7 - Flexible Fiori Workflow
7 - Flexible Fiori Workflow
7 - Flexible Fiori Workflow
1 Basics
Technique for approval process. Exists since 1610 and sine then this technique has improved and established into
many transactions/documents.
Purchasing is a risky process: High chance of frauds as the money is going out of the organization >> many
approval stages may be needed.
Approval can be done either with
Flexible Workflow or
Classic Release strategy without classification
Classic Release strategy with classification and release codes
Recommendation for conversion: Go-live with Release strategy and then switch to flexible WF in 2 nd phase.
Green field implementation: Flexible Fiori WF (since 1909).
2.1 PR
> Section “Flexible Workflow for Purchase REqs” in each Business object. See below
If PR has been approved and you want to take it to re-approval >> this is the set of fields, that needs to be
changed , so that PR goes to re-approval again. SS Proc is Self-service Purchase Req and Prf. Is Professional
Purchase Req.
“Activate Intelligent Approval of Purch Requisitions”: It uses the history data to provide the confidence rating so
that you can understand how many indepth checks you need to do to approve this PReq. Some Pres can be
approved without looking at them and the others require detailed verifications. To enable this config, you have to
connect to SAP Cloud platform system and purchase a separate app to enable this feature, then integrate with this
2.2 PO
Exactly same thing is available for Purchase orders
There’re not so many options in the restart conditions, but you can implement BADI to include more fields
Also for the “Conditional Restart”, you’ll need to implement BADI using this config (go to F1 for Config item to
get the BADI name):
3.3 Approvers
“Agent Determination by BAdI” will be used most.
However, other options that require Org structure could be selected, if your HR Org structure is defined. At least a
part time HR consultant is required.
3.5 Deadlines
to make the tasks overdue: in 6 hrs this step will be shown in My Inbox as OVERDUE step. However, as for now
this step will not be redirected to anybody else / other level
3.6 Exception handling
3.8 WF Modifications
If you open the WF you created, you can find the WS reference. If more conditions must be added / agents etc,
then you can customize it in the same way as Standard ABAP Workflow (T code SWDS ...)
3.9 Additional Resources
You can see "Net Value”. Now let’s check Approval Details
4.2 My Inbox
You can see header and item details and can easily navigate between items. When clicking on PO, you can also
navigate to PO.
Show log (will display WF chart with steps),
Claim/Release >> when multiple approvers are assigned. Then the guy can claim or reserve it for the
period, they’re working on this PO. Other approvers won’t be able to release this object while someone
else is working on it.
Forward >> Forward. You’ll be able to forward to other recipients.
Suspend >> Put on Hold. E.g. until 30th of February this task will disappear from “My Inbox” and then
reappear again after 30th.
For some reason, I cannot see the box for entering a “decision note” >> see below. Not sure, how I can submit a
rejection/approval comment to the requestor.
After implementation of this note, I was able to see the comment field: 3331780 - "Decision note" text field for a task action
is missing in My Inbox - SAP for Me
5 Email Notifications
Possible to send an email notification since 1909 and also configure notification templates.
Available Fiori apps are
You can add some more fields from WF to this template. Available fields are in “Show Data fields”
How will receive this email? This depends on the WF settings. Can be one or multiple persons. It’s important that
users are provided with correct email IDs. Also Basis team must check and configure email triggers.
Where’s the email should be maintained??
In S4H user ID is now linked with Business Partner. The recommendation is to maintain email address in
both places: SU01 and PA30 (info type 0105 – stype 010)
This email will be copied into t code BP. E.g. Infotype 0105 / Sty 0001 is a UserID.
Once this email is triggered, you’ll be able to see it in SOST or a fiori app “Display Email Transmissions”.
If you want to get more details into the template >> not from the WF, but from the transactional object >> then
you have to customize it and read the data from the WF container and create your own template (ABAP
Can approval be done directly throught the email? Not, only link to “My Inbox” is provided.
You can cancel, restart the workflow. You can forward the work item to another user.
Select work item and go to Work item Log. Here you can see all the steps associated with the WF.