06 01 Kuratowski S Theorem
06 01 Kuratowski S Theorem
06 01 Kuratowski S Theorem
They are minimal nonplanar subgraphs, as removing any edge from them
makes them planar:
(A) If G is a nonplanar graph, adding vertices or edges to it will never
make it planar.
(B) Subdividing an edge (i.e. changing an edge for a path), does not
change planarity.
For (A), we will never be able to draw in a planar way the vertices and
edges that are already in G.
For (B), notice that subdividing is like adding a vertex in the middle of
an edge. If the original graph is nonplanar, we use (A)
to prove it is not planar.
If it is originally planar, we can add vertices in the
middle of an edge and still be able to draw it.
Corollary 2
If G has a subgraph that is a subdivision of K or K , it is not planar.
and edges
Wagner's Theorem
Just as spanning trees and chromatic polynomials, planarity has its own
version of a deletion-contraction theorem. In many cases, Wagner's
Theorem is much easier to use than Kuratowski's Theorem.
Example K is a minor of K
If G has no Kuratowski subgraph, then G⋅e has no Kuratowski subgraph,
for any edge e.
H⋅e ≅ K H contains K
- From a subdivision, it is easy to get a minor. The converse (getting
a subdivision from a minor) is not that easy, and not even always possible.
- Wagner's Theorem is often much handier than Kuratowski's Theorem.