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Amazon Guide Germany-1

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If you downloaded this Step by Step Guide, then you are definitely serious about
selling on Amazon Germany.
I will do my best to help you get started on registering your business in Germany
and also making your first dollar on Amazon Germany.
I will also give you links to websites where you can easily register your business,
get your tax number/Vat id number, and avoid the hassles of dealing with the
German Bureaucracy.

Register your business with the Gewerbe Amt. Simply goto the
Bezirkamt in your city and get the GewA 1 Form. Or go online to
the website and get the registration done online. Below are the
different links to different Gewerbeamt in Germany.

Websites to Register your business- Gewerbeanmeldung

1. https://service.wirtschaft.nrw/faq-antragsassistent

2. https://www.hamburg.de/behoerdenfinder/hamburg/11258072/

3. https://www.berlin.de/ea/


5. https://service.niedersachsen.de/dlp/detail?pstId=8664844


7. https://www.stuttgart.de/vv/leistungen/gewerbe-anmelden.php



If you do not find your city listed above, please simply goto to google
and type in “Gewerbe anmeldung” and your city name. It should be
listed if it is a governmental agency.

If you cannot do the registration online, simply download the form

from their website, fill it out and then mail to the appropriate
department by post.

This process is normally a one day process if your city is not under
corona lock-down procedure. If you are allowed to goto the
Bezirkamt without an appointment, then physically go there and get it
done within the same day. It shouldnt cost more than 20 - 50 euros.
And you should be able to do it within a day.

Below is a sample of the GewA 1 Form

After you get the Gewerbeschein (Trade Licence)-(Sample Pic below
then you are ready to get the tax documents
Although you can do the tax registration by yourself by going to
www.elster.de, it is easier to have an agency that specializes in
taxes to do this for you. The website I listed below offers a free
of charge tax registration.

But do understand that this website does offer both free and
paid services. Although you don't need the paid service for
them to get your Tax documents, you will need the paid service
if you want them to file your monthly or quarterly VAT and yearly
income tax return. And I highly recommend doing that because
it will make your life much easier once you start selling on
All you will have to do is input your income and expenses , scan
all your invoices into the website and the website does all the
calculations for you. At the end of each month or quarter, you
instruct them to file your VAT to the finanzeamt. It is truly a
game changer.
Although they recommend that you keep a copy of all your
invoices, the scanned copies are saved on their website. So you
can always download the copy, if you lose your original.


After the agency gets all your info, they will proceed to get your
Steuernummer which you need when filling for your end of year
income tax, and trade tax.

And they will also get your Vat Id Number (Umsatzsteuernummer)

(Pics belows)
Sample pic of Steuernummer Certificate
Sample pic of VAT Id Number (Umsatzsteueridnummer) Certificate
After you get your
● Business Registration Licence (Gewerbescheine)
● Tax ID number (steuernummer)
● Vat ID number (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (USt-IdNr.)

Then you are ready to move on to step number 3 which is to actually sign up for Amazon
seller account.

Please have a scanned copy of your passport or id-card available. You will be required to
upload the copy to Amazon for identity verification.
You will also be required to upload a bank statement to verify your bank account. Make
sure that this bank statement is in your name and make sure the address is the same
address as the address listed on your Anmeldung(registration paper).

Amazon may also require you to upload a bill such as your phone bill or wifi bill or even
your anmeldung paper. Just have them all scanned and ready to be uploaded just in

The first thing you will have to do is sign up for an Amazon selling account by visiting

You have 2 options

Option 1
Costs 0.99 cents per item sold.
This is usually for private people who wish to sell their used items. People who
will be selling no more than 40 items per month.
Ignore this plan if you wish to start a viable business on Amazon as this plan is
not suitable for those who wish to truly start selling huge volumes.

Option 2
Costs 39.99 per month. This plan is for those who truly wish to dive into the world
of Amazon business. This cost is tax deductible and once you get a good grip of
Amazon, you wont feel this expense because your profits will be able to take care
of it on a monthly basis.
Amazon will deduct the amount from your available funds in Amazon account.

After you select the plan, have your email address available so that you can
proceed to log in.
Below is the Selling plan comparison
After you select your plan, then you goto https://sellercentral.amazon.de/ input your
email address and create your password.
You will then be taken to the page where you will have to verify your email address.
Amazon will send you an email with a ONE-TIME-PASSWORD (OTP)
The email will look something similar to this
Copy the OTP number from the email and paste it where it it says “Enter OTP”

AFter that you should be taken to the next page where you will have to input

1. Business & Contact address

2. Mobile / Telephone Number
3. Credit-Card (It cannot be a pre-paid credit-card. It must be a credit card or debit
card with a Visa, mastercard, or American express logo
4. Scanned copy of your passport or ID Card
Input the country which should be Germany. Then after select your Business type or
entity. If you registered as a self employed individual then Select Sole Proprietor
The next option is where you put your Business Name which should be your personal
name as well.
Look at the example below
After you fill it all out you will have to Agree and Continue
The next stage is where you will fill out some info about the business, yourself, your
credit-card, store name and ID-Verification.
Make sure that you already have the Gewerbeschiein because you need the Business
registration number which should start with the letters IGN: and 8 digits. (So for example
IGN: 01234567). It is located at the top right hand corner of the
After inputting your business registration number and address and phone number and
primary contact person, you will need to go the next step where you put seller
After clicking save, you should be taken to the Billing page. Your credit card will be
charged a professional selling scubscription of 39euro for the first month.
You are only charged 39euros if you have active listings in your account. But the idea
here is to start selling as quickly as possible and to start making money.
Eventually when you start making money, the 39 euros will be deducted from the money
you make while selling. So that way your credit card is no longer billed.
Next step is where you pick a name for you Amazon Store. Bare in mind that this name
can be changed at any time so dont spend too much time here because the name is not
what makes you successful.

You also have to select an answer to the questions of UPC (Select Yes)and Also state if
you are a manufacturer or brand owner.
If you sell your own brand then answer yes. If you sell other brands, then select no.
Verification is the last step. Please make sure that you upload a clear scanned copy of
your passport, and bank account or any other additional document that can support your
address verification.
It takes Amazon 5 - 10mins to approve your account and you can log into Sellercentral
dashboard. If your account is not approved, then they will send you and email stating
what the problem might be.
But if you are approved, you will get an email like this below

If you have problems along the way and cannot proceed or perhaps the process is not
fully understandable to you, send me an email at [email protected] with the heading
NEED HELP WITH AMAZON SELLERCENTRAL. I will personally help you via zoom for a
fee of 120 euros and help you get registered and start on Amazon.

GOOD LUCK and look forward to seeing you succeed.

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