Teacher Letter cbm9

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Hello Parents!

My name is Brianna Anderson and I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this

year. I have been teaching Early Education for 12 years and this is my first year in
Elementary education. I am a mother of one and I am very passionate about
creating a space where your child feels accepted, confident and eager to learn.

In order to achieve this, it is extremely important for the supportive players in

your child’s life to be on the same page. Here are three procedures that I will be
expecting from your student this year:

Classroom Procedures/Expectations

1. Each student needs to be in class on time, with their supplies and ready to
2. Each student is required to be actively engaged in their learning.
3. Each student is required to be respectful of themselves and others by
keeping their hands, feet and personal items to themselves.


1st reminder verbal warning

2nd reminder- conference with student privately
3rd reminder- loss of privilege/free time
4th reminder- call or email parents

We use a scholar dollar reward system. Your child can earn scholar dollars for
turned in assignments, assignments with a grade of over 90%, exceptional
behavior,etc. They can spend their scholar dollars on items such as lunch with a
teacher, stuffed animal pass, no shoes for the day, show and tell and other
prizes. We also have a star jump system. The entire class can earn a star jump for
their class for exceptional behavior. 10 star jumps in a week earns them a class
party the following friday. Once the class has earned this party, an email will be
sent home to inform parents of the class prize.

Grading Rules/Scale and Assignment FAQs

Your student will be graded on a 0-100 scale. A 70 is passing. Your student will
have 1 grade taken each week in each subject to serve as a formative
assessment, with 1 summative at the end of each unit (every 9 weeks).
Assignments will be turned in online via Google Classroom and in-person.
Students will have 2 days to complete assignments before they are due or
considered late. Late work may be turned in with a score of 80%. In class, we
will be using two computer programs as supplemental learning opportunities.
These programs are called MyPath and Dreambox. Each student will be
required to complete (1) MyPath Learning lesson and (5) Dreambox stars by
Friday each week.

If your student receives less than a 70% on a class assignment, they are allowed
to re-submit that assignment within the week it was assigned for full credit. If they
return it after the week it was assigned, they will receive a starting score of 70%. If
an assessment is missed due to an absence, the student will have two days to
make up the assessment. A student will not be able to retake an assessment for
a higher grade.

Contacting me

I can be reached by email and phone. My conferences can be virtual through

zoom or in person during my office hours. If I miss your call, I will respond by
phone call or email within 24 hours.

I am so excited to assist you in your child’s success. We are going to have

a fun year!

Brianna Anderson

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