Accomplishment Report - YES O

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02- Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Isabela
Naguilian District
Minallo Elementary School
Activity Completion Report School in a Garden

SY 2023-2024

“ Plant and protect a tree like you do for a child”

A small praise on trees is equal to all philosophies of life as life exists on Earth
because of tree. Trees are among the greatest natural wonder and are among the greatest gift

to man and other living things that depend on it. Trees provide us with two essential things
in life these are food and oxygen. A part from these, trees also provide additional necessities

like shelter, medicine among other environmental benefits.

The Department of Education (DepEd), under its core value Makakalikasan, supports
the national government’s efforts in protecting and conserving the environment through the
National Greening Program. The DepEd has two programs that work side-by-side to be
implemented in schools: the Gulayan sa Paaralan Program established through DepEd
Memorandum No. 293, s. 2007, and the School Inside a Garden (SIGA) launched through
DECS Memo No. 77, s. 1995.

The SIGA Program focuses primarily on establishing schools inside gardens featuring
mostly indigenous and endemic trees and flowering plants—making campuses nationwide
green and colorful. The program also aims to:

a. promote the creation of nurseries for indigenous and endemic trees in specific campuses
that will serve as a laboratory for learners;

b. strengthen the integration of environmental education in the elementary and high school

c. sustain environmental consciousness and action among learners and the community, and
instill in them the values of unity, teamwork, volunteerism, nationalism, and community
service for environmental protection and conservation; and
d. highlight the importance of schools and their role in the efforts to rehabilitate a heavily-
challenged natural environment, and their initiatives toward a sustainable National Greening

In support with SIGA Program, the Minallo Elementary School held activities to
increase the awareness of pupils on the importance of trees and tree planting in our

The officers of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) together
with adviser, shall include planting of fruit and flowering tree and plant species in our school
campus as part of activities in the celebration of Environmental Awareness Month of
November. The objectives of this endeavor is to raise awareness among the students the
importance of planting and saving trees and help the school diminish the unfavorable effects
of climate change. The Advisers of YES-O set in place a nurturing and monitoring plan to
ensure the survival of the planted seedlings. The organization was able to make a tree guard
for trees and plants. They gathered a bamboo tree and made it into a wooden stick. Faculty
and students are well organized for clearing, cleaning and digging the ground to where
everyone was assigned. Mahogany seedlings were planted inside the school premises with the
help of the said school organization. Without the cooperation and volunteerism of everyone
this said event will not be possible.

Each seedling was named after who planted the seedlings and each of them
committed their self to take care of the seedlings. They will be in charge of watering it and
safeguarding the seedlings. After the tree planting activity, the pupils went back to their
respective rooms with a smile in their faces. Each of them was happy about the tree planting

Prepared by:


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02- Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Isabela
Naguilian District
Minallo Elementary School
Activity Completion Report Gulayan sa Paaralan
SY 2023-2024
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”- Charlie Nardozzi
Gulayan sa Paaralan Program is an activity which aim to promote proper
nutrition and mitigate hunger among learners. Eating right amount of
fruits and vegetables will help develop the body and mind of the students, that is
why all schools are encourage to have this kind of program.

In the pursuit of holistic education, the Youth for Environment in School

Organization (Yes-O) Minallo ES has taken a proactive role in promoting health and
environmental consciousness among learners. One significant initiative is the establishment
of Gulayan sa Paaralan- a school-based community food production project that intertwines

This report delves into collaborative efforts of YES-O and the Gulayan sa Paaralan
Program ( GPP). Together, they aim to cultivate not only vegetables but also values among
learners, fostering and appreciation for a life support system. The YES-O assistance
contributed to the flourishing of school gardens, nourishing both minds and bodies.

Specifically, some of the objectives of our program:

 To encourage learners and the school community to grow and cultivate plants in
the designated area of the school in order to raise awareness of environmental
issues and sustainability.
 To integrate the Gulayan sa Paaralan Program with DEPEd broader Oplan
Kalusugan (OK), which emphasizes the health and well-being of communities and
learners by facilitating access to nutritious food and promoting healthy lifestyles.
 To foster collective ownership and pride among learners by actively engaging
them in all aspects of the Gulayan sa Paaralan Project.

Expected Output
 Through practical experience in vegetables growing and education on sustainable
gardening techniques, learners will get a greater understanding of the environment
and cultivate a consciousness of sustainability.
 Here students and parents not only learned to reproduce vegetable but were also
encourage to eat green and leafy vegetables

Date Activity Assigned Personnel

Cleaning of the identifies area  GPP Coordinator
September 2023  SPTA Officers
 All students Organization staff
 Classroom Presidents
Set- Up the Plot/s  YES-O
October 2023 Garden Soil/ Loam Soil  SPTA Officers
Nursery Bed (Containers)  All students Organization staff
Planting  Classroom Presidents
October 7, 2023 –  GPTA Coordinator
onwards  YES-O


Numerous plastic bottles were collected, thoroughly cleaned, and sealed by the member to be
used for something purposeful and relevant, such as hanging pots, which contribute to the
Gulayan sa Paaralan Program. This would help in promoting vegetable in the planting in the
institution, causing an improvement’s situation. They also recycled bottle to make container.

Learners, parents and some stakeholders engage in school gardening. The learners
learned how to cultivate their vegetables and watering plants. This program taught them to
take care better care of the environment and collaborate with others in addition to gardening.
Regular watering by the learners contributed to the plant’s active healthy growth, which
improved crop in the future.
As part of YES – O organization Learners were also encouraged to do their backyard
gardening at home and apply the good practices of gardening learned at school, as part of
their responsibilities in sharing and implements consumption of vegetables among their
community for a better healthy and balance diet.

Prepared by:


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02- Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Isabela
Naguilian District
Minallo Elementary School
Activity Completion Report DRRM

SY 2023-2024

In recognition of the various disaster risks arising from natural and human -induced
hazards, through Department Order (DO) no. 50 series of 2011, DepEd created the Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Office, in line with the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Act of 2010 (Republic Act 10121).

In accordance with its mandate, the DRRMS has set its goals and outcomes to address
the risks and impacts of natural and human -induced hazards confronting the basic education
sector. To adapt from this situation, SDRRM Team of Minallo Elementary School, the YES-
O Organization headed by the adviser never stop to spread awareness and did their best to
cope up in any situation, may it a natural or human induced hazards to ensure the safety of
the pupils while they are in school and even at home Various activities were accomplished,
with the cooperation and support of the parents, stakeholders and volunteers. They
conducted a one-day symposium for the learners and for the parents last December 6, 2023.
Attached herewith are the documentation during the symposium. The objectives of
this is to ensure the safety of our learners and to become resilient to every hazard that may
occur in our school and community.
Prepared by:


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02- Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Isabela
Naguilian District
Minallo Elementary School
Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O)
SY 2023-204
Name of Activity: Learning and Development for Teacher- Adviser

Date: November 2023

Venue: Minallo Elementary School

Participants: - School Head & Teaching Staff

1.To conduct an orientation a symposium or orientation/seminars and the likes
2. Develop among teacher-adviser community proper environmental values, skills
and attitude.
3. Encourage community participation and initiative in environmental and ecological
movements and actions.
The LAC Session was conducted last December 1, 2023, at Kindergarten classroom. It
started at 11:00 AM. The participants were school head and teaching staff of Minallo Elementary
School. The LAC Session started with a short prayer through video presentation, after which Ma’am
Ma’am Angelita B. Toribio started with her talk about Environmental Issues. This is all about human
activities that causes harm/ pollution in our environment. We can say that our country the
Philippines also suffers major human-caused environmental degradation aggravated by high annual
population growth rate, including loss of agricultural lands, deforestation , soil erosion, air water
pollution, improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss coral reefs, mismanagement and abuse of
Through this workshop the teachers- advisers will integrate in their lessons how we can save
environment from different pollutions. We can help students make wise choices about responding
to safeguarding the environment and by fostering an awareness of how students’ own actions can
help or harm our world.
The workshops end successfully by participating well in the forum session. Attached are the
documentations during the workshop.
Prepared by:

Noted by:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02- Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Isabela
Naguilian District
Minallo Elementary School
Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O)
SY 2023-204
Name of Activity: Learning and Development for Students

Date: December 5, 2023

Venue: Minallo Elementary School

Participants: - Grade 4- 6 learners

1.To conduct an orientation a symposium or orientation/seminar/workshops and the
2. Encourage community participation and initiative in environmental and ecological
movements and actions.
The symposium were conducted last December 5, 2023, at grade 5 and 6 classroom. It
started at 1:00 in the afternoon. The participants were grades 4, 5 and 6 of Minallo Elementary
School. The workshop started with a short prayer led by the YES – O President Kyll Rine P. Pascual,
then the resource person was introduced by YES- O adviser Ma’am Angelita B. Toribio who was
Nurse Glennah Marie D. Malan, from LGU- RHU, Naguilian Isabela. According to her, "Cleanliness
isn't a matter of products and things; cleanliness is a matter of diligence and effort by people.
Keeping public places as clean as possible on an individual basis, a public willing to pay for what
individuals can't keep clean or clean up, public education for what are or aren't good practices, and
to help keep the public informed when and where specific problems need to be addressed."

This activity had given the learners an opportunity to become a more productive individual,
concerning on how to care and how to be responsible in our community and environment.
Presenting and engaging such activities is indeed of great help to our community if we only know
how important every action we do. With this concern, everyone can create an outlet to everyone
who share the same views and passion in sharing their own effort and own little way to protect and
maintain the natural environment through clean-up drive.
The symposium ends successfully by actively participating during discussion. Attached are
the documentations during the symposium.
Prepared by:

Noted by:

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