Jurnal Gastroenterologi 1
Jurnal Gastroenterologi 1
Jurnal Gastroenterologi 1
World Journal of
World J Gastroenterol 2017 September 28; 23(36): 6549-6746
6549 Treatment options for alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A review
Singh S, Osna NA, Kharbanda KK
6593 New therapeutic perspectives in irritable bowel syndrome: Targeting low-grade inflammation, immuno-
neuroendocrine axis, motility, secretion and beyond
Sinagra E, Morreale GC, Mohammadian G, Fusco G, Guarnotta V, Tomasello G, Cappello F, Rossi F, Amvrosiadis G,
Raimondo D
6628 Glucocorticosteroid therapy in inflammatory bowel diseases: From clinical practice to molecular biology
Dubois-Camacho K, Ottum PA, Franco-Muñoz D, De la Fuente M, Torres-Riquelme A, Díaz-Jiménez D, Olivares-Morales M,
Basic Study
6639 Attenuation of MET-mediated migration and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma cells by SOCS1
Gui Y, Khan MGM, Bobbala D, Dubois C, Ramanathan S, Saucier C, Ilangumaran S
6650 Protective effects of oral glutathione on fasting-induced intestinal atrophy through oxidative stress
Uchida H, Nakajima Y, Ohtake K, Ito J, Morita M, Kamimura A, Kobayashi J
6665 Faecal and mucosal microbiota in patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders: Correlation with toll-
like receptor 2/toll-like receptor 4 expression
Dong LN, Wang JP, Liu P, Yang YF, Feng J, Han Y
Retrospective Study
6694 Gastrointestinal symptom prevalence depends on disease duration and gastrointestinal region in type 2
diabetes mellitus
Fujishiro M, Kushiyama A, Yamazaki H, Kaneko S, Koketsu Y, Yamamotoya T, Kikuchi T, Sakoda H, Suzuki R, Kadowaki T
Observational Study
6705 Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme level for evaluating significant fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B
Noguchi R, Kaji K, Namisaki T, Moriya K, Kitade M, Takeda K, Kawaratani H, Okura Y, Aihara Y, Furukawa M, Mitoro A,
Yoshiji H
6715 Wilson’s disease in Lebanon and regional countries: Homozygosity and hepatic phenotype predominance
Barada K, El Haddad A, Katerji M, Jomaa M, Usta J
Prospective Study
6733 Effect of local wound infiltration with ropivacaine on postoperative pain relief and stress response reduction
after open hepatectomy
Sun JX, Bai KY, Liu YF, Du G, Fu ZH, Zhang H, Yang JH, Wang B, Wang XY, Jin B
6741 Pedicled omental patch as a bridging procedure for iatrogenic bile duct injury
Ng JJ, Kow AWC
ABOUT COVER Editorial board member of World Journal of Gastroenterology , Shinji Tanaka,
MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic
Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo 113-8519, Japan
AIMS AND SCOPE World Journal of Gastroenterology (World J Gastroenterol, WJG, print ISSN 1007-9327, online
ISSN 2219-2840, DOI: 10.3748) is a peer-reviewed open access journal. WJG was estab-
lished on October 1, 1995. It is published weekly on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th each month.
The WJG Editorial Board consists of 1375 experts in gastroenterology and hepatology
from 68 countries.
The primary task of WJG is to rapidly publish high-quality original articles, reviews,
and commentaries in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, gastrointestinal endos-
copy, gastrointestinal surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, gastrointestinal oncology, gastroin-
testinal radiation oncology, gastrointestinal imaging, gastrointestinal interventional ther-
apy, gastrointestinal infectious diseases, gastrointestinal pharmacology, gastrointestinal
pathophysiology, gastrointestinal pathology, evidence-based medicine in gastroenterol-
ogy, pancreatology, gastrointestinal laboratory medicine, gastrointestinal molecular biol-
ogy, gastrointestinal immunology, gastrointestinal microbiology, gastrointestinal genetics,
gastrointestinal translational medicine, gastrointestinal diagnostics, and gastrointestinal
therapeutics. WJG is dedicated to become an influential and prestigious journal in gas-
troenterology and hepatology, to promote the development of above disciplines, and to
improve the diagnostic and therapeutic skill and expertise of clinicians.
INDEXING/ABSTRACTING World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG) is now indexed in Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine,
Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports®, Index
Medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed, PubMed Central and Directory of Open Access Journals. The
2017 edition of Journal Citation Reports® cites the 2016 impact factor for WJG as 3.365 (5-year
impact factor: 3.176), ranking WJG as 29th among 79 journals in gastroenterology and hepatol-
ogy (quartile in category Q2).
liver disease; Treatment options; Glucocorticoids; Liver patients’ progress to steatohepatitis or cirrhosis . The
transplantation role of genetic polymorphism, mainly the patatin-like
phospholipase domain containing 3 (PNPLA3) gene
© The Author(s) 2017. Published by Baishideng Publishing (rs738409 variant), has also recently been shown to be
Group Inc. All rights reserved. a risk factor for progression to advanced liver disease
in both NAFLD and ALD that could explain why only a
Core tip: Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and non-alcoholic subset of patients who are chronic alcohol abusers or
fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are serious health problems have high caloric intake present with progressive liver
worldwide. Despite extensive research on understanding
injury. Evidence from recent studies has shown this
the pathophysiology of both these diseases there are
variability may be related to PNPLA3 variant (rs738409).
still no targeted therapies available. In this review, we
The single nucleotide polymorphism rs738409 variant
delineate the treatment options in ALD and NAFLD,
within the PNPLA3 causes a substitution of methionine
including various new targeted therapies that are cu
rrently under investigation. for isoleucine at position 148. The GG phenotype of this
PNPLA3 variant, rs738409, predicts a greater risk of
progression to cirrhosis and HCC than the GC and CC
Singh S, Osna NA, Kharbanda KK. Treatment options for phenotype which have shown to have a smaller risk for
alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A review. World progression . Despite an increased understanding
J Gastroenterol 2017; 23(36): 6549-6570 Available from: URL: of the pathophysiology and risk factors for ALD and
http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/full/v23/i36/6549.htm DOI: NAFLD, we still do not have an appropriate therapeutic
http://dx.doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v23.i36.6549 regimen for either disease.
The treatment options of ALD have not changed
in the last four decades, and abstinence is still the
cornerstone of treatment. This is supported by nutrition
INTRODUCTION therapy and steroids
. Unfortunately, alcoholic
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and non-alcoholic fatty hepatitis, which is the most serious manifestation
liver disease (NAFLD) are serious health issues whose of ALD, has a short term mortality of up to 50% in
incidences are on the rise with each passing decade. patients who are unresponsive to corticosteroid treat
Alcohol is responsible for approximately 4% of all ment . Furthermore, limited treatment options are
deaths annually and 5% of all disabilities worldwide . available for patients who are steroid non-responders
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013 or have contraindications to steroid usage (upper
have estimated that in the United States acute deaths gastrointestinal bleed, impaired renal functions and
from alcohol attributable causes have outnumbered sepsis). While the treatment for NAFLD is mainly
deaths from chronic diseases (44000 to 35000) (http:// directed toward attenuating the risk factor such as
apps.nccd.Cdc.gov/ardi/homepage.aspx). Motor gradual weight loss by lifestyle modification with a
vehicle accidents have been considered the leading focus on nutrition and exercise , other therapies
cause of acute death from alcohol-attributable injuries. utilizing insulin sensitizers (thiazolidinediones) and
While the incidence and prevalence of NAFLD is on the antioxidants (vitamin E) also have been found to be
rise with each passing decade. Presently, 25%-35% useful. However, their long-term safety and adverse
and 5%-15% of the general population of Western effects have not been rigorously evaluated.
and Asian countries, respectively, are affected by this Thus, effective and safe therapeutic regimens are
disease . This proportion is even higher in people needed for these liver diseases. In this review, we
with type 2 diabetes (60%-70%), and in those who present the current therapies as well as upcoming
are obese or morbidly obese (75%-92%) compared to potential new approaches and treatment strategies for
the general population . The prevalence of obesity both diseases.
in the United States has increased from 10% to 60%
of the total population in the last three decades and
is considered to be one of the main factors for the
increasing prevalence of NAFLD .
General management
The risk factors for both these diseases are well For the last 50 years, abstinence has remained the
known. Patients with ALD consume an excessive amount primary therapy for ALD treatment. However, serious
of alcohol while NAFLD patients are usually obese; have symptoms develop with the abrupt cessation of
insulin resistance and/or metabolic syndrome. Available alcohol. Treating the alcohol withdrawal syndrome is
data from various studies show that NAFLD may be the thus extremely important and requires administration
hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome . The of fluid, calories, vitamins and minerals. Unstable
spectrum of both diseases ranges from benign steatosis patients need to be admitted to a critical care unit
to hepatitis to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. and airway protection is often required in patients
Most patients with NAFLD or ALD have hepatic steatosis with hepatic encephalopathy. Table 1 summarizes the
which is usually asymptomatic; only 20%-35% of these treatment options and potential new options for ALD
3 mo (PTX + MTD 59.4% vs PTX 33.3%, P = 0.04; Hence, new target oriented therapies are critically
steroids + MTD 68.6% vs steroids 20%, P = 0.0001) required for the management of such patients .
and at 6 mo (PTX + MTD 50% vs PTX 18.2%, P = 0.01; A meta-analysis which pooled data from 3 rando
steroids + MTD 48.6% vs steroids 20%, P = 0.003) mized control trials, found that patients with modified
than in the non-MTD treated groups. Furthermore, the DF ≥ 32 or MELD score ≥ 21 treated with prednisolone
patients receiving MTD maintained greater abstinence at 40 mg/d for 28 d and then a tapered dose over 2-4
than those not on MTD (74.5% vs 59.4%, P = 0.02) . wk (Class I, level A), conferred a 28-d survival benefit
Smoking and obesity are independent risk factor of glucocorticoids (85%) vs placebo (65%), with
for the progression of ALD . Hence, lifestyle mortality decreasing from 35% in controls to 15%
modifications like weight loss and smoking cessation in patients on steroids . Early changes in bilirubin
are also helpful. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is another levels (at day 7 of treatment) and the Lille score
independent risk factor for ALD progression due were used to predict the prognosis following steroid
to synergistic deleterious effects of both agents in administration . A Lille’s score greater than 0.45
[44,45] th
promoting liver injury and HCC development . The on the 7 d after initiation of the treatment indicated
main mechanisms of this effect are that both alcohol that the patient was unresponsive to steroid therapy
and HCV alter cellular immunity, increase free radical and predicted a lower survival rate of 25% at 6 mo.
oxidative damage, and in the case of alcohol exposure, Recently this score has been re-classified as complete
promote replication of HCV. Thus, the combination responders (score ≤ 0.16), partial responders (score
often result in the presence of advanced liver disease 0.16-0.56), and null responders (score ≥ 0.56), and
with severe histological features at a much younger is associated with the 28-d survival rate of 91%, 79%
[46,47] [13]
age and a decreased survival . It has been reported and 53%, respectively, with P < 0.0001 . Steroids
that alcoholic patients with HCV infection have a 30 fold have been found to have a significant beneficial effect
increased risk of getting cirrhosis and two to eight in complete and partial responders but not in null
fold increased risk of all-cause mortality compared with responders, hence discontinuation of steroid therapy
[49,50] [66]
those without the HCV infection . Thus, all ALD is recommended for non-responders . In addition
patients should be screened for HCV before starting to non-responders, steroids are generally avoided
treatment and all HCV patients should be advised to in patients with active infection, gastrointestinal
stop or reduce alcohol consumption . bleeding, chronic hepatitis B virus infection or hepa
torenal syndrome (HRS) because of adverse effects
Nutritional support: Most patients with ALD are in these patient populations . Steroids are relatively
malnourished, and disease severity often correlates contraindicated in severe AH patients with coexistent
with the degree of malnutrition . Most of the com sepsis. Thus, such patients may be treated with
plications of ALD are strongly associated with protein second line drug PTX . Patients should also be
calorie malnutrition . Thus, nutrition support is one screened for any infection before starting steroids
of the important steps in ALD treatment. Vitamins (like and for infective complications while on steroids.
folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 , vitamin A and Occurrence of sepsis and infective complications while
[56] [69]
thiamine and minerals (like selenium, zinc, copper, the patient is on steroids is a poor prognostic sign . It
and magnesium) are often found to be altered in ALD has been reported that patients infected after initiation
and some believe that these alterations play a role in of steroids had a significant lower 2-mo survival than
initiation and progression of liver injury . Especially, patients with no infection (46.4% ± 6.9% vs 77.5%
zinc levels are decreased in ALD patients and in animal ± 3.2%, p < 0.00001). Thus, it is very important to
models, and its supplementation has been shown to differentiate infection at admission from that which
improve ALD . A major study has also shown that occurs after starting the steroid treatment, as survival
enteral nutrition reduces infectious complications and rates differ significantly. Overall, infection was more
[59,60] [70]
improves 1-year mortality in such patients . common in steroid null responders than responders .
The American College of Gastroenterology and the
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases PTX: Steroids are generally used as the first line of
guidelines recommend 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg per d of protein treatment in severe alcoholic hepatitis patients with
intake and 35 to 40 kcal/kg per d of body weight for DF ≥ 32, except in those with renal failure or HRS or
[61] [71]
energy intake in patients with ALD . This type of contraindication to steroids . PTX (400 mg 3 times
malnourished patient is often predisposed to infections per day for 28 d) is a substitute in such cases (Class
so empiric antibiotic treatment is also advised. I, level B). PTX decreases pro-inflammatory cytokines
like TNF-α, has anti-fibrotic properties and confers a
Glucocorticosteroids: There have been various clinical mortality benefit by reducing the incidence of HRS .
trials on the use of corticosteroids for treating ALD A pilot study in ASH patients using PTX demonstrated
patients . Despite mixed outcomes, corticosteroids reduced mortality and HRS incidence when compared
are overall beneficial for survival of these patients. to patients given a placebo . These findings were later
Unfortunately, 40% of patients are unresponsive to confirmed in a double-blind placebo controlled trial,
corticosteroid with virtually no other treatment options. where PTX decreased the 28-d mortality compared to
placebo (24.5% vs 46%). Also, 50% of those who died present, there are very few options for treating severe
in the PTX group developed HRS, while 91.7% who alcoholic hepatitis patients who are non-responsive
died in the placebo group developed HRS, confirming to steroids and have a Lille score > 0.56. Thus, liver
that PTX reduces the incidence of HRS in such transplantation remains the only hope for such pa
patients . A study in ASH patients comparing PTX tients, but the issue of transplantation in alcoholics
and prednisolone have shown a better survival rate has always remained controversial. Concerns include
of 35.29% in the PTX group vs 14.71% on steroids. the risk of recidivism, poor compliance with posto
This reduced mortality was presumably because of perative care, and ALD being a self-inflicted disease .
a decrease in incidence of HRS and gastrointestinal Recidivism following transplantation is a major cha
bleeding in the PTX group. However, this study was llenge, which occurs at a rate of 10%-50% .
underpowered . To date, no other study has shown A meta-analysis reviewing factors responsible for
any additional survival benefit of the combined recidivism found 3 major variables: a poor social
PTX and corticosteroid treatment . A recently support system, a family history of alcohol abuse/
conducted randomized, multicenter, double-blind trial dependence and pre-transplant abstinence of 6 mo
(STOPAH) across 65 hospitals in the United Kingdom or less . Thus, we need a multidisciplinary approach
that recruited more than a thousand patients revealed including the presence of an Alcohol Addiction Unit
no impact of PTX on survival or disease progression in which can significantly contribute in reducing alcohol
severe non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients relapse after transplantation. Also, there should be
in comparison to placebo . However, because of a psychological evaluation for any mental illness to
lack of other treatment options, PTX is being used in determine patient suitability for transplantation.
some centers. Most transplant programs require the patients to
undergo a 6-mo period of abstinence prior to trans
Anti-TNF therapy: Intestinal gut permeability is plantation . Studies over the years have provided
increased in chronic alcoholics that promotes the data both for and against the 6-mo abstinence
translocation of gut luminal antigens especially rule. One report suggested that the 6-mo period
endotoxin to reach the liver and enhance TNF-α of abstinence would allow the liver to recover with
production . TNF-α has been found to correlate medical treatment and possibly there would be no
with disease severity in severe alcoholic hepatitis need for transplantation . Another study revealed
patients , and also play a vital role in alcohol induced that some recovery in liver function can take place
liver injury in various animal models of alcoholic liver within 3 mo of abstinence while many patients may
injury . Further, mice deficient in TNF receptor 1 do die during the 6 mo of waiting period. This led to
not develop liver injury when administered alcohol . the suggestion of possibly reducing the period of
Based on these considerations, various human studies abstinence to 3 mo . Yet another study has also
were undertaken using anti-TNF therapy. While initial challenged the 6-mo abstinence rule by showing
studies were found to be promising, the results could beneficial effects of early liver transplantation in steroid
not be duplicated in larger clinical trials. A large non-responding severe alcoholic hepatitis patients.
randomized controlled trial comparing prednisolone In this study patients (with Lille score of 0.88) after
alone with a combination of prednisolone and in 13 d of being unresponsive to steroids were put on
fliximab had to be stopped before completion because the transplant list and it was found that the 6-mo
of an increase in infection rate in the prednisolone and survival rate was higher in patients who received early
infliximab combination group . Further, patients had transplantation than those who did not (77% vs 23%,
to be screened for tuberculosis and nocardia infection P < 0.001) .
prior to participation in the study, thus limiting its clinical However, patients who have received liver transplan
[85] [99,100]
utility . tation show a high incidence of de novo cancer ,
lymphoproliferative disorder and skin cancer. In some
Antioxidants: Alcohol causes oxidative stress by cases, squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx or
increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS), and esophagus has also been detected, likely due to the
decreasing endogenous antioxidant levels . But cumulative effects of smoking and post-transplant
to date, all trials examining antioxidants (such as immunosuppressive drugs. Also, liver transplan
lecithin, β-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, allopurinol, tation due to ALD is associated with a high rate of
desferrioxamine, and N-acetylcysteine) either alone or in cardiovascular complications .
combination with steroids have been disappointing .
Potential new therapeutic options in ALD
Liver transplantation: Liver transplantation remains Advances in basic science have helped to gain better
the definitive therapy for end stage decompensated insights into the pathophysiology of ALD that have
cirrhosis due to ALD. Severe alcoholic hepatitis patients provided new treatment options as discussed below.
nonresponsive to steroids have a 3 mo mortality rate
of 70% and with HRS the mortality rate is ≥ 90% Role of probiotics and antibiotics: Healthy in
unless the patients get liver transplantation . At testinal flora is critically important for our well-being.
An alcohol-induced change in the gut microflora plays interleukins: Chemokines play a pivotal role in the
a major role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic hepatitis. pathogenesis of alcoholic hepatitis. Studies have
Equally important in liver disease progression is the shown that various chemokines and their subfamily
alcohol-induced increased intestinal permeability members, including CXCL5, CXCL6, CXCL10 and
that allows for the gut luminal antigens, including CCL20, are notably high in ASH livers compared to
endotoxin/LPS (component of the cell wall of gram normal control livers and higher levels correlate with
negative bacteria), to reach the liver and promote worse prognosis and outcomes . Of these, CCL20
the synthesis and secretion of several inflammatory is the most elevated chemokine in ASH livers that
cytokines . Various studies have proposed the attracts lymphocytes, monocytes, Th17 (Helper T17)
use of probiotics in restoring the normal bowel flora cells, and dendritic cells. The consequent production
in patients with ALD . In a study performed on of more chemokines and inflammatory mediators
patients with ALD it was shown that using probiotics ultimately causes heavy neutrophilic infiltration and
(Bifidobacterium or Lactobacillus) for 4 wk enhances liver damage . Additional studies in the future are
and normalizes neutrophil phagocytic capacity and required to determine if targeting CCL20 and other
helps in reducing endotoxin-driven elevation in cyto chemokines can be an effective and safe therapeutic
kine levels . A similar study revealed significant approach for ALD patients.
improvement in AST, ALT and γ-glutamyl transferase IL-8 is one of the most important chemoattractant
levels in ALD patients administered probiotics of neutrophils, which further causes hepatic infiltration
[105] [115]
(Bifidobacterium or Lactobacillus) for 5 d . Rifaximin, as well as increased portal pressure . A higher level
a biochemical derivative of Rifamycin, the drug for of IL-8 in alcoholic hepatitis patients is associated with
hepatic encephalopathy, given for 28 d in a clinical worse prognosis . A therapeutic approach towards
trial decreased systemic endotoxin levels . Indeed, counteracting IL-8 levels should be considered as it will
blood LPS levels help in predicting response to steroids decrease neutrophil infiltration of the liver and prevent
and mortality of alcoholic hepatitis patients . Thus, progressive liver damage.
modifying the gut microbe flora by probiotics and IL-22 plays a critical role in bacterial infections
antibiotics could be a potential therapeutic approach and tissue repair. It is a part of the IL-10 family which
for treating ALD which is being actively pursued. decreases the production of various pro-inflammatory
cytokines . IL-22 has been found to have anti-
Role of S-adenosylmethionine and betaine: apoptotic, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-steatotic
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is a key methyl donor effects, thus it can be used as a therapeutic option in
that is involved in many methylation reactions ALD patients. It has been found that levels of T helper
critical for normal liver function. SAM also acts as cells producing IL-22 correlate with improvement in
an antioxidant by activating the pathway for GSH alcoholic hepatitis patients . Recombinant IL-22
synthesis. Decreased SAM levels have been reported administration showed improvement of liver injury
in ALD patients; thus, elevating SAM levels could be a in ethanol-fed mice and in an animal model of
potential therapy. Various animal studies have shown acute hepatitis while blocking the IL-22 receptor led to
liver injury can be reversed by preventing a decrease worsening of the disease . Thus, up regulating IL-22
in SAM levels . Also, SAM administration decreases levels can be a potential therapy for ALD.
oxidative stress and hepatic stellate cell activation . IL-17 increases chemotaxis of neutrophils and
A randomized controlled trial using SAM or placebo various other chemokines and its levels are found to be
for 2 years in alcohol cirrhotic patients found that the increased in alcoholic hepatitis . Secukinumab, an
mortality and liver transplantation rates were higher anti-IL-17 monoclonal antibody has shown favorable
in the placebo group than in the SAM group (29% results in clinical trials of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis
[110] [124]
vs 12%) . Thus, there is need for long-term, high and uveitis . Up until now, no study has been done
quality trials in the future to establish its effectiveness. in patients with liver disease using this monoclonal
Along the same line as SAM, betaine treatment antibody, which can be a potential therapy.
has been very effective in improving liver injury in
various animal models . By remethylation homo Role of endocannabinoids: Endocannabinoids
cysteine to generate methionine, betaine not only signalling through cannabinoid receptors, CB-1 and
removes the toxic metabolites homocysteine and CB-2, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of
S-adenosylhomocysteine, but also generates SAM ALD . Studies using animal models of alcoholic liver
and normalizes the methylation potential . Betaine injury revealed that CB1-deficient mice are resistant,
is hepato-protective and prevents alcohol-induced whereas CB2-deficient mice are more susceptible to
steatosis, oxidative stress, apoptosis and abnormal fatty liver damage . These findings suggested
protein accumulation , and breakdown of sulphur that therapy targeting CB1 and CB2 receptors should
containing amino acid . Clinical trials using betaine be utilized as an alternative for the management of
should be conducted. ALD.
Role of targeting various chemokines and Role of osteopontin: There is substantial evidence
Apart from natural weight loss, drugs like Orlistat metformin could be a part of a multi-therapeutic
and Sibutramine are also being used for controlling regimen for the management of NAFLD patients.
weight. Orlistat is a lipase inhibitor, that prevents fat
absorption in the liver and intestine, thus causing weight Lipid lowering agents
loss. Sibutramine on the other hand is a serotonin NAFLD is often associated with obesity and metabolic
reuptake antagonist which suppresses appetite. Both syndrome which is characterized by hypercholeste
agents have shown to reduce serum transaminase rolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Therefore, the use
levels and hepatic steatosis . of lipid lowering agents could be beneficial. While,
clofibrate did not show any beneficial effect on the
Insulin sensitizers
liver tests or the histological scores , gemfibrozil
Since NAFLD is closely associated with obesity and showed improvement in ALT levels in NAFLD patients
metabolic syndrome, and both conditions cause insulin compared to the placebo . Statins have also been
resistance, treatment strategies invariably include tried but have shown variable effects. Nevertheless,
agents which enhance insulin sensitivity. lipid-lowering agents should be given as most NAFLD
patients are hyperlipidemic and thus have a high risk
Thiazolidinedione: Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are of developing cardiovascular issues.
peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-γ Ezetimibe, a drug that inhibits the reabsorption of
agonists, which improve hepatic and peripheral lipids from the intestine, reduces serum TNF-α levels ,
insulin sensitivity via increasing plasma adiponectin hepatic lipid content and ALT levels in a mouse model of
[151] [162]
levels . In addition, adiponectin is also shown to have NAFLD . Human studies for this drug are awaited.
anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus,
multiple factors involved in pathogenesis of NAFLD UDCA
such as high insulin resistance, low adiponectin levels This drug has hepatoprotective properties and has been
and high pro-inflammatory cytokines are all targeted studied in various clinical trials for NAFLD treatment.
by these drugs. First generation TZDs (troglitazone) Initial small studies revealed an improvement in
have shown improvement in steatohepatitis but had to liver enzyme levels and hepatic steatosis
, but a
be stopped due to hepatotoxicity . However, it paved subsequent RCT showed no improvement in liver
the way for second generation TZDs (rosiglitazone and [163]
histology or aminotransferases . Thus, UDCA is not
pioglitazone) which are not hepatotoxic and showed approved as a monotherapy but is part of a drug com
improvement in insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis bination regime in various trials on NAFLD in progress.
and aminotransferases levels . A long-term
therapy with second generation TZDs may be required Vitamin E
as their benefits tend to reverse on discontinuation; ROS generation plays an important part in the
however long term therapy is associated with progression of NASH
. Vitamin E and C decrease
various adverse effects like congestive heart failure, oxidative stress and thus have been evaluated
weight gain, peripheral oedema, anaemia and in patients with NASH. Various clinical trials with
osteoporosis . Also, it has been found that TZD vitamin E have revealed an improvement in liver test
therapy alone without nutrition and lifestyle changes functions and reduction in oxidative stress markers
is often not effective . Thus, we need additional but significantly less improvement in the histological
studies on a larger population with a combination of grading of the disease has been noted
. A recent
other drugs to find safe and efficacious treatment trial using a combination of vitamins E and C for 6 mo
options. showed that these were no better than placebo for
treating patients with NASH . One study with a three
Metformin: Metformin, a hypoglycaemic drug, is used arm trial involving placebo, UDCA and Vitamin E/UDCA
for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metformin combination showed improvement in histology only in
improves hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance the Vitamin E/UDCA combination arm . Another trial
by decreasing hepatic gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis comparing a combination of pioglitazone and vitamin
and glucose reabsorption from the gut and increasing E with vitamin E alone over a period of 6 mo showed a
fatty acid oxidation . While metformin does not decrease in serum ALT in both groups, but a significant
cause weight gain as TZDs, it can cause some minor histological improvement was only seen in the com
gastrointestinal adverse effects and sometimes lactic bination group . A meta-analysis involving high-dose
acidosis is seen in patients with renal impairment. vitamin E supplementation has shown an increase in
Various studies have documented an improved insulin all-cause mortality and cardiovascular deaths, thus
sensitivity, cholesterol and aminotransferase levels decreasing the enthusiasm for vitamin E therapy .
in NASH patients on metformin but the results are
mixed when assessing biopsy-guided improvement Incretin analogues
in steatosis and NASH activity score (NAS) . Thus, Glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists: Glucagon-
while its effectiveness as a monotherapy is debatable, like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is an incretin hormone that is
produced by intestinal mucosa L cells. GLP-1 has a fatty liver and NASH .
short half-life, as it is rapidly degraded by dipeptidyl- Furthermore, a DPP-IV inhibitor like sitagliptin,
peptidase IV (DPP-IV). GLP-1 agonists are resistant to decreases hepatic steatosis and serum transaminases
DPP-IV and are useful since they lower blood glucose levels when given to diabetic NAFLD patients . In
levels by decreasing glucagon secretion, delay gastric a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled
emptying and stimulate pancreatic β cells to increase study, sitagliptin was shown to be safe but no more
insulin secretion. Furthermore, these agonists have a effective than placebo in improving hepatic steatosis
central appetite suppressive effect and promote weight and fibrosis in NAFLD patients. However, in comparison
loss which are favorable outcomes for obese NAFLD/ to sitagliptin, an increase in hyaluronic acid levels and
NASH patients . In an obese mouse model, it has increase in FIBROSpect II index (measure of liver
shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce hepatic fibrosis) was reported in the placebo arm . Another
steatosis . RCT comparing sitagliptin to placebo also revealed
In various clinical trials, liraglutide has proven to no improvement in fibrosis score or NAS after 24
be an effective therapeutic drug for type 2 diabetics wk of therapy, but reported that sitagliptin increased
producing a good glycemic control and significant adiponectin and decreased γ-glutamyl transferase
weight loss in such patients. Since diabetes is an levels . There have been only a few clinical trials
important component of metabolic syndrome and with sitagliptin till date. However, despite the lack
associated NAFLD development, the effective glycemic of convincing evidence, the efficacy of sitagliptin in
control and weight loss makes liraglutide a suitable improving liver fibrosis in NAFLD cannot be ruled out.
therapeutic option for NAFLD . In a phase 2 clinical This is because not only were the trials underpowered
trial study (LEAN study) with 52 NASH subjects using but were possibly not long enough to evaluate its
liraglutide compared to placebo, 39% of patients using effectiveness. Hence, stagliptin effect should be
liraglutide vs 9% using placebo attained the primary assessed in clinical trials of longer duration with larger
endpoint (histological resolution of NASH without number of enrolled patients with NAFLD/NASH.
worsening of fibrosis). Two (9%) of 23 patients in the
liraglutide group vs eight (36%) of 22 patients in the PTX
placebo group had progression of fibrosis. The trial was PTX can be of potential benefit in NAFLD due to its
designed using A’Hern’s single-group method, which effects on reducing free radical oxidative stress, TNF-α
required eight (38%) of 21 successes in the liraglutide levels, and potential anti-fibrotic properties
. In
group for the effect of liraglutide to be considered some trials, PTX has shown improvement in steatosis,
clinically significant. The liraglutide treatment lobular inflammation and ballooning degeneration in
group has also shown improved insulin sensitivity, comparison to baseline, but improvement was not
reduced hepatic glucose production and lipogenesis [185]
clinically significant when compared to placebo . In a
(ClinicalTrials.gov-NCT01237119). Thus, liraglutide was small RCT on NASH patients, 400 mg PTX given three
safe, well-tolerated, and led to histological resolution times per day for a period of 1 year decreased hepatic
of NASH, warranting longer term studies in such steatosis, inflammation and NAS by ≥ 2 points and
[174,175] [186]
patients . modestly reduced fibrosis . This favorable response
was due to a reduction in free-radical-mediated lipid
DPP-IV inhibitor: DPP-IV inactivates both incretin peroxidation . In two recent small RCT evaluating
hormones (GIP, GLP-1), therefore DPP-IV inhibitors the role of PTX has also shown beneficial effect by
are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes . NASH improving liver enzymes and histology in NAFLD
[177] [188,189]
patients exhibit higher DPP-IV expression . A cross patients . In a recent meta-analysis it was found
sectional study on type 2 diabetics without any evident that only PTX and OCA improve fibrosis in NASH
liver disease and NAFLD patients revealed a strong patients . Therefore, further studies are warranted
positive correlation of serum DPP-IV activity and insulin to determine its role in NAFLD/NASH treatment.
resistance with liver enzymes only in NAFLD patients
. Serum DPP-IV activity was not increased in the
type 2 diabetics with no evidence of liver disease. This Probiotics: Like alcoholic patients, NAFLD patients
led the authors to postulate that the increased serum also exhibit gut bacterial overgrowth, enhanced gut
DPP-IV reported in earlier studies in type 2 diabetics permeability and increased paracellular leakage of
may have been due to some un-diagnosed liver gut luminal antigens, factors that promote NASH
disease and that the excess DPP-IV found in the serum development. Thus, probiotics can be a therapeutic
of NAFLD patients is of hepatic origin. They further option for NASH patients
. In a RCT, improvement
suggested that serum DPP-IV should be considered as in liver enzymes was noted in NAFLD patients on
a potential liver disease biomarker . This supposition Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus
was also corroborated by another study which [193]
treatment compared to placebo . In another study,
analyzed human liver biopsy specimens and showed a patients randomized to a combination of Bifidobacterium
strong correlation of DPP-IV expression with stages of longum with fructo-oligosaccharides plus lifestyle
modification (diet and exercise) or lifestyle modification towards weight management, proper diet consumption
alone for 24 wk , showed a significant decrease in and adequate control of glucose and lipids.
steatosis, TNF-α, AST and NAS in the combination
treatment group. Thus, probiotics could also be a part Potential new therapeutic options in NAFLD
of a combination therapy for NAFLD patients. With advancement in the field of technology, especially
bioinformatics and biogenetics, new therapies are
Angiotensin receptor blockers: NAFLD is often currently being tried for managing NASH, some of
associated with metabolic syndrome and hypertension which are reviewed below.
is an important component of metabolic syndrome.
Thus, angiotensin receptor blockers can be a part of Caspase inhibition/emricasan: Caspases are
combination therapy regimen of NAFLD. A small pilot enzymes which are required for completion of various
study of patients with NASH showed improvements apoptotic pathways and for stimulation of various
in necro-inflammation and fibrosis with losartan (an cytokines and therefore, can be a potential thera
angiotensin II receptor antagonist) treatment . peutic target. Various animal studies in the past
Larger studies are required to explore their potential in have supported this approach
. Emricasan,
the management of NAFLD. a pan-caspase protease inhibitor, has been shown
to inhibit apoptosis, inflammation and fibrosis in a
Endocannabinoid antagonists: CB1 and CB2 are preclinical model of NASH. A preliminary report of a
two receptors which mediate endocannabinoid (EC) phase ⅱ clinical trial showed significantly decreased
activity. The CB1 receptor is mainly expressed in serum ALT and cCK18 levels in NAFLD patients
the brain and liver, while CB2 is mainly expressed in The therapeutic effects of this drug have also been
the immune cells. These receptors are found to be examined in various other fibrotic liver diseases
upregulated in various liver diseases . Anandamide, where it has been shown to reduce hepatic venous
a highly potent endogenous agonist, has been pressure gradient (HVPG). A phase Ⅱ trial on NASH
shown to promote diet-induced obesity and hepatic patients with fibrosis (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
steatosis in mice via acting on the CB-1 receptors. NCT02686762) is ongoing to evaluate the efficacy of
Conversely, CB-1 knockout or rimonabant (CB-1 emricasan (10 mg and 100 mg/d for 72 wk) to improve
receptor antagonist)-treated high-fat diet fed mice fibrosis without worsening of NASH (primary endpoint)
have less steatosis and weight gain than controls . and to assess histological improvement or resolution of
However, while rimonabant was effective in promoting NASH (secondary endpoint).
weight loss of obese patients in many clinical trials, it
also caused intolerable adverse effects like depression, ASK1 inhibitors/ASK1-I: Apoptosis signal regulating
anxiety and increased suicidal tendencies that has kinase 1/ASK1 is a MAP3 kinase (mitogen activated
led to its discontinuation for routine use. Thus, novel protein 3 kinase) which induces apoptosis and fibrosis
cannabinoid type 1 receptor blockers with selectivity when activated by stimuli like hyperglycaemia, TGF-β
for peripheral receptors are required which can have and ROS. This enzyme has been shown to be activated
favorable metabolic benefits but decreased psychiatric in patients with NASH. GS 4997, a first-in-class, oral
adverse effects . small molecule ASK1 inhibitor, given to animals with
established NASH showed a significant reduction in
Bariatric surgery: Steady weight loss with exercise hepatic steatosis, fibrosis, body weight, fasting blood
and lifestyle modification has been found to increase glucose, insulin resistance, lipogenesis, cholesterol
insulin sensitivity and improve liver histology of biosynthesis, plasma AST/ALT levels, and soluble/
NAFLD patients. But the rapid weight loss induced insoluble collagen and many metabolic parameters
by bariatric surgery increases the risk of developing of NASH . GS-4997 is currently being investi
hepatic failure especially in the cirrhotic patients . gated in a phase Ⅱ clinical trial of patients with NASH
Bariatric surgery is mostly done in non-cirrhotic NAFLD (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02466516).
patients who are morbidly obese. It is, however, not
recommended as a primary mode of treatment in such p38 MAPK inhibitors: Chronic inflammation is one
patients as there is still a risk of developing liver failure risk factor that contributes to progression of NAFLD.
postoperatively. p38 mitogen activated kinases (p38 MAPK) is a stress
kinase whose activation has been shown to promote
Liver transplantation: NAFLD patients with end-stage inflammation . In mammals, four p38 MAPK
decompensated liver disease should be considered for isoforms have been identified: p38a, b, c and d. p38
liver transplantation. But this is not a permanent cure MAPK isoforms -c and -d have recently been shown
as NAFLD has been shown to recur in post-transplant to contribute to the development of steatosis and
liver . This is because transplantation does not correct NASH in various models of NAFLD by regulating T-cell
the multifactorial pathway alteration(s) responsible for activation, neutrophil recruitment and macrophage
NAFLD/NASH development. Therefore, the goals of production of TNF-α . Studies have shown higher
therapy before and after transplant should be always liver expression of p38 protein in obese individuals
with steatosis. Thus, deletion of p38 -c and -d in the placebo . A phase 3, double blind RCT multicenter
myeloid cells prevents neutrophil migration to the liver, study is ongoing to evaluate the safety and efficacy
protecting these animals against diet induced steatosis of OCA in NASH patients (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
and inflammation . Therefore, p38 MAPK can be an NCT02548351). The effect of OCA on liver histology
effective potential target for NAFLD therapy. in non-cirrhotic NASH patients with stage 2 or 3
fibrosis will be compared to placebo. 2065 patients
PPAR-α and -δ agonists (Elafibranor): PPAR-α is are randomized in 1:1:1 to receive 10 mg OCA,
mainly expressed in liver and is principally involved 25 mg OCA or placebo. An interim analysis is to be
in lipid metabolism, while PPAR-δ is found in various done at 18 mo and the study is expected to end in 6
tissues of the body and is involved in fatty acid years. However, an increase in total cholesterol and
oxidation and insulin sensitivity. In various animal triglycerides with a decrease in high density lipoprotein
models, PPAR has been shown to be hepato-protective was also seen in the OCA group when compared to
via its effect on decreasing lipid accumulation, placebo . Two phase I studies conducted in healthy
inflammation and fibrosis . In a RCT (clinicaltrials. individuals given OCA for 14-20 d also reported de
gov NCT01694849), a daily dose of 80 or 120 mg creased HDL and increased LDL cholesterol, regardless
Elafibranor or placebo was given to non-cirrhotic NASH of the dose of OCA (5, 10 or 25 mg daily) .
patients for 52 wk . The primary endpoint of this These pro-atherogenic effects can be a concern for
study (i.e. resolution of NASH without worsening of NAFLD patients that already have a high risk for cardi
fibrosis), was not met. However, it was found that ovascular adverse events because of dyslipidemia.
patients with an initial NAS of ≥ 4 on 120 mg/d of Therefore, combination therapies with FXR agonist and
drug showed significant improvement in hepatic agents that prevent atherosclerosis are warranted.
inflammation. Nevertheless, Elafibranor efficacy Apart from OCA, various other FXR agonists such as
was described as sub-optimal. Another study is in GW4064, PX20606, GS-9674 and INT-767 are being
phase 3 clinical trial to clarify Elafibranor’s (GFT505) tested. GW4064, PX20606 and GS-9674 are synthetic
effectiveness (ClinicalTrials.gov-: NCT02704403) to non-steroidal FXR agonists. INT-767 is a dual agonist
improve the histological grade and reduce all-cause for FXR and TGR5 (the transmembrane G-protein bile
mortality and liver-related outcomes in patients with acid receptor) while BAR502 is a dual agonist for FXR
NASH and fibrosis. and GPBAR1 receptors. In various animal models,
these agonists have been shown to improve NASH
Farnesoid X receptor/FXR agonists (Obeticholic histological features, steatosis and fibrosis .
acid): Obeticholic acid (OCA) is a Farnesoid X receptor Thus, clinical trials are anticipated for these agents as
agonist. It is a synthetic derivative of natural bile well.
acid chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), with potency
100 times more than CDCA. Farnesoid X receptor NOX-1/4 inhibitors: NADPH oxidase (NOX), is an
is a nuclear hormone receptor which regulates bile, enzyme which catalyzes the production of ROS . In
cholesterol, glucose and lipid metabolism . These various animal models these enzymes are expressed
receptors act via multiple pathways; they inhibit on hepatic stellate cells and promote liver fibrosis
hepatic lipogenesis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis and inflammation . In a murine model, NOX 1/4
and maintain cholesterol balance and improve insulin inhibitor (GKT137831) has been found to decrease
sensitivity . In various animal models, OCA has ROS production and fibrotic gene expression, thus
shown anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties decreasing liver inflammation and fibrosis .
and also improves insulin resistance and hepatic Therefore, these agents can have a beneficial effect in
steatosis . In an animal model, OCA was shown decreasing liver fibrosis in NASH patients but require
to reduce hepatic inflammation and fibrosis and further studies.
also decreased intrahepatic vascular resistance and
improved portal hypertension . Also in an animal Galectin-3 antagonists: Galectins are proteins that
model with advanced cirrhosis, treatment with OCA bind to terminal galactose residues on glycoproteins .
was shown to reduce gut bacterial translocation from They are usually expressed in immune cells and are at
78.3% to 33.3% (p < 0.01) indicating its effect in very low levels in the body but their levels are increased
maintaining intestinal barrier integrity. Thus, it can during inflammation and fibrosis . Galectin-3
be used as an option to prevent bacterial infection knockout mice show reduced hepatic fibrosis after liver
in such patients . In a small pilot trial of diabetic injury. GR-MD-02, a galectin-3 inhibitor, has shown
patients with NAFLD, it was shown to decrease weight a decrease fibrosis, hepatic steatosis and collagen
and serum γ-glutamyl transferase levels as well as deposition in various animal models with NASH . A
an improvement in liver fibrosis . The multicenter Phase ⅱ clinical trial for evaluation of the safety and
trial (FLINT trial:NCT01265498) showed a decrease efficacy of GR-MD-02 for the treatment of liver fibrosis
in NAS, an improvement in hepatic steatosis, and a and associated portal hypertension in patients with
small decrease in liver fibrosis in non-cirrhotic NAFLD NASH cirrhosis is currently underway (ClinicalTrials.
patients on a daily dose of 25 mg OCA compared to gov Identifier: NCT02462967). This study has enrolled
subjects with portal hypertension and biopsy proven and gluconeogenesis without having a tumorigenic
NASH cirrhosis (excluding subjects with medium and effect . In a preliminary pre-clinical study, NGM-282
large varices and those with decompensated cirrhosis). was shown to improve hepatic steatosis and histological
The expected primary completion date is October 2017 features of NASH in an animal model .
while the study is expected to complete in February
2018. CCR2 and CCR5 inhibitor (cenicriviroc): CCR2
and CCR5 are chemokine receptors which are mainly
Acetyl CoA carboxylase inhibitor: Malonyl coen expressed in various immune cells like monocytes,
zyme A plays a key role in fatty acid metabolism that macrophages, Kupffer cells, natural killer cells, T cells
maintains a balance between lipogenesis and lipid and stimulate hepatic stellate cells thus promoting
oxidation . It promotes fatty acid synthesis, and fibrosis. These receptors can be inhibited by ceni
inhibits β-oxidation of lipids. Malonyl CoA is generated criviroc (CVC) which is an inhibitor of the CCR2 and
from acetyl CoA and the key enzyme regulating this CCR5 receptors. CVC has been shown to decrease
process is acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC). Therefore, fibrosis and inflammation in various animal models of
inhibiting ACC prevents fatty acid synthesis and pro diet-induced NASH or substance-induced NASH .
motes its oxidation. In a murine model of NAFLD, There is an ongoing trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
inhibition of ACC has been shown to decrease hepatic NCT02217475) with CVC to examine its efficacy in
steatosis, lipogenesis and increase insulin sensitivity NASH patients with fibrosis. It will compare shorter vs
and fatty acid oxidation . Chronic administration longer CVC treatment and assess correlations between
of ND-630 (ACC isozyme 1 and 2 inhibitor) to diet- decreased inflammation and fibrosis .
induced obese rats and Zucker diabetic fatty rats
caused a reduction in hepatic steatosis, lowered SCD-1 inhibitors (aramchol): Aramchol is a syn
haemoglobin A1C (0.9% reduction) and improved thetic lipid molecule which decreases hepatic fat
insulin sensitivity . Also in a crossover, randomized, accumulation by decreasing lipogenesis and increasing
double-blind trial, administration of a single dose of fatty acid oxidation by inhibiting stearoyl coenzyme A
NDI-010976 (a highly potent and selective inhibitor of desaturase 1 (SCD1) enzyme . This drug was found
both ACC1 and ACC2) to overweight/obese subjects to decrease liver fat content significantly in 60 NAFLD
inhibited de novo lipogenesis in a dose dependent patients who were given 100 or 300 mg of this drug
manner . Together, all these results suggest its daily for 3 mo; the effect of the drug on fibrosis was
usefulness in treating metabolic syndrome, type 2 not determined . A phase ⅱ clinical trial of this drug
diabetes mellitus, and fatty liver disease. Thus, large is ongoing on NASH patients with fibrosis (ClinicalTrials.
long term clinical trials in humans are needed. gov Identifier: NCT02279524).
FGF-21 and FGF-19 analogues: FGF-21 (fibroblast Lysyl oxidase-like 2 inhibitor (simtuzumab):
growth factor 21) is a hormone which is secreted Lysyl oxidase-like 2 inhibitor is an enzyme which
mainly from the liver. It is a starvation-induced peptide causes cross linkage of collagen, thus preventing
hormone with pleiotropic effects whose levels are its degradation . This enzyme has been found to
mainly increased during fasting . While FGF-21 promote fibrosis in liver diseases of various etiologies.
concentrations are elevated in human subjects with A monoclonal antibody (simtuzumab) to this enzyme
NAFLD, a lack of FGF-21 worsened the metabolic has been studied in various animal models and has
[246] [258]
disorders in an animal model of NASH . Conversely, shown to decrease fibrosis . Two big trials are ongoing
treatment with FGF-21 analogue (BMS-986036) was to examine the efficacy of this drug in decreasing
found to improve insulin sensitivity, hepatic steatosis fibrosis and preventing progression to cirrhosis in such
and decrease lipogenesis . In another animal model patients (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01672866 and
of NASH, LY240531 (a FGF-21 variant) was shown NCT01672879).
to increase fatty acid oxidation by enhancing hepatic
mitochondrial oxygen consumption. Also, various Sirtuins: Sirtuins (SIRTs) are information regulator
inflammatory markers and AST and ALT levels were proteins. There are various types of SIRTs found in
reduced, suggesting an attenuation of liver injury . mammals. SIRT-1, a member of this family of pro
BMS-986036 is currently being evaluated in a phase teins, has anti-inflammatory effects and increases
ⅱ trial of NASH patients (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: insulin secretion and sensitivity . A decreased liver
NCT02413372). expression of SIRT-1 was observed in an animal model
FXR activation in terminal ileum by bile acid pro of NAFLD . Since SIRT-1 activator (resveratrol)
motes FGF-19 secretion which, in turn, decreases bile was shown to improve hepatic steatosis and insulin
[245] [261]
acid synthesis and gluconeogenesis . It also results sensitivity , SIRT-1 could be a potential target for
in the activation of the FGFR4 receptor which has a treatment of NAFLD patients’ in future clinical studies.
proliferative impact on hepatocytes, thus raising the
potential for tumorigenesis . NGM-282, a variant of Betaine: A phase Ⅱ clinical trial of betaine in patients
FGF-19 has been shown to decrease bile acid synthesis with a clinical diagnosis of NAFLD is close to completion.
This trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03073343) Suppl 6: s77-s82 [PMID: 26634687 DOI: 10.7861/clinmedicine.15-
will evaluate the effect of two doses of oral betaine in reducing 6-s77]
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