Affidavit of Authencity

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The undersigned, Cristina Canceran Gantinao a.k.a. Ma Cristina

Gantinao Delgado, as the surviving spouse of the late Anselmo George Del
Rosario Delgado, with principal address at 3390 Mag. Arellano St., Bacood, Sta.
Mesa, Manila, and foreign address at 6802 43 rd Avenue SE, St. Cloud, Minnesota,
USA, 56304 after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby
depose, state and warrant that the following documents submitted to the Office of
PNP Retirement and Benefits Administration Service (PRBS) are authentic and the
data/facts contained therin are true and correct of my own personal knowledge,

1. Retirement Order;
2. Computation of Lumpsum/Retirement Gratuity;
3. Lumpsum Voucher;
4. Updated Service Record;
5. Certificate of Last Payment;
6. Marriage Contract from PSA with Receipt;
7. Death Certificate (PSA/LCR with receipt);
8. Birth Certificate of wife from PSA w/receipt
9. Advisory on Marriages of Wife from PSA w/receipt
10. Advisory on Marriages of deceased PNP personnel from PSA w/receipt
11. Birth Certificate of children under 18 from PSA w/receipt
12. Photocopy of valid ID of wife

The undersigned further undertake to allow the Office of PNP Retirement

and Benefits Administration Service (PRBS), or any of its authorized
representative to verify any all documents which are necessary for the transfer of

Finally, I hereby DECLARE and ASSUME full responsibility for any falsity
or misrepresentation of any material fact in the contents of the above-mentioned

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature this 17th day of

March 2020 at Quezon City.

Ma Cristina C. Gantinao

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 30th day of March 2020 at

_________ City, with Community Tax Certificate No. _________________issued
on _________________ at ___________________.
Doc. No. _______
Page No._______
Book No._______
Series of 2020

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