Kawai P Harmonic
Kawai P Harmonic
Kawai P Harmonic
1. Introduction
TaV(IduP 2du) = O,
where "Tr" denotes the trace. It is the Euler-Lagrange equa,tion of the p-energy
f unctional
Ep(u) = fM IduiP'
ExA 4PI'E I . (t,otally geodesic maps) Every totally geodesic map tl. : Arf - N is
a p-ha,rmonic, m'ap for 'a,ny p. Indeed if Vd?1 = O, t,hen we have
u(T) =
log r (n = p).
This is shown for exa,mple from the formula,
a au n )- +IIVul
= (jVujP-2 p_,2au
+ TrsVs(IVttlP2Vsu),
ar ar r ar
where Trs, Vs denote the trace and differentia,tion in the direction of spheres of
radius r respect,ively.
EXAMPLE 3. (equator maps) For n m wrth n > m+1 consider the umt ball Bn
in Rn = Rm+1 >< Rn-m-1 a,nd unit sphere Sm in Rm+1. Let M = Bn¥ ({O} x Rn-m -)
a,nd N = Sm. Then a map u : M -> N is defined by the equation
_ y
u(y) , Oj
Sn-1 x {O} C Rn x m-n+1
These maps a,re p-harmonic for any p. hjlore stl^ongly some of them are in fact
p-energy minimizing for their boundal y data, ([l]).
TFIEORElvl 2. ([4], [8]) If a compact maT ,if'old N admit a strongly p-th moment
stable stochastic dy'r amical system, then 7rh(N) = O for k = l, 2, . . . ,p. I'rL particular
for p Z dim N/2, a, p-th moment stable stoch,astic dynamical system can on,ly exist
on, homotopy spheres.
From the previous theorem we can show that t,he elements of p-dimensional
homotopy groups are represent,ed by p-ha,rmonic maps. The proof of the following
t,heorem is almost the same as that for 7T2(N) in [9].
Tr'V(d(f o )) = Tr(Vdf)(d , d )
whic,,h is ea,sily verifi(',d fr'cull t,he composition law. For p-ha,rmonic maps with p Z 2,
t,he following lemma is l_Iseful.
TIIEoR.EM 5. ([2], [7]) Let : Af -> N be a p-harm;onic map oJ' class Cl . Jf ITI
is compact ar',d there exists a st,rictly cor2;vex fur7,cti072, ,f of class C2 on N; th,en ,' is
Proof. If c is of class C2, then we have only to int,egrrate bot,h sides of thc ident,ity
in t.he above lemma.. ¥Vhen c is only of class Cl, we use t,he identity "in a veak
form" .
is a constant map.
Proof. Fix a point x of M and take a function n on A,f which satisfies the property
O <_ n <_ l,
!dnl CIR,
n E I on BR,
n O on M ¥ B2R'
In the above, B1 and C denote the ba,ll of radius R centered at x and a, c'.onstant,
which does not depend on R respectively. /Iaking use of LewTla we get the in-
7 f,f Id lP-1
Ta(Vdf)(d d ) A(f o )) = O.
Because f is a,ssumed to be st,rict,ly convex, the map 2 must, be a constant. []
Though we cannot completely generalize his result for t,he ca,se of p-harmonic
maps wit,h p Z 2, the next lveak propert,y can bc proved.
P'roof. Take a strictly convex function f with the sa.me property as in the pre-
vious theorem. To prove by contra.diction, we a,ssume that maps a neighborhood
U of xo in M to the concave side of S. Then the inequality
f( )(x)) = O f( (xo))
holds for all x in U. From Lemma the following one also holds;
TrV(Id lP-2d(f o )) O.
sup(f o )sup(
= of ) = O.
a u U
Th( n therc exist a const,'and c > o and a subdoma,in U/ in U such that,
g fo -a-c>0
ili U/ and g = O on dU/. Let, us c,onsider a funct,ion ; vhich is equal t,o g in U! and
¥'anishes out,side U/. Ush'lgf an pre¥'ious inequ<alit,y ve obtain
Hence there exist,s some point xl aU wit,h (p(xl) C S¥xo' The hypersurface S is
loca,lly a gra,ph of some con¥rex function defined on a neighorhood of xo in t,he tang"ent
plane at xo' We can t,ake a hypersurfa,ce S/ wit,h definite sec,ond fundaIILent,al form
whose intersection with S is only the point xo and t,he mapping maps U ent,irely
in the concave side of S/. Repeating t,he same reasoningr for this hypersurface S/, ¥ve
get a contradict,ion.
f 1+
mm 2, (p n-- Il)IViVull2 IVVtl'l2
P7'ooJ'. For x vit,h V'u.(' ) O, Iet us ta,ke a nonnal coordinate around x uch
t, h at
On the othcr hand,sin㏄いs片h脳monic
Conse(〃ent1y we get
{,ゴ ゴ
{>2 {>2
The second te夏m on the right hand side is equa1to
Hence we obtain
月εγγムαグん、 Fortheequ&tOr互n&王)ψ:Bn\({0}xRη一肌一)→3m de丘ned−iIユEx&mple
伽mα柵.We caH1sO shOw t11㈹ext hequa肚y fo夏リーharmoエ}ic funcもio王川wit1}
a Si王ni1&r Ca1Cu王a.tiOn:
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Depart,ment, of ,fathematics
Facult<y of Calture a.nd Educ',ation
Saga Universit,y, Saga 840-8502
Ja. pan