Spotlight News Magazine of April & May For Class X
Spotlight News Magazine of April & May For Class X
Spotlight News Magazine of April & May For Class X
‘A powerful will, made at the very first step and maintained all through, shall never fail to
achieve complete success.’
Dear Parents
With a new session, a new beginning and things will change. When Jawaharlal Nehru
addressed the nation for the first time, little did we know that in a short span of about
seven decades, our country will move forward to become one of the fastest growing
economies and the most promising countries of the world.
History is testimony to the fact that John F. Kennedy believed in new beginnings. His
conviction that man had to tread the space for gaining knowledge of the far and beyond,
at a time when space travel was unthought-of.
With the turn of the calendar, the commitment to take the school to greater heights is
more firmly established. New energies, new blood pumped into the system brings a fresh
thought and a paradigm shift is being envisaged. Undoubtedly, this would require hard
work, perseverance and a firm belief in the adage ‘Yes, We Can’, but we are committed
and with a firm resolve, would surge forth to accomplish the vision of our preceding
stalwarts who set the tone and tempo for performance.
Any institution works smoothly and attains recognition and its place on the ladder with
team-work and mutual trust. The parent body is an integral part of this trajectory. Their
continued involvement, collaboration and motivation to the student community will lead
to the accomplishment of personal as well as school goals. Newer and more innovative
ways of collaboration need to be evolved and implemented. To attain this, the institution
is committed.
To the students, I have but one message to give. Dream big and work towards your goal.
We, at BLS International School Hathras, strive to see your beginnings culminate in
unparalleled success. And, success comes to those who are good human beings while at
the same time excel in scholastic as well as co-scholastic fields. You stepped into the
portals of this great institution with fresh thoughts, lofty aims, high hopes, and exalted
aspirations. I assure you that your ambitions will be accomplished through the able
guidance of the highly accomplished and experienced faculty of teachers. In return, the
school seeks superior ethics, positive attitude, social and moral values and discipline.
Remember, you are the torchbearers and your first and foremost duty is to follow the
footsteps of the trailblazer alumni yet chart a unique course for yourself.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate my belief with this quote by Henry Ford: If
everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. So let’s all join
hands to take off on this journey to higher orbits of excellence.
Political Science
Ch. 1 Power Sharing
Ch. 2 Nationalism in India
Ch. 1 Development
Part B-(Unit-1)
Digital Documentation (Advanced)
Introduction to Table Tennis
Social Ch. 1 Resources and Development
Science Political Science
Ch. 2 Federalism
Part A (Unit-1)
Communication Skills
Equipment of Table Tennis , Rules and
Regulation and fundamental skills of Table
Arts Cityscape
CH-1 A Letter to God,
POEM 1 Dust of Snow,
Supplementary book
CH-1 A Triumph of Surgery,
Letter to the Editor
Unseen passage &Tenses
Economics: Ch 1 Development
Pol Sc: Ch 1 Power Sharing
History: Ch 2 The Rise of
Nationalism in India
Geography Ch-1 Resource and
To learn-
प्रश्न 1. अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक के आधार पर कबीर की साखियाँ और मीरा के पदों को याद कीजिए।
प्रश्न 2. पदबंध किसे कहते हैं? पदबंध के कितने भेद होते हैं? पदबंध के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी हासिल कीजिए।
To prepare/write-up —
प्रश्न 1. ‘विद्यार्थी और अनुशासन’ विषय पर एक निबन्ध लिखिए, जो 300 शब्दों से कम न हो।
HINDI प्रश्न 2. ‘बड़े भाई साहब’ नामक पाठ का सारांश अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।
प्रश्न 3. कबीर की साखी एवं मीरा के पदों का के न्द्रीय-भाव अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।
प्रश्न 4. ‘हरिहर काका’ पाठ के माध्यम से लेखक क्या संदेश देना चाहता है? विस्तार पूर्वक उल्लेख कीजिए।
प्रश्न 5. अपने जीवन में घटित किसी सुखद अथवा दुःखद घटना का वर्णन करते हुए एक लेख लिखिए।
प्रश्न 6. घर के अंदर व घर के बाहर खेले जाने वाले विभिन्न खेलों की सचित्र सूची बनाइए।
1. Poster Making (A-4 size sheet): Make a poster portraying your thoughts and point of view on:
“Love for freedom is the natural instinct of every living being.”You may read Nelson Mandela, A
long walk to freedom for your reference.
2. Questionnaire Making - How to do: Prepare 15 multiple choice questions from the story
Nelson Mandela , A Long Walk to Freedom and Dust of snow ( first Flight (NCERT Book)
Where to do: A-4 size sheet
Parameters: Accuracy, Content, Authentication
3.Creation with Proverb - How to do: Describe any one of the following proverb in your own
ENGLISH words. You should also
add pictures to make it creative.1 ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’. 2. ‘No pain No gain. 3.
‘All’s well that ends well’
Where to do: A-3 size sheet
Parameters: Creativity, relevance, presentation
4. You have just read two of the poems of Robert Frost. Make a detailed project on this
American poet highlighting the following topics ( 7-8 pages). Add pictures on left side.
(a) Biography. (b) Work. (c) Awards and recognition. (d) Legacy and Cultural Influence
Lab manual – Experiment-1 A To find the pH of following samples by using pH paper and
Experiment-1B To study the properties of acids and bases by their reaction. ( Do it chemistry
practical file)
Project work- Prepare a separate project file on A4 sheets
Write the name of acids or bases and draw their chemical structure present in the following
(1) Tamarind
(2) Tomato
(3) Spinach
(5) Vinegar
(6) Raw apple
(7) Ant sting
(8) Nettle plant
(9) Dock plant
(10) Lemon
(11) Gooseberry
For Section (E&F)
(1.) Make a digital collage on "Global warming" using images and formatting features covered in
(2.) Write an article on the topic "How is digital learning going to change schools and education
system? " Give appropriate headings and subheadings.
(3) Create a Table of Contents using the hierarchy of heading. Also, apply hyperlinks on the
Table Of Contents for easy access.
I.T. Note:- You are required to write an article by your own. Copied content will be considered
Students will send the above documents on the e-mail IDs of their respective subject teachers.
Send your file to following maiI I'd:
For sections B,C,D,E,F [email protected]
For section A, [email protected]