Breast Disease Management
Breast Disease Management
Breast Disease Management
Breast Disease
Published and forthcoming Oxford Care Manuals
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Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly: A Practical Manual
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Motor Neuron Disease: A Practical Manual
Kevin Talbot, Martin R. Turner, Rachael Marsden, and Rachel Botell
Breast Disease Management: A Multidisciplinary Manual
James Harvey, Sue Down, Rachel Bright-Thomas, John Winstanley, and
Hugh Bishop
Breast Disease
A Multidisciplinary Manual
James Harvey
Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon,
Nightingale Centre, UHSM, Manchester, UK
Sue Down
Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, James Paget
Hospital, UK; Hon. Senior Lecturer, University of East
Anglia, UK
Rachel Bright-Thomas
Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
Worcestershire Royal Hospital, UK
John Winstanley
Emeritus Consultant Surgeon, Royal Bolton Hospital,
UK; Hon. Consultant Surgeon, Royal Liverpool and
Broadgreen University Hospital, UK; Hon. Research
Fellow, Biological Sciences, Liverpool University, UK
Hugh Bishop
Emeritus Consultant Surgeon, Royal Bolton Hospital,
Bolton, UK
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United Kingdom
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The past decade has seen some major advances in the management of
breast disease. Better imaging and diagnostics, improved surgical and radi-
otherapy techniques together with more targeted drug therapies should
lead to increased patient benefit. Good cooperation and communication
within and between increasingly large multi-disciplinary teams is vital, as
are management processes and systems that ensure the delivery of this
improved care.
This is not always easy to achieve and can be a source of frustration to
healthcare professionals and patients alike leading to sub-optimal care,
complaints and litigation. Patients with benign breast disease, whilst spared
the trauma provoked by a life-threatening diagnosis, nevertheless have
problems that can be deeply distressing, embarrassing or painful. Some
have signs and symptoms that create huge anxiety and considerable fears
of a cancer diagnosis. Other patients may feel very well, will have no mani-
fest breast lump or abnormalities, but may receive a sinister diagnosis
following routine mammographic screening.
Whatever the aetiology and eventual diagnosis all patients need to be
treated respectfully and sensitively by a multidisciplinary team contributing
to management decisions from their own areas of expertise. This is only
achievable with good teamwork, management experience and awareness
of the important contributions that relevant disciplines might make to
optimal decision-making.
The authors of this handbook have written a useful, pragmatic and
broad introduction to the management of breast disease, taking account
of some of the problems just mentioned and offering sensible, practical
suggestions. The factual content is refreshingly succinct, with an occasional
scintilla of humour and plenty of appropriate compassion. As such it avoids
the rather prosaic, cold, and abstract feel of many such introductory man-
uals where one might just as well be reading about the maintenance of a
piece of malfunctioning machinery rather than disease in a sensate being.
This text will be invaluable to anyone needing to acquire an overview
or to begin work in this challenging but immensely rewarding clinical field.
Professor Lesley Fallowfield
Sussex Health Outcomes Research & Education in Cancer (SHORE-C),
Brighton & Sussex Medical School
University of Sussex, Falmer, UK
August 2013
Index 245
Symbols and
° degree
£ pound sterling
& and
% per cent
> greater than
< less than
= equal to
± with or without
7 approximately
π pi
™ trademark
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme
ADH atypical ductal hyperplasia
ADRC adipose-derived regenerative cell
A&E Accident and Emergency
AI aromatase inhibitor
AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer
ALH atypical lobular hyperplasia
ANC axillary node clearance
ANDI aberrations of normal development and involution
BCN breast care nurse
BCS breast-conserving surgery
BMI body mass index
CC cranio-caudal
cm centimetre
CT Core Trainee
CVA cerebrovascular accident
CXR chest X-ray
DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ
DEXA dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
DIEP deep inferior epigastric perforators
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DVT deep vein thrombosis
EBCTCG Early Breast Cancer Trials Collaborative Group
ECG electrocardiogram
e.g. exempli gratia (for example)
EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
ER (o)estrogen receptor
ERP Enhanced Recovery Programme
FBC full blood count
FISH fluorescent in situ hybridization
FNA fine-needle aspiration
FNAC fine-needle aspiration cytology
FRCS Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FY Foundation Year
g gram
GI gastrointestinal
GP general practitioner
GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone
G&S group and save
Gy gray
h hour
hCG human chorionic gonadotropin
HRT hormone replacement therapy
i.e. id est (that is)
IHC immunohistochemistry
IMF inframammary fold
IT information technology
IUCD intrauterine contraceptive device
IV intravenous
kg kilogram
LCIS lobular carcinoma in situ
LD latissimus dorsi
LH luteinizing hormone
LIN lobular intraepithelial neoplasia
LREC local research ethics committee
LVF left ventricular function
m metre
MDM multidisciplinary meeting
MDT multidisciplinary team
mg milligram
mGy milligray
mL millilitre
MLO mediolateral oblique
mm millimetre
MREC multicentre research ethics committee
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MUGA multigated acquisition (scan)
NAC nipple-areola
NHS National Health Service
NHSBSP National Health Service Breast Screening Programme
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NMBRA National Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Audit
NPI Nottingham Prognostic Index
NST no special type
OBCS oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery
OCP oral contraceptive pill
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PE pulmonary embolism
PRN pro re nata (as needed)
QA quality assurance
RCT randomized controlled trial
ROLL radioguided occult lesion localization
RR relative risk
RT-PCR reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
SIEP superficial inferior epigastric perforators
SIGN Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
SLN sentinel lymph node
SLNB sentinel lymph node biopsy
ST Specialty Trainee
TB tuberculosis
TDLU terminal duct lobular unit
TED thromboembolism deterrent
TNM tumour, node, metastasis
TRAM transverse rectus abdominis muscle
U&E urea and electrolytes
UK United Kingdom
U/S ultrasound
US United States
vs versus
WBRT whole breast radiotherapy
WHO World Health Organization
WLE wide local excision
Chapter 1 1
How to survive
outpatient clinics
in breast disease
Overview 2
Referral 3
The symptomatic breast clinic 4
Follow-up after breast cancer 6
2 CHAPTER 1 How to survive outpatient clinics
Welcome to breast disease, one of the most fascinating areas of clinical
medicine. To flourish in breast disease, it is vital to appreciate that it is a
high-volume specialty. Unless you remain disciplined, your patients will
suffer as a result of your inability to make a decision. Indecisiveness results
in patients drifting into ‘follow-up’ clinics, often with disastrous results.
Success in breast disease depends on the successful working of a cohe-
sive multidisciplinary team. This chapter looks at the patient’s journey and
where there is a potential danger to your patient.
It is normal to be worried, even frightened, by discovering a potential
breast lump. Women naturally want the problem sorted and quickly. GPs
are realistic and accept that, at the present time, a well-organized symp-
tomatic breast clinic is the most efficient way to see, diagnose, and, more
often than not, reassure and discharge the patient (hence, the huge num-
ber of referrals).
In addition, clinicians should be realistic. There is a political dimen-
sion to breast disease. All women have two breasts and one vote. This is
reflected in the concern politicians demonstrate for breast cancer. There
is a Breast Cancer Committee of the House of Commons. The Breast
Cancer charities make a considerable contribution in terms of education,
funding research as well as lobbying.
Breast clinicians wish to see and reassure patients as quickly as possible.
To do this, it is not enough to examine a patient; breast patients require
imaging. The problem arises because of insufficient numbers of breast radi-
ologists. Not having a breast radiologist in the symptomatic clinic means
patients may have to return two, or even three, times, which is upsetting
to the patient as well as expensive and inefficient.
The referral letter
Beware that vital information on prescribed drugs or relevant history is
often missing.
4 CHAPTER 1 How to survive outpatient clinics
a follow-up U/S, so arrange the appointment for when the patient, clini-
cian, and radiologist are all present.
The distinguished psycho-oncologist Lesley Fallowfield has published
evidence to suggest it is good practice for a patient without breast cancer
to be seen, processed, and discharged in one session.
The same is not true of a woman who does have breast cancer and
who will need adaptation time. The latter patient needs to leave the clinic
with a time and date for her next appointment, together with the contact
number for the breast care nurse. It is good practice for the clinician(s)
and breast radiologist to go through the clinic list at the end of the clinic
to ensure no obvious errors of omission have taken place.
Core biopsy
U/S-guided core biopsy is now the needling procedure of choice.
Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has effectively been abandoned
for breast lesions and is best reserved for axillary node assessment.
The diagnostic multidisciplinary meeting (MDM)
All patients who have had a needling procedure require discussion at
an MDM. The diagnostic MDM should recommend the range of surgical
options that the patient can be offered. Patients should understand that a
multidisciplinary discussion of their problem is required before an opinion
can be given. It is poor practice to see a patient after a triple assessment if
they have not been discussed in an MDM.
Post-MDM appointment
The breast care nurse should always be present when a patient receives
the diagnosis of breast cancer. The patient needs time to come to terms
with her options, particularly reconstructive options, and frequently needs
more than one appointment before a decision is agreed.
Post-operative MDM
There is no point in discussing the patient, unless you have all the results.
Patients must be alerted to this. The multidisciplinary team (MDT) should
agree the adjuvant therapy programme to be offered. In addition, the
follow-up schedule and mammographic surveillance programme must be
agreed and documented. The intensity of follow-up will reflect the indi-
vidual’s inherent prognosis.
The post-operative consultation
Try to be truthful. Oncologists complain bitterly that, too often, surgeons
avoid spelling out the true prognosis or need for treatment. The result is
that the patient feels quite optimistic until the oncologist dashes this rosy
outlook. The effect is to damage the oncologist/patient relationship and is
devastating to the patient.
If necessary, make a list of the points you wish to convey, and remember
to ensure the breast care nurse is with you.
6 CHAPTER 1 How to survive outpatient clinics
History 8
Organization of breast screening 10
Audit and quality control 12
The screening process 14
Controversies in breast screening 16
Future developments 17
Further reading 18
The decision to fund an NHSBSP was taken following a report by
Professor Sir Patrick Forrest and is known as the Forrest Report. Forrest
reviewed all the evidence at that time, 1986, and concluded that mam-
mographic screening had the potential to reduce mortality from breast
cancer in the UK population. The greatest benefit was in older women.
It was not considered that younger women would derive any benefit. For
this reason, the NHSBSP set out to screen all women who were aged
between 50 and 65.
Principles of screening
The general principles of screening for any disease are that:
• The disease screened for represents an important health problem.
• It has a well-understood natural history.
• It has a recognizable early stage.
• There is a benefit from early treatment.
• There is a suitable test.
• It is acceptable to the population.
• There are adequate facilities to diagnose and treat the condition.
• Screening can be done at intervals to match the natural history.
• There is less harm than benefit.
Two measures are considered in this, which apply to any test—these are
the sensitivity and the specificity.
The sensitivity of a test is a measure of its ability to identify true posi-
tive cases. The specificity is the ability to identify true negative cases (see
Table 2.1).
Sensitivity = a/a + b
Specificity = d/c + d
Expressed as percentages, an ideal test has a high percentage for both sen-
sitivity and specificity. In breast cancer terms, the purpose of the screening
programme is not to diagnose cancers but to reduce mortality from breast
cancer in the population.
At the present time, the screening programme screens 1.88 million
women a year and diagnoses 14,725 breast cancers per year (2010–11)
(see Further reading).
This work is carried out by:
• 80 breast screening units.
• Cost—£96 million/year.
• 73.4% of those invited for screening attend for their screen.
• 79.5% invasive cancers vs 20.5% DCIS.
• Rate of recall for further assessment—40 per 1,000 women screened.
• Rate of biopsy of the breast following further assessment—17 per
1,000 women screened.
• Rate of cancer detection is 7.8 cases per 1,000 women screened.
Initial mammogram
Abnormal—back to
Normal l discharge screening recall for
further assessment
views and U/S
Normal l discharge management as
determined by MDM
Fig. 2.2 Flow of patients through the breast screening process to diagnosis.
the QA process that units have a regular meeting to discuss the results of
patients who are of concern. This usually comprises:
• Patients who have undergone biopsy.
• Patients whose mammograms require group discussion.
This meeting allows a group decision on how best to manage the prob-
lem identified. This usually results in a consistent standard of treatment
and avoids patients being subjected to idiosyncratic variability. As part of
the QA process, a representative of the QA usually attends one meet-
ing, unannounced, to write a report on the conduct of the meeting. As
with other MDT meetings, the proceedings must be recorded and a
register kept.
Future developments
• Digital mammographic screening for all screening units.
• An age extension trial is currently underway of women aged 47–50
and 70–73 to determine whether screening is of benefit.
• Developing an audit of screen-detected non-invasive breast cancer.
This audit, called the Sloane Project, is now complete (see Further
reading), and over 11,000 women have been enrolled (November
2012). This is the largest prospective audit of non-invasive
screen-detected breast cancer to date.
Further reading
Further information on breast screening, including statistical data, can be found at: M http://www.
Independent review on breast cancer screening. Available at: M
Sloane project. Available at: M
Chapter 3 19
Multidisciplinary working
Overview 20
The multidisciplinary team (MDT) 22
Team communication 24
Conclusion 24
20 CHAPTER 3 Multidisciplinary working
Patients with breast symptoms are managed by a multidisciplinary team
for their diagnosis and at all stages of their treatment. This implies mutual
respect for the various disciplines involved in the process.
22 CHAPTER 3 Multidisciplinary working
Team communication
It is vital that team members, particularly those involved in clinical deci-
sions, make their opinions clear to their colleagues. Many clinical problems
arise because of a breakdown in this aspect of multidisciplinary working.
Those examining patients need to make their opinion clear about whether
lesions are sinister or not and if further imaging is needed should the
mammogram appear normal. Similarly, radiologists and pathologists need
to give a clear indication of their views on the nature of a lesion so that all
those involved have clear opinions to base their decisions on.
Multidisciplinary working is now established as an important component
of managing patients with breast problems. A functional MDT will have
patients who feel that their management is in safe hands, receiving consist-
ent explanations of their treatment, and the sense that the team knows
what is going on. This can only be achieved if everyone works as a team
member and not as an individual. Finally, good multidisciplinary working
results in fewer mistakes.
Chapter 4 25
The breast 26
The axilla 32
26 CHAPTER 4 Anatomy and physiology
The breast
Embryology and developmental variants
Breasts are modified sweat glands, developing from ventral mammary
ridges (the milk line) that run from the axilla to the inguinal region. Two
common problems are (see Chapter 7):
• Accessory nipples and breasts: remnants of the embryonic tissue can
remain anywhere along the milk line and be seen in adulthood as
accessory breasts (usually as a bulge in the axilla) or as nipples just
below the normal breast.
• Poland’s syndrome: covers a wide variety of developmental failures
of the chest wall and breasts, ranging from mild hypoplasia and
asymmetry of the breast to complete absence of the breast and
pectoral muscles with deformities of the rib cage and upper limb.
The huge variation in shape and size of the breast is related to the deposi-
tion of fat and stroma, but the anatomical landmarks are constant despite
the variation in size and shape of the breast.
Breasts are never completely symmetrical. The left breast is commonly
larger and more ptotic by a centimetre or two. The lack of symmetry can
be highlighted by chest wall asymmetry. In general, breasts share these
common features (see Figs 4.1 and 4.2):
• Modified sweat gland, comma-shaped with the tail extending towards
the axilla.
• The breast base lies on pectoralis major, serratus anterior, rectus
• Overlies 2nd–6th ribs.
• Enveloped by the superficial fascia (Scarpas).
• Fibrous suspensory ligaments run through the breast, connecting skin
to the deep layer of the superficial fascia (Cooper’s ligaments).
• Rich lymphatic plexus (deep and superficial).
• Preferential lymphatic drainage toward the axilla (80%).
The adult female breast comprises both fatty and glandular tissue (see
Fig. 4.3).
• Lobes 15–20. Each lobe is made up of many lobules, at the end of
which are tiny bulb-like glands where milk is produced in response to
hormonal signals—the terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU).
• The male breast does not contain TDLU. The TDLU are the functional
part of the breast, and this is where most benign and malignant
pathology arises.
• Duct system. The ducts connect the lobes to the lactiferous sinuses
beneath the areola and 15–20 ducts ending on the nipple where the
epithelium of the duct changes to squamous epithelium.
• Nipple-areola complex (NAC): The nipple and areola contain smooth
muscle and modified sebaceous glands.
Terminal duct
Segmental duct
Major duct
(Lactiferous duct)
Pectoralis major
Fig. 4.1 Cross-section of the female breast. Reproduced with permission from
'Training in Surgery : The essential curriculum for the MRCS', edited by Matthew
Gardiner, Neil Borley, copyright 2009 Oxford University Press.
28 CHAPTER 4 Anatomy and physiology
Second internal
mammary perforator
Internal mammary
External perforator
mammary artery
Anterolateral Anteromedial
intercostal perforator intercostal perforator
Fig. 4.2 Surface anatomy and blood supply of the breast. The breast overlies
the 2nd–6th ribs, pectoralis major superiorly, and serratus anterior inferiorly. The
blood supply is from branches of the lateral thoracic (external mammary), internal
thoracic, and intercostal perforator arteries.
Terminal Terminal duct
lobular unit
breast duct
Fig. 4.3 Structure of breast tissue. The terminal duct lobular units are glands that
open into the ducts of the breast, running towards the nipple. The ducts open into
lactiferous sinuses behind the nipple before exiting via 15–20 ducts onto the nipple
30 CHAPTER 4 Anatomy and physiology
Thoracodorsal Internal
artery mammary
External mammary
Anterolateral intercostal
intercostal perforator
Fig. 4.4 Frontal view (A) and transverse view (B) of the right breast from
below, demonstrating the blood supply of the breast. The breast is supplied by
(A) branches of the subclavian and axillary arteries and (B) by perforating arteries
from the intercostal vessels.
Intercostobrachial nerve
Cervical plexus
3 Anteromedial
Anterolateral 4 intercostal
intercostal 5 nerves
nerves 6
Fig. 4.5 Nerve supply of the breast. Primarily, branches of the intercostal nerves
supply the breast; some additional sensation is supplied via the lower branches of
the cervical plexus.
lymph nodes
nodes near
ribs and
Fig. 4.6 Lymphatic drainage of the breast. The majority of the breast drains via
the subareolar plexus to the axillary nodes. Medial areas can preferentially drain to
the internal mammary chain.
32 CHAPTER 4 Anatomy and physiology
The axilla
Is a pyramidal shape, with the base being formed by the hair-bearing area
of axilla. The nodes often lie much deeper in the axilla than is commonly
Axillary nodes lie in five distinct anatomical groups within the axil-
lary fat/space: anterior (pectoral) apical, central, lateral, and posterior
From the surgical or functional perspective, these anatomically separate
groups are described as lying in levels 1–3 (see Fig. 4.7). These levels run
caudal to cranial, defined by the lateral border of pectoralis minor.
• Level 1: lateral to pectoralis minor.
• Level 2: deep to pectoralis minor.
• Level 3: medial to pectoralis minor.
The number of axillary nodes is variable, depending on body habitus. The
central, anterior, and posterior groups account for the vast majority of
nodes. As the level of dissection increases, the number of nodes harvested
decreases: level 1 may contain approximately 10–15 nodes, with only 3 or
4 found in level 3.
It is worth noting that the number of nodes removed at surgery may
not be reflected in pathology reports. The pathology node count depends
on both the surgeon’s ability in dissecting the axilla meticulously and the
pathologist’s ability to dissect out the nodes within the specimen.
The sentinel lymph node (SLN)
The sentinel lymph node (SLN) is the node to which tumour cells from
a primary cancer first drain. Consequently, the SLN is not an anatomical
entity. The SLN for breast lymphatic drainage tends to (80%) lie in the
lower axilla below the level of the intercostobrachial nerve. However, it
can be found almost anywhere: the lateral chest wall, internal mammary
chain, intra-mammary tissue, or sub-pectoral space.
The axillary SLN(s) is often termed a first-level, first-order, or
first-echelon node. The term 'first level' is best avoided, as it does
not relate to the anatomical/surgical term level I and is confusing. The
second-order or echelon nodes receive their breast lymphatic drainage
from the first-order nodes so they do not receive direct lymphatic drain-
age from the cancer. However, there is variability in axillary drainage pat-
terns, especially in the presence of malignant disease, which may obstruct
lymphatic channels and alter flow patterns. If the first-echelon SLN(s) is
obstructed with tumour, the lymphatic flow from the breast may then
drain towards the second-echelon nodes and, as such, appear to ‘skip’ the
cancerous first-echelon or true SLN(s). The second-echelon nodes, which
may be cancer-free, are then mistaken for the true SLN. This may result in
a falsely negative axillary staging.
In malignant disease, the sentinel lymph node has been shown to accu-
rately predict the nodal status of the rest of the nodal basin. For example,
if the axillary SLN is cancer-free, the rest of the axillary nodes will be
cancer-free. If the SLN contains cancer, there is a 50% likelihood of further
cancer in other axillary nodes.
Pectoralis minor
III mammary
II modes
Fig. 4.7 Levels of the axillary lymph nodes. Axillary lymph nodes lie lateral to
pectoralis minor (level I), deep to the muscle belly (level II), or medial to the
muscle (level III). Reproduced with permission from Chaudry MA and Winslet MC,
'The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Surgical Oncology', copyright 2009, Oxford
University Press.
Chapter 5 35
Breast cancer—facts
and figures
Epidemiology 36
Risk factors for developing breast cancer 38
Communicating risk 40
Further reading 40
36 CHAPTER 5 Breast cancer—facts and figures
Incidence and geographic variation
According to the WHO, more than 1.2 million women worldwide are
diagnosed with breast cancer each year, making it responsible for 22%
of female cancers and 10% of all cancers. Incidence rates are greatest
in the developed world but vary, even within Europe (see Fig. 5.1).
Interestingly, migrants acquire the risk of their host country within two
In Britain, the incidence of breast cancer has increased by 46% over
the last 20 years. This is mirrored by a similar rise internationally (0.5%
annually), but it is rising particularly fast in China and Eastern Asia (3–4%
annually) where, historically, the incidence has been low. If non-melanoma
skin cancer is excluded, breast cancer is now the most common cancer
diagnosed in the UK (over 40,000 new cases in 2000), with over 100 new
diagnoses each day.
Given the high incidence and good survival, the prevalence is high, with
over 172,000 women in the UK having had a diagnosis of breast cancer.
France (Metropolitan)
The Netherlands
Czech Republic
0 30 60 90 120 150
Rate per 100,000
Fig. 5.1 European age-standardized incidence rates of breast cancer. Figure
courtesy of Cancer Research UK EU 27 countries, 2008. Accessed Sept
2012. M
Survival is intimately linked to stage at diagnosis, but overall breast
cancer-specific survival rates have steadily improved over the last 30 years
(see Fig. 5.2).
• The 5-year survival rate for all women diagnosed with breast cancer in
England and Wales is now >77%.
• Considering only screen-detected breast cancers, this rises to >95%
because screen-detected cancers have a better survival outcome
than symptomatic cancers, even when adjusted for tumour stage
(see Further reading).
These good survival figures are likely to be due to a combination of
factors, including uptake of breast screening, increasing specialization of
care, and the use of tamoxifen and chemotherapy.
Survival is also affected by socio-economic status, with a statistically
significant deprivation gap of >5% in 5-year survival between the top and
bottom groups. This appears to be due to greater co-morbidity in socially
deprived individuals rather than a difference in the standard of care.
Relative Survival
1971– 1976– 1981– 1986– 1991– 1996– 2001– 2007**
1975* 1980* 1985* 1990 1995 2000 2003
Fig. 5.2 Age-standardized 10-year relative survival rates, females, England and
Wales 1971–1995 and predicted 2007, England 1996–2003. Figure courtesy of
Cancer Research. Accessed Sept 2012. M
38 CHAPTER 5 Breast cancer—facts and figures
6,000 400
Rate per 100,000
4,500 300
3,000 200
1,500 100
0 0
0 to 04
05 to 09
10 to 14
15 to 19
20 to 24
25 to 29
30 to 34
35 to 39
40 to 44
45 to 49
50 to 54
55 to 59
60 to 64
65 to 69
70 to 74
75 to 79
80 to 84
Age at Diagnosis
Fig. 5.3 Average number of new cases per year and age-specific incidence
rates in females in the UK, 2008–2010. Figure courtesy of Cancer Research UK.
Accessed Sept 2012. M
Breast factors
• Mammographic density. Denser breasts are associated with an
increased risk of breast cancer (2–6-fold) and are harder to screen
• Benign breast change. Some benign breast conditions are associated
with an increased risk of subsequent breast cancer (see Table 5.1).
• Previous ionizing radiation to the chest. Clinically important in women
previously treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma with mantle irradiation.
One in 3 to 1 in 7 will later develop a breast cancer.
Communicating risk
Risks are not additive. The single greatest risk factor is predominant; this
is frequently family history.
It is also often important for women to know that the baseline risk of
10–12% is for women who live to be 85 years old, and, actually, the risk
of a women aged 30–50 years is only 1 in 1,000/year, which equates to a
2% aggregate risk. Even doubling this with various inherited or acquired
risk factors still gives an absolute risk in this age group of only 4%, which is
much less than many women realize.
Risk assessment and management for higher risk women are discussed
in Chapter 24.
Further reading
Nagtegaal I, Allgood P, Duffy S, et al. (2011). Prognosis and pathology of screen-detected carcino-
mas: how different are they? Cancer 117, 1360–8.
Beral Y; Million Women Study Collaborators (2003). Breast cancer and hormone-replacement
therapy in the Million Women Study. Lancet 362, 419–27.
Beral V, Bull D, Reeves G; Million Women Study Collaborators (2005). Endometrial cancer and
hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women study. Lancet 365, 1543–51.
Sweetland S, Beral V, Balkwill A, et al. (2012). Venous thromboembolism risk in relation to use
of different types of post-menopausal hormone therapy in a large prospective study. J Thromb
Haemost [Epub ahead of print].
The NHS Breast Screening Programme. Available at: M
NICE guidance. Available at: M
Familial breast cancer guidance. Available at: M
The Association of Breast Surgery. Available at: M
Chapter 6 41
Breast assessment:
making the diagnosis
Breast clinics 42
Targets and quality assurance 43
Primary care referrals 44
Triple assessment 46
Clinical assessment 48
Breast imaging 50
Pathology 54
Miscellaneous investigations 56
Further reading 56
42 CHAPTER 6 Breast assessment: making the diagnosis
Breast clinics
Patients referred to a breast clinic should have their clinical and imag-
ing investigations performed in one visit. This allows the vast majority of
symptomatic referrals to be clinically assessed, imaged, reassured, and dis-
charged in one visit. Patients requiring a core biopsy will need a return
clinic visit, at which the breast care nurse can, if necessary, be scheduled
to be present. Patients having a core biopsy should be advised that their
triple assessment results will be discussed in an MDM prior to their next
visit. In order to improve the experience for patients, many units have set
up clinics for specific issues:
• Young women clinics (<35 years) where there is a low risk of cancer.
These clinics will invariably need U/S support.
• Breast pain clinics, focusing on education and coping strategies.
• Family history/high risk clinics centred on risk assessment, genetic
counselling, and, occasionally, genetic analysis.
• In addition, most units allow rapid access appointments for women
with recurrent problems (e.g. breast cysts and breast abscesses). These
appointments are generally accessed through the breast care nurse.
Triple assessment
This consists of:
• Clinical history and examination of the breast.
• Breast imaging.
• Pathological assessment of a biopsy.
Tips for the trainee
Triple assessment is the mainstay of breast assessment, minimizing the
chance of missing a breast cancer and allowing treatment planning for
those cancers that are identified. Each unit will have its own protocols
for breast triple assessment; ask if these are available, and, at your first
clinic, ask if you can sit in and watch someone senior do the first few
Try to follow a patient through the whole process of triple assessment
in order to see it from the patient’s perspective; see the rest of the unit,
and introduce yourself to the whole team.
Clinical assessment
• Introduce yourself; explain your status; make the patient feel at ease.
• Right at the beginning, explain that their case will be discussed with a
senior doctor and they may be reviewed by that doctor.
• Sit down at the patient’s level; make eye contact.
• Take a history with the patient clothed or appropriately covered.
• Do so in a calm and confident manner.
• If a patient requests a female or a male doctor, try to accommodate
this without feeling offended.
The history
This needs to cover the presenting complaint and risk factors for breast
cancer (see Chapter 24) or breast sepsis, along with general health issues
that may affect treatment of the underlying problem.
• Age.
• Lump: size, shape, when it appeared, how it was noted, any change.
• Nipple discharge: unilateral/bilateral, single duct/multiduct,
spontaneous or on stimulation, colour (watery, yellow, green, brown,
purulent, bloodstained, blood), pregnancy/breastfeeding.
• Pain: onset, site, severity, relieving and exacerbating factors, cyclical/not.
• Relationship of symptoms to the menstrual cycle: regularity of menses
and any oral contraceptive pill (OCP) or HRT taken, intrauterine
contraceptive device (IUCD) in situ.
• Previous breast cancer, visits to breast clinic, or breast surgery.
• Previous breast imaging: location, dates, and results.
• Risk factors for breast cancer (see Chapter 24): family history, alcohol,
• Hormonal history: menarche, children, breastfeeding, menopause,
HRT/hormonal contraception.
• General health and co-morbidities; smoking is important in breast
sepsis (see Chapter 7).
The examination
• Always have a chaperone, regardless of your gender.
• The room and your hands must be warm.
• Explain what you are going to do and why (verbal consent).
• Examine in a consistent manner. There are many breast examination
techniques. Develop your own after seeing a few.
• Ask the patient to sit on the side of the couch, facing you, and expose
their whole torso, displacing hair or jewellery.
• Ask her to point to the area she is concerned about: the patient’s use
of hand and fingers will give you a clue as to whether it is a focal or
generalized problem. It is not uncommon for patients to admit that
they are no longer able to identify it.
Note: a lump is different to each patient. Any asymmetrical area should
be taken seriously and should be imaged; the overlying tissue may mask a
small lump deep within a dense breast, and lobular cancers can often feel
diffuse. Younger, more glandular breasts generally feel more ‘nodular’ than
older atrophic breasts, which contain a higher percentage of fat. Almost
Breast imaging
The majority of women attending a diagnostic breast clinic will be offered
at least one imaging modality, as clinical examination is a poor discrimina-
tor of breast pathology, especially in the dense premenopausal breast.
Mammography and U/S are the mainstays of imaging, but the use of mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) and other imaging modalities is increasing.
Results are scored as outlined previously, using M for mammography and
U for U/S scores. Increasingly, both mammography and U/S are used in
conjunction, as a proportion of cancers not visible on mammograms will
be visible on U/S. If a patient has a clinical lump or asymmetric finding, but
a normal mammogram, it is wise to do an U/S as well. It is unlikely that a
cancer will be missed with this approach.
Check local protocols, which may vary, particularly over age, but consider
the following:
• All women >40 years with any symptom, other than pain alone, are
offered bilateral mammography to screen both breasts, ideally with
targeted U/S (focused on the symptomatic area).
• Women <40 years with the same indications are offered just
targeted U/S.
Request forms must state relevant history, side and site of lesion, and clini-
cal impression, with a diagram.
This is the gold standard of breast imaging due to its relatively high sensi-
tivity (95% for symptomatic cancers) and specificity compared to clinical
examination or U/S. Two views are normally taken, mediolateral oblique
(MLO) and cranio-caudal (CC). The total radiation dose is approximately
1mGy (see Fig. 6.1).
• ‘Screening’ of patients attending the breast clinic with a variety of
symptoms as outlined (to identify micro-calcifications and small occult
• Mandatory prior to conservative breast surgery to exclude a second
clinically occult cancer in either breast.
• To accurately localize a small or impalpable cancer for excision.
• Requires breast compression between two plates, which can be
• Less sensitive in women under age of 40 due to increased background
breast density.
Ultrasound (U/S)
High-frequency sound waves are directed through the breast, and reflec-
tions from different tissue components are detected and turned into
images (see Fig. 6.2). The specificity of distinguishing a cyst from a solid
lesion is almost 100%, and an experienced operator can be both sensitive
and specific.
• Useful for all palpable lumps and usually the sole imaging technique for
women less than 40 years.
• Forms part of the preoperative assessment of the axilla in ladies with
breast cancer (any abnormal nodes have FNA or core under U/S
• No radiation.
• Not uncomfortable.
• Allows accurate sizing of lesions (at first visit and after neoadjuvant
chemotherapy or hormonal therapy; see Chapter 13).
• Can distinguish discrete lumps from areas of nodularity in
young women.
• The majority of core biopsies are performed under U/S guidance.
If a breast cancer is detected, simultaneously U/S the axilla and use U/S to
guide FNAC of any enlarged axillary lymph nodes. This may allow most
appropriate use of axillary clearance and sentinel lymph node techniques.
52 CHAPTER 6 Breast assessment: making the diagnosis
• Operator-dependent.
• Not useful to visualize micro-calcifications.
• Poor ‘screening tool’, less sensitive than mammography.
• Less easy for subsequent radiologists to comment on images, as it is a
‘live image’ and user-dependent.
Based on the nuclear spin of molecules when subjected to a strong mag-
netic field. Useful to image the augmented breast, to assess multifocality
(particularly in lobular cancers), or in screening of young women with a
strong family history of breast cancer. However, specificity is low; cost is
high, and availability may be limited, so check local protocols.
54 CHAPTER 6 Breast assessment: making the diagnosis
• In general, random needling of a generally lumpy area should be
avoided. Histopathology should be reserved for a discrete solid lesion
on clinical examination and/or imaging, as, with imaging, there will
often be local protocols.
• Pathology request forms must state relevant history, side and site of
lesion, and clinical impression, usually with a diagram.
• Results are scored C1–5 for cytology and B1–B5a/b for histopathology.
B5a denotes in situ carcinoma; B5b denotes an invasive carcinoma, and
B5c a carcinoma with microinvasion.
• Because histopathology can report on the architecture of the lesion
as well as cellular appearance, core biopsy has now replaced FNAC.
Simple cysts, which have a typical appearance on U/S, do not need
to be aspirated, unless they are uncomfortable. If they are aspirated,
clear fluid does not need to be sent to pathology. However, bloody
aspirates can be sent to exclude a necrotic cancer with cystic
degeneration or an intracystic carcinoma or papilloma. Similarly,
any residual lump left after cyst aspiration should be subjected to
histological analysis.
Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)
• Quick and easy to perform.
• Results available in about 30 minutes (for one-stop clinic).
• Samples a large area.
• Information is limited to benign or malignant. Cannot distinguish DCIS
from invasive cancer.
• Results are dependent upon the operator doing the FNAC and the
cytologist interpreting it.
• Not useful in assessing micro-calcification.
Wide-bore needle (core) biopsy
• Gives information on morphology, grade, hormone receptor status,
Her-2 status which helps in treatment planning.
• Biopsies are larger than FNAC, so more of the lesion is sampled.
• More bruising.
• Results take longer (24 to 48 hours).
Punch biopsy
Used to biopsy skin lesions, e.g. to differentiate eczema from Paget’s dis-
ease of the nipple and to diagnose or exclude malignancy in skin nodules.
Once again, this takes 24 to 48 hours for the histology result.
Miscellaneous investigations
These depend upon the mode of presentation of the patient.
• Blood tests
• May be useful in the investigation of gynaecomastia (see Chapter 9).
• Microbiology
• Try to get a culture from any breast sepsis prior to commencing
• Staging investigations
• Locally advanced breast cancers or patients with symptoms that
raise the question of metastatic disease may require bone scan and
CT chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
At the end of the consultation, it should be possible either to reassure
the patient that their problem is benign or to warn them of the possibility
of a cancer.
If tissue has been taken for pathology, all the results—clinical, radiologi-
cal, and imaging—should be discussed at the diagnostic MDT at which a
plan of management can be formulated. Avoid making spur-of-the minute
decisions at the end of clinic, as this often leads to disaster and mistakes
being made.
Further reading
National GP guidelines and breast screening guidelines. Available at: M http://www.cancerscreen-
Willett AM, Michell JM, Lee MJR (2010). Best practice diagnostic guidelines for patients present-
ing with breast symptoms. Available at: M
The Royal College of Radiology Breast Group guidelines. Available at: M http://www.rcrbreast-
Surgical guidelines for the management of breast cancer. Association of Breast Surgery at BASO,
2009. EJSO S1–22. Available at: M
NICE guidance management of early and locally advanced breast cancer (2009). Available at: M
Chapter 7 57
Overview 58
Congenital problems 59
Breast development and involution 60
Fibroadenoma 62
Breast cysts 64
Other common benign breast lumps 66
Duct ectasia and periductal mastitis 68
Breast infections: mastitis and abscesses 70
Granulomatous mastitis 72
Radial scar and complex sclerosing lesions 74
Breast pain (mastalgia) 76
Nipple discharge 78
Further reading 80
58 CHAPTER 7 Benign breast problems and management
Benign breast disease forms the bulk of outpatient diagnostic referrals in
breast clinics. It encompasses a diverse range of problems, ranging from
congenital abnormalities, physiological aberrations, and infections. Few, if
any, are associated with any serious risk of disease; nevertheless, they
cause immense anxiety because, in the perception of many women, any
breast symptom is synonymous with cancer. Their management requires
explanation and reassurance to dispel patients’ fears.
Congenital problems
These encompass a variety of problems that result in an abnormal appear-
ance in the external appearance of the breast.
This is the complete absence of the nipple and is usually unilateral.
This refers to accessory or supernumerary nipples which occur along the
milk (mid-clavicular) line. Incidence is 1–2%. These are associated with
accessory breast tissue and renal anomalies. Supernumerary breasts are
defined as accessory structures that produce milk. Most occur in the
axillo-pectoral region and are generally noticed in the second to third
pregnancy. Local excision is usually curative but should not be performed
whilst women are still lactating due to risk of fistula formation. Malignancy
has occasionally been reported in accessory nipples.
This is a congenital absence of breast tissue, but the nipple is still present.
Hypoplasia of one or both breasts is a more common finding and is associ-
ated with mitral valve prolapse.
Poland’s syndrome
Occurring at an incidence of approximately 1:7,000 to 1:100,000, this syn-
drome describes an absence/underdevelopment of the pectoralis muscle,
cutaneous ipsilateral syndactyly, and hypoplasia of the breast. All three
features need not be present for a diagnosis of Poland’s syndrome. The
cause is unknown but may result from an interruption to the embryonic
blood supply of the subclavian region.
Other associated signs: brachydactyly, renal anomalies, liver/biliary tract
anomalies, dextrocardia, radial/ulnar agenesis, and upper limb asymmetry.
Management of congenital disorders
Accessory nipples can usually be excised without major cosmetic insult.
Other congenital abnormalities present a much greater aesthetic chal-
lenge. A wide variety of surgical techniques may need to be employed
as staged procedures. They are best managed by a reconstructive team.
60 CHAPTER 7 Benign breast problems and management
Localised benign
20 30 40 50 60
Age (years)
Fig. 7.1 The frequency and age at presentation of the most common breast lumps.
62 CHAPTER 7 Benign breast problems and management
Fibroadenomas are not benign breast tumours but should be considered
as an abnormality of normal development. Fibroadenomas develop from a
whole breast lobule and contain a combination of proliferating epithelium
and connective tissue.
Usually present during the period of breast lobule development and,
therefore, are commonest during the late teens and early twenties (see
Fig. 7.1). The patient will notice a rubbery, discrete, often mobile lump
within the breast which gives rise to the description of these as a ‘breast
mouse’. Diagnosis of a fibroadenoma should be approached with caution
in a woman who is peri- or post-menopausal. Most common presenta-
tion is with a painless symptomatic breast lump or as an incidental finding
during breast imaging.
Differential diagnosis
Fibroadenomas contain stroma of low cellularity and regular cytology.
Phyllodes tumours are a mesenchymal variant and have a spectrum of
stromal cellularity and varying degrees of atypia.
Natural history
Patients under 40 can be advised that the majority of fibroadenomas
remain static in size; approximately 10% will enlarge, and one-third will
get smaller or resolve over a 2-year period. Although malignancy can very
rarely develop within a fibroadenoma, they should not be seen as hav-
ing any malignant tendency, and this should be stressed to the patient.
Pregnancy can occasionally result in rapid growth.
Clinical assessment of a fibroadenoma will reveal a well-defined and firm,
but not hard, lesion that is mobile within the breast. All lumps require clin-
ical assessment and imaging. Imaging: if woman <40 years, use ultrasound
alone, if >40 years mammography and ultrasound. Ultrasound-guided core
biopsy should be performed on all lumps, unless the following criteria are
all met:
• Patient under 25 years of age.
• Ultrasound reveals benign features of a fibroadenoma (smooth,
well-defined outline, ellipsoid shape, fewer than four gentle
• No significant family history of breast cancer.
Simple reassurance is sufficient for the vast majority of patients. Surgical
excision in the form of enucleation can be performed for large (>4cm) or
enlarging fibroadenomas, or if there is any histological concern from the
triple assessment. Surgical excision should be performed, using either a
peri-areolar or an inframammary subglandular approach to minimize vis-
ible scarring. Vacuum-assisted excision under ultrasound control is now
becoming the method of choice for smaller lesions when the patient
requests removal.
Giant fibroadenomas
Defined as fibroadenomas over 5cm in diameter or 500g in weight. Giant
fibroadenomas have a bimodal presentation, peaking in adolescence
and peri-menopausally. More frequent in Asian and African populations.
Treatment is with local excision/enucleation, using an inframammary
approach. These can sometimes be drug-induced by anti-epileptic drugs,
such as phenytoin and ciclosporin.
Phyllodes tumour
Phyllodes tumours are less common than fibroadenomas (ratio 1:50), and
their aetiology is unknown. These tumours represent a spectrum from
benign lesions (common) through to malignant sarcomas which rarely
metastasize. In contrast to fibroadenomas, phyllodes tumours should be
excised with a surrounding margin of normal breast tissue in a similar fash-
ion to a carcinoma. Approximately 20% of these lesions will recur locally
within the breast, requiring further wide local excision. It is important to
discuss these lesions preoperatively in the MDM.
64 CHAPTER 7 Benign breast problems and management
Breast cysts
Breast cysts affect approximately 7% of peri-menopausal women and can
rarely be found in men. Breast involution occurs in the peri-menopausal
period, as female hormone levels begin to fall, coinciding with the produc-
tion of breast cysts. Breast cysts account for 15% of all breast lumps and
affect women aged 40–60 (see Fig. 7.1). Women taking hormone replace-
ment therapy (HRT) may develop breast cysts well after their natural
Cysts may be found symptomatically by the patient as a hard lump or
incidentally through the screening programme. Patients commonly have
multiple cysts affecting both breasts. Examination will reveal a mobile
lump, extremely well-defined and smooth, at times slightly compressible in
nature. They often enlarge very rapidly during the menstrual cycle, causing
great alarm. It is common for patients to say that they appeared overnight.
Differential diagnosis
• Galactocele (encapsulated collection of milk within the obstructed
duct of a lactating breast).
• Liquefied haematoma.
• Carcinoma.
• Oil cyst secondary to fat necrosis.
All suspected cysts should have clinical and imaging assessment, no matter
how many times the patient has previously presented with breast cysts.
Women over 40 should have mammography and ultrasound performed.
Women under age 40 should have ultrasound alone. Ultrasound should
demonstrate a thin-walled, well-defined fluid-filled lesion. Ultrasound fea-
tures suggestive of a risk of malignancy include a thickened wall, thick
internal septations, mixed solid and fluid composition, and an imaging clas-
sification of indeterminate.
Pathological assessment
• Complex/radiologically indeterminate cysts should be core-biopsied
and results discussed in a multidisciplinary breast team meeting.
• Simple symptomatic cysts should be aspirated to dryness under
ultrasound control. Green/brown/black serous fluid can be discarded.
Bloodstained discharge is a risk factor for an intracystic cancer and
requires cytology.
• Asymptomatic cysts with no suspicious clinical or radiological features
do not require aspiration or pathological assessment; this includes the
majority of screen-detected cysts.
Women with simple cysts can be reassured but should be forewarned
about the risk of developing further cysts in the future. Simple cysts that
recur can be repeatedly aspirated and do not have an increased risk of
cancer, provided there are no suspicious features on imaging. Breast cysts
are not a risk factor for cancer; however, as both breast cancers and breast
cysts are common in this age group, each new subsequent lump should be
assessed in a one-stop breast clinic. Women taking HRT should be advised
that stopping treatment might prevent subsequent cyst development.
Complex cysts should have core biopsy performed. If this is
non-diagnostic, a surgical diagnostic excision biopsy should be undertaken.
66 CHAPTER 7 Benign breast problems and management
Granulomatous mastitis
Granulomatous mastitis is a rare, benign, inflammatory condition of the
breast, often without an obvious cause.
Multiple aetiologies have been suggested, including tuberculosis (TB),
sarcoidosis, foreign body reaction, and parasitic infections. In the majority
of cases, no cause is found.
Most common in third and fourth decades of life and is associated with
recent pregnancy and lactation. Uncommon in nulliparous women.
A breast mass is the most common clinical finding. The mass may pen-
etrate the skin to form an ulcer or fistula, pucker the skin, or be teth-
ered to underlying muscle. Parenchymal and nipple distortion, and axillary
lymphadenopathy may be present; these findings may suggest a breast
A full history of infectious diseases/contacts should be taken, including
TB contacts. Associated with autoimmune disease, including Wegener’s
granulomatosis, erythema nodosum, and polyarteritis nodosa.
Most patients with breast infections will be smokers. The presence of an
apparently infectious lesion in a non-smoker should alert the clinician to
the possibility that this might be granulomatous mastitis.
Mammographic findings include focal asymmetric density and parenchy-
mal distortion. Ultrasound examination may reveal focal, homogeneous
enhancing masses and abscess formation.
Differentiating granulomatous mastitis from carcinoma can be difficult and
may require ultrasound-guided biopsy of the lesion. Further pathological
assessment may be required using vacuum-assisted or, rarely, open biopsy.
Further investigation
Microbiological assessment is essential of any abscess fluid and of biopsies
taken of the mass. Prolonged TB culture and PCR analysis may be helpful.
Corynebacterium may be isolated.
Granulomatous mastitis probably represents a spectrum of diseases, caus-
ing a similar clinical and pathological picture. Multiple treatments may be
required for clinical cure. Optimal treatment is controversial. Discussion
at the MDM is important, and getting a second MDM opinion may be
helpful. Many patients with an obviously ‘infected’ breast will become con-
cerned if ‘nothing’ appears to be done.
Note that patients need careful explanation of the benefits of observa-
tion. In the majority of patients, masterly inactivity and open access to the
clinic when they are concerned is often the best option; however, if active
treatment is undertaken, the following options exist.
• Anti-microbials: in the presence of a proven infection, prolonged
anti-microbial treatment (2–6 weeks) is required.
• Wide excision: wide local excision, with margins clear of inflammatory
tissue, may give long-term cure but often at the expense of cosmesis.
This is a very controversial approach; some would advise avoiding
surgery at all costs.
• Steroid treatment: prednisolone 10–30mg/day for up to 8 weeks
has been used prior to surgery and after excision. Prolonged use of
steroids may help prevent multiple deforming operations.
• Immunosuppression: weekly low-dose oral methotrexate has shown
benefit in a small number of cases resistant to steroid therapy.
Major complications include recurrence and fistula formation which is
often the result of premature surgery. Recurrence rates are up to 50%
following surgical excision/steroid therapy. Excision of the recurrence and
further steroid treatment may be needed. The mastitis is characterized by
long-term resolution, often over several years.
74 CHAPTER 7 Benign breast problems and management
Nipple discharge
Establish the duration, frequency, volume, and colour of nipple discharge.
Does it occur spontaneously or only on squeezing; whether bilateral; and
whether there are any other associated breast symptoms, particularly a
lump or inflammation.
Clinical features
Breast examination should detail nipple inversion and eczematous changes.
Asking the patient to express the discharge will determine if it is single or
multiple ducts, colour, and the presence of blood. Urinalysis sticks are
a useful guide to the presence of blood. Cytology of the discharge is of
limited clinical value. Twenty percent of men with nipple discharge have
breast cancer.
Features of nipple discharge associated with
Associated recent nipple inversion, unilateral nipple eczema or nipple
change, bloodstained discharge (especially from solitary duct).
Bilateral mammography in those over 40. Ultrasound if single-duct dis-
charge or if any palpable abnormality. Punch biopsy for unexplained nipple
eczema or ulceration. Serum prolactin in patients with persistent milky
Causes of nipple discharge
• Multiduct clear galactorrhoea: mechanical stimulation, post-lactational,
stress, menopause, menarche, drugs (dopamine blockers, methyldopa,
oral contraceptives, metoclopramide), pituitary tumours, bronchogenic
carcinoma, hypothyroidism, renal failure.
• Single-duct clear discharge: papilloma.
• Multicoloured discharge: duct ectasia, cysts.
• Bloodstained discharge: duct ectasia, DCIS, invasive carcinoma,
pregnancy, papilloma.
Smokers are more likely to have severe disease with fistula formation,
anaerobic growth, and abscess formation.
• Reassurance and advice to not express the discharge is the mainstay of
treatment for women with benign multiduct discharge.
• Microdochectomy: for persistent single-duct discharge, whether clear
or bloody. Also perform if papilloma present on ultrasound.
• Total duct excision: bloodstained discharge in woman over 45. Patient
choice due to persistent multiduct discharge. Nipple eczema secondary
to persistent discharge.
Solitary papilloma
Peak incidence at age 45. Occurs within 5cm of nipple and are generally
2–3mm in diameter. Fifty percent present with bloody/clear discharge;
50% have a palpable lump; 8% contain neoplasia.
Multiple duct papillomas
Less likely to cause discharge. Present with bilateral peripheral lumps.
Increased risk of breast carcinoma. Increased risk can be managed with
surveillance (little evidence of best way to perform this) or risk-reducing
80 CHAPTER 7 Benign breast problems and management
Further reading
Tse G, Law BK, Ma TK, et al. (2002). Hamartoma of the breast: a clinicopathological review. J Clin
Pathol 55, 951–4.
Ocal K, Dag A, Turkmenoglu O, Kara T, Seyit H, Konica K (2010). Granulomatous mastitis: clinical,
pathological features and management. Breast J 16,176–82.
Kim J, Tymms KE, Buckingham JM (2003). Methotrexate in the management of granulomatous
mastitis. ANZ J Surg 73, 247–9.
Mansel R, Webster D, Sweetland H (2009). Hughes, Mansel & Webster’s Benign disorders and
diseases of the breast, 3e. Saunders Ltd, Philadelphia.
Dixon J (1992). Outpatient treatment of non-lactational breast abscesses. Br J Surg 79, 56–7
Wallis MG, Devakumar R, Hosie KB, James KA, Bishop HM (1993). Complex sclerosing lesions
(radial scars) of the breast can be palpable. Clin Radiol 48, 319–20.
Breast Pain Chart at Breast Cancer Care. Available at: M
The Royal College of Radiology Breast Group guidelines. Available at: M http://www.rcrbreast-
Chapter 8 81
Surgical management of
benign breast disease
Breast abscess 82
Operations on the nipple/major ducts 84
Excision of fibroadenoma/benign breast lump 86
Excision of accessory breast tissue 87
Further reading 87
82 CHAPTER 8 Surgical management of benign disease
Breast abscess
See also Chapter 7.
• Requires adequate drainage.
• Delay can lead to breast tissue and skin loss, poor cosmetic result and
impede breastfeeding.
• Normally managed by aspiration (ideally under U/S guidance) in the
A&E or outpatient setting. Only a small number require formal incision
and drainage.
• After aspiration/drainage, consider admission and intravenous
antibiotics in systemically unwell women, particularly those on
chemotherapy or other immunosuppressive drugs, or those with
extensive cellulitis.
• Following complete aspiration or drainage, the patient can be
discharged but should return to the breast clinic within 48 hours for
review, as many need repeat aspiration and/or further evaluation in
non-lactational abscesses to exclude an underlying breast cancer.
There is a danger at weekends and public holidays that there will
be inappropriately long intervals between aspirations, so suitable
arrangement must be made.
If the skin is intact, and the patient consents
• Treat with simple aspiration.
• Apply EMLA® cream to the skin. Going through non-indurated skin is
less painful.
• Using a 19G needle, aspirate the abscess, ideally under U/S guidance if
an U/S machine, or a friendly radiologist, is available.
• The needle should be inserted parallel to the chest wall to avoid the
small chance of a pneumothorax.
• An appropriate volume of 1% lidocaine, or similar local anaesthetic,
can be infiltrated into the abscess and the abscess aspirated, with a
‘washing’ in and out of the local anaesthetic.
• Send a sample of the pus to microbiology.
• Commence appropriate antibiotics, as outlined in Chapter 7.
• Do not insert a needle blindly into a breast with an implant. If you
think there is an abscess here, it is possible that the implant will
need to be removed to eradicate the infection. Discuss U/S-guided
aspiration with a breast radiologist.
If the overlying skin is necrotic or aspiration fails
• Formal incision and drainage under general anaesthesia.
• Remember that drainage will be gravitational when the patient sits or
stands. Occasionally, this requires drainage through the inframammary
• Clean the skin with povidone-iodine or chlorhexidine.
• Necrotic skin should be removed with a blade or scissors and a good
pair of forceps.
• Locules should be broken down gently, and the cavity should be
washed out with saline.
Operations on the
nipple/major ducts
This is the removal of a single duct from the breast, usually performed for
single-duct discharge.
Mark patient standing up (side, intended scar, and possibly duct involved).
Supine with arm by side or abducted to 90°.
Peri-areolar. Avoid going more than halfway around the areola to maintain
nipple viability.
• Identify affected duct on table by gently squeezing nipple.
• Place lacrimal probe into duct.
• Circumareolar incision with size 15 blade on a Baron’s handle.
• Excise affected duct from back of nipple for a length of >2cm. Take a
margin of a few mm around the probe (removing the probe with the
• Mark nipple end with a suture for orientation, and send specimen to
• Haemostasis.
• Local anaesthetic infiltration.
• Closure with 3-0 Monocryl® (interrupted dermal sutures and a running
subcuticular stitch) and Steri-stripTM or glue.
• Same-day discharge.
Total duct excision (Hadfield’s operation)
Performed for troublesome nipple discharge from multiple or unidentified
ducts or nipple inversion associated with duct ectasia.
As for microdochectomy.
• Circumareolar incision with size 15 blade on a Baron’s handle.
• Lift up NAC with skin hooks, and disconnect nipple from major ducts.
• Be careful not to buttonhole the skin when doing this.
• Excise major ducts from back of nipple for a length of >2cm (a square
of tissue).
• Mark nipple end with a suture for orientation, and send specimen to
• Haemostasis: be cautious in the use of diathermy.
• Close defect with 2-0 Vicryl® (undyed).
• A 3-0 Prolene™ purse string under nipple may help reduce/correct
nipple inversion (not too tight to maintain blood supply to the nipple).
Excision of fibroadenoma/benign
breast lump
Techniques vary from the use of a vacuum-assisted biopsy device (mam-
motome) for lesions less than 20mm to a more traditional surgical excision.
Mark patient standing up (side, intended incision, and position and size
of lump).
Supine with arm by side.
Peri-areolar, inframammary crease, the lateral aspect of the breast, or
Langer’s Lines.
• Incise skin, and elevate skin flap towards the lump until you have
reached it. Do this in the plane between the subcutaneous fat and the
true breast tissue.
• Try to ‘fix’ the lump with a finger, gently with an Allis forceps, or with a
• Dissect it from the surrounding breast tissue with scalpel, scissors, or
diathermy. Common mistake: if there is no clear margin around the lesion
you are excising, you have not reached the fibroadenoma yet, go deeper!
• No need for ‘margin’ of normal breast tissue; can be shelled out intact.
• Ensure haemostasis.
• Local anaesthetic infiltration.
• Closure with 3-0 Monocryl® (interrupted dermal sutures and a running
subcuticular stitch) and Steri-stripTM or glue.
• Same-day discharge.
See Table 8.2.
Post-operative care
Sutures are dissolvable. Steri-stripTM can be removed at 10 days. No rou-
tine follow-up is required or a single review to discuss results if there is
any concern.
Further reading
Novell JR, Baker D, Goddard N (2013). Kirk’s general surgical operations, 6e. Elsevier, Philadelphia.
Fitzgerald O'Connor I, Urdang M (2008). Handbook for surgical cross-cover. Oxford University Press,
Chapter 9 89
Overview 90
Role of primary care 91
Causes of gynaecomastia 92
Management 93
Excision 94
90 CHAPTER 9 Gynaecomastia
Changing nutritional and social habits may explain the reason why there
has been a dramatic increase in referrals to breast clinics because of
enlargement of the male breast. Gynaecomastia is a benign prolifera-
tion of glandular breast tissue, causing enlargement of the male breast.
Pseudogynaecomastia has a similar appearance but is due to excess adi-
pose tissue, not glandular tissue. Patients may have a combination of both.
Gynaecomastia affects 60% of males at puberty. The incidence increases
in advanced age.
If any of these blood tests are abnormal, the patient should be referred
to an endocrinologist first. When the blood tests are within the normal
range, surgical referral is appropriate for patients who would like to dis-
cuss treatment options.
A standard breast history should be taken. In addition, it is important to
record all prescribed drugs. Enquiries must be made of all recreational or
illicit drug use, including cannabis, anabolic steroids, and alcohol. It may be
tactful to begin this line of enquiry by asking about sporting prowess, gym
membership, or even bodybuilding.
If the blood tests have excluded systemic disease, then the physical exami-
nation can be restricted to the breast, axilla, and cervical lymph nodes.
Conventional teaching is that the testicles are examined (most commonly
in the FRCS exam!). In practice, few contemporary breast surgeons exam-
ine the patient’s testicles. If the blood tests have excluded systemic illness,
then this part of the examination becomes superfluous.
Male breast cancer is rare (7300 new cases a year in the UK). This rep-
resents about 1% of all causes of male breast enlargement seen in second-
ary care. In practice, male breast cancer often has a ‘woody’ texture on
examination, and there is often nipple distortion.
92 CHAPTER 9 Gynaecomastia
Causes of gynaecomastia
• Idiopathic: the most frequent.
• Physiological: gynaecomastia can occur in neonates, at puberty, and
in old age as a result of non-pathological fluctuations in steroid sex
• Conditions resulting in decreased androgens: primary testicular failure,
Klinefelter’s syndrome, testicular feminization, bilateral testicular
torsion/cryptorchidism, orchitis, renal failure, hyperprolactinaemia.
• Conditions resulting in increased oestrogens: testicular tumours, lung
carcinoma, liver disease, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal disease.
• Drug-induced: a large group, particularly in elderly men. Any drug
that affects steroid metabolism in the liver might be responsible for
gynaecomastia. These include:
• Hormones: anti-androgens, oestrogen antagonists, treatments
particularly associated with carcinoma of the prostate.
• Cardiovascular: spironolactone, digoxin, ACE inhibitors,
amiodarone, verapamil.
• Gastrointestinal: ranitidine, cimetidine, omeprazole.
• Others: tricyclic antidepressants, metronidazole, diazepam,
metoclopramide, phenytoin, theophylline.
• Recreational/illicit drugs: cannabis, anabolic steroids, alcohol.
Mammography and/or ultrasound (U/S) should only be performed in men
with suspicious or unexplained unilateral breast enlargement. U/S can
be used to differentiate between true glandular gynaecomastia and fatty
A biochemical profile should only be performed in men with true gynae-
comastia and should include renal and liver function tests. The four blood
tests mentioned earlier (see Fig. 9.1) (hCG, LH, testosterone, and estra-
diol) will highlight any endocrine abnormality. If any of these are abnormal,
further discussion with an endocrinologist is required. Ideally, these four
blood tests should have been arranged prior to referral.
Normal Raised hCG Low LH+ Raised LH+ Raised LH+ Raised E+
low T Raised T low T low LH
For the majority of men, treatment should begin with an explanation of
any underlying cause and, if appropriate, a review of prescribed medica-
tion. Patients with pubertal gynaecomastia should be reassured, avoid-
ing surgical intervention, if possible. Gynaecomastia has been treated
with tamoxifen in the short term, but the evidence base for this is small.
Surgery can result in a poor aesthetic outcome and should be approached
with caution. Surgical options include those shown in Table 9.1.
The patient should be standing. Mark the side, inframammary fold, current
and desired nipple heights and areola size, intended scars, and extent of
Supine with arm by side or abducted to 90°.
Peri-areolar, inframammary crease, or at the lateral aspect of the breast.
Liposuction is particularly useful in pseudogynaecomastia where the bulk
of the tissue to be resected is fat. Glandular breasts are best resected with
open surgery or U/S liposuction techniques.
Surgical excision
• Local anaesthetic infiltration (with adrenaline, may help haemostasis)
pre- or post-excision.
• Aim to avoid nipple necrosis or concavity (dinner plating) by not
leaving skin and subcutaneous tissue too thin and graduating to edges
of excision.
• Closure with 3-0 Monocryl® (interrupted dermal sutures and a running
subcuticular stitch) and Steri-stripTM or glue.
• Same-day discharge.
See Table 9.2.
As this surgery is associated with a high incidence of post-operative
haematoma, many patients return to the ward with a drain in situ or a
compression garment is applied, and they are observed overnight.
Post-operative care
Sutures are dissolvable. Steri-stripTM can be removed at 7 days. Post-operative
review can be arranged to check aesthetic result at 2–3 months.
There are two primary reasons for poor surgical results; in a thin man
with primary glandular enlargement, excision can result in a defect that
may cause the nipple to sink into the chest wall post-operatively so that
the patient exchanges a lump for a concavity.
Conversely, in the patient with fatty enlargement that produces a
pseudobreast with ptosis, it is possible to perform liposuction. This may
result in there being excessive quantities of redundant skin left behind
with an equally poor aesthetic outcome. The complex, and often difficult,
decisions required in gynaecomastia surgery demand a multidisciplinary
approach with an experienced plastic surgeon.
Patients with gynaecomastia, even when their expectations are realistic,
require adequate time and explanation in order to fully understand their
Invasive breast
carcinoma: pathology
and prognosis
Overview 98
Determining tumour grade 100
Molecular factors 101
Breast cancer staging 102
Prognostic tools in breast cancer 104
Molecular classification of breast cancers and their
clinical applications 106
Further reading 107
98 CHAPTER 10 Invasive breast carcinoma
The definition of an invasive breast cancer is one in which the basement
membrane of breast ducts and lobules has been breached, allowing the
malignant cells to access the surrounding stroma which contains both
blood and lymphatic vessels, potentially leading to more widespread dis-
semination. This contrasts with in situ disease in which the basement mem-
brane remains intact, imprisoning the malignant cells (see Chapter 11). For
that reason, by definition, in situ disease does not metastasize.
Broadly speaking, breast cancers arise from the two major breast unit
structures, the ducts and lobules. Therefore, they can be divided into inva-
sive ductal carcinomas which make up about 85% of cancers and invasive
lobular carcinomas which account for 10–15% of carcinomas. In addition,
there is a small group of special type carcinomas—they arise from spe-
cialized parts of these units. They are far less common, tend to be seen
in screen-detected tumours, and are associated with a better prognosis.
These account for about 3% of cancers, often associated with BRCA gene
mutations. Clinically, they present as a soft lump.
Mucinous carcinomas
These are rare (<1% of invasive carcinomas) and have a well-defined
gelatinous appearance. Histologically, tumours consist of epithelial cells
within lakes of mucin.
100 CHAPTER 10 Invasive breast carcinoma
Table 10.1 The Bloom and Richardson grading system for breast
cancers is based upon an additive score of tubule formation, nuclear
polymorphism, and mitotic count
Grade Differentiation Score
1 Well differentiated 3–5
2 Moderately differentiated 6–7
3 Poorly differentiated 8–9
Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd on behalf of Cancer Research
UK: British Journal of Cancer. 11(3): 359–377, 'Histological Grading and Prognosis in Breast
Cancer', H. J. G. Bloom and W. W. Richardson, copyright 1957.
Molecular factors
Increasingly, molecular factors are being used to assist in prognosis and
predict response to treatment. Two particular targets have been identi-
fied: the oestrogen receptor and the HER-2 receptor.
Her-2/neu expression
Her1–4 are members of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
family. The Her-2/neu receptor is expressed on approximately 20% of
invasive breast cancers and has a negative impact on patient survival (See
Further reading). Immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies
to Her-2/neu is used as the primary screen to stain paraffin-embedded
tumour tissue. A score of 0–1+ is considered negative, 2+ is equivocal,
and a score of 3+ is positive. When a score of 2+ is present, further
testing is required using FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) or D-dish
(dual-colour dual-hapten in-situ hybridization). FISH is semi-quantitative
and directly measures the number of Her-2/neu genes. Patients whose
tumours overexpress Her-2 have a poorer prognosis but are candidates
for treatment with receptor blockers, such as trastuzumab or lapatanib.
Both these receptors are now used in the routine assessment of breast
cancers histologically.
102 CHAPTER 10 Invasive breast carcinoma
NPI = [tumour size (cm) x 0.2] + [lymph node stage (1: node negative;
2: 1–3 nodes positive; 3: >3 nodes positive)] + [grade (1–3)]
Molecular classification of
breast cancers and their
clinical applications
NPI, ‘Adjuvant! Online’, and ‘Predict’ are all predictive/prognostic models
that are based on population data and, therefore, do not apply to a spe-
cific individual. Several methods are emerging for assessing an individual’s
future risk of disease and response to treatment, although they are not
currently widely used in the UK. These individualized assessment systems
include the following.
Oncotype DX
Assesses the expression of 16 cancer genes and five ‘housekeeping’
(control) genes within an individual’s paraffin-embedded cancer tissue.
Oncotype DX is only applicable in ER-positive, Her-2-negative tumours
and calculates a recurrence score (between 0–100). Patients with a:
• Low recurrence score (1–17): have low risk of cancer recurrence but
also respond well to hormonal therapy and have little benefit with
• High recurrence score (31–100): have a high risk of recurrence and
gain a great benefit from chemotherapy.
• For patients with a moderate recurrence score (18–30), it is unclear
whether there is a benefit from chemotherapy. The TAILORx ((Trial
Assigning Individualized Options for Treatment (Rx)) trial has been
designed to help define the role of chemotherapy, particularly in
patients with a moderate recurrence score.
• NICE is likely to approve the use of Oncotype DX for Intermediate
risk (as per NPI/Predict), ER positive, node negative patients. Results
of the initial consultation are in Further reading.
Mammaprint analyses a gene signature of 70 breast cancer-related genes
and places patients in a high- or low-risk recurrence group. Access to the
test may be limited, as the analysis must be performed on fresh/frozen tis-
sue in the Netherlands. Mammaprint is able to define the benefit of adju-
vant chemotherapy for a given patient’s cancer. Mammaprint can be used
for cancers up to 5cm in size, ER-positive or -negative, and node-positive
or -negative. Mammaprint is costly (>£2,500) and has not yet been vali-
dated on a UK population.
Further reading
Mann RM, Hoogeveen, YL, Blickman JG, Boetes C (2008). MRI compared to conventional diagnos-
tic work-up in the detection and evaluation of invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast: a review
of existing literature. Breast Cancer Res Treat 107, 1–14.
Slamon DJ, Clark GM, Wong SG, et al. (1987). Human breast cancer: correlation of relapse and
survival with amplification of the Her-2/neu oncogene Science 235, 177–82.
Tovey S, Brown S, Doughty J, Mallon E (2009). Poor survival outcomes in Her-2 positive patients
with low-grade, node negative tumours. Br J Cancer 100, 680–3.
Moja L, Tagliabue L, Balduzzi S, et al. (2012). Trastuzumab containing regimens for early breast
cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4, CD006243.
Barr LC, Baum M (1992). Time to abandon TNM staging of breast cancer. Lancet 339, 915–17.
Adjuvant! Online. Available at: M
The PREDICT tool. Available at: M
Gene expression profiling and expanded immunohistochemistry tests to guide the use of adjuvant
chemotherapy in early breast cancer management - MammaPrint, Oncotype DX, IHC4 and
Mammostrat: diagnostics consultation document 3 (PDF version) available at: M http://guidance.
Chapter 11 109
Non-invasive breast
disease: DCIS, lobular
pathologies, and
Overview 110
Atypical ductal hyperplasia 111
Ductal carcinoma in situ 112
Lobular intraepithelial neoplasia (LIN) 114
Further reading 114
110 CHAPTER 11 Non-invasive breast disease
The introduction of the NHS Breast Screening Programme has resulted in
a large increase in the proportion of cases of pre-malignant breast disease.
Improved pathological methods also detect non-invasive breast disease in
a significant number of patients.
• Also known as in situ breast disease.
• Malignant cells remain within ducts/lobules (see Fig. 11.1).
• Do NOT invade the basement membrane.
• Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH).
• Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).
• Atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH).
• Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) (can be known as lobular in situ
neoplasia [LIN]).
Non-invasive breast pathologies are a spectrum of disease. Atypical ductal
hyperplasia has the same pathological features as DCIS, but usually it
is only an increase in the quantity seen on pathology that will upgrade
the diagnosis to DCIS. Due to the lack of longtitudinal studies of DCIS,
the natural history of low- and intermediate-grade DCIS is uncertain.
High-grade DCIS will develop into an invasive cancer; the time lag before
this occurs, however, is also uncertain. Much of the debate about the
benefit of the NHSBSP revolves around ‘overdiagnosis’ of breast cancers;
the majority of these overdiagnoses are likely to be non-invasive breast
cancers, the future prognosis of which we are currently unable to predict.
Epithelium Cancer cells
Fig. 11.1 Carcinoma sequence for breast cancer. a) Normal duct with epithelial
lining. b) DCIS. Tumour has grown within the duct but does not penetrate the
basement membrane. Tumour cells in the centre lose vascular supply (black cells in
figure), become necrotic, and calcify. Micro-calcification is visible on mammography.
c) Invasive carcinoma—tumour cells have grown and invaded into the lumen and
out through the duct wall and basement membrane. They now have an increased
potential to metastasize.
Adjuvant treatment
• Radiotherapy: reduces ipsilateral recurrence but no survival advantage.
Recommended for high-grade DCIS.
• Endocrine therapy: reduces local recurrence in ER-positive cases and
may reduce contralateral cancer incidence. Tamoxifen recommended
if <50 years. Current IBIS II trial comparing tamoxifen and aromatase
• Following breast-conserving surgery, annual mammography is
Lobular intraepithelial
neoplasia (LIN)
• Includes atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) (part of lobule affected)
and LCIS (whole lobule affected).
• Not a pre-malignant condition, but a marker of breast cancer risk.
• Abnormal cells within breast lobules.
• 90% of cases detected in pre-menopausal women.
• Not usually visible on mammograms.
• Incidental finding on biopsy or surgical excision.
• 50% have multifocal disease.
• 30% have bilateral disease.
• 50% have a family history of breast cancer.
• 25% risk of developing invasive disease.
• Risk increased if family history of breast cancer and in presence of
• Pleomorphic phenotype may be associated with poorer prognosis.
• If diagnosed on core biopsy, requires excision biopsy.
• If incidental finding in association with invasive disease, no further
treatment is necessary.
• No indication for radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
• Increased surveillance (MRI may be optimal, as disease not visible on
• Chemoprevention with tamoxifen or raloxifene (not currently licensed
in the UK).
• Young or high-risk patients may opt for risk-reducing mastectomy.
Further reading
Silverstein MJ, Buchanan C (2003). Ductal carcinoma in situ: USC/Van Nuys Prognostic Index and
the impact of margin status. Breast 12, 457–71.
Julien JP, Bijker N, Fentiman IS, et al. (2000). Radiotherapy in breast-conserving treatment for ductal
carcinoma in situ: first results of the EORTC randomised phase III trial 10853. EORTC Breast
Cancer Cooperative Group and EORTC Radiotherapy Group. Lancet 355, 528–33.
Fisher ER, Dignam J, Tan-Chiu E, et al. (1999). Pathologic findings from the National Surgical
Adjuvant Breast Project (NSABP) eight-year update of Protocol B-17: intraductal carcinoma.
Cancer 86, 429–38.
Fisher B, Dignam J, Wolmark N, et al. (1999). Tamoxifen in treatment of intraductal breast
cancer: National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project B-24 randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 353, 1993–2000.
Houghton J, George WD, Cuzick J, et al. (2003). Radiotherapy and tamoxifen in women with com-
pletely excised ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand: ran-
domized controlled trial. Lancet 362, 95–102.
Chapter 12 115
Surgical considerations
The results of the triple assessment should be discussed with the patient
by the operating surgeon, accompanied by a breast care nurse (BCN). It is
important that all the relevant treatment options agreed by the MDT are
explained, and the patient should be given time to make a fully informed
choice about their treatment. Information leaflets should be provided
along with a contact number for the BCN.
Preoperative assessment
All patients should undergo formal preoperative assessment prior to their
definitive surgery. The aim is to identify any significant co-morbidities and
to address any concerns which the patient may have about their opera-
tion. If there is any doubt about the fitness of the patient for a particular
procedure, it should be discussed with the anaesthetist doing the case
prior to admission.
Consent for the operation should be sought by a member of the surgical
team who is capable of performing the procedure and should include all
significant and common risks associated with the procedure.
Surgical options
Each patient’s body shape is unique, and the challenge is to match sound
oncological excision with the best aesthetic outcome. In addition, the
patient’s general health and psychological make-up may modify the sur-
gical options. In general, once more than 20% of the breast has been
excised, a significant defect will be created. In practice, this means that, for
most patients, the options are:
• Wide local excision.
• Wide local excision and therapeutic mammoplasty.
• Mastectomy.
• Mastectomy and reconstruction.
Tumours <2cm in diameter, or those with a favourable tumour-to-breast
volume ratio, are suitable for wide local excision (WLE). Tumours involv-
ing the nipple may require mastectomy, although central WLE is also
acceptable, depending on patient choice. All WLE cases for invasive can-
cer require a course of post-operative radiotherapy. The possible need
for re-excision to obtain clear margins should be discussed, particularly if
non-invasive disease has been found to be mixed with invasive on biopsy.
Mastectomy is usually required for those cancers where the
tumour-to-breast volume ratio is adverse. In these cases, the options for
reconstruction need to be considered. Oncoplastic techniques and spe-
cific procedures are discussed in Chapters 18 and 19, but the oncological
principles detailed here are still applicable.
In invasive cancer, preoperative ultrasound and biopsy of axillary nodes
will have indicated whether there is axillary disease present. If no abnor-
mal lymph nodes are detected in cases of invasive cancer, a sentinel lymph
node biopsy (SLNB) is performed. Involved axillary lymph nodes mandate
Management of margins
There are no high-quality randomized data to determine what an accept-
able post-operative margin is that does not require further tissue excision
(see Further reading). Principles in assessing margin adequacy include:
• Increasing the width of an acceptable post-operative pathological
margin around a tumour is weakly associated with lower odds of local
• Cavity shaves (taking radial cavity shaves at the time of cancer surgery)
can decrease the need for re-excision surgery.
• A radial margin involved with tumour should be re-excised. Any
margin around an invasive cancer may be adequate; a larger margin
may be preferable in DCIS.
• Anterior/posterior margins involved with tumour may not need
re-excision, as often these cannot be surgically improved upon.
Adjuvant radiotherapy has a role in many of these patients to decrease
the risk of local recurrence.
• Individual units must know their local recurrence rate, as this
determines if their margin management is of an adequate standard.
Local policy will dictate margin size.
Breast-conserving surgery
• Patient choice.
• Small tumour-to-breast volume.
In practice, most early breast cancers, particularly screen-detected cancers
up to 2cm in size, are suitable for conservation. However, a patient with
E cup size breasts and a 4cm tumour may be suitable for conservation.
Preoperative preparation
• Impalpable tumours require image-guided localization.
• Methods include wire placement, ultrasound marking, or radioguided
occult lesion localization (ROLL).
• Palpable tumours should be marked preoperatively by the surgeon.
• If, at the time of marking, there is doubt in the surgeon’s mind about
location of the tumour, even in symptomatic cases, preoperative image
guidance is appropriate.
• It is courteous to confirm the timing of localization with the radiologist
who will also have a busy schedule.
120 CHAPTER 12 Basic surgery and margin management
Simple mastectomy
• Locally advanced tumours, including inflammatory cancers.
• Large tumour-to-breast volume ratio.
• Central tumours involving nipple, although this is not mandatory.
• Recurrent breast cancer.
• Multifocal or widespread DCIS.
Further reading
Mansel RE, Fallowfield L, Kissin M, et al. (2006). Randomized multicenter trial of sentinel node
biopsy versus standard axillary treatment in operable breast cancer: the ALMANAC. J Natl
Cancer Inst 98, 599–609.
Giuliano AE, Hunt KK, Ballman KV, et al. (2011). Axillary dissection vs no axillary dissection in
women with invasive breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis: a randomized clinical trial.
JAMA 305, 569–75.
Setton J, Cody H, Tan L, et al. (2012). Radiation field design and regional control in sentinel lymph
node-positive breast cancer patients with omission of axillary dissection. Cancer 118, 1994–2003.
Giuliano AE, Morrow M, Duggal S, Julian TB (2012). Should ACOSOG Z0011 change practice with
respect to axillary lymph node dissection for a positive sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast
cancer? Clin Exp Metastasis 29, 687–92.
Houssami N, Macaskill P, Marinovich M, et al. (2010). Meta-analysis of the impact of surgical
margins on local recurrence in women with early –stage invasive breast cancer treated with
breast-conserving surgery. Eur J Cancer 46, 3219–32.
Morrow M, Harris J, Schnitt S (2012). Surgical margins in lumpectomy for breast cancer—bigger is
not better. N Engl J Med 367, 79–82.
Chapter 13 123
Adjuvant therapy
The prime role of radiotherapy (DXT) is in treating residual disease in
the breast and chest wall and sometimes the axilla. Its use after breast
conservation significantly reduces local recurrence.
The common situations in which radiotherapy is employed are:
• Following wide local excision (WLE) for invasive cancer, almost
• Following wide local excision for some cases of DCIS.
• Following mastectomy in high-risk cases.
• Occasionally to the axilla following a positive axillary sampling or SNB.
The commonest indication is following a WLE for invasive cancer once
the margins are clear. In these circumstances, whole breast radiotherapy
is the rule, and not employing it would be difficult to justify, except in
rare circumstances. Precise protocols may vary between centres, but the
usual dose is 20Gy spread over 3 weeks. The dose is delivered to the
whole breast, often with a tumour bed boost. The IMPORT trial is cur-
rently investigating more tumour bed-targeted therapy which is why the
insertion of titanium clips at surgery is now becoming standard protocol in
some centres in order to facilitate targeting.
Radiotherapy following WLE for DCIS is more controversial and more
subject to local variations in practice. Whilst some regard it as a substitute
for inadequate surgery, other centres employ it routinely for all but very
small, areas of low-grade DCIS, using prognostic factors as a guide. It is not
suitable for widespread multifocal disease.
Use after mastectomy to the chest wall, axilla, and supraclavicular
regions is frequently recommended for:
• Large tumours (>5cm).
• Close or involved margins.
• 4+ node-positive tumours.
• Lymphovascular invasion.
The PRIME study is currently comparing the value of radiotherapy in
apparently less aggressive tumours following mastectomy with the more
established indication (see Further reading).
Axillary radiotherapy is the most controversial. It is contraindicated in
patients who have undergone axillary node clearance. However, it has been
advocated for patients who have undergone an axillary node sampling who
are found to have involved nodes (see Chapter 12). With the introduction
of sentinel node biopsy, this procedure is becoming less common; however,
the AMAROS study is assessing the benefits of radiotherapy, as opposed to
salvage clearance, for patients who have involved sentinel nodes. This trial
shows equivalence in cancer outcomes between the two cohorts.
Hormonal manipulation
The use of hormonal manipulation in breast cancer dates back to the late
19th century when Beatson observed the beneficial effects of oophorec-
tomy in locally advanced breast cancer. Despite Beatson’s observation,
adjuvant endocrine therapy only became widespread with the introduc-
tion of tamoxifen in the 1980s. Clinical trials showed a clear survival ben-
efit for those patients receiving tamoxifen. It took some years for clinicians
to fully recognize that hormonal therapy was not indicated in women
whose tumours are ER-negative.
The mechanisms available for hormone manipulation now are:
• Hormone blockade at cellular level.
• Pharmacological disruption of hormone production.
• Oophorectomy.
As a therapy, it is only of benefit and its use is confined to oestrogen
receptor-positive tumours.
Hormone blockade
The classic drug associated with this was tamoxifen, which, for many years,
was the mainstay of hormonal adjuvant treatment. It had both oestrogen
agonist and antagonist properties. In bone, it behaved as an oestrogen
whereas, in the breast, its properties were antagonistic. It remains in com-
mon use for pre-menopausal women and has recently been replaced in
post-menopausal women by aromatase inhibitors.
Pharmacological disruption of hormone production
Despite its effects when first used, it was recognized that some patients
seemed resistant to blockade with tamoxifen, which led to a search for
means of blocking oestrogen production. The prime sources of oestrogen
are the ovaries in pre-menopausal women and the adrenals and periph-
eral fat in post-menopausal women. Originally, oophorectomy, adrenal-
ectomy, and hypophysectomy were used as therapeutic manoeuvres in
the treatment of recurrence. These were obviously very invasive and not
ideal as adjuvant treatment. It was recognized that two mechanisms could
be targeted pharmacologically to disrupt production. In post-menopausal
women, most oestrogen comes from peripheral aromatization of testos-
terone, which can now be blocked using a new generation of aromatase
inhibitors which block this step. Three drugs are in common use: anas-
trozole, exemestane, and letrozole. Of these, the ATAC study demon-
strated a significant improvement in disease-free interval with the use of
anastrozole compared to tamoxifen, and similar advantages were seen
in the Big 1-98 study with letrozole. Consequently, these two drugs are
used, according to local preference, as the first-line hormone manipulation
in post-menopausal ER-positive patients. Exemestane has been used as a
cross-over drug; patients who have already had 2 years of treatment with
tamoxifen are swapped over for a further 3 years of exemestane treatment.
126 CHAPTER 13 Adjuvant therapy
Chemotherapy regimens
A large number of regimens have been used that can be divided broadly
into those containing anthracyclines and those that do not. Older regi-
mens commonly did not include anthracyclines, which have been shown to
confer a 5% survival advantage at 10 years. Treatment is commonly given
three weekly for 4–6 months. Anthracyclines are associated with both a
dose-dependent and idiosyncratic risk of cardiac impairment.
Taxane-containing regimes
Multiple studies have looked at the benefit of adding a taxane to
anthracycline-based regimes. There is significant heterogeneity between
the trials in terms of regimens used, duration of treatment, and patient
population studied. Although the addition of a taxane has not shown a sur-
vival benefit in all trials, there is evidence of benefit, particularly in patients
with node-positive disease, and taxane therapy should be considered for
this patient group (see Further reading).
Side effects of chemotherapy
Although the treatment of chemotherapy-related toxicities has improved,
both potential acute and long-term side effects need to be discussed with
the patient and form part of the decision-making process (see Following
systemic therapies in Chapter 14).
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Sore mouth—ulcers/infection.
• Fatigue.
• Hair loss.
• Menopausal symptoms and premature menopause.
• Sexual difficulties.
• Diarrhoea.
• Neutropenia.
• Bleeding.
• Nail disorders.
• Limb oedema.
• Weight loss/gain.
• Depression/anxiety.
• Cardiac impairment (especially with anthracyclines).
• Infections.
Further reading
Goldhirsch A, Wood WC, Coates AS, et al. (2011). Strategies for subtypes—dealing with the
diversity of breast cancer: highlights of the St. Gallen International Expert Consensus on the
Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2011. Ann Oncol 22, 1736–47.
Goldhirsch A, Glick JH, Gelber RD, et al. (2005). Meeting highlights: international expert consensus
on the primary therapy of early breast cancer 2005. Ann Oncol 16, 1569–83.
Prescott RJ, Kunkler IH, Williams LJ, et al. (2007). A randomised controlled trial of post-operative
radiotherapy following breast-conserving surgery in a minimum-risk older population. The
PRIME trial. Health Technol Assess 11, 1–149.
Cuzick J, Sestak I, Baum M, et al. (2010). Effect of anastrozole and tamoxifen as adjuvant treatment
for early stage breast cancer: 10 year analysis of the ATAC trial. Lancet Oncol 11, 1135–41.
Coates AS, Keshaviah A, Thurlimann B, et al. (2007). Five years of letrozole compared with tamox-
ifen as initial adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal women with endocrine responsive early
breast cancer: update of study BIG 1-98. J Clin Oncol 25, 486–92.
Early Breast Cancer Trials Collaborative Group (EBCTCG) (2005). Effects of chemotherapy and
hormonal therapy for early breast cancer on recurrence and 15-year survival: an overview of the
randomized trials. Lancet 365, 1687–717.
Early Breast Cancer Trials Collaborative Group (EBCTCG) (2011). Effect of radiotherapy after
breast-conserving surgery on 10 year recurrence and 15-year breast cancer death: meta-analysis
of individual patient data for 10,801 women in 17 randomised trails. Lancet 378, 1707–16.
Early Breast Cancer Trials Collaborative Group (EBCTCG) (2012). Comparisons between different
polychemotherapy regimens for early breast cancer: meta-analysis of long-term outcome among
100,000 women in 123 randomised trials. Lancet 379, 432–44.
Blackwell KL, Burstein HJ, Storniolo AM, et al. (2010). Randomized study of lapatinib alone or in
combination with trastuzumab in women with ErbB2-positive, trastuzumab-refractory meta-
static breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 28, 1124–30.
The ALTTO trial. Available at: M
Chapter 14 133
Following surgery
Post-operative complications can be split into those specific to the opera-
tion concerned and the general complications of surgery. Only the former
will be covered in any detail here.
Risk factors for complications
• Smoking.
• Obesity.
• Diabetes.
• Prior breast or chest wall radiotherapy.
• Connective tissue disorders.
Immediate complications
Haemorrhage/excessive blood in drains. Assess need for circulatory
support, and have blood available if bleeding copiously. Ensure good
intravenous (IV) access, and arrange urgent return to theatre to stop the
bleeding. Blood does not need to be cross-matched prior to a mastectomy.
Early complications (within 24 hours)
• Haematoma: bruising or discoloration of the skin over a tense
swollen wound. A result of reactionary haemorrhage. Small bleeding
vessels thrombose, as the pressure from the haematoma rises, but,
if left untreated, a haematoma will be a source of discomfort and
potential infection and will impede wound healing. Once the patient
is adequately resuscitated, FBC, clotting, and G&S should be obtained,
and the patient should return to theatre for evacuation of haematoma
and to try and identify the bleeding point. In general, it is better to
evacuate a haematoma than to hope it will ‘resolve’ with time.
• Accurate handover of the status of free flaps should occur at the end
of each shift. This ensures awareness of the patients requiring careful
observation overnight and continuity of care.
• Myocutaneous flap failure: a cold flap (white with arterial insufficiency/
purple with venous congestion) with poor capillary return is a cause
for alarm. Consider urgent return to theatre to avoid flap loss. Free
flaps are less robust than pedicled (LD or TRAM) flaps.
• Skin flap necrosis: this occurs with a thin or devascularized mastectomy
flap, more commonly on the side of an axillary clearance where the
lateral blood supply to the breast has been interrupted. Exclude
haematoma; optimize perfusion, and excise frankly necrotic skin before
secondary repair or inserting a skin graft or flap to close any defect.
• Nipple congestion/discoloration: may need some sutures removed or
leeches applied to decrease tension. Discuss with a senior first.
• Sloughing of abdominal wounds or umbilical necrosis after TRAM/
DIEP, secondary to extensive tissue undermining and tension on
wound closure. Associated sepsis needs antibiotic treatment.
Late/long-term complications
• Wound/breast infection: any collection should be aspirated/drained
and appropriate antibiotics commenced. If an implant is in situ, it may
ultimately need to be removed to eradicate the infection.
• Seroma: a collection of lymphatic/tissue fluid arising in the breast or
axilla following removal of the drains. Almost universal after axillary
surgery. Does not need draining unless tense and uncomfortable, as
aspiration carries a small risk of introducing infection.
• Anaesthesia of the armpit and/or paraesthesia of the inner aspect
of the arm after axillary dissection. Due to damage to the second
intercostobrachial nerve. Common (up to 80% of women) and not
alarming. It may improve gradually for up to 2 years.
• Stiff or frozen shoulder after axillary surgery. This may be prevented
by early exercise and physiotherapy.
• Arm lymphoedema occurs in 5–50% of women following axillary surgery
as a result of disruption to the afferent lymphatics and the venous
drainage of the limb. Active management of this, including referral to
specialist lymphoedema services, is important to minimize long-term
morbidity. Treatment includes manual lymphatic drainage, massage, arm
elevation, and compression garments. It is often noticed following minor
trauma to the arm. Therefore, women are advised to avoid having blood
taken, injections, or even blood pressure monitored on the operated
arm. Patients should protect their affected arm by wearing gloves while
doing gardening or activities likely to break the skin.
• Breast lymphoedema is less common but often seen in the medial
quadrant of the breast following radiotherapy, infection, haematoma,
or large seroma.
• Poor cosmetic result.
Following reconstructive or plastic surgery
• Donor site morbidity after flap surgery. This is often forgotten about;
however, tethering following latissimus dorsi and dog ears after TRAM
flaps are not uncommon and may need secondary surgery to improve
the situation.
136 CHAPTER 14 Treatment-induced complications
Following radiotherapy
With modern machinery, increased fractionation, better planning of radio-
therapy, and the use of tangential fields, the incidence of post-radiotherapy
complications is decreasing. Some of the rarer complications only pre-
sent long after the treatment has ended, but the benefits of radiotherapy
(decreased local recurrence and a smaller increase in survival) are gener-
ally felt to outweigh the risks.
Systemic effects
• Loss of appetite and nausea are uncommon. Fatigue may occur (usually
with prior chemotherapy).
Local effects
• Skin: reduced basal cell turnover with ongoing epidermal shedding
gives rise to epidermal thinning and occasionally progresses to moist
desquamation. Erythema occurs when blood vessels become leaky,
and some people develop pruritus. These effects settle within 2
weeks (skin turnover time), but hyperpigmentation (from melanocyte
stimulation) can last for several months. Good skin care may help.
• Breast: aches and pains within the breast (often mild) can begin with
treatment but continue afterwards.
• Shoulder: temporary shoulder restriction is common, possibly due
to inflammation or atrophy of the pectoral and rotator cuff muscles.
Physiotherapy helps to minimize this effect.
• Oesophagus: occasional oesophagitis with treatment to the central
area of the chest.
• Skin: damage to endothelial cells and connective tissue gives rise
to telangiectasia, and tissues heal poorly with subsequent surgery.
Cutaneous radionecrosis is now rare.
• Breast: fibrosis produces a smaller, harder breast that does not alter
with time like the contralateral breast. This can give a deteriorating
cosmetic result. Irradiation of a reconstructed breast may significantly
affect its long-term appearance.
• Arm lymphoedema: occurs following fibrosis and damage to
lymphatics and veins. Management of the axilla with radiotherapy alone
has a similar risk of arm lymphoedema to that of a standard axillary
dissection (5%). Adding radiotherapy to a fully dissected axilla should
be avoided, unless there is a high risk of axillary recurrence (e.g. with
extensive extracapsular tumour deposition), as the risk of subsequent
arm lymphoedema is up to 40%.
• Breast lymphoedema: generally on the medial aspect of the breast and
is less common.
• Chest wall: rib pain and occasional rib fracture (<2%) may occur.
Osteoradionecrosis is now rare but can arise in patients treated many
years ago.
Short-term toxicities
Depends on the dose and drug combination used.
• Fatigue and lethargy (80%).
• Nausea and vomiting, eased by anti-emetics.
• Alopecia, reduced risk with use of ‘cold cap’.
• Diarrhoea.
• Weight gain (50%) often aggravated by steroids.
• Myelosuppression.
• Infection.
• Mucositis.
• Neuropathy, especially with taxanes.
• Cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac failure with anthracyclines.
• Thromboembolism.
• Allergic reactions with taxanes.
Long-term toxicities
These are less common.
• Premature ovarian failure: the risk increases with age (>60% over age
40), with menopausal symptoms, accelerated loss of bone mineral
density, and infertility in up to 40%.
• Myelodysplasia/leukaemia: rare (1%).
• Cardiomyopathy: with high doses of anthracyclines or anthracyclines in
combination with trastuzumab.
Signal transduction inhibitors (trastuzumab/Herceptin®)
Transient adverse effects/most common with first treatment
• Flu-like symptoms, fever, chills (40% at first treatment).
• Nausea.
• Diarrhoea.
• Less frequently headache, dizziness, rash, vomiting, or breathlessness.
Serious adverse effects
• Ventricular dysfunction, congestive cardiac failure (5%). Especially
when used in combination with anthracyclines or cyclophosphamide.
Left ventricular function (LVF) should be evaluated with echo/MUGA
prior to and during treatment, and discontinue with any significant
drop in LVF.
• Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, infusion reactions, and
pulmonary events (especially in metastatic lung disease). Stop drug if
significant dyspnoea or hypotension occurs.
140 CHAPTER 14 Treatment-induced complications
Further reading
NICE Guidelines. Available at: M
NMBRA. Available at: M
For adverse events associated with taximofen and anastrozole, see: Budzar AU (2004). Data from
the arimidex, tamoxifen, alone or in combination (ATAC) trial: implications for use of aromatase
inhibitors in 2003. Clin Cancer Res 10, 355S–61S.
Chapter 15 141
Ward management
Enhanced recovery
The Enhanced Recovery Programme (ERP) is a joint Department of
Health and NHS Improvement Programme initiative, which aims to
improve patient outcomes after surgery by facilitating recovery. The ERP
was initially introduced for colorectal surgery and has since been adopted
by other surgical specialties, including breast surgery.
The main elements of the ERP are:
• Preoperative preparation.
• Reduced operative stress.
• Structured pain relief.
• Early mobilization.
The target is to reduce length of stay and maximize the use of resources
The implementation of an ERP requires good staff communication,
as this is a multidisciplinary process involving GPs, pre-assessment clinic
nurses, ward staff, theatre staff, anaesthetists, surgeons, dietitians, and
physiotherapists. A key period is the preoperative phase, ensuring that
patient health is maximized prior to surgery (e.g. stopping smoking, reduc-
ing alcohol intake) and that adequate information is given about the opera-
tion and recovery period, allowing patients to understand the concept of
enhanced recovery.
Pain management is also an important area, which requires optimi-
zation following breast surgery, as it delays mobilization and discharge
(see Post-operative care). The UK National Mastectomy and Breast
Reconstruction Audit demonstrated that, following mastectomy, 6.2% of
patients reported severe post-operative pain and that this increased fol-
lowing breast reconstruction. The use of an analgesic ladder, avoidance of
opiate-based analgesia, and specific regional anaesthetic techniques, such
as paravertebral blocks, should improve patient outcomes. Avoiding the
use of drains may also decrease pain and post-operative complications.
Early discharge
It is recommended that >80% of patients undergoing breast surgery should
be discharged within 24 hours of their procedure. Increased utilization of
day case procedures is generally preferred by patients and is associated
with a Best Practice Tariff.
NHS Improvement, in association with the Association of Breast
Surgery and British Association of Day Surgery, have produced a day case/
one night breast surgical pathway to facilitate this (see Further reading).
The pathway emphasizes the role of the GP in optimizing preoperative
health, the importance of comprehensive patient information both dur-
ing clinic appointments and at pre-assessment, admission on the day of
surgery with minimal starvation times, the use of appropriate anaesthesia
and analgesia, and the importance of post-operative information and care
following discharge.
Discharge planning should be undertaken at the pre-assessment visit to
ensure that there are no delays due to predictable social issues.
144 CHAPTER 15 Ward management
Preoperative assessment
The aim is to:
• Quantify the severity of the primary disease and any co-morbidity.
• Decide on suitability for day surgical procedures.
• Optimize the patient prior to surgery.
• Obtain informed consent.
• Mark the patient for surgery.
In general, the presence of breast cancer or any other breast pathology
does not itself adversely affect the patient’s suitability for surgery, although
there are certain exceptions:
• Patients who have recently undergone chemotherapy (within 4 weeks)
may be neutropenic and at increased risk of post-operative infection.
An FBC is essential prior to surgery.
• Prior breast or chest wall radiotherapy increases the chance of
post-operative difficulties with wound healing.
• Metastatic breast cancer can cause hypercalcaemia or lung deposits,
which may make general anaesthesia risky. Serum calcium level and a
CXR should be checked if such metastatic disease is suspected.
Other coexisting medical conditions should be dealt with in the standard
fashion. Only age, diabetes, and drugs will be considered further.
Although age itself is not an independent risk factor, it is often accompa-
nied by other health problems, with an increased peri-operative morbidity.
Thus, many units have a policy of leaving the axilla untouched in a patient
with breast cancer over the age of 80 with no clinical evidence of axillary
Breast surgery is classed as ‘minor’ surgery for diabetics in that they can
eat within 6 hours of the procedure.
• All patients should have BMs monitored at least four times on the day
of surgery and hourly if on a sliding scale.
• Assuming adequate control (BMs 4–14), two measurements on the
first day post-operatively are usually sufficient.
• Diabetics should be first on the operating list where possible.
• Patients on diet treatment (or metformin) only should fast as
required for surgery and avoid 5% glucose as fluid replacement
• Patients on other oral hypoglycaemic drugs should omit these tablets
on the morning of surgery. After recovery, they can have a light meal
and their normal oral hypoglycaemics.
• Insulin-dependent diabetics: omit morning insulin. Start insulin sliding
scale at least 2 hours prior to theatre. Restart normal insulin regimen
once eating and drinking.
Tamoxifen is usually withheld prior to surgery to decrease the risk of
venous thromboembolism. Warfarin, clopidogrel, and aspirin should be
stopped prior to surgery. In high-risk patients (e.g. metallic heart valves
or recent coronary stenting), anticoagulation should be discussed with the
cardiology team and a treatment plan documented prior to surgery. Most
hospitals have an anticoagulant pathway for patients on long-term anti-
coagulation, whereby the anticoagulation team formulates a plan for the
patient covering the whole peri-operative period.
Preoperative investigations
• In benign disease in a young patient with no significant medical history,
‘routine’ tests are not needed. Unfortunately, these patients are rare.
• Afro-Caribbeans should be tested for sickle cell trait.
• Mediterraneans need to have thalassaemia excluded.
• FBC prior to all breast cancer procedures and G&S prior to
mastectomy/axillary clearance and all reconstructive procedures.
• Clotting studies in those on anticoagulants or with known liver
• U&E on diabetics, patients with renal impairment, or those on drugs
causing electrolyte disturbance (e.g. diuretics, digoxin, steroids).
• CXR in those with a history suggestive of symptomatic
cardiorespiratory disease or possible lung metastases. Not required in
women <60 years with early-stage breast cancer.
• ECG in patients >50 years, diabetics >40 years, or patients with any
cardiac history.
146 CHAPTER 15 Ward management
• Consent and mark the patient. In some instances, this is best done
with the patient supine, in others (e.g. mastopexy) with the patient
• Check that FNA, core biopsy, and routine blood results are in the
notes. Ensure mammograms are available. Blood has been grouped or
cross-matched, if necessary.
• Antibiotics, TED stockings, and heparin prophylaxis should be
prescribed as required by local policy.
148 CHAPTER 15 Ward management
Post-operative care
General measures
• Patients can generally eat, drink, and mobilize soon after surgery.
• Wounds can be washed in the shower from the first post-operative
day but should be dried gently and not left covered in damp dressings;
a hairdryer may be helpful.
• Pressure dressings should be removed in order to inspect the wound
on the first post-operative day. After this, clean, dry wounds can be
left open or a simple Mepore® dressing applied.
• A soft bra can be worn when comfortable.
• Drains are generally left in situ until draining less than 30–50mL
of serosanguinous fluid/day or at day 5 (whichever comes first).
However, many units are happy for patients to go home with their
drains, and the community nurses will monitor the drainage and
remove when ready.
• Physiotherapy should be initiated prior to discharge to encourage a
range of exercises to keep the arm and shoulder moving.
• Advice on arm and skin care after axillary surgery.
• Ensure patients have contact numbers for breast care nurse in case of
physical/emotional problems.
• Post-operative haemoglobin may be necessary, following
mastectomies, reconstructions, or major cosmetic procedures.
• Check wound for haematoma, flaps/nipples for evidence of necrosis.
• The breast care nurse should see the patient regarding the fitting of a
• Arrange first post-operative follow-up.
Pain management
Pain control after breast surgery was assessed in the National Mastectomy
and Breast Reconstruction Audit (see Further reading). Significant levels of
post-operative pain were experienced, and conclusions of the audit were
that units should be auditing pain control and improving peri-operative
analgesia. Methods of pain control peri-operatively include:
• Paracetamol.
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
• Oral opiates, e.g. codeine (these should always be given in conjunction
with aperients and anti-emetics).
• IV opiates, such as pethidine (short-acting) and morphine (long-acting),
with an anti-emetic.
Local anaesthetic
• Peri-operative injection to wound surfaces, including all raw surfaces.
• Peri-operative infiltration down a drain.
• Wound infiltration catheters.
• Blockade: paravertebral, intercostal, and interpleural blocks are used
for breast surgery.
Flap management
Patients having complex reconstructive procedures need careful observa-
tion of the flap for the first few hours/days.
• Ensure good oxygenation.
• Good analgesia to avoid hypertension.
• Keep the patient warm, gamgee on the flap, a warming blanket on the
• Obtain IV access, and keep well perfused with good urine output
(50mL/h)—catheters are useful following flap surgery.
• Avoid smoking.
• Abdominal wall flaps (TRAM/DIEP) require a period of bed rest, with
hip and knee flexion before mobilization.
150 CHAPTER 15 Ward management
Begins on day 1 post-operatively, with a respiratory assessment and the
teaching of breathing exercises to minimize the effects of anaesthesia and
shoulder exercises to restore movement and function to the arm as soon
as possible. After a full axillary clearance, physiotherapy can also reduce
the risk of lymphoedema. The exercises are repeated two to three times
daily for at least 6 weeks or until a full range of movement is regained.
(Additional physiotherapy during radiotherapy may minimize shoulder
stiffness). They include:
• Shoulder circling.
• Hair brushing.
• Back scratching.
• Arm bending.
• Arm lifts.
• Wall climbing.
• Back drying.
Further reading
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement: Quality and Service Improvement Tool. Available at:
NHS Enhanced Recovery Partnership. Available at: M
National Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Audit 2010. Available at: M http://
Arsalani-Zadeh R, ElFadl D, Yassin N, MacFie J (2011). Evidence-based review of enhancing postop-
erative recovery after breast surgery. Br J Surg 98, 181–96.
Breast Cancer Care. Available at: M
NMBRA. Available at: M
NHS Improvement in association with the Association of Breast Surgery and British Association of
Day Surgery, a day case/one night breast surgical pathway (Dec 2011). Available at: M http://
Chapter 16 153
Breast reduction
Breast reduction
Basic principles
Breast reduction surgery is cosmetic surgery performed to decrease the
size of a breast. The majority of cases are performed bilaterally to reduce
the size of the breasts when their size causes significant symptoms for
the patient. Breast reduction surgery involves moving breast parenchyma
and nipples on pedicles carrying their blood supply. The principles of this
surgery will prepare a breast trainee for volume displacement techniques
in breast conservation and therapeutic mammaplasty (see Chapter 18).
Breast reduction is the basis of much of oncoplastic breast surgery. Breast
reduction surgery improves quality of life to a similar extent to that
observed in hip replacement surgery (see Further reading).
Common reasons for seeking breast reduction surgery include:
• Associated back/neck/shoulder pain caused by the breast weight.
• Unwanted attention due to the size of the cleavage.
• Difficulty with hygiene due to breast size/ptosis.
• Psychological impact of having large breasts.
• To aid symmetry following previous contralateral mastectomy/breast
reconstruction surgery.
• Massive breast hypertrophy during pregnancy.
The aims of breast reduction surgery include four core principles (see
Further reading):
• Excision of excess parenchyma: excess parenchyma must be removed
whilst leaving adequate breast tissue to maintain a suitable final breast
size for the patient’s body shape and to maintain bulk in the medial
cleavage region.
• Skin envelope reduction: when reducing breast bulk, it is usually
necessary to remove skin excess to reduce breast ptosis and to help
maintain breast shape long-term.
• Breast shaping: the final result must give good long-term breast shape,
with nipples placed at an appropriate height upon a well-projected
breast mound.
• Nipple complex blood and nerve supply: the nipple vascularity and
sensation are preserved by fashioning a pedicle of breast tissue large
enough to support nipple viability.
From the patient’s point of view, breast reduction surgery carries the
advantages of:
• Reduced breast bulk.
• Improved breast ptosis and shape.
Against this has to be weighed the disadvantages of:
• Scarring to the breast.
• Changes caused to breast appearance on mammography.
• Future ability to breastfeed may be prevented.
• Reduced nipple sensation/erotic sensation.
• Breast liposuction: removes bulk from the breast but does not address
ptosis or skin redundancy. It is of limited use in older women who
have predominantly fatty breasts. Liposuction has the advantage
of removing mass without significant scars. The most common
complication of breast liposuction is haematoma formation (1–3%).
• Free nipple graft: it is useful for patients with enormous breasts that
would end up with a pedicle that is too long. It is a good technique in
older women who may have a diminished microvasculature. It is easy
to perform and gives additional flexibility in shaping the breast because
the pedicle does not need preserving as in most other techniques.
The major drawback is that the nipple appearance may be poor and is
without sensation.
158 CHAPTER 16 Breast reduction
1 L>R 4 L>R
2 D D
6x x
a) 1 cm
b) 5
3 A
c) d)
7 x x
B x B’ 9
x C’ C
x 8 10+11 x
1. With the patient standing, assess the patient’s breast size. If one breast
is larger and needs more reduction, write this on the patient’s sternum.
2. Write the patient’s aim for final cup size over sternum.
3. Mark suprasternal notch and midline along sternum and down to
4. Put a tape measure around the patient’s neck, so it falls over the
current nipple site. Draw breast meridian along the tape measure
through the current nipple and down the breast to cross the
inframammary fold.
5. Place a finger in the inframammary fold, and translate this level
across to the midline and make a mark on the midline. Put fingers in
the inframammary fold and thumb on the anterior surface of breast
(Pitanguy’s point), and mark this point on the midline. This should
correspond with your first mark.
6. The centre of the new nipple site should be 1–3cm above this height.
One cm above this mark, draw the new nipple height on the breast
meridian bilaterally. Measure from the suprasternal notch to the new
nipple height. This distance should NEVER be less than 21cm and
only less than 23cm in a very small-framed woman. Ensure bilateral
measurements are the same.
7. Draw the new areola margin around the new nipple site. If your nipple
marker is 4cm in diameter, this areola margin needs to be 2 x π x
radius = 12.5cm in length. Check the length of this ellipse with a tape
measure. Alternatively, use a template to draw this elliptical shape.
8. Place a thumb just medial to the nipple, and move the breast gently
upwards and laterally so that the redundant skin is taken up and
the ptosis is removed. Draw a line vertically down from the medial
areolar edge towards the intercept of the breast meridian with the
inframammary fold (point A). Put a mark 5.5cm down this line (point B).
9. Place a thumb just lateral to the nipple, and move the breast gently
upwards and medially so that the redundant skin is taken up and
the ptosis is removed. Draw a line vertically down from the lateral
areolar edge towards the intercept of the breast meridian with the
inframammary fold (point A). Put a mark at 5.5cm down this line
(point C).
10. Place a thumb halfway between point B and the inframammary
fold. Using your fingers, fold the breast over so that point B comes
and rests over point A. There will now be a crease in the skin that
extends to the medial aspect of the inframammary fold. Mark this
most medial point of the skin incision (B’). Let go of the breast, and
draw a straight line from point B to B’.
11. Place a thumb halfway between point C and point A. Using your
fingers, fold the breast over so that point C comes and rests over
point A. There will now be a crease in the skin that extends to the
lateral aspect of the inframammary fold. Mark this point (C’). Let
go of the breast, and draw a straight line from point C to C’. Mark
the inframammary fold from point B’ to C’. Points B’ and C’ should
not meet in the middle and should be at least 3cm apart to avoid
12. Stand back, and ensure markings are symmetrical.
160 CHAPTER 16 Breast reduction
Post-operative care
Patients will usually have a drain placed post-reduction surgery. This drain
does not avoid bleeding problems, but does allow earlier detection of a
bleed, and avoids the pedicle being compressed by an expanding haema-
toma before the patient is returned to the operating theatre. The drain
can be safely removed the day following surgery. Patients are advised to
wear a soft sports bra, day and night for the first 4 weeks after surgery, and
to moisturize their scars on a daily basis once healed.
The commonest immediate complication is a haematoma, which invari-
ably needs evacuating. It is important to treat signs of infection early, as
failure to do so can encourage fat necrosis in the pedicle which then
causes nipple necrosis.
Further reading
Jones GE, ed (2010). Bostwick’s plastic and reconstructive breast surgery, 3e. Quality Medical
Publishing, St Louis.
Spear SL, Willey SC, Robb GL, Hammond DC, Nahabedian MY, eds (2010). Surgery of the
breast: principles and art, 3e. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Chapter 17 163
Oncoplastic mastectomy
Overview 164
Skin-sparing mastectomy incisions 166
Nipple-sparing mastectomy techniques 168
Further reading 169
164 CHAPTER 17 Oncoplastic mastectomy incisions
The best cosmesis following mastectomy is achieved by maintaining the
original skin envelope of the breast, including the nipple. Not all patients
are oncologically suitable for a skin-sparing or nipple-sparing mastectomy.
Preoperative planning is essential for all patients having a mastectomy so
that the optimum aesthetic outcome can be achieved in either an immedi-
ate or a delayed reconstructive setting.
Simple mastectomy incisions
Simple mastectomy incisions should be designed to maximize the cos-
metic outcome should a patient choose to have a reconstruction in the
delayed setting. In designing the incision, we should attempt to:
• Keep the scar as low on the breast as possible, so it is not visible.
• Ensure that skin in the décolleté/cleavage region is intact and the
medial end of the scar is low.
• If possible, maintain the inframammary fold and its attachments. In
a ptotic breast, the upper flap can be sutured at the level of the
inframammary fold (see Fig. 17.1). This ensures that, in a delayed
reconstruction, the skin paddle from an autologous reconstruction
is hidden in the inferior pole of the breast, and the visible part of the
breast is native skin.
a) b)
Fig. 17.1 Maintaining the inframammary fold during simple mastectomy. a) In the
ptotic breast, the upper flap is marked as low as possible, just above the nipple
(incisions marked with a dashed line). The lower skin incision is made at the level of
the inframammary fold, care being taken to maintain the attachments of the fascial
layers at this level. b) The upper flap is brought down following the mastectomy
and sutured at the level of the inframammary fold.
166 CHAPTER 17 Oncoplastic mastectomy incisions
a) b)
c) d)
Nipple-sparing mastectomy
Nipple-sparing mastectomy is becoming increasingly common for immedi-
ate breast reconstructions and is an excellent choice for women undergo-
ing prophylactic mastectomy. Patients undergoing mastectomy for breast
cancer can also be offered nipple-sparing mastectomy; however, they
must be informed of the slightly increased risk of local recurrence. Spear
et al. have recommended that certain breast cancers may be amenable to
nipple-sparing surgery if they meet specific oncological criteria:
• Tumour size 3cm or less.
• Tumour at least 2cm from nipple.
• Not multicentric.
• Clinically negative lymph nodes.
Incisions used for nipple-sparing mastectomy include:
• A peri-areolar incision (with or without a lateral extension).
• A lateral radial incision.
• An inframammary incision.
• A reduction pattern incision.
The safety of nipple-sparing mastectomy may be increased by obtaining
nipple shaves at the time of surgery or by taking core biopsies from behind
the nipple prior to the mastectomy.
Specific risks of skin-sparing or nipple-sparing
• Flap necrosis: the longer flaps used in this surgery will cause an
increased risk of skin flap necrosis. This risk is highest if using reduction
pattern surgery. Careful planning of skin incision type is essential in
all patients, particularly those already at higher risk of necrosis (prior
radiotherapy, smokers, vascular disease, diabetics). Leaving skin bridges
(type III skin-sparing mastectomy) may not be advisable in this cohort
of high-risk patients.
• Higher risk of locally recurrent disease: the more skin and nipple that
is spared, potentially the more breast tissue will be left behind. This
will put patients at higher risk of locally recurrent disease or, in the
prophylactic setting, of developing a primary breast cancer.
• Partial or total nipple necrosis if the nipple is being spared.
• Loss of sensation: this occurs to the breast skin envelope and also to
the nipple if spared.
Further reading
Rainsbury D, Willett A (2012). Oncoplastic breast reconstruction—Guidelines for Best Practice
ABS/BAPRAS Nov 2012. Available at: M
Spear SL, Willey SC, Robb GL, Hammond DC, Nahabedian MY, eds (2010). Surgery of the
breast: principles and art, 3e. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Carlson GW, Bostwick J 3rd, Styblo TM, et al. (1997). Skin-sparing mastectomy. Oncologic and
reconstructive consideration. Ann Surg 225, 570–5.
Hannan C, Spear S, Seiboth L, Al-Attar A (2010). Nipple sparing mastectomy: A review on indica-
tions, techniques and safety. Plast Reconstr Surg 126, 25.
National Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Audits. Available at: M http://www.
Jones GE, ed (2010). Bostwick’s plastic and reconstructive breast surgery, 3e. Quality Medical
Publishing, St Louis.
Chapter 18 171
surgery: volume
Overview 172
Oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery (OBCS) 173
Classification of OBCS 174
Further reading 176
172 CHAPTER 18 Breast-conserving surgery
Breast-conserving surgery (BCS), combined with radiotherapy, has equiva-
lent survival rates to mastectomy. The goal is to conserve breast shape
whilst removing an adequate volume of tissue.
When >20% of breast volume is excised during wide local excision,
there is a higher risk of developing deformity of the breast. This can be dis-
tressing for the patient and may require multiple operations in an attempt
to restore normal breast form.
Oncoplastic breast-conserving
surgery (OBCS)
The initial use of oncoplastic breast-conserving techniques will minimize
the risk of post-operative breast deformities and should be considered for
all resections >20% of breast volume. Tumours in the lower and medial
poles of the breast are particularly prone to post-operative deformity.
The principles of OBCS are the same as for standard WLE—to excise at
least a margin of normal tissue around the tumour, taking a full thickness
of tissue from the level of skin down to pectoralis fascia. The cavity should
be clipped to facilitate radiotherapy prior to remodelling.
Patient factors are important in deciding on the appropriate technique.
All patients should be counselled about the risks of poor scarring and
post-operative breast asymmetry. Contralateral symmetrization may be
required, either immediately or as a second-stage procedure following
completion of adjuvant treatment.
Techniques fall into two broad groups:
• Volume displacement—local breast tissue is mobilized to fill the defect
and may form part of a breast reduction procedure.
• Volume replacement (see Chapter 19)—new tissue is brought in, often
in the form of a myocutaneous flap.
Smoking, diabetes, and high BMI increase the risk of complications, espe-
cially wound infections and delayed healing. These patients should be
counselled appropriately prior to surgery.
Advantages of OBCS
• No difference in oncological outcome compared to standard WLE.
• Allows larger volume of tissue to be excised.
• Improved cosmetic result.
Disadvantages of OBCS
• Re-excision may be difficult, as original margins not easily identified.
• Increased risk of complications, e.g. fat necrosis.
• Delayed healing will delay adjuvant therapy.
174 CHAPTER 18 Breast-conserving surgery
Classification of OBCS
Level 1 techniques:
• Local glandular remodelling.
• Up to 20% volume excision.
• Dual-plane undermining required—glandular breasts only.
Level 2 techniques:
• Mammaplasty techniques.
• 20–50% volume excision, with or without skin excision.
• Single-plane undermining—suitable for fatty and glandular breasts.
Level 1 OBCS techniques
• Mark patient preoperatively in standing position.
• Position patient on operating table to allow an upright position during
• Drape patient with both breasts exposed.
• Make sufficient skin incision to allow extensive glandular mobilization.
• Undermine skin in mastectomy plane beyond tumour site.
• If necessary, transect nipple ducts, leaving 1cm tissue on underside of
NAC to facilitate repositioning.
• Excise full-thickness fusiform wedge of breast tissue, including tumour
orientated along breast ray.
• Orientate specimen for pathologist.
• Mark cavity with metal clips.
• Mobilize surrounding breast tissue from pectoralis fascia to create
local glandular flaps, and approximate to fill defect.
• If necessary, de-epithelialize crescent of peri-areolar skin opposite
excision to re-centre NAC.
Further reading
Rainsbury D, Willett A (2012). Oncoplastic breast reconstruction—Guidelines for Best Practice
ABS/BAPRAS Nov 2012. Available at: M
Clough KB, Kaufman GJ, Nos C, Buccimazza I, Sarfati IM (2010). Improving breast cancer sur-
gery: a classification and quadrant per quadrant atlas for oncoplastic surgery. Ann Surg Oncol
17, 1375–91.
Fitoussi A, Berry MG, Couturaud B, Salmon RJ (2009). Oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery for
breast cancer. Springer, London.
Spear SL, Willey SC, Robb GL, Hammond DC, Nahabedian MY, eds (2010). Surgery of the
breast: principles and art, 3e. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Iwuchukwu OC, Harvey JR, Dordea M, et al. The role of therapeutic mammaplasty in breast cancer
surgery—a review. Surg Oncol 21, 133–41.
Jones GE, ed (2010). Bostwick’s plastic and reconstructive breast surgery, 3e. Quality Medical
Publishing, St Louis.
Baildam A (2002). Oncoplastic surgery of the breast. Br J Surg 89, 532–3.
Chapter 19 177
Breast reconstruction:
volume replacement
Overview 178
Implant-based reconstruction and acellular dermal
matrices 180
Latissimus dorsi (LD) reconstruction 182
Abdominal flap reconstruction 184
Further reading 186
178 CHAPTER 19 Breast reconstruction
Volume replacement should be considered in the setting of:
• Immediate or delayed breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
• >20% of breast volume resected as part of breast-conserving surgery.
• Resection of central, medial, or lower pole tumours likely to cause
significant deformity.
Common types of volume replacement
• Implant-based reconstruction.
• Autologous flap reconstruction (e.g. latissimus dorsi, abdominal, or
gluteal flap).
• Lipomodelling.
Selection of volume replacement technique
The key to successful volume replacement and patient satisfaction is the
clinical decision-making process. Clinician, patient, family, and breast care
nurses should be involved in the decision-making process. Patients must
be aware:
• Reconstructive surgery is a choice, unlike their cancer surgery.
• It involves risk of complications and prolonged recovery.
• That the complications of reconstructive surgery may delay adjuvant
• Of all the options available for reconstruction (even if they are not
available in your hospital).
• What is involved in each reconstructive option to aid informed
• That reconstructive surgery usually involves several operations and
multiple clinic visits.
• A reconstructed breast will not be the same as their natural breast.
This process will take multiple visits to achieve understanding and agree-
ment. Specialist nurses are the backbone of this discussion and should
be giving patients written information, photographs of a range of recon-
structions with a range of outcomes (from good through to those having
peri-operative complications), and, if time permits, a meeting with patients
who have undergone breast reconstruction.
A full medical history should be taken from all patients. Important informa-
tion includes:
• Previous adjuvant treatment (especially radiotherapy and its dosage).
• Smoking history.
• Current weight and BMI, and stability of current weight (large
variations in weight will rapidly change the appearance of the
reconstructed vs the non-reconstructed breast).
• Which breast does the patient prefer?
• What does patient want to achieve from breast reconstruction?
• Social history of current job and hobbies (especially sport).
• Family circumstances (e.g. is the patient a carer for young children?).
Clinical examination
Clinical examination should incorporate:
• Recording of BMI.
• Assessment breast shape, including height/width/projection and ptosis.
• Examination of the presence/absence of pectoralis major and
latissimus dorsi.
• Assessment of breast/chest wall skin quality and any radiation changes.
• Examination of the abdominal pannus for amount and quality of tissue.
• Examination for abdominal wall hernias or weakness.
180 CHAPTER 19 Breast reconstruction
Types of LD reconstruction
• Extended LD flap: harvesting the maximal amount of LD muscle
and fat underlying Scarpa’s fascia to create a purely autologous
• LD and implant: the LD flap is used for coverage of an implant. This
approach gives the soft feel of autologous tissue with the added
volume of an implant. The implant can be totally covered by LD
anteriorly or the implant pocket is created by lifting pectoralis major
anteriorly and covering the lower pole with the LD flap.
Thoracodorsal artery
(enters latissimus
dorsi 10cm below axillary
Lower border
of scapular
Line of resection of
latissimus muscle,
(showing types of
overlying skin paddles
Iliac creat
Fig. 19.1 Latissimus dorsi flap. Reproduced with permission from Chaudry MA
and Winslet MC, 'The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Surgical Oncology', copyright
2009, Oxford University Press.
• Relatively radioresistant, especially if there is no implant present.
• Good aesthetic result, even in mildly ptotic breasts.
• Use of expander implant gives adjustability.
• Robust flap with a low failure rate.
• Can be used selectively in smokers.
• Removes LD function on the ipsilateral side (may affect shoulder/back/
neck function).
• Donor site morbidity.
• Skin paddle is often a different colour to the chest wall skin, giving a
patch appearance.
• Longer operation and recovery than implant-based reconstruction. Full
recovery takes 1–3 months.
• If an implant is used, revisional surgery is likely.
• Previous damage to thoracodorsal pedicle.
• Active hobbies or lifestyle where weakness of LD would be a problem
(e.g. sportswomen [climbers/rowers/dancers] or carers).
• Patients with pre-existing back or neck conditions.
• Severe co-morbidity—because LD flap reconstruction involves a
prolonged operation and recovery.
The consent process should include discussion about the potential
adverse outcomes of implant-based reconstruction if an implant is being
used, as discussed in the previous section. Specifically, patients undergoing
LD reconstruction should be warned about the risks of:
• Flap failure (rare).
• Donor site morbidity, including skin necrosis/breakdown and seromas.
• Chronic pain (especially from donor site).
• Weakness of back/shoulder muscles—particularly noticeable when
picking up heavy bags/taking items from a high shelf/getting up out of a
bath or off the floor.
• Scarring on back and around the inset skin paddle.
• Future risk of hernias (lumbar hernias).
See Further reading—NMBRA.
• 1.2% partial and 0.2% total flap loss.
• 9.5% risk of donor site complications (7.5% of patients require
post-operative drainage of a seroma or haematoma).
• 10–15% of women are bothered by the appearance of their donor
site scar.
• 712% of women suffer shoulder or back pain most, or all, of the time
following surgery.
• 720% of women have difficulty lifting and carrying heavy objects.
• Scores for emotional, sexual, and physical well-being as well as breast
appearance are higher than those of implant-based reconstruction.
184 CHAPTER 19 Breast reconstruction
Axillary Subclavian
artery artery
Subscapular mammary
artery artery
Safe zones
Fig. 19.2 Basic TRAM/DIEP anatomy. Safe zones I and II are the zones with the
best blood supply following abdominal flap surgery. Zones III and IV often need to
be sacrificed early during the operation due to their poor viability. Reproduced with
permission from Chaudry MA and Winslet MC, 'The Oxford Specialist Handbook
of Surgical Oncology', copyright 2009, Oxford University Press.
Further reading
Rainsbury D, Willett A (2012). Oncoplastic breast reconstruction—Guidelines for Best Practice
ABS/BAPRAS Nov 2012. Available at: M
Spear SL, Willey SC, Robb GL, Hammond DC, Nahabedian MY, eds (2010). Surgery of the
breast: principles and art, 3e. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
NMBRA. Available at: M
Jones GE, ed (2010). Bostwick’s plastic and reconstructive breast surgery, 3e. Quality Medical
Publishing, St Louis.
Chapter 20 187
Overview 188
Indications 189
Complications 190
Further reading 191
188 CHAPTER 20 Lipomodelling
Lipomodelling is a fast-evolving technique that harvests subcutaneous fat,
usually from the abdomen/flanks/thighs, and uses it for volume replace-
ment in the breast. Fat is harvested using liposuction, and then the fat
cells are separated from the tissue fluid/blood and oil that is also gathered
during liposuction. Separation is usually achieved by centrifugation, but
processes for washing the fat cells have also recently been developed. Fat
for injection can also be enriched with adipose-derived regenerative cells
(ADRCs), which may enhance graft take by maximizing vascularization of
the graft (see Further reading).
Fat injection (lipomodelling) into the breast will only be successful if
the fat is injected in small aliquots to an area with a good blood sup-
ply. Fat is injected in tunnels at different depths and angles to achieve
a 3-dimensional increase in volume, avoiding the formation of ‘fat lakes’
which will form fat necrosis/oil cysts over time.
Lipomodelling is dependent upon a suitable donor site but, if fat can
be harvested, lipomodelling allows the surgeon to contour the breast,
depending on the specific needs of the patient. Lipomodelling may need
to be repeated several times to reach the desired result; volume increases
over 150–200mL can rarely be achieved in one session.
Common uses of lipomodelling include:
• Correction of contour deformities (e.g. lack of upper, medial fullness)
after previous breast reconstruction or augmentation.
• To soften the contour at the edge of a breast implant.
• Filling of contour and volume deformities after previous
breast-conserving surgery.
• As a volume adjunct to a previous reconstruction (e.g. to increase
breast bulk after previous autologous reconstruction where the
surgeon/patient wishes to avoid an implant).
• As a method of delayed breast reconstruction (see Further reading).
• Breast augmentation (lipomodelling in this setting will only give limited
volume increase, often over several treatments).
• To provide soft tissue cover prior to breast augmentation or delayed
• Liposuction of fatty areas on abdomen/flanks/thighs is usually welcome.
• Quick to perform and gives a natural autologous feel.
• There is a significant learning curve to master all its applications.
• Donor site can become cosmetically unsatisfactory if fat is not evenly
• Theoretical risk of interference with mammographic screening causing
an increase in recurrence rates. However, there is currently no
evidence to demonstrate interference with mammographic screening
or a higher risk of local recurrence with this technique.
190 CHAPTER 20 Lipomodelling
Specifically, patients undergoing lipomodelling should be warned about
the risks of:
• Fat necrosis/oil cysts and, therefore, increased risk of diagnostic biopsy
after their next mammographic screening to ensure all mammographic
changes are benign. Possible risk of cancer recurrence.
• Donor site morbidity, including bruising, infection, visceral injury, and
• Lipomodelling often needs repeating until the desired cosmetic result
is achieved.
Further reading
Lipomodelling guidelines for breast surgery Joint guidelines from the Association of Breast Surgery,
the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and the British
Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Available at: M
Breast reconstruction using lipomodelling after breast cancer treatment (IPG417). Available at: M
Perez-Cano R, Vranckx, J, Lasso J, et al. (2012). Prospective trial of adipose-derived regenerative
cell (ADRC)—enriched fat grafting for partial mastectomy defects: the RESTORE-2 trial. Eur J
Surg Oncol 38, 382–9.
Rainsbury D, Willett A (2012). Oncoplastic breast reconstruction—Guidelines for Best Practice
ABS/BAPRAS Nov 2012. Available at: M
Spear SL, Willey SC, Robb GL, Hammond DC, Nahabedian MY, eds (2010). Surgery of the
breast: principles and art, 3e. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Chapter 21 193
Overview 194
Marking up 195
Techniques 196
Further reading 198
194 CHAPTER 21 Nipple-areola reconstruction
The common situations in which the need for nipple-areola reconstruc-
tion is encountered are:
• Following immediate/delayed flap reconstruction.
• After central wide local excision.
• Nipple loss following duct surgery or mastopexy/breast reduction.
General principles
Nipple reconstruction can be performed as part of a one-stage breast
reconstruction. However, the final position of the nipple may change in
the months following surgery, as the reconstructed breast assumes its final
position. Therefore, NAC reconstruction is usually performed as a delayed
procedure under local anaesthetic, 3–6 months following reconstruction.
The first stage is to re-create the nipple mound using either a local flap
or a graft. This is then tattooed 3 months later to symmetrize with the
contralateral NAC.
Consent and preoperative issues
Nipple reconstruction is not mandatory after breast reconstruction, and
some patients decide not to bother. However, it is important to give the
patient the options that are available. Before the final decision to recon-
struct, it may be helpful to give the patient an artificial nipple, which can be
custom-made so that the patient has some idea of the visual benefit. It can
also be helpful in final positioning if reconstruction is undertaken because,
if worn regularly in the lead up to surgery, the artificial nipple leaves a
mark which makes positioning much more accurate. If reconstruction is
undertaken, the patient should be made aware of the following possible
• Loss of nipple projection, requiring revision.
• Nipple necrosis and infection.
• Asymmetry (especially if performed as a one-stage procedure).
• Donor site morbidity (if graft is used).
• Poor scarring.
• Loss of tattoo pigment.
The patient needs to be warned that, because reconstructed nipples
nearly always shrink, it is often wise to make them a little too large to
allow for this atrophy. Beware also that much of the ‘new’ nipple is made
of subcutaneous fat so that a very thin patient with prominent nipples
may prove difficult to match, particularly if an implant reconstruction has
taken place, as the tissues may be very thin after expansion. Therefore, it is
important, as in all reconstructions, to match the patient to the technique.
Marking up
The patient should be marked in the upright position prior to surgery. The
position of the new NAC should be marked to achieve close symmetry
with the contralateral side and should ideally be positioned on the site of
maximum projection of the breast.
Nipple position can either be determined using contralateral measure-
ments of NAC distance from the sternal notch, midline, and infra-mammary
fold, or an adhesive sticker, such as an ECG dot, may be used. When
marking the areola, a template of the contralateral side should be traced.
196 CHAPTER 21 Nipple-areola reconstruction
Local flaps
Local flaps are designed to harvest skin and underlying fat in order to cre-
ate a nipple mound. When designing a flap, pre-existing scars should be
avoided, as this may compromise the blood supply. The general principle
is to aim to produce a mound with double the height of the opposite nip-
ple, as it will invariably lose projection with time.
Local flaps should not be closed under tension, as this leads to poor scar-
ring, which is difficult to camouflage by tattooing, and to flattening of the
mound. If necessary, a full-thickness skin graft can be used to aid closure.
If the flap site overlies an implant-based reconstruction, there may be
a lack of subcutaneous tissue to create projection. A strip of underlying
muscle may be raised with the skin or a filler, such as acellular dermal
matrix, used. Beware of damaging the underlying prosthesis.
There are many different techniques and modifications described using
locally designed flaps. The most common are described in the following
bullet points. C-V flap is the most commonly used; other methods of local
flap are very similar in principle to this. Following reconstruction, the site
should be covered with a non-adherent dressing, which avoids direct pres-
sure on the reconstructed mound.
C-V flap (see Fig. 21.1):
• Raise flap based on modified star design.
• Include subcutaneous fat deep to central flap.
• Wrap lateral wings around—one inferior and one superior.
• Central flap placed on top to create plateau.
• Close skin defects directly.
Skate flap (see Further reading):
• Raise flap based on semicircular design.
• Include subcutaneous fat deep to central flap.
• Close deep tissue defect to create base for nipple.
• Lateral wings are opposed to create conical projection.
• Skin defect is closed directly.
Star flap (see Further reading):
• Raise flap based on triangular design.
• Include subcutaneous fat deep to central flap.
• Oppose tips of all triangles to create mound.
• Close skin defects directly.
A major advantage of these flaps is that for, the most part, they can be
done under local anaesthesia as a day case/outpatient.
Full-thickness skin grafts can be taken from various donor sites, including
the pigmented inner thigh/labia. However, due to potential donor site
morbidity, the need for general anaesthetic, and morbidity at the donor
site, these techniques have largely been superseded by local flaps and
tattooing. Redundant breast skin (e.g. as part of a Wise pattern breast pro-
cedure) can be used as a full thickness Wolfe graft to recreate an areola,
avoiding the need for tattooing.
Reconstructed Incision
Fig. 21.1 Nipple reconstruction with a C-V flap. Reproduced with permission
from Chaudry MA and Winslet MC, 'The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Surgical
Oncology', copyright 2009, Oxford University Press.
a) b)
Further reading
Jones GE, ed (2010). Bostwick’s plastic and reconstructive breast surgery, 3e. Quality Medical
Publishing, St Louis.
Spear SL, Willey SC, Robb GL, Hammond DC, Nahabedian MY, eds (2010). Surgery of the
breast: principles and art, 3e. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Chapter 22 199
Breast augmentation
Basic principles
Hypomastia may occur as a developmental or involutional process.
Developmental hypomastia can be unilateral or bilateral, or secondary to
a chest wall deformity. Hypomastia often results from breast involution in
post-partum women; this is exacerbated by breastfeeding and significant
weight loss. Inadequate breast volume can lead to a negative body image,
which may affect a patient’s quality of life.
Breast implant choice
Breast implant manufacture is constantly evolving and improving. The
major types of breast implant are:
Silicone implants
Silicone is made up of polymeric chains; the physical properties of the
silicone depend on both the chain length and the level of cross-linking
between the polymers. Increased cross-linking and longer chain length
results in higher viscosity and a formed stable gel (it maintains its shape
when sitting or lying). Modern implants are made up of two core parts:
• Shell: tough silicone shell with a textured surface; the textured surface
allows tissue adherence and ingrowth. The textured surface reduces
implant movement/rotation in its pocket and capsule formation.
• Filling: cohesive gels are solid, even when cut with a knife; this results
in less gel bleeding through the implant shell and less silicone leakage
should an implant shell fail. The cohesiveness of the gel will determine
the feel of the implant from soft through to firm.
Shape: implants are manufactured in a huge variety of sizes and in two
main shapes—anatomical or round.
• Round: round implants vary in base width and in projection. The
majority of breast augmentations have been performed with round
implants. They eliminate the risk of implant rotation present with
anatomical implants and are easier to insert. Round implants are
particularly good for women who want visible enhancement to the
medial cleavage area.
• Anatomical: anatomical implants provide a more naturally shaped
breast implant that is fuller in the lower pole than the upper pole.
Surgeons can choose an implant based upon its base width, height,
and projection.
Saline implants
Widely used in the US because silicone implants were banned by the FDA
during a period when it was thought that these implants caused autoim-
mune disease. Saline implants, if underfilled, tend to ripple and, if overfilled,
result in very firm implants. Used for transumbilical breast augmentation.
Polyurethane-covered implants gain very good tissue adherence and are
increasingly being used for revision augmentations, particularly when rota-
tion of an implant caused the need for revisional surgery. These implants
pinch >2cm). The implant pocket is between the posterior aspect of the
breast parenchyma and the anterior fascia of the pectoralis major muscle.
An attempt to combine the benefits of subglandular and submuscular
techniques. The implant is placed under the anterior pectoralis fascia
which may result in less visible implant edges, rippling, and contracture
than subglandular placement. Not widely used.
Retropectoral placement increases soft tissue coverage over the implant,
giving a more natural feel, and reduces medial visibility and rippling of the
prosthesis. Disadvantages include increased post-operative pain, reduction
of pectoralis major function, and ‘animation’ (visible lateral movement) of
the implant when pectoralis major contracts.
Complications of breast augmentation
• Capsule formation: has a reported incidence of 1–30%
(see Table 22.1).
• Scars at site of insertion.
• Bleeding.
• Reduced nipple/breast sensation.
• Infection: which may result in explantation of the device.
• Interference with mammographic screening: silicone devices are extremely
dense on mammography and may mask some of the breast parenchyma.
• Unsatisfactory cosmetic result: outcome is very dependent on
managing the patient’s expectations and ensuring thorough patient
education and open discussion throughout the consultation process.
• Risk of revisional surgery in the future: either due to implant failure or
a change in the patient’s tissues over time.
• Palpability of the implant and rippling.
• Implant rotation: occurs in 72% of anatomical breast implant
• Leakage: silicone gel implants only leak when the shell has failed.
Expanders may deflate due to a leak from the injection port site.
Tissue planning process
See Further reading. Planning a breast augmentation must allow for both
the patient’s wishes and also the tissue characteristics. Planning a breast
augmentation should take account of the following five factors:
• Implant coverage/pocket planning.
• Implant size/volume.
• Implant type.
• Inframammary fold position.
• Incision.
This planning process must be conducted with the patient and can be
further enhanced using visual aids (photos, image capture and com-
puter planning technology, device catalogues, demonstrating a range
of prostheses, interactive digital education) to try to exhibit a likely
outcome range.
Symmetrization surgery
Basic principles
Surgery, including breast conservation surgery, mastectomy, and mastec-
tomy with immediate reconstruction, can leave women with significant
size and shape discrepancies between their two breasts. Managing this mis-
match is challenging. During the consent process for any breast surgery,
women must be shown any pre-existing differences between the breasts
and warned that there will be a difference following treatment, the extent
of which is difficult to predict.
Options for managing asymmetry
• Reassurance and a frank discussion: reassurance that this is normal.
Many women, once they have explored all possible surgical options,
will opt for no further surgical symmetrization surgery. This involves
the lowest level of risk to the patient and her current aesthetic
appearance. Many patients do not want to have surgery or scars on
their unaffected and ‘normal’ breast.
• Volume deficit: volume can be enhanced with breast augmentation or
lipomodelling (see Chapter 20).
• Volume too large: breast reduction or liposuction.
• Ptosis: often a problem after contralateral implant-based
reconstruction. Mastopexy, or breast reduction, is mainstay of
Timing of symmetrization surgery
When to perform symmetrization surgery is a personal decision. Generally,
it is performed either at the time of the index procedure (more challeng-
ing) or once the ipsilateral breast has completed treatment and its size
and shape have matured. Factors which influence decision-making include:
• Patient preference.
• Macromastia: patients with macromastia who are having a large
reduction in volume on one side will be lopsided if the contralateral
breast is not also reduced at the same time.
• Radiotherapy: radiotherapy has a relatively unpredictable effect upon
final breast volume and size. Performing synchronous bilateral surgery
may leave patients with asymmetry once radiotherapy is complete.
• Adjuvant chemo-/radiotherapy: patients at high risk of systemic disease
should not have their adjuvant chemotherapy delayed by cosmetic
contralateral surgery. Complications from contralateral surgery are
common and can delay the start of adjuvant treatments.
• Theatre capacity and the availability of a skilled surgeon to work
synchronously on the contralateral breast.
Further reading
de la Pena-Salcedo J, Soto-Miranda M, Lopez-Salguero J (2012). Back to the future: a 15 year experi-
ence with polyurethane foam-covered implants using the partial subfascial technique. Aesthetic
Plast Surg 36, 331–8.
Pompei S, Arelli F, Labardi, L, et al. (2001). Breast reconstruction with polyurethane implants: pre-
liminary report. Eur J Plast Surg Epub 21 June 2011.
Spear SL, Willey SC, Robb GL, Hammond DC, Nahabedian MY, eds (2010). Surgery of the
breast: principles and art, 3e. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Tebbetts JB, Adams WP (2005). Five critical decisions in breast augmentation. Using five measure-
ments in 5 minutes: the high five decision support process. Plast Reconstr Surg 116, 2005–16.
Jones GE, ed (2010). Bostwick’s plastic and reconstructive breast surgery, 3e. Quality Medical
Publishing, St Louis.
Chapter 23 207
Overview 208
Management of recurrence 210
Management of skeletal metastases and palliative care 212
Locally advanced breast cancer 213
Further reading 214
208 CHAPTER 23 Recurrent breast cancer
Following initial treatment for breast cancer, the risk of recurrence is
the event that patients most dread. As a consequence, minor symptoms,
even if they are of no significance, can cause great anxiety. It is impor-
tant, therefore, that symptoms suspicious of a recurrence are promptly
investigated, so either the patient can be reassured or treatment initiated
without undue delay.
Recurrences can be:
• Local: either in a conserved breast or on the chest wall following
• Locoregional: usually in the local draining lymph nodes of the axilla or
supraclavicular fossae.
• Systemic: arising at sites distant to the breast, the most common being
bone, lungs, liver, and brain.
Although these are the common sites, breast recurrences can occur
almost anywhere anatomically, including as an isolated skin metastasis.
It is also important to realize that local recurrence can be associated
with another asymptomatic systemic recurrence. Therefore, when a recur-
rence is diagnosed, it is important to make a general staging assessment of
the extent of disease before the MDT formulates a treatment plan, which
may involve treating both local and systemic recurrence. Management is
very much a multidisciplinary activity.
210 CHAPTER 23 Recurrent breast cancer
Management of recurrence
Local recurrence following breast conservation
This will either be found as a lump on clinical exam or, more commonly,
on mammography at follow-up. When this follows wide local excision
for invasive cancer, the only option is mastectomy. This is because if the
patient has already had radiotherapy, it cannot be repeated, and the recur-
rence suggests that the disease is more extensive than appeared initially
and is radioresistant; therefore, anything less runs the risk of another
recurrence at some point in the future. The possible exception to this is
when a patient, for some reason, has not had previous radiotherapy. In
these circumstances, if a patient was unwilling to consider mastectomy,
further wide local excision could be considered, this time combined with
radiotherapy; these situations will be rare though.
Local recurrence following mastectomy
This can vary in extent, from a single small nodule in a scar to a ‘field
change’ with multiple nodules of widespread recurrence throughout the
skin flaps. If radiotherapy had not been used originally, most cases will
require a course of radiotherapy to the chest wall. In addition, there may
be a case for surgical excision as well. With a very small area of local-
ized recurrence, this may be quite straightforward. However, if the area is
extensive, clearance may be difficult to achieve and might involve the use
of flaps to cover the defect. A full assessment and MDT discussion should
take place before embarking on any surgery.
Local nodal recurrence
These can occur despite axillary clearance. There is no single correct
treatment, and every case needs individual assessment and discussion.
The options include:
• Local surgery to debulk the nodes, followed by a further course of
systemic treatment, often chemotherapy.
• Systemic treatment on its own, using the nodes as a means of assessing
response to treatment.
• Radiotherapy: this can have a place for nodes, particularly those
difficult to access surgically in the supraclavicular fossa; however,
there can be significant morbidity with lymphoedema following this,
particularly if a node clearance has been performed.
Systemic recurrence
In addition to the physical symptoms produced, systemic recurrence can
be a source of major psychological morbidity since it is systemic recur-
rence that leads to death. It is important to appreciate that its presence
means that the cancer is no longer curable, and, even if this episode is
controlled, it will recur at some time in the future, unless the patient dies
of something else in the meantime. Nevertheless, with modern chemo-
therapy, biological modifiers, and hormone manipulation, significant con-
trol can be gained, and very worthwhile quality of life can be achieved. The
majority of patients get a good response to treatment of both their first
and second recurrences; thereafter, results become much less predictable.
Further reading
Breast cancer (early and locally advanced). Available at: M
Breast cancer (advanced). Available at: M
British Association of Surgical Oncology Guidelines (1999). The management of metastatic bone
disease in the United Kingdom. Eur J Surg Oncol 25, 3–23. Also available at: M http://www.
Chapter 24 215
Management of the
high-risk patient
Overview 216
Genetic mutations 218
Determining breast cancer risk 220
Genetic testing 222
Management of the higher risk patient 224
Further reading 226
216 CHAPTER 24 Management of the high-risk patient
Breast cancer is common in the population, affecting approximately one
in every nine women. It is, therefore, extremely common for women to
volunteer that a family member has previously been affected by breast
cancer. With the help of NICE guidance (see Further reading), it is impor-
tant to stratify the level of individual risk. The majority of women can be
reassured that, despite their family history, they are not at an increased
risk of breast cancer. Those with a significant family history should be
offered appropriate early screening and genetic assessment, if applicable.
218 CHAPTER 24 Management of the high-risk patient
Genetic mutations
Breast cancer mutations can be:
• Somatic (non-inheritable), i.e. sporadic 90%: due to failure of DNA
repair mechanism of both copies of the gene. Sporadic mutations
are the most common cause of cancer. The likelihood of sporadic
mutations increases with age (see Fig. 24.1).
• Germline (inheritable), 5–10%: breast cancer germline mutations
demonstrate an autosomal dominant pattern, i.e. inherit one abnormal
copy and one normal copy from parents. Inheritance of two abnormal
copies is not compatible with life. Only when the DNA in the normal
copy mutates can cancer develop. This occurs at a younger age than
sporadic cancer, as only one copy of the DNA has to mutate.
It is likely there are many germline mutations which will confer a range
of breast cancer risk. So far, the genetic mutations identified have a high
lifetime risk (>40% and up to 80% for the BRCA genes) of cancer suscep-
tibility (high penetrance genes).
• The breast cancer susceptibility genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) are
responsible for 2–5% of all breast cancers. Women carrying these
genes have a 55–80% lifetime chance of developing breast cancer. If
they have large enough families, these women often have three or four
affected members at a young age. Also linked with ovarian, bowel, and
prostate cancer. BRCA2 is associated with male breast cancer.
• Mutation in p53 (Li Fraumeni syndrome) causes early-onset breast
cancer, along with brain tumours, leukaemias, childhood sarcomas, and
adrenocortical carcinomas.
• Mutation in one of several mismatch repair genes is linked to breast
cancer as well as bowel (hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer),
endometrial, ovarian, pancreatic, and stomach cancers.
• Mutation in CHEK2 doubles the background risk of breast cancer and
appears to be involved in many families where two cases are identified.
• Mutations in PTEN (Cowden’s syndrome), STK11/LKB1 (Peutz–
Jeghers), and ATM (ataxia telangiectasia) are also occasionally a cause
of familial breast cancer.
However, each family needs to be assessed on its own merits, remem-
bering that the high incidence of breast cancer (1 in 9) means that many
women will have an affected relative merely by chance, rather than due
to a genetic abnormality. Indeed, over 85% of women with an affected
first-degree relative will never be affected themselves, and over 85% of
affected individuals have no significant family history.
“sporadic” cancer
Breast cell
Body cell Breast cell (tumour) Normal gene
Mutated gene
germline mutation
Fig. 24.1 The two-hit theory. Mutations in both copies of the genes must be
present for a cancer to develop. This can occur sporadically due to chance or one
mutated copy of the gene can be inherited as a germline mutation.
220 CHAPTER 24 Management of the high-risk patient
Genetic testing
At present, genetic testing on the NHS is only offered to those with a 10%,
or greater, likelihood of detecting a mutation (not a 10% risk of develop-
ing breast cancer). This risk can be calculated using softwares, such as the
BOADICEA, BRCAPro, or IBIS evaluator.
Without gene testing, the highest predictable risk of carrying a gene or
getting breast cancer is 50%, i.e. a 1:2 chance of inheriting an abnormal
gene from either mother or father. If you carry that gene, then you have a
lifetime risk of breast cancer of 80%.
Note that usually testing is only offered if there is a live affected indi-
vidual with cancer who can be gene-tested, however new NICE guidance
now allows genetic testing on those with an affected relative who is una-
vailable for testing.
BRCA mutation testing is not 100% sensitive and has a significant false
negative rate. A positive test means you carry the gene, but a negative
test does not mean you do not carry the gene. Prior to testing, a risk
estimation is made of the likelihood and counselling offered, plus other
strategies, such as early screening, are discussed.
Those likely to be BRCA1/2-tested are:
• Three or more cases <60 (breast only).
• One breast case <50 and one ovarian case.
• Two ovarian cases.
• (Two breasts <50 is just on the borderline).
• Ashkenazi ancestry.
Take blood from a living, affected family member.
If a causative mutation in BRCA1/2 can be identified, then can offer
predictive testing to other family members.
224 CHAPTER 24 Management of the high-risk patient
Table 24.2 NICE guidance for breast screening in higher risk women
Age Mammography MRI
20–29 Not available Only for those at exceptionally high
risk (annual risk >1%), e.g. TP53
30–39 Individualized screening Annual MRI for those at high risk
should be offered for (10-year risk >8%), including those
known mutation carriers known to be mutation carriers
40–49 For women with a raised Annual MRI for women:
or high risk of breast
>20% 10-year risk of breast cancer
cancer (10-year risk >3%)
>12% 10-year risk of breast cancer
with dense breast pattern on
Known high-risk mutation carriers
>50 3-yearly screening under Not available
Annual mammography
up to age 70 for those at
high risk
Familial breast cancer M 1.4.4 surveillance.
Further reading
Familial breast cancer. Available at: M
NICE. Available at: M
Fisher B, Costantino JP, Wickerham DL, et al. (2005). Tamoxifen for the prevention of breast
cancer: current status of the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project P-1 study.
J Natl Cancer Inst 97, 1652–62.
Vogel V, Constantino J, Wickerham D, et al. (2010). Update of the National Surgical Adjuvant
Breast and Bowel Project Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR) P-2 Trial: Preventing
breast cancer. Cancer Prev Res 3, 696–706.
Lostumbo L, Carbine N, Wallace J (2010). Prophylactic mastectomy for the prevention of breast
cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 10, CD002748.
Chapter 25 227
Overview 228
Tools for research and audit 230
Clinical trials and levels of evidence 232
Conclusion 236
Further reading 236
228 CHAPTER 25 Research and audit
Within the NHS, breast surgeons have made enormous national contribu-
tions to audit and research. Demonstrating a continuing involvement with
audit is an important component of both appraisal and revalidation. This is
particularly so for breast surgeons, as participation in NHSBSP screening
audit is an important part of a screening unit’s inspection process. Aside
from this, in pure terms, knowledge of research methods and process is an
important part of training, even if you do not carry out any research your-
self. Often, the distinction between research and audit becomes blurred.
One way of seeing the difference is to regard research as finding out what
we should be doing and audit as seeing whether we are doing it. In other
words, audit is involved with looking at the way we work and how effec-
tive it is, which forms the first part of the audit loop. In this concept, we:
• Analyse and identify problems in what we do.
• Formulate and implement strategies to correct them.
• Re-analyse the situation to see whether the expected improvements
have occurred.
To audit effectively, a standard, against which to compare our perfor-
mance, is required. In contrast to this, research does not necessarily need
standards because this is the process whereby we extend our knowledge.
The audit process may raise questions which research can be used to
answer so that another way of looking at the differences between the two
is to say that audit raises the questions and research attempts to answer
them. To accomplish both of these activities, certain tools are needed,
without which the whole process can become pointless.
230 CHAPTER 25 Research and audit
234 CHAPTER 25 Research and audit
Research and audit can seem daunting but can be made easier if you:
• Are well organized.
• Ask for help.
• Do background work thoroughly.
Further reading
Young J, Solomon, M (2009). How to critically appraise an article. Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol
Hepatol 6, 82–91.
SIGN Guidelines. Available at: M
IRAS Integrated Research Application System. Available at: M
Chapter 26 237
Complaints, mistakes,
and how to minimize
Overview 238
How to prevent incidents 239
Where are you vulnerable? 240
The grid 242
238 CHAPTER 26 Complaints and mistakes
In a high-profile specialty where the patient and family are understandably
anxious, it is inevitable that, for whatever reason, the interaction between
the surgeon and the patient may occasionally not work well. In addition,
other members of the team, or the wider institution, may not fulfill the
patient’s expectations.
The consequence is a complaint. If the complaint is not handled well,
the consequence is litigation.
Principles of dealing with a complaint:
• Take all complaints seriously; they often have some basis.
• If a complaint is made, it may just be the tip of an iceberg problem.
• Respond rapidly to complaints; do not let them fester.
• Be prepared to swiftly offer an interview and an apology.
• There will be local guidelines, so stick to them and ensure all
documentation, including responses, are properly filed.
• Complaints often represent a failure of team working. There should be
regular meetings of the Breast Unit when complaints can be discussed
in a non-judgemental manner.
• Complaints represent an opportunity to make things better for the
patient and thus should be welcomed. So often, patients just want an
explanation and an apology. Therefore, acknowledge errors; apologize,
and respond rapidly.
Oncoplastic surgery
It is vital that the patient has a realistic expectation of what can be
achieved together with the risks. Decisions and advice should be carefully
documented. It is good practice to copy clinic letters to the patient.
Decision-making in oncoplastic surgery may well require two, or more,
clinic visits. A list of all the complications related to a particular procedure
must be written down as they are discussed with the patient.
Clinical photographs are an important part of oncoplastic surgery.
Patients must have an opportunity to see photographs of both good and
bad results (see Further reading—ABS oncoplastic guidelines).
242 CHAPTER 26 Complaints and mistakes
The grid
It is helpful to structure a diagnostic triple assessment by using the
following grid.
In breast disease, each modality is marked from 1 to 5. Thus, B2 = benign
core biopsy and M5 = mammogram reveals malignancy.
Thus, set a grid (see Table 26.1).
• Each score should be circled.
• If the scores are all 5, e.g. P5, M5, U5, B5, then, after discussion in
the MDM, the patient can confidently be diagnosed as having breast
• If all the scores circled are 2, e.g. P2, M2, U2, B2, then the patient has a
benign problem.
• Beware the discordant triple assessment.
• A pattern of results, such as P3, M4, U3, B1, is discordant, and it is
essential that the reasons for this discordance are discussed at an
MDM, and an agreed plan to resolve this discordance must be agreed.
A duct ectasia 68
fat necrosis 66
chemotherapy 126, 128,
130, 138
abdominal flap fibroadenoma 62, 86 communicating risk 40
reconstruction 184–6 giant fibroadenoma 63 diet 39
aberrations of normal hamartoma 66 ductal carcinoma
development and infections 70, 71 in situ 110, 112
involution (ANDI) 60 mastalgia 76 epidemiology 36
abscesses 70, 71, 82 mastitis 68, 70, 72 family history 38
accessory breast tissue Mondor's syndrome 67 follow-up 6
excision 87 nipple discharge 78 gender 38
accessory breasts 26 phyllodes tumour 63 genetic factors 38, 218,
accessory nipples 26, 59 radial scar 74 219
acellular dermal sclerosing lesions 74 genetic testing 222
matrices 180 surgical management 81 geographic variation 36
adipose-derived BIG 18s 12 height 39
regenerative cells 188 biopsy 5, 14, 42, 54, 55, Her-2/neu 101, 131
‘Adjuvant! Online’ 104 120, 121 hormonal factors 39
adjuvant therapy 123 blood tests 56, 93 hormone replacement
alcohol intake 39 Bloom and Richardson therapy 39
Allred scoring system 101 grading 100 hormone therapy 125,
amastia 59 body mass index 39 138
American Joint Committee bone metastases 212 in situ (non-invasive)
on Cancer staging 102, brachial plexus damage disease 98, 109–14
103 137 incidence 36
anastrozole 125 BRCA1/2 218, 222, 225 infiltrating ductal 98
antibiotic prophylaxis 146 breast abscesses 70, 71, 82 infiltrating lobular 98
arm lymphoedema 135, 136 breast anatomy 26, 27, 29 invasive 98
armpit anaesthesia 135 breast assessment ionizing radiation 40
aromatase inhibitors 125, blood tests 56 lifestyle 39
138 clinical assessment 48–49 lobular intraepithelial
artificial nipples 194 imaging 50 neoplasia 114
ataxia telangiectasia 218 microbiology 56 locally advanced 213
athelia 59 pathology 54 mammographic density 40
ATM 218 staging investigation 56 managing higher risk
atypical ductal triple assessment 46, patients 224
hyperplasia 110, 111 242, 243 margin management 118
atypical lobular breast asymmetry 26, 204 mastectomy 116, 120
hyperplasia 114 breast augmentation 200 medullary 99
audit 12, 17, 23, 228, 230 breast cancer in men 38, 91
axilla 28, 32, 33 adjuvant therapy 123 molecular
axillary lymph node age 38 classification 106
clearance 120, 121 alcohol intake 39 molecular factors 101
axillary radiotherapy 124 aromatase inhibitors 125, mucinous 99
138 nipple discharge 78
atypical ductal obesity 39
B hyperplasia 110, 111 oestrogen receptor
Baker classification 203 axillary lymph node status 101
Benelli breast reduction 156 clearance 120, 121 oophorectomy 126, 138
benign breast disease 57 axillary radiotherapy 124 oral contraceptive use 39
aberrations of normal benign breast disease 40 pain management 151
development and breast-conserving palliative care 212
involution (ANDI) 60 surgery 119, 171 physical activity 39
abscesses 70, 71, 82 carcinoma of no special physical factors 39
breast cancer risk 40 type 98 post-operative
congenital disorders 59 carcinoma sequence 110 complications 134
cysts 64 chemoprevention 226 prevalence 36
mucinous carcinoma 99
multidisciplinary teams 5,
oestrogen receptor
status 101
14, 20, 22, 240 oncoplastic surgery quality assurance 43
multiple duct avoiding mistakes 241 quality control 12
papilloma 79 breast-conserving 119, 173
mastectomy incisions 163
Oncotype DX 106
N oophorectomy 126, 138, radial scar 74
national screening 225 radiation pneumonitis 137
committees 12 open biopsy 55 radiotherapy 124, 136
neutropenic sepsis 138 oral contraceptive pill 39 rapid access
NHS Breast Screening appointments 42
Programme 7 record-keeping 49, 239
audit 12, 17 P recurrent breast
controversies 16 p53 mutations 218, 224 cancer 208, 210
future developments 17 pain referral 3, 44
higher risk patients 224, breast pain 45, 76 referral letter 3
225 cancer pain 151 research 228, 230
historical background 8 post-operative 142, 148 research and development
national screening palliative care 212 committee 231
committees 12 papilloma 79
organization 10, 11 pathology 54
principles 8 peri-areolar breast S
quality control 12 reduction 156 saline implants 200
screening process 14 periductal mastitis 68 sarcoma 137
statistics 8 Peutz–Jeghers sclerosing lesions 74
NICE guidance syndrome 218 Scottish Intercollegiate
breast screening high risk phase I–IV trials 232 Guidelines Network 233
women 225 phyllodes tumour 63 screening, see NHS Breast
levels of breast cancer physical activity 39 Screening Programme
risk 220 physiotherapy 150 second-order (echelon)
nipple-areola complex 26 Poland's syndrome 26, 59 node 32
nipple-areola polythelia 59 sensitivity 8, 9
reconstruction 193 polyurethane-covered sentinel lymph node 32
nipple-sparing implants 200 sentinel lymph node
mastectomy 168 post-operative care 148, biopsy 120, 121
nipples 160, 203 seroma 135
accessory 26, 59 post-operative shoulder problems 135, 136
artificial 194 complications 134 SIEP/DIEP flaps 185
congenital absence 59 post-operative SIGN 233
discharge 44, 78 consultation 5 signs, common 45
discharge dipstick and post-operative pain 142, silicone implants 200
cytology 55 148 simple mastectomy 120
free nipple graft 157, ‘Predict’ 104 incisions 164, 165
197, 198 pregnancy 240 skate flap 196
post-operative premature ovarian skeletal metastases 212
congestion/ failure 139 skin flap complications 134;
discoloration 135 preoperative see also flaps
surgery 84–85 assessment 116, 144, skin grafts 196, 198
tattooing 197 155 skin-sparing
non-invasive (in situ) preoperative mastectomy 166,
disease 98, 109 preparations 146 167, 168
non-lactational abscess 70, primary care Sloane Project 17
71 gynaecomastia 91 smokers 70, 72, 78
notes 49, 239 referrals 44 socio-economic status 37,
Nottingham Prognostic progesterone 28 39
Index 104, 105 prognostic indicators solitary papilloma 79
breast cancer 104, 105 specificity 8, 9
DCIS 112, 113 staging
O pseudogynaecomastia 90 American Joint Committee
obesity 39 PTEN 218 on Cancer staging 102,
oestrogen 28 punch biopsy 54 103