008 Chapter 3
008 Chapter 3
008 Chapter 3
3.L Introduction
Millions of people have been internally displaced as a result
of several reasons including forcible movements to unwelcoming
areas, civil wars in which villages have been demolished and
cultural harassment through government policies. However the
of states, since those persons who are not assisted and protected in
.lnternally displaced persons have been forced from their
homes by armed conflict or internal strife. they remain within the
internally displaced person. The recent trends has shown that the
incidences of the refugees has declined to great extend due to
and IDPs are identical, the study of problem and its solution can be
2 Armacost, Michael, from the Introduction of The Forsaken People, edited by Roberta
Cohen and Francis M.Deng, Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press, 1998.
3 Schmeidl, Susanne. Comparative trends in forced displacement: IDPs and refugees,
1964-96. In Internally Displaced People: A Global Survey. Norwegian Refugee
Council. London: Earthscan Publications t,td.
Until about twenty years ago, refugees and displaced persons
domestic country and shall be dealt with the national or local laws
4 An example of the fact that refugee concerns were not considered to be part of the
human rights realm is reflected in the very limited references to refugee law. United
Nations, United Nations Action in the field of Human Rights (1.994; Quoted from
Maria Stavropoulou Source: Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 3 [Aug., 1998), pp.
515-554 Published by,The fohns Hopkins University Press Stable URL:
http: / / www.jstor.org/stable / 7 627 7 B Accessed: 11- 12-2017
5 Once outside his or her country of origin, the refugee became largely an object of
charity, rather than a subject of legal rights, with the exception "non-refoulement,"
the normative quality of which was increasingly recognized. Quoted from Maria
Stavropoulou Source: Human Rights Quarterly, Yol.20, No.3 (Aug., 1998J, pp.515-
554 Published b].' The Johns Hopkins University Press Stable URL:
http / / www. j s to r. o rg/s t able / 7 627 7 8 Acces s ed : 1, 1, - 1,2 -2 0 17
6 See generally Maria Stavropoulou, The Right Not to Be Displaced, 9 AM. U.l. INT'L L. &
POL'Y 689,706-17 & nn.81-L33 (199+). See also various contributions in INT'L f.
REFUGEE L. [Special Issue 1990]
7 One exceptional example was that of the internally displaced in Cyprus. See S.C. Res.
68/361, adopted 30 Aug. 1974, U.N. SCOR, 179sth mtg., U.N. Doc. S/RES/68/361
does not become the international issue. When the citizen of one
country cross the bo"der of his own nation and entered into other, it
keeping force and also highlight the internal disturbance within the
On the other hand, the displacement of IDPs does not attract the
media attention, and most of the time it remain upto the local media
remain latent and does not surfaced. Therefore there appeared the
problem of their citizens, and that too, which has been created due
criterion. Thought it has been seen that the problem of refugee has
examine that what are the international efforts has been made, and
cognizance taken to highlight, address, and compel the state
mechanism to take note or the problem of internally displace person
law and action has been determined by international community.
Though the issue may be remained for the concern of the domestic
standards set up for the IDPs. Similarly, the researcher has also
pararnilitary forces, drug cartels and government forces. The
agcrrcres are often reluctant to interfere arrd risk the anger of the
host government, so the issue of protection may be ignored
altogether. Greater advocacy efforts are needed to stress that the
situation of IDPs is a legitimate concern to the international
community because of the universal human rights issues ihvolved.e
Thus, at the first stance, even today, the international community
has little scope, and locus standi to take direct attention of IDPs. No
globalized, and the cause behind this drift is not far to pursue. The
tolerate such internal displacement.e Thus, in maximum incidents,
they are unable to get protection from government as well their
human rigkts were violated. This has led tc' the international
communit5,', inter-governmental and non- governmental
i.e. persons who need to leave their homes for related motives as
refugees, but who never achieved to cross international borders, has
seek a safe haven, most often they are fleeing conflict, and have
9 Nair Promod, Towards A Regime For The Protection Of Internally Displaced Persons,
available at www.worldlii.org/int/journals/ISILYBIHRL/2001/l0.rtf access on
10 The mandate of the Representative of the Secretary- General on Internally Displaced
Persons, Mr. Francis Deng, and his work on behalf of the UN Commission on Human
Rights is an instance ofthe increasing international concern in this regard.
11 UNOCHA OCHA Message
international protection and assistance under the mandate of the
United Nations High Commissioner for: Refugees. Internally
displaced persons may sufier systematic violations 0f their human
system responsible for upholding the rights of IDPs may also be the
protocol that provide the machoism to deal with the refugee can be
based on ethnic and religious differences are on the rise since the
end of the Cold War. Programs for IDPs lack a framework for
assistance and protection comparable to those that exist for
refugees. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
deals with the emergency by assuming overall responsibility for the
the source of suffering and will not aid IDPs. The eye-opening events
are exhibited from the few part of the world, though not reported
13 Cohen, Roberta. The Displaced FallThrough World's Safety Net. The Christian Science
Monitor, Feb 6, L997. Quoted from, Judy A. Benjamin, The Gender Dimensions of
Internal Displacement: Concept Paper and Annotated Bibliography, Women's
Commission for Refugee Women and Children pp. 8-9
government for aiding the communal violence and taking bias
approach during. and after the Post-Godhara events, where
government authorities either become mute spectator or takeir
active role in aidirrg and abetting the communal violence. Till date
the matter is subjudice, but it has created tainted image of the
for security has been expected for displaced population, they are
acting as an agent against them. In such circumstances neither the
assistance reach to such group, nor have they left with any remedy.
The present Rohingya crises is burning example where they left the
In the case of IDPs, such ntechanisms do not yet exist. The
and rights they are entitled for, are having completely different
package and refugee, are different than citizen and most of the time,
generally does not extend them the right of citizenship.tz But this is
not the case with the IDPs. They are the citizen of the country and
in this regard. International laws concerning humanity provide
protection to displaced people. International law also provides edge
to the effects of armed struggle and to defend persons who are not
or are no longer contributing in the conflicts. At globe level various
treaties and conventions provides protection not only to the
any instrument keep any binding force which compel the country
where the problem exist to take action as per the mandate given by
take measure for and against their own citizen? And how far such
manJate will have binding force? In case of refugee, one can
understand that the human rights philosophy may work, but in case
. Remarkable, the efforts were taken in 1998 by the UN
General Assembly and the UN Ccmmission on Human Rights
international standards.
18 African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of lnternally Displaced
Persons in Africa, fKampala Convention). Adopted by the Special Summit of the Union
held in Kampala on 22 October 2009.
responsibilities can preeminent be protected. This may in many
cases found a task to legal practitioners, owing to the contradictory
necessities . of diverse laws, lack of access to inforrnation, and the
need for further exercise. Thus taking in to consideration the
parts of the world. Thus, the internal conflict of local people with
security concerns have ceased to exist in the affected area.le
Currently the United Nations Guiding Principles ,on Internal
people but to leave their honres and deprive them of the protection
to financial and sexual abuse. Such enslavement, in fit, decreases
basic rights.
23 The first RSG, Dr. Francis Deng, was appointed in 1992 with a mandate to compile
international standards composing the normative framework for addressing internal
displacement. The result was the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, which
were presented to the UN Commission or^ Human Rights in 1998. These principles
reflect and are consistent with international human rights law and international
humanitarian law and restate in greater detail guarantees relevant for the displaced
that are implicit in the more abstract prescriptions of these bodies of law.See, Walter
KAlin Representative of the UN Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally
Displaced Person, Protecting Internally Displaced Persons: A Manual for Law and
Policyrnakers October 2008 available to http://www.unhcr.org/50f955599.pdf
access on1,O/L2/2016
Additionally, it provides chance to share a few views on the notion
displaced people.
were state with the sincere efforts made in 1992, the United Nations
24 Human Rights in the Administration of f ustice: A Manual on Human Rights for Judges,
Prosecutors and Lawyers
Commission on Human Rights demanderi to Secretary General to
Basic human rights are those rights and freedoms that all people are
o Socio-economicrights
have by the fact of being human, and that are neither created nor
possess basic human rights independently of any Constitution by
reason of the basic fact that they are members of the human race."26
made applicable to the deal with the drastic situation of the IDPs.
case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict
with regards to the IDPs, as compare to refugee that they hardly fall
within the meaning of 'protected persons', they are allowed to basic
assurances as provided for individuals to be treated with humanity
in all circumstances.
transferred back to their tromes as soon as hostilities in the area in
question have ceased. The Occupying Power undertaking such
they have taken place. The Occupying Power shall not detain
provision. Again in case of Rohingya with respect to which the present political
scenario is become debatable. In both the case, this protocol can be taken into
29 Article 49 of the Geneva Convention IV prohibits displacement of civilians during
armed conflict
adequately provided with the basic supplies essential to its
to the rebels out of their own free will. Thirdly, the insurgents must
30 Article 70(L)
sick.3l It make some arrangement to provide better protection to
mechanism to their defense and help through displacement as well
a. General Principles
Principle 1- : Internally displaced persons shall enjoy, in
full equality, the same rights and freedoms under
international and domestic law as do other persons
This principle laid down the very basic ideology for no-
about the equal treatment clause, and clariff that the Internally
not follow the same the state is liable for the compensation to
displaced people. The national law including Indian Penal Code,
others. It means every state authority is duty bound to protect the
the principle of right to life and human dignity. The court advocates
7 Right to go abroad
2 Right to privacy
included new dirnensions from time to time have been
clause present in the Indian legal system. The problem lies for its
the displaced persons flee from their place and occupy any
the space under bridge, railway track, they are always get treatment
their status, and hardly recognized their rights for basic amenities.
The efforts of getting water and resources for this community
experience constrain from the authorities. There are hardly any
example which shows that the local authorities have welcome this
not affect the legal status of any authorities, groups
or persons involved
Include the right to life is the right to live with human dignity's Right
right. Facility and would like the opportunity to Due to the residence
and the right to settle in rural and urban poor is an illusion. Articles
authorities are bound to protect the rights to life and human dignity
of all. The administrative authority has not any exception under the
and held that, the Court is also bound to recognize the status of
35 Randhir Singh v. Union of India & Ors. [1982') 1 SCC 61.8,1982 AIR 879, 1982 SCR [3J
Principle 4 : l) These Principles shall be applied without
and other opinion etc. the special people like children, women and
state is bound to treat every individual equally. The state shall not
people. Thus, equality before law is adverse appeal from the State
equality before the law is an aspect of what Dicey calls the Rule OF
Law in England. It means that no man is above the law and that
every person whatever be his rank or condition is subject to the
jurisdiction of ordinary courts. Rule of law require that no person
36 http: / /www.legalservicesindia.com/article/article/reasonable-classification-under-
article- 14- 1 06 1 - 1.html access on 01, / 08 / 20L6
question will not arise for discrimination among internally
displaced people and cornmon people.
Art. 1.i does not mean that all laws must be common in
appeal and applicable to all or that every larv must have worldwide
Art 15 of the constitution provides
socially and educationally backward classes of citizens
The state must secure and provide equal protection to displaced and
common people. This article did not make any distinction between
through various conventions and treaties relating to internally
displaced people as well refugees are binding to the state.
37" Even thougii as one oi the directive principie of state policy, Ar-t.
ttr J
said in the Constituent Assembly that the intention was that the
executive and legislature should not only pay.lip service to these
power to make any law for the whole or any part of the Territory of
3B fagadish S. liaiashetti, The Status of International Law under the Constitution of India,
available ar https://www.legalindia.com/the-status-of-internatjona!-!ar.rr-under-the-
constitution-of-india/ access on 17 /051201G
the civilians involved or imperative military reasons
of distance; slum dwellers who were given identity cards and whose
have been improved and developed will not be removed unless the
slums, wherever situated, will not be removed until one month after
the end of the current monsoon season, that is, until October
uncensored, will not be removed until the same date viz. October 31,
every citizen has right to reside on the allotted land. Merely on the
39 Olga'l'ellis & Ors. vs. Bornbay 14unicipal Corporation & Ors. etc. 1986 AiR l-g$
prccticable extent, that proper accommodation is
.LC! J
These principles provides protection to internally displaced
to their lands.
in death. Threats and incitement to commit any of
the foregoing acts shali be prohibitetl. (2). Attacks
forced labour of children; and (c) Acts of violence
intended to spread terror among internally
displaced persons. Threats and inciteurent to
commit any of the foregoing acts shall be prohibited.
that compel compliance or punish non-compliance
with recruitment.are prohibited in all circumstances.
remains of those deceased, prevent their
. despoliation or mutilation, and facilitate the refurn
deceased relatives.
t- ., t*.
Principle 18 : 1. All internally displaced persons have
Water and food are basic need of every human being. Without
water and food individual will not suryive. Art 21, of the
40 Narmada Bachao Andoian vs Union Of India And Others, 2000 AIR 3751
.t .7.)
a ,' .i}
existence of people is only like as animal existence which
41 Francis Coralie Mullin, vs. The Administrator, Union Territory of Delhi and Ors., A!R
1981 SC 746
the poor."42 It is duty of state to provide suitable shelter
displaced persons.
them all documents necessary for the enjoyment and
| "it:
arbitrary and illegal appropriation, occupation or
Without property the human being will not srrryive. For the smoot}
human life every one need property. Our constitution protects the
properties safe and secure on their return to the place from where
4 -rn
economic activities; [c) The right to associate freely
and participate equally in communify- affairs; (dl
conditions permil
By the term "life" as here used something more in meant than mere
oute: would."aS Every human being has right to enjoy his life and
iiberry with utmost freedom which is guaranteed by the constitutian
of India. The interpretation of Art 21 make it clear that, neither any
damages or injuries of delays with the use of, any limb or ability of a
ii-'li I
rapid and unimpecied access to the internally
of the country. Such authorities shall endeavour to
facilitatg the reintegration of returned or resettled
All human beings are born with some fundamental and non-
alienahle rights like life, liberty and quest of joy. The status of these
' accepted rights can be found in tlte fact that tlese are vital for tleir
proper zurvival and no other right can be enjoyed without the
presence of right to iife and liberty.
it would lose all significance and meaning and t}e life itself would
not be worth living. That is why "libert5z" is called the very
quintessence of a civilized existence.
had been flee away from the Kashmir as militant had given them the
i a1-t
Consideration of the petitioners rights, therefore, would
basic human rights security of such persons and would
to the existing law and provisions and thus make the complete
standards for the Internally displaced population.
48 Unicn Cf india & Ors. vs Vijay Mam LPA No.332 o12011 [para 51j
or terrorist forces and in future they may prove threat
which is about to displace reposes faith in government
This not only helps.in orderly setting up developmental
IDP when relocated have certain necessities at individual/family
tbl Library
(0 Ration shops
(0 Irrigation system
0) Network connectivity
the municipal law and international law are most related with each
policy. Additionally one can say that, law is given by the common
people of that legal system to govern them. In this sense, States are
derives values from domestic law and vice-rrersa, and this relation
arbitration law and space laws. The relation between India and
international law can be analyzed in two main pafis relative with
Indian Constitution and the relation with other laws.
Constitution or an existing law, or a new law is obligatory to be
passed. 'fherefore, the Courts can take aid of the treaty principles
India was the distinet member of the League of Nations. It is also the
and aspects.
law. The Preamble, Part III and Part IV of the Constitution. The
rights in Part III and the positive directives to the State in form of
Directive Principles can be associated with the Universal
Arricle 51", which mandates the State to attempt to stimulate
international peace and security, to uphold good relatives with
study the reiation with international law. Clause {c) obliges India to
quite frustrating. One of the most significant and scathing lacunae
reach to IDP. This not only add to their suffering, but also make
them nowhere in this process due to lack of their identity and claim.
49 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a
United Nations programme with the mandate to protect refugees. forcibly displacea
communities and stateless peoDle, and assist in their vo!untary repatriation, locai
integraticn or resettlement to a third country
assisting millions of displaced population. UNHCR assist tDPs
either on a specific request made by the UN Secretary General
or wii-h . fhe consent of tle state concerned. 'Ihe mandate of the
been under discussion and in the year 2000 it reviewed and revised
its policy as regards the internally displaced persons. According to
50 ArL 9, Stahrte of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,
51 UN Doc EC/5A/SC/INF.2, 20 June 2AAO,p.Z,The Report of the Executive Committee oi
the High Commissioner's Programme, The UNHCR's involvement in a specific
operation requires: [iJ a request or authorization from the Secretary General or a
competent principal organ of UN;(ii) consent of the state concerned, and -'vhere
appllcable, other entities in a conflict; [iiiJ access to the affected papulation; [iv]
adequate security for staff of UNHCR and implementing partnersi (vj clear lines of
respcnsibility and accountability with the abilily to intervene directly ou prcrecti*n
mafter=; and [vii] adequate resources and capacif-v
UNICEF to reinforce existing gender-based 'riolence and child
protectiou referral mechanism
exact reference to this group may place the IDPs in more susceptible
are careful crucial for appiication of Common Article 3 to categorize
52 Agarwal, H.O, International Law and Human Rights, New Delhi, Central Law
Publication, 2005, p.110.
53 illapham, Andrew,, "Human rights obligations of non-state actors in confiict
siiuations', International Review of the Red Cross, Vol, BB No.863, September 2006,
1 cr8
informed and transparent process for land acquisition for
industrialisation, development of essential infrastructural facilities
land and other affected families and provide just and fair
compensation to the affected families whose land has been acquired
It has been enacted that the provision of the Act has been
Sector Undertakings and for public purpose, thus the rider has been
made clear that whenever the government has any plan to acquire
the land for its own use, hold and control for public purpose.
Further the list of the categories has been defined and specified u/s
2 of the Act. This further made clear that even the privet
entrepreneur can also acquire land with the consent of government.
Ttre act has aisc defined the basic noticns like 'aftectu*
famiiies', 'cost of cornpensation', authority', 'disDiaced iamiiv'
Other louding aspect of the act is that it has made it compulsory that
safeguard food security and the provision has been made in that
respecl Therefore the land acquisition has to be done by the expert
group and it must be exceptional process subject to several aspects
54 See, S. 4, 5 & 6 of the Land Acquisition, rehabilitaticn and resettiement Act, 2013.
55 S. 7 the Lanci Acquisition, rehahilitation and resettlement Act, ?il13.
Resettlement Scheme has to be made public in the affected areas, in
Hcwever, the result and outcome on the act has not yet been
visible in India. it has been blamed that the too much depends upon
the executive in this act and again more power has been given to the
3.13 Sum up
Taking in to consideration above all factors and circumstance
issue of IDPs has been on the agenda of various authorities, and due
?01 o0
movement like Narmada Bachao events which national population
the upsurge in the number of inside displaced persons all over the
There are a number of provisions in the Geneva Conventions,
or internal turbulences.
the accountability for IDP aid and defense is often vicarious to the
Sate governments.