Tre 4296
Tre 4296
Tre 4296
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4 authors, including:
Amit Das
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Omar Faruk on 28 August 2021.
Omar Faruk*1, Dhrouba Jyoti Dhali2, Amit Das3 and Swapan Kumar Palit4
In modern period, traffic problem is one of the most challenging and complex issues in major cities.
Chittagong city, commercial capital of Bangladesh is not escaped from this problem. Due to the rapid
growth of population and industrialization, the city has been extended exponentially without proper
planning. As a result, there has been a disproportion between traffic supply and demand, which leads to
intolerable traffic flow problems. Traffic congestion is one of the impediments for the efficient of a road
network. It results in massive delays, a decrease in productivity and a bad impact on overall economic
growth. Hence, the present study is to find out the pivotal causes of traffic congestion at Chittagong city. It
also includes the ill-effects due to traffic congestion and possible remedial measures of traffic jam. Physical
observations have been done at different intersections in Chittagong city and identified the causes regarding
traffic congestion such as illegal parking on street, unplanned stoppage on road, excessive vehicles of
different speed on the same road, road development activities & traffic mismanagement etc. It has also been
continued through field investigation for space occupied by illegal parking, social survey and satisfaction
report. Due to traffic congestion, ill impacts on the environment, health, social life, economy, and
communication systems have been determined. Finally, from the result of the study, some remedial
measures have been proposed to achieve effective traffic movement.
Keywords: Traffic congestion, Chittagong city, Index of satisfaction, Bad impacts, Measures.
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
Urbanization, a global phenomenon, is taking place rapidly in the developing countries like Bangladesh.
Rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization have brought about extreme levels of traffic congestion
within the country. Bangladesh is the 10th most densely populated country in the world having 1152 people
per square kilometer (World Population Review 2018). As a result, to cope with the growing public demand,
number of traffic is increasing exponentially day by day. Now a days, the traffic problem has become a talk
of the town and sensitive issue to the living people of Bangladesh (K.D.A, 2008). According to the Osman
(2010), traffic congestion eats up around 5 million working hours every day and causes an annual loss of
USD 03 billion. A developing nation like Bangladesh cannot bear up the huge losses stemmed from this
severe traffic problem (Naznin at. el., 2010).
Chittagong city is not only the principal city of Chittagong division but also the second largest city of
Bangladesh. The total population of Chittagong city is near about 6 million. As a result, large number of
various vehicles are increasing rapidly due to expansion of urbanization, commercial activities and
industrial development in the city (BBS 1981, 1991). Day by day vehicles are increasing very fast in this
city but the transport network of this city is not expanding as per the population growing and demand. This
expiation of population converts the dwellers life to stagnant situation during the rush hours of morning
and evening owing to traffic gridlock. Some problems have been identified in the congested areas.
When buses and trams are stuck in traffic jams they fall behind schedule and this means that more people
will be waiting at the next stops, they fall even further behind schedule leading to bunching and
compounding delays (Jain & Vazirani, 2010). A common scene of huge traffic jam in Kaptai Rastar Matha
in Chittagong has been shown in Figure 1a.
Wasted fuel increases air pollution by emitting Carbon-di-oxide and other poisonous gases (Levi et al.,
2010). The noise pollution causes stress in most people and lead to many life-threatening medical conditions
such as cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure related ailments. Emission from a private microbus has
been shown in Figure 1b.
Disruption of traffic movement arises due to traditional water logging problem caused by tidal flow or
heavy rainfall. Normal traffic movement is hampered creating traffic jam in Hat-Bazar area and people lose
their valuable time that can be easily understood by Figure 1c.
Figure 1a, 1b, 1c: Different sorts of problems faced by road users during traffic congestion
Therefore, this study tries to find out the causes and effects of traffic jam in major intersection points of
Chittagong city and how it can be managed from the road user’s perspective. The following research
question guided this study (Agyapong & Ojo, 2018):
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
Studies will help improve on controlling traffic congestion in the big cities in Bangladesh and play a major
impact on policy making. The findings of this studies might help to drivers, pedestrians, shoppers, and
traders in the city. It will help explain the major causes of traffic jam and provide some remedial measures
for managing this problem.
The whole methodology of the study can be divided into a number of steps which can be summarized as
cited in the following flow chart:
Site selection Data collection Causes Adverse Impacts
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
For this satisfaction index, Is=+1, meaning highest level of satisfaction and Is= -1, meaning highest level
of dissatisfaction. In these cases, the negative index of satisfaction was taken to select causes of traffic
The above satisfaction index has been previously used by Hossain, 1995, Hasan, 1999, Rahman and Islam,
2001 to determine the satisfaction index of respondents of various income groups.
V=d/t̄ (2)
Where, d =total distance, t̄ =average journey time
Figure 2a, 2b: Traffic mismanagement due to illegal parking and construction materials on road
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
Figure 3a, 3b: Traffic jam owing to road closing and vehicles variation on same road respectively
• Losing working-hours
• Extra transportation cost
• Vehicle operating and maintenance cost
• Extra fuel cost
• Miscellaneous cost
Two investigations have been done at between Bahaddarhat and Barik building, Bahaddarhat and New
market to find out the percentage of loss of time as well as working hour that causing impact on our
Table 1: Determination of Journey speed and Running speed between Bahaddarhat and Barik Building
Origin Destination Distance Travel Delay Journey Running
(km) time(sec) time(sec) speed(kmph) speed(kmph)
Bahaddarhat Muradpur 1.1 238 18 16.68 18.0
Muradpur 2 no gate 1.1 1100 730 10.70
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
Table 2: Determination of Journey speed and Running speed between Bahaddarhat and New market
Origin Destination Dista Travel Delay Journey Running
nce time(sec) time(sec) speed(kmph) speed(kmph)
Bahaddarhat Chawk bazar 1.6 401 105 14.40 19.5
Chawk bazar Andarkilla 1.8 393 92 16.50 21.53
Andarkilla Katwali circle 1.0 298 1089 12.1 18.95
Katwali circle New market .55 114 32 17.40 24.12
The local transport speed in city is not more than 40 kmph whereas we have mostly found the speed of the
vehicles between 15-25 kmph. So, the percent loss of time in city is given below.
So, it is seen that 50-60% of time loss due to traffic congestion of a person. It causes a great impact in our
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
9am- 11am- 1pm- 3pm- 5pm- 7pm- 9pm- 11pm- 6am-
11am 1pm 3pm 5pm 7pm 9pm 11pm 6am 9am
Percentage 86 62.5 64.5 44 77 30 1 0 6
From the above figure, 86 % of participator of the survey thinks that traffic congestion is mostly occurred
during the office hour between 9am -11am. It also happens severely returning from office between 5pm-
7pm. Besides, Chittagong city is the port capital city of our country. Various vehicles like truck, container
and heavy lorry are incoming 7 outgoing in 5pm to 7pm time schedule. At this time, traffic volume on roads
is maximum.
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
All of the criteria involving transportation system and management of the study area are unsatisfactory.
Among them, the worst condition was for parking facilities (-0.46) followed by enforcement of traffic rules
(-0.38) and pedestrians facilities (-0.37). On the other hand, relatively better condition was for road surface
(-0.125). So, it can be expressed that the overall quality of transportation system in the study area is not
✓ Since the satisfaction index for parking facilities is maximum shown in Table-, it’s the foremost
duty to stop the parking of vehicles here and there and to provide sufficient specific parking area
surrounding the city.
✓ The above study indicates that there is deficiency of proper footpath for pedestrian’s movement.
So adequate number of footpath has to be constructed along with the major roads in the city.
✓ Most of the traffic jam occur between 9-11 am during office hour shown in Fig 4. So different
organization might follow different time schedule to disperse the traffic volume on roads in
different time interval.
5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh
✓ Since there is not sufficient number of traffic police at the most intersection point on the roads,
movement of traffic cannot be controlled strictly. So presence of adequate number of police has to
be ensured at major intersection points.
✓ Moreover, some measures such as creation of public awareness, inception of public transport
service, execution of traffic rules and regulation strictly, decentralization, banning of unauthorized
parking etc. can reduce the problem to a great extent.
Authors would like to express sincere gratitude and profound appreciation to their honorable and respected
Professor Dr. Swapan Kumar Palit & Dr. Md. Omar Imam, Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong
University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), for their important help and active co-operation in
completing the work.
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World Population Review (2018). Retrieved from: