Consequentialism and Rational Choice Les
Consequentialism and Rational Choice Les
Consequentialism and Rational Choice Les
First, it contains a principle that ranks states of affairs from best to worst. Secondly, it
requires the agent to produce the highest-ranking state of affairs she is in a position to
produce. That is, an action is required if and only if it will produce the best possible
action is required if and only if it will produce the best expected outcomes. 2 In this essay, I
egoism. What is not so often realized is that consequentialism is at the heart of normative
theories of rational choice, such as game theory and expected utility theory. 3 These
theories of rational choice differ from the other consequentialist theories in their
standard for ranking states of affairs. However, they share with all consequentialist
identify as the correct standard to order states of affairs from best to worst, once this
standard has been stated it is possible to maximize. Similarly in decision theory: once the
agent has ranked the available options according to her preferences, she is expected to
maximize. It seems then that consequentialism puts no constraints whatsoever on what
in moral theory and rational choice theory. Therefore, one can think of this claim as a test
maintain, then the burden of proof is on the opponents of consequentialism. They will
In this essay, I will argue that not all versions of consequentialism pass this test.
identification of certain values. More precisely, I will argue that rankings of states of
theory and other consequentialist (moral) theories. Therefore, we should either rule out
regret and disappointment from rational and moral consideration or give up certain
versions of consequentialism and with it expected utility theory. This latter alternative
does not mean that we should not consider outcomes in rational and moral decision
making altogether. However, it does imply that we cannot always characterize the
this, the agent should be able to determine the value of the prospects of her possible
actions. A prospect is a lottery over the possible outcomes of an action with their
respective probabilities. Note that a prospect can consist of just one outcome on this
definition. This is the case when one is sure of the result of one’s action. The standard
way in which the value of prospects is determined is through the summation of the
values of each possible outcome of an action weighted with its respective probability. Let
us call this method the expectation method. Decision theory teaches us that this method
requires that the ranking from the best to the worst outcome conforms to the axioms of
expected utility theory. In particular, this ranking should satisfy ordering, independence and
continuity. Ordering ensures that a ranking of all the possible outcomes from best to worst
can be made. 6 However, this is insufficient to guarantee that one can use the expectation
method for determining the expected value of an action. To do that, we need to be able
to assume that the value of the prospect of an action can be ranked according to the
individual outcomes it contains. Independence requires just that. Suppose x, y and z are
prospects. Independence says that x is at least as valuable as y if and only if the lottery [x, p;
z, 1-p] is at least as valuable as the lottery [y, p; z, 1-p]. (Where [x, p; z, 1-p] stands for the
lottery that gives x with probability p and z with probability 1-p and 0≤p≤1.) If, in
addition to these ordering and independence, the ranking of prospects satisfies continuity
one can determine the value of each prospect by the method described above. 7 What is
more, it also provides the tools to determine the value of individual outcomes. That is,
we can represent the value of both outcomes and prospects on a numerical interval scale.
Such a scale cannot determine absolute value but it can determine how valuable an
outcome or prospect is in relation to the most valuable or least valuable outcome. 8 This
preferences: the domain of expected utility theory. The classic representation theorems
all roughly claim the following: if we can assume that the agent’s preferences satisfy
ordering, independence and continuity, then we can represent her preferences with the
expectation method. Several authors have gone further. They claim that expected utility
theory has normative status: it specifies the requirements of rationality. An agent has
rational preferences to the extent that they satisfy the axioms of expected utility theory. If
committed to the maximization of expected value. For example, Derek Parfit and Frank
Jackson think of it as the best method for consequentialists to determine what is right in
circumstances of uncertainty. 9 John Broome has defended the use of the method and
clarified its exact status both within theory of rational preferences and within theory of
the good. The reason these consequentialists are attracted to the method is not just the
relative simplicity of the expectation method. There are deeper grounds as to why a
consequentialist might adopt the method. John Broome has argued in several places the
characterize the logical features of the ‘_ is at least as good as _’ relation. If this is correct,
consequentialists, just like rational agents, are committed to the expectation method.
The expectation method requires that the ranking of best to worst satisfies the
independence axiom. The acceptability of this method, therefore, depends critically upon
(among other things) the acceptability of the independence axiom. In 1953, Maurice
Allais published a lengthy essay criticizing the plausibility of this axiom. 11 This sparked a
debate that continues until today about the normative status of the axioms of expected
utility theory. 12
The debate took a crucial turn when Peter Hammond showed that the most
criticized axioms of expected utility theory, ordering and independence, can be deduced
from consistent choices in dynamic decision problems, i.e., those situations where the agent
has to make a number of choices before reaching the desired outcome. 13 Following
representations of the series of choices leading to the outcomes that are open to the
agent. 14 Hammond’s basic idea is that one can piece together how to rank the outcomes
and prospects by determining which plans and which plan continuations are acceptable
in such decision trees. Hammond shows that if the agent is committed to what he calls
‘consequentialism’, the ranking of outcomes will satisfy both ordering and independence.
expected utility theory a more secure grounding than had been thought possible.
distinct principles of choice over time. 15 These principles of choice over time are
sufficient to deduce the two fundamental axioms of expected utility theory: ordering and
consequentialism. In the remainder of this section as well as the next, I will give an
independence axiom. This will set up the framework for my argument against the
lead us far from the problem that I announced at the beginning of this paper. However, I
beg the reader to bear with me. In the end I will show why this is relevant to determine
expectation method.
An example of a decision tree will be useful to understand the scope and force of
decision trees. A tree is a collection of nodes, which can be subdivided in decision nodes
(the squares in Figure 1), chance nodes (the circles in Figure 1) and terminal nodes,
which are connected by branches. The decision nodes represent a point in time where a
choice must be made. The circles are those points in time where uncertainty about
chance events is resolved. The branches represent the sequences of choice and chance
events before reaching an outcome (x, y or z) at the terminal node of the tree. A plan is a
specification of the agent’s moves at all choice nodes that the agent can reach, given the
relevant chance events, by making the earlier moves determined by the plan. 16 The agent
is supposed to formulate her plan at the beginning of each tree. That is why each tree
starts with a decision node n0. 17 In Figure 1a there are two possible plans. Plan 1 is ‘if ‘up’
happens, choose ‘up’ at n2’, whereas plan 2 is ‘if ‘up’ happens, choose ‘down’ at n2’. Each
plan leads to an outcome, depending on the conditioning chance events. The set of
outcomes that could be reached by the execution of a plan are the associated outcomes of
that plan. For example, plan 1 in Figure 1a has the associated outcomes {x, z}. If this set
of the plan will depend on the intervening chance events. The prospect of a plan is a lottery
that has the elements of the set of associated outcomes of that plan as prizes with their
respective probabilities. Thus, plan 1 in Figure 1a has the prospect [x, p; z, 1-p], whereas
p x x
n2 y n1 z
n1 y
n0 n1 z p y
n1 z
acceptability of a plan and the acceptability of its prospect under ideal circumstances.
These circumstances are, first, that there is no change of information during the
execution of a plan. Secondly, there are no constraints on the deliberational abilities and
capacities of the agent. That is, the agent has sufficient time and all the necessary
computational abilities to make complex decisions. Throughout this paper, I shall assume
There are four principles of dynamic consequentialism. The first condition is that of
simple reductionism (SR). It is best illustrated with Figure 1b and 1c. In those situations
the agent just has to make one choice before all uncertainty, if any, is resolved. All the
agent’s plans, therefore, consist of just one ‘up front’ choice. Simple reductionism says
that the acceptability plan in such trees is reducible to the acceptability of its related
(1) Simple reductionism (SR): Suppose that in a tree T the set of associated plans
S is such that for each plan s∈S only one single ‘up front’ choice is needed for
its implementation. In such trees s is acceptable if and only if its related
prospect is at least as good as all other feasible prospects.
of whether they are committed to the expectation method or not. It is nothing but a
reformulation of the consequentialist maxim to maximize expected value in situations
However, such situations are exceptional at best. More often than not, an agent
needs to make a sequence of choices before reaching an outcome and often uncertainty
is only partially resolved during that sequence. The second condition says that this ought
not to make any difference. That is, in any tree with identical prospects, the acceptable
plan(s) in each tree will lead to the same prospects(s). More precisely:
(2) Irrelevance of the resolution of uncertainty (IRU): let T be any decision tree. Let T*
be a tree where the agent just has to make one ‘up front’ choice. Suppose that
T and T* have exactly the same prospects. Then any plan s∈S is acceptable in
T if and only if its prospect is also acceptable in T*. 19
In other words, it should not make any difference if an agent decides in a context
where she has to make a sequence of choices or if she decides in a context where she
makes a single choice up front. As long as the set of prospects is the same, the acceptable
plan(s) in both cases should have the same prospect(s). IRU requires a parallel between
the selection of plans in Figure 1a and Figure 1b. The choice of plans should be such that
the acceptable plan in both trees leads to the same prospect. Just as SR, IRU should be
considerations other than the (value of the) outcomes determine one’s choices. SR and
IRU together express the idea that a consequentialist should judge plans by their
irrelevant. For example, one might prefer to find out whether it actually rains before
deciding to go on a picnic or not. However, this misses the point of IRU. IRU is a
principle to assess the acceptability of plans. A plan is defined as the ex ante specification
of the agent’s moves at all choice nodes that the agent can reach, given the relevant
chance events, by making the earlier moves determined by the plan. In the case of the
decision whether or not to go on a picnic, the agent might plan to go if it does not rain
and stay at home if it rains. However, the prospect of that plan (i.e., [be at home if it
rains; have a picnic if the sun shines]) is typically not available if the uncertainty about the
weather conditions can only be resolved after the agent’s decision to go on a picnic or
not. For in that context the agent only has the prospects [have a picnic in the rain; have a
picnic in the sun] and prospects [stay at home if it rains; have a picnic if it rains]. IRU
The next condition specifies the relation between an acceptable plan and its
components. In a decision tree, the agent goes through a series of nodes. A plan is a
specification of what choice is to be made at each future choice node given the chance
events. A plan is composed of plan continuations: feasible sequences of choices from the
agent’s present choice point in the tree. Dynamic consistency states that a plan is
(3) Dynamic consistency (DC): for any tree T and any plan s∈S in T, s is an
acceptable plan in T, if and only if for any point ni that can be reached should
the agent implement s, the plan continuation of s in ni is an acceptable plan
This means that the acceptability of a plan should not change as the agent moves
through the tree. The series of choices that the agent makes should be consistent with
the plan that she adopts at the outset of the decision problem. Note that this condition is
plausible only if there is no change in information about the shape of the tree, the value
of the outcomes or the intervening chance events. In those cases, it might very well be
required to change your mind and form a different plan. However, under the assumed
This condition is plausible independent of whether one is consequentialist or not.
It is implicit in the notion of a plan. A plan comes with a commitment to execute it,
other things being equal. If you know in advance you will not carry out your plan, why
not. 21
corresponding de novo decision tree, the corresponding plan is acceptable. This is the
requirement of separability (SEP). Let T be a tree and T(ni) be a separate tree, identical to
T from ni onward. Let s(ni) stand for the continuation of the plan s in T from ni on.
(4) Separability (SEP): s(ni) is an acceptable plan continuation if and only if its
corresponding plan in T(ni) is also acceptable.
Therefore, in each subsequent choice node of a tree the agent is to choose as if she
were to face the selection of plan de novo. So if n2 can be reached through the
implementation of an acceptable plan in the tree of Figure 1a, the acceptable plan
continuation from n2 on should be identical to the acceptable plan in the tree in Figure
ramifications, there are at least two ways in which it could be interpreted. On the one
hand, separability could mean that one should forget what happened before. In that case,
one treats one’s choice at n2 in Figure 1a as absolutely identical to that in Figure 1c. That
is, one ‘strips’ what happened before n2 as well as the shape of the tree until n2 from
one’s beliefs. In that case one faces the choice at n2 really de novo. 23 On the other hand,
one can think of separability as regulating what one should consider in choosing. Then it
is not the case that the agent is supposed to forget; rather she should disregard what
happened before. The agent has access to all the information about the shape of the tree
as well as how she got to n2, but is supposes to disregard that in deciding how to choose
from n2 on. 24 This is a subtle difference that will be relevant when we come to discuss
plan in a tree with just one ‘up front’ choice node corresponds to the acceptability of its
outcomes. IRU requires that the acceptability of a plan correspond to the acceptability of
its related plan in a tree with just one ‘up front’ choice node. Dynamic consistency
components, its continuations, in each choice-node. Separability, finally, requires that the
These four principles are jointly sufficient to derive the central axioms of standard
expected utility theory. If there exists a plan in a finite decision tree that is acceptable on
these principles, the ranking of the outcomes must be such that it satisfies ordering as
independence and the acceptable plan satisfies SR, IRU and DC this plan also satisfies
SEP. Therefore, separability is necessary. Since I will be particularly concerned with the
status of the independence axiom for consequentialist theories of choice, I will give an
commits the agent to accepting independence. A similar proof of the derivation of
Remember that independence is satisfied if it is the case that for any three
prospects x, y and z it is the case that x is at least as good as y if and only if [x, p; z, 1-p] is
we need to consider two cases. First, the case that x is at least as good as y. Secondly, the
(1) Suppose that x is at least as good as y. SR tells us that, therefore, in Figure 1c ‘up’
is an acceptable plan. Turning our attention to Figure 1a, we see that there are two
possible plans, with two related prospects. On the one hand plan 1: ‘if ‘up’ at n1 happens,
then ‘up’ at n2’, and on the other hand plan 2: ‘if ‘up’ at n1 happens, then ‘down’ at n2’.
SEP tells us that at n2 is ‘... up’ an acceptable plan continuation, because in the de novo
situation (Figure 1c) ‘up’ is an acceptable plan. Since an acceptable plan consists of
acceptable plan continuations, DC tells us that plan 1 is an acceptable plan in Figure 1a,
The two available plans in Figure 1a have two related prospects, namely plan 1: [x,
p; z, 1-p] and for plan 2: [y, p; z, 1-p]. The tree of Figure 1a corresponds to the tree of
Figure 1b. In both trees there are just two feasible plans and the same related prospects.
IRU tells us that if plan 1 is an acceptable plan in Figure 1a, the plan with the same
prospect in Figure 1b must acceptable as well. That is, since [x, p; z, 1-p] is the prospect
of an acceptable plan in Figure 1a, the plan (‘up’) in Figure 1b must be acceptable since it
leads to [x, p; z, 1-p] as well. This acceptable plan must satisfy SR, since in Figure 1b there
is just one up front choice. This means that [x, p; z, 1-p] must be at least as good as [y, p;
z, 1-p]. Therefore, if x is at least as good as y and the acceptable plans in the trees of
Figure 1 satisfy the four principles of dynamic consequentialism, it follows that [x, p; z, 1-
(2) Suppose that [x, p; z, 1-p] is at least as good as [y, p; z, 1-p]. We can run a similar
argument. This ranking means that in Figure 1b (‘up’) is acceptable (SR). Then, by IRU,
plan 1 must be acceptable in Figure 1a. DC tells us that the plan continuation ‘... ‘up’ at
n2’ must be acceptable in Figure 1a. Then, by SEP, ‘up’ must be acceptable in the de novo
situation (Figure 1c). SR tells us that, therefore, x is at least as good as y. (1) and (2)
together demonstrate that the principles of dynamic consequentialism require that the
Note that similar arguments can be formulated if y is at least as good as x and [y, p; z
1-p] is at least as good as [x, p; z 1-p]. Moreover, similar arguments can be made
independent of in which tree we start. Once we know at least one acceptable plan in any
bring us to the conclusion that the ranking of the outcomes satisfies independence.
A crucial assumption in the proof above is that there are at least three trees with
identical outcomes. This seems an innocent assumption because I did not specify x, y or
z. However, should it turn out that the shape of the tree affects the outcomes it may
become less innocent. For then, it might turn out that there is –say – only one tree that
has these outcomes. If that is the case, the principles of dynamic consequentialism cannot
I have argued that SR, IRU and DC should be acceptable to all consequentialists.
We have seen that independence is necessary for the use of the expectation method.
What about SEP? As it turns out, SEP is a necessary condition for any consequentialist
committed to the expectation method. That is, if the agent plans in accordance with SR,
IRU and DC and her ranking from best to worst satisfies independence, her plans will
have to satisfy SEP. The proof is relatively simple. Suppose that x is at least as good as y
and – as is required by independence – [x, p; z 1-p] is at least as good as [y, p; z 1-p]. Then
SR tells us that the plan ‘up’ in Figure 1b and 1c is acceptable. Since the prospects of all
available plans in Figure 1b are identical to those in 1a, IRU tells us that the plan ‘if ‘up’
happens at n1, go ‘up’ at n2’ is acceptable. DC requires that a plan consists of acceptable
plan continuations. Therefore, it must be the case that ‘up’ at n2 is an acceptable plan
continuation in Figure 1a. Since the continuation of the tree in Figure 1a is identical to
the complete tree of Figure 1c, SEP is satisfied if and only if going ‘up’ is an acceptable
plan in Figure 1c. Since x is at least as good as y, SR tells us that this is the case, QED. 27
is committed to these four principles. Similarly for consequentialism: since the preferred
method of aggregation (i.e., the expectation method) can only work if the ranking of
would show that expected utility theory as well as any form of consequentialism that is
committed to the expectation method is not neutral about what is of value. I can now
make the announcement a bit more exact. Since there is an intimate connection between
§5 A violation of separability
independence in the light of the four requirements of acceptable planning. Perhaps the
most famous of all such violations is the ‘paradox’ first described by Maurice Allais. 28
Suppose an agent faces the choice between two prospects A and B. A is a lottery [$5M,
.10; $1M .89; $0 .01] and B is $1M for sure (M stands for million):
Suppose that an agent argues to herself that one million is better than nothing at
all. Of course, five million would even be better, but the chance of that happening is not
so high in lottery A. What is more, if she chooses A there is a (very) small chance that
she ends up with nothing at all, while she could have assured herself of one million.
Therefore, this agent judges B better for her than A. Suppose the same agent is the
confronted with the choice between C and D. C is a lottery [$5M, .10; $0 .9] and D is a
lottery [$1M, .11; $0, .89]. She believes that C is better than D, since C gives her a
requires that preferences over compound lotteries should be determined only by those
elements that differ between the two lotteries. We can represent the preferences over the
States of affairs
p q r
(prob. =.01) (prob. =.10) (prob. =.89)
A $0M $5M $1M
C $0M $5M $0
D $1M $1M $0
Figure 2
Looking at the table in Figure 2, independence says that we should disregard what
happens under r in each of the two choices since the outcomes under r are the same. If B
is better than A for the agent, the prospect [$1M, .11] (which occurs under p and q) must
be better than [$0, .01; $5M, .10]. However, when considering the choice between C and
D the agent judges the former better than the latter. So an agent who prefers B to A and
C to D violates independence.
As follows from the claims from the previous section, the agent with Allais
the plans such an agent follows do not satisfy either SEP or IRU. We can illustrate these
claims by presenting the choice over the lotteries A and B, and C and D respectively, as
$1M $0
Figure 3a Figure 3b
How does this agent violate SEP? In Figure 3a there are two available plans to the
agent. Plan A ‘if ‘up’ happens at n1, then ‘up’ at n2’ and plan B ‘if ‘up’ happens at n1, then
‘down’ at n2’. These plans have two related prospects that are identical to lotteries A and
B described above. Since the agents prefers lottery B to A, IRU and SR imply that plan B
is acceptable and plan A is not. DC stipulates that a plan consists of acceptable plan
uniquely acceptable plan continuation. In Figure 3b, on the other hand, the two available
plans are C (if ‘up’ happens at n1, then ‘up’ at n2) and D (if ‘up’ happens at n1, then
‘down’ at n2), which have lotteries C and D as their related prospect. The agent’s
preferences of C over D together with the requirements of SR and IRU, imply that plan
C is uniquely acceptable. That means, by DC, that the plan continuation (‘up’ at n2) is
uniquely acceptable.
Remember that SEP says that a plan continuation is acceptable if and only if it is an
acceptable plan in the related de novo tree. Now the de novo trees in Figure 3a and 3b from
n2 onwards are identical. SEP rules out that the plan continuation (‘up’ at n2) is uniquely
acceptable in Figure 3a while at the same time the continuation (‘down’ at n2) is uniquely
Alternatively, it could be argued that the agent violates IRU. First, note that Figure 2
is in fact the situation where the agent has to make one ‘up front’ choice after which all
uncertainty is resolved. By hypothesis the agent judges B better than A but C better than
D in Figure 2. Above I assumed that this pattern would be repeated in the trees of Figure
3. However, there is room for arguing that this assumption is unwarranted. From the
point of n0 in Figure 3a and Figure 3b, the agent needs to plan on what to do if she were
to reach n2. At n2, the agent faces the choice between $1M for sure and [$5M 10/11; $0
/11] in both trees. In Figure 3a and 3b, the agent has to plan for the same contingency.
How could there be a difference in the acceptable plan in those trees? In other words,
whereas it might be reasonable to judge B better than A, but C better than D in the one
‘up front’ choice case, the decision as to which plan is acceptable in the trees in Figure 3
will not follow that judgment. The implication of this argument is that the timing of the
uncertainty of n1 is relevant from the point of view of n0. If it follows the choice that is to
be made at n2, then there will be a difference between Figure 3a and 3b but not if it
precedes this choice. Hence, it is not separability, but the indifference of resolution of
uncertainty that is at stake. Note that this line of argument assumes separability. The
claim that since at n2 both trees are identical therefore there ought to be no difference in the
then we have two alternative diagnoses of the Allais paradox in its dynamic form. Either
such an agent treats the choice in Figure 3 as equivalent as that of Figure 2 (i.e., assumes
IRU) and ends up violating separability, or the agent regards the acceptable plan
consequentialism. Rejecting IRU amounts to claiming that considerations other than the
value of the outcomes can determine the rational and moral choice. Whereas non-
balk at the very idea. Therefore, I will not consider whether consequentialists should give
up IRU rather than separability. Whereas there are good reasons for consequentialists to
There may be room for avoiding these conclusions about the status of separability. Many
philosophers, social psychologists and rational choice theorists would argue that the
choices of the agent in Figure 3a and 3b are consistent with the principles of dynamic
consequentialism. They claim that neither separability nor IRU are violated. For, so the
disputants argue, there is no structural resemblance between plan A in Figure 3a and plan
C in Figure 3b. In plan A the agent faces the choice between accepting the lottery and
regretting her choice or being disappointed when she gets $0M on the one hand and
receiving $1M on the other. However, in plan C, the agent does not face this possibility
of regret or disappointment. Chances are that she will get $0M anyway, so there is no
can find more detailed individuations of the outcomes, it will turn out that the Allais
in Figures 4a and 4b, we see that the de novo tree from n2 onwards in each figure leads to a
different set of outcomes. Going ‘up’ at n2 in Figure 4a and ‘down’ at n2 in Figure 4b will
not violate separability. Similarly for IRU: since the acceptable plan continuations in both
trees need not be identical, there is no violation of IRU if the agent displays the same
pattern of choices in the case of one ‘up front’ single choice node tree. Choosing B in
$1M $0
Figure 4a Figure 4b
table that does not imply a violation of independence (see Figure 5). Making this point in
All the rationalisations of Allais’ preferences point out a good or bad feeling
you may experience. This feeling ... can rationally be taken into account, as well
as the money prizes, in determining your preferences. Let us write this feeling
into our table of lotteries.... 30
States of affairs
p q r
(prob. =.01) (prob. =.10) (prob. =.89)
$0M and regret/
A $5M $1M
B $1M $1M $1M
C $0M $5M $0
D $1M $1M $0
Figure 5
What Broome and other authors ask us to do is to rethink the individuation of the
outcomes in the face of apparent violations of the axioms of expected utility theory and
dynamic consequentialism. In doing so, they invoke the very same claim that
There are reasons to be worried about the force of this third response. The most
common concern is that this move robs both the theory of rational choice and
of the outcomes that explain away every apparent violation of separability, IRU or the
independence axiom. It seems that this would save these principles as axioms of rational
and moral choice. However, we will be left with principles that cannot be violated.
Under some individuation of the outcomes any act can be interpreted as a maximizing
one. What good is a requirement of a normative theory of choice if it does not constrain
choice? Separability, IRU and independence become empty constraints because every
There has to be a principled way to prevent this from happening. Typically this is
done by restricting the individuation of outcomes. The most obvious place to look for
such restrictions is in the underlying theory of value. A good example of this strategy is
that of John Broome. In Weighing Goods he argues that we need a theory that tells us how
we should individuate the relevant outcomes of our choices in order to avoid the
are allowed to go with re-describing the relevant outcomes. Broome proposes the
Principle of individuation by justifiers: outcomes should be distinguished as different
if and only if they differ in a way that makes it rational to have a preference
between them. 32
If we apply Broome’s principle to the case of the Allais paradox, we get the following
result. If regret is a justifier, this agent does not violate consequentialism. If regret is not a
justifier, this agent has irrational value judgments and, therefore, violates
consequentialism. This way we have a principled restriction on what can count as the
There are several problems with Broome’s response. First, Broome’s principle does
not work in all decision trees. For it is possible that one and the same outcome is part of
two different prospects. For example, the outcome z in Figure 1a is part of two
prospects: [x, p; z, 1-p] and [y, p; z, 1-p]. Let y and z both equal 0 and let x equal $10. One
can imagine that z in the former prospect (receiving $0 while one could have had $10) is
disappointing, whereas it is not disappointing in the latter prospect, for then one would
sense. Then we have conflicting individuations of the very same outcome z. It is both
both in rational choice theory and in moral theory, to a form of realism in the value
theory if the principle is to do the work it is supposed to do. Broome is the first to
theory of well-being that gives the agent authority over what is of value, are ruled out by
this move. Here is an illustration of this claim. Suppose that one holds that a prospect A
is better than a prospect B for an agent if and only if the agent prefers A to B. Suppose
that our agent dis-prefers regret. Then she will treat the prospect [$0, .01; $5M, .10] as a
different prospect than [$0 and regret, .01; $5M, .10]. According to Broome’s principle she
is only allowed to do this if it is rational to prefer the former to the latter prospect.
Whether or not this is a rational preference is determined by the theory of value. Only if
the former is better than the latter by the lights of that theory, is the agent allowed to
make such a distinction. If we use the above-mentioned simple value theory we get the
result that it is rational to prefer the former to the latter if and only if the agent prefers
the former to the latter. This leads us right back into the problem that Broome’s principle
is supposed to solve. Only if the value theory does not give the agent exclusive authority
as to what is of value will the principle do its work. I am not claiming that this is wrong.
All I want to signal is that this rules out those consequentialists who have a subjective
The third worry is that there is a scope problem with Broome’s principle. It is not
clear whether Broome believes that there is just one correct individuation of an outcome
in a particular situation for all agents, or that he believes that the correct individuation
can vary between agents. 35 The former seems too strict to be plausible. Surely, what
makes a rational, justifiable difference between outcomes for me depends to some extent
on the things that I care about, and this can vary between agents. However, if we allow
variation between agents we run into another problem. For now it looks as if it is what
the agent cares about that determines what counts as a relevant outcome. Then we get
the conclusion that if the agent prefers to avoid regret, regret is ipso facto a rational
justifier. This leads us right back into the normative emptiness that Broome’s principle
There may be a way around this difficulty. Suppose that Broome were to claim
that the tokens of value differ between agents, thought they are all of the same type. For
example, suppose our principle of justifiers specifies that frustration is a bad thing. Then
any frustrated preference is an intrinsic bad. There would be divergence between agents
as to what is frustrating since there is a divergence in what they prefer, but it would all be
instances of frustration. If this is plausible, we can stick with the strict reading of the
principle of Broome’s principle. However, I am not convinced that this is a good move.
It may get us out of the scope problem, but brings us back to the original problem for
which Broome’s principle was supposed to be the solution. For now it looks as if we can
sufficiently general way. That is, the very same problem of the normative emptiness of
Let me make myself clear. I am not saying that Broome’s principle should be
rejected. Perhaps one can find plausible answers to all three problems. More work needs
to be done. However, axiological solutions, like the one Broome proposes, clearly assume
that there is a strict separation between the axiological principles constraining the
individuation of outcomes and the formal principles of moral and rational choice. The
assumption is that these latter principles do not put any constraints on what could
possibly count as a rational justifier. Once again, we run into the assumption that
consequentialism is neutral about value. It is time we assess the plausibility of this claim.
At this point, we need to make some distinctions to identify the exact nature of the bad
feeling that is to ‘save’ dynamic consequentialism in the Allais paradox. I proposed two
candidates for this feeling: regret and disappointment. Exactly what does it mean to say
that the agent regrets receiving $0 in Figure 3a and not in 3b? Regret is the (bad) feeling
that results from considering what would have been the outcome, given what has
happened, had one chosen something different. 36 To regret one’s choices means that one
wishes one had chosen otherwise given what has happened. Regret should be distinguished
from disappointment. Disappointment is the (bad) feeling that results from comparing what
would have been the outcome, given what one has chosen, had something else
happened. 37 Disappointment, therefore, means that one wishes some other state of affair
would have come about, given what one has chosen. Another way of expressing this
distinction is to say that one regrets one’s choices but is disappointed with the way things
turn out. Notice that both regret and disappointment are ex post judgments. They arise
when one has reached the terminal node in a tree. Looking from that point at the entire
deciding on one’s plan, one should at n0 imagine oneself to be at each final node and ask
what one would feel if one was there. If we employ these notions of regret and
happened, one would have been better of if one had chosen to go ‘down at n2: one
would have ended up with $1M rather than nothing. Note that this is true in both trees.
$0 is also disappointing, because if at n3 ‘up’ had happened, one would have had $5M
attracts a bad feeling whereas receiving $0 in Figure 4b does not. It is clear that the
strategy of individuating the outcomes can only work if separability is neutral about the
particular individuations that would ‘save’ it. I do not believe that separability is neutral in
this sense.
and receiving $0 in Figure 4b, it must be that the branch from n1 leading to $1M in
Figure 4a makes the difference. Let’s call this bad feeling partial regret or partial
disappointment because it focuses only on chance events preceding the choice node, unlike
normal regret and disappointment which focuses on all chance events preceding the
because, given that ‘up’ happened at n1, the choice for ‘down’ at n2 would have been a
better choice since it does not expose the agent to risk. In Figure 3b, $0 does not attract
this partial regret. Given that that ‘up’ happened at n1, the choice for ‘up’ at n2 is not
particularly risky, since most of the risk has already been borne. Similarly with partial
disappointment: given the choice for a plan that requires to go ‘up’ at n2, receiving $0 is
disappointing in Figure 3a, for if ‘down’ happened at n1, the agent would have had $1M.
In Figure 3b, however, there is no room for partial disappointment, since the agent
depends upon the acceptability of the related plan in the de novo choice situation. The
concern for the determination of the plan continuation. In other words, in planning
That means, that the very thing that causes the agent to anticipate partial regret or
disappointment is to be disregarded as she settles on her plan. The very basis for the
two things.
First, suppose one takes separability to mean that one ought to ‘forget’ at n2 how
one got there. All information about the shape of the tree, the plan one has settled upon
and what could have been the case had certain choices and chance events turned out
ascription of partial regret or disappointment to $0 is unintelligible because the
Suppose on the other hand that one takes separability to mean that though one
has access to information about the shape of the tree as well as how one got at n2, this
information is irrelevant for the determination of the correct plan continuation. Under
this interpretation partial regret may be intelligible but should not make a rational or
moral difference: ‘$0 and partial regret’ is to be treated as indifferent to ‘$0’. Therefore,
indifferent about two outcomes. Note however, that this constraint is not based on any
This shows that separability is not neutral about individuations that implicitly
refer to the branch ‘down’ from n1. Whether this individuation is stated in terms (partial)
the relation between separability and independence, this conclusion carries over to
expected utility theory as well as other forms of consequentialism that use the
expectation method. All these forms of consequentialism are not neutral with regards to
which is incompatible with the expectation method. The implications of this result go
beyond Allais’ example. It implies that any characterization of outcomes that depends on
the presence of alternative branches earlier down the line cannot be admitted into the
However, this is not enough to put the claimed neutrality of separability under pressure.
Consequentialists could argue that separability is neutral with respect to what is of value.
It remains an open question whether context dependent considerations such as regret,
disappointment and partial regret are valuable. If these feelings are not plausible
candidates for being valuable, the incompatibility I demonstrated above is beside the
point. So what is it about these feelings that make them proper objects of moral and
rational avoidance?
In one sense it is obvious that disappointment and regret are not valuable. So far,
I have been arguing that otherwise rational and reasonable agents will avoid experiencing
such feelings. Consequentialism holds the view that values should be promoted. 39
concerned about these feelings, it must be that they stand in some relationship to what is
truly valuable. This relationship can be of two kinds. First, it could be that these feelings
are intrinsically bad. That is, they are a negative correlate of what is intrinsically valuable.
For example, suppose one subscribes to a hedonist value theory and claims that the only
thing that is valuable is pleasure. Disappointment and regret could be intrinsically bad in
I am not convinced that this is the best way to defend the claim that regret and
disappointment are the proper object of avoidance. For example, several authors have
argued that the good is essentially fragile. 40 One can fail to attain it, through no (rational)
fault of one’s own. For example, the love for one’s children is a good thing, but it is
bound to turn into hurt and pain if the child comes to die prematurely. Attempts to
eradicate this fragility, for example by not having any children, are counter-productive. 41
They preclude the very thing that allows for this good. A less high-minded example is the
value of winning a lottery. Part of the value is the thrill of winning. Such a thrill would be
absent if it were a sure thing that one would win. The potential for disappointment or
regret is exactly what makes this thrill possible. If we apply this reasoning to the Allais
paradox, we would have the conclusion that the potential disappointment or regret of
$0M does not diminish the value of prospect of choosing A in Figures 2 and 3. Instead it
is an essential part of it. Therefore, there are reasons to doubt that regret and
Alternatively, it could be that regret and disappointment and other such feelings
do not themselves diminish what is of value, rather, they track a bad that diminishes the
value of the prospect. This is in line with modern cognitive conceptions of emotions
according to which emotions are responses that have a world-to-mind fit, much like
normal beliefs. For example, fear is an appropriate response to danger and the reason
why one should avoid fear is that one should avoid danger. Of course, just like a belief
may be false, an emotion may be misplaced. Emotions do not follow values perfectly, but
paradox we need to ask what bad do these emotions trace here? One answer in this
context could be that these feelings trace risk. Risk, so one might argue, is the negative
security are decisive for the choice for the $1M in the first pair of choices in the Allais
paradox. 42 However, this still does not fit the phenomenology of these emotions
completely. Regret and disappointment are resultant emotions; they are not prospective.
So if regret and disappointment trace risk or the absence of security, why are they not
present at n0, when the choices need to be made? Therefore, it is probably best to think
lottery ticket, one hopes for a favorable outcome. If this does not happen it is possible
that one is disappointed or regrets one’s choice. On this account hope traces security.
Failure of reaching this, the result of risk, can turn hope in to regret or disappointment. I
believe that these reflections are sufficient to show that these feelings have a place in a
So far, I have argued that the use of the expectation method excludes considerations of
regret and disappointment, or rather, risk and security, because of its commitment to
separability. This spells trouble for expected utility theory as well for those
consequentialists in moral theory who, like John Broome and Derek Parfit, believe that
the expectation method is correct. The argument shows that it is not an appropriate
method to determine the goodness of the prospects of one’s actions. According to the
Each outcome contributes to or distracts from the value of the prospect independent of the
other outcomes. The Allais paradox illustrates why this is sometimes wrong. In
receiving $0 is the result of it being part of a prospect in which the agent could have
received $1M or even $5M. That means that the disvalue of $0 to the prospect as a whole
to ignore these effects. I conclude that expected utility theory and the expectation
We should pose a more general question here. Is there any reason to suppose that
put forward arguments that seem to deny this. Nicholas Sturgeon has made a distinction
sense that the past and what could have been the case is irrelevant in deciding what to
do. Let’s call this the strong sense. On the other hand, consequentialism can be forward-
looking in the sense that it is concerned with future costs and benefits. That is,
consequentialism ignores sunk costs. Let’s call this the weak sense. Sturgeon claims that
consequentialists are committed to the weak, but not to the strong sense of forward
looking. He rejects the strong sense on grounds that it would preclude just about any
value that requires information about the past for its identification. Sturgeon is thinking
of examples the value of saving money for one’s child to go to college. If one is to ignore
the past, one cannot identify this child as one’s own child and, consequently, cannot
The strong sense of forward looking is close to the implication of separability that I
have been criticizing. However, I am not sure that it is possible to make a sharp
distinction between this implication of separability and the injunction to ignore sunk
costs. The reason is that sunk costs sometimes contribute to the (dis-)value of an
outcome. Here is an example. Ned McClennen once told me the story of two conference
participants who had the bad luck to be last in line at the conference dinner buffet. They
already paid the $20 fee for this dinner. As time went by, the line did not seem to move
fast enough to have dinner and make it to the evening session. One of the two suggested
to go out and get a hamburger from a nearby fast food franchise. It would probably cost
them $5 and it would save them the hassle of standing in line and they would make it in
time for the next session. The other responded: “I am not going to pay $25 for a
hamburger!” Clearly, to the second participant the sunk cost of having paid the fee for
the conference dinner mattered in the assessment of the value of the hamburger.
The same problem is there when we think of the decision as a decision tree. In
costs. The fact that I could have received $1M, if at n1 ‘down’ had happened, is a sunk
cost (or rather, a sunk benefit) that informs the judgment that receiving $0 is
somewhat better. There are two ways in which a particular outcome can be characterized
with a reference to what happened in the past. On the one hand, an outcome can be
characterized in terms of the causal process that led to it. This is causal backward looking.
For example, ‘my son gets a treat’ is an outcome that refers among other things to the
particular history that he and I share. On the other hand, an outcome can be
characterized in terms of what could have been the case. This is counterfactual backward
looking. For example, the outcome ‘my son is disappointed’ refers, given the analysis of
brought about. Similarly, ‘I do not regret having a child’ refers to the alternative
outcomes I could have realized, given how the world turned out to be. The crucial
distinction is that the causal backward looking does not make any reference to
counterfactual states of affairs (whether they would result from past chance events
does. That is, to understand that my son is my son it is not necessary to wonder what
would have happened if he turned out to be a girl. The mere fact that I stand in this
special causal relation to him, is sufficient to fully characterize the outcome and identify
the appropriate values. Causal forward looking, the denial of causal backward looking, is
the real target of Sturgeon’s criticism of the strong sense of forward looking.
Counterfactual forward looking, the denial of counterfactual backward looking, covers all
cases of weak forward looking, including those cases where the strong and weak senses
counterfactual forward looking but not to causal forward looking. We could then
counterfactual forward looking. However, that would still exclude counterfactually
backward looking values like regret and disappointment. In other words, if we are to
There are, however, consequentialists who go further. For example, Philip Pettit has
argued that consequentialism is not committed to subsequentialism, the view that only future
costs and benefits matter. 44 I take Pettit to be claiming that consequentialism is not
independence and the expectation method are not on their list of commitments either.
that I raised against it. However, it comes at a cost. By rejecting separability in decision
making over time, consequentialists such as Pettit not only give up independence, they
also give up ordering. In particular, they allow for the violation of transitivity. That is, x
may be better than y and y better than z, but z better than x. The reason is quite simple.
Imagine a tree that has three outcomes, x, y and z at its terminal nodes, in which the
agent first is required to choose for y or a further choice between x and z. Suppose that
in this tree the plan leading to x is uniquely acceptable. Since separability is rejected, this
has no implications for how to choose in a simple tree with just x and z as its final
need a method to assess the expected value of the prospects of actions. However, if there
is no reason to expect that the ranking over the outcomes will be transitive, it is simply
impossible to identify the best outcome: what ever outcome one picks, there will always
be a better one. Thus, the rejection of separability seems to lead us to the conclusion that
the correct consequentialist response to values need not be maximizing. This, I submit, is
There are ways out of this awkward conclusion. Suitably refined formulations of the
method. Some of these do not require independence; others allow for violations of
transitivity. 47 It goes beyond the aims of this essay to discuss these alternatives. However,
it should be clear that the consequentialist claim that the rightness of an action is
when we look at decision making over time. Similarly, the claim that consequentialism is
strictly neutral with respect to value is doubtful. If anything, this is one of the major
Appendix: dynamic consequentialism entails ordering
The principles of dynamic consequentialism are sufficient to guarantee that the ranking
over the domain of outcomes satisfies ordering. Let O={x, y, .., z} be the set of outcomes
and S and S* be proper subsets of O. Let R stand for the ranking relation ‘_is at least as
1. All outcomes are connected (or comparable) under R: ∀x, y ∈ O: xRy ∨ yRx;
3. R is consistent under contraction and expansion: suppose S={x, y}, then ∀x, y ∈ O: (xRy
in S⊂O) ↔ (xRy in any S*⊂O), such that S⊂S*’. 48 (That is, if x is at least as good as
I will infer each of these requirements with the aid of the trees in Figure 7
n1a y
n0 z
Figure 7a Figure 7a'
n0 y z
n 1b z
Figure 7b Figure 7b'
n1c z
n0 y
Figure 7c Figure 7c'
Figure 7d
1 Comparability
Consider the decision tree in Figure 7a above. Suppose that in Figure 7a the plan ‘up, up’
is acceptable. Then, by DC, at n1a the plan continuation ‘..., up’ is acceptable. From SEP
we can conclude that in Figure 7a' the plan ‘up’ is acceptable. SR allows us to conclude
Since we assumed that ‘up, up’ in Figure 7a is acceptable, by IRU, ‘up, up’ in Figure
7c must be acceptable. (Figures 7a and 7c have the same normal form representation,
therefore IRU allows us to conclude that in their extensive form representation, the
acceptable plans in Figure 7a must have the same prospects as the acceptable plans in
Figure 7c.) This implies (by DC) that at n1c in 7c ‘..., up’ is an acceptable plan
continuation. SEP tells us that this can only be the case if ‘up’ is an acceptable plan in
Figure 7c'. From SR we can conclude that, faced with the choice between x and z, x is at
acceptable plan in Figure 7b', y and z are connected as well for the same reason. Since this
is assumed all along (see the discussion in section 3 and footnote 28), we can conclude
The proof above proceeds from the assumption that ‘up, up’ is an aceptable plan in
Figure 7a. However, it does not matter whether ‘up, up’ is acceptable in Figure 7a or
another plan. As long as there exists at least one acceptable plan in Figure 7a, the
repeated application of the principles of dynamic consequentialism to all trees ensures
2. Transitivity
The principles of dynamc consequentialism ensure that the ranking is transitive. Suppose
that x is at least as good as y, and y at least as good as z. Then, if transitivity holds, it must
be the case that x is at least as good as z. If x is at least as good as y, the plan ‘up’ must be
an acceptable plan in Figure 7a'. This means that in Figure 7a either in n1 the plan
I will now prove that the n1 is part of an acceptable plan in Figure 7a. Suppose, for
reductio, that this is not the case and that in Figure 7a the uniquely acceptable plan is
‘down’. Then it must be the case, by IRU, that in Figure 7b the uniquely acceptable plan
is ‘down, down’. However, that implies that in Figure 7b' the uniquely acceptable plan
must be ‘down’. But it was also supposed that y is at least as good as z. Then, by SR, ‘up’
in Figure 7b' must also be acceptable. Therefore, it cannot be the case that ‘down’ is
uniquely acceptable in 7b'. Then, (by SR, SEP and DC) it cannot be the case that n1 is not
part of acceptable plan in Figure 7a. Therefore, there exists an acceptable plan in 7a that
Then IRU and DC require that the plan continuation ‘..., up in Figure 7c must be
part of an acceptable plan as well. This in turn can only be the case if in Figure 7c' ‘up is
note that similar demonstrations can be given for alternative rankings of x and y, and y
and z respectively.
3. Contraction- and expansion consistency
The conditions of acceptable planning require that the ranking satisfies contraction and
expansion consistency. Suppose, as before, that the plan ‘up, up’ is an acceptable plan in
Figure 7a. IRU tells us that if the plan leading to x is acceptable in Figure 7a, x should
also be the prospect of an acceptable plan in Figure 7d. Since we have already proven
that the ranking is connected, we can infer (by SR) that x is at least as good as y when
offered the choice between x, y and z.. SEP requires that the plan ‘up’ in Figure 7a' is
acceptable, which (by SR) means that x is at least as good as y in a smaller set of
the set {x, y, z}, x is at least as good as y in the set {x, y}.
It should also be the case that the reverse holds. That is, if x is at least as good as y
in {x, y}, it should not be the case that in a larger set of alternatives, x no longer is at
be the case that (up) is an acceptable plan in Figure 7a'. Suppose, for reduction, it were the
case that in the larger set of alternatives, y is at least as good as x but the reverse does not
hold. Then if there is an acceptable plan in Figure 7a that goes through n1a the only
acceptable plan continuation would be (..., down). SEP then requires that (down) is the
unique acceptable plan in Figure 7a', which would be contrary to what we supposed.
Therefore, the ranking over the alternatives is also expansion consistent. Again, notice
that similar proofs can be given for other rankings over x, y and z. In conclusion, we
have established that if there is a plan in Figure 7a that is acceptable, the ranking of the
* I would like to thank Gijs van Donselaar, Maarten Franssen, Govert den Hartogh, Ned McClennen, Hans
Rott and David Silver, as well as the various audiences to which I presented this material, for their
consequentialist if it has a principle that ranks states of affairs from best to worst from an impersonal point of
view, and requires agents to produce the best possible state of affairs she is in a position to produce. My
definition of consequentialism is weaker for it does not require that the standard of evaluation of the
consequentialist be impersonal. All that I assume is that a consequentialist is dedicated to maximizing with
Recently this assumption has been under attack. For example, the idea that all considerations of
value can be compared has been challenged (Chang 1997). Clearly, if it is not the case that A is at least as
good as B, nor that B is at least as good as A, we cannot maximize since it is impossible to determine
which of these two options is the best. Another attack on the ideal of maximization comes from authors
who defend satisficing as the correct response to values, e.g. (Slote 1989). In this paper I will abstract from
think of rational choice theory as a modeling theory. They assume that agents act in ways described,
represented and predicted by the theory and formulate their models and theories in accordance with this
assumption. I am not addressing this use of rational choice theory in this essay, though there are some
4 ‘An almost unquestioned hypothesis of modern normative decision theory is that acts are valued by their
be guided by rules and practices that sometimes prescribe non-maximizing actions. Many consequentialists
have recognized this and argued that consequentialism should be applied to rules and practices rather than
actions in those cases. I ignore these issues of indirect versus direct consequentialism in this essay. In
addition, several of the most influential consequentialists have argued that consequentialism is not about
how to choose. Instead, it deals with what makes an action (or a rule, a practice, etc.) right. That is, they
draw a sharp distinction between consequentialism as a theory of moral or rational truth and
consequentialism as a decision procedure. They argue that only the former understanding of
consequentialism is plausible. See, for example, (Parfit 1984, pp.24-29, 31-45, 98-100).
6 For a formal characterization of ordering and the related assumptions of connectedness (or comparability),
members of O as their elements. Continuity says that ∀x, y, z ∈ P: (xRy ∧ yRz) → ([x, p; z, 1-p] R y ∧ y R [x,
q; z, 1-q]) for some values for p and q such that 0<q<p<1. This axiom is basically a measurement
requirement. It allows for the construction of a continuous scale, i.e., a scale that will be able to assess the
11 (Allais 1953).
12 To name but a few critics: independence has been criticized by (Allais 1953), (Machina 1989),
(McClennen 1990) and many others. (Levi 1986) and (Loomes and Sugden 1982) have criticized ordering.
(McClennen criticizes part of the ordering condition in addition to his sustained attack on independence.)
A good, if somewhat dated, overview of the different proposals can be found in (Fishburn 1988).
13 (Hammond 1988).
14 (Raiffa 1968).
18 These assumptions are for heuristic purposes only. Introducing the possibility of changing information
over time and resource constraints, complicates matters needlessly for the present purposes.
19 I deviate from McClennen’s name for this principle here and use the term coined by (Cubbit 1996).
20 Hammond does not use dynamic consistency since he subscribes to a ‘revealed preference’ theory. On
that theory, choices, rather than plans or preferences are the primitive inputs of the theory. Plans are
derived from the actual sequence of choices. It follows that on Hammond’s view one can never deviate
from a plan. Rather, any perceived ‘deviation’ shows that one did not hold that plan to begin with.
21 For a thorough defense of this view on plans, see (Bratman 1987).
22 In section 9 I discuss different kinds of forward-looking that could be required by consequentialism.
23 I take this to be the interpretation that (McClennen 1990) favors.
24 This is how (McClennen 1997 ) reformulated the condition.
25 I will not provide a general and formal proof here as that would take too much space. See (Hammond
1988) for a complete, but very technical proof. (McClennen 1990) gives a relatively simple and
straightforward proof for the sufficiency of the principles of dynamic choice for independence. A more
refined proof in the spirit of McClennen, can be found in (Cubbit 1996). My informal proof here as well as
the one in the appendix differs from all of these because I formulate it in terms of preferences over prospects
trees is unrestricted. Suppose that a tree T has the set of outcomes OT. Hammond assumes that if there
exists an acceptable plan in T, there exists an acceptable plan in all logically possible trees T* for which OT* ⊆
OT. (Munier 1996) in his insightful comment on Hammond’s formal proof, shows that if the shape of the
tree individuates the outcomes, the set of logically possible trees T* may consist just of T. In that case, we
cannot deduce independence from the existence of an acceptable plan in T. Hammond resisted this
criticism for a long time. Recently, however, he has acknowledged this point. He explicitly states that his
proof only applies when ‘... the consequences themselves do not depend on the structure of the tree. Of
course, such independence has been the standard assumption in classical decision theory.’ [Italics added](Hammond 1996).
28 (Allais 1953)
29 The reflections on her choices of this hypothetical agent are representative of those of actual agents.
(Tversky and Kahneman 1981) found that most subjects display this pattern of choices. The pattern was
stable for varying monetary rewards and was persistent in both educated and uneducated subjects.
Additional research led them to believe that human beings display all kinds of ‘certainty effects’ in their
choice behavior.
These results raise some serious questions whether standard expected utility theory can be
maintained as the theory of rational choice. If otherwise reasonable agents violate the prescriptions of the
theory in some very systematic ways, what grounds do we have for believing that standard expected utility
one can use that theory to judge the rationality of a preference. As I have been arguing, there is nothing
that restricts the principle of rational choice to the domain of preferences. The same thing applies here.
Broome’s principle can very well be used to constrain value judgments in the same way as it can constrain
preferences. Outcomes should be distinguished as different if and only if they differ in a way that makes it
Incidentally, Brome goes on to argue that there are two logically equivalent ways in which one can
use his principle. On the one hand one can use it to put restrictions on the individuation of outcomes.
Alternatively, one can use it to put restrictions on the agent’s preferences. This is the most promising
interpretation for the case at hand. It seems silly to deny that prospect [$0, .01; $5M, .10] is a different
prospect than [$0 and regret, .01; $5M, .10]. Broome’s principle requires the agent to be indifferent between
the two prospects if regret is not a justifier. See also (Broome 1991).
33 See (Broome 1999). I use these terms very loosely here to refer to the idea that there are constraints on
what can count as valuable for an agent, which are in some sense independent of the agent.
34 Note that more subtle subjective theories like an informed preference theory of wellbeing or an ideal
37 Again, I follow (Weber 1998) here.
38 This mirrors the conclusions of (Weber 1998) that regret or disappointment cannot rationalize the Allais
consequentialism. It is the overall expected value of a prospect that needs to be promoted. It may very well
be that the best prospect contains some very bad elements. However, I doubt that this is the best way to
understand Nussbaum and Williams. Their claim is that these bad elements make a contribution to the
value of the prospect, and this is something that consequentialists dedicated to the expectation method will
about past choice nodes. The former is necessary for the derivation of independence, whereas the latter is
necessary for the derivation of ordering. On Cubbit’s view, the dynamic foundations for ordering and
look at concrete alternatives for the expectation method. Within the so-called non-linear utility theory
several methods to represent rankings have been proposed that do not require independence. A good
example is (Quiggin 1993). (Machina 1982) has given general theoretical framework for the characterization
and classification of non-linear utility theory. There are also proposals how to deal with the representation
of rankings that do not satisfy ordering. Here the theory is less systematic and the few concrete proposals
are more ‘data driven’. Examples are (Kahneman and Tversky 1979) and (Loomes and Sugden 1982).
48 This is equivalent to conditions alpha and beta that (Sen 1970, chapter 1*) identifies.
Allais, Maurice. 1953. Le comportement de l'homme rationel devant le risque: Critique des postulats et
axioms de l'école americaine. Econometrica 21: 503-546.
Anderson, Elizabeth. 1993. Value in ethics and economics. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Bratman, Michael E. 1987. Intention, plans, and practical reason. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Broome, John. 1991. Weighing goods: Equality, uncertainty and time. Cambridge: Blackwell.
________. 1999. Ethics out of economics. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Chang, Ruth, ed. 1997. Incommensurability, incomparability, and practical reason. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
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