06 01 Kuratowski S Theorem

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Math 38 - Graph Theory Nadia Lafrenière

Characterization of planar graphs 06/01/2020

Recall from last class that K and K are not planar:

They are minimal nonplanar subgraphs, as removing any edge from them
makes them planar:

The goal of today's lecture is to prove that every nonplanar graph

"contains" (not necessarily as subgraph) either K or K .

(A) If G is a nonplanar graph, adding vertices or edges to it will never
make it planar.
(B) Subdividing an edge (i.e. changing an edge for a path), does not
change planarity.

For (A), we will never be able to draw in a planar way the vertices and
edges that are already in G.
For (B), notice that subdividing is like adding a vertex in the middle of
an edge. If the original graph is nonplanar, we use (A)
to prove it is not planar.
If it is originally planar, we can add vertices in the
middle of an edge and still be able to draw it.
Corollary 2
If G has a subgraph that is a subdivision of K or K , it is not planar.

Example: The Grötzsch Graph (M ) is not planar:

and edges

A graph that is a subdivision of

K or K is a Kuratowski graph.

G has a Kuratowski subgraph if it

has a subgraph that is a Kuratowski

Theorem (Kuratowski, 1930)

A graph is planar if and only if it does not have a Kuratowski subgraph.

Notice that the left-to-right direction of Kuratowski's Theorem is the

corollary above. The right to left part should be more surprising.

This theorem means that there is a way of knowing whenever a graph is

planar, without necessarily drawing it, or proving it will never be possible.
(Very coarse) sketch of proof. Details are in the textbook.

- We are looking for nonplanar subgraphs. We can focus on minimal

nonplanar subgraphs (as the whole graph will not be planar if they exist).
The claim we wish to prove is that minimal nonplanar subgraphs are
Kuratowski graphs.
- We prove that a minimal nonplanar graph is 2-connected, and that it
would be 3-connected if it had no Kuratowski subgraph.
- Tutte's theorem says that a 3-connected subgraph with no Kuratowski
subgraph is planar (and can be drawn using only convex polygons).
- We conclude that there is no minimal nonplanar subgraph that does not
contain a subdivision of K or K , proving Kuratowski's Theorem.

Wagner's Theorem

Just as spanning trees and chromatic polynomials, planarity has its own
version of a deletion-contraction theorem. In many cases, Wagner's
Theorem is much easier to use than Kuratowski's Theorem.

A graph H is a minor of a graph G if H can be obtained from G by

contracting and deleting edges, and deleting vertices.

Example K is a minor of K

The Grötzsch graph has both forbidden minors: K and K

Theorem (Wagner, 1937)
A graph is planar if and only if neither K nor K is a minor of it.

If G has no Kuratowski subgraph, then G⋅e has no Kuratowski subgraph,
for any edge e.

Proof (of Lemma)

We prove the contrapositive: We fix an edge e, and we prove that if G⋅e
has a Kuratowski subgraph, then so does G. WLOG, we can assume G is
simple, because multiple edges and loops don't change anything to

Let H be a Kuratowski subgraph in G⋅e.

Consider the following cases:
1- e has one endpoint of degree at most 2 in H: Then H is a subdivision
of H⋅e, and H is a Kuratowski subgraph.
2- e=xy has both endpoints with degree at least 3 in H: the vertex, z,
that is obtained by merging x and y also has degree at least 4.
Since H is either a subdivision of K or K , if it has a vertex of
degree at least 4, it is a subdivision of K . In fact, this is a vertex
of degree exactly 4, and has been obtained by merging 2 vertices of
degree 3.

H⋅e ≅ K H contains K

Hence, in both cases, H contains a Kuratowski subgraph, and so does G

(that contains H).

That lemma is the key to prove Wagner's Theorem from Kuratowski's

Proof of Wagner's Theorem

=> (If a graph is planar, then it does not contain K nor K as a

Using the lemma above, we know that contraction of edges preserves
planarity, and so does deleting edges or vertices from planar graphs.
Hence, all minors of a planar graph must be planar, so K and K are
not minors.

<= (Contrapositive: If a graph is not planar, it contains K or K as

Using Kuratowski's Theorem, a nonplanar graph contains a subgraph H that
is a subdivision of either K or K . Delete all the edges and vertices
that do not belong to H. Replace all vertices of degree 2 and their
2 incident vertices by one edge. At the end of the process, you get
K or K , that was obtained from H by contraction and deletion. So K
or K is a minor of G.

- From a subdivision, it is easy to get a minor. The converse (getting
a subdivision from a minor) is not that easy, and not even always possible.
- Wagner's Theorem is often much handier than Kuratowski's Theorem.

Reference: Douglas B. West. Introduction to graph theory, 2nd edition, 2001.

Section 1.1

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