Pex 02 02
Pex 02 02
Pex 02 02
Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology: Activity 2: The Effect of Stimulus Voltage on Skeletal Muscle Contraction Lab
04/28/24 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: As the stimulus voltage is increased from 1.0 volt up to 10 volts, what will happen to the amount of active
force generated with each stimulus?
You did not answer this question.
What is the lowest stimulus voltage that induces active force in the skeletal muscle?
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Correct answer: b. threshold voltage
6. Enter the threshold voltage for this experiment in the field below and then click Submit Data to record your answer in the
lab report
You did not answer this question.12. Enter the maximal voltage for this experiment in the field below and then click Submit
Data to record your answer in the lab report.
You did not answer this question.
Experiment Data:
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Post-lab Quiz Results
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Correct answer: a. an increase in the number of active muscle fibers to increase the force developed in a muscle.
Correct answer: a. activation of cross bridge cycling via increased intracellular calcium levels.
3. The ________ is the minimal stimulus needed to cause a depolarization of the muscle plasma membrane (sarcolemma).
4. By definition, the ________ is the amount of stimulus required to successfully recruit all the muscle fibers into
developing active force.
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Correct answer: b. At the maximal voltage, all the muscle fibers contained in this muscle are depolarized and they all
develop active force (that is, they were all successfully recruited).
6. A sufficiently strong electrical stimulus applied to an isolated, mounted skeletal muscle induces the development of
muscle force, or muscle tension. Which of the following statements concerning this observation is true?
You did not answer this question.
Correct answer: c. The electrical stimulus mimics acetylcholine release at a neuromuscular junction
04/28/24 page 7
Review Sheet Results
1. Describe the effect of increasing stimulus voltage on isolated skeletal muscle. Specifically, what happened to the muscle
force generated with stronger electrical stimulations and why did this change occur? How well did the results compare with
your prediction?
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3. What happened in the isolated skeletal muscle when the maximal voltage was applied?
You did not answer this question.
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