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Doc. No.: PPPL/NPD/QSP/01

Quality System Procedure Page 1 of 4 Rev No :01
Date (Rev.):

Subject: APQP- New Product Development

1.0 Purpose
To establish a procedure for advanced product quality planning for
Development of new products and modifications in the existing
products, to ensure that the products are Developed as per the
customer requirements

2.0 SCOPE:
Procedure is applicable to all products Developed at PPPL


Plant Head
Marketing Head/QA Head


 Any new product Development will be initiated based on Customer


 The enquiry review details, etc is carried out as per the procedure
for contract review.

 Product feasibility Review is carried out by CFT. IF product is

feasible to produce then project Initiation approval is taken by

 Based on the customer’s requirements, the CFT members prepares

an APQP Time Line Plan indicating the activities to be carried out,
responsibility for carrying out the activity and target date. APQP
matrix is referred while preparation of time plan for responsibility
and activity to be carried out based on Development category.
 If customer has specified their own APQP formats. Then same will
be followed.
Below mentioned information should be collected.
a) Past history such as warranty rejections, internal external
rejections, customer complaint etc.
b) Things gone wrong and things gone right in similar product.
c) Customer requirements etc.
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Date (Rev.):

Subject: APQP- New Product Development

d) Review of Special Characteristics With the reference of Component

drawing and Customer Specific Requirement (i.e. Inspection
standard) Where applicable.

 The CFT members collect all above information and review for the
adequacy. CFT members review APQP Time line. after every Trial run
Top management take review. Same time Tool Development plan is
also reviewed if applicable. If any information is missing, same is
planned and collected.
If any delay is observed then reason for delay will be mentioned in
APQP Time plan.
Management Support
 Project status review is made by Marketing & Plant Head along with
the CFT Members to review the status and any concerns in the product
Receipt of LOI / PO
 Customer accept the quotation then release LOI / PO for further
Development, after accepting LOI / PO make APQP Time Line plan.
Team Feasibility commitment
 Team feasibility commitment is performed by the CFT Members to
assess the manufacturing capability of the proposed Product. All the
CFT Members endorse the team feasibility commitment form as the
commitment to proceed further for product Development. Where ever
not feasible issues identified, action plan for the same to be prepared.
Raw Material Requirement
 Plant head along with purchase Head settles on the source of raw
material based on raw material specifications and other product
characteristics. The time required to obtain raw material is also noted
during Time Line Plan.
Identification & Clarification of SC & CC Parameter of Product -
Special product characteristics are identified by CFT.
Identified Special Characteristics are designated as follow :
 Critical – CC

 Significant - S
If customer has specified the special characteristics with his
symbols same symbols will be used in the documents or PPPL
equivalent symbol will be used if the documents are common for
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Quality System Procedure Page 3 of 4 Rev No :01
Date (Rev.):

Subject: APQP- New Product Development

other products (Part families) or customers. If customer not

specified special characteristics, then PPPL will be specified special
characteristics if necessary, this defined special characteristics will
be cleared from Customer.

Contract Review –
After receiving Customer Purchase Order Contract review will be
carried out as per Contract review procedure.

Identification of New Equipment, Tooling, Jigs and Fixture

CFT identifies any new equipment / tooling / jigs and fixture
requirements, if any, and these are identified in the Time Line Plan,
ensuring its capability and timely delivery. The progress of the same is
monitored by Project Leader.
Manufacturing Process Design Input Review :
CFT reviews process design input requirements such as
 Product design output data including special characteristics;
 Targets for productivity, process capability, timing and cost;
 Manufacturing technology alternatives;
 Customer requirements if any;
 Experience from previous Developments
 New materials;
 Product handling and ergonomic requirements;
 Design for manufacturing and design for assembly.
 The use of error proofing methods
Review records are maintained in Process Design Input review report .
Process Flow Chart
The CFT prepares the proposed or existing process flow chart.
 Process FMEA is conducted as described in the Procedure for PFMEA –

Tool, Jig, Fixture, Gauges Development Plan-

If PPPL is manufacturing their own tools then prepared separate tool
development plan, in tool development plan jig, fixture & gauges plan is
also prepared. monitored this Plan and this Tool, Jig, Fixture, Gauges
development plan review will be taking as per defined frequency.
While Planning for tool development inputs from FMEA is captured
related to tooling and same is included in tooling development.
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Subject: APQP- New Product Development

Floor Plan Layout

CFT requests the concerned production supervisor to review the floor
plan to determine the acceptability of inspection points, acceptability of
visual aids, interim repair stations, and storage areas to contain defective
material. All material flow is keyed to the process flow chart and
control plan.

Pre-Launch Control Plan:

 The CFT prepares all control plans on the basis of process flow chart
and PFMEA if necessary.
Process Instructions:
 The CFT Developes process instructions that provide sufficient detail
for all operating personnel directly responsible for processes.
a) These instructions are developed from the following sources.
 Control Plans
 Engg. Drawings, Performance Specifications, Material Specifications,
Visual standards and industry standards.
 Process flow charts
 Floor plan layout
 Packaging standards
 Process sheets
 Expertise and knowledge of the process & product.
 Handling requirements.
 Operating Personnel.

Tooling Inspection
For tool designing PPPL refer Customer 3D & 2D model that case no
need of tool inspection and If customer not giving 3D Model PPPL will
responsible for making Tool design then tool Inspection will be performed
by PPPL if applicable.

Sample Production, Inspection, Submission, Feedback

Production responsible person will produce sample, responsible person
will check this sample, made sample Inspection report then with required
all document sample will be submitted to customer. After sample
submission take feedback from customer. If sample is reject then do
necessary changes and again submit sample.
Tooling Rectification ( If any)
Once sample production and submission is completed CFT will take
review of all point which is observed during sample production, Inspection
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Subject: APQP- New Product Development

and submission, any tool, gauge rectification required do necessary

rectification before next production during review customer feedback is
also reviewed If sample is Approved then proceed and if sample is
rejected then follow above process still sample Approval.
Customer Trails – after sample approval from customer , Product trail at
customer end -plan will be obtained from customer and reviewed with
customer .
Packaging Standards and Specification
 The CFT reviews packaging standards & specifications, so as to ensure
the product integrity at point of use. If customer has specified
packaging standards, the same are specified in the packaging
Instructions available with the concerned department.
 Packed products are assessed for normal transportation damage and
adverse environmental effects. This is done as per agreement with the
Manufacturing Process Design Output
 Manufacturing Process Design Output is verified against design input
by CFT. Output includes – Process Flow Chart, FMEA’s, Control Plan,
Work instructions, Acceptance criteria, Etc.

Production trial run

 Once the customer approves the sample production trial run is
conducted using production tooling, equipment, environment
(including, production operators), facility and cycle time. The minimum
quantity for the production trial run is usually set by the customer and
can be exceeded by the CFT.

MSA Study
 As per defined in APQP time plan MSA Study will be carried out. Refer
Procedure for MSA – PPPL/QA/QSP/10

SPC Study
As per defined in APQP time plan SPC Study will be carried out
identified special characteristics. Refer Procedure for SPC-

Process Validation
 Product validation testing is carried out w.r.t. engg. tests for validating
the products made from production tools and processes to engg.
standards. At present this is done by customers.
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Subject: APQP- New Product Development

 Process validation is carried out at PPPL for all the processes to

validate the process characteristics’ ranges (To set process
parameters) for validating the production results.

PPAP Lot Submission

 Production parts thus produced from production tools & process to
meet Engg. standards are submitted to the customer along with
documents specified in “ PPAP” Procedure PPPL/QA/QSP/09

PSW Approval
 After PPAP Lot submission take feedback from customer, if lot ok then
take PSW Approval copy from Customer. if lot not ok then take
necessary actions after taking necessary actions submit further lot,
take customer feedback, this process repeats up to lot Approval.

Production Control Plan

 The CFT reviews the pre-launch control plan based on the results of
the production trial run and the customer’s feedback on the
production parts submitted. The CFT then prepares a “production
control plan” to be followed during production.

Quality Planning Sign Off

 After preparing the production control plan, process flow diagram
and job instructions, CFT co-ordinates formal sign off using
“Product Quality Planning sign off(AOI)” format . Based on this,
approval will be given to production for Bulk production. if any open
points are there same will be listed and action plan will be prepared.

Customer Feedback & Corrective actions during Initial Part

After PSW Approval take feedback from customer against line rejection
summary, submitted document, packing, PPPL employee response. Make
detail action plan on customer feedback review it during review meeting.

Review of TGR/TGW during Initial Part Control

During review meeting discuss all Things goes right & Things goes
wrong related rejection, production. this will help during next

Feedback, Assessment and Corrective Action

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Subject: APQP- New Product Development

 The CFT applies Continuous Improvement techniques and seeks ways

to reduce the sources of variation. Once the product is introduced into
regular production. For any amendment in drawings / specifications /
control plan / job instructions, “Document Control” procedure, is
 The project measures such as Cost estimation v/s actual, Activity
planned v/s actual, etc. shall be monitored at various stages. In case
of planned activity, the same is monitored through the Time Line Plan
which will be updated progressively, on completion of each activity.


Team has to identify Lesson learned during APQP projects review and
update it in all lesson learned sheet for all projects for ready refrence to
review in similar projects and to avoid repetitive issue.
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Subject: APQP- New Product Development

Cross References:

Sr. Document Description Reference No.

1. List of Customers PPPL/MKT/L/01
2. List of CFT Members PPPL/NPD/L/01

Sr. Record Description Reference No.

1. APQP Time Line Plan PPPL/NPD/F/03
2. Feasibility study Report PPPL/QA/F/47
3. Minutes of Meeting PPPL/QA/F/24
4. Manufacturing Process Design Input Review PPPL/NPD/F/06
5. Tool,Jig,Fixture,guages,Delopment Plan PPPL/NPD/F/07
6. Team Feasibility Commitment PPPL/NPD/F/08
7. Floor Plan check-list PPPL/NPD/F/09
8. List of Special Characteristics PPPL/NPD/F/10
9. List of Checking Aids PPPL/NPD/F/11
10. Mesurément System Analysais (MSA) Plan PPPL/NPD/F/77
11. Statastical Process Control- Plan PPPL/NPD/F/86
12. Die Trail & Validation Report PPPL/PRD/F/09
13. Quality System Review Checklist PPPL/NPD/F/14
14. Lessons learned (TGR and TGW) PPPL/NPD/F/15
15. Quality Planning sign off PPPL/NPD/F/16
16. Past Defect History PPPL/NPD/F/17
17. Dévelopment problèms action plan PPPL/NPD/F/18
18. Part Submission Warrant PPPL/NPD/F/19
19. NPD. Sample Status Report PPPL/NPD/F/20
20. Lesson Learned PPPL/NPD/F010


Prepared by Approved by

M.R. GM(O)
Doc. No.: PPPL/NPD/QSP/01
Quality System Procedure Page 9 of 4 Rev No :01
Date (Rev.):

Subject: APQP- New Product Development

Revison no Date Reason for revison

00 04.04.2019 Initial release
01 02.12.2023 Lesson learned added

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