Maths Level 2 - Chapter 3 Teacher Notes

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Maths Level 2
Chapter 3
Working with ratio, proportion,
formulae and equations
SECTION E 1 Writing a ratio
2 Scaling quantities up or down
3 Calculations with ratio
4 Scale diagrams
5 Estimating using proportion
6 Remember what you have learned

SECTION F 1 Applying the BIDMAS rule to evaluate an expression

2 Formulae in symbols
3 Using equations
4 Remember what you have learned

© Pearson Education 2008 Functional Maths Level 2 • Chapter 3 Pilot material only – see introduction before use Page 1
EDEXCEL FUNCTIONAL SKILLS: interim support material

Maths Level 2
Su Nicholson

Chapter 3: Working with ratio, proportion, formulae and equations

Use these free pilot resources to help build your learners’ skill base
We are delighted to continue to make available our free pilot learner resources and teacher notes, to help teach the skills
learners need to pass Edexcel FS Mathematics, Level 2.
But use the accredited exam material and other resources to prepare them for the real assessment
We developed these materials for the pilot assessment and standards and have now matched them to the final
specification in the table below. They’ll be a useful interim measure to get you started but the assessment guidance
should no longer be used and you should make sure you use the accredited assessments to prepare your learners for the
actual assessment.
New resources available for further support
We’re also making available new learner and teacher resources that are completely matched to the final specification and
assessment – and also providing access to banks of the actual live papers as these become available. We recommend that
you switch to using these as they become available.
Coverage of accredited specification and standards
The table below shows the match of the accredited specification to the unit of pilot resources. This table supersedes the
pilot table within the teacher notes.

Coverage and Range Exemplification Learner Unit

Understand, use and • Write a ratio in its simplest E1 Writing a ratio
calculate ratio and form (a:b) E2 Scaling quantities up or down
proportion, including • Scale quantities up or down E3 Calculations with ratio
problems involving scale • Calculations with ratios as E4 Scale diagrams
one unit to another unit E5 Estimating using proportion
scale Inverse proportion is covered in our new publishing (see below)
• Use map scales in diagrams
• Simple direct and inverse
• Writing fractions as ratios E6 Remember what you have learned

Understand and use • Substitute numbers into a F1 Applying the BIDMAS rule to evaluate an expression
simple formulae and formula F2 Formulae in symbols
equations involving one- • Derive a formula in words F3 Using equations
or two-step operations • Changing the subject of a Changing the subject of a formula is covered in our new publishing (see
formula below)
• Inverse operations
• Formulae may include
brackets F4 Remember what you have learned

Where to find the final specification, assessment and resource material

Visit our website then:
• for the specification and assessments: under Subjects, click on Mathematics (Levels 1–2)
• for information about resources: under Support, click on Published resources.

Published by Pearson Education, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow CM20 2JE. First published All rights are otherwise reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced,
2008. © Pearson Education 2008. Typeset by Oxford Designers and Illustrators, Oxford stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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This material was developed for use with Edexcel pilot and development centres and
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3 Ratio, Proportion, Formulae and
(pages 45–61 in the learner materials)

Performance Coverage and Range Unit Objectives

Learners can: Learners can:

■ understand routine and non-routine ■ understand, use and E1 Writing a ratio
problems in a wide range of familiar and calculate ratio and
E2 Scaling quantities up or down
unfamiliar contexts and situations proportion including
■ identify the situation or problem and the problems involving E3 Calculations with ratio
mathematical methods needed to tackle it scale E4 Scale diagrams
■ select and apply a range of mathematics ■ understand and use E5 Estimating using proportion
to find solutions simple equations
and simple formulae E6 Remember what you have learned
■ use appropriate checking procedures and
evaluate their effectiveness at each stage involving one or two F1 Applying the BIDMAS rule to
step operations evaluate an expression
■ interpret and communicate solutions
to practical problems in familiar and F2 Formulae in symbols
unfamiliar routine contexts and situations
F3 Using equations
■ draw conclusions and provide
mathematical justifications F4 Remember what you have learned

Approach to learning Activities

This section covers the skills necessary for learners to Dominoes: Prepare ‘ratio equivalency’ dominoes, e.g.
be able to work efficiently with ratio and proportion 15 mm : 3 cm matching with 2 : 1; make sure that 1 : 2 is
and formulae and equations. ‘Each unit focuses on the also included.
delivery of one particular aspect of ratio, proportion,
Memory pairs game: Prepare pairs of cards with
formulae and equations.’ The table identifies the
ratios such as 1 kg to 250 g and its simplified form
coverage and range from the functional skills
4 : 1. Place the cards face down on the desk and ask
standards: mathematics level 2 which are covered in
learners to take turns, picking up two cards at a
this section.
time and trying to make a matching pair. If the cards
do not match, they must be placed back in their
E Working with ratio and porportion original positions, face down. When all the cards
have been matched, the student with the most pairs
E1 Writing a ratio wins.
The main idea is that learners should understand that
ratio can be used to compare the size of two or more Misconceptions
quantities. Encourage learners to relate this to the When writing a ratio, learners often write down
work they have done on fractions. Remind them that the numbers in the wrong order. For example, in
ratios should be given in their lowest terms. Remind question 3 on page 46, they should work out
them that they can divide by 2 if the numbers in the 150 000 000 : 360 000 000 to get 5 : 12 but may write
ratio are even or by 5 if the numbers end in either 0 or 12 : 5 instead. Emphasise that if the first number to be
5. Emphasise that the order of the terms in the ratio is compared is smaller, then the first number in the ratio
important. Discuss the connection with their work on will be smaller. Another frequent error is to try to
measure and emphasise that when comparing amounts simplify the ratio without ensuring the units used are
the measures should be in the same units. consistent, for example, in question 6 the ratio is 35 p
to £2.45 and this could be left as 35 : 2.45 instead of
Link into the work on writing fractions in their lowest
35 : 245. Emphasise that the units in a ratio cannot be
terms and the use of a calculator to write a ratio in its
‘dropped’ unless they are the same.
simplest form using the ab/c key.

© Pearson Education 2008 Functional Maths Level 2 • Chapter 3 Pilot material only – see introduction before use Page 3
E2 Scaling quantities up or down whereas others state how much one part of the ratio is
worth. For example, in question 3 on page 48 of the
The main idea is to show that learners should learn Learner materials they could use 500 g as the total
how to use the ratio to scale quantities up or down, amount of fat and flour instead of the amount of fat.
by multiplying or dividing each amount by the same Emphasise that ‘to avoid this mistake’ they must read
number. Encourage learners to identify common the question carefully.
factors in the amounts required. Remind them that the
method used is the same as for finding equivalent
fractions. Emphasise that the method always involves
multiplication and division, not addition and
E4 Scale diagrams
subtraction. Discuss the connection with currency The main idea is to relate ratio to the scales used in
rates, which are also in direct proportion. To find diagrams, models and maps. Encourage learners to
equivalent currency they multiply or divide by the think of the real item as an enlargement of the
exchange rate. diagram or map. If the ratio is 1 : n then n represents
Discuss the related graphs of quantities that are in the scale factor. Remind learners that sometimes they
direct proportion, such as currency conversion graphs. may be asked to measure a length on a diagram and
If y is directly proportional to x then the connection use the scale to work out the real length. Emphasise
is y = mx, where m is a constant, giving a straight line that scales may sometimes be given in mixed units
graph through the origin. and they need to be able to convert between standard
units of measure. Discuss the different ways that
scales may be given in maps, for example, 2 cm to
Activities 5 km or 1 : 10 000.
Card activity: Prepare cards with amounts of
ingredients for a number of people, e.g. 150 g flour, Activities
100 g butter, 50 g sugar, 6 people and 100 g flour, ? g
butter, ? g sugar, ? people. Ask learners to discuss Matching card activity: Prepare pairs of cards with
missing quantities and how to calculate them. scales written in mixed units and the corresponding
ratio, for example, 2 cm to 5 km and 1 : 25 000.
Learners work in pairs or small groups and identify
Misconceptions equivalent ratios.
Learners often make mistakes when working out new
quantities because they do not understand the Misconceptions
concept of proportion. For example, in question 3 on Learners often make mistakes when converting
page 47, learners may try to find the quantities between units. Encourage learners to learn the
needed for 3 eggs by multiplying by 3. For examples in relationships between millimetres, centimetres, metres
which there are no common factors, encourage and kilometres. Also, practising the above activity will
learners to work out the amount required for 1, and help to avoid this mistake.
then multiply. In this case, first find the corresponding
amounts of ingredients for 1 egg.
E5 Estimating using proportion
The main idea is to identify the two types of questions
E3 Calculations with ratios which are covered in this unit; comparing relative size
The main idea is to apply ratio to questions involving and estimating amounts of one whole. Discuss the
sharing. Encourage learners to think of the ratio as connection between relative size and scale factor
being made up of a number of parts. Remind learners which can also be written as a ratio in the form 1 : n
that the questions are not always in the same format, or n : 1. When estimating the amounts of one whole,
in that they could be given the total of the shares or tie into the work covered on fractions and
the amount made up by one of the parts. Emphasise percentages, which are the most common ways of
that they need to read the questions carefully. Discuss expressing the proportion of one whole, for example a
the fact that ratios need not be confined to comparing glass is 3 full or 50% of savings have been spent.
two quantities and suggest cases when this may occur. Emphasise the difference between ratio and
proportion; ratio is a comparison of two quantities,
whereas proportion refers to part of one whole.
Misconceptions Discuss the practical applications such as using an
Learners often make mistakes when finding out how estimation of the percentage of people who vote
much one part is worth. This is mainly due to the fact Labour in an election to work out an estimate of the
that some questions start by giving the total amount number of voters in a town.

© Pearson Education 2008 Functional Maths Level 2 • Chapter 3 Pilot material only – see introduction before use Page 4
Ratio, Proportion, Formulae and Equations 3
Activities on where the brackets are put in the string. Ask the
learners to identify where the brackets should be
Prepare cards showing boxes of 10 by 10 squares where
placed to give each answer.
different numbers of boxes have been shaded in. Ask
the learners to work in pairs to match these cards to
2 other cards, one representing the shading as a ratio Misconceptions
and one as a proportion. Allow the learners to check The most common mistake for learners is to work out
the simplified ratio form using the ab/c key. For the calculations in the order they are given instead of
example, a 10 by 10 box with 10 boxes shaded should using the BIDMAS rule. For example, given 3 + 2 × 5,
be matched with a ratio card of 1:9 and a proportion they will add the 3 and 2 first to get 5 and then
1 9
card of 10 shaded and 10 unshaded. They can also be multiply the answer by 5 to get 25 instead of working
asked to express the ratios, if necessary, in the form out 3 + 10 = 13. The above activities will help to
1 : n or n : 1. emphasise why they cannot do this.

Learners often have difficulty in estimating relative F2 Formulae in symbols
size for proportion questions. Encourage them to make At Level 2 the formulae used will be mainly in
use of a ruler in test questions to work out a scale symbols, but learners can expect to use formulae
factor by dividing the longer length by the shorter given in words such as that for percentage change
length. Using fractions to express proportions can also covered in section D. The main idea in this unit is to
be problematic. The above activity can help when help the learners develop a logical approach to
considering 2D shapes and this can be linked to 3D substituting into formulae expressed in symbols.
shapes when covering the sections on Measures, Shape Encourage them to first ascertain what each of the
and Space. variables in a formula represent, so that they are clear
about which variable should be substituted. Emphasise
that they need to follow the BIDMAS rule when
F Working with formulae and evaluating the expression. Ask the learners to identify
equations formulae with which they are already familiar.

F1 Applying the BIDMAS rule to Activities

evaluate an expression Use some practical applications for formulae to
The main idea is to show the learners that the order of develop student understanding, for example looking at
operations is important to obtain the correct savings and loans:
evaluation for a given expression of numbers and The annual interest (AER) on a savings account is
operators. BIDMAS, (previously known as BODMAS 3.8%, write down a formula which connects the
where the O stands for ‘of’), identifies the correct interest, I, to the amount invested P. This should also
order and it is worthwhile discussing example 1 on promote discussion about savings accounts, rates of
page 54 which shows how 3 different answers can be interest and how the formula is only applicable if the
found using the same sequence of numbers and account has no withdrawals or deposits for the year.
operators but with brackets in different positions. Approaching this from the other angle:
The annual interest payable on a loan is given by the
Activities formula I = 0.075B, where I is the interest and B is
Set the learners a BIDMAS challenge. For example, the amount borrowed. Use the formula to work out the
give them a time limit to work in pairs using the APR on the account. Us the activity to discuss the
numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 exactly once and the operators difference between APR, Annual Percentage Rate
+, -, × and ÷ at most once with at most two sets of which is used for the interest on loans, with AER,
brackets to find out how many different numerical Annual Equivalent Rate which is used for the interest
answers they can come up with. The pair(s) with the on savings.
highest number of answers should identify and justify
their additional answers with the whole group. Start with a formula such as C = 15 + 0.04 n. Prepare a
set of cards that give values for n, as shown below.
Prepare cards showing a string of operations, for Ask learners to work out the value of C in each case.
example: Also, ask them to work out what calculation they
5–1×3+8÷2 should do to check their answers.
On separate cards, supply a set of possible correct
answers, for example, 16, 6 and –3, each depending

© Pearson Education 2008 Functional Maths Level 2 • Chapter 3 Pilot material only – see introduction before use Page 5
n = 100
Start with a formula such as C = 15 + 0.04n. Prepare a
set of cards that give vales of C, as shown below. Ask
n = 400 n = 200 learners to solve the equations to work out the value
C= of n in each case. Also ask them what calculation they
should do to check their answers.
C = 15 +
0.04 n
C = 20
n = 350 n = 250 n=
C= C=
C = 45 C = 25
n = 300 n= n=
C = 15 +
0.04 n

Misconceptions C = 40 C = 30
The main difficulties for learners, when they are n= n=
working out formulae in symbols, are found when the
C = 35
question involves a division and application of the
BIDMAS rule. For example, in question 7 on page 57, n=
learners may try to work out 9 ÷ 5 × (55 + 32) rather
than (9 ÷ 5 × 55) + 32. The importance of the BIDMAS
rule needs to be stressed. Using activities of the form Misconceptions
above those with equations such as for temperature Learners can experience difficulty in setting up the
conversions can help to reinforce this. flowchart to solve equations. Emphasise that they
need to start with the variable that they need to find
Learners may misinterpret indices, calculating r2 as 2r.
and build up what is usually the right hand side of the
Remind them that an index indicates that the number
equation. Remind them that they need to perform the
or letter is multiplied by itself one or more times, for
opposite or inverse operation when working their way
example, r2 = r × r, r3 = r × r × r.
back through the flowchart and that + is inverse to
Learners may take the absence of an operator to mean – and × is inverse to ÷.
addition instead of multiplication, so 3b is calculated
as 3 + b. Remind them that when a number is written
next to a letter it means the number and letter are Apply the skills
The learners need to develop their Process Skills,
which are:

F3 Using equations Representing Analysing Interpreting

The main idea is to ensure learners understand the making sense of processing and interpreting and
difference between formulae and equations and are situations and using the communicating
able to distinguish between them. Discuss the representing mathematics the results of
definitions given for each and relate to other practical them the analysis
examples, such as area of a rectangle. Emphasise that At Level 2 the learners must decide on the methods
they are required to ‘solve’ equations and discuss the used and identify the information they need for
related terminology. Ensure that they check their themselves. A suitable activity to practise these
answers and see they make sense. The equations at number skills would be to investigate statistics on
Level 2 will be mainly straightforward and can be dealt local recycling. Ratio and proportion can be used to
with quite easily using the flowchart method, but you compare amounts recycled on a regional basis and to
may wish to discuss the balance method for solving compare the number of different items which are
equations so that the learners have the option of recycled. Formulae and equations can be used to
choosing the method which suits them best. investigate energy saved and costs involved.
A practice task is given below.
For an extension activity, learners can use a similar
approach on their own statistics.

© Pearson Education 2008 Functional Maths Level 2 • Chapter 3 Pilot material only – see introduction before use Page 6
Ratio, Proportion, Formulae and Equations 3
Recycling ratios
The table shows part some of the recycling figures in South Lakeland. Your task is to
compare the recycling figures as indicated in the questions below and use them to work
out the energy saved.
You must show evidence of checking your work using different methods, including
whether your results make sense. You may use ICT to complete this task, but you must
include evidence of all your calculations including spreadsheet formulae.

Item 2006 2005

Tin cans 11 million 9,500,000
Newspapers 10 million 9 million
Glass bottles 7.5 million 7.5 million
Plastic bottles 6.5 million
1 What is the ratio of the number of tin cans recycled in 2006 to the number of tin
cans recycled in 2005 in its simplest form?
2. What is the ratio of the number of tin cans recycled in 2005 to the number of
newspapers recycled in 2005 in its simplest form?
3. Simplify the following ratio for 2005: number of tin cans: number of newspapers:
number of glass bottles
4. Simplify the following ratio for 2006: number of tin cans: number of newspapers:
number of glass bottles: number of plastic bottles
5. The ratio of the number of plastic bottles recycled in 2006 to the number recycled
in 2005 is 6500:17. 6.5 million plastic bottles were recycled in 2006, how many
plastic bottles were recycled in 2005?
6. What proportion of the total number of tin cans, newspapers, glass bottles and
plastic bottles recycled in 2006 were newspapers?
7. 1 recycled tin can saves enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.
(a) Use this information to write a formula to connect the amount of hours, h,
to the number of tin cans t.
(b) Use the formula to work out the number of hours that a television can be
powered in 2006 and 2005 by the tin cans recycled in South Lakeland.
8. A formula to find the number of hours, h, a computer can be powered by recycling a
glass bottle, g, is h = 12 .
(a) What does 12 represent in the formula?
(b) Use the formula to find the number of years that a computer can be powered in
2006 (and 2005), by the glass bottles recycled in South Lakeland. (Use 24 hours =
1 day, 365 days = 1 year.)
(c) Another local authority claims that the number of glass bottles they recycled in
2007 was enough to power a computer for 100 years. Use this information to write
an equation in g. Solve your equation to find the number of glass bottles, g,
recycled by the local authority in 2007.
For a level 2 activity, the students should use a similar approach on their own
Useful websites

© Pearson Education 2008 Functional Maths Level 2 • Chapter 3 Pilot material only – see introduction before use Page 7
Answers F2 Formulae and equations in symbols –
page 56
E Working with ratio and proportion 1. £42 Challenge: 6p per minute
2. £10 Challenge: 4%
E1 Writing a ratio – page 45 3. £46.90 Challenge: 6.4 pence
1. 8:9 4. 54 cm2
2. 7:8 5. 5.12 inches
3. 5 : 12 6. £75
4. 4:5:9 7. 131°F
5. 11 : 13
6. 1:7 F3 Using equations – page 58
1. n=4
E2 Scaling quantities up or down – page 47 2. n = 1320
1. 225 3. n=8
2. 24 4. n = 120
3. a 165 g of each b 8 (7.7) 5. 320 minutes
6. £550
E3 Calculations with ratio – page 48 7. 65 kg
1. £50 8. 5 cm
2. 24 kg. 108 kg
3. 750 g F4 Remember what you have learned – page 60
4. 100 ml 1. B
2. D
E4 Scale diagrams – page 49 3. C
1. 38 km 4. B
2. 13 metres 5. D
3. 4 miles 6. B
4. 7 cm 7. C
5. 1.6 m, 1.44 m, 1.12 m 8. A
6. 3 miles
Apply the skills
E5 Estimating using proportion – page 51 1. 22:19
1. 9 metres 2. 95:9
2 3. 19:18:15
2. a 3 b 1.5 litres
4. 22:20:15:13
E6 Remember what you have learned – page 52 5. 17 000
1. C 6. 7
2. B 7(a) h = 3t
3. B 7(b) 2005 28.5 million hours 2006 33 million hours
4. B 2
8(a) 12 hour = 25 minutes = time computer can be powered by
5. C 1 glass bottle
6. C 8(b) 2006 356.7 years (to one decimal place)
7. B 5g
8(c) 876 000 = 12 number of glass bottles = g = 2 102 400
8. B
9. C
10. B

F Working with formulae and equations

F1 Applying the BIDMAS rule to evaluate an
expression – page 54
1. 7
2. 4
3. 10
4. 10
5. 2
6. 16
7. 27
8. 6

© Pearson Education 2008 Functional Maths Level 2 • Chapter 3 Pilot material only – see introduction before use Page 8

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