Cdi6 Semi Final Exam

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Eusebio Bulaong Avenue, Dadiangas West, General Santos City, 9500
Tel No. (083) 823-7700Email Address: [email protected]

NAME\SECTION: __________________________________________________SCORE: ____________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the C. Dry Chemical Extinguisher
correct answer and write it on the space provided D. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher
before the number. Erasures means wrong. ______10. Extinguisher that contains non-
conducting liquid, generalization carbon
______1. A chemical that can deliver a quick tetrachloride or chlorobromethane.
smothering actions to the themes, reducing the A. Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher.
oxygen and suffocating the fire. B. Vaporizing Liquid Fire Extinguisher
A. Halon 1211 C. Carbon Dioxide C. Dry Chemical Extinguisher
B. AFF D. Multi-purpose Dry Chemical D. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher
______2. Example of extinguishing agents that's ______11. This type is usually used in fires
like mono-Ammonium Phosphate. involving Flammable liquids or electrical equipment.
A. Halon 1211 C. Carbon Dioxide A. Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher.
B. AFF D. Multi-purpose Dry Chemical B. Vaporizing Liquid Fire Extinguisher
______3. A synthetic foam-Forming liquid designed C. Dry Chemical Extinguisher
for use with fresh water. D. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher
A. Halon 1211 C. Carbon Dioxide ______12. Many Fire fighters provide medical care
B. AFF D. Multi-purpose Dry Chemical in non- Fire emergencies before the patient in is
______4. Extinguisher Fillet with water use to Fight taken to the hospital.
Class A and Class B fires except class C fires. A. Emergency medical operations
A. Foam Extinguisher B. Fire Prevention and Fire Safety
B. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher C. Fighting Forest Fire
C. Water Fire Extinguisher D. Public Education Program
D. Liquefied Fire Extinguisher ______13. Fire Fighting services work with other
______5. Contain sodium bicarbonate and a foam- local agencies to teach people how to prevent Fires
stabilizing agents in a larger compartment and a and what to do during fire.
solution of aluminum sulfate in an inner cylinder. A. Emergency medical operations
A. Foam Extinguisher B. Fire Prevention and Fire Safety
B. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher C. Fighting Forest Fire
C. Water Fire Extinguisher D. Public Education Program
D. Liquefied Fire Extinguisher ______14. Many grassland and forest Fires occur
______6. This extinguishers contain Carbon in areas that are hard to reach and Far From a
monoxide Gas use to fight class C fires. source of water.
A. Foam Extinguisher A. Emergency medical operations
B. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher B. Fire Prevention and Fire Safety
C. Water Fire Extinguisher C. Fighting Forest Fire
D. Liquefied Fire Extinguisher D. Public Education Program
______7. Filled with sodium bicarbonate mixed with ______15. To help prevent fires and reduce fire
water. losses, local firefighting services inspect public
A. Foam Extinguisher buildings.
B. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher A. Emergency medical operations
C. Water Fire Extinguisher B. Fire Prevention and Fire Safety
D. Liquefied Fire Extinguisher C. Fighting Forest Fire
______8. This extinguisher effective against D. Public Education Program
burning liquids and Fires in live electrical
equipment; use mainly to put out class C fires.
II. IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the
A. Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher.
space provided before the number. Erasures
B. Vaporizing Liquid Fire Extinguisher
means wrong.
C. Dry Chemical Extinguisher
D. Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher
__________________________1. A General
______9. Extinguisher that contain chemical
method of Fire Extinguishment where cooling the
powder intended to fight all classes of Fires.
temperature of the fire environment: usually done
A. Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher.
by using water.
B. Vaporizing Liquid Fire Extinguisher
__________________________2. This is _________- _____________the handle above
necessary to alert Fire Fighters to the outbreak of a carrying handle to discharge the extinguishing
fire. agent inside, the handle can be released to stop
__________________________3.This vehicles are the _______________ at any time.
equipped with portable ladders of various types and _________- ___________ the nozzle sideways at
sizes. the ___________ of the Flame to disperse the
__________________________4.This vehicles are extinguishing agent.
enclosed and equipped with many of the same
kinds of Forcible entry toots that ladder appliances
__________________________5. A term for the
many safety measures used to keep harmful Fires Most important equipment for fire fighters.
from starting. 1.
__________________________6. This also called 2.
water tenders, have a large pump that takes water *Three main types of Fire Vehicles
From a Fire hydrant or other source. 3.
__________________________7. A general 4.
method of Fire Extinguishment where reduction of 5.
oxygen Concentration at the burning area. *under Rule 37, sec. 106 of PD 185, all fire
__________________________8. A system extinguisher manufactured or sold in the Philippines
consist of a network of pipes installed throughout must be labelled or marked to show at least the
the building. following:
__________________________9. A device that 6.
sounds an alarm if a small amount of smoke enters 7.
their sensors.
__________________________10. It's a process
where Fire Fighters search the building for hidden
Sparks that might cause another braze.
III. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Complete the statement *Examples of Extinguishing Agents
by writing the missing words in the designated 12.
blanks. Erasures means wrong. 13.
• After an alarm is ____________, fire fighters *types of Fire Extinguishers
___________ to the fire. 16.
• The officer in command quickly ____________ 17.
the situation and directs the fire Fighters into 18.
____________. 19.
• Their first and most important task is to 20.
__________ people who may be ____________ in 21.
the building. 22.
• Ladder operators search for anyone who may be *Objects of Fire Fighting Operations and Activities
_____________. In some buildings, they used 23.
________________ to rescue people through 24.
windows. 25.
• ___________________ use stairs or elevators to 26.
get to people trapped on __________ above the 27.
reach of the ladders. 28.

________ - __________the pin at the top of the

extinguisher that keeps the handle from being
pressed. __________ the plastic or thin wire
inspection band.
_________- ____________ the nozzle or outlet
towards the fire. Some hose assemblies are dipped
to the extinguisher body. Released it and then
______________ at the base of the fire.

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