Accident Protocol

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दिक्षण रे लवे/SOUTHERN RAILWAY

प्रधान कायार्लय/ Headquarters Office,

संरक्षा िवभाग/ Safety Department,
चे�ई/ Chennai – 600 003.

सं.No. Safety.389/Training/2024 िदनांक/Date: 24/05/2024


िवषय/Sub: Training on Indian Railway Accident Protocol and SOP to deal with Fire
accidents in Railway coaches/trains
संदभर्/Ref: 1. Indian Railway Accident Protocol vide RB letter no
2021/Safety(A&R)/26/5 dated 21.05.2021.
2. SOP to deal with Fire accidents in Railway coaches/trains
vide RB letter no 2018/Safety (DM)/12/1/SOP dated 17.05.2021.

Awareness among the frontline staffs on their role in case of disaster is essential to equip
them to take proactive role in an emergency. RB has issued Indian Railway Accident Protocol
and SOP to deal with Fire accidents in Railway coaches/trains vide letters under reference. Both
these documents give detailed guidelines on the role of various categories of frontline staffs to
deal with an emergency situation. The purpose of these guidelines are to create awareness on
provisions relating to accident reporting and accident handling.
These topics are already part of the training module of Initial and Refresher courses for
the various categories as mentioned in Annexure I. But these guidelines, issued by Railway Board
in ref.1 &2 are not fully covered in the training modules and so the guidelines in these two
protocols are to be included in the training modules of all Training centres in the Divisions
including the Basic Training Centres.
To ensure that our frontline staffs are fully equipped in Disaster Management, kindly
ensure to include guidelines in Indian Railway Accident Protocol and SOP to deal with Fire
accidents in Railway coaches/trains in the training modules of all Training centres for various
categories of staff and to implement the same.
Digitally signed by

Date: 2024.05.24 17:08:56
( गणेश /Ganesh )
प्र.मु.सं.अ/ P C S O
प्रितिलिप / Copy to:

Secy. to GM - कृपया म.प्र. के सूचना के िलए/for kind information of GM, please.

PS to AGM - कृपया अ.म.प्र के सूचना के िलए/for kind information of AGM, please.
DRM/ MAS, TPJ, PGT - कृपया सूचनाथर् एवं आवश्यक कायर्वह� हे तु/
MDU,TVC&SA for kind information and necessary action, please.
Annexure I
Refresher Course periodicity – department wise
Duration of Duration of Duration for
Sl.No Initial Accident and Duration accident and
. training DM in initial of RC Disaster
period. training. Management
I Engineering
i. SSE/JE/P.Way 12 months 4 periods 17 days 2 periods
ii. Keyman 18 days 2 periods 6 days 1 period
iii. Gatekeeper 12 days 2 periods 6 days Not specified
iv. Trackman 30 days 1 periods 5 days Not specified
v. Welder 11 days Not specified 6 days Not specified
vi. SSE/JE/TM 6 months Not specified 2 Weeks Not specified
vii. Tech/TM 13 weeks Not specified 2 Weeks Not specified
viii. SSE/JE/Bridge One year 16 periods 3 Weeks 2 periods
ix. SSE/JE/Works 12 months Not specified 12 days 3 periods
2 S&T
i. SSE/SIGNAL 52 weeks 04 hours 4 weeks 4hr
ii. JE/SIGNAL 52 weeks 04 hours 4 weeks 4hr
iii. Technician/Signal 52 weeks 06 hours 4 weeks 4hr
3 Electrical
i. CLI 3 weeks 1 days 6 days 2 sessions
ii LP/ALP 120 days 4 days 18 days 1 day
Iii SSE/JE/Electrical 52 weeks 3 days 2 weeks Included in module.
Time not specified
iv Technician 78 weeks 1 week 2 weeks Not included.
Separate course of 1
week is specified
once in 5 years
v Tower Wagon Driver - - 1 week Not specified
4 Mechanical
i SSE/JE 52 weeks 1 week 18 days Not specified
ii Artisan staffs 26 weeks 1 day 12 days Not specified

5 Traffic
i. SM category 90 days 03 days 12 days 6 hours
ii. TMR 50 days 04 days 10 days 6 hours
iii. Train Controller 54 days 03 days 6 days 6 hours
iv. Cabin man/ Gate 24 days 02 days 6 days 6 hours
v. Shunting master 21 days 02 days 6 days 6 hours
vi. Track Machine 18 days 03 days 9 days 12 hours
supervisor/ Operator
vii. Commercial Clerk 60 days 03 days 6 days 3 hours
viii. Train clerk 36 days 02 days 6 days 3 hours
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File No.2021/Safety(A&R)/26/5


Government of India
Ministry of Railways
April, 2021 Safety Directorate
File No.2021/Safety(A&R)/26/5


S.No. Contents Page No.

1. Preface 3

2. Accident Protocol Chart 4

3. Channel of Reporting Serious Accident Chart 5

4. Handling of Serious Accident Chart 6

5. Annexure I - Definitions 7-8

6. Annexure II - Accident Reporting 9-16

7. Annexure III - Handling of Serious Accident 17-22

8. Annexure IV - Role of Officials of various 23-27

departments in handling Serious Accident remotely
(not at site).

9. Annexure V - Role of Officials of various 28-35

departments sent to the site to handle Serious
Accident after receipt of information.

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An accident protocol is a standard set of activities / procedures of reporting and handling
Serious Accident. It describes methods and practices for reporting and handling of serious
train accidents that can be read and understood by all.

Definitions of accident, serious accident, reportable accident, consequential train accident,

indicative accidents, unusual incidents, miscellaneous accidents/incidents etc. have been
given in various statutory documents/manuals. They are as follows-

● The Railways Act, 1989

● The Statutory Investigation into Railway Accidents Rules, 1998
● The Railway (Notices of Inquiries into Accidents) Rules, 1988
● Accident Manuals issued by various Zonal Railways

Accident Manuals are prepared and updated by all Zonal Railways which deals with
classification of accidents, duties of different categories of officials in the event of serious
accidents, reporting of accidents, rescue and relief works/machinery, ex-gratia payments,
investigation and inquiries of accidents, procedure for dealing with cases of Sabotage/Train
wrecking, Disaster Management etc.

There is a statutory organization known as The Commission of Railway Safety under the
administrative control of Ministry of Civil Aviation since 1942 with following statutory duties,

● Investigations into Serious Railway Accidents.

● Statutory Inspection of New Railway lines
● Sanction of Minor Works
● Sanction of Condonation of infringements to Schedule of Dimensions.
● Periodical Inspection of open lines.

The purpose of framing Accident Protocol is to give gist of provisions relating to accident
reporting and accident handling, available in different statutory documents/manuals at one
place in a systematic manner so that it can be used easily to deal with serious accidents.

Accident inquiries done by Commissioner of Railway Safety (in case of serious accident) or
by departmental officials (in case of other accident) are separately dealt by various Acts, Rules
and guidelines issued by Ministry of Railways from time to time. For the sake of brevity, the
accident inquiry and related subjects have not been included in the Accident Protocol.

Apart from the serious accidents due to Collisions, Derailments, Fire in Train, Level
Crossing Accidents, etc. there are other unusual incidents - Train wrecking, Bomb Blast,
Explosion, Hijacking, Sabotage, persons falling out of train, run over cases, accidental death,
natural death, murder, suicide, robbery, blockade, landslides, breaches, flash floods, OHE
breakdown etc., resulting into loss of life, grievous injury, substantial loss to Railway property,
disruption of traffic. Security Directorate and Coaching Directorate deals with the unusual
incidents as far as reporting is concerned, however, relief, rescue and restoration of work after
such unusual incidents is done by the different arms of the Railway system.

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Accident Protocol


Reporting of Serious Handling of

Accident Serious Accident
(Loss of life, Grievous Injury,
Severe damage to Railway
property, Disruption of traffic)

involved in handling
Serious Accident
 General Admin.
(Rly. Board, GM,
DRM, etc.)
 Safety
Consequential Unusual Misc. Incidents  Operating
Train Accident Incident Landslides,  Mechanical
Collisions, Bomb Blast Breaches, (ARMV/ART)
Derailment, Fire Explosion Flash floods,  Medical (ARME)
Level Crossing, etc. Sabotage, OHE breakdown,  Engineering
Robbery, etc.  S&T
 Electrical
Run over, etc.
 Security
 Commercial
Safety Security Coaching  Others
Directorate Directorate Directorate

* The definition of Accident, Serious Train Accident, Consequential Train Accident,

Unusual Incidents, Miscellaneous Incidents is given in Annexure-I.

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Channel of Reporting Serious Accident

Reporting of Serious Accident by on duty
officials at site to Divisional Control Office
 Guard
 Loco Pilot
 Assistant Loco Pilot
 Station Master
 Deputy Station Master

Reporting of Serious Accident at Divisional

Control Office
 Section Control
 Deputy Chief Controller
 Chief Controller

Reporting of Serious Accident by Divisional

Control Office to Divisional Officers and
Central Control of Zonal Railways
 All concerned Divisional Officers including
 Chief Controller/ Controller of Zonal Control
Report to Media
 Media briefing by
Reporting of Serious Accident at Zonal PRO of Division/
Railways DRM/ ADRM/
 Chief Controller/ Controller of Zonal Control Branch Officer
Office to inform all concerned Head of the authorized by DRM.
departments (PHOD), Chief Safety Officer  Media briefing by
(CSO), AGM and GM. CPRO/GM/Officers
authorized by GM.
 Media briefing by
Railway Board
 Dy.CSO of Zonal Railway to inform Safety
 CSO of Zonal Railway to inform PED Safety /
ED Safety-II
 PED Safety to inform concerned Members and
CRB & MR Cell

Role and responsibility of Railway Officials (on site & off site) in reporting serious
accident are given in Annexure- II. 5
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Handling of Serious Accident

Serious Accident

Role of on duty officials available Role of Officials of various

at site in handling Serious departments sent to the site to
Accident handle Serious Accident after
 Guard receipt of information
 Loco Pilot  Traffic
 Assistant Loco Pilot  Official- in-charge at site
 Train Conductor / Superintendent  Safety
 Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE)  Medical
 Coach Attendant  Commercial
 AC mechanic  Mechanical
 Station Master  Electrical
 Deputy Station Master  Engineering
 RPF Officer  S&T
 Travelling Railway Staff  Security
 OBHS staff/C&W escorting staff  General Administration

Role of Officials of various departments in handling

Serious Accident remotely (not at site)
 Official-in-charge of concerned station
 Officer-in-charge of Divisional Control Office
 Officer-in-charge of Transshipment
 Diesel Power Controller / Traction Loco Controller
 Sr. Divisional Operations Manager
 Other Divisional Officers
 Other PHODs
 GM
 Member of Railway Board
 MR

Role and responsibility of Railway Officials (on site & off site) in handling serious
accident are given in Annexure- III, IV, V
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Accident: For the purpose of railway working, accident is an occurrence in the course of
working of railway which does or may affect the safety of the railway, its engines, rolling stock,
permanent way and works, fixed installations, passengers or railway servants or which affects
the safety of others or which does or may cause delay to trains or loss to the railway. For
statistical purposes, accidents have been classified in categories from "A" to "R" excluding "I"
and "O". (Railway Board’s L.No.2000/Safety (A&R)/19/20, dated 13.12.2000).

I) Serious Accident: (Accident Manual of Zonal Railways)

Accident to a train carrying passengers which is attended
a) With loss of life, or
b) With grievous hurt to a passenger or passengers in the train, or
c) with damage to railway property, the value of which exceeding Rupees Two Crores
(Rs.200,00,000/-), and
d) any other accident, which in the opinion of the Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety or
Commissioner of Railway safety requires holding of an inquiry by the Commissioner of
Railway Safety, shall be deemed to be a serious accident.
However, the following shall be excluded from the category of a serious Accident:
i. Cases of trespassers run over and injured or killed through their own carelessness,
or of passengers injured or killed through their own carelessness.
ii. Cases involving railway servants or holding valid passes/tickets, or otherwise who
are killed or grievously injured while travelling outside the rolling stock of a
passenger train such as on foot board, or roof or buffer but excluding the inside of
vestibules between coaches, or run over at a level crossing or elsewhere on the
railway track by a train, and
iii. Level crossing accident where no passenger or railway servant is killed or grievously
hurt, unless the Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety or Commissioner of Railway
safety is of the opinion that the accident requires the holding of an inquiry by the
Commissioner of Railway Safety
II) Consequential Train Accidents: (Accident Manual of Zonal Railways)
Include train accidents having serious repercussion in terms of-
 loss of human life,
 human injury,
 loss to railway property, or
 Interruption to rail traffic.
III) Unusual Incidents: (Accident Manual of Zonal Railways)
These include cases related to law and order resulting in train accidents or not resulting in
train accidents and other incidents as follows-
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a) Attempted Train wrecking or Train wrecking or Bomb Blast or Explosion or Hijacking or

b) Incident of – Persons falling out of train or run over.
c) Other Incidents – Accidental death or Natural death or murder or suicide or robbery or
blockade to train services.
d) Miscellaneous – Vehicles running away or train running over cattle or floods / breaches
and landslides etc.
All such cases shall be handled by Security branch of Division / Zone.
(Railway Board’s L.No.2000/Safety (A&R)/19/20, dated 13.12.2000)

IV) Miscellaneous Incidents: (Accident Manual of Zonal Railways)

These include cases of -
a) Vehicle or vehicles running away.
b) Train running over cattle.
c) Floods, breaches and landslides etc. resulting in interruption of traffic in an important
through line for more than the threshold value.
d) Other cases of floods, breaches, landslides etc., resulting in interruption to traffic.
e) Any accident not included in foregoing classifications.

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Accident Reporting
1. Notice of Railway Accident - (Section 113 of The Railways Act, 1989)
I) Where, in the course of working a railway, —
(a) any accident attended with loss of any human life, or with grievous hurt, as defined in
the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or with such serious injury to property as may be
prescribed; or
(b) any collision between trains of which one is a train carrying passengers; or
(c) the derailment of any train carrying passengers, or of any part of such train; or
(d) any accident of a description usually attended with loss of human life or with such
grievous hurt as aforesaid or with serious injury to property; or
(e) any accident of any other description which the Central Government may notify in this
behalf in the Official Gazette,
occurs, the station master of the station nearest to the place at which the accident occurs
or where there is no station master, the railway servant in charge of the section of the
railway on which the accident occurs, shall, without delay, give notice of the accident to
the District Magistrate and Superintendent of Police, within whose jurisdiction the
accident occurs, the officer in charge of the police station within the local limits of which
the accident occurs and to such other Magistrate or police officer as may be appointed in
this behalf by the Central Government.
II) The railway administration within whose jurisdiction the accident occurs, as also the
railway administration to whom the train involved in the accident belongs, shall without
delay, give notice of the accident to the State Government and the Commissioner having
jurisdiction over the place of the accident.
2. Reportable Train Accidents: (Railway Board’s L.No.2000/Safety(A&R)/19/20, dated 13.12.2000)
All accidents falling under the purview of section 113 of the Railways Act of 1989 are
termed as reportable train accidents and include the following:
(a) Any accident attended with loss of any human life or with grievous hurt.
(b) Any collision between trains of which one is a train carrying passengers
(c) The derailment of any train carrying passengers
(d) Accidents which are attended with loss of human life in passenger carrying trains due
to train wrecking or attempted train wrecking; cases of trains running over obstructions
placed on the line; or passengers falling out of train; fire on train; grievous hurt as
defined in the Indian Penal Code; serious damage to railway property of the value
exceeding Rupees Two Crores (Rs.200,00,000/-). Cases of landslides, breaches by
rain/ flood which cause interruption of through running on any important route for at
least 24 hours, should also be reported.

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Provisions of Reporting Serious Accident in The Railway (Notices of and

Inquiries into accidents) Rules, 1998

Rule (2) Particulars to be given in the notices.—The notices mentioned in section 113 of
the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989) (hereinafter referred to as the Act), shall contain
the following particulars, namely:—
(i) Kilometerage, or station, or both, at which the accident occurred;
(ii) time and date of the accident;
(iii) number and description of the train, or trains;
(iv) nature of the accident;
(v) number of people killed or injured, as far as is known;
(vi) cause of the accident, as far as is known; and
(vii) probable detention to traffic.
Rule (3) Responsibility for sending notices, to whom to be sent and mode thereof.—
Whenever any accident, as falls under section 113 of the Act (hereinafter referred to
as “Reportable train accident”) occurs in the course of working a railway, the Station
Master nearest to the place at which the accident has occurred or, where there is no
Station Master, the railway servant in charge of the section of the railway on which
the accident has occurred or any other Station Master in charge of a section of a
railway to whom the report of the accident is made, shall give notice of the accident
by telegraph* to the Commissioner of Railway Safety, the District Magistrate and the
District Superintendent of Police of the district in which the accident has occurred or
such other Magistrate or police officer as may be appointed in this behalf by the State
Government concerned and by telegraph, telephone or through special messenger or
such other quick means as may be available, to the Superintendent of Railway Police
and to the officer-in-charge of the police station within the local limits of which the
accident has occurred.
Explanation.—For the purpose of this rule, “Reportable Train accident” under section
113 of the Act also includes those usually attended with loss of human life (such as
accidents to passenger trains involving collisions, derailments, train-wrecking, or
attempted train-wrecking, cases of running over obstructions placed on the line, of
passengers falling out of trains or of fires in trains), or grievous hurt as defined in the
Indian Penal Code (hereinafter referred to as the grievous hurt), or serious damage to
railway property of the value exceeding Rupees Two Crores (Rs.200,00,000/-) which
have not actually occurred but which by the nature of the accident might reasonably
have been expected to occur; and also cases of landslides or of breach by rain or
flood which cause the interruption of any important through-line of communication for
at least 24 hours.
* Telegraph may be read as email.
Rule (4) Mode of sending notices to the State Government.—The notice of accidents,
required under section 113 of the Act, to be sent without delay by the Railway
Administration, shall be sent to the State Government—

(a) by telegram in the case of—

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(i) accidents deemed, under the Explanation to Rule 3, to be serious by reason of

loss of human life;
(ii) accidents by reason of which the permanent way is likely to be blocked for
more than twenty-four hours; and
(iii) train-wrecking or attempted train-wrecking; and
(b) by letter in all other cases.
Rule (5) Railway servants to report accidents.—Every railway servant shall report, with as
little delay as possible every accident occurring in the course of working the railway
which may come to his notice and such report shall be made to the nearest Station
Master, or, where there is no Station Master, to the railway servant in charge of the
section of the railway on which the accident has occurred.

Rule (6) Station Master or railway servant in charge of the section to report accidents.—
The Station Master or the railway servant in charge of the section, shall report all
accidents in accordance with the rules laid down by the Railway Administration
concerned for the reporting of accidents.

Rule (6A) Responsibility of ensuring correct reporting of accidents.—

The responsibility of ensuring correct reporting of accidents shall be of the Divisional
Railway Manager (DRM) at Divisional Level and the General Manager (GM) at Zonal

Rule (7) Railway Administration to report serious accidents.—

(1) Whenever a serious accident as defined in sub-rule (2) of Rule 2 of the Statutory
Investigation into Railway Accidents Rules, 1998 occurs, the railway administration
concerned shall, as soon after the accident as possible, by telegraph, supply to the Press
such particulars as are mentioned in Rule 2 and as are till then available, and by
supplementary telegrams if necessary, immediately after further information is available. A
copy shall be sent simultaneously by express telegram to the Railway Board, the
Commissioner of Railway Safety of the circle concerned and the Chief Commissioner of
Railway Safety. In addition, the Commissioner of Railway Safety shall be informed,
telephonically, of any serious accident, by the control of the division in which the accident
has occurred.

(2) For the purpose of sub-rule (1), an accident shall be a serious railway accident where—

(i) accident to a train carrying passengers which is attended with loss of life or with
grievous hurt to a passenger or passengers in the train, or with serious damage to
railway property of the value exceeding Rupees Two Crores (Rs.200,00,000/-) and any
other accident which in the opinion of the Chief Commissioner of railway Safety or
Commissioner of Railway Safety requires the holding of an inquiry by the Commissioner
of Railway Safety, shall be deemed to be a serious accident. A workmen’s train or a
ballast train carrying workmen or cattle special train or a tower wagon or such other train

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carrying workmen or cattle special, military special carrying authorised escorts or similar
such train shall be treated as a passenger train.

(ii) an accident involving a train carrying passengers leads to loss of life or grievous injury
to any railway servant irrespective of whether he was travelling in that passenger train
or not, it shall come under the purview of inquiry by the Commission of railway Safety
and shall be treated as a serious railway accident’: Provided that—

(a) cases of trespassers run over and injured or killed through their own carelessness
or of passengers injured or killed through their own carelessness, and

(b) cases involving persons being railway servants or holding valid passes/tickets or
otherwise who are killed or grievously injured while travelling outside the rolling-
stock of a passenger train such as on footboard or roof or buffer but excluding the
inside of vestibules between coaches, or run over at a level crossing or elsewhere
on the Railway track by a passenger train, and

(c) collision, between a Road Vehicle and a passenger train at a Level Crossing where
no passenger or Railway Servant is killed or grievously hurt shall not be treated as a
Serious Railway Accident even if those travelling in the road vehicle are killed or
grievously hurt shall not be treated as serious railway accident, unless the Chief
Commissioner of Railway Safety or Commissioner of Railway Safety is of the
opinion that the accident requires the holding of an inquiry by the Commissioner of
Railway Safety.

Reporting of Serious Accident by on duty officials at site to Divisional

Control Office
(Accident Manual of Zonal Railways)


A) Guard of the Train Involved in Accident: The duties are given in the sequence in which
they have to be performed. On occurrence of an accident to his train, the Guard of the train
shall immediately:
1. Note the time of accident.
2. Make a quick survey of the accident site for casualties, injuries, if any, and for deciding
the assistance required.
3. Send the first information of accident to the control office and then to the nearest
Station Master furnishing the following information, through mobile phone or portable
telephone, or walkie-talkie or gate phone, etc.,
i. Time of Accident,
ii. Kilometer etc.
4. On the double line section, a train passing on the other line should be stopped and the
Loco Pilot and Guard given intimation about the accident.

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Driver (Loco Pilot)

B) Engine Crew of the Train Involved in Accident: On occurrence of an accident to a train,

its crew shall:
1. Immediately switch on the Flasher Light. If the flasher light is not working, exhibit hand
danger signal so as to stop any train coming in the opposite direction on a double line
2. Give information to Guards about the locomotive (derailed or not), condition of
coaches/wagons immediately in rear of the loco and any other information relevant to
the accident.

Station Master

C) Station Master / Station Manager: (The Station Masters on either side of the block section
if the accident occurred in the mid-section or the station master of the station where the
accident has occurred.)
1. On a double line, immediately stop the trains proceeding into the affected block section
in the opposite direction. If any train has already entered such block section, inform the
crew and guard to immediately stop their train and tell them to proceed cautiously so as
to stop short of any obstruction.
2. Report the accident to the Section Controller and to the Station Master at the other end
of the block section.
3. Control to be advised regarding –
a. Time and nature of accident.
b. Brief description of accident.
c. Medical Relief van required or not
d. The need for ART with or without crane
e. Adjacent lines clear or not.
f. Number of coaches/wagons derailed, canted, capsized, etc.,
g. Availability of road approach to the accident site,
4. Station Masters of Stations where sirens are provided shall sound the sirens and
arrange to move the Medical Relief Van / ART special trains as per the control orders.
5. Advise the section Traffic Inspector and the officials of other departments by quickest
possible means.
6. Call for off-duty Station Masters and Pointsmen for assistance in operations.

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Reporting of Serious Accident by Divisional Control Office to Divisional

Officers and Central Control of Zonal Railways

Section Controller

A) Section Controller- Immediately when the Section Controller is informed of a serious

accident on his section, he shall;
a) apprise the Deputy Chief Controller of the available particulars of the accident and the
nature of assistance required.
b) advise the Transportation Inspector, Signal Inspector, Loco Inspector, PWI, etc. .
through respective controls to proceed to the site of accident by first available means;
c) advise the Section Controllers of adjacent sections of the accident and to regulate the
train services in suitable places if required ;

Deputy Chief Controller

B) Deputy Chief Controller- Immediately after the Deputy Chief Controller is informed of a
serious accident, he shall –

a) i) issue order to the concerned SSE/Loco through respective control and Station
Master for immediately working out of Accident Relief Medical Equipment and
Accident Relief Train as required;
ii) place demand of ARME immediately without delay, on the division closest/most
accessible to the accident site.
NB – The Division on whom the demand of ARME is placed should respond in the
quickest possible manner and dispatch the ARME with least possible delay.
b) Ensure that the Accident Alarm siren is sounded in time;
c) Inform with available details –
iii) the concerned OC/GRP, OC/RPF, DM, SDO, DC, IRP, DSP, SRP, OC-Local
Police, NDRF and nearest Forensic Science Laboratory;
iv) Emergency/Central Control at Zonal Headquarters;
v) Civil, Military, public hospitals and available Doctors at the nearest places, in
case of casualty/injury;
d) Advise RMS authorities if a Mail carrying train is involved in the accident;

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Chief Controller

C) Chief Controller - Immediately on receipt of the information of a serious accident, he shall

ensure that the advice of the accident is sent to all concerned including information to the
Central Control of Zonal Railway.

Safety Officer

D) Sr. Divisional Safety Officer / Divisional Safety Officer / Asst. Divisional Safety Officer–
Safety Branch of the Division should inform the details of accident to the PCSO/Dy.CSO of
Zonal Railways through call on landline phone/Mobile and also through message about
serious accident. Simultaneously it should also be informed to Safety Control, Railway
Board and to be uploaded on SIMS website.

Reporting of Serious Accident by Central Control of Zonal Railway

(Accident Manual of Zonal Railways)

Chief Controller / Central Control

A) Reporting of Serious Accident at Zonal Railways

The Chief Controller / Central Control shall in turn inform all concerned at Headquarters
office including GM, PHODs etc. in the following order-
1. Principal Chief Safety Officer
2. Chief Medical Director (in case of passenger carrying train accidents)
3. Secretary to General Manager (for information to GM)
4. Additional General Manager
5. Principal Chief Operations Manager
6. Chief Passenger Transportation Manger
7. Other department controls in Central Control. The respective departmental controls
will in turn inform their PHODs, HODs and other officers/supervisors.
8. Chief Public Relations Officer
9. Deputy Chief Operations Manager (Coaching)
10. Deputy Chief Safety Officer- Traffic / Electrical / Mechanical / S&T/Engg.

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Safety Officer of Zonal Railways

B) Reporting of Serious Accident by Zonal Railways to Railway Board

(Reference of L.No. 2020/Safety (A&R)/19/9 dated 21.05.2020)
As per extant instructions, the Zonal Railways (PCSOs) should inform PED (Safety)/ ED
(Safety)-II about Serious accidents immediately through Mobile/WhatsApp call/
message. The Dy.CSO should inform Safety Control through phone/ Mobile
call/message about serious accident and simultaneously it should also be uploaded on
SIMS website. The Zonal Railways should also update the Safety Control /
ED (Safety)-II / PED (Safety) about relief, rescue and restoration work due to serious
accident on regular basis till normalcy prevails.

Safety Directorate Railway Board

C) Reporting of Serious Accident at Railway Board

Principal Executive Director-Safety to inform concerned Members and CRB & MR Cell.

Media Briefing

D) Reporting of Serious Accident to Media

Media briefing shall be done only by-
1. Public Relations Officer of Division / Divisional Railway Manager / Additional
Divisional Railway Manager / Branch Officer authorized by Divisional Railway
2. Media briefing by Chief Public Relations Officer / General Manager / Officers
authorized by General Manager.
3. Media briefing by Additional Director General/Public Relations / Chairman Railway
Board / Hon’ble Minister for Railways.

File No.2021/Safety(A&R)/26/5

Handling of Serious Accident

Role of on duty officials available at site in handling Serious Accident

On Duty Guard

1. Guard of The Train Involved in Accident: The duties are given in the sequence in which
they have to be performed. On occurrence of an accident to his train, the Guard of the train
shall immediately:
a. Protection of the train met with accident.
b. If the accident has occurred on a double line section, the Guard should immediately
check if the adjoining line is fouling or not. If it is fouling, he should immediately exhibit
red flag by day and flashing light by night towards the direction in which train is
expected on the adjoining line. He will continue to exhibit the hand danger signal until
the time the adjoining line is protected as per rules in force.
c. Quick survey of the site in order to access the causalities and injuries and decide the
level of assistance required.
d. Arrange to protect his train as per Rules in force, taking the assistance of any qualified
staff, such as Assistant Guard, Assistant Loco Pilot, Gangmen, and Gatemen etc.
e. Render first aid to any person injured, obtaining assistance of the railway staff, doctors
and/ or volunteers on the train, or near the site of accident; and transport the injured to
the hospital by taking the help of 104/108 Ambulance service.
f. He will also arrange for preservation of clues and evidence until a senior Railway official
takes over charge.
g. Log activities and remain in general charge till a senior Railway Official takes over
charge. There after work as per the instructions of the senior official-in-charge of the
h. Send information through quickest means to Control Office and SMs on either side of
the block section for this purpose. Walkie-talkie communication provided with
stations should immediately be used. Otherwise filed telephone should be used. If a
train comes on the other line which is not blocked the same should be stopped and
information sent through the Loco Pilot. Assistant Loco Pilot or Asstt. Guard may be
sent to the next station to convey information of the accident. If all of the above fail, one
of the railway staff on duty on the train should be sent on foot to the nearest station.
i. Utilize Emergency Train Lighting box to facilitate medical aid.

On Duty Driver (Loco Pilot)

2. Engine Crew of the Train (Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot): On occurrence of an
accident to a train, its crew shall:
a. Protect the adjacent line/lines/same line in accordance with rules in force.

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b. Take such technical precautions as may be necessary or as prescribed by special

instructions to render the locomotive safe.
c. Send Assistant Loco Pilot to assist the Guard in establishing contact with control office,
relief and rescue operations.
d. Take necessary action to prevent Loco/Vehicles/Wagons from rolling down.
e. Make a quick survey of magnitude of accident and roughly assess casualty, damage
and assistance required.
f. Send information through quickest means to Control Office and SMs on either side of
the block section. For this purpose,
i. Walkie-talkie communication provided with stations should immediately be
ii. Otherwise Mobile Phone and field telephone should be used.
iii. If a train which comes on the other line is not blocked the same should be stopped
and information sent through the Loco Pilot.
iv. Assistant Loco Pilot or Assistant guard may be sent to the next station to convey
information of the accident.
v. If all of the above fail, one of the railway staff on duty on the train should be sent on
foot to the nearest station. If necessary detach Loco and take it to inform SM.
g. Render all possible assistance to the guard.
h. Preserve all clues and evidences regarding probable cause of the accident and ensure
that these do not get disturbed.
i. Log your activities. Do not leave the spot unless you are relieved by a competent

On Duty Ticket Checking Staff

3. Train Conductor / Superintendent / Travelling Ticket Examiner:

a) Ascertain if any Doctor is travelling by seeing the reservation chart and making verbal
enquiries and arrange for First aid to the injured passengers.
b) Along with other TTEs in the train, he should assist the injured passengers to come out
of their coaches. The TTEs should also help passengers trapped in the coaches to
come out of the coaches.
c) Unclaimed luggage and other belongings should be handed over to the GRP with full
details and acknowledgement obtained.
d) Prepare list of dead and injured. The list should be classified as under: DEAD,
GRIEVOUSLY INJURED, SIMPLE INJURED. Details of the dead and injured should be
obtained from the reservation chart, tickets held (to and from) or co-passengers.
Assistance of the Police travelling in the train to be obtained also for identification.
e) The following details should be collected:
i. Tickets of the Passengers travelling (to and from)

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ii. Ticket Numbers – Class

iii. Coach Number and its position from the engine
iv. Address of the passengers
v. Nature of injury (Simple, Grievous)
f) He should keep record of the number of dead and injured (simple, grievous) if they are
already transported by local people to the nearest hospital before the Railway Doctors
had arrived.
g) Duties of IRCTC staff in case train run by IRCTC.
i. Preserve reservation charts of each coach containing names of passengers who
actually traveled and in which berth no.
ii. Render First Aid to injured.
iii. Take assistance of local people and other volunteers at site.
iv. Transport injured passengers by road vehicles, if available, to the nearest hospital.
v. Inform stranded passengers about alternative transport arrangement.
vi. Record evidences or statement volunteered by passengers/others at site.

On Duty Coach Attendant & AC Mechanic

4. Coach Attendant: Immediately after occurrence of a serious accident, the coach attendant
should work under the guidance of Train Conductor/Train Superintendent.
5. AC mechanic:
a. He should immediately “Switch Off” the current where necessary to avoid short
b. He should also assist Commercial staff i.e. Train conductor/ Train Superintendent/
TTEs in their duties at the accident site.
c. See that the emergency lights inside the Coaches are in working order.

On Duty Station Master

6. Station Master / Station Manager: Immediately after an accident or on receiving the

report of an accident, the station superintendent/ Station Master and Assistant Station
Master must :
a) ensure that no other train enters into the affected line/section from either
direction/lock the commutator/handle of the Block Instrument controlling the affected
section in “Train on Line” position wherever possible/ensure the signals giving entry
to the line are kept at the “ON” position/ ensure putting of “Line Blocked” lever/slide
collars on the concerned lever and/or slide/ensure that the points are set against the
entry to the affected line and clamped wherever practicable;
b) Panel should be protected from any manipulation after the accident in station limit.
Take action to protect the traffic and safeguard the property;
c) collect detailed information of the accident such as time of accident, nature and
location of accident, casualties/injuries, obstruction, damages and assistance
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required and ensure that the adjacent line(s) is/are clear before allowing any
movement on it/them;
d) inform, giving details of the accident and assistance required to the Control through
the Control phone or any other available means of communications;
e) render first aid to the injured persons taking the assistance of all Railway staff,
Doctors and volunteers available on train or near the site of accident, if the accident
takes place within the station limits;
f) arrange to send all available nearest medical assistance to the site of accident, in
case the accident takes place in section and is attended with injury to any persons;
g) take all possible action to inform all concerned officials including civil and police;
h) see that the injured persons are shifted to hospital with the help of all available
assistance, also see that the detailed particulars of the dead and injured are
i) arrange to remove the unaffected vehicles of the train, observing all relevant rules,
to facilitate relief operation;
Note: If the accident is attributed to sabotage or suspected sabotage, nothing
should be disturbed except for rescuing injured persons unless police clearance is
received and on orders from the officer-in-charge at the site.
j) take all measures for the quick movement of ARME and /or ART to the site of
accident and ensure that the caution order etc. are correctly issued to the Driver and
Guard of all trains while allowing movement to the site of accident, clearly indicating
the site of accident, the locations where the train must come to stop and other
restrictions to be observed;
k) see that water, tea and other requirements are supplied to the injured and stranded
passengers within his resources;
l) remain on duty until replaced by a competent persons;
m) report the accident to all concerned by the issue of accident message;
n) seize the Train Signal Register/log book, Private Number book, Line Admission
book and other relevant records are required, note the position of Block
Instruments, signals, points indicators and levers etc.
o) Take the statements of staff where possible;
p) preserve all clues and arrange to protect the area with the help of police or RPF; q)
ensure that all trains for transshipment of passengers are worked to the site of
accident with the engine leading unless there are special reasons or specifically
permitted otherwise by the officer-in-charge at the site of accident;
r) warn all passengers in advance in case of their transshipment at the site of
s) ensure preservation of documents of damaged parcels, mail and goods etc.
t) ensure chronological recording of all information received or/and action taken in
connection with the accident, in the station Diary.

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On Duty Security Official

7) I) First Response - First Information about serious train accident or unusual incident
involving loss of life, grievous injury, serious damage to Railway property etc., is
normally received by the nearest RPF Post / Outpost. The person receiving such
information should muster maximum available man power within the shortest possible
time and dispatch them to the scene of the accident by the quickest means. After
dispatching the available man power immediately, the Post / Outpost In charge should
arrange additional man power. He should simultaneously pass on the information to the
senior supervisors, officers and the control rooms.
II) RPF Official in charge of site - The senior most RPF Officer available will assume
Control and immediately start the following action

a) Segregate the area of incidence by establishing temporary barriers by use of nylon

ropes (if available) or any other make shift device available at the site to protect the
area against the entry of spectators into the affected place.
b) Luggage of passengers should be isolated and protected and consigned goods are
taken care of till they are handed over to claimants or taken over by the Railway.
c) RPF personnel should respond to any call for assistance to rescue victims and
transport them to nearest Hospital.
d) RPF Officers will maintain close liaison and harmony with the Officers of various
departments of the Railways, GRP, Local Police and Officers of Civil Administration.

III) Reinforcement: Efforts will be made to get the reinforcement from the neighbouring
posts / outposts, Reserve Line, Divisional Headquarters or Zonal Reserve. In case any
RPSF battalion or Company is located in the vicinity, men can be requisitioned from
there for dealing with such emergent situation till additional force is available from other
IV) Equipment: While sending reinforcement, it should be ensured that the necessary
equipment required for rescue, recovery and protection of the scene of incident are
provided. Such equipment should include:
i) Torches and other lighting arrangements, if it is night time.
ii) Nylon ropes and poles for segregating the affected area from unwanted visitors
and spectators.
iii) Loud-hailer for making announcements.
iv) Stretchers and first aid equipments.
v) Wireless sets for inter communication.
vi) Cameras for photographing the scene.
vii) Video recording of rescue and salvage operations and connected administrative

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Traveling Railway Staff

8) Railway Staff traveling on the accident affected train:

Every Railway servant traveling by the affected train or available at the site, whether on
duty or not, shall help in the disaster management by getting identified and rendering
immediate assistance to the affected passengers at the site. Non-participation in accident
relief operations will be considered as ‘DERELICTION OF DUTY’.
(Accident Manual of Zonal Railways)

a. Whenever a train is involved in a serious accident with casualties/injuries to

passengers, all Railway staff traveling on the train either on duty or on leave is
deemed to be on duty with immediate effect.
b. Under no circumstance should any of them leave the accident site unless and until
divisional officers arrive, take over charge of rescue and relief operations, and permit
them to leave.
c. Railway staff on train/at site shall volunteer themselves to render assistance and
report to TS/TTE/Guard of the Train.
d. The senior most officers traveling on the train will assume charge as Officer-in-
Charge Site (OC Site).

Trackmen/Gatemen working nearby

9) Engineering Gang Staff

a. On double/multiple line section stop any other train approaching the accident area
by showing hand danger signal.
b. Ensure that track alignments or lines are not disturbed.
c. Report to Officer In charge at site and assist in rescue and relief work.
d. Assist in extricating injured passengers from coaches.
e. Assist in transporting them to nearest hospitals.
10) Gateman
a. Keep gate closed if the train has not cleared the gate.
b. On double/multiple line section stop any other train approaching the
accident area by showing hand danger signal.
c. Arrange to inform SM immediately.
d. Don’t meddle with Interlocking.
e. Avail services of road vehicles waiting or passing through LC Gate.
f. Send message to nearby village, informing them regarding the accident.
g. Collect men and material available nearby and direct them to site.

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Role of Officials of various departments in handling

Serious Accident remotely (not at site)

Responsibilities of Officials at Divisional Control Office

Section Controller

A) Duties of Section Controller - Immediately when the Section Controller is informed of a

serious accident on his section, he shall;
a) ensure that adjacent line(s) in the affected section is/are free from obstruction before
advising the concerned Station Masters to allow the Train to run over it/them ;
b) regulate train services in suitable places if required ;
c) see that the ARME/ART/Transship Train are worked out to and from the site of
accident promptly and have a clear passage;
d) keep a chronological record of all information received regarding the accident and
action taken’
e) obtain further details with regard to the extent of damages and progress in rescue
operation and relief measures and co-ordinate with officer-in-charge at the site;
f) arrange to remove the unaffected vehicles if any, adjacent to the affected vehicles to
facilitate relief operation ;

Note: Coaches with passengers if any should be drawn to a nearby station where
catering/drinking water facilities are available, in consultation with the Sr.DOM/DOM.

Deputy Chief Controller

B) Duties of Deputy Chief Controller - Immediately after the Deputy Chief Controller is
informed of a serious accident, he shall –
a) ensure the availability or engine for working out of ARME and/or ART.
b) ensure that the ARME/ART/Transship Train are moved to and from the site of
accident on top priority;
c) keep a chronological record of details of accident, action taken, progress of rescue
service and relief measures etc.

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Chief Controller

C) Duties of the Chief Controller - Immediately on receipt of the information of a serious

accident, he shall ensure that –

a) the Medical relief van and / or relief train etc. are moved promptly to the site of
accident on Top priority duly ensuring the following target time for start of Accident
Relief Train -
i. During day light hours (from 6 to 20 hours): 30 minutes
ii. During night hours (from 20 to 6 hours): 45 minutes
(Normally exit time of ARME to be 15 minutes for double exit and 30 minutes for
single exit).

b) the emergency office is opened and manned in the Divisional Control office;
c) the regulation of traffic is done correctly, in consultation with Sr. DOM/DOM;
NOTE: Passenger carrying trains should be regulated at convenient stations,
preferably where catering facilities, drinking water etc. are available.
e) timely information of all changes in train timings, diversion or cancellation of trains
etc. is given to all stations on his Division as well as to the adjacent Divisions and/or
f) arrangements are made for the onward journey of passengers who are able to
proceed; and
g) all assistance are extended to the officer-in-charge of the Divisional Control Office.

Officer-in-charge of Control Office

D) Duties of the Officer-in-charge of the Divisional Control Office - Unless otherwise

arranged, the Senior Divisional Operations Manager or in his absence the Divisional
Operations Manager shall take charge of the Control Office accident situation, who shall
be assisted by Officer/Sr. Supervisors of all the concerned branches and shall have the
authority to summon for such additional assistance as he deems necessary. He shall;
a) keep a close watch on the movement of ARME/ART which, meanwhile, have been
ordered and arranged for, if required, movement of ARME/ART from adjoining
Divisions/Railways ;
b) make necessary arrangements for doctors and medical staff from nearby hospitals,
medical units or stations to move promptly to the site of accident;
c) keep a close touch with the officer-in-charge at the site of accident to ascertain the
position and particularly the assistance required at the site;
d) ensure that all concerned officials, including Civil and Police authorities, have been
advised of the accident;
e) collect further information regarding the details of accident, progress of rescue, relief
and restoration operation and pass on the information to the Headquarters;
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f) arrange for supply of food and drink to injured passengers as well as to other
passengers of the affected train and also to the passengers on trains held up at the
adjacent station(s) due to the accident;
g) arrange to open and man information centers for attending to the enquiries from the
public at important stations including the station(s) where injured passengers are
received and sent to hospitals:
h) maintain chronological record of all items of information received and action taken
i) arrange to obtain the list of persons killed and/or injured in the accident, display it at
important stations for information of the public;
j) divert/cancel trains and also run duplicate/transship trains as the circumstances may
k) arrange for transporting the stranded passengers from the site of accident to suitable
l) arrange for speedy ex-gratia payment as per extant rules.

Officer-in-charge of Transshipment

E) Duties of the Officer-in-charge of transshipment in case of serious accident. — The

Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager or in his absence the Divisional/Assistant Commercial
Manager will be in charge of arrangements for the transshipment of passengers and their
luggage, parcels etc. at the site of accident. The official-in-charge of transshipment will be
responsible –
a) to advise the passengers of the transshipment programme well in advance;
b) to select, in consultation with the Divisional Engineer or Assistant Engineer, the sites
suitable for detraining and entraining of passengers ;
c) to see that the sites are demarcated and lighted at night, also that the routes over
which the passenger may have to walk are clear;
d) to intimate the Station masters of adjacent stations through Control or in writing the
exact kilometers of the site of train halt, so that these can be clearly indicated in the
Caution Order to be issued to the Driver and Guard ;
e) to arrange for supply of drinking water there:
f) to arrange for sufficient porters, gangmen, etc. from the nearest sources for the free
carriage of passengers’ luggage, parcel and Government Mail, etc.
g) to see that the site is provided with portable Telephone, installed and manned during
transshipment work;
h) to ensure that each train for transshipment is accompanied by a responsible person,
be piloted and correctly hand-signalled to stop at train halt;
i) to depute responsible persons to look after the transshipment work and general
comfort of passengers and to record the details of the work in Log Book at site;
j) to ensure arrangement of Railway Security staff at the site of transshipment to
safeguard the passengers and their luggage, especially at night.
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Power Controller

F) Power Controller / Traction Loco Controller:

1) Immediately Arrange power and crew for Medical Relief Van and Accident Relief Train.
2) Ensure Medical Relief van and Accident Relief Train are dispatched within the time
3) Inform the Divisional Mechanical / Electrical Officers, headquarters PRC/TLC,
4) Advise adjacent Division for MRV and ART if required.
5) Plan for additional powers and crews to assist in restoration.
6) Obtain bio-data of running staff involved in accident and arrange for breathlyser test
and collection of blood samples at the earliest.
7) Co-ordinate with the Dy. Chief Controller so that the necessary locomotives, Loco
Pilots, fitters and other technicians reach the site of accident promptly as required.
G) Traction Power Controller:
1) Ensure that the Electric Power Supply is cut off from the section if the overhead
equipment is involved and / or where crane working has become necessary.
2) Ensure that all the necessary arrangements have been made for dispatch of Tower-
car, electrical staff and equipment required at the site of accident.
3) Co-ordinate with Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction distribution), Dy.Chief
Controller and Traction Supervisors concerned for restoration affected quick OHE.

Senior Divisional Operations Manager

H) Senior Divisional Operations Manager

1) Ensure that Medical Relief Van and Accident Relief Train leave within time and reach
the site of the accident on top-priority.
2) Clear the unaffected coaches in the front and rear to the nearest convenient stations
after transshipping the passengers from affected coaches.
3) Plan for second MRV/ART for reaching the site from other end, if necessary from
adjoining Divisions/Railways.
4) Plan for trains for prompt transport of stranded passengers at the site and clearance of
passengers held up at other stations.
5) Clear the stabled loads from the stations on either side of the site so that the lines are
available for dealing MRV/ART/Coaching relief train/officers special/material
train/tower-car/ light engines, etc.,
6) Mobilize sufficient number of Guards, TIs, SMs, Pointsman etc., and deploy at site and
at the adjoining stations for organizing shunting and quick movement of
MRV/ART/Coaching relief train/ Officers special/ Material trains/ Tower-car/ L.E, etc.,
7) Depute DOM/G or AOM to site to co-ordinate the movements and for relaying
information about progress of relief/ restoration.
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8) Plan for regulation of Passenger, Mail / Express trains, cancellation, diversion,

termination short of destination in consultation with Headquarters such that the
passengers can get catering facilities.
9) See that chronological log of all items of information and action taken connected
directly or indirectly with accident is maintained properly.
10) Keep liaison with adjacent Divisions, Site and Headquarters.
11) Details of the dead, injured sustaining grievous or simple injury, their originating and
destination station, ticket No. Hospitals to which sent for treatment and also particulars
of next kith and kin to be obtained from the site and relayed to Emergency Control,
Chief Safety Officer etc.

Other Divisional Officers

I) Duties of Railway Officers of each Department in Divisional Head Quarters —

Immediately on receipt of information of a serious accident, all Railway Officers concerned
must report at the Control Office or at the nominated place and take the following action
a) decide, the Officers who will be deputed to take charge at the site and at the
Divisional Control office ;
NOTE: Normally Sr. Divisional Safety Officer (Sr.DSO), Sr. Divisional Medical Officer
(Sr.DMO), Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer (Sr.DME), Sr. Divisional Electrical
Engineer (Sr.DEE/TRD), Sr. Divisional Engineer (Sr.DEN), Sr. Divisional Security
Commissioner (Sr.DSC), ADRM / DRM move to the site for handling serious accident
b) arrange the quickest means for reaching the site of accident;
c) ensure that resources of all Departments, in men and material, are promptly made
available for rendering assistance to passengers, in clearing the line and, if required,
for transshipment of traffic ;
d) make out a general plan of action for dealing with the accident and detailing the
duties of officers of different Branches and other Officials;
e) ensure that all Civil authorities concerned and other concerned officials have
attended the site of accident;
f) ensure attendance of Doctor, ambulances and other available road vehicles in
addition to ARME and/or Relief train and preparation being taken in rescue services.
g) see that the proper arrangement of staff and labour from each Department is made;
h) keep a close touch with the Officer-in-charge at the site of accident and different
dealing centers and see that all assistance is provided and properly utilised in rescue
service and in clearing the line at the earliest
i) keep a close touch with the Head Quarters, adjacent Divisions/Railways for advice
and assistance
j) open and man enquiry counters at important stations of the division for the
information of the public.

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Role of Officials of various departments sent to the site to

handle Serious Accident after receipt of information


A) Duties of Transportation Inspector - On receipt of information of a serious accident, the

all concerned Inspectors shall –
a) Reach the site of the accident by the quickest available means;
b) Take general charge of the situation until the arrival of an officer;
c) Ensure the occupied and obstructed lines are protected as per rules;
d) Make out a quick survey of casualties and injuries, ensure rendering of first aid to the
injured, taking assistance of all available Railway Staff, Doctors and Volunteers on the
train and near the site of accident ;
e) Arrange to shift the injured persons to the nearest hospital with the help of available
assistance, keeping their particulars as available and ask for further assistance if
f) Collect and record all important information relating to the accident, such as,
i. the condition of the track, with special reference to alignment, gauge, cross-levels,
super elevation, points of mount and drop, any sign of sabotage etc. ;
ii. the condition of rolling stock with special reference to brake-power and braking gear
iii. all marks on sleepers, rails, locomotives, and vehicles etc. especially for
preservation of clues;
iv. position of derailed vehicles;
v. position of Block Instruments;
vi. position of indications, keys levers etc. if the accident is within the station limits, in
the section where provided with signals etc.
vii. prima facie cause of accident;
g) ensure that the Train Signal Register, Log Book, Private Number Book, Line Admission
Book, speed Recorder Chart and other relevant records are seized,
h) obtain the statements of staff involved in the accident, as far as possible;
i) prepare a rough sketch showing the position of derailed vehicles, position of track and
OHE etc. make a quick survey of the extent of damage ;
j) remain at the site of accident for all possible assistance till relieved by another staff.

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Official-in-charge at the site

B) Duties of official-in-charge at the site-The senior most official present at the site when
the accident occurred shall be in overall charge of the relief operation till he is relieved by
another official deputed by the Administration to take over charge. However, the senior
most official of the Mechanical Department shall be in-charge of the relief train. The senior
most official present at the site of a serious accident, shall –
a) take general charge of the situation and take action to provide all possible assistance;
b) depute Officers/Senior subordinates and all other staff or specific duties in –
i) assisting the rescue operation, if any;
ii) assisting the preservation of clues;
iii) assisting the transshipment work, if any;
iv) taking action to remove the obstruction as soon as possible;
v) ensuring the protection of adjacent line(s) and the affected train as per rules;
c) see that the portable telephone is installed and manned constantly by a responsible
staff, and ensure adequate lighting of the accident area at night;
d) see that the injured persons if any are rendered first aid and shifted promptly for
medical aid;
e) ensure to get clearance from Police authorities in case of suspected sabotage;
f) make an immediate assessment of the following, with the help of the available doctors
and /or others;
i) the number of persons killed, and of those sustaining grievous, simple and trivial
ii) extent of damage;
iii) the period of suspension of traffic;
iv) assistance required;
v) prima facie cause of accident;
g) see that a dealing centre is opened at the site of accident and manned –
i) to keep the details of persons killed, injured, and action taken in each case;
ii) to relay the above information in details to the Divisional Headquarters:
iii) to attend to public enquiries and
iv) to relay the progress of relief work:
h) ensure recording of all information at the dealing centre concerning the accident and
the relief operations in the form of an accident Log Book.
i) see that immediate action is taken to protect and safeguard property;
j) see that proper assistance is given to the injured, ladies, children and the aged ;

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k) arrange for transporting the stranded passengers, preferably to stations where drinking
water, catering arrangements etc. are available, unless they can be sent to their
destinations :
l) see that the arrangement is made for preservation and proper care of dead bodies, if
any, till further disposal;
m) see that obstruction is cleared in a minimum possible time, and every action taken for
this purpose;
n) arrange, in case of the accident occurring at a station, for speedy ex-gratia payment as
per extent rules.


C) Senior Divisional Safety Officer:

a) Proceed to the site of accident by first available means.
b) Ensure protection of affected line(s) and adjacent line(s) has been done as per rules or
c) Check proper arrangement is made in rescue and / or relief operation ;
d) Take all action for preservation of clues ;
e) See that the assistance, to the extent necessary, is called from all sources ;
f) Ensure collection of detailed particulars of the accident ;
g) Arrangement of videography of the site
h) Record statement of Guard and Loco pilot and subject them to breathlyser test and
liaison with Medical department to collect blood sample.
i) Ensure joint measurements etc., are taken in prescribed Proforma. Recover the
speedometer chart, data logger statement etc.,
j) Ensure evidence of train staff, station staff and public is taken on the spot. Addresses
of passengers who are willing to give statements later should also be obtained.
k) If the accident took place within station section, he should arrange to record the knob
position on the panels, block instruments position, etc., and seize the relevant station
l) Produce public witnesses and advise Superintendent of Police and District Magistrate
in time, issue press notification in local press when advised by Chief Safety Officer, in
case of CRS enquiry.


D) Duties of Medical Officer & Staff: The nearest Railway Medical Officer, on receipt of the
report of a serious accident with injury to person, shall –
a) Reach the site of accident with the Medical Relief Train or by the quickest available
means, with all men and material commensurate with the seriousness of the accident,
assess and advise further medical assistance necessary ;

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b) Obtaining and transmitting the details of persons involved in the accident to the
Divisional Control Office and in case of an accident to a passenger-carrying train,
reportedly attended with casualties and/or grievous injuries, unless otherwise advised
by the Divisional Railway Manager, must proceed to the site of the accident by the first
available means.
c) One doctor should be deputed to collect blood sample of crew of train.
d) render medical aid to the injured carefully as far as possible at site ;
e) make timely and adequate arrangements for shifting the injured persons to suitable
hospitals as considered necessary for further treatment ;
f) keep detailed particulars of the dead and injured e.g. their name, address etc. as far as
available ;
g) deal with the dead and injured as per extant rules and instruction.
h) Co-coordinating with Civil/Military/State/Public medical authorities and private
practitioners for the purpose of (a) above.
i) Proper follow up to be done daily for all injured patients admitted in different hospitals
for the first two weeks alternate day on third week and then weekly and by weekly.
Progress reports to be prepared till all the patients are discharged from the hospitals.
j) All the bills of non-railway hospitals including private hospitals to be settled in
consultation with Commercial department, Personnel department at divisional level as
per extant Rules.


E) Duties of Commercial Officer at site -

1) The Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager or in his absence the Divisional/Assistant
Commercial Manager, on receipt of information of a serious accident, shall proceed to
the site of accident by first means.

2) Ensure that drinking water, tea and snacks are promptly supplied to stranded and
injured passengers. Keep the record of the number of passengers served with tea and
3) Take charge of the custody of luggage of the injured persons.
4) Luggage of the dead passengers shall be deposited with the Railway Police after
proper records and acknowledgement.
5) Issue advice to the next kith and kin of the injured and dead and also furnish details to
Sr.DOM in Control Office.
6) Arrange for sufficient number of Ticket Collectors, Porters and Vendors for assistance
of stranded passengers.
7) Arrange for ex-gratia payment to the injured and the next kith and kin of the dead.
8) Arrange for refunds to the passengers.
9) Assist the stranded passengers during transshipment with sufficient number of Porters
and TCs.
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10) Arrange to open enquiry office at the site for replying to the queries regarding disposal
of the injured and dead.
11) Make inventory of the parcels damaged and advise the CCO/SC.
12) Arrange for buses for stranded passengers and keep record of the buses arranged
destination-wise with the number of passengers.
13) Ensure the making over of the dead bodies to the Police for disposal;
14) Assist the Railway Doctors with Ticket Collectors / Porters. He should compile the
figures of injured and dead from all sources. (i.e. Police, TTE / SM).
15) Issue advice to the Control Office / Stations for issue of free passes to the next of kin
of the dead and injured.
16) Keep in touch with the progress of patients in hospital and increase the exgratia
payment suitably in case simple injuries turn into grievous or patients paid ex-gratia
payments for grievous injuries die later in the hospital.


F) Senior Divisional Mechanical Engineer:

1) Proceed to the site. After site survey, make out a plan of action for quick rescue of
injured and trapped passengers. Accordingly call for the equipment, manpower
2) Supervise rescue operation.
3) Ensure that Speedo meters record, engine log Books etc., are seized / sealed.
4) Correctly forecast to control as to the sequence of movements required to site.
5) Record the details regarding brake power and other aspects of Rolling stock as per
prescribed Proforma.
6) Have the joint measurements of the rolling stock taken.
7) Check the fitness of the stock supposed to move from the site.
8) Note down observations, make arrangements to record joint measurements if loco is
involved in accident. If it is not possible for all types of measurements to be taken on
the spot then these should be taken in the shed. All relevant records should be sealed
in shed.
G) Mechanical / Breakdown Staff:
1) Proceed to the site of accident. Assist in evacuating passengers if any, trapped in
coaches involved in accident.
2) Record the details regarding brake power and other aspects of the rolling stock as per
prescribed pro-forma.
3) Take measurements of the Rolling stock as per the prescribed Proforma / procedure.
4) Check the fitness of the stocks which are supposed to move from the accident site
and certify their fitness.

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5) Ensure that locos / coaches / wagons re-railed are in a fit condition to be taken from
the accident site.
6) Plan for efficient movement of Breakdown Special, engine, tower wagon etc., between
site and station for quicker restoration.
7) Ensure that the log / diary regarding restoration at the accident site is maintained
8) Ensure that video cassette of the serious accidents is prepared in systematic and
continuous manner specifically showing the position of coaches, engine under gears
of coaches and engines, rails, tracks etc. and the clues which may in turn provide
some information to the enquiry authority. Similarly, still photographs should also be
taken in judicious manner.


H) Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer:

1) Ensure proper lighting arrangements are provided at the site.

2) In case of fire in coaches, arrange to immediately collect / record evidence of
3) Examine the coach to ascertain the cause and damage.
I) Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution)
1) Arrange for adequate number of OHE breakdown staff, tower wagon and proceed
to the site of accident by the quickest available means.
2) Depute Officer / Supervisor in control office.
3) Ensure that OHE is made dead and OHE is slewed as required.
4) Arrange and supervise restoration of OHE, expeditiously.
5) Record all relevant information concerning the accident.
J) Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Operation / Traction Rolling Stock):
1) Where EMU or Electric Locomotive is involved, call the relief train, if required with
adequate number of breakdown staff and proceed to the site by quickest available
2) Depute officer in the Control Office.
3) Note down joint observation regarding the loco / EMU.
4) Ensure that measurements of the loco / EMU are taken on the spot wherever
possible otherwise in Car / Loco Shed.
5) Ensure that speed
K) Electrical Staff: Power (General): Ensure lighting arrangements, if required, are provided
at the site. In case of Fire in coaches, immediately collect / record evidence of passengers
with full particulars. If some passengers are willing to give evidence later on, their names
and addresses should also be recorded.

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1. Over-Head Equipment
a) In case of an accident, where OHE is involved, arrange for adequate number of
break-down staff / tower wagon and proceed to the site of the accident by the
quickest available means.
b) Ensure the OHE is made dead and OHE is slewed as required for ground / crane
c) Arrange and supervise restoration of OHE expeditiously.
2. Loco Inspector:
a) Proceed to site in case Electric/Diesel Loco or EMU is involved.
b) Supervise restoration operations.
c) Ensure that Speedo graphs, Speedometer chart, Loco / EMU log books are
seized, sealed and kept in safe custody.
d) Note down his observations regarding the Electric / Diesel Loco / EMU and record
measurements as per the prescribed pro-forma.
e) Ensure that measurements of the Loco / EMU are taken on the spot. If it is not
possible for all types of measurements to be taken on the spot, the same should
be taken in shed.

L) Senior Divisional Engineer (Civil):

1) Proceed to the site.
2) Ensure joint measurements are taken and sketches of the accident site are
accurately drawn out.
3) Ensure collection of adequate labour, material and equipment and their proper
deployment for speedy restoration.
4) Depute one DEN / AEN in Control Office for planning, reinforcement of labour,
material and staff and movement of material train.
5) Ensure that inspection notes and diary of AEN, S.E/J.E (P.WAY) gang charts,
maintenance records etc., are seized and secured.
6) Assist other departments in clearance of line and ensure that track is rendered fit
and certified at the earliest.
M) Engineering Staff:
1) All Engineering officials shall report to the senior most Officer at site or take charge
if he happens to be the senior most. The staff who are not on duty or travelling by
train shall assist in rescue and relief operations.
2) Render assistance to give medical relief / treatment to injured passengers. Make
available all transport facilities to the injured passengers and assist in rescue of
trapped passengers.
3) Arrange divers with diving equipment for under water rescue.

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4) Safeguard and preserve clues till Police or RPF personnel arrive at site and take
charge. Collect evidence in the form of track readings and rolling stock
5) Ensure water supply at adjoining stations and arrange for supply at accident site.
6) Cutting equipment available with the Section Engineers (P.Way) and Section
Engineer (Bridges) and workshops to be moved to the site for supplementing the
ones available in the B.D. special.
7) Assist other departments in establishing communications and power supply at site,
including hiring of Diesel generator sets for augmenting the power supply
8) Assist in transshipment of passengers and their luggage.
9) Provide tents and other temporary shelter at site for protection against elements of
10) Ensure track is restored for traffic at the earliest.

Signal and Telecommunication

N) Senior Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer:

1) Proceed to site of accident. Make arrangements for installing, Mobile/Railway/
BSNL/ Satellite phones at site in sufficient numbers so that communication from
site to control office/divisional office/Zonal office/ other stations, outside agencies
takes place smoothly and without delay.
2) Establish communication between the site and Divisional Head Quarters Office.
3) Ensure that a detailed record is made of all evidence bearing on the accident so
far as S&T and interlocking are concerned.
4) Preserve clues and seal the relevant equipment if required.
5) Restore the signaling and interlocking for normal working without delay.
O) Signal and Telecommunication Staff:
1) Proceed to site by quickest means available.
2) Ensure portable telephone / emergency telephone set is provided at site.
3) Wherever feasible, wireless sets to be installed at accident site for communication
with Divisional Headquarters and if possible with Railway Headquarters. Walkie-
talkie sets / Megaphones / loud hailers to be deployed as necessary.
4) DOT/BSNL telephone with STD facility to be arranged at the temporary enquiry
offices opened at site and nearest location wherever possible.
5) Render such assistance as required by Guard in attending to the accident victims
and stranded passengers.
6) Seal Block instruments, Relay rooms and note positions of levers, knob, slides
indications etc., as the case may.
7) Arrange for early restoration of signaling and telecom equipment as soon as such
restoration is permitted.

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P) Senior Divisional Security Commissioner (Sr.DSC) / RPF: On receipt of information

about serious accident, Sr.DSC will take following actions -
1) Post adequate number of RPF at site of accident and at any other place where
assistance from his department may be required.
2) Proceed to site by quickest available means.
3) Liaise with the local police at site.
4) Coordination with state fire department in case of fire accidents and arrangements
for collection samples by FSL.
5) Ensure security of passengers belongings, parcels, damaged goods, parcel van

Divisional Railway Manager

Q) Divisional Railway Manager - In the event of a serious accident, the Divisional Railway
Manager shall –
a) depute an officer to the site of the accident to assume overall charge, unless he
himself proceeds to the site of the accident;
b) ensure that assistance is rendered by each Branch of his Division promptly and
efficiently in rescue and relief, transshipment of traffic if required, and for removal of
obstruction at the earliest; allot specific duties to the individual Officers for dealing with
the accident ;
c) keep a close touch with the Officer-in-charge at the site of accident and Officer-in-
charge at the Control office and see that all assistance is provides and properly
utilised in rescue and relief and for removal of the obstruction ;
d) Ensure that Telephonic and / or Telegraphic advice of the accident is sent to the
concerned officials;
e) Arrange a preliminary enquiry in cases where immediate investigation of certain
matters is considered necessary even though the enquiry may be conducted later by
the Commissioner of Railway Safety etc.
f) Proceed to the site of the accident as and when required under extent instructions.
g) He will brief the Media himself or authorize PRO for briefing.

Principal Chief Operations Manager

R) Principal Chief Operations Manager – He will monitor the rescue and relief operation,
regulation of the trains, diversion of trains, starting new trains for transshipping the
stranded passengers, movement of cranes/ART/ARME etc. He will also guide the
Divisional Officers for restoration and regulation of traffic.

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Principal Chief Commercial Manager

S) Principal Chief Commercial Manager – He will monitor the rescue and relief operation,
ex-gratia payment to the kith and kins of accident victims, arrangement for transshipment
of stranded passengers, catering arrangement at the site, co-ordinating with the Civil
authorities for treatment of injured passengers etc. He will also guide the Divisional
Commercial Officers to handle the serious accident efficiently.

General Manager

T) General Manager – He will monitor the rescue and relief operation, ex-gratia payments,
movement of ART/ARME, movement of special trains for stranded passengers,
establishment and functioning of Control room at site/ Divisional Office to disseminate
correct information about the accident to the general public. He will also update CRB &
CEO, Railway Board regarding handling of serious accident. He will brief the Media himself
or authorize CPRO for briefing.

Members of Railway Board

U) Members of Railway Board – They will monitor and guide the Zonal Railway Officers of
their respective departments in the efficient handling of serious accident. They may also
visit the accident site, if required to supervise the relief and rescue operation.

Chairman & CEO Railway Board

V) Chairman & CEO Railway Board – He will brief the Hon’ble MR about the accident, relief
and rescue operation, payment of ex-gratia etc. He may visit site, if required to supervise
the relief and rescue operation. He will brief the Media himself or authorize ADG/PR for

Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways (MOSR)

W) Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways (MOSR) – Hon’ble MOSR will monitor the relief
and rescue operation at the site and also apprise Hon’ble MR. He may also announce any
special items of relief, enhanced ex-gratia etc. as approved by Hon’ble MR. He may also
visit the accident site, if required to assess adequacy of relief and rescue operation.

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Hon’ble Minister of Railways (MR)

X) Hon’ble Minister of Railways (MR) – Hon’ble MR will monitor the relief and rescue
operation at the site and also apprise PMO, MHA and other Ministries if required. He will
also make a statement in the parliament, if required. He may brief Media or authorize CRB
& CEO or ADG/PR for briefing. He may also announce any special items of relief,
enhanced ex-gratia etc. He may also visit the accident site, if required to assess adequacy
of relief and rescue operation.

Indian Railways is heading towards achieving

“The Mission Zero Accident”.

Standard Operating Procedure
Fire Accidents in Trains

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
May, 2021 Safety Directorate

S.No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction- Purpose and Scope 4

2. Sources and Main Causes of Fire Accidents. 5-7

3. Fire Fighting Systems in Coaches. 8-9

4. Action to be taken against Fire in Trains. 10-13

5. General Safety Instructions and Roles of various 14-20


6. Fire Risk Management and Safety Review 21

7. Emergency Response System 22-23

Annexure I 24

Annexure II 25-28

Annexure III 29-32


The objective of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Fire

Accidents in Trains is to provide consistency of approach across all the
railways in handling Fire incidents. This will help to ensure prompt,
effective and coordinated action by all concerned so that the fire is
controlled quickly, with least loss to human life and property.

The purpose of these guidelines is to assist persons/staff on the

spot to respond in a way, which is safe, risk assessed, efficient and
proportionate to the extent of Fire, while attending and dealing with such
incidents involving rail coaches/trains.

For preparing this SOP, inputs have been taken from Safety
Department of Zonal Railways and also from Security Directorate,
Health Directorate, Electrical Engineering Directorate, Mechanical
Engineering Directorate, Tourism & Catering Directorate, Coaching
Directorate, Passenger Marketing Directorate of Railway Board.

This is issued with the approval of Member (Infra), Member

(O&BD), Member (T&RS) and Chairman & CEO, Railway Board.

Introduction - Purpose and Scope 1
The fire incidences in trains are among the most serious disasters impacting
human lives as well as property of Indian Railways and other stake holders. Thus
prevention of train fire has been a serious concern for the Indian Railways. A train
fire is different from a fire in other places in the manner in which it breaks out, grows
and spreads, and in the method of fighting it, as well as the damages it causes. Fire
in a running train is more dangerous than a static one, because the fanning effect
may spread the fire very quickly to other coaches.

Fire especially in uncontrolled state, is a source of very rapid destruction and

this gets compounded when loss of human life is involved. Hence all possible steps
should be taken to prevent fire from breaking out in coaches, and if it breaks out, to
prevent it from spreading and causing further damage.

The following points summarize the characteristics of a train fire, which need
special consideration when deciding upon counter measures: -

1) A train consists of long narrow vehicles coupled with each other with limited
2) High traveling speeds prevent quick escape and assist rapid spread of fire.
3) Wide range of track conditions, including confined sections such as bridges,
tunnels, Ghats, etc., may make it difficult for passengers to get off the
vehicle easily in times of emergency.
4) Restriction in movement of passengers and fast spread of fire aggravates
the situation.
5) A large number of passengers traveling on trains have to be attended to by
a small team of on-board staff.
6) Even a delay of few initial seconds due to inadequacy of direct
communication with the crew can be devastating.
7) Smoke emission in a confined place may also lead to panic.

Sources, Main Causes of Fire
Accidents and Fire Extinguishers
Characteristics of Fire
The fire requires three elements to ignite: heat, fuel, and an oxidizing agent
(usually oxygen). By eliminating any one of the element, fire can be extinguished.


Classification of Fire
Fires are classified according to the type of fuel that is burning. If wrong type
of fire extinguisher is used for extinguishing the fire, it might make matters worse.
The four different fire (fuel) classifications are as under:

1) Class A: Wood, paper, cloth, trash and plastics - solids that are not metals.
2) Class B: Flammable liquids - gasoline, oil, grease, acetone etc. Includes
flammable gases.
3) Class C: Electrical -
panel, wiring etc.
4) Class D: Combustible Metals - potassium, sodium, aluminum, magnesium.
Requires Metal foam, and other special extinguishing agents .
5) Class K: Class K fires involve vegetable oils, animal oils, or fats in cooking
appliances. Extinguishers with a K rating are designed to extinguish fires
involving vegetable oils, animal oils, or fats utilized in commercial cooking

Probable Causes of Fire in Railway Coaches

1) Carrying inflammable goods like stove, gas cylinder, kerosene oil, petrol,
fireworks, poll posters etc. in passenger coaches.
2) Making/using fire near paper, wood, petrol or such other inflammable
3) Throwing waste material outside dust bin, near door, non-removal of
garbage from pantry cars/coaches.
4) Bad habits like carelessly throwing lighted match sticks, cigarette butts
and Bidi butts etc.
5) Leakages/Blasts of pantry gas cylinders.
6) Gas regulator, flame arrester and pressure gauge in pantry car are not in
proper working order.
7) Improper storage of inflammable materials like newspapers, edible oil etc.
in pantry cars.
8) Insertion of cigarette butts, Bidi buts, Gutkha wrapper etc. in fan base,
fuse distribution board, roof openings and ventilators etc.
9) Sabotage.
10) Mishandling/Careless use of pantry equipment by pantry car staff.
11) Poor maintenance of electrical equipment and short circuits.
12) Loose or temporary connection, hanging wires/exposed joints etc.
13) Defects in locomotive/traction unit causing fire.
14) Use of open fire near trains carrying petrol/gas/other flammable material.

Type of Fire Extinguishers & its uses:

Portable fire extinguishers are classified by the type of fires they are designed
to extinguish. There are five basic classifications of fire extinguishers. Extinguishers
are labeled with either letter-shaped or pictorial symbols that indicate what types of
fires they are intended for.
It is vital to know about type of extinguishers. Using the wrong type of
extinguisher for extinguishing of fire can be life-
coaches are being provided with DCP types of fire extinguishers, considering it is the
most suitable for electrical fires.
a) Wet Chemical extinguisher - The wet chemical extinguisher is a specialized
type primarily focused on class K fires, those involving cooking media such as
animal and vegetable fats or oils. These extinguishers contain a solution
composed of potassium that effectively launches a two-pronged assault on
fires. First, the liquid mist it sprays acts to cool the fire. Second, due to the
chemical reaction of the solution with the cooking medium, a thick soap-like
substance forms, sealing the surface of the liquid to prevent re-ignition.
b) DCP (Dry Chemical Powder) extinguishers come in a variety of types and
are suitable for a combination of Class A, B, C& D fires. These are filled with
foam or powder and pressurized with nitrogen.
DCP (Dry Chemical Powder) extinguishers have an advantage over CO2
extinguishers since that leave a non-flammable substance on the
extinguished material, reducing the likelihood of re-ignition.
c) Water extinguisher or APW extinguishers (air pressurized water) are
suitable for Class A fires only. Never use water extinguishers on grease fires,
electrical fires, or Class D fires the flames will spread and make the fire
bigger. Water extinguishers are filled with water and are typically pressurized
with air. Again water extinguishers can be very dangerous in the wrong type
of situation. Only fight the fire if certain as it contains ordinary
combustible materials only.
d) Foam extinguisher - Foam fire extinguishers are suitable for class A and the
flammable liquids of class B, though not effective for gaseous fires. They
spray a type of foam that expands when it hits the air and blankets the fire.
This blanket prevents the vapours from rising off the liquid to feed the fire,
thus starving it of fuel. Also, because the foam is mixed with water, it has a
cooling effect as well. Foam extinguishers are some of the best for liquid fires,
such as gasoline fires, but can also be used on Class A fires involving solid
combustibles like wood.
e) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) extinguishers are used for Class A, B and C fires.
(CO2) extinguishers contain dioxide, a non-flammable gas, and are highly
pressurized. The pressure is so great that it is not uncommon for bits of dry
ice to shoot out the
because they may not be able to displace enough oxygen to put the fire out,
causing it to re-ignite. CO2 extinguishers have an advantage over DCP (Dry
Chemical Powder) since they due a good choice
for an electrical fire on a computer or other favourite electronic device such as
a stereo or TV.

Fire Fighting System in Coaches 3
Fire Fighting Arrangement in Coaches/Trains

Guard-cum-Brake Van, AC coaches and Pantry Cars in all trains are

provided with portable fire extinguishers to cater for emergencies due to fire
accidents. Presently, in sleeper coaches, fire extinguishers are not provided. It
may be provided in those coaches with TTE seats. Efforts may be made to provide
portable fire extinguishers in other Non AC coaches also. Ball-type fire
extinguishers may be proliferated in trains for ease of use.

All AC coaches are being provided with smoke and fire detection systems
which give alarm in case of fire or smoke. The pantry and power cars are being
provided with smoke and fire detection as well as suppression systems. The
suppression systems provided may be manual or automatic.

Fire Extinguishers

The fire extinguishers provided in railway coaches are of Dry Chemical

powder (DCP) type. Dry chemical fire extinguishers come in a variety of types and
are suitable for a combination of Class A, B, C & D fires. These are filled with foam
or powder and pressurized with nitrogen. It puts out fire by coating the fuel with a
thin layer of dust. This separates the fuel from the oxygen in the air.

1. Using a DCP type Fire Extinguisher

i. Remove the safety clip of fire extinguisher.

ii. Tilt the extinguisher at 60 degrees to avoid injury to user.
iii. Break the cartridge by hitting the plunger duly holding the pipe.
iv. Direct the jet towards the near edge of the fire with a rapid sweeping

2. Operation of Automatic/Manual Fire Suppression Systems

i. The Operating Instruction is pasted by the side of the Suppression

System and members of Instant Action Team should be well aware of.
ii. In case of Manual Suppression System, whenever there is a fire / smoke
inside the coach, sensor will activate smoke alarm which will give audio /
visual signal at this stage, if required. Fire Suppression System can be
activated by pressing manual activation switch.
iii. In case of Automatic Suppression System, whenever there is a fire /
smoke inside the coach, sensor will activate heat alarm which will give
audio / visual signal and the Suppression System will automatically
operate within 30 seconds.
iv. If in case the system is not functioning, the suppression system can still
be activated manually by pressing the lever in the nitrogen cylinder as
detailed in the operating instruction pasted near the suppression system.
Staff travelling should be trained to operate the system.

The Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Type Fire Extinguishers should be

provided at the following locations on trains

S.No. Locations No. of Fire

1. Each Electric / Diesel Loco 4
2. Each Brake Van (SLR) (Front & 2
3. Each AC Coach 2
4. Each Pantry Car 4
5. Each Generator Van 4
6. Each Motorman Cabin of EMU 2

Taken Against Fire in

Necessity of Immediate Action

In case of fire on train, typical time available for rescue is a few minutes
before smoke fills up and passengers start getting disoriented. Smoke (toxic/non-
toxic) can cause suffocation and loss of consciousness in two minutes. Fire in
personal clothing causes loss of consciousness in 10-15 seconds and Death or
incapacitation (followed by death) can happen in five minutes. A fire in train destroys
the train carriage(s) completely in a few minutes.

In most of the cases, relief reaches a burning train after the carriages are
completely burnt and passengers dead or badly burnt. Under such situation, role of
on-board Railway officials becomes vital and they should get into action to save the
precious lives on priority. On-board officials who accompany trains need to react
immediately to put-off / extinguish fire and rescue passengers / save the railway

All on-board Railway officials need to have basic knowledge on fire, fire
fighting methods, handling of Fire Extinguishers and operation of Fire Suppression
system now being introduced in Coaches. They have to be imparted hand on
practice in the methods of rescue through various training programs.

In case of LHB rakes, coupling unlocking key may be provided to Guard and
LP for detachment of coaches if required.

A Railway servant noticing a fire, likely to result in loss of life or cause

damage to property, shall take all possible steps to save life and property, to
prevent it from spreading and to extinguish it.

Instant Action Team

An instant action team comprising of all or some of the following personnel

as available on the train may be immediately formed:

1) Train crew (Assistant Loco Pilot, Loco pilots, Guard).

2) Train Superintendent, TTEs and other commercial on-board staff.
3) AC Coach attendants/mechanics, Power Car staff, other electrical on-
board staff.
4) TXR staff, On-board Housekeeping Staff (railway and / or contractor).

5) S&T on-board staff.
6) RPF/ GRP staff.
7) Pantry car (railway and / or contractor) staff.
8) On board Railway employees either on duty or on leave travelling as
9) Doctors travelling by the train.
10) Passengers travelling on the train who volunteer for rescue and relief
11) Railway staff working at site or available near the site of the fire incident.

All on-board staff including RPF/GRP/AC and Mechanical Staff

including Contract staff needs to share the details with mobile number with
TTE Batch in Charge and Guard for better coordination in case of any
contingency. Similarly, Batch in charge mobile numbers may be shared with
passengers through SMS.

Role of members of Instant Action Team

The members of instant action team should carry out the following task by
distributing the work among them:

1) Do not panic.
2) Pull the Alarm Chain and stop the train immediately. Inform the Loco Pilot
and Guard of the train.
3) Inform all concerned about the fire and seek their assistance in
extinguishing the fire.
4) Do not wait for others to arrive or help to arrive. Start with rescue and fire
controlling immediately.
5) Inform the local administration, local hospital and take help of local people, if
6) Report it to the nearest station/control/fire station. (fire services: 101, it can
be dialed by mobile also), Disaster Helpline no.138 & Security Control
7) Open emergency windows/break glasses for evacuation of the passengers.
8) Responsibility may be assigned to certain specific members of team for
keeping the doorway and vestibules clear of obstructions.
9) Evacuate passengers to coaches which are away from fire through
vestibules, if fire is not extinguished. After complete evacuation, rolling
shutters of coaches on fire to be closed to contain spread of fire to other

10) More people expire due to suffocation from smoke rather than due to actual
During Fire, the poisonous gases such as Carbon Monoxide (CO),
Carbon Di-oxide (CO2) etc. being lighter in weight circulates in the
upper part of coach/space while oxygen is present in the lower part of
the space. While running or walking, passengers may inhale poisonous
gases quickly and thus resulting suffocation and asphyxiation.
Passengers should be advised to crawl on the floor instead of running.
They should also be advised to take a wet cloth and cover their
nostrils. This reduces the smoke inhalation & subsequently its bad

11) Insist that passengers should save themselves first and not to bother about
their luggage which can be retrieved later on.

12) Advise passengers to remain calm and not panic.

13) Isolate the affected coaches/wagons from other coaches/wagons by

decoupling both Mechanical & Electric couplers. Create and maintain
adequate distance between the affected coach and other coaches so that
fire does not spread to other coaches due to proximity.

14) Locate fire extinguishing equipment viz, fire extinguishers, water bucket with
water/sand, etc. and use these to extinguish fire. Use water from coaches to
extinguish fire.

15) Whenever alarm is triggered through Automatic Fire Detection system in

coaches (Power car/ SLR, Pantry car & AC coaches) fitted with Fire
Detection System (Manual/Automatic), extinguish fire as per the
instructions pasted in coaches.

16) Try and put out the very source of the fire before it becomes a big blaze.

17) Turn off Electrical Appliances. In case of fire from electricity, switch off the

18) In case of the fire is discovered when the train is near the tank or a watering
station, the Guard and Loco Pilot shall use their discretion to proceed there,
but no such attempt shall be made until the portion of the train in rear of
burning vehicle has been detached.

19) Provide wheel skids to prevent roll back of isolated coaches and train as
well. Train shall be protected by Loco Pilot and Guard at both ends
according to the provision of GR.

20) make all possible efforts to
attract attention of Loco Pilot of crossing train to stop his train and ask him
for assistance.

When a Person is on Fire

1) Approach him holding the nearest available wrap in front of you.

2) Wrap it round him.
3) Lay him flat and smother the flames.
4) He may roll on the floor, smothering the flames.
5) On no account should he rush into the open air.
6) Call for assistance.

Handling of Injured Passengers

1) Building up confidence of injured passengers by suitable advice is of great

2) First aid should be rendered to the injured passengers.
3) Ordinarily give nothing ORALLY to injured one, but if medical treatment is
delayed more than 4 hours, give Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) drinks
preferably bio carbonated soda.
4) In serious case, remove the patient quickly to hospital as the injured may
require an aesthetic, medical soothing.

General Safety Instructions and
Roles of Various Stakeholders
Crew (Loco Pilot/Assistant Loco Pilot/ Co-Pilot/ Guard)

1) Stop the train immediately and switch on the flasher light after observing fire
or on receiving intimation about fire. Arrange to stop the train coming from
other direction so as to pool help to tackle fire.
2) In the event of fire in a tunnel or over a bridge, the LP/ALP will not stop the
train in the tunnel or over the bridge as far as possible. The LP/ALP, however,
should slow down the train while clearing the tunnel/bridge. The stopping
distance in case of LHB rakes after Alarm Chain Pulling is less and the Loco
Pilot has little scope of stopping beyond a tunnel or bridge in case of fire. In
some cases, the railway bridges are not having any pathway. Thus the Loco
Pilot should apply his best judgment in case of handling such an eventuality
while passing through a tunnel or bridge.
3) Loco Pilot & Guard will immediately inform the control directly by mobile
telephone or talking to nearest Station Master on walkie-talkie about the
incident of fire and preliminary details about the fire.
4) Guard and Loco Pilot will protect their train, as per provisions of GR & SR,
secure the train to prevent rolling down and protection of adjacent line, if any.
5) Arrange for isolating the affected coaches from other coaches by decoupling
both Mechanical & Electric couplers.
i. The vehicle behind the one on fire shall be detached and the front portion
of the train moved forward so as to prevent the rear vehicles catching fire.
ii. As soon as the front portion of the train has moved forward a sufficient
distance, to secure the desired object, the burning vehicle shall be
detached and the vehicles in front of it shall then be moved forward to a
safe distance.
iii. If required hand shunting may be carried out by taking help of passengers
& railway staff travelling in the train.
6) Provide anti-rolling arrangements on isolated coaches and train as well by
taking help of railway staff travelling in train & passengers.
7) Report it to the nearest station/control/fire station, Civil police, RPF/GRP
Control post through mobile telephone.
8) Use available fire extinguishers, sand, loose earth, water, blankets etc. to
extinguish the fire and help passengers trapped in fire.
9) Guard of the train to arrange stretcher and first-aid box for providing
assistance to the injured passengers.

10) Render first aid to injured passengers, by obtaining assistance of the
railway staff, doctors and/or volunteers on the help of ambulance service,
means available.
11) If the fire cannot be controlled, inform the traction power controller through
the emergency telephone or any other mode of communication to arrange
the affected section of the over-head equipment to be made dead after
isolating the affected coaches.
12) In case of fire in Freight train, in addition to action to be taken on relevant
points above, the crew shall carry out the following;
i. The train will be controlled immediately and brought to the nearest
station/yard in the loop line or yard line in consultation with the nearest
station & Section Controller.
ii. The affected wagon or wagons shall be separated from the rest of the
iii. Provide anti-rolling arrangement on the isolated wagons and train.
iv. Guard and Loco Pilot shall try to extinguish the fire from nearby tank or
water columns at stations.
v. Guard of the train should lodge a FIR, if required.
13) In the event of fire on electric engine
i. Loco Pilot shall immediately switch off the circuit breaker and lower the
pantograph as provided in GR&SR.
ii. The locomotive should be separated from the rest of the train after
securing the train to avoid rolling down of the train. Anti-Rolling
Arrangement should be provided in locomotive after moving adequate
distance from rest of the train.
14) In the event of fire on EMU/MEMU, in addition to above mentioned action,
following is also to be carried out;
i. The train shall then be brought to a stop at once.
ii. The Loco Pilot/Motorman shall immediately switch off the circuit and
lower the pantograph.
iii. The Guard shall give all possible assistance to the Loco Pilot in putting
out the fire, isolate the other coaches from the affected coach and help
the passengers.

Trains Superintendent/TTEs and other commercial staff

1) Pull the Alarm Chain and stop the train immediately. Inform the crew of the
fire incident.
2) Observe any alarm or buzzer from smoke detectors provided in AC
coaches. In case of any buzzer from smoke detectors, find out where
smoke or fire is from.

3) Report to the Commercial Control immediately & also dial 101 to call fire
service people by giving the location as Km No. & Train No. Also call 138
Helpline to arrange rescue & relief on war footing.
4) Use fire extinguishers available in coaches to extinguish fire or use water
available in coaches.
5) Evacuate passengers to the adjacent coaches which are away from the fire
through vestibules, if fire is not extinguished. After complete evacuation,
rolling shutters of coaches on fire to be closed with the help of available
railway men and passengers to contain spread of fire.
6) Advise passengers to take a cloth, wet it in their drinking water and cover
their nostrils. This reduces smoke inhalation and subsequently its bad
7) Insist that passengers should save themselves first and not to bother about
their valuables/luggage which can be retrieved later on.
8) Take assistance of volunteers from passengers, travelling Railway
employees, doctors on trains, on board contractor staff etc. in rescue
9) Call the doctor after checking the charts & advise him about the passengers
affected by fire.
10) Take the help of other railway staff including RPF and GRP and Samaritan
passengers to help the doctor in providing first aid and other aid to the
affected passengers.
11) Arrange stretcher and first aid box for the injured passengers.

Pantry Car Staff

1) In case of fire in pantry car

i. Immediately pull chain to stop the train.
ii. Inform TTEs etc of the fire incident and seek assistance.
iii. Immediately switch off all electrical appliances and isolate them
iv. Close all cooking gas appliances in the pantry and remove the gas
cylinders into the open away from fire.
v. Protect the inflammable material available at pantry car.
vi. Extinguish fire by using fire extinguishers available at pantry.
2) In all other cases of fire, follow the instructions laid down above for instant
action team.
3) Provide necessary assistance to TTEs and other staff in extinguishing the
fire and extricating the trapped passengers .

4) Cooking in pantry should not be done unless specifically permitted.
5) Storage of gas cylinders in pantry cars should not be done unless specifically

C&W Staff and On Board Housekeeping Staff

1) Open the doors of both sides of coaches.

2) Open Emergency Windows for Evacuation of the passengers.
3) Evacuate the passengers to the adjacent coaches which are away from the
fire through the vestibules; if the fire is not extinguished. After complete
evacuation, close the rolling shutters of coaches on fire to contain the
spread of fire.
4) Help the train crew in physically isolating/separating the affected coaches
from the remaining train.
5) Follow the instructions laid down above for instant action team.
6) Provide necessary assistance to TTEs and other staff in extinguishing the
fire and extricating the trapped passengers.

AC Coach Maintenance Staff

1) Immediately isolate the affected coach/coaches electrically.

2) Break the box and take out hammer to break glass panes of AC coaches so
that fresh air flows in and smoke goes out.
3) Follow the instructions laid down above for instant action team.
4) Provide necessary assistance to TTEs and other staff in extinguishing the
fire and extricating the trapped passengers.

Power Car Staff

1) In case of fire in power cars,

i. Stop train by pulling alarm chain immediately.
ii. Inform Guard / Loco Pilot / TTEs etc of the fire incident and seek their
iii. Shut down the power car engines and disconnect power supply.
iv. Use fire extinguishers and fire ball provided in engine room in case of fire
in power car to extinguish fire.
v. In case fire is not controlled, detach power car from the train in
consultation with crew and Guard and taking help of Railway men and
fellow passengers.
2) In all other cases of fire, follow the instructions laid down above for instant
action team.
3) Provide necessary assistance to TTEs and other staff in extinguishing the
fire and extricating the trapped passengers.
4) When alarm is triggered through Automatic Fire Detection System in Power Car fitted
with Fire detection system, operation of Fire Suppression system has to be ensured.


1) Pull alarm chain to stop the train.

2) Rush to the affected coach/coaches immediately and provide necessary
assistance to TTEs and other staff in extinguishing the fire and extricating
the trapped passengers.
3) Follow the instructions laid down above for instant action team.
4) In case doctor/doctors are available, necessary assistance will be provided
to ease working of doctor.
5) Separate the area of incident by establishing temporary barriers and ensure
that the on lookers and spectators do not enter the affected area to disturb
the scene or hamper the rescue operations.
6) Baggage of passengers should be isolated and protected and should be
taken care of, till they are handed over to claimants or taken over by
Railway authorities.
7) RPF personnel should respond to any call for assistance to rescue victims
and transport them to the nearest hospital.
8) Check, save and record the evidences/clues of the fire.
9) Help Guard in lodging of FIR.

Station Master at Station or Nearby Station of Fire Incident

1) Inform the nearest Fire Brigade office of the location of the incident and
requisition their services.
2) Advice the Section Controller and/or TPC of the fire incident indicating the
affected section and/or for OHE isolation.
3) Inform the local hospitals and requisition the services of the doctors and
para medical staff as per the requirement.
4) Inform all officers and supervisors of all departments available at the station.
5) The controlling station master shall proceed to the site with staff of various
departments to help in rescue and relief operations.
6) Station Master shall not allow any train to enter on the adjacent track of the
affected section.
7) After clearance of affected train from the section, advice Section Controller.
8) On receipt of advice from Section Controller allow the train service on the
section on releasing the emergency power block and OHE power is
switched on in the section.

Section Controllers

1) Section Controller, on receipt of fire incident, shall advice adjacent

stations/station masters to regulate the train services in the affected section.
2) Depending on the requirement, order ART/ARME.
3) Immediately inform Traction Power Controller (TPC) to switch off OHE
power supply in the affected section, if required.
4) In case of fire in Freight train, train will be controlled immediately and
brought to the nearest station/yard in the loop line or yard line in
consultation with Dy.CHC/CHC.

Traction Power Controllers

1) The Traction power controller shall switch off the OHE power supply of both
the lines of relevant affected section on the advice of Section Controller.
2) Advice Section Controller in writing that OHE power supply has been
switched-off in the affected section.
3) On advice of Section Controller, TPC shall switch-on the OHE power supply
in the affected section.

Role of Dy. CHC/CHC

1) Inform the Fire Brigade office of the location of the incident and requisition
their services.
2) Inform casualty of Divisional Hospital to inform Doctors.
3) Inform the local hospitals and requisition the services of the doctors and
Para medical staff as per the requirement.
4) Promptly inform all the concerned officers.
5) Order ARME/ART immediately & arrange Diesel/Electric power accordingly
with Crew & Guard.
6) Hooter to be sounded in the Divisional control and in the Loco shed.
7) Promptly inform C&W, Engineering, Loco, Commercial, Security, and TRD
8) In case of fire to a passenger carrying train, Civil authorities should be
promptly advised.
9) In case of fire in Freight train, that train will be controlled immediately and
brought to the nearest station/yard in the loop line or yard line.
10) Fill the proforma about the accident as applicable and advise all

In the event of Fire Caused by Petrol or any other Inflammable

Liquids, Acids, Gases, Explosives, Dangerous Goods etc.
1) Segregate the affected wagon, coach or area involved.
2) On opening a coach/wagon do not enter it immediately so as to escape
fumes, which may be dangerous. Allow the fumes to let away from the
affected area.
3) In case of fire due to LPG tank wagon, close the valves to isolate LPG feed
or by other suitable controls.
4) If you smell gas or vapour, hold a wet cloth loosely over your nose and
mouth and breathe through it in as normal as possible.
5) Use DCP/Foam type fire extinguishers and sand to extinguish gas or oil fire.
6) Do not use water or soda acid type fire extinguishers.
7) Do not bring burning object near the site of fire.
8) Warn the people living in the surrounding area.
9) Stay away from ends of tanks, as tanks normally burst from the ends.
10) Cool tanks that are exposed to flames with water from the sides only after
the fire is put out.
11) Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or
any discoloration of tank due to fire.
12) Inform the nearest Railway or Civil Fire Stations intimating that the fire has
been caused by Petrol or any other inflammable liquids, acids or gases.
13) In case of fire from cylinders, following steps shall be taken if no undue risk
is involved:
i. Move unheated cylinders to a safe place after ensuring closing of
ii. Cool the hot cylinders by spraying water from a safe position. The
person directing the spray should take up a position where he would be
protected from possible explosion.
iii. If the cylinder containing inflammable/toxic gas which develops leak
during transport, remove it to an isolated open place away from any
source of ignition and advice the filler or consignor as required.
iv. Inform the Chief Controller of Explosives by fax/ telephone.
v. Inform Officer in charge of nearest police station.

Fire Risk Management and Safety

Safety Drive & Campaigns

Safety Drives and Campaigns must be launched at periodic intervals to

thoroughly examine all fire safety measures to eliminate any potential fire hazard.

Safety Audit and Inspections

For ensuring implementation of prescribed rules and guidelines for safe

operation of trains and fire safety, audits and inspections are conducted by Zonal
Railways on periodic intervals. The basic purpose of these audits and inspections is
to identify weak areas in asset maintenance as checking fire buckets, fire
extinguishers, automatic fire alarms etc., safety procedures and systemic defects
and to provide ways and means to prevent fire.

Training, Mock drill exercises and Counseling of Railway Officials.

All on-board officials of all departments including crew and Guards whether
departmental or contractual may be given basic training in firefighting and use of
various fire fighting on-board equipment. Training to TTEs in the use of fire
extinguishers at station level organized by Station Manager once in a year may be
ensured. For Guards, training should be given for use of fire extinguishers during
refresher course once in three years. Basic training in rescue operations may also be
provided to such officials. Mock drills may be conducted for checking the
preparedness of ARMVs/ARTs as well as concerned staff.

Fire and Hospital Directory

Every station should have the contact details of local or nearby Fire Stations
and hospitals. In case of Fire emergency, station staff should inform Local Fire
Stations immediately for necessary help. Hospitals may also be informed as per the
need for necessary help. For this purpose, every Zone / Division may prepare a
directory of authorized personnel and contact numbers of local area fire stations and
hospitals. It may also be circulated to running staff and escorting staff of trains.

Emergency Response System 7
Fire in train has been classified in B1 to B7 Categories as indicated
Accident Classification Officials to be advised Enquiry to be
Fire in train conducted by
B-1 Fire in a train carrying CRS, GM, OC/RPF, DRM, TI, JA Grade
passengers, resulting in SE/C&W, Officer in charge of officers and in
i. Loss of human life and /or Railway Police Station, their absence,
grievous hurt and /or SE/Works, P-Way, if by Branch
Concerned, RMS if Mails Officers.
ii. Damage to Railway affected, Chief
property of the value Inspector/Explosives in case of
exceeding Rs. 2 crores Fires and explosives/ and
and /or suspected to be due to
iii. Interruption of any explosives, dangerous or
important through line of inflammable goods, AEE/RS,
communication for at least TPC, TLC if concerned.
24 hours. AEE/TRD, ATFO/OHE in case
of electrified section.
B-2 Fire in a train not carrying
passengers, resulting in
i. Loss of human life and /or
grievous hurt and /or
ii. Damage to Railway
property of the value -do- -do-
exceeding Rs. 2 crores
and /or
iii. Interruption of any
important through line of
communication for at least
24 hours.
B-3 Fire in a train carrying CRS, GM, OC/RPF, DRM, TI
passengers not falling under SE/C&W, Officer in charge
B-1 above but Railway Police Station,
i. Loss to Railway property is SE/Works, P-Way, if
Rs.50,000/- or above and Concerned, Supdt. RMS (if
/or Mails affected), Chief -do-
ii. Interruption to traffic is Inspector/Explosives in case of
more than the threshold Fires and explosives/ and
value and / or suspected to be due to
iii. Resulting into detachment explosives, dangerous or
of coaching stock/ stocks inflammable goods, AEE/TRD,
from the train. ATFO/OHE in case of OHE in
case of electrified section.
Officials to be advised Enquiry to be
Fire in train conducted by
B-4 Fire in a train not carrying
passengers not falling under
B-2 above but
i. Loss to Railway
property is Rs.50,000/- -do- -do-
or above and /or
ii. Interruption to traffic is
more than the threshold
value and / or
iii. Resulting into detachment
of goods stock/ stocks
from the train.
B-5 Fire in a train carrying -do- (except CRS) Sr. Scale/
passengers not falling under Jr.Scale
B-1 or B-3 above.
B-6 Fire in a train not carrying
passengers and not falling -do- -do-
under B-2 or B-4 above.
B-7 Fire occurring in shunting,
marshalling yards, loco yards
and siding etc. involving rolling -do- -do-
stock but not involving a train.

Zone-wise Location of Accident Relief Cranes

SN Railway Location Total

2 East Coast KANTABANJI, VISHAKHAPATNAM (140T & 120T), 08
120T), KIRANDUL(120T)

Annexure - II
Accident Relief Trains over Indian Railways

ARME Scale-I A-Class ART B-Class ART C-Class ART

SPART/ Conventional
82 83 79 79 24

SN Zone Divisions ARME Scale-I A-Class B-Class C-Class

SPART/ Conventional
1 CR Mumbai Kalyan Igatpuri Kurla Kalyan, Lonavala
Bhusaval Bhusaval - Bhusaval, - -
Nagpur Amla, Wardha Nagpur, Ajni Amla, Wardha -
Pune - Pune, Miraj Miraj - Pune
Solapur Solapur Wadi, Daund Daund Wadi -
Total 5 6 6 5 2
2 ECoR Waltair VSKP, - VSKP, Rayagada VSKP
Koraput, Kirandul
Rayagada (120T),
Khurda Road Khurda Road Palasa, Khurda Road Palasa, PRDP, TLHR,
Bhadrak Bhadrak, PURI
Sambalpur Sambalpur Titlagarh Sambalpur, - -
Total 5 3 6 4 4
3 ECR Sonepur Sonepur Barauni Sonepur Barauni -
Samastipur Samastipur - Samastipur - -
Danapur Danapur Jhajha Danapur Jhajha -
Mugalsarai Mugalsarai Gaya Mugalsarai Gaya -
Dhanbad Gomoh, Dhanbad, Dhanbad, Chopan, -
Barwadih, Barwadih Gomoh,
Chopan Barkakana,
Total 5 6 6 7 -
4 ER Sealdah Beliaghata Ranaghat Beliaghata Ranaghat -
Howrah Rampurhat, Bardhaman Howrah, Bandel -
Howrah Rampurhat Bardhaman
Asansol Asansol - Asansol Andal -
Malda Malda Jamalpur, Sahibganj Malda, -
Sahibganj Jamalpur
Total 5 4 5 7 -

SN Zone Divisions ARME Scale-I A-Class B-Class C-Class
SPART/ Conventional ART ART ART
5 NCR Allahabad Allahabad, Tundla, Kanpur Allahabad, -
Kanpur Tundla
Jhansi Banda Banda, Jhanshi Gwalior(NG) -
Agra Agra Agra - -
Total 4 3 3 3 -
6 NER Izzatnagar Lalkuan Kasganj Kasganj - -
Lucknow Gorakhpur Gonda, Gorakhpur, Gonda, -
Nanpara, Mailani(MG) Lucknow
Varanasi Chhapra, Mau - Nanpara, -
Banaras Mau
Total 4 5 3 4 -
7 NFR Katihar New Katihar New Katihar -
Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri
Alipur Duar Alipur Duar - - Alipurdwar -
Rangiya Rangapara New New - -
Bongaigaon Bongaigaon,
Lumding Guwahati, Lumding NGC, Lumding -
Badarpur Badarpur
Tinsukia - Tinsukia, Tinsukia Mariani
Total 5 5 6 3 1
8 NR Delhi Delhi - Delhi - -
Ambala Saharanpur Ambala, , Ambala, Saharanpur, -
Bhatinda Kalka(NG) Bhatinda Kalka(NG)
Firozpur Badgam, Firozpur, Ludhiana, Firozpur, BJPL(NG)
Amritsar Ludhiana, Pathankot Amritsar, JAT
Pathankot, Pathankot(NG
Moradabad Moradabad RAC Moradabad Roza(RAC) -
Lucknow Lucknow Faizabad Lucknow Faizabad -
Total 7 8 7 7 2
9 NWR Ajmer Udaipur, Ajmer, Abu Road - Ajmer
Bikaner Churu Lalgarh, Lalgarh -
Jaipur Rewari, Jaipur Jaipur - -
Jodhpur Barmer Jodhpur, Jodhpur - -
Merta Road
Total 4 7 4 - 1

SN Zone Divisions ARME Scale-I A-Class B-Class C-Class
SPART/ Conventional ART ART ART
10 SCR Secunderabad SC, Kazipet - SC, Kazipet Bellampalli, -
SC & Kazipet
(SPART- only
Vijayawada Vijayawada, - Vijayawada Rajamundry, -
Bittragunta, (SPART + Bittragunta
Rajamundry 140T only
Guntakal Guntakal Dharmavaram, Gooty Guntakal, -
Renigunta Dharmavaram,
Nanded Purna - Purna Purna -
Hyderabad Nizamabad - - Nizamabad -
Guntur Guntur - - Guntur -
Total 9 2 5 11 -
11 SECR Bilaspur Raigarh Bilaspur, Bilaspur Sahdol, Korba Brajrajnagar,
Shahdol Manendragar
Raipur Bhilai - Bhilai -
Nagpur Gondia Itwari, Gondia Itwari, Dongargarh
Total 3 3 3 3 3
12 SER Adra Adra Adra, Bokaro Adra(120T), - -
Kharagpur Kharagpur Santaragachi Santragachi -
Chakradharpur CKP Tata, Tata, Tata, JSG
Bondamunda, Bondamunda Dangoaposi
Dangoaposi DPS
Ranchi Hatia - - Hatia -
Total 4 6 6 3 1
13 SR Chennai MGR Jolarpettai Tondiarpet MGR Chennai -
Chennai Central,
Central Jolarpettai
Salem Erode - Erode - -
Palakkad Soranur Mangalore Soranur Mangalore -
TVC Ernakulam TVC ERM TVC -
Madurai Madurai Madurai Tirunelveli -
TPJ TPJ Villupuram TPGY Villupuram -
Total 6 4 6 6 -
14 SWR Hubli Hubli Castle Rock, Hubli Castle Rock, Hospet, VSG,
Vijayapura Vijayapur
Bengaluru Bengaluru - Bengaluru +
Mysore Mysore Arsikere Arsikere Sakleshpur Harihar
Total 3 6 3 + 01 2 4

SN Zone Divisions ARME Scale-I A-Class B-Class C-Class
SPART/ Conventional ART ART ART
15 WCR Jabalpur NKJ Satna, NKJ Jabalpur Satna
Bhopal Guna Bhopal, Itarsi, Itarsi, Bina Bhopal -
Kota Kota Gangapur City Kota Gangapur City -
Total 3 6 4 3 1
16 WR Mumbai Bandra BCT, Valsad, Udhna Valsad Nandurbar,
Central Udhna Billimora(NG)
Vadodara BRC - BRC Miyagam
Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Palanpur, KKF GIM -
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar VRL, - Bhavnagar, -
Porbandar VRL
Rajkot HAPA Rajkot Rajkot - -
Ratlam Ratlam Ujjain, Ratlam Ujjain,
Chittaurgarh, Chittaurgarh, Dahod

Total 8 9 4 8 5
17 KRCL Ratnagiri, - Verna - -
Total 2 - 1 - -
18 Metro Kolkata - - - Noapara Car -
Kavi Subhash
Car Shed
Central Park
Total - - - 3 -
Grand Total 82 83 79 79 24

List of Hospitals over Indian Railways

1 CR B.A.M. Hospital Bvculla

2 ER B.R. Singh Hospital Sealdah in Kolkata
3 ECR Central Hospital Patna
4 ECoR Central Hospital Bhubaneswar
5 NR Central Hospital New Delhi
6 NCR Central Hospital Allahabad
7 NER LNMR Hospital Gorakhpur
8 NFR Central Hospital Maligaon
9 NWR Central Hospital Jaipur
10 SR Central Hospital Perambur
11 SCR Central Hospital Lallaguda
12 SER Central Hospital Garden Reach/Kolka
13 SECR Central Hospital Bilaspur
14 SWR Central Hospital Hubli
15 WR J.R.H. Hospital Mumbai
16 WCR Central Hospital Jabalpur
1 CR Kalyan Divisional
2 Pune Divisional
3 Bhusawal Divisional
4 Nagpur Divisional
5 Solapur Divisional
6 ER Howrah Orthopaedic Hospital
7 Asansol Divisional
8 Malda Divisional
9 ECR Danapur Divisional
10 Mugalsarai Divisional
11 Dhanbad Divisional
12 Sonepur Divisional
13 Samastipur Divisional
14 ECoR Vishakhapatnam/Waltair Divisional
15 Khurda Road Divisional
16 Sambalpur Divisional
17 NR Delhi Divisional
18 Moradabad Divisional
19 Lucknow Divisional
20 Ferozpur Divisional
21 Ambala Divisional
22 NCR Jhansi Divisional
23 Agra Divisional
24 NER Izatnaqar Divisional
25 Lucknow Divisional
26 Varanasi Divisional
27 Varanasi CRI/Varanasi
28 NFR Katihar Divisional
29 Alipurduar Divisional
30 Lumdinq Divisional
31 New Bongaigaon Divisional
32 Tinsukia Divisional
33 NWR Ajmer Divisional
34 Bikaner Divisional
35 Jodhpur Divisional
36 SR Arakonam Divisional
37 Golden Rock Divisional
38 Madurai Divisional
39 Palqhat Divisional
40 Trivendrum Divisional
41 SCR Viiawada Divisional
42 Guntakal Divisional
43 Nanded Divisional
44 SER Adra Divisional
45 Chakradharpur Divisional
46 Ranchi Divisional
47 Kharagpur Divisional
48 SECR Raipur Divisional
49 SWR Bangalore Divisional
50 Mysore Divisional
51 WR Vadodara Divisional
52 Amhmedabad Divisional
53 Ratlam Divisional
54 Rajkot Divisional
55 Bhavnagar Divisional
56 WCR Bhopal Divisional
57 Kota Divisional

1 CR Igatpur Sub-divisional
2 Manmad Sub-divisional
3 Amla Sub-divisional
4 Kurduwadi Sub-divisional
5 Daund Sub-divisional
6 ER Andal Sub-divisional
7 Kanchrapara Workshop Hospital
8 Liluah Workshop Hospital
9 Jamalpur Workshop Hospital
10 ECR Gaya Sub-divisional
11 Patratu Sub-divisional
12 Garhara Sub-divisional
13 NR Amritsar Sub-divisional
14 Saharanpur Sub-divisional
15 Jagadhari Workshop Hospital
16 NCR Kanpur Sub-divisional
17 Tundla Sub-divisional
18 NER Gonda Sub-divisional
19 NFR New/Jalgaipuri Sub-divisional
20 Badarpur Sub-divisional
21 Rangapara Sub-divisional
22 Tinsukia Sub-divisional
23 Tindharia Sub-divisional
24 NWR Abu Road Sub-divisional
25 Ranapratap Nagar Sub-divisional
26 Bandikuian Sub-divisional
27 Rewari Sub-divisional
27 SR Perambur P.U.Hospital./ICF
28 Villupurum Sub-divisional
29 Erode Sub-divisional
30 Podanur Sub-divisional
31 Shoranur Sub-divisional
32 SCR Raynapadu Sub-divisional
33 Purna Sub-divisional
34 Kazipet Poly Clinic
35 SER Tatanagar Sub-divisional
36 Bondamunda Sub-divisional
37 SECR Bhilai/Shahdol Sub-divisional
38 Nainpur Sub-divisional
39 Raipur BMY
40 WR Valsad Sub-divisional
41 Gandhidham Sub-divisional
42 Dahod Workshop Hospital
43 WCR New katni Sub-divisional
44 Itarsi Sub-divisional
45 Bina Sub-divisional
46 Gangapur City Sub-divisional

47 CLW Chittranjan K.G. Hospital CLW
48 DLW Varanasi P.U.Hospital./DLW
49 DMW Patiala Workshop Hospital
50 ICF Chennai PU Hospital
51 RCF Kapurthala Workshop Hospital
52 RWF Yelahanka P.U. Hospital/RWF
53 RDSO Lucknow Workshop Hospital RDSO


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