Is The EJRA Proportionate and Therefore Justified? A Critical Review of The EJRA Policy at Cambridge
Is The EJRA Proportionate and Therefore Justified? A Critical Review of The EJRA Policy at Cambridge
Is The EJRA Proportionate and Therefore Justified? A Critical Review of The EJRA Policy at Cambridge
critical review of the EJRA policy at Cambridge
Oliver Linton, Raghavendra Rau, Patrick Baert, Peter Bossaerts,
Jon Crowcroft, G.R. Evans, Paul Ewart, Nick Gay,
Paul Kattuman, Stefan Scholtes, Hamid Sabourian, and Richard J. Smith
arXiv:2405.14611v2 [econ.GN] 30 May 2024
May 2024
This paper critically evaluates the HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency)
Data Report for the Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) Review Group at
the University of Cambridge (Cambridge 2024), identifying significant methodolog-
ical flaws and misinterpretations. Our analysis reveals issues such as application
of data filters only to the Cambridge sample, inconsistent variable treatment, and
erroneous statistical conclusions. The Report suggests EJRA increased job creation
rates at Cambridge, but we show Cambridge consistently had lower job creation
rates for Established Academic Careers compared to other Russell Group univer-
sities, both before and after EJRA implementation in 2011. This suggests that
EJRA is not a significant factor driving job creation rates. Since other universities
without an EJRA exhibit higher job creation rates, this suggests job creation can
be sustained without such a policy. We conclude that the EJRA did not achieve its
intended goal of increasing opportunities for young academics and may have exac-
erbated existing disparities compared to other leading universities. We recommend
EJRA be abolished at Cambridge since it does not meet its justified aims and could
be viewed as unlawful age discrimination.
1 Introduction
The University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom employs an Employer Justified
Retirement Age (EJRA) policy, mandating retirement for all academic and academic-
related staff at the end of the academic year in which they turn 67. Following the abolition
of the Default Retirement Age (DRA) by the Coalition government in 2011 following on
from the Equality Act (2010), employers were permitted to impose mandatory retirement
only on the condition that it could be objectively justified as a proportional means of
achieving a legitimate social policy aim. Implemented in 2012, after consultation with
its staff, the Cambridge EJRA has four stated goals:
While the twenty two other Russell Group universities in the U.K. did not choose
to introduce an EJRA in 2011, Cambridge and Oxford universities did so, setting them
apart from the other Russell Group universities (and indeed other employers).
The effectiveness of the EJRA in achieving its aims is predicated upon its effect upon
the rate at which vacancies arise from retirement and other causes. Estimates of the effect
of the EJRA on the vacancy creation rate (VCR) may be made using models employing
simplifying assumptions. A simple model, presented by Paul Ewart during debates in
Congregation at Oxford1 , assumes a fixed number of posts subject to the EJRA and a
uniform age distribution i.e. equal numbers of staff in each year group by age. (The Data
Report confirms that this reflects the age distribution also at Cambridge.)
Then, initially assuming that vacancies arise only by retirements at the EJRA when a
cohort reaches the retirement age and are filled by younger academics at the average age
of appointment, the process can be viewed as a queue where the numbers joining equal
the numbers leaving by retirement. If the EJRA was abolished, then the average age at
which people retired would increase, at most, by about 3 years, according to survey data.
In the steady state, the length of the queue would increase, but the number in each age
group would decrease correspondingly to maintain the same number of staff. Hence the
number of vacancies each year would decrease by the same amount.
The effect of an EJRA then is to increase the Vacancy Creation rate (VCR) relative to
the situation with no mandatory retirement. It is on this basis that the University seeks
to justify its EJRA policy as a means to achieving its stated aims. However, since the
policy discriminates on the basis of a protected characteristic, age, it is unlawful unless
See, page 443.
it can be objectively justified as a proportionate means of achieving those aims. Using
this simple “queuing” model, it is possible to estimate the effect of the EJRA on the
VCR as a measure of its proportionality.
This article critically evaluates the Data Report, identifying significant methodological
flaws and misinterpretations. The Data Report suggests that EJRA at the University of
Cambridge increased job creation rates. Our analysis reveals issues such as inappropriate
data filters, inconsistent variable treatment, and erroneous statistical conclusions. We
show that Cambridge consistently had lower job (vacancy) creation rates for Established
Academic Careers (EAC) compared to other Russell Group universities, both before and
after the EJRA implementation, implying that EJRA is not a significant factor driving
job creation rates. Since other Russell Group universities, which do not have an EJRA,
exhibit higher job creation rates, this suggests that job creation can be sustained or even
thrive without such a policy.
years, rather than 27 years, a percentage reduction of the VCR due to retirements alone
from 11% (3/27) to 10% (3/29) and an overall reduction in the VCR of 2.5%. However,
if people continue to retire at the current average age, then the extension will be only
1 year past 69, giving a career extension of 1/29 or 3% and an overall reduction of the
VCR of 0.75% when vacancies for other reasons and voluntary retirements at the EJRA
are taken into account.
The “steady state” conditions of this simple model do not take account of the transient
effect induced by a sudden abolition of the EJRA or a change in the age from say 67
to 69. In the latter case, and using the same assumption of a uniform age distribution,
there would be no vacancies for two years after which the situation would evolve into
the steady state over time. This effect is treated in a dynamic modelling approach using
Little’s Law that would also have to take account of the vacancies created by reasons
other than retirement and the average duration of extensions of employment post-EJRA.
It is clear, however, given the similarity in the situations at Oxford and Cambridge;
same age at appointment of 40 and 50% of vacancies arising from reasons other than
retirement etc., one expects that the increase the vacancy creation rate by the EJRA at
Cambridge will also be in the range 2 – 4%. Any significant deviation from this estimate
would suggest that some filtering of the statistics data has been made to change the
assumptions built into the model.
We next turn to the specific goals of the EJRA and examine whether the EJRA is a
proportionate means of achieving those goals. Recall that the EJRA sets four goals:
is likely that academics wishing to retire would be willing and capable of giving adequate
prior notice of their intention to retire and so mitigate any potential issues related to
succession planning.
The EJRA hinders the University’s ability to attract senior external candidates, as
the prospect of mandatory retirement within a few years can deter potential applicants.
Moreover, the policy impedes academic productivity well before retirement, as academics
may be unable to supervise doctoral students or apply for grants at least five years prior to
the retirement age due to the impending termination of their employment. Consequently,
productive senior academics often seek employment elsewhere well before reaching the
EJRA, resulting in a detrimental brain drain of highly sought-after and accomplished
scholars from the University. This has the impact of reducing predictability since senior
academics seeking positions elsewhere will be unlikely to notify the university ahead of
time that they are actively looking elsewhere.
Figure 1: University website for postdoc students at Cambridge: Retrieved 20 May
Since the Data Report suggests increasing the retirement age by two years to 69,
it is difficult to understand how lectureship opportunities will be increased. One possi-
bility is that the University plans on increasing the number of senior positions such as
professorships. Unfortunately, a simple graph of the number of senior professorships at
Cambridge, depicted in figure 2 shows a very sharp decline in these positions after the
EJRA period in Cambridge.
Figure 2: Number of professorships created at Cambridge (15 year trailing average)
Preserving Academic Autonomy and Freedom Finally, the EJRA also under-
mines academic autonomy and freedom. To secure an extension beyond the retirement
age, academics must demonstrate productivity, which may incentivise risk-averse behavior
and incremental research rather than pursuing potentially groundbreaking but uncertain
avenues. This dynamic has the potential of stifling innovation and knowledge creation,
which should be a core objective of a leading research university.
In summary, the arguments highlight the potential adverse impacts of the EJRA
on innovation, succession planning, intergenerational fairness, and academic freedom,
contending that the policy may be counterproductive to the University’s stated aims and
could hinder its pursuit of excellence in research and education.
was the RRG (Remaining Russell Group) where EJRA was removed, and the other
group comprised solely of Cambridge where an EJRA was introduced so that mandatory
retirement continued, and the difference-in-differences calculation was applied to vacancy
creation rates in the RRG and in Cambridge, before and after EJRA removal in the RRG.
This section shows that, contrary to sound practice, Cambridge’s data was selectively
filtered while other universities’ data were not treated the same way. The analysis as
applied did not adequately control for pre-existing trends, or for differences between
universities. In fact, Cambridge consistently had lower vacancy creation rates compared
to other universities, both before and after EJRA removal in the RRG. It is shown below
that the conclusion that the removal of the EJRA policy would significantly impact the
vacancy creation rate in Cambridge simply does not follow from the analysis.
The second part of the Data Report uses a system dynamics model to simulate forward
what would be the likely consequences of the abolition of the EJRA at Cambridge in terms
of vacancies. In the second part of this section, we point out significant limitations in
that analysis as well.
The EAR group includes non-academic professional staff supporting teaching and
research. The Data Report defines EAR as employees with:
In effect, the EAC group represents the core group of established academic teaching
and research staff, while the EAR group covers the non-academic professional support
staff, both at relatively senior levels within the university. The purpose of the Data
Report is to show that the university created a significantly higher number of jobs in the
Cambridge EAC group than would have arisen if Cambridge did not have an EJRA by
comparing with other universities who do not operate an EJRA.
The main variable of interest is defined as
ritjc = , (1)
where Nit is the total employees in a given group (for example, university i) at year
(actually academic year) t, while Nitjc is the total number of new appointees at university
i in year t (presumably new appointees in the specific group). This is the measure of job
creation that is identified as the outcome of the EJRA policy.
This variable is shown in Figure A1 for both the EAC and EAR groups (see figure 3
reproduced below). Figure 3 further breaks this down to EAC STEM and EAC non STEM
groups. These figures show the time series of the 22 RRG universities and Cambridge
over the period 2007-2008 to 2021-2022 (a period of 15 years) along with the average
across RRG and a vertical line indicating 2012, the date from which the abolition of
retirement age at RRG is binding. Regardless of the figure examined, the key feature is
that Cambridge has had a lower job creation rate in comparison with every single other
RRG university. This is acknowledged on page 8 of the Data Report, “UoC has a lower
job creation rate for EAC compared to most other HEPs (Higher Education Providers).
“Figure A1 shows the average job creation rate is 3% for UoC between AY 2007/08 and
2021/22, while the average for RRG is 5%.” In one sense, the reader can stop here since
the raw data clearly indicates a result completely divergent from its core message that
the EJRA has created significantly more jobs at Cambridge. However, there are potential
flaws in this interpretation that suggest we look further.
Specifically, in the Data Report they argue that these numbers are the average over all
fifteen years and it is plausible that Cambridge has improved its performance relatively
since 2011, post the introduction of EJRA. A simple way of capturing this pattern would
Figure 3: Figure A1 reproduced from the Data Report (Cambridge 2024)
be to compare the average (over time) of Cambridge performance after 2011 with the
average of the RRG universities. Unfortunately, looking at Figure 3, it is clear that
Cambridge would lose that contest too: In every single year, Cambridge created fewer
EAC jobs than the average of the RRG universities and in every year, it has been in the
bottom 5.
Yet another possibility is that something else is to blame - perhaps for example, there
were other factors, presumably macroeconomic, that affected job creation over this period.
In that case, what we need to do is to compare the average performance of Cambridge
post 2011 with the average performance of Cambridge pre-2011 and do the same for the
RRG universities. This is the heart of why their argument appears to work since one can
see that just prior to 2012 the RRG universities created a lot of new positions and their
performance subsequent to 2012 was relatively worse. Actually, the key feature of the
pre-2012 data was the big dip following the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the
strong rebound, especially for RRG universities, just running up to 2012.
The main approach they use is a so-called natural experiment, which is intended
to capture how clinical trials are carried out. The treatment or policy variable is the
introduction of the EJRA by Cambridge in 2011, and the treatment group is Cambridge
with pre-treatment period 2007/2008-2011/2012 and post treatment period 2012/2013
(it takes a year for the abolition of retirement to take effect) to 2021/2022. The control
group is the RRG universities. It is important to note that this design addresses the issue
about abolition of EJRA as it compares universities without EJRA with Cambridge that
does. It does not provide any evidence about the effect of raising the age of EJRA to 69
from 67. As outlined in the introduction above, increasing the age of the EJRA results
in its being even less proportionate as a means of achieving the aims.
The main issues for application of this method here are:
2. The treatment is really 2012 itself, not the introduction of the EJRA (or rather the
division is into the pre- and post-2012 periods). The EJRA was not the only thing
that changed after 2012 compared to before 2012 and that could influence vacancy
3. The sample sizes are too small. There is only one treated patient, Cambridge, and
only 22 untreated patients, the RRG. Imagine testing a vaccine on one patient and
applying a placebo to twenty two. Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial had over
46,000 participants. The statistics here all rely on large sample approximations,
and here the smallest group average is made from 5 time series observations.
4. The unit of measurement is at the university level. In a clinical trial, one is looking
at individuals and it is reasonable to assume that although they are different in
fundamental ways, their health outcomes are essentially independent across indi-
viduals and only depends on the treatment. It is hard to believe that is the case for
university’s economic decisions, which is what is needed here. For example, all the
universities are admitting undergraduates through UCAS and they are all trying
to recruit from the same pool of academics.
In conclusion, the methods adopted are not appropriate for the data they have. The
results they obtained are not credible. The fundamental fact is that Cambridge creates
fewer new academic jobs in comparison with RRG whether or not they both had a
retirement age. This is clear from Figure A1.
Figure A30 from the Data Report (reproduced in Figure 4) gives their estimates of the
treatment effect separately for each year along with confidence bands. This is defined as
the difference in job creation between Cambridge and RRG relative to the same difference
for 2012 (the zero value for 2012 is suppressed from the figure). According to this graph,
the introduction of EJRA had a positive relative effect even five years before it was
introduced! In the language of natural experiments, this evidences that the pre treatment
parallel trend assumption is violated, which they acknowledge, and which leads them to
implement a further couple of inappropriate methods for dealing with this issue. In the
Appendix we give a more formal treatment of the statistical issues. Another interesting
aspect of this figure is that there is a declining trend in job creation rates in the post-
Brexit period (from 2017 onwards) interrupted by a spike upwards during the Covid
year of 2020. Even taking their methods at face value, by 2021, the effect has totally
disappeared, so whatever was driving the results has vanished. Another interpretation of
this data is just that, as in any time series, there are periods where the series is above
trend and periods where it is below trend and these cycles are determined by a complex
set of reasons that have not been investigated in this report.
Figure 4: Figure A30 reproduced from HESA Data Report (Cambridge 2024)
queuing model says that there is a dynamic response that takes time to take full effect.
Secondly, the queuing model is treated as exact, whereas the key parameters are uncertain
and estimated from data. In that respect, the estimates reported in the Data Report are
subject to wide variability as is any social science phenomenon you are trying to forecast
40 years hence.
The model is also flawed in treating everyone in the queue as the same, failing to
account for the differing contributions and income levels generated by faculty at different
career stages. Senior faculty who stay on the payroll contribute significantly to the
Research Excellence Framework (REF) returns, which in turn bring in pro-rata funding
from central sources. Senior faculty tend to attract more PhD students due to their track
records and projects. Their research funding attracts overheads, which are typically
calculated as a percentage, resulting in more funding for more senior faculty. The Higher
Education Quality Enhancement (HEQE) Quality-Related (QR) funding is also based on
the actual cost of the faculty member, not a generic FTE. The model errs by taking a
“unit person/Full-Time Equivalent” approach. The correct approach would consider an
FTE at the typical income level that a faculty member at that career stage generates.
The results are reported in Table 1 of the Data Report. In the first ten years, there
are on average 27.7 fewer new appointments. In the decade from 2053-2062 there are
13.3 fewer vacancies; which is apparently the chosen steady state regime. To put this in
perspective, consider Table 3.1, which shows the total number of established academic
staff at Cambridge over the period 2013-2023. The fourth column shows that in 2023 a
total of 33 members of academic staff left office at the end of their EJRA year, ostensibly
due to the EJRA itself, rather than to their own personal preferences. However, from
2022 to 2023, the total number of established staff grew from 1642 to 1669, a net addition
of 27. In fact, since 2013, the number of established staff has grown by approximately
1% per year. If we extrapolate that trend in establishment size to 2053/2062, the loss in
new vacancies would be more than matched by the the number of new positions every
year. One final point to bear in mind when looking at the long term steady state, the
State pension age is set to increase to 69 in 2046-2048 due to the increase in longevity.
4 Conclusion
This paper critically evaluates the findings of the Data Report for the EJRA Review
Group, identifying crucial methodological flaws and misinterpretations. The Data Re-
port suggests that the Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) at the University
of Cambridge increased job creation rates and contributed positively to the academic
workforce. Our analysis reveals several key issues, including inappropriate filters applied
to the data, inconsistent treatment of variables, and erroneous conclusions drawn from
statistical models.
The Data Report applies more stringent filters to Cambridge data compared to other
Russell Group universities (RRG). Certain categories of staff are included in the Cam-
bridge analysis but excluded from the RRG analysis, leading to inappropriate compar-
isons. Relevant data on job creation and retirements are excluded without clear justi-
fication, potentially deflating or inflating the observed job creation rates. Furthermore,
the job creation rate is defined differently for Cambridge and the RRG, resulting in
incommensurate comparisons.
The Data Report also contains inconsistencies in how variables are treated and mea-
sured. The time periods analysed for Cambridge were not directly comparable to those
for the RRG, with trends and changes post-2011 not uniformly analysed across all in-
stitutions. Key variables such as retirement age and job creation rates are defined and
calculated differently, failing to account for structural differences between institutions.
Additionally, the Data Report does not uniformly adjust for macroeconomic factors and
other external influences, leading to an inaccurate representation of EJRA’s effect.
Importantly, the Difference-in-Differences model used in the Data Report does not
adequately control for pre-existing trends and differences between Cambridge and the
RRG, resulting in unjustifiable findings on EJRA’s impact on job creation. The Data
Report’s claim that EJRA led to a 1.6 percentage point increase in job creation does not
hold under proper controls and comparisons. The dynamic model used is inconsistent
with the static regression approach, assuming a constant effect over time and ignoring
potential variable interactions. The Data Report’s results lack robustness checks, con-
fidence intervals, and measures of uncertainty, with statistical significance disappearing
when alternative methods (such as the wild bootstrap) were applied, indicating unreliable
Our analysis shows that Cambridge University consistently had lower job creation
rates for Established Academic Careers (EAC) compared to the RRG average, both
before and after EJRA implementation in 2011. Cambridge’s average job creation rate
was approximately 3% per year, while the RRG average was about 5%. There was no
relative improvement in job creation rates at Cambridge post-EJRA implementation.
Every year since 2011, Cambridge has created fewer EAC jobs than the RRG average,
contradicting the Data Report’s claim of a positive impact.
Overall, we can conclude that the EJRA policy did not achieve its intended goal of
increasing job creation for young academics and may have exacerbated existing disparities
in job creation rates compared to other leading universities. Cambridge consistently had
lower job creation rates for Established Academic Careers (EAC) compared to other
Russell Group universities, both before and after the EJRA implementation, implying
that EJRA is not a significant factor driving job creation rates. Other Russell Group
universities, which do not have an EJRA, exhibit higher job creation rates, suggesting
that job creation can be sustained or even thrive without such a policy.
Dedication. We would like to dedicate this paper to the memory of Ross Anderson
who devoted much of his tireless energy to combatting the spurious arguments put forth
in favour of the EJRA at Cambridge.
5 Appendix
The main model that is used for establishing a significant effect is presented in Section
3.1 of the Data Report, the first displayed equation. We can rewrite this equation in
more standard notation as
ritjc = αi + γt + δDit + εit , (2)
The variable Dit is the treatment dummy, equal to one for Cambridge post-2012 and
equal to zero for Cambridge pre-2012, and equal to zero for all the RRG universities
from 2007-2008 to 2021-2022. This approach is called a reversal design and it is used
since the retirement policy at Cambridge did not change, while it did at the RRG (it was
The parameter of interest is δ, which captures the effect of EJRA on job creation
(which is implicitly constant across time). The statistical null hypothesis is that δ = 0,
i.e., that the EJRA had no effect on job creation versus the general alternative. Table
A.4 column 1 reports the results of this regression separately for EAC and EAR groups.
The authors compute the so-called difference in differences
δb = Campost − Campre − RRGpost − RRGpre , (3)
where the overbar indicates averages over time and the double bar indicates averages
over universities in RRG. It is important to note that there are only five observations in
Campre and ten observations in Campost . In Figure A30, they report
In this case there is only one observation in Camt . By comparing with 2012, they carefully
use the point of maximum difference to pivot around. A more standard approach would
be to compare with the pre-policy average Campre − RRGpre .
The authors’ main estimates in column 1 of Table A.4. indicate that δ is positive
and statistically significant under their calculated standard errors. However, when they
apply the wild bootstrap standard errors in Section 3.4, they report that the statistical
significance vanishes. The authors acknowledge that the usual parallel trends assumption
is violated in this data, as is clear from Figure A1 and A30. This would imply the
estimates in the first column of Table A.4 are suspect. To address this issue, they do the
following described on page 9. They fit the regression model
for each university using the data before 2012 (5 observations) to obtain abi , bbi and then
calculate the residual rbitjc = ritjc − abi − bbi t for all i, t. Then, they take rbitjc as the dependent
variable in (2).
This is absurd. To understand why, imagine constructing a linear trend from five
observations on any noisy time series and then extrapolating a further ten observations
based on that trend. This is extremely bad practice from a time series point of view,
and any public body such as the Bank of England could not argue policy on the basis
of such evidence. In Figure A3, one can see two RRG universities have rather extreme
boosts in job creation followed by a sharp reversal in one case and slower reversal in the
other case, all before 2012. So whatever led them to increase job creation and decrease
job creation could be repeated at any time after 2012. Logically, if you extrapolated the
trend backwards, it appears that for some universities in 2000, the job creation would
be negative. Hence the foundation of this pretrend assumption/method is very weak.
Mechanically, however, the result of this process is to drag down the RRG values as those
fake pretrends did not continue and this gives a boost to the estimated treatment effect.
The treatment effect here is to be interpreted relative to a pre-established trend, so the
figure of 4.408 in Table A.4 column 2 is not directly comparable with the result from
column 1.
The second method they adopt to address the pre 2012 “trend” is based on the
ritjc = α + βsit + uit , (6)
where sit is the log of FTE student numbers at university i in year t. In this case, the β
is assumed constant over universities and again estimated using the pre-2011 data. They
then calculate reitjc = ritjc − βs
it for all i, t and then apply the DID to this residual.
In this specification, it is odd to use the log of student numbers to predict the ratio of
new hires. If we assume that the staff-student ratio is targeted to be constant we would
have (where N is the number faculty and S is student numbers):
N dN N dS N dN dS
0=d = − = − , (7)
so that dN/N should be equal to d log S, not β log S. Empirically, s = log S is more
related to log N than d log N . It is also surprising that in this case, they do not allow β
to vary with university, perhaps because the result would have been different had they
done that. The estimates from this equation are not credible either. Interestingly, in
column 3 of Table A.4 they show that for this method the EJRA for EAR staff produces
a significant increase in vacancies.
The inference methods are “robust standard errors” in the main part and a wild
bootstrap method in Section 3.4. The standard errors in Table A.4 effectively assume
that εit is independent across i and t, that is, after accounting for the “main effects”
αi (university specific effect) and γt (time specific effect), the remaining movements are
uncorrelated. This is clearly a bad assumption in this case as the universities in the RRG
are not separate individuals whose health outcomes do not affect others’ outcomes but
directly competing institutions who are subject to the same rules and procedures (apart
from EJRA). The pre-trend estimation is not taken into account of in the standard errors.
Instead, the authors just supply the residuals to STATA and get the usual standard errors
that would arise if there were no pre-estimation. Clearly, estimating two parameters from
five observations is pushing the boundaries of credibility. Credible standard errors would
be much larger than those presented. Indeed, as acknowledged in Section 3.4 (robustness
checks), when the wild bootstrap is used (this takes account of heteroscedasticity but
not cross university and cross time correlations), the statistical significance disappears.
Likewise, when a synthetic control method is used, that is, finding a linear combination of
RRG that best matches Cambridge in the pre treatment period with respect to vacancy
rate, they report that the statistical significance disappears.
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