a t,otally
gfeodesic submanifold, a map u : M -> N is p-harmonic if and only if i o u ! I .1 -> L
is p-harmonic.

EXAlvIPLE 2. (p-harmonic functions) Consider the case M = Rn ¥ {O} and

1¥r = R. Then the following functions which depend only on r = x a,re p-ha,rmonic:
r(P n)/(p-1) (72, p)

u(T) =
log r (n = p).
This is shown for exa,mple from the formula,
a au n )- +IIVul
= (jVujP-2 p_,2au
+ TrsVs(IVttlP2Vsu),
ar ar r ar
where Trs, Vs denote the trace and differentia,tion in the direction of spheres of
radius r respect,ively.

EXAMPLE 3. (equator maps) For n m wrth n > m+1 consider the umt ball Bn
in Rn = Rm+1 >< Rn-m-1 a,nd unit sphere Sm in Rm+1. Let M = Bn¥ ({O} x Rn-m -)
a,nd N = Sm. Then a map u : M -> N is defined by the equation

u(y,z) = jyl (y C Rm+1 z e n -m-l

If n < m + I then u Bn ¥ {O} -> Sm c Rm+1 is defined by

_ y
u(y) , Oj
Sn-1 x {O} C Rn x m-n+1
These maps a,re p-harmonic for any p. hjlore stl^ongly some of them are in fact
p-energy minimizing for their boundal y data, ([l]).

Remark. If u is a p-haunonic function, then Cu and u + C are p-harmonic

function for any constant C. But u + v is not neccssarily p-harmonic even if u and
v a,re p-harmonic functions. Also coordinat,e functions of a p-ha,rmonic map to a
Euclidean space are not necessarily p-hannonic functions.

2. Existence of p-harmonic maps from the splleres.

In this sec',tion we treat t,he existence problem.

THF.ORE 4 l. ([8]) Let N be a compa,ct sir7rply connected Riemanniar?, m,an'ijbld

'isornetr'icaZly ernbedded in a Euclidean spa,ce. Th,en for any Cl_map u : ST -> N
with n 2, the7"e exist a finite number of n-harmonic maps ul' u2, ' ' ' , uk : S'F _> N
Which satisfy the J'oilowing'
(1) [u] = [ul] + [u2] + ' ' ' + [ttk].
(2) infve[u] En(v) = En(ul) + ' ' ' + En(uk).
(3) uj is a mini'mizer of En in [uj] J'or j = l, 2, , . . . k.
so ,iE GEO ll]Tl IC PROPEP,.1'1ES OF p-nARh,'ro.¥TIC h.,IAPS 65
In t,he above [ I denotes the free homotol-)y class of maps from the sphere. If N is
not simply com rect,ed, the salrLe results holds up t,o t,he act,ion of 7T1(N) on 7rn(N).
This result, is shown by a, bubbling a,rguIILent and a, genera.lization of the ¥vork in [9],
[ll] for harmonic maps from S2. The case 7rn(N) = {O} with arbitrary AJ vas first
proved by a different met,hod in an unpublilshed pa,per [6], and can be deduced from
[14] too. As an applica.tion of this theorem, we can give an alternative proof of a
result concerningr manifolds with strongly p-t,h moment stable stocha,stic., dynamical

TFIEORElvl 2. ([4], [8]) If a compact maT ,if'old N admit a strongly p-th moment
stable stochastic dy'r amical system, then 7rh(N) = O for k = l, 2, . . . ,p. I'rL particular
for p Z dim N/2, a, p-th moment stable stoch,astic dynamical system can on,ly exist
on, homotopy spheres.

From the previous theorem we can show that t,he elements of p-dimensional
homotopy groups are represent,ed by p-ha,rmonic maps. The proof of the following
t,heorem is almost the same as that for 7T2(N) in [9].

THEOREM 3. ([8]) Let N be a compact simply connected Riemannian manif'old

isometriccaty embedded i'r a Euclidean space. Then for every n Z 2 there exist finite
number of n-harmonic maps fl' f2, . ' ' such that
(1) [fl]' [f2], ' ' ' O.
(2) [fl]' [f2], . . ' generate 7rn(N).
(3) En(fl) = inf{En(f) j [f] O}.
En(fj) = inf{En(f) I [f] ([fl]' [f2], ' . . , [fj-l])}
where (a, b, c, . . . ) de'n,otes the subgroup generated by elements a, b, c, . . .

3. Convex functions and p-harmonic maps.

In this section, we consider geometric properties of p-harmonic maps to manifolds
vvhich have convex functions. The next result on harmonic maps is well known.

TIIEOREM 4. ([5]) If : A.1 - N is a har'monic map and f : N -> is a C2

convex function, th,en f o is a subharmonic J'unction on M. If in additio'rb A,f is
compact and f is strictly convex, then (p is constar7,t.

This is derived by t,he identit,y

Tr'V(d(f o )) = Tr(Vdf)(d , d )
whic,,h is ea,sily verifi(',d fr'cull t,he composition law. For p-ha,rmonic maps with p Z 2,
t,he following lemma is l_Iseful.

LE 4h4A. ([7]) Jf : Af - N is a p-harrnonic map and f I N -> is a, convex

f"u'r ction (bot/7. oJ' cla,ss C2), then we have th,e following identity

TrV(Id, ) P-2d(f o )) = jd ll'2Tr(Vdf)(d , dfP)'

This is a,Iso a consequenc',e of simple cornputation including the composition la v.
If is a,ssumed t,o be onl.¥r of class C1, then we get a,n identity "in a wea,k fonTl" '
In the rest, of t,his sec,t,ion, we consider the applicat,ions of t,he a,bove identity. The
first is a genera,lization of the result of ¥V.B Gordon whic,h was obta,ined in [2] by
ca,lcula,ting the first, ¥rariat,ion directly.

TIIEoR.EM 5. ([2], [7]) Let : Af -> N be a p-harm;onic map oJ' class Cl . Jf ITI
is compact ar',d there exists a st,rictly cor2;vex fur7,cti072, ,f of class C2 on N; th,en ,' is

Proof. If c is of class C2, then we have only to int,egrrate bot,h sides of thc ident,ity
in t.he above lemma.. ¥Vhen c is only of class Cl, we use t,he identity "in a veak
form" .

TI{EOR.Eh4 6.([7]) Let M, N be Riemannian manif'olds. Suppose tha,t M is

complete and noncompact. If N has a strictly convex furl'ction f of class C2 such
tha;t the unuform norm, jdfj is bounded. Then every p-harmonic map I M N oj'
class Cl with
ful Id iPl < oo

is a constant map.

Proof. Fix a point x of M and take a function n on A,f which satisfies the property

O <_ n <_ l,
!dnl CIR,

n E I on BR,
n O on M ¥ B2R'
In the above, B1 and C denote the ba,ll of radius R centered at x and a, c'.onstant,

which does not depend on R respectively. /Iaking use of LewTla we get the in-

J'B !dpjP-2Tr(Vd )(d d )n TrV

< (jd jP 2d(f o ) n

7 f,f Id lP-1

Let,tin()o R - oc, ve obt,a.in t,he desired result. [l

In fa,c',t, ve ha,ve only to assume tha,t the cg ro vt,h of p - I energy of on the spl"ieres
of radh.Is R is o(R.). Relating results including the c i_ se of p-sl.rbharn ronic, func,tions
are found in [7] .
In [12] J.H.Sampson proved a form of maxirnum pr'h lc:iple for haunonic', maps. Let
us say, following [12], t,he sec,ond fundamental form Vdi of a hypersurfac,e S in 1¥r
embedded by a, m'ap 'i is dcfinit,e at a, point yo N iff Vdi(X, X) is nonzero d,nd
point,s in a given direction for any tangent vect,or X T )oS. The concave side of a,
hypersurface is the side point,ed at by Vdi(X, X).
SOh{E GEovIETRrc l'ROPER;'nES oF p-IIARhlON'lC h,IAPS 67
TnEOl{EM 7. ([12]) Let : A.[ -> N be a nonconsta.nt harmonic map Assume
tha,t S is a hypersu'rface of N with definite second fundame7'btal for'm at a, point
yo = (xo). Then n,o neighborhood ofxo is mapped er?.tirely in the concave srde ofS
in N.

Proof. ([3]) There exists a st,rictly convex function f defined in a neighborhood

V of yo in N which depends only on the dista,nce from S. In addition we can assume
tha,t f < O on the concave side of S, a,nd f-1(O) n V = S ([3] p.23). LFrom the
t,heorel :1 of W.B. Gordon, the composit,ion f o is a, sllbharmonic function. In
'a,ddit,ion it, is nonpositive in a neighborhood of xo a,nd achieve t,he ma,ximmlL in the
int,erior. Henc.e it is c,onst,ant from the st,rong maximurn principle, .a.nd we obt,ain

Ta(Vdf)(d d ) A(f o )) = O.
Because f is a,ssumed to be st,rict,ly convex, the map 2 must, be a constant. []

Though we cannot completely generalize his result for t,he ca,se of p-harmonic
maps wit,h p Z 2, the next lveak propert,y can bc proved.

TI・・・IEOREM 8. Let : M -> N be a nonconstant p-harmonic map such that

r?,o point in a neighborhood of xo M is mapped to (xo)' Assume that S is a
hyperst/.Tfa.ce of N with definite second fundamer?,tal form at a point yo = (xo).
Then no neighborhood oJ' xo is mapped entirely in the concave side of S in N.

P'roof. Take a strictly convex function f with the sa.me property as in the pre-
vious theorem. To prove by contra.diction, we a,ssume that maps a neighborhood
U of xo in M to the concave side of S. Then the inequality
f( )(x)) = O f( (xo))

holds for all x in U. From Lemma the following one also holds;
TrV(Id lP-2d(f o )) O.

¥Vc wa,nt to claim that

sup(f o )sup(
= of ) = O.

For this purpose suppose that

a ( J U
a = sup(f o ) < sup(f o ) = O.

a u U
Th( n therc exist a const,'and c > o and a subdoma,in U/ in U such that,

g fo -a-c>0
ili U/ and g = O on dU/. Let, us c,onsider a funct,ion ; vhich is equal t,o g in U! and
¥'anishes out,side U/. Ush'lgf an pre¥'ious inequ<alit,y ve obtain

./;J Id lP2(d(f o 2) d /)) < O

Frorn t,he definit,ion of v' ,

fu"Id iP Id(f' )12 O

which iuplies Id j = O or jd(f o )j = O in U!. In bot,h cases we get d(f o (p) = O,

and the function g is const,ant in U/. This contradicts the definition of g and the
sup(f o )) = sup(f o ) = O

Hence there exist,s some point xl aU wit,h (p(xl) C S¥xo' The hypersurface S is
loca,lly a gra,ph of some con¥rex function defined on a neighorhood of xo in t,he tang"ent
plane at xo' We can t,ake a hypersurfa,ce S/ wit,h definite sec,ond fundaIILent,al form
whose intersection with S is only the point xo and t,he mapping maps U ent,irely
in the concave side of S/. Repeating t,he same reasoningr for this hypersurface S/, ¥ve

get a contradict,ion.

4. Inequality between jVld [[ and jVckpl

For harmonic ma,ps the following inequa,lity is known.

THEOREh/1 9. ([10], [13]) Let (p : Mn _ N be a harmonic map. Then on the set

{x j d (x) O} we have the inequality

n -n I IVld 112 fVd l2.

For a tensor T the inequa,lity

holds generally. The a,bove theorem states that it ca,n be improved in the c.ase
T = Vd for some hanllonic, map Q. Such kind of inequalities appear in many
geometric prpblems. The case of ha,nrronic map ¥vas proved in [13] with a diflbrent,
constant, and is used in t,he regularity problem of harmonic maps to spheres. Lat,er
[lO] proved the above form and improved some of regula,rity results in [13]. It is not,
known whet,her this t,ype of inequality is true for p-harmonic maps or not. But, at
least, we ca,n prove an inequla=it,y for p-ha,nlnonic functions.

TnEoREh."I lO. Let tl, be a p-har'rn;onic function on a Riemanni,an manifold. Then

the following inequality holds on the set {x IVul(x) O}:

f 1+
mm 2, (p n-- Il)IViVull2 IVVtl'l2

P7'ooJ'. For x vit,h V'u.(' ) O, Iet us ta,ke a nonnal coordinate around x uch
t, h at

ul(x) = !Vtcl(x), u2(x) = ' ' ' = un(x) = O.


Thcn we have at”


On the othcr hand,sin㏄いs片h脳monic

Conse(〃ent1y we get


{,ゴ ゴ
{>2 {>2

The second te夏m on the right hand side is equa1to




Hence we obtain



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Depart,ment, of ,fathematics
Facult<y of Calture a.nd Educ',ation
Saga Universit,y, Saga 840-8502
Ja. pan

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