Objection 25

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MOCK CLAT 25 (2025) - 26th, May 2024 REVIEWER REMARK

Ques Given Your Acceptance Correct

S.no Section Reason Remark
No. Option Option of Objection Option
Option (a) is the correct answer because the
passage states: under section 3 (2) The
Commission shall be a body corporate by the
name aforesaid, having perpetual succession
and a common seal with power, subject to the
Legal The contractual ability of NCP is given
1 56 A C No A provisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and
Reasoning under section 2 .(not 3)
dispose of property, both movable and
immovable, and to contract, and shall, by the
said name, sue or be sued. Option (c) is
incorrect because the passage does not
mention the Companies Act 2013.
Both A and R is correct and R is explaining
Legal Both Statements A and R are correct and R
2 61 C A about the reason why A is correct .then Yes A
Reasoning does not explain A.
how C is correct
Option (a) is accurate because the text
indicates in the last paragraph of the passage,
that rights will be safe and secure if social
conscience is such that it recognises the rights
that legislation decides to establish. As a
It is clearly mentioned in the passage only
result, in this scenario, understanding the
on will of people rights can be given.
Legal worth of the environment and protecting it
3 62 A B Because they decide what is good for them No A
Reasoning can only be done by the people's desire,
and according to ethics of society. Not the
backed up by strong legislative purpose.
will of legislators
Option (b) is not correct as both legislative
intent and individual’s will is required as
discussed above to assist a person in
understanding the value of soil and
preventing disrupting nature in any way.
The correct option is (b). The question asks us
to choose a statement that illustrates an
anomaly from the context of the passage.
Statements I and II are both correct with
Legal In answer key the answer given is b, but
4 64 B A No B reference to the passage and do not present an
Reasoning according to the reasoning a is correct
anomaly. An anomaly is something
inconsistent. Since statements III and IV are
incorrect, they present an anomaly, and hence
option A is correct.
It is clearly written in question that the
buyer filed consumer complaint on purely
basis of rumor spread by competitors of
Madhur Sweets , and rumor was that
Since the complaint is filed based on rumor.
weight of ghee is not 1Litre as promised ,
option B would have been the correct answer
Legal no but only 990ml. buyer never verified this
5 71 B Yes None if the consumer himself had used the product
Reasoning option claim, and also this claim is termed as
and then found that the quantity is less than
"rumor" in question. How can
what is mentioned on the pack.
compensation be given on consumer
complaint filed on basis of just rumor . so
here consumer should not get any
The correct option is (c). The answer will yes
and Option (c) is correct. The
The passage is about dowry death. The
facts clearly states that not only Ashok
passage clearly have a clause which states
mentally tortures Savitri but also find ways to
about “other circumstances “. I have reason
Legal hurt he. This time he purposely took her to a
6 68 D A to believe that question number 68 No C
Reasoning cliff knowing Savitri's phobia of heights. Thus,
according to the facts comes under the
Ashok will be held liable for dowry death.
ambit of other circumstances. So the option
Option (a) is also correct but the passage do
is a according to me
not provides that what all can be included or
defines “death under other circumstances”.
The given conditions for dowry death are
actually satisfied in Kashish's case since
regardless of which of Joshua's taunts
(harassment) actually bother Kashish, it is
given that there should be death by burn or
bodily injury (satisfied by suicide), within 7
The correct answer is D). Question is vary
years of marriage (at the time of death, it
clear on the part that the dowdy related
was 6 year old marriage), where she was
comments never bothered her. Kashish
exposed to cruelty soon before her death
Legal committed suicide by being annoyed at the
7 69 D C (taunts on less dowry and skin color) and No D
Reasoning constant taunts on her complexion, after six
the harassment must be related to demand
years of her marriage. Hence, option D is
for dowry (part of it was). Nowhere does
correct as Joshua is not liable as it was not a
the passage specify that the death needs to
case dowry death.
occur as a result of the dowry-related
harassment, the two are given as
independent conditions. This can also be
referred to from the first paragraph that
defines dowry death, since there is no legal
bar on dowry death if there isn't direct
evidence proving that death occurred due
to specific harassment. Even if Kashish was
annoyed the least by his taunts on dowry,
they would still technically qualify as
harassment related to dowry, and thus, this
would be a subjective interpretation. The
fact that Kashish was harassed on two
grounds shouldn't overrule the impact of
the first ground. Thus, as per the facts given
in the principles, liability for dowry death
should exist.
The correct option is (b). The question relates
to a dowry demand complaint. Section 2 of the
I believe that option no. D is providing
Act states that dowry is any property or
more legal reasoning than B./ Demand for
valuable security directly or indirectly agreed
dowry is a must, and this should be the
Legal to be given in connection with the marriage.
8 70 B D correct reasoning. In option B because No B
Reasoning Moreover, there is no incident of assault that
relevance of the transaction being a
can be inferred from the facts. Hence, option B
business one is not discussed in the
is preferable to option D, as the transaction is
plainly a business transaction between him
and Urfi's father.
The correct option is (b). as per the question
we have to answer in accordance with the
While both B and D arrive at the same
2019 law. Yes, Zia can return the dress and
outcome, D addresses the contention of the
she would get the
dress firm better. Nowhere in the question
compensation the 2019 Act has also
is it given that the firm is contending that
introduced the concept of 'unfair contract'
they aren't liable since they're an e-
which includes those contracts which favour
commerce platform. They are claiming that
the manufacturers or service providers and
their policy which the consumer agreed to
are against the interest of the consumers. As
is why they won't accept a return. Option B,
Legal stated in the passage, the failing to take
9 73 B D which justifies the answer explains an No B
Reasoning back defective goods or deactivate defective
irrelevant point that e-commerce
services and not refunding the amount within
platforms are also in the ambit of CPA,
the stipulated time mentioned in the bill or
since neither parties are contesting this. D
memo or within 30 days in the absence of such
in fact addresses this issue since it explains
stipulation, comes within the ambit of the new
how the firm's return policy doesn't negate
Act, 2019 and makes the online
her claim to return her dress, by explaining
retailer reliable for compensation. Hence,
a logical corollary, that she has not
Option (b) is correct answer.. Option (d) is a
consented to manufacturing defects.
suggestive answer that cannot be inferred
from the terms of the facts.
The passage states that "lurking house
trespass" occurs when the intruder
actively conceals such trespass from the
Option (c) is correct. Option (b) is incorrect
owner. In the given facts, Rajesh is
because there was no opening of the door; it
frequently observed by neighbours around
was already slightly opened (ajar back door).
the house, showing a lack of concealment of
House trespass would constitute lurking
his efforts. Further, in effecting the house-
house trespass when the person committing
break he is simply entering the house
house trespass has taken precaution to
through the back door, and there is no
Legal conceal such trespass from a person who has
10 82 C B mentioning of any attempts to hide or No C
Reasoning a right to exclude or eject the trespasser from
conceal his movements. The mere fact that
the building which is subject matter of the
Anjali could not figure out his presence
trespass. In this factual situation, Rajesh did
does not indicate any concealment on the
not enter the house in any ways described in
intruders part. Question 84 in the same
section 445 which precludes house-breaking.
passage depicts facts that clearly showcase
He entered concealing himself which makes it
lurking house-break, since there, the
a lurking house trespass.
intruder leaves no visible signs of entry.
Here, there is no mention of any
concealment, and thus, B is a better answer.
The correct option is (a).Article 15, being a
Legal In the passage there was no mention of fundamental right and discussed in Part III of
11 58 A D No A
Reasoning article 15 then how option A is correct the Constitution, which our passage also talks
about, makes option A correct.
The correct option is (b). A reference can be
made from second Para of the passage that
states, in many cases, the state tries to cover
up discrimination and violence and escape
from responsibility, which leads to the further
Legal harassment of the victims. Hence, the state
12 63 B A Why not A No B
Reasoning holds responsibility for preventing
discrimination and violence. Option (a) cannot
be right as the given statement does not hold
any authority responsible for taking
accountability for such atrocities, as the
question asks.
The correct option is (c). The answer will yes
and Option (c) is correct. The
facts clearly states that not only Ashok
Because as it is given in the passage that mentally tortures Savitri but also find ways to
Legal other causes of death except burns or hurt he. This time he purposely took her to a
13 68 C A No C
Reasoning bodily injury will come under "other cliff knowing Savitri's phobia of heights. Thus,
circumstances". Ashok will be held liable for dowry death.
Option (a) is also correct but the passage do
not provides that what all can be included or
defines “death under other circumstances”.
The first line of the passage says that "A
person commits housebreaking when they
enter a house or any part of it".
Even if the intruder did not enter the house
Option d) is correct as the intruder failed to
Legal of Mr Singh, by climbing the wall (which
15 81 D A No D get inside the house as mebtioned in the facts.
Reasoning surrounded the property, meaning it was
Hnece, no house breaking has been occured.
included in 'any part of the house'), he
would still commit the crime of house-
break, regardless of his failure to enter the
In the last line of the question stem, it is
asked "What would be the offense if the
criminals had entered without force and
through opening the main door?" In this Option c) is correct. Please refer the follwing
question, there is no mention of departure line from the facts given. The intruders used
effected by assault or force, as given in C. physical force and intimidation to subdue the
16 83 C A Thus, C becomes a speculative answer, No C elderly couple when they were leaving the
given the question specifically says they house. Moreover option A is not correct a
entered without force. Rather, there is sopening and unfastening are two different
unfastening of door not intended for terms.
intruder to use (opening the main door), as
given in A. This, quite clearly, A should be
the answer.
The award, known as the Lata Deenanath
Mangeshkar Puraskar, is given every year to
an individual who has made a path-breaking
contribution towards the nation, its people
and society. Prime Minister Narendra Modi
was its first recipient, followed by Asha Bhosle
The Mangeshkar family and the trust
instituted the award in memory of Lata
Moreover option C is just telling the
General Mangeshkar, who died on February 6, 2022,
17 36 B C current scenario and option a is giving No B
Knowledge due to multiple organ failure. Prime Minister
factual and apt explanation.
Narendra Modi was its first recipient, while
Lata Mangeshkar's sister Asha Bhosle
received the award in 2023.
Narendra modi is the only correct ans, other
three options are incorrect.

(d) The passage suggests a flaw in the

security forces' assumption that public
discontent does not impact counter-
insurgency efforts.
Kindly refer to the explanation. The negation
18 107 B D The passage argues that the security- No B for option D is the "assumption that public
Reasoning centric approach, which has led to rights discontent..." part of the option.
violations and crimes against civilians,
results in increased public discontent. This
discontent undermines the legitimacy of
the security forces' actions and aids
militants by increasing their support base.
Option (c) could also be considered a
logical flaw, as the decision to reduce staff
numbers might indeed be unrelated to the
specific allegations made by Canada.
However, option (b) directly addresses the
Logical assumption that decreasing diplomatic Option B is not a flaw but more of an
19 89 C B No C
Reasoning presence would compel Canada to change assumption.
its stance, which may not necessarily be the
case. Both options highlight potential
logical flaws, but (b) specifically addresses
the assumption of effectiveness in altering
Canada's position.
author is euphemistic as thinking about the
English past and Expository in style because author The whole passage is in narrative style with an
20 4 D C No D
Language exposing how was the condition of past emotional touch (Fear).
it's clear conclusion from the passage that Read the last paragraph "Aditya-L1 will stay
English Aditya L1 will study the sun and it's surface approximately 1.5 million km away from
21 17 A D No A
Language from a distance halfway not the solar flares Earth, directed towards the Sun, which is
as the ans given by ans key. about 1% of the Earth-Sun distance. "
In the passage itself, the line "the russian
English Yes the mentioned line provides the reasoning
22 12 A B trolls....show's effectiveness." Provides the No A
Language for option A.
English Option A covers the half of the description.
23 24 C A thought A is correct for this question No C
Language While option c covers the whole description.
Reference Lines: "Aditya L-1 is an Indian Option B) "Investigating the solar wind and its
satellite dedicated to the comprehensive impact on Earth" is part of the broader
study of the Sun...This location also allows mission, the passage specifically highlights the
the satellite to access solar radiation and primary focus of Aditya-L1 as examining the
magnetic storms before they are influenced Sun's outer atmosphere, particularly the
by Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere." corona. The passage states, "Aditya-L1 would
study the outer atmosphere of the Sun," and
The examiners have arrived at C as the emphasizes the use of instruments to view the
answer solely based on the prior corona and watch for solar flares. Therefore,
discussion associated to the Sun's corona. the primary focus is more specifically on the
However, nowhere does the passage corona rather than the solar wind and its
directly/indirectly say that Aditya L1 is the impact on Earth.
specific craft being used by India to
24 18 C B research the Sun. It only talks about a No C
comprehensive study using 7 different
instruments, and logically, even if one is a
coronagraph as needed as per passage,
there is scope for other subjects too.
However, the last reference line mentions
that the specific location allows the
satellite to access solar radiation and
magnetic storms, which it would only do if
this was a focus of the satellite. This, B
seems to be a more appropriate answer to
C. However, on the whole, the entire
question appears to be too ambiguous, and
could be stricken as well.
Option d suggests a contrast between audio
English I was not able to differentiate between and visual elements whereas, as per the
25 22 B D No B
Language option B and D passage music complements the thematic
Quantitative 109- The provided passage is correct. Please clarify
26 PSG hi glt tha No
Aptitude 114 any doubts you may have in detail.

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