Chemical Problem Soils
Chemical Problem Soils
Chemical Problem Soils
Saline-sodic soils are often found in areas where there is poor drainage, high
evaporation rates, and inadequate leaching of salts. This can occur in arid and
semi-arid regions or in areas with improper irrigation practices. The
combination of high salt content and high sodium levels can have detrimental
effects on soil structure, water movement, and plant growth.
Management of Salt Affected Soils
Management of Acid and
Nutrient Deficient Soils
Soil acidity affects crop production. Acid soils are
characterized as soils with pH<6.5 in the top layer. The
major factors that affect crop growth are associated with
acid soil infertility including the toxicity of aluminum and
manganese, low pH and deficiencies or low availability of
essential elements such as calcium, magnesium,
phosphorus, boron, and molybdenum. Moreover,
strongly acid soils may arise from water stress which
results from restriction of root growth into acid
subsurface horizons.
management strategies for acid soils