Recurso Maricá
Recurso Maricá
Recurso Maricá
TRUE STORIES – The School teacher
1 IT'S HAPPENED TO me half a dozen hopelessly to prevent this display of
times, lately. I'm walking home gaiety at school. The girls went on
through the Edinburgh Gardens and I wearing them and pulled their
see them heading towards me. Heavy sleeves down when they saw a senior
kids, eight of them, maybe ten. I keep mistress coming.
walking, but I keep my eyes on them,
and my feet wait for the sign to take 6 There were weekly segregated as-
off. semblies. I don't know what they told
2 They are Greeks and Italians, all the boys, but at one girls' assembly I
adolescents, all wearing green or ma- actually heard the senior mistress
roon cardigans with a double black say, 'As girls we must be modest,
stripe round the chest, Levis or Wran- quiet, hardworking and well-groomed
glers that fit just right, showing a bit at all times'.
of sock and reddish shoes with big
heels. I move across to the outside of 7 What astonished me was the stub-
the footpath to let them pass. They bornness of the kids' resistance to
spread out a little. They're close the rules. They didn't organize or
enough now in the almost-dark for me protest. They defied. If the pressure
to see their faces. got too much for them, they stayed
3 And it's all right, because the front away. And yet they hated to be sus-
one is Chris, from Fitzroy High, and pended. One boy was suspended for a
he says, 'Hello, miss!' and the others week, and every day I'd see him lean-
are kids who have grinned and nod- ing against my front fence, staring
ded at me a hundred times in the yard wistfully at the school where his
at school. mates were tight-roping their way
4 I had taught migrants before, but dangerously through the day.
Fitzroy High is one of those legendary
inner-suburban schools which can no 8 In the three other schools I'd taught
longer be properly described as Aus- at, I'd been an authoritarian, a good
tralian. In none of the classes I took disciplinarian. It wasn't only political
were there more than four kids with or educational thinking that changed
Australian names. A blond head was my attitude at Fitzroy High. It was the
a surprise. The administration battled kids themselves. I suppose I fell in
to assimilate these kids into recog- love with the whole nine hundred of
nizable moulds. In a hundred subtle them. In other schools, I'd known
ways they were defeated. kids who were 'trouble-makers' or
5 Most of the girls had pierced ears 'over-achievers', or ‘irresponsible' or
and had worn gold earrings since 'anti-social. But somehow the kids at
they were babies. The line was that Fitzroy cut right through those cate-
plain gold sleepers were the only ear gories.
decorations allowed. At the time
when it was fashionable, in Australia, 9 To begin with, they made me laugh.
to wear a zillion-colored plastic ban- I can't remember ever knowing such
gles up your arm, teachers strove exuberant, merry kids. Every class
had more than its share of natural 10 A kid called Ilya wrote wonderful,
clowns. The plays they invented were magical stories; he could write fairy
full of hilarious delight. In a second- tales his grandparents had told him in
form class I had for a year, two Ital- Yugoslavia. Lemonia could break
ian boys called Claudio and Joseph your heart with a story about a lost
used to present weekly plays so ex- fountain pen, and Dora with an ac-
cruciatingly funny that we lay across count of her dreams. Their English
the desks aching and wiping our may have been rocky, but there was
eyes. a pure, delicate humour lying bone-
deep in them that nothing could cor-
GARNER, Helen. True Stories. Melbourne, Australia: The Publishing Company, 2013, pp.
26-28. Adapted.
21- The two overall themes which emerge from the narrative in text 1 are:
Based on the details provided in the passage, the strongest metonymic and
metaphorical expressions are:
(B) "head" - This is a metonymic expression used to refer to the blond students,
where "head" stands in for the individual student.
Metaphorical expressions related to the concept of war:
"battled to assimilate" - This metaphorically portrays the school administra-
tion's efforts to integrate the immigrant students as a kind of battle or struggle.
"they were defeated" - This metaphorically represents the administration's fail-
ure to assimilate the students as a defeat in the "battle" for assimilation.
So the correct answers are:
(B) "head"
(D) "battle" and "defeated"
The other options do not accurately capture the metonymic or metaphorical ex-
pressions present in the passage. "Blond" is simply a descriptive adjective, not
a metonymic expression. And "mould" is not a metaphor related to war.
The question is not very clear and do not show where the pronoun “They” that
they wanted is.
So, Based on the context, the pronoun "they" in the third sentence refers to
The passage describes how the administration at Fitzroy High battled to assim-
ilate the diverse student population, but "in a hundred subtle ways they were
defeated" by the stubbornness and resistance of the students.
However, the overall context indicates that the "they" is more likely referring
to the students themselves, as the passage goes on to describe the stubborn-
ness and resistance of the kids at Fitzroy High to the school's rules and at-
tempts at assimilation. So (E) is the more likely and contextually supported an-
A pergunta não está muito clara e não mostra onde está o pronome “Eles” que
eles queriam.
A pergunta não é muito clara e não mostra onde está o pronome “Eles” que
eles queriam.
In the three other schools I’d taught at, I’d been an authoritarian, a good disci-
plinarian’. It wasn’t only political or educational thinking that changed my atti-
tude at Fitzroy High. It was the kids themselves. I suppose I fell in love with the
whole nine hundred of them. In other schools, I’d known kids who were ‘trouble-
makers’ or ‘over-achievers’, or ‘irresponsible’ or ‘anti- social’. But somehow the
kids at Fitzroy cut right through those categories.
28 The only correct statement referring to the author’s attitude as a teacher is:
(B) She believes she has experienced noticeable changes in her attitude as a
(C) Political and educational thinking were the key factors which changed her
(D) Falling in love with students at Fitzroy prevented her from changing her at-
(E) She followed progressive educational principles at other schools she had
The option (C) "Political and educational thinking were the key factors which
changed her attitude" could also be considered a correct statement, based on
the following quote:
So both (B) and (C) could be considered correct statements based on the infor-
mation provided in the passage. The passage indicates the author's attitude
changed due to a combination of political/educational thinking as well as the
impact of the students themselves.
Portanto, tanto (B) quanto (C) poderiam ser consideradas afirmações corretas
com base nas informações fornecidas na passagem. A passagem indica que a
atitude do autor mudou devido a uma combinação de pensamento
político/educacional, bem como ao impacto dos próprios alunos.
Expand your horizons at the Social Sciences Conference of the year!
Welcome to the 6th International Conference on Modern Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences
(ICMHS), taking place on 10-12 March 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.
We invite you to join us for three days of learning and networking. You are guaranteed to leave the event
with a suitcase full of knowledge and inspiration. With 30+ countries present at the event; this is a unique
opportunity to understand the challenges your peers are facing and come up with creative solutions.
See you in Prague!
Conference Themes and Topics
The humanities and social sciences conferences are seeking submissions related to the following conference
topics: Social Sciences, Humanities, and Language and Literature. Other related tracks and topics will also
be considered.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. If the abstract is accepted, the author
agrees to send full-text paper, including results, tables, figures, and references. All submissions should report
original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting.
Full-text papers (.docx and .doc) will be accepted by Electronic Submission Form. Manuscripts should meet
the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review.
The use of academic expressions written in capital letters, such as "Scientific Committee", is an-
other syntactic-discursive resource used in the last paragraph of Text 2 to convey a higher degree of
formality, objectivity, and academic legitimacy.
Capitalizing important academic terms and organizational names is a common practice in formal,
professional, and scholarly contexts. It helps to highlight the authority and significance of these ele-
ments, reinforcing the academic tone and credibility of the text.
So in this case, both (A) the passive voice and (E) the use of academic expressions in capital letters
are effective techniques employed in the passage to establish a formal, objective, and academically
legitimate style of writing.
Portanto, neste caso, tanto (A) a voz passiva quanto (E) o uso de expressões acadêmicas em letras
maiúsculas são técnicas eficazes empregadas na passagem para estabelecer um estilo de escrita
formal, objetivo e academicamente legítimo.
The Future of Education: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Learning
2 – Personalized Educational Content: AI does not only personalize the way con-
tent is presented, but also the content itself. It can generate learning materials
based on each student's specific needs and interests.
students who need additional support and provide specific resources for their
Taking all the above into account, the advantages that AI offers are irrefutable,
and, in the area of education, it is no exception. However, despite all the poten-
tial benefits, the implementation of AI in education also raises challenges and
ethical issues. US Government entities have proposed the parameters that edu-
cational entities must comply with, if they want to make use of AI. These regu-
lations focus on privacy, equity and transparency, in order to protect the rights
of students and also guarantee access to these innovations.
The metaphoric expression "a dizzying pace" could also be interpreted as im-
plying that the world must follow the fast pace of education.
This interpretation suggests that the passage is framing education as the
driver of change, setting the pace that the world must adapt to, rather than the
other way around. The "dizzying pace" could then be seen as referring to the
rapid advancement and innovation happening within the education system,
which the rest of the world is now struggling to keep up with.
So while the more common interpretation is option (A) - that the world is chang-
ing very rapidly - the metaphor is flexible enough that option (E) could also be a
reasonable inference. The passage does not explicitly favor one interpretation
over the other.
Both (A) and (E) are valid ways of understanding the metaphoric meaning con-
veyed by "a dizzying pace" in the introductory paragraph.
41 Harmer (2015) suggests a basic procedure for teaching receptive skills that
involves two types of tasks:
• I (1) Lead in; (2) T directs comprehension task; (3) SS read/listen for
task; (4) T directs feedback; (5) T directs text-related texts.
• II (1) Lead in; (2) T directs comprehension task; (3) SS read/listen for
task; (4) T directs feedback; (5) T directs comprehension task; (6) SS
read/listen for task; (7) T directs feedback; (8) T directs text-related
• (A) task I focuses on getting students to read or listen to a text for de-
tailed understanding, while Task II focuses on general understanding of
the text.
• (C) both tasks focus on detailed comprehension of a text (reading for de-
• (E) task I focuses on getting students to read or listen to a text for gen-
eral understanding, while Task II focuses on getting students to pick up
details or go into a deeper analysis of the text (both content and lan-
guage) they are reading or
listening to.
42 Scrivener (2011) presents alternative ways to teach grammar opposed to
the traditional “present-practice” structure lesson shape. One of these ways is
Task-Based Learning, which comprises the following procedures:
• (A) the teacher starts the lesson with a task that promotes ‘noticing’ of
language items, then he/she moves to authentic exposure and clarifica-
tion (guided discovery) and students produce a dialog to practice the new
language items.
• (B) the teacher starts the lesson with a large number of instructions by
using gestures and demonstrations quickly and students are asked to re-
peat the instructions as they perform them. As the lessons continues, the
teacher moves to clarification of meaning and students perform a task
using the instructions they have learnt.
• (C) the teacher starts the lesson with a lead- in activity in order to intro-
duce the topic or theme, then students perform a ‘real world’ task in
groups involving communication. After that, students prepare a report on
how they did the task and present it to the classroom.
• (D) the teacher initiates the lesson with a task that promotes ‘noticing’
of lexical items and moves to clarification through guided discovery. Fi-
nally, students work in groups and reflect on what they have learned. Fi-
nally, they report their findings to the other students.
• (E) the teacher starts the lesson with authentic exposure to language
and students memorize language items. After that, students perform a
language focused a task and present it to the whole class.
(A) o professor inicia a aula com uma tarefa que promove a “percepção” dos
itens linguísticos, depois passa para a exposição e esclarecimento autênticos
(descoberta guiada) e os alunos produzem um diálogo para praticar os novos
itens linguísticos.
Esta opção captura vários elementos-chave da aprendizagem baseada em task-
43 Cope & Kalantzis (2000) present the discussions made by the New London
Group in 1996, when different educators met to discuss traditional literacy ped-
agogy and the need of new literacy practices in contemporary society. They as-
sert that they “attempt to broad this understanding of literacy and literacy
teaching and learning to include negotiating a multiplicity of discourses” (p. 9).
Within this perspective, the two principal aspects of this multiplicity of dis-
courses include:
• (D) the great diversity of materials and resources that can be used for
language teaching and the different learning outcomes measured by stan-
dardized exams.
(D) all of the three concepts (A, B, and C) as they are important for stu-
dents to understand genres in their social context.
(E) none of the three concepts (A, B, or C), as none of them conceives
genres as a social activity that constitutes them and are constituted by
(D) follow the activities proposed by the students’ books without ques-
tioning issues related to identity, race or gender in order to avoid discus-
sions and misunderstandings.
(B) In graduate school, the classroom was a place she loved as she
could be an independent thinker.
(C) In “all-black grade schools” she experienced joy and loved learning
as she could learn ideas that ran counter to values and beliefs learned at
50 In the same book, bell hooks (2003, p. 11) states that “Teaching is a
performative act”. This means that teachers:
(A) should engage students in learning through performing different
(C) are the ones responsible for creating a dynamic learning experience
in the classroom.