2022 TaxReturn

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1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 2022

Form Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service

OMB No. 1545-0074 IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.

Filing Status Single Married filing jointly Married filing separately (MFS) Head of household (HOH)
Qualifying surviving
Check only spouse (QSS)
one box. If you checked the MFS box, enter the name of your spouse. If you checked the HOH or QSS box, enter the child’s name if the qualifying
person is a child but not your dependent:
Your first name and middle initial Last name Your social security number
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164
If joint return, spouse’s first name and middle initial Last name Spouse’s social security number

Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. Apt. no. Presidential Election Campaign
2115 Constance Ave Check here if you, or your
spouse if filing jointly, want $3
City, town, or post office. If you have a foreign address, also complete spaces below. State ZIP code
to go to this fund. Checking a
North Las Vegas NV 890323607 box below will not change
Foreign country name Foreign province/state/county Foreign postal code your tax or refund.
You Spouse

Digital At any time during 2022, did you: (a) receive (as a reward, award, or payment for property or services); or (b) sell,
Assets exchange, gift, or otherwise dispose of a digital asset (or a financial interest in a digital asset)? (See instructions.) Yes No
Standard Someone can claim: You as a dependent Your spouse as a dependent
Deduction Spouse itemizes on a separate return or you were a dual-status alien

Age/Blindness You: Were born before January 2, 1958 Are blind Spouse: Was born before January 2, 1958 Is blind
Dependents (see instructions): (2) Social security (3) Relationship (4) Check the box if qualifies for (see instructions):
(1) First name Last name number to you Child tax credit Credit for other dependents
If more
than four tony Jacob 558-09-2302 Other
see instructions
and check
here . .
1a Total amount from Form(s) W-2, box 1 (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a
b Household employee wages not reported on Form(s) W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b
Attach Form(s) c Tip income not reported on line 1a (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1c
W-2 here. Also
attach Forms d Medicaid waiver payments not reported on Form(s) W-2 (see instructions) . . . . . . . . 1d
W-2G and e Taxable dependent care benefits from Form 2441, line 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1e
1099-R if tax
was withheld. f Employer-provided adoption benefits from Form 8839, line 29 . . . . . . . . . . . 1f
If you did not g Wages from Form 8919, line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1g
get a Form h Other earned income (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1h
W-2, see
i Nontaxable combat pay election (see instructions) . . . . . . . 1i
z Add lines 1a through 1h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1z
Attach Sch. B 2a Tax-exempt interest . . . 2a b Taxable interest . . . . . 2b
if required. 3a Qualified dividends . . . 3a b Ordinary dividends . . . . . 3b
4a IRA distributions . . . . 4a b Taxable amount . . . . . . 4b
Standard 5a Pensions and annuities . . 5a b Taxable amount . . . . . . 5b
Deduction for—
6a Social security benefits . . 6a b Taxable amount . . . . . . 6b
• Single or
Married filing c If you elect to use the lump-sum election method, check here (see instructions) . . . . .
$12,950 7 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check here . . . . . 7
• Married filing 8 Other income from Schedule 1, line 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
jointly or
Qualifying 9 Add lines 1z, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7, and 8. This is your total income . . . . . . . . . . 9
surviving spouse,
10 Adjustments to income from Schedule 1, line 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
• Head of 11 Subtract line 10 from line 9. This is your adjusted gross income . . . . . . . . . . 11
$19,400 12 Standard deduction or itemized deductions (from Schedule A) . . . . . . . . . . 12 12,950.
• If you checked 13 Qualified business income deduction from Form 8995 or Form 8995-A . . . . . . . . . 13 0.
any box under
Standard 14 Add lines 12 and 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12,950.
Deduction, 15 Subtract line 14 from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0-. This is your taxable income . . . . .
see instructions.
15 0.

For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Form 1040 (2022)
Form 1040 (2022) Page 2

Tax and 16 Tax (see instructions). Check if any from Form(s): 1 8814 2 4972 3 . . 16 0.
Credits 17 Amount from Schedule 2, line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
18 Add lines 16 and 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 0.
19 Child tax credit or credit for other dependents from Schedule 8812 . . . . . . . . . . 19
20 Amount from Schedule 3, line 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
21 Add lines 19 and 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
22 Subtract line 21 from line 18. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 0.
23 Other taxes, including self-employment tax, from Schedule 2, line 21 . . . . . . . . . 23 0.
24 Add lines 22 and 23. This is your total tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 0.
Payments 25 Federal income tax withheld from:
a Form(s) W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25a
b Form(s) 1099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25b
c Other forms (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
d Add lines 25a through 25c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25d
26 2022 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2021 return . . . . . . . . . . 26
If you have a
qualifying child, 27 Earned income credit (EIC) . . . . . . . . . . . .No. . 27
attach Sch. EIC.
28 Additional child tax credit from Schedule 8812 . . . . . . . . 28
29 American opportunity credit from Form 8863, line 8 . . . . . . . 29
30 Reserved for future use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
31 Amount from Schedule 3, line 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
32 Add lines 27, 28, 29, and 31. These are your total other payments and refundable credits . . 32
33 Add lines 25d, 26, and 32. These are your total payments . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
34 If line 33 is more than line 24, subtract line 24 from line 33. This is the amount you overpaid . . 34
35a Amount of line 34 you want refunded to you. If Form 8888 is attached, check here . . . . 35a
Direct deposit? b Routing number X X X X X X X X X c Type: Checking Savings
See instructions.
d Account number X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
36 Amount of line 34 you want applied to your 2023 estimated tax . . . 36
Amount 37 Subtract line 33 from line 24. This is the amount you owe.
You Owe For details on how to pay, go to www.irs.gov/Payments or see instructions . . . . . . . . 37 0.
38 Estimated tax penalty (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . 38
Third Party Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS? See
Designee instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes. Complete below. No
Designee’s Phone Personal identification
name no. number (PIN)
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and
Sign belief, they are true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
Here Your signature Date Your occupation If the IRS sent you an Identity
Protection PIN, enter it here
Joint return? Hairdresser (see inst.)
See instructions. Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date Spouse’s occupation If the IRS sent your spouse an
Keep a copy for Identity Protection PIN, enter it here
your records. (see inst.)

Phone no. (702)289-6787 Email address

Preparer’s name Preparer’s signature Date PTIN Check if:
Paid Self-employed
Firm’s name Self-Prepared Phone no.
Use Only
Firm’s address Firm’s EIN
Go to www.irs.gov/Form1040 for instructions and the latest information. BAA REV 07/23/23 Intuit.cg.cfp.sp Form 1040 (2022)
SCHEDULE 8812 Credits for Qualifying Children OMB No. 1545-0074
(Form 1040) and Other Dependents
Attach to Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service Go to www.irs.gov/Schedule8812 for instructions and the latest information. Sequence No. 47
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164
Part I Child Tax Credit and Credit for Other Dependents
1 Enter the amount from line 11 of your Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2a Enter income from Puerto Rico that you excluded . . . . . . . . . . . 2a
b Enter the amounts from lines 45 and 50 of your Form 2555 . . . . . . . . 2b 0.
c Enter the amount from line 15 of your Form 4563 . . . . . . . . . . . 2c
d Add lines 2a through 2c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2d 0.
3 Add lines 1 and 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0.
4 Number of qualifying children under age 17 with the required social security number 4 0
5 Multiply line 4 by $2,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6 Number of other dependents, including any qualifying children who are not under age
17 or who do not have the required social security number . . . . . . . . 6 1
Caution: Do not include yourself, your spouse, or anyone who is not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resident
alien. Also, do not include anyone you included on line 4.
7 Multiply line 6 by $500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 500.
8 Add lines 5 and 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 500.
9 Enter the amount shown below for your filing status.
• Married filing jointly—$400,000
• All other filing statuses—$200,000 } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 200,000.
10 Subtract line 9 from line 3.

• If zero or less, enter -0-.
• If more than zero and not a multiple of $1,000, enter the next multiple of $1,000. For
example, if the result is $425, enter $1,000; if the result is $1,025, enter $2,000, etc. . . . . . . . 10 0.
11 Multiply line 10 by 5% (0.05) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 0.
12 Is the amount on line 8 more than the amount on line 11? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 500.
No. STOP. You cannot take the child tax credit, credit for other dependents, or additional child tax credit.
Skip Parts II-A and II-B. Enter -0- on lines 14 and 27.
Yes. Subtract line 11 from line 8. Enter the result.
13 Enter the amount from the Credit Limit Worksheet A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0.
14 Enter the smaller of line 12 or 13. This is your child tax credit and credit for other dependents . . . . . 14 0.
Enter this amount on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 19.
If the amount on line 12 is more than the amount on line 14, you may be able to take the additional child tax credit
on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 28. Complete your Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR through line 27
(also complete Schedule 3, line 11) before completing Part II-A.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. BAA REV 07/23/23 Intuit.cg.cfp.sp Schedule 8812 (Form 1040) 2022
Schedule 8812 (Form 1040) 2022 Page 2
Part II-A Additional Child Tax Credit for All Filers
Caution: If you file Form 2555, you cannot claim the additional child tax credit.
15 Check this box if you do not want to claim the additional child tax credit. Skip Parts II-A and II-B. Enter -0- on line 27 . . . . .
16a Subtract line 14 from line 12. If zero, stop here; you cannot take the additional child tax credit. Skip Parts II-A
and II-B. Enter -0- on line 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16a 500.
b Number of qualifying children under 17 with the required social security number: 0 x $1,500.
Enter the result. If zero, stop here; you cannot claim the additional child tax credit. Skip Parts II-A and II-B.
Enter -0- on line 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16b 0.
TIP: The number of children you use for this line is the same as the number of children you used for line 4.
17 Enter the smaller of line 16a or line 16b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
18a Earned income (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18a 0.
b Nontaxable combat pay (see instructions) . . . . . . 18b
19 Is the amount on line 18a more than $2,500?
No. Leave line 19 blank and enter -0- on line 20.
Yes. Subtract $2,500 from the amount on line 18a. Enter the result . . . . 19
20 Multiply the amount on line 19 by 15% (0.15) and enter the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Next. On line 16b, is the amount $4,500 or more?
No. If you are a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico, go to line 21. Otherwise, skip Part II-B and enter the
smaller of line 17 or line 20 on line 27.
Yes. If line 20 is equal to or more than line 17, skip Part II-B and enter the amount from line 17 on line 27.
Otherwise, go to line 21.
Part II-B Certain Filers Who Have Three or More Qualifying Children and Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico
21 Withheld social security, Medicare, and Additional Medicare taxes from Form(s) W-2,
boxes 4 and 6. If married filing jointly, include your spouse’s amounts with yours. If
your employer withheld or you paid Additional Medicare Tax or tier 1 RRTA taxes, see
instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
22 Enter the total of the amounts from Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 15; Schedule 2 (Form
1040), line 5; Schedule 2 (Form 1040), line 6; and Schedule 2 (Form 1040), line 13 . 22
23 Add lines 21 and 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
24 1040 and

1040-SR filers: Enter the total of the amounts from Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 27,
and Schedule 3 (Form 1040), line 11.
1040-NR filers: Enter the amount from Schedule 3 (Form 1040), line 11. 24
25 Subtract line 24 from line 23. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
26 Enter the larger of line 20 or line 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Next, enter the smaller of line 17 or line 26 on line 27.
Part II-C Additional Child Tax Credit
27 This is your additional child tax credit. Enter this amount on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 28 . . 27
REV 07/23/23 Intuit.cg.cfp.sp Schedule 8812 (Form 1040) 2022
Form 8995 Qualified Business Income Deduction OMB No. 1545-2294

Simplified Computation
Attach to your tax return.
Department of the Treasury Attachment
Internal Revenue Service Go to www.irs.gov/Form8995 for instructions and the latest information. Sequence No. 55
Name(s) shown on return Your taxpayer identification number
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164
Note. You can claim the qualified business income deduction only if you have qualified business income from a qualified trade or
business, real estate investment trust dividends, publicly traded partnership income, or a domestic production activities deduction
passed through from an agricultural or horticultural cooperative. See instructions.
Use this form if your taxable income, before your qualified business income deduction, is at or below $170,050 ($340,100 if married
filing jointly), and you aren’t a patron of an agricultural or horticultural cooperative.

1 (a) Trade, business, or aggregation name (b) Taxpayer (c) Qualified business
identification number income or (loss)

i Gettin it together 572-85-3164 0.




2 Total qualified business income or (loss). Combine lines 1i through 1v,

column (c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0.
3 Qualified business net (loss) carryforward from the prior year . . . . . . . 3 ( )
4 Total qualified business income. Combine lines 2 and 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 4 0.
5 Qualified business income component. Multiply line 4 by 20% (0.20) . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0.
6 Qualified REIT dividends and publicly traded partnership (PTP) income or (loss)
(see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Qualified REIT dividends and qualified PTP (loss) carryforward from the prior
year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ( )
8 Total qualified REIT dividends and PTP income. Combine lines 6 and 7. If zero
or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
9 REIT and PTP component. Multiply line 8 by 20% (0.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
10 Qualified business income deduction before the income limitation. Add lines 5 and 9 . . . . . . 10 0.
11 Taxable income before qualified business income deduction (see instructions) 11 0.
12 Net capital gain (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 0.
13 Subtract line 12 from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . 13 0.
14 Income limitation. Multiply line 13 by 20% (0.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 0.
15 Qualified business income deduction. Enter the smaller of line 10 or line 14. Also enter this amount on
the applicable line of your return (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 0.
16 Total qualified business (loss) carryforward. Combine lines 2 and 3. If greater than zero, enter -0- . . 16 ( 0. )
17 Total qualified REIT dividends and PTP (loss) carryforward. Combine lines 6 and 7. If greater than
zero, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ( 0. )
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. REV 07/23/23 Intuit.cg.cfp.sp Form 8995 (2022)
Tax History Report 2022
G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return

Shawntae L Adams

Five Year Tax History:

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Filing status Single Single

Total income 98.

Adjustments to income

Adjusted gross income 98.

Tax expense 0. 0.

Interest expense


Misc. deductions

Other itemized ded’ns

Total itemized/
standard deduction 12,550. 12,950.

Exemption amount 0. 0.

QBI deduction 0. 0.

Taxable income 0.


Alternative min tax

Total credits

Other taxes

Payments 11.

Form 2210 penalty

Amount owed

Applied to next
year’s estimated tax

Refund 11.

Effective tax rate % -11.22 0.00

**Tax bracket %

**Tax bracket % is based on Taxable income.


If you are owed federal tax refund(s), you have a right to choose how you will receive the refund(s). There
are several options available to you. Some options cost money and some options are free. Please read
about these options below.

You can file your federal tax return(s) electronically or by paper and obtain your federal tax refund(s)
directly from the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") for free. If you file your tax return(s)
electronically, you can receive refund checks directly from the IRS through the U.S. Postal Service
in 21 to 28 days from the time you file your tax return(s) or the IRS can deposit your refund(s)
directly into your bank account in less than 21 days from the time you file your tax return(s) unless
there are delays by the IRS. If you file a paper return through the U.S. Postal Service, you
can receive refund checks directly from the IRS through the U.S. Postal Service in 6 to 8 weeks
from the time the IRS receives your return(s) or the IRS can deposit your refund(s) directly
into your bank account in 6 to 8 weeks from the time the IRS receives your return(s). However, if
your return(s) contains Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit, the IRS will
issue your refund(s) no earlier than February 15, 2023.

You can file your federal tax return(s) electronically, select the Refund Processing Service ("RPS") for an
additional fee of $39.00 (the "RPS fee"), and have your federal tax refund(s) processed through a processor using
banking services of a financial institution. The RPS allows your refund(s) to be deposited into a bank account
at Green Dot Bank ("Bank") and deducts your TurboTax fees and other amounts that you authorize from your
federal refund(s). The balance of your federal refund(s) is delivered to you via the disbursement method you select.
If you file your tax return(s) electronically and select the RPS, the IRS will deposit your refund(s) with Bank. Upon
Bank's receipt of your refund(s), Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC, a division of Green Dot Corporation, a Delaware
corporation, a processor, will deduct from your federal refund(s) the RPS fee, any fees charged by TurboTax for the
preparation and filing of your tax return(s) and any other amounts authorized by you and disburse the balance of your
refund proceeds to you. Unless there are unexpected delays, federal refunds are received in less than 21 days from the
time you file your tax return(s) electronically. However, if your return(s) contains Earned Income Tax Credit or
Additional Child Tax Credit, the IRS will issue your refund(s) no earlier than February 15, 2023.

The RPS is not necessary to obtain your refund(s). If you have an existing bank account, you do not need
to use the RPS, which requires the payment of a fee, in order to receive a direct deposit from the IRS.
You may consult the IRS website (IRS.gov) for information about tax refund processing.

If you select the RPS, no prior debt you may owe to Bank will be deducted from your refund(s).

You can change your income tax withholdings which might result in you receiving additional funds
throughout the year rather than waiting to receive these funds potentially in tax refund(s) next year.
Please consult your employer or tax advisor for additional details.

This Agreement requires all disputes to be resolved by way of binding arbitration.

The terms of the arbitration provision appear in Section 11.

Information regarding low-cost deposit accounts may be available at www.mymoney.gov

The chart below shows the options for filing your federal tax returns (e-file or paper returns), the
RPS product, refund disbursement options, estimated timing for obtaining your federal tax refund
proceeds, and costs associated with the various options.

PAPER RETURN IRS direct deposit to Approximately No additional cost.

your personal bank 6 to 8 weeks 1
No Refund Processing account.
Check mailed by IRS Approximately
to address on tax 6 to 8 weeks 1

ELECTRONIC IRS direct deposit to Usually within No additional cost.

FILING your personal bank 21 days 1
(E-FILE) account.

No Refund Processing Check mailed by IRS Approximately

Service to address on tax 21 to 28 days 1

ELECTRONIC Direct deposit to Usually within $ 39.00 2

FILING your personal bank 21 days 1
(E-FILE) account.

Refund Processing

1You may experience delays with your tax refund(s) if, for example, you enter incorrect bank account or contact
information, you enter a bank account in someone else's name, or if possible suspicious activity is detected.
If your return(s) contains Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit, the IRS will issue your
refund(s) no earlier than February 15, 2023.

2Thecharges here consist of an RPS Fee, a TurboTax fee and any fees for additional products and services purchased.
See Section 3 of the Refund Processing Service Agreement for the cost of the service you have chosen.

Questions? Call 877-908-7228

sbia5201.SCR 12/30/22 11/01/2022

FORM 1040 or FORM 1040-SR WORKSHEET 2022
NOTE: Form 1040, 1040-SR and Schedules 1 - 3 are fully calculated.

Use this worksheet to enter all data which will flow to the Form 1040 or Form 1040SR and Schedules 1- 3.
Use these QuickZooms to jump to the entry sections for Schedules 1- 3 on this Worksheet:
Form 1040 or Form 1040SR Worksheet Navigation QuickZooms
QuickZoom to Schedule 1 ' Additional Income and Adjustments to Income
QuickZoom to Schedule 2 ' Additional Taxes
QuickZoom to Schedule 3 ' Additional Credits and Payments

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR ' Personal Info, Filing Status, Dependent Info

For the year January 1 - December 31, 2022, or other tax year
beginning , 2022, ending , 20 .

Your First Name MI Last Name Your Social Security No.

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164
If Joint Return, Spouse’s First Name MI Last Name Spouse’s Social Security No.

Home Address (No. and Street). If You Have a P.O. Box, See instructions. Apt. No.
2115 Constance Ave
City, Town or Post Office. If you have a foreign address, also complete below. State ZIP Code
North Las Vegas NV 89032-3607
Foreign country name Foreign province/state/county Foreign postal code

QuickZoom to explanation statement for overseas extension

Presidential Election Campaign

Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund.
Checking a box will not change your tax or refund You Spouse

Digital At any time during 2022, did you: (a) receive (as a reward, award, or payment for property
Assets or services); or (b) sell, exchange, gift, or otherwise dispose of a digital asset (or a financial
interest in a digital asset)? Yes X No

Filing Status Check only one box.

All entries for filing status and dependents should be made on the Federal Information Worksheet.

X Single
Married filing jointly (even if only one had income)
Married filing separately. Enter spouse’s SSN above and full name here.

Head of household (with qualifying person). (See instructions) If the qualifying person is a child
but not your dependent, enter the child’s name here.
Qualifying surviving spouse (QSS)

Dependents If more than four dependents, see instructions and check here

(1) First name Last name (2) Social (3) (4) Check the box if
security Relationship qualifies for
number to you Credit for
Child other
tax credit dependents

tony Jacob 558-09-2302 Other X

QuickZoom to the Federal Information Worksheet

QuickZoom to the Dependent and Nondependent Information Worksheet
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 2

Standard Deduction

Someone can claim you as a dependent

Someone can claim your spouse as a dependent

a Check if: You were born before January 2, 1958 Blind

Spouse was born before January 2, 1958 Blind
Total boxes checked a
b If your spouse itemizes on a separate return or you were a
dual-status alien, check here b

QuickZoom to required PPP loan forgiveness statement to report tax-exempt income

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Lines 1 - 7

1a Total amount from Form(s) W-2, box 1 1a

b Household employee wages not reported on Form(s) W-2 1b
c Tip income not reported on line 1a 1c
d Medicaid waiver payments not reported on Form(s) W-2 1d
e Taxable dependent care benefits from Form 2441, line 26 1e
f Employer-provided adoption benefits from Form 8839, line 29 1f
g Wages from Form 8919, line 6 1g
h Other earned income 1h
i Nontaxable combat pay election 1i
z Add lines 1a through 1h 1z
2a Tax-exempt interest 2a
b Taxable interest 2b
3a Qualified dividends 3a
b Ordinary dividends 3b
4a IRA distributions 4a
b Taxable amount 4b
5a Pensions and annuities 5a
b Taxable amount 5b
6a Social security benefits 6a
b Taxable amount 6b
c If you elect to use the lump-sum election method, check here
7 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D if required.
If not required, check here 7

QuickZoom to Schedule 1 ' Additional Income and Adjustments to Income

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Lines 8 - 11

8 Other income from Schedule 1, line 10 8

9 Add lines 1z, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7, and 8. This is your total income 9
10 Adjustments to income from Schedule 1, line 26 10
11 Subtract line 10 from line 9. This is your adjusted gross income. 11
AGI including excludable Puerto Rico Income

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Line 12 ' Standard or Itemized Deduction

12 Standard deduction or itemized deductions (from Schedule A) 12 12,950.

Standard Deduction for '
@ People who checked blind or over 65 or who can be claimed
as a dependent, see instructions.
@ All others:
? Single or Married filing separately: $12,950
? Married filing jointly or Qualifying surviving spouse, $25,900
? Head of household: $19,400
? If you checked any box under Standard Deduction, see instructions.
QuickZoom to the Standard Deduction Worksheet
Subtract itemized or standard deduction from adjusted gross income amount -12,950.

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 3

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Lines 13 - 18

13 Qualified business income deduction from Form 8995 or Form 8995-A 13 0.

14 Add lines 12 and 13 14 12,950.
15 Subtract line 14 from line 11. If zero or less, enter -0-. This is your taxable
income 15 0.

16 Tax. Check if any from Forms(s):

1 8814
2 4972
16 0.
17 Amount from Schedule 2, line 3 17
18 Add lines 16 and 17 18 0.

QuickZoom to Schedule 2 ' Additional Tax section

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Line 19 - 24

19 Child tax credit or credit for other dependents from Schedule 8812 19
20 Amount from Schedule 3, line 8 20
21 Add lines 19 and 20 21
22 Subtract line 21 from line 18. If zero or less, enter -0- 22 0.
23 Other taxes, including self-employment tax, from Schedule 2, line 21 23 0.
24 Add lines 22 and 23. This is your total tax 24 0.

QuickZoom to Schedule 3 ' Additional Credits and Payments

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Lines 25 - 33

25 Federal income tax withheld from:

a Form(s) W-2 25 a
b Form(s) 1099 25 b
c Other forms 25 c
d Add lines 25a through 25c 25 d
26 2022 estimated tax payments and
amount applied from 2021 return 26
27 Earned income No
credit (EIC) 27
28 Additional child tax credit from Schedule 8812 28
29 American opportunity credit from Form 8863, line 8 29
30 Reserved for future use 30
31 Amount from Schedule 3, line 15 31
32 Add lines 27, 28, 29 and 31.
These are your total other payments and refundable credits 32
33 Add Lines 25d, 26, and 32.
These are your total payments 33

QuickZoom to Schedule EIC Worksheet, pg. 2 if credit is not calculated

QuickZoom to "due diligence checklist" substitute for Form 8867
QuickZoom to Schedule 3 ' Additional Credits and Payments

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 4

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Lines 34 - 36

34 If total Payments is more than total tax, subtract total tax from payments
This is the amount you overpaid 34
35 a Amount of overpayment you want refunded to you.
If Form 8888 is attached, check here 35
Direct deposit?
b Routing number XXXXXXXXX
c Type:
36 Amount of overpayment on line 34 you want
applied to your 2023 estimated tax 36

Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR, Lines 37 and 38

Amount You Owe:
37 Subtract line 33 from line 24. This is the amount you owe 37 0.
38 Estimated tax penalty 38

QuickZoom to Late Penalties and Interest Worksheet QuickZoom

Schedule 1 ' Additional Income and Adjustments to Income

Part I Additional Income
1 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes 1

Alimony Received Smart Worksheet

Taxpayer Spouse Date of divorce/sep *
* Check the box if the pre-2019 decree was modified after 2018 to treat the payments as nontaxable

2a Alimony received Taxpayer Spouse 2a

b Date of original divorce or separation agreement
3 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C 3
4 Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797 4
5 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc.
Attach Schedule E 5
6 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F 6
7 Unemployment compensation 7
8 Other income:
a Net operating loss 8a
b Gambling income 8b
c Cancellation of debt 8c
d Foreign earned income exclusion from Form 2555 8d
e Income from Form 8853 8e
f Income from Form 8889 8f
g Alaska Permanent Fund dividends 8g
h Jury duty pay 8h
i Prizes and awards 8i
j Activity not engaged in for profit income 8j
k Stock options 8k
l Income from the rental of personal property if you
engaged in the rental for profit but were not in the
business of renting such property 8l
m Olympic and Paralympic medals and USOC
prize money 8m
n Section 951(a) inclusion 8n
o Section 951A(a) inclusion 8o
p Section 461(l) excess business loss adjustment 8p
q Taxable distributions from an ABLE account 8q
r Scholarship and fellowship grants not reported on
Form W-2 8r
s Nontaxable amount of Medicaid waiver payments
included on Form 1040, line 1a or 1d 8s
t Pension or annuity from a nonqualifed deferred
compensation plan or a nongovernmental section 457
plan 8t
u Wages earned while incarcerated 8u
z Other income. List type and amount:

9 Total other income. Add lines 8a through 8z 9
10 Combine lines 1 through 7 and 9.
Enter here and on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 8 10
Total Income. Combine Form 1040 lines 1- 7 and
Schedule 1, line 10, enter on Form 1040, line 9

Quickzoom to 1040 Worksheet, line 9 ' Total Income QuickZoom

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 5

Part II Adjustments to Income

11 Educator expenses 11
12 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis
government officials. Attach Form 2106 12
13 Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 13
14 Moving expenses for members of the Armed Forces.
Attach Form 3903 14
15 Deductible part of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 15
16 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans 16
17 Self-employed health insurance deduction 17
18 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings 18

Alimony Paid Smart Worksheet

Recipient’s name Recipient’s SSN Date of divorce/sep * Alimony paid

* Check the box if the pre-2019 decree was modified after 2018 to treat the payments as nondeductible

19 a Alimony paid 19 a
b Recipient’s SSN
c Date of original divorce or separation agreement
20 IRA deduction 20
21 Student loan interest deduction 21
22 Reserved for future use 22
23 Archer MSA deduction 23
24 Other adjustments:
a Jury duty pay 24 a
b Deductible expenses related to income reported on
line 8l from the rental of personal property engaged
in for profit 24 b
c Nontaxable amount of the value of Olympic and
Paralympic medals and USOC prize money reported
on line 8m 24 c
d Reforestation amortization and expenses 24 d
e Repayment of supplemental unemployment
benefits under the Trade Act of 1974 24 e
f Contributions to section 501(c)(18)(D) pension plans 24 f
g Contributions by certain chaplains to section
403(b) plans 24 g
h Attorney fees and court costs for actions involving
certain unlawful discrimination claims 24 h
i Attorney fees and court costs you paid in connection
with an award from the IRS for information you
provided that helped the IRS detect tax law violations 24 i
j Housing deduction from Form 2555 24 j
k Excess deductions of section 67(e) expenses from
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) 24 k
z Other adjustments. List type and amount:

24 z
25 Total other adjustments. Add lines 24a through 24z 25
26 Add lines 11 through 23 and 25
5These are your adjustments to income. Enter here and on Form 1040 or
1040-SR, line 10, or Form 1040-NR, line 10a 26

Schedule 2 ' Additional Taxes

Part I Tax

1 Alternative minimum tax (see instructions). Attach Form 6251 1

2 Excess advance premium tax credit repayment. Attach Form 8962 2
3 Add lines 1 and 2.
Enter here and include on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 17 3

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 6

Part II Other Taxes
4 Self-employment tax.
Attach Schedule SE 4
5 Social security and Medicare tax
on unreported tip income.
Attach Form 4137 5
6 Uncollected social security and Medicare tax on
wages. Attach Form 8919 6
7 Total additional social security and Medicare tax. Add lines 5 and 6 7
8 Additional tax on IRAs or other tax-favored accounts. Attach Form 5329 if
required. If not required, check here 8
9 Household employment taxes from Schedule H 9
10 Repayment of first-time homebuyer credit. Attach Form 5405 if required 10
11 Additional Medicare Tax. Attach Form 8959 11
12 Net investment income tax. Attach Form 8960 12
13 Uncollected social security and Medicare or RRTA tax on tips or group-term
life insurance from W-2, box 12 13
14 Interest on tax due on installment income from the sale of certain
residential lots and timeshares 14
15 Interest on the deferred tax on gain from certain installment sales with a
sales price over $150,000 15
16 Recapture of low-income housing credit. Attach Form 8611 16
17 Other additional taxes:
a Recapture of other credits. List type, form number,
and amount:

17 a
b Recapture of federal mortgage subsidy, if you sold
your home see instructions 17 b
c Additional tax on HSA distributions. Attach Form 8889 17 c
d Additional tax on an HSA because you didn’t remain
an eligible individual. Attach Form 8889 17 d
e Additional tax on Archer MSA distributions.
Attach Form 8853 17 e
f Additional tax on Medicare Advantage MSA
distributions. Attach Form 8853 17 f
g Recapture of a charitable contribution deduction
related to a fractional interest in tangible
personal property 17 g
h Income you received from a nonqualified deferred
compensation plan that fails to meet the requirements
of section 409A 17 h
i Compensation you received from a nonqualified
deferred compensation plan described in
section 457A 17 i
j Section 72(m)(5) excess benefits tax 17 j
k Golden parachute payments 17 k
l Tax on accumulation distribution of trusts 17 l
m Excise tax on insider stock compensation from an
expatriated corporation 17 m
n Look-back interest under section 167(g) or 460(b)
from Form 8697 or 8866 17 n
o Tax on non-effectively connected income for any
part of the year you were a nonresident alien from
Form 1040-NR 17 o
p Any interest from Form 8621, line 16f, relating to
distributions from, and dispositions of, stock of
a section 1291 fund 17 p
q Any interest from Form 8621, line 24 17 q
z Any other taxes. List type and amount:

17 z
18 Total additional taxes. Add lines 17a through 17z 18
19 Reserved for future use 19
20 Section 965 net tax liability installment from
Form 965-A 20
21 Add lines 4, 7 through 16, and 18.
These are your total other taxes.
Enter here and on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 23, or Form 1040-NR, line 23b 21 0.
Total tax (add line 21 and Schedule 3, line 8b) 0.

Page 7

Schedule 3 ' Additional Credits and Payments

Part I Nonrefundable Credits
1 Foreign tax credit. Attach Form 1116 if required 1
2 Credit for child and dependent care expenses from Form 2441, line 11.
Attach Form 2441 2
3 Education credits from Form 8863, line 19 3
4 Retirement savings contributions credit. Attach Form 8880 4
5 Residential Energy Credit. Attach Form 5695 5
6 Other nonrefundable credits:
a General business credit. Attach Form 3800 6a
b Credit for prior year minimum tax. Attach Form 8801 6b
c Adoption credit. Attach Form 8839 6c
d Credit for the elderly or disabled. Attach Schedule R 6d
e Alternative motor vehicle credit. Attach Form 8910 6e
f Qualified plug-in motor vehicle credit.
Attach Form 8936 6f
g Mortgage interest credit. Attach Form 8396 6g
h District of Columbia first-time homebuyer credit.
Attach Form 8859 6h
i Qualified electric vehicle credit. Attach Form 8834 6i
j Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit.
Attach Form 8911 6j
k Credit to holders of tax credit bonds. Attach Form 8912 6k
l Amount on Form 8978, line 14 6l
z Other nonrefundable credits. List type and amount:

7 Total other nonrefundable credits. Add lines 6a through 6z 7
8 Add lines 1 through 5 and 7.
Enter here and on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 20 8
a Add line 8 plus child tax/other dep. credit on line 19 above
b Subtract total credits on line 8a from tax on line 18 above 0.

Quickzoom to 1040 Worksheet, line 24 ' Total Tax QuickZoom

Part II Other Payments and Refundable Credits

9 Net premium tax credit. Attach Form 8962 9

10 Amount paid with request for extension to file 10
11 Excess social security and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld 11
12 Credit for federal tax on fuels. Attach Form 4136 12
13 Other payments or refundable credits:
a Form 2439 13 a
b Credit for qualified sick and family leave wages paid in
2022 from Schedule(s) H for leave taken before April
1, 2021 13 b
c Reserved for future use 13 c
d Credit for repayment of amounts included in
repayment of amounts included infrom earlier years 13 d
e Reserved for future use 13 e
f Deferred amount of net 965 tax liability 13 f
g Reserved for future use 13 g
h Credit for qualified sick and family leave wages paid in
2022 from Schedule(s) H for leave taken after March
31, 2021, and before October 1, 2021 13 h
z Other payments or refundable credits. List type and

13 z
14 Total other payments or refundable credits. Add lines 13a through 13z 14
15 Total Payments: Part II, lines 9 through 12 and 14,
Withholding (Form 1040, line 25d),
Estimated Tax Payments (Form 1040, line 26) and Form 1040, lines 27-30 15
Other Payments and Refundable Credits (Form 1040, line 32)

Page 8

Third Party Designee

Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return

with the IRS (see instructions)? Yes. Complete the following. X No
Designee’s Name
Phone Number Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Signature and Paid Preparer

Sign Here
Joint return? See instructions.
Keep a copy of this return for your records.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and
statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and accurately list all
amounts and sources of income I received during the year. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer)
is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
If the IRS sent you
an Identity Protection
Your Signature Date Your Occupation PIN, enter it here
Spouse’s Signature. If joint, both must sign. Date Spouse’s Occupation

Daytime Phone No. Email Address


Paid Preparer’s Use Only

Print/Type Preparer’s name Preparer’s PTIN Check if:

Preparer’s Signature Date Self-employed

Firm’s Adress (or yours if self-employed) Firm’s EIN. Phone No.

State ZIP Code

Filing Address Information

Send Form 1040 to: Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service
Ogden, UT 84201-0002
Form 8960 Form 8960 Worksheet 2022
Lines 4b, 5b, 7, 9, 10

Name(s) Shown on Return Your SSN

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Line 4b - Adjustment for trade or business income or loss

(a) Activity name (b) Gain or


Enter additional adjustments not included above:

Adjustment for trade or business income not subject to net investment tax

Line 5b - Adjustment for gain or loss on dispositions

(a) Activity name (b) Gain or


Capital loss carryover adjustment from 2021 for net investment tax purposes
Enter additional adjustments not included above and check the box if a capital gain or loss:

Net gain or loss from disposition of property not subject to net investment tax

Capital gain/loss not included in net investment income

(a) Activity name (b) Capital

Gain or Loss

Capital gain or loss from sale of property not subject to net investment income tax

Calculation of line 5b adjustment due to capital loss carryforward

1 Net capital loss not included in net investment income 1 0.

2 Capital loss carryover to next year 2
3 Lesser of line 1 or line 2 (Included as an adjustment on line 5b table above) 3 0.

Line 7 - Other modifications to investment income

1 Casualty and theft losses reported on Schedule A, line 15 1

2 Amounts reported on Form 8814, line 12 2
3 Adjustment for distributions from estates and trusts 3
4 Schedule F income/loss included in net investment income 4
5 Substitute interest and dividend payments 5
6 Recovery of a prior year deduction 6
7 7

8 Total other modifications to investment income 8

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 2

Line 9b - State, local, and foreign income taxes allocable to net investment income

1 State and local income taxes 1

2 Investment income 2
3 Total adjusted gross income 3
4 Divide line 2 by line 3. Enter result as a decimal amount 4
5 State and local income taxes allocable to investment income 5
6 State and local taxes (Schedule A, line 5e) 6
7 Lesser of line 5 or line 6 7
8 Foreign income taxes 8
9 Foreign income taxes allocable to investment income. Line 8 times line 4. 9
10 Add lines 7 and 9. State, local and foreign income taxes allocable to
investment income 10

Lines 9 and 10 - Application of Itemized Deduction Limitations Worksheet

Part III - Application of Section 68 to Deductions Properly Allocable to Investment Income

1 Reserved 1
2 Enter the amount of state, local, and foreign income taxes that are properly
allocable to investment income 2
3 Enter the amount of other Itemized Deductions subject to the section 68
limitation and properly allocable to investment income before any itemized
deduction limitation:

4 Enter the total deductions properly allocable to investment income subject to
the section 68 limitation. Enter the sum of lines 1 through 3 4
5 Enter the amount of total itemized deductions allowed after the section 68
limitation. Form 1040, line 12 5
6 Enter all other itemized deductions allowed but not subject to the section 68
deduction limitation: 6
7 Subtract line 6 from line 5 7
8 Enter the lesser of line 7 or line 4 8
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 3

Part IV - Reconciliation of Schedule A Deductions to Form 8960 plus additional expenses, lines 9 and 10
(A) (B) (C)
Reenter the amounts and descriptions from Part III, lines 1-3 Fraction Column A
(see Help) times B
Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions properly allocable to Investment
Income reportable on Form 8960, line 9c:
1 Reserved

2 State, local, and foreign income taxes x =

Itemized Deductions Subject to Section 68 reportable on Form 8960, line 10:

3 x =
x =
x =
x =
Penalty on early withdrawal of savings
Other modifications:

Total additional modifications to Form 8960, line 10

Calculation of Former Passive Activity Suspended Losses Allowed as Deduction Against NII

1) Former Passive Activity Suspended Losses

(a) Activity name (b) Suspended (c) Suspended (d) Used against (e) Used against
12/31/2021 12/31/2022 activity other passive

2) Former Passive Activity Suspended Losses - Schedule D

(a) Activity name (b) Suspended (c) Suspended (d) Used against (e) Used against
12/31/2021 12/31/2022 activity other passive

3) Former Passive Activity Suspended Losses - Form 4797

(a) Activity name (b) Suspended (c) Suspended (d) Used against (e) Used against
12/31/2021 12/31/2022 activity other passive
Schedule 1 Other Income Statement 2022
Line 8
Statement L8

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

(a) (b)
Taxpayer Spouse

a Net operating loss carryover from a prior year

b1 Winnings from Form W-2G
2 Gambling winnings not reported on Form W-2G
3 Total gambling winnings
c Income from the Cancellation of Debt:
1 From Form 1099-C:
a Amount of debt canceled from box 2
b Amount of canceled debt excluded from income
c Taxable amount of canceled debt
2 From Schedule(s) K-1
d Foreign earned income and housing exclusion, from Form 2555
e Taxable distributions from Form 8853:
1 Taxable Archer MSA distributions MSA
2 Taxable Medicare Advantage distributions Med MSA
3 Taxable long term care distributions LTC
4 Total Form 8853
f Form 8889, Health Savings Accounts
1 Taxable HSA Distributions from Form 1099-SA
2 Last month rule and qualified HSA funding distribution amt
3 Total Form 8889
g Alaska Permanent Fund
h Jury duty pay
i1 Winnings (prizes, etc.) from Form 1099-MISC, box 3
2 Other non-gambling awards and prizes
j Income from "not for profit" activities (hobbies):
1 Hobby income from Form 1099-K
2 Other hobby income not reported elsewhere
3 Total income from "not for profit" activities (hobbies):
j Does not apply to Form 1040NR
k Employer stock compensation income for non-employee
l Income from rental of personal property
1 Rent from personal property from Form 1099-MISC box 1
2 Rent from personal property from Form 1099-K box 1
3 Other rent from personal property
4 Total Income from the rental of personal property
m Olympic/Paralympic medals and USOC prize money**
n Section 965 deferred foreign income (Form 965)
o Global intangible low-taxed income (Form 8992)
p Limitation on business losses (Form 461)
q ABLE account distributions
r Scholarship and fellowship grants not reported on Form W-2
s Nontaxable amount of Medicaid waiver payments
t Nonqualified pension/annuity
u Wages while incarcerated
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 2

z 1 Child’s investment income, from Form 8814

2 Taxable income from Forms 1099-MISC:
a Substitute payments in lieu of interest or dividends
b Other income from 1099-MISC box 3 (Excluding Olympic
prize money)
c Tribal Gaming
3 Non-Employee Compensation from Form 1099-NEC box 1
4 Taxable income from Form 1099-Q or 1099-QA:
a Qualified tuition program distributions
b Coverdell ESA distributions
5 Taxable income from Form 1099-G:
a Grants
b RTAA payments
6 Other income, from Schedule(s) K-1
7 Refunds or reimbursements of deductions claimed
in a prior year:
a Reimbursement for deducted medical expenses
b Refunds of deducted taxes (not state or local income taxes)
Type of Tax State or
Local ID

c Recapture of deducted moving expenses

d Reimbursement for deducted casualty or theft loss
e Reimbursement for deducted employee business expenses
f Other refunds or reimbursements
8 Recoveries of bad debts deducted in a prior year
9 Bartering income not reported elsewhere
10 Other income on Form 1099-K (payment network transactions):
11 Unemployment income and repayment
a Union unemployment benefits
b Private fund unemployment benefits
c State employee unemployment benefits
d Repayment of non-government unemployment benefits
12 Other taxable income:

13 Income from Community Property:

a Positive community property adjustment
b Negative community property adjustment (enter as positive)

aa Exclusions from Gross Income

The excludable items below from Form 1099 are included on Schedule 1, line 8z, along with a
corresponding negative adjustment to remove from gross income.
a CA Middle Class Tax Refund payment
b Incorrect Form 1099-K
c Loss from Sale of Personal Items Reported on Form 1099-K

Total. Add lines a through z. (Do not include aa.) Enter here
and on Schedule 1, line 9
Federal Information Worksheet 2022
G Keep for your records
Part I ' Personal Information
Information in Part I is completely calculated from entries on Personal Information Worksheets.
Taxpayer: Spouse:
First name Shawntae First name
Middle initial L Suffix Middle initial Suffix
Last name Adams Last name
Social security no. 572-85-3164 Social security no.
Occupation Hairdresser Occupation
Date of birth 08/03/1985 (mm/dd/yyyy) Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Age as of 1-1-2023 37 Age as of 1-1-2023
Daytime phone (702)289-6787 Ext Daytime phone Ext
Legally blind Legally blind
Date of death Date of death
Dependent of Someone Else: Dependent of Someone Else:
Can taxpayer be claimed as dependent of another Can spouse be claimed as dependent of another
person (such as parent)? Yes X No person (such as parent)? Yes No
If yes, was taxpayer claimed as dependent on that If yes, was spouse claimed as dependent on that
person’s return? Yes X No person’s return? Yes No
Credit for the Elderly or Disabled (Schedule R): Credit for the Elderly or Disabled (Schedule R):
Is the taxpayer retired on total Is the spouse retired on total
and permanent disability? Yes No and permanent disability? Yes No
Presidential Election Campaign Fund: Presidential Election Campaign Fund:
Does the taxpayer want $3 to go to the Presidential Does the spouse want $3 to go to the Presidential
Election Campaign Fund? Yes X No Election Campaign Fund? Yes No
Part II ' Address and Federal Filing Status (enter information in this section)
US Address:
Address 2115 Constance Ave Apt no.
City North Las Vegas State NV ZIP code 89032-3607
Foreign Address: Check this box to use foreign address
Address Apt no.
Foreign code Foreign country
Foreign province/county Foreign postal code
APO/FPO/DPO address, check if appropriate APO FPO DPO
Home phone
Check to print phone number on Form 1040 Home X Taxpayer daytime Spouse daytime
Print Form 1040-SR instead of Form 1040 Yes X No
Federal filing status:
X 1 Single
2 Married filing jointly
3 Married filing separately
Check this box if you did not live with your spouse at any time during the year
Check this box if you are eligible to claim your spouse’s exemption/blind/over age 65 (see Help)
4 Head of household
If the ’qualifying person’ is your child but not your dependent:
Child’s First name MI Last Name Suff
Child’s social security number
5 Qualifying surviving spouse
Check the appropriate box for the year your spouse died 2020 2021
Are you a dependent with a qualifying child Yes No
Enter qualifying person’s name:
Child’s First name MI Last Name Suff
Child’s social security number
Part III ' Dependent/Earned Income Credit/Child and Dependent Care Credit Information
Information in Part III is completely calculated from entries on Dependent/Nondependent Info Worksheets.
Date of birth Date of death Not
(mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) qual
Qualified other
Not child/dep Lived dep
C qual care exps with Educ *
Social security o for incurred E taxpyr Tuitn D
First name MI number d child and paid I in and e
Last name Suff Relationship Age e tax cr 2022 C U.S. Fees p
tony 558-09-2302 02/06/2020
Jacob Other 2 O N 12 Yes

* "Yes" - qualifies as dependent, "No" - does not qualify as dependent

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 2

Part IV ' Earned Income Credit Information (you must answer these questions to calculate EIC)
Is the taxpayer or spouse a qualifying child for EIC for another person? Yes No
Was the taxpayer’s (and spouse’s if married filing jointly) home in the United States
for more than half of 2022? Yes No
If the SSN of the taxpayer, or spouse if married filing jointly, was obtained to
get a federally funded benefit, such as Medicaid, and the Social Security card
contains the legend Not Valid for Employment, check this box (see Help)
Check if you are filing head of household and your spouse is a nonresident alien
and you lived with your spouse during the last six months of 2022
Check if you were notified by the IRS that EIC cannot be claimed in 2022 or
if you are ineligible to claim the EIC in 2022 for any other reason

Part V ' Direct Deposit or Direct Debit Information (not applicable for Form 9465)
Do you want to elect direct deposit of any federal tax refund? Yes X No

Do you want to elect direct debit of federal balance due (Electronic filing only)? Yes No

If you selected either of the options above, fill out the information below:
Name of Financial Institution (optional)
Check the appropriate box Checking Savings
Routing number Account number

Enter the following information only if you are requesting direct debit of balance due:
Enter the payment date to withdraw from the account above
Balance-due amount from this return

Amended Returns:
Do you want to elect direct debit of federal amended balance due (e-File only)? Yes No
Enter the payment date to withdraw from the account above
Balance-due amount from this amended return

Part VI ' Additional Information for Your Federal Return

Standard Deduction/Itemized Deductions:
Check this box if you are itemizing for state tax or other purposes even though your itemized
deductions are less than your standard deduction
Check this box if you are married filing separately and your spouse itemized deductions
Check this box to take the standard deduction even if less than itemized deductions

Real Estate Professionals:

Do you or your spouse qualify for the special passive activity rules for
taxpayers in real property business? (see Help) Yes No

Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions (Form 8880):

Is the taxpayer a full-time student? Yes No
Is the spouse a full-time student? Yes No

American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credit (Form 8863)

For 2022, were you (or your spouse if married) a nonresident alien for any part
of the year, and did not elect to be treated as a resident alien? Yes No

Foreign Tax Credit (Form 1116):

Check this box to file Form 1116 even if you’re not required to file Form 1116
Resident country USA
Excludable Income from Am. Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the N. Mariana Islands, or Puerto Rico:
Excludable income of bona fide residents of American Samoa, Guam, or the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Excludable income from Puerto Rico

Dual Status Alien Return:

Check this box if you are a dual-status alien
Check this box to print ’DUAL-STATUS STATEMENT’ on Form 1040

Third Party Designee:

Caution: Review transferred information for accuracy.
Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS? Yes No
If Yes, complete the following:
Third party designee name
Third party designee phone number
Personal Identification number (enter any 5 numbers)

Disaster Tax Relief:

Check if you took a disaster distribution between 2018 and 2020 X
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 3

Part VI ' Additional Information for Your Federal Return ' Continued

Personal Representative for deceased taxpayers:

Name of personal representative required for E-filed
returns when Form 1310 is not filed or it is not the
surviving spouse

Part VII ' State Filing Information

Identity Protection PIN:

If the IRS sent the taxpayer an Identity Protection PIN, enter it here
If the IRS sent the spouse an Identity Protection PIN, enter it here

Enter the taxpayer’s state of residence as of December 31, 2022 NV
Check the appropriate box:
Taxpayer is a resident of the state above for the entire year X
Taxpayer is a resident of the state above for only part of year
Date the taxpayer established residence in state above
In which state (or foreign country) did the taxpayer reside before this change?
Enter the spouse’s state of residence as of December 31, 2022
Check the appropriate box:
Spouse is a resident of the state above for the entire year
Spouse is a resident of the state above for only part of year
Date the spouse established residence in state above
In which state (or foreign country) did the spouse reside before this change?

Nonresident states:

Nonresident State(s) Taxpayer/Spouse/Joint

Check this box if you are in a Registered Domestic Partnership or a civil union
If you checked the box on the line above, also check the appropriate box below:
Check if this is your individual federal return you are filing with the IRS
Check if this is the joint return created to file joint state tax return (see Help)
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 4

Use the PIN that you signed last year’s tax return with.
Taxpayer’s Prior year PIN
Spouse’s Prior year PIN

These signature PINs are chosen by the taxpayer and spouse and used for e-filing your tax return
Taxpayer’s PIN used to sign the return
Spouse’s PIN used to sign the return

Drivers license or state ID number
Issued by what state
License or ID license ID neither decline

Drivers license or state ID number
Issued by what state
License or ID license ID neither decline
Personal Information Worksheet 2022
For the Taxpayer
G Keep for your records

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QuickZoom to Federal Information Worksheet

Part I ' Taxpayer's Personal Information

First name Shawntae Middle initial Last name

L Adams
Social security no. 572-85-3164 Member of U.S. Armed Forces in 2022? Yes X No

Date of birth 08/03/1985 (mm/dd/yyyy) age as of 1-1-2023 37

Occupation Hairdresser Daytime phone (702)289-6787 Ext

Marital status Single

If widowed, check the appropriate box for the year your spouse died:
After 2022 2022 2021 2020 Before 2020

Are you retired on total and permanent disability? (for Schedule R, see Help). Yes No
Check if this person is legally blind Yes X No
If deceased, enter the date of death (mm/dd/yyyy)

Were you under the age of 16 as of 1-1-2023 and this is the first year you
are filing a tax return? Yes No

Language in which you want the IRS to communicate with you

Do you want $3 to go to Presidential Election Campaign Fund? Yes X No

Part II ' Questions for Individuals Who Could Be Or Are Dependents of Another Taxpayer

1 Can another taxpayer (such as your parent) claim you as a dependent? Yes X No
2 a If you answered ’Yes’ to question 1, are you actually claimed as a
dependent on that person’s tax return? Yes X No
b If you answered ’No’ to question 2a, was the person(s) who could claim you
required to file a tax return for 2022, or filed a tax return for any reason
other than to claim a refund of taxes paid or withheld? If the answer is ’No’,
change the answer to question 1 to ’No’. (see help) Yes No
Questions 3 through 5 are only required for individuals who claim the
American Opportunity Credit.
3 Were you a full-time student during any part of five months during 2022? Yes No
4 Did your earned income exceed one-half of your support? Yes No
5 Was at least one of your parents alive on December 31, 2022? Yes No

Part III ' Taxpayer's State Residency Information

Enter this person’s state of residence as of December 31, 2022 NV

Check the appropriate box:
This person is a resident of the state above for the entire year X
This person is a resident of the state above for only part of year
Date this person established residence in state above
In which state (or foreign country) did this person reside before this change?

Part IV ' Dependent Care Expenses

Qualified dependent care expenses incurred and paid for this person in 2022
Unreimbursed medical expenses paid for qualifying person in 2022
Employment taxes paid for dependent care providers in 2022
Full-time student for 5 calendar months during 2022? Yes X No
Disabled person who was not physically or mentally capable of self-care? Yes X No
This person is a qualifying person for the child and dependent care credit Yes X No
Dependent and Nondependent Information Worksheet 2022
G Keep for your records

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QuickZoom to Federal Information Worksheet

Part I ' Personal Information

First name tony Middle initial Last name Jacob

Social security no. 558-09-2302

Date of birth 02/06/2020 (mm/dd/yyyy) age as of 12-31-2022 2

Did this person pass away in 2022 (deceased)? Yes No Date of death

Relationship to taxpayer or spouse Other

CAUTION: If claiming a child other than your own, see Relationship in the Tax Help.

NOTE: The ability to set your answers to being the same as last year for the
dependent is only available in Step-by-Step mode and not in Forms mode.
Are the answers to the questions below for this person, to determine
whether they are your dependent, the same as they were last year? Yes No

Dependency code * O Other dependent

*Dependency code is set based on your selections in the Dependency Exemption/EIC Smart Worksheet

Dependent is disabled

Check this box if:

- The taxpayer filing this return is filing as Qualifying Surviving Spouse
- This dependency code for this dependent is type X
- This dependent would qualify as a qualifying child for the Qualifying Surviving Spouse filing
status except the dependent’s gross income was $4,400 or more, or was filing a married
filing joint return, or the taxpayer could be claimed as a dependent

Part II ' Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit

Is this person a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a U.S. resident? X Yes No

Is this person a resident of Canada or Mexico? Yes X No

This person is adopted and you are a U.S. citizen or U.S. national
TurboTax Web Only:
Was the adoption final as of December 31, 2022? Yes No
Was the person placed with you for adoption after 2022, or was the adoption
final in 2022 or later? Yes No
The adopted child lived with you all year Yes No
*If the child is adopted, you are a U.S. citizen or U.S. national and they lived with you
all year, they are considered to meet the citizen test and the U.S. citizen box will
automatically be checked yes.

Child is a potentially qualifying child for earned income credit Yes X No

Child is a nondependent, but may qualify for earned income credit Yes No
You, and no one else, is claiming this nondependent for the earned income credit Yes No

Months lived with taxpayer in the United States 12

Qualifying for the earned income credit * N Non-qualifying person

*EIC code is set based on your selections in the Dependency Exemption/EIC Smart Worksheet

Check if Social Security number is not valid for employment

Check if this person is not a qualifying child for the child tax credit
Check if this person is not a qualifying person for the credit for other dependents

Dependent has ITIN

Dependent name tony Jacob Page 2

Part III ' Dependent Care Expenses

Qualified child or dependent care expenses incurred and paid in 2022

Unreimbursed medical expenses paid for qualifying person in 2022
Employment taxes paid for dependent care providers in 2022
Child or dependent is a qualifying person for the child and dependent care credit X Yes No
Child is a nondependent, but may qualify for the child and dependent care credit Yes No

Part V ' Dependent’s State Residency Information

Enter this person’s state of residence as of December 31, 2022

Check the appropriate box:
This person is a resident of the state above for the entire year
This person is a resident of the state above for only part of year
Date this person established residence in state above
In which state (or foreign country) did this person reside before this change?

Part VI ' Identity Protection Pin

If the IRS sent an Identity Protection PIN for this dependent, enter it here
Part-Year Resident State Allocation Worksheet 2022
G Keep for your records
Check the box to activate this worksheet

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

INCOME Federal Resident Source Allocated

Amount State State Amount

1 Wages, salaries, tips T See Form 1040, line 1 Income

S Allocation Smart Worksheet

* Enter state of source only if income is associated with a trade or a business B

Federal Residency Info * Allocated
Amount From To Res Src Amount
mm/dd mm/dd St St

2 T Taxable interest

S Taxable interest

3 T Dividends

S Dividends

4 T State/local tax refund

S State/local tax refund

5 T Alimony received

S Alimony received
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 2
* Enter the state of source for this income B
INCOME Federal Amount Residency Info * Allocated
(continued) From To Res Src Amount
Total Subtotal mm/dd mm/dd St St

6 T Business inc or loss

S Business inc or loss

7 T Farm income or loss

S Farm income or loss

8 Total Schedule E T See Sch E Income Allocation Smart Worksheet


* Enter the state of source for this income (See Tax Help) B
INCOME Federal Residency Info * Allocated
(continued) Amount From To Res Src Amount
mm/dd mm/dd St St

9 T Capital gain or loss

S Capital gain or loss

10 T Other gains/losses

S Other gains/losses

11 T Unemployment compensation

S Unemployment compensation
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 3

Federal Residency Info Allocated

Amount From To Res Amount
mm/dd mm/dd State

12 T Taxable IRA distributions

S Taxable IRA distributions

13 T Taxable pensions/annuities

S Taxable pensions/annuities

14a T Taxable social security benefits

S Taxable social security benefits

b T Taxable railroad retirements

S Taxable railroad retirements

15 Total other income T

16 Total Income T
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 4

ADJUSTMENTS Federal Residency Info Allocated

Amount From To Res Amount
mm/dd mm/dd St

17 T Educator expenses

S Educator expenses

18 Certain business expenses T


19 T Health savings account deduction

S Health savings account deduction

20 T Moving expenses

S Moving expenses

21 T Penalty - early withdrawal of savings

S Penalty - early withdrawal of savings

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 5

ADJUSTMENTS Federal Residency Info Allocated

(continued) Amount From To Res Amount
mm/dd mm/dd St

22 T Alimony paid

S Alimony paid

23 T IRA deduction

S IRA deduction

24 T Student loan interest deduction

S Student loan interest deduction

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 6
* Enter the state of source for this adjustment B
ADJUSTMENTS Federal Residency Info * Allocated
(continued) Amount From To Res Src Amount
mm/dd mm/dd St St

25 T Self-employment tax

S Self-employment tax

26 T SEP, SIMPLE and qualified plans

S SEP, SIMPLE and qualified plans

27 T Self-employed health insurance

S Self-employed health insurance

28 T Reserved

S Reserved

29 Other adjustments T

30 Total adjustments T
31 Adjusted gross income T
Form 1040 Forms W-2 & W-2G Summary 2022
G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Form W-2 Summary

Box No. Description Taxpayer Spouse Total

1 Total wages, tips and compensation:

a W2 box 1 statutory wages reported on Sch C
b W2 box 1 inmate or halfway house wages
c All other W2 box 1 wages
d Foreign wages included in total wages
e Unreported tips
2 Total federal tax withheld
3 & 7 Total social security wages/tips
4 Total social security tax withheld
5 Total Medicare wages and tips
6 Total Medicare tax withheld
8 Total allocated tips
9 Not used
10 a Total dependent care benefits
b Offsite dependent care benefits
c Onsite dependent care benefits
11 Total distributions from nonqualified plans
12 a Total from Box 12
b Elective deferrals to qualified plans
c Roth contrib. to 401(k), 403(b), 457(b) plans
d 1 Elective deferrals to government 457 plans
2 Non-elective deferrals to gov’t 457 plans
e Deferrals to non-government 457 plans
f Deferrals 409A nonqual deferred comp plan
g Income 409A nonqual deferred comp plan
h Uncollected Medicare tax
i Uncollected social security and RRTA tier 1
j Uncollected RRTA tier 2
k Income from nonstatutory stock options
l Non-taxable combat pay
m QSEHRA benefits
n Total other items from box 12
14 a Total deductible mandatory state tax
b Total deductible charitable contributions
c This line does not apply to TurboTax
d Total RR Compensation
e Total RR Tier 1 tax
f Total RR Tier 2 tax
g Total RR Medicare tax
h Total RR Additional Medicare tax
i Total RRTA tips
j Total other items from box 14
k Total sick leave subject to $511 limit
l Total sick leave subject to $200 limit
m Total emergency family leave wages
16 Total state wages and tips
17 Total state tax withheld
19 Total local tax withheld
Form 1040 Wages, Salaries, & Tips Worksheet 2022
Line 1 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

The following amounts are included on line 1 of Form 1040 or 1040-NR:

Taxpayer Spouse Total

a Wages, salaries, tips, etc. from Form W-2

b Household employee wages not on Form
c1 Taxable tips, from Form 4137
2 Noncash tips (not included on 1a)
d Medicaid waiver payments not on Form W-2
e Strike benefit income
f Taxable dependent care benefits from Form
Form 2441
g Employer-provided adoption benefits from
Form 8839
h Wages from Form 8919
i Items from Form 1099-R:
1 a Disability before minimum retirement age
b Return of contributions
2 Excess moving expense reimbursement,
from Form 3903
3 Sick pay or disability payments
4 Total foreign source income
Check this box if the amount on line h4 is
eligible for the foreign exclusion/ded’n
5 Ordinary income from employer stock
transactions not reported on Form W-2
6 Non-gov unemploym’t recv’d/repaid 2022
7 Other earned income:

8 Excess reimbursement, from Form 2106

z Total
Qualified Business Income Component Worksheet 2022
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Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Aggregate trade or business name Gettin it together

Aggregate trade or business ID number (EIN)
Social Security Number of owner if no EIN available 572-85-3164
Reason for no EIN or SSN if none available

For multiple businesses being aggregated under Regulations section 1.199A-4, complete the
explanation statements below.
Provide a description of the trade or business and an explanation of the factors met that allow the
aggregation in accordance with Regulations section 1.199A-4.

Has this trade or business aggregation changed from the prior year? This includes changes due to a
a trade or business being formed, acquired, disposed, or ceasing operations. If yes, explain.

Business name Tax ID QBI W2 wages UBIA

Gettin it together 0. 0. 0.

1 Qualified business income (QBI) 0.

If using Simplified Worksheet, stop here.
2 Taxable Income
3 Threshold Amount. $340,100 if MFJ, $170,050 if MFS, otherwise $170,050
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. If less than 0, enter 0.
5 Phase-in range amount. Enter $100,000 if filing joint, otherwise $50,000
6 Reduction ratio. If line 4 is less than line 5, divide line 4 by line 5.
Otherwise, enter 1.
7 Applicable percentage. Subtract the reduction ratio (line 6) from 1.0000
8 Wages allocable to qualified business income
9 Unadjusted Basis Immediately after Acquisition of Assets (UBIA) allocable
to qualified business income
Reductions for Specified Service Trades or Businesses
Check if Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB)
11 SSTB reduction to QBI
12 SSTB reduction to allocable wages
13 SSTB reduction to allocable UBIA
QBI, wages, and UBIA after applicable SSTB reductions
14 Qualified business income
15 Allocable wages
16 Allocable UBIA
Tentative QBI component
17 Adjustments for QBI losses
18 Loss-adjusted QBI (line 14 plus line 17)
19 Tentative QBI component before limitations (20% of line 18)
Wages and assets limits
20 50% of W2 wages
21 25% of W2 wages
22 2.5% of UBIA
23 Sum of 25% of W2 wages and 2.5% of UBIA
24 Wage and Asset Limit. Larger of line 20 or line 23
25 Subtract wage/asset limit (line 24) from tentative QBI component (line 19)
(But not less than 0)
26 Reduction Amount. Multiply line 6 by line 25
27 Subtract the Reduction Amount (line 26) from Tent. QBI Ded’n (line 19)
28 Qualified payments from agricultural or horticultural coop
29 Wages allocable to qualified payments from coop
30 Patron reduction (lesser of 9% of line 28 or 50% of line 29)
Qualified business income component amount
31 Subtract line 30 from line 27
Qualified Business Income Deduction Summary 2022
G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

QuickZoom to QBI Component Worksheet

QuickZoom to Form 8995
QuickZoom to Form 8995-A

1 Trade or business name Net QBI

Gettin it together 0.

2 Net qualified business income (QBI) from qualified trades or businesses 0.

3 Loss from previous year
4 Sum of activities with gains (only positive amounts from table on line 1)
5 Sum of activities with losses (only negative amounts from table on line 1)

6 Check if using Simplified Computation (Form 8995) X

7 QBI component from Form 8995 line 5 or Form 8995A line 16 0.

8 QBI loss carryover from Form 8895 line 16 or Form 8995A Schedule C line 6 0.

9 Total REIT dividends

10 PTP Income from non-SSTBs
11 PTP Income from SSTBs
12 Allowed PTP Income from SSTBs
13 Total Allowed PTP income (sum of line 10 and line 12)
14 Carryover REIT/PTP losses from prior year
15 Total REIT/PTP income
16 20% of total REIT/PTP income
17 Disallowed REIT/PTP loss 0.

18 Combined QBI Amount (QBI component plus 20% of REIT/PTP income) 0.

19 Taxable income before qualified business income deduction 0.

20 Net capital gains 0.
21 Taxable income minus net capital gains. If zero or less, enter -0- 0.
22 20% of taxable income minus net capital gains 0.

23 QBI deduction before DPAD 0.

Lesser of Combined QBI Amount or 20% of taxable income minus cap gains

24 Section 199A(g) deduction for domestic production activities

25 Total 199A (QBI) deduction (sum of lines 23 and 24) 0.

Schedule D Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain Worksheet 2022
Line 19 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Regular Alternative
Tax Minimum Tax

If you are not reporting a gain on Form 4797, line 7, skip lines 1
through 9 and go to line 10.
1 If you have a section 1250 property in Part III of Form 4797 for
which you made an entry in Part I of Form 4797 (but not Form
6252), enter the smaller of line 22 or line 24 of Form 4797 for that
property. If you did not have any such property, go to line 4. 1
2 Enter the amount from Form 4797, line 26g, for the property for
which you made an entry on line 1 2
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3
4 Enter the total unrecaptured section 1250 gain included on lines
26 or 37 of Form(s) 6252 from installment sales of trade or
business property held more than one year 4
5 Enter the total of any amounts reported on a Schedule K-1 from a
partnership or an S corporation as "unrecaptured section 1250
gain". 5
6 Add lines 3 through 5 6
7 Enter the smaller of line 6 or the gain from Form
4797, line 7 7
8 Enter the amount, if any, from Form 4797, line 8 8
9 Subtract line 8 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- 9
10 Enter the amount of any gain from sale of an interest in a
partnership attributable to unrecaptured section 1250 gain 10
11 Enter the total of any amounts reported to you as "unrecaptured
section 1250 gain" from an estate, trust, real estate investment
trust or mutual fund
Regular AMT
a On Form 1099-DIV
b On Form 2439
c On Schedule(s) K-1
d On Form 1099-R
e From Form 8814
f Other
Total 11
12 Enter the total of any unrecaptured section 1250 gain from sales
(including installment sales) or other dispositions of section 1250
property held more than 1 year for which you did not make
an entry in Part I of Form 4797 for the year of sale 12
13 Add lines 9 through 12 13
14 If you had any section 1202 gain or collectibles gain or (loss),
enter the total of lines 1 thru 4 of the 28% Rate Gain Worksheet.
Otherwise, enter -0- 14 0. 0.
15 Enter the (loss), if any, from Schedule D, line 7. If Schedule D, line
7, is zero or a gain, enter -0- 15 0. 0.
16 Enter your long-term capital loss carryovers from Schedule D, line
14, and Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), line 11, code D 16
a Enter your capital gain excess, if you are filing Form 2555 a 0.
17 Combine lines 14 through 16a. If the result is a (loss), enter it as a
positive amount. If the result is zero or a gain, enter -0- 17 0. 0.
18 Unrecaptured section 1250 gain. Subtract line 17 from line 13. If
zero or less, enter -0-. If more than zero, enter the result here and
on Schedule D, line 19 18
Schedule D 28% Rate Gain Worksheet 2022
Line 18 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Regular Alternative
Tax Minimum Tax

1 Enter the total of all collectibles gain or (loss) from items you
reported on Form 8949, Part II 1
2 Enter as a positive number the amount of any section 1202
exclusion you reported in column (g) of Form 8949, Part II, with
code "Q" in column (f), that is 50% of the gain, plus 2/3 of any
section 1202 exclusion you reported in column (g) of Form
8949, Part II, with code "Q" in column (f), that is 60% of the
gain, plus 1/3 of any section 1202 exclusion you reported in
column (g) of Form 8949, Part II, with code "Q" in column (f),
that is 75% of the gain.
50 % 60 % 75%
Exclusion Exclusion Exclusion
a Schedule D
b Form 8814
c Schedule B
d Form 6252
e Form 2439
f Other
Total 2
3 Enter the total of all collectibles gain or (loss) from:
Regular AMT
a Form 4684, line 4 (but only
if line 15 is more than zero)
b Form 6252
c Form 6781, Part II
d Form 8824
Total 3
4 Enter the total of any collectibles gain reported to you on:
Regular AMT
a Form 1099-DIV, box 2d
b Form 2439, box 1d
c Schedule K-1 from a
partnership, S corporation,
estate, or trust
d Disposition of interest in
partnership or S corporation
e Other
Total 4
5 Enter your long-term capital loss carryovers from Schedule D,
line 14, and Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), line 11, code C 5
6 If Schedule D, line 7, is a (loss), enter that (loss) here.
Otherwise, enter -0-. 6
7 Combine lines 1 through 6. If zero or less, enter -0-. If more
than zero, also enter this amount on Schedule D, line 18 7
8 Enter the amount of any capital gain excess 8 0.
9 Subtract line 8 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0-.
Enter this amount on Schedule D Tax Worksheet, line 11a 9 0. 0.
Form 1040 Schedule D Tax Worksheet 2022
Line 16 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

1 a Enter your taxable income from Form 1040, line 15 1a 0.

b Enter amount on line 2c of your (and spouse’s) Foreign Earned Income Tax Wksht b
c Add lines 1a and 1b 1c 0.
2 a Enter your qualified dividends
from Form 1040, line 3a 2a
b Enter any capital gain excess
attributable to qualified dividends b
c Subtract line 2b from line 2a 2c
3 Amount from Form 4952, line 4g 3
4 a Amount from Form 4952, line 4e 4 a
b Amount from the dotted line
next to Form 4952, line 4e b
c Line 4b, if applicable, 4a, if not c
5 Subtract line 4c from line 3. 5 0.
6 Subtract line 5 from line 2c. If zero or less, enter -0- 6 0.
7 a Enter line 15 of Schedule D 7a
b Enter line 16 of Schedule D b
c Enter the smaller of line 7a or line 7b 7c 0.
8 Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 4c 8
9 a Subtract line 8 from line 7. 9a 0.
b Enter any capital gain excess attributable to
capital gains b
c Subtract line 9b from line 9a 9c 0.
10 Add lines 6 and 9c 10 0.
11 a Enter the amount from Schedule D, line 18 11 a 0.
b Enter the amount from Schedule D, line 19 b
c Add lines 11a and 11b 11 c 0.
12 Enter the smaller of line 9c or line 11c 12 0.
13 Subtract line 12 from line 10 13 0.
14 Subtract line 13 from line 1c. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 0.
15 Enter:
? if single or married filing separately,
? if mfj or qualifying surviving spouse, or 15 41,675.
? if head of household.
16 Enter the smaller of line 1c or line 15 16 0.
17 Enter the smaller of line 14 or line 16 17 0.
18 Subtr ln 10 from ln 1c. If zero or less, enter -0- 18 0.
19 Enter the smaller of line 1c or:
? if single or married filing sep,
? if MFJ or QSS, or 19 0.
? if head of household.
20 Enter the smaller of line 14 or line 19 20 0.
21 Enter the larger of line 18 or line 20 21 0.
22 Subtract line 17 from line 16. This amount is taxed at 0% 22 0.
If lines 1c and 16 are the same, skip lines 23 through 43 and go to line 44. Otherwise, go to line 23.
23 Enter the smaller of line 1c or line 13 23
24 Enter the amount from line 22 (if line 22 is blank, enter -0-) 24
25 Subtract line 24 from line 23. If zero or less, enter -0- 25
26 Enter:
? if single,
? if married filing separately, 26
? if mfj or qualifying surviving spouse, or
? if head of household.
27 Enter the smaller of line 1c or line 26 27
28 Add lines 21 and 22 28
29 Subtract line 28 from line 27. If zero or less, enter -0- 29
30 Enter the smaller of line 25 or line 29 30
31 Multiply line 30 by 15% (0.15) 31
32 Add lines 24 and 30 32
If lines 1 and 32 are the same, skip lines 33 through 43 and go to line 44. Otherwise, go to line 33
33 Subtract line 32 from line 23 33
34 Multiply line 33 by 20% (0.20) 34
If Schedule D, line 19, is zero or blank, skip lines 35 through 40 and go to line 41. Otherwise, go to line 35.
35 Enter the smaller of line 9c above or Schedule D, line 19 35
36 Add lines 10 and 21 36
37 Enter the amount from line 1c above 37
38 Subtract line 37 from line 36. If zero or less, enter -0- 38
39 Subtract line 38 from line 35. If zero or less, enter -0- 39
40 Multiply line 39 by 25% (0.25) 40
If Schedule D, line 18, is zero or blank, skip lines 41 through 43 and go to line 44. Otherwise, go to line 41.
41 Add lines 21, 22, 30, 33, and 39 41
42 Subtract line 41 from line 1c 42
43 Multiply line 42 by 28% (0.28) 43
44 Figure the tax on the amount on line 21. If the amount on line 21 is less than $100,000,
use the Tax Table to figure this tax. If the amount on line 21 is $100,000 or more,
use the Tax Computation Worksheet 44
45 Add lines 31, 34, 40, 43, and 44 45 0.
46 Figure the tax on the amount on line 1c. If the amount on line 1c is less than $100,000,
use the Tax Table to figure this tax. If the amount on line 1c is $100,000 or more,
use the Tax Computation Worksheet 46
47 Tax on all taxable income (including capital gains and qualified dividends).
Enter the smaller of line 45 or line 46. Also include this amount on Form 1040, line 16 47
Form 1040 Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet 2022
Line 16 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

1 Enter the amount from Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 15 1

2 Enter the amount from Form
1040 or 1040-SR, line 3a 2
3 Are you filing Schedule D?
Yes. Enter the smaller of line 15
or 16 of Schedule D. If
either line 15 or 16 is blank
or loss, enter -0- 3
No. Enter the amount from Form
1040 or 1040-SR, line 7.
4 Add lines 2 and 3 4
5 Subtract line 4 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0- 5
6 Enter:
if single or married filing separately,
if mfj or qualifying surviving spouse, 6
if head of household.
7 Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 6 7
8 Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 7 8
9 Subtract line 8 from line 7 (this amount taxed at 0%) 9
10 Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 4 10
11 Enter the amount from line 9 11
12 Subtract line 11 from line 10. 12
13 Enter:
if single,
if married filing separately, 13
if mfj or qualifying surviving spouse,
if head of household.
14 Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 13 14
15 Add lines 5 and 9 15
16 Subtract line 15 from line 14. If zero or less, enter -0- 16
17 Enter the smaller of line 12 or line 16 17
18 Multiply line 17 by 15% (0.15) 18
19 Add lines 9 and 17 19
20 Subtract line 19 from line 10 20
21 Multiply line 20 by 20% (0.20) 21
22 Figure the tax on the amount on line 5. If the amount on line 5 is less than
$100,000, use the Tax Table to figure the tax. If the amount on line 5 is
$100,000 or more, use the Tax Computation Worksheet 22
23 Add lines 18, 21, and 22 23
24 Figure the tax on the amount on line 1. If the amount on line 1 is less than
$100,000, use the Tax Table to figure this tax. If the amount on line 1 is
$100,000 or more, use the Tax Computation Worksheet 24
25 Tax on all taxable income. Enter the smaller of line 23 or line 24 here and on
Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 16. 25
IRA Contributions Worksheet 2022
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Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Traditional IRA Contributions

Regular Traditional IRA Contributions Taxpayer Spouse

1 Enter traditional IRA contributions made for 2022, including

any made between 1/1/2023 and 4/18/2023, any amounts
later recharacterized to a Roth IRA, and any excess
contributions, but not including any rollovers. Also include any
contributions to deemed IRAs under an employer plan
2 Contributions recharacterized from a Roth IRA (from line 24)
3 Traditional IRA contributions, from Schedule(s) K-1
4 Contributions recharacterized (not converted) to a Roth IRA
A If there is a recharacterization indicated on line 4, an
explanation must be attached to the tax return.
5 Traditional IRA contributions. Combine lines 1 through 4
6 Enter any contribution included on line 5 withdrawn before
the due date of the tax return. See Help
7 Excess traditional IRA contribution credit
8 Repayments of qualified reservist distributions
9 Total traditional IRA contributions.

Additional Traditional IRA Contribution Information Taxpayer Spouse

10 Check if covered by a retirement plan at work. If married filing

a separate return, check box in spouse column, if applicable
11 Enter any contributions included on line 9 that were made
during 1/1/2023 to 4/18/2023 (See Help)

Deductible and Non-deductible Traditional IRA Contributions Taxpayer Spouse

12 Deductible traditional IRA contributions from worksheet

13 Nondeductible traditional IRA contributions from worksheet

QuickZoom to worksheet indicated by the check:

IRA deduction worksheet
Worksheet for social security recipients

14 Amount on line 13 you elect to make nondeductible

15 Excess traditional IRA contributions, to Form 5329, line 15
Note: You may avoid a penalty by withdrawing the amount
on line 15 before due date of return, including extensions.

16 Deductible traditional IRA contributions, to Schedule 1

(Form 1040), Line 19
17 Qualified reservist repayments
18 Nondeductible traditional IRA contributions, to Form 8606, ln 1
IRA Contributions Worksheet 2022
G Keep for your records
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 2

Roth IRA Contributions

Regular Roth IRA Contributions Taxpayer Spouse

19 Enter regular Roth IRA contributions made for 2022, including

any made between 1/1/2023 and 4/18/2023, any amounts
later recharacterized to a traditional IRA, and any excess
contributions, but not including any rollovers or conversions.
Also include any contributions to deemed Roth IRAs under an
employer plan
20 Contributions recharacterized from a traditional IRA, (from ln 4)
21 Roth IRA contributions, from Schedule(s) K-1
22 Enter contributions recharacterized to a traditional IRA
A If there is a recharacterization indicated on line 23, an
explanation must be attached to the tax return.
23 Disallowed Roth IRA conversions
24 Roth IRA contributions. Combine lines 20 through 23
25 Enter any contribution included on line 24 withdrawn before
the due date of the tax return. See Help
26 Excess Roth IRA contribution credit
27 Total Roth IRA contributions
28 Repayments of qualified Roth reservist distributions

Roth IRA Contributions After Limitations Taxpayer Spouse

29 Roth IRA contributions after limitation

30 Excess Roth IRA contributions, to Form(s) 5329, line 23

Note: You may avoid a penalty by withdrawing the amount

on line 31 before due date of return, including extensions.

Coverdell Education Savings Account (Education IRA) Contributions

Excess Coverdell Education Savings Account Contributions Taxpayer Spouse

31 Enter any excess contributions made to Coverdell Education

Savings Accounts (ESAs) of which you are the beneficiary

Note: You do not need to report any Coverdell ESA

contributions which are not excess contributions..
Tax Payments Worksheet 2022
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Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Estimated Tax Payments for 2022 (If more than 4 payments for any state or locality, see Tax Help)

Federal State Local

Date Amount Date Amount ID Date Amount ID

1 04/18/22 04/18/22 04/18/22

2 06/15/22 06/15/22 06/15/22

3 09/15/22 09/15/22 09/15/22

4 01/17/23 01/17/23 01/17/23

Tot Estimated

Tax Payments Other Than Withholding Federal State ID Local ID

(If multiple states, see Tax Help)

6 Overpayments applied to 2022

7 Credited by estates and trusts
8 Totals Lines 1 through 7
9 2022 extensions

Taxes Withheld From: Federal State Local

10 Forms W-2
11 Forms W-2G
12 Forms 1099-R
13 Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099-K, 1099-G
14 Schedules K-1
15 Forms 1099-INT, DIV and OID
16 Social Security and Railroad Benefits
17 Form 1099-B St Loc
18 a Other withholding St Loc
b Other withholding St Loc
c Other withholding St Loc
d Positive Adjustment St Loc
e Negative Adjustment St Loc
f Additional Medicare Tax
19 Total Withholding Lines 10 through 18f

20 Total Tax Payments for 2022

Prior Year Taxes Paid In 2022 State ID Local ID

(If multiple states or localities, see Tax Help)

21 Tax paid with 2021 extensions

22 2021 estimated tax paid after 12/31/2021
23 Balance due paid with 2021 return
24 Other (amended returns, installment payments, etc)
Schedule A Tax and Interest Deduction Worksheet 2022
Lines 5 - 12 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Tax Deductions

1 State and local taxes:

Optional Sales Tax Tables
a Available Income:
(1) Income from Form 1040, line 11
(2) Nontaxable income entered elsewhere on return
(3) Available income: 2021 refundable credits in excess of tax 0.
(4) Enter any additional nontaxable income
(5) Total available income 0.
b Sales Tax Per State of Residence:
Enter state in column (1), then enter total (combined) state and local sales tax rate in column (4).
Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York or South Carolina only:
Double-click in column (4) to select your locality for each state entered.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

S Date Date Enter State Local State Local Prorated
t Lived in Lived in Total Sales Sales Sales Sales or Total
a State State State & Tax Tax Tax Tax Amount
t From To Local Rate Rate (%) Table Amount
e Rate (%) (%) (4) - (5) Amount

c Total general sales tax using tables

d Sales Tax Paid on Specific Items (see help):

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

ST Total Description Type Cost Rate if Actual Specific
State & Different Sales Tax Item
Local Amount Deduction
Rate Paid

e Total sales tax deduction on specific items

f Total general sales tax per tables plus sales tax on specific items
g Actual State and Local General Sales Tax:
Actual sales taxes (enter the total sales taxes paid during the year on all items)
h State and Local Income Taxes:
State and Local Income taxes
i State and Local Tax Deduction to Schedule A, line 5a:
Greater of line 1f, line 1g, or line 1h (to Schedule A, line 5a)
j Check a box to choose to use income taxes paid, sales taxes paid, or whichever
provides the greater deduction:
Income Taxes Sales Taxes Greater amount X

2 State and local real estate taxes:

a Real estate taxes paid on principal residence not entered on Form 1098
b Real estate taxes paid on principal residence entered on Home Mortgage Int. Wks
c Real estate taxes paid on additional homes or land
Personal portion of real estate taxes from Schedule E Worksheet for:
d Principal residence
e Vacation home
f Less real estate taxes deducted on Form 8829
g Foreign real property taxes included in lines 2a-2f above
h Add lines 2a through 2f, less line 2g (to Schedule A, line 5b)
3 State and local personal property taxes:
a Auto registration fees based on the value of the vehicle.
2021 Amount Enter 2022 description:

b Non-business portion of personal property taxes from Car & Truck Exp Wks
c Other personal property taxes
d Add lines 3a through 3c (to Schedule A, line 5c)
4 Other taxes:
a Other taxes from Schedule(s) K-1
b Foreign taxes from interest and dividends
c Foreign taxes from Schedule(s) K-1
d Other foreign taxes (not used to claim a foreign tax credit)
e Other taxes.
2021 Amount Enter 2022 description:

f Foreign real property taxes included in lines 4a-4e above

g Add lines 4a through 4e, less line 4f (to Schedule A, line 6)

Interest Deductions

5 Home mortgage interest and points reported on Form 1098:

a Mortgage interest and points from the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet or line
A2 in the smart worksheet above if the loan is limited
b Qualified mortgage interest from Schedule E Worksheet
c Less home mortgage interest/points deducted on Form 8829
d Less home mortgage interest from Form 8396, line 3
e Add lines 5a through 5d (to Sch A, line 8a)
6 Home mortgage interest not reported on Form 1098:
a Mortgage interest from the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet or line B2 in the
smart worksheet above if the loan is limited
b Less home mortgage interest deducted on Form 8829
c Add lines 6a and 6b (to Sch A, line 8b)
7 Points not reported on Form 1098:
a Points not on Form 1098 from the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet or line C2
in the smart worksheet above if the loan is limited
b Less points deducted on Form 8829
c Add lines 7a through 7c (to Schedule A, line 8c)
Schedule A State and Local Tax Deduction Worksheet 2022
Line 5 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

State and Local Income Taxes

State income taxes:

1 State income tax withheld 1
2 2022 state estimated taxes paid in 2022 2
3 2021 state estimated taxes paid in 2022 3
4 Amount paid with 2021 state application for extension 4
5 Amount paid with 2021 state income tax return 5
6 Overpayment on 2021 state income tax return applied to 2022 tax 6
7 Other amounts paid in 2022 (amended returns, installment payments, etc.) 7
8 State estimated tax from Schedule(s) K-1 (Form 1041) 8
Local income taxes:
9 Local income tax withheld 9
10 2022 local estimated taxes paid in 2022 10
11 2021 local estimated taxes paid in 2022 11
12 Amount paid with 2021 local application for extension 12
13 Amount paid with 2021 local income tax return 13
14 Overpayment on 2021 local income tax return applied to 2022 tax 14
15 Other amounts paid in 2022 (amended returns, installment payments, etc.) 15
16 Local estimated tax from Schedule(s) K-1 (Form 1041) 16
17 17
18 Total Add lines 1 through 17 18
19 State and local refund allocated to 2022 19
20 Nondeductible state income tax from line 28 20
21 Total reductions Add lines 19 and 20. 21
22 Total state and local income tax deduction Line 18 less line 21 22

Nondeductible State Income Tax (Hawaii Only)

23 Nontaxable federal employee cost of living allowance 23

24 Adjusted gross income 24
25 Add lines 23 and 24 25
26 Nondeductible percent. Line 23 divided by line 25 26 %
27 Hawaii state income tax included in line 18 27
28 Nondeductible Hawaii state income tax. Multiply line 26 by line 27. 28
Charitable Deduction Limits Worksheet 2022
For Current Year Contributions
G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Step 1 ' Enter your other charitable contributions made during the year.
1 Enter your cash contributions to 60% limit organizations 1
2 Enter your contributions of capital gain property "for the use of" any qualified
organization 2
3 Enter your other contributions "for the use of" any qualified organization.
Don’t include any contributions you entered on a previous line 3
4 Enter your other contributions to qualified organizations that aren’t 50% limit
organizations. Don’t include any contributions you entered on a previous line 4
5 Enter your contributions of capital gain property to 50% limit organizations
deducted at fair market value. Don’t include any contributions you entered on
a previous line. 5
6 Enter your noncash contributions to 50% limit organizations other than capital
gain property you deducted at fair market value. Be sure to include
contributions of capital gain property to 50% limit organizations if you reduced
the property’s fair market value. Don’t include any contributions you entered
on a previous line 6
7 Enter your cash contributions to 50% limit organizations. Don’t include any
contributions you entered on a previous line 7

Step 2 ' Figure your deduction for the year (if any result is zero or less, enter -0-)
8 Enter your adjusted gross income (AGI) 8
A Cash contributions subject to the limit based on 60% of AGI
(If line 7 is zero, leave lines 9 through 11 blank)
9 Multiply line 8 by 0.6 9
10 Deductible amount. Enter the smaller of line 7 or line 9 10
11 Carryover. Subtract line 10 from line 7 11
B Noncash contributions subject to the limit based on 50% of AGI
(If line 6 is zero, leave lines 12 through 15 blank)
12 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 12
13 Subtract line 10 from line 12 13
14 Deductible amount. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 13 14
15 Carryover. Subtract line 14 from line 6 15
C Contributions (other than capital gain property) subject to limit based on 30% of AGI
(If lines 3 and 4 are both zero, leave lines 16 through 22 blank)
16 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 16
17 Add lines 5, 6, and 7 17
18 Subtract line 17 from line 16 18
19 Multiply line 8 by 0.3 19
20 Add lines 3 and 4 20
21 Deductible amount. Enter the smallest of line 18, 19, or 20 21
a Cash portion of deductible amount - for Sch A line 11 a
b Non-cash portion of deductible amount - for Sch A line 12 b
22 Carryover. Subtract line 21 from line 20 22
D Contributions of capital gain property subject to limit based on 30% of AGI
(If line 5 is zero, leave lines 23 through 28 blank)
23 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 23
24 Add lines 6 and 7 24
25 Subtract line 24 from line 23 25
26 Multiply line 8 by 0.3 26
27 Deductible amount. Enter the smallest of line 5, 25, or 26 27
28 Carryover. Subtract line 27 from line 5 28
E Contributions subject to the limit based on 20% of AGI
(If line 2 is zero, leave lines 29 through 37 blank)
29 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 29
30 Add lines 10, 14, 21, and 27 30
31 Subtract line 30 from line 29 31
32 Multiply line 8 by 0.3 32
33 Subtract line 21 from line 32 33
34 Subtract line 27 from line 32 34
35 Multiply line 8 by 0.2 35
36 Deductible amount. Enter the smallest of line 2, 31, 33, 34,
or 35 36
37 Carryover. Subtract line 36 from line 2 37
F Qualified contributions subject to limit based on 100% of AGI
(If line 1 is zero, leave lines 38 through 42 blank)
38 Enter the amount from line 8 38
39 Add lines 10, 14, 21, 27, and 36 39
40 Subtract line 39 from line 38 40
41 Deductible amount. Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 40 41
42 Carryover. Subtract line 41 from line 1 42
G Deduction for the year
43 Add lines 10, 14, 21, 27, 36 and 41. Enter the total here
and include the deductible amounts on Schedule A (Form
1040), line 11 or line 12 whichever is appropriate. Also,
enter the amount from line 41 on the dotted line next to the
line 11 entry space 43
44 Carryover to next year. Add lines 11, 15, 22, 28 and 37 44
Note: Any amounts in the carryover column are not deductible this year but can be carried over to next
year. See Carryovers, later, for more information about how you will use them next year.
Charitable Deduction Limits Worksheet 2022
For Carryover Contributions
G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Step 1 ' Enter your other charitable contributions made during the year.
1 Enter your cash contributions to 60% limit organizations 1
2 Enter your contributions of capital gain property "for the use of" any qualified
organization 2
3 Enter your other contributions "for the use of" any qualified organization.
Don’t include any contributions you entered on a previous line 3
4 Enter your other contributions to qualified organizations that aren’t 50% limit
organizations. Don’t include any contributions you entered on a previous line 4
5 Enter your contributions of capital gain property to 50% limit organizations
deducted at fair market value. Don’t include any contributions you entered on
a previous line. 5
6 Enter your noncash contributions to 50% limit organizations other than capital
gain property you deducted at fair market value. Be sure to include
contributions of capital gain property to 50% limit organizations if you reduced
the property’s fair market value. Don’t include any contributions you entered
on a previous line 6
7 Enter your cash contributions to 50% limit organizations. Don’t include any
contributions you entered on a previous line 7

Step 2 ' Figure your deduction for the year (if any result is zero or less, enter -0-)
8 Enter your adjusted gross income (AGI) 8
Percentage Used in
of line 8 Current Year
a 60% AGI limit to line 9 0. Less 0. a 0.
b 50% AGI limit to line 12 0. Less 0. b 0.
c 30% AGI limit, Section C to line 19 0. Less 0. c 0.
d 30% AGI limit, Section D to line 26 0. Less 0. d 0.
e 20% AGI limit to line 35 0. Less 0. e 0.
A Cash contributions subject to the limit based on 60% of AGI
(If line 7 is zero, leave lines 9 through 11 blank)
9 Multiply line 8 by 0.6 9
10 Deductible amount. Enter the smaller of line 7 or line 9 10
11 Carryover. Subtract line 10 from line 7 11
B Noncash contributions subject to the limit based on 50% of AGI
(If line 6 is zero, leave lines 12 through 15 blank)
12 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 12
13 Subtract line 10 from line 12 13
14 Deductible amount. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 13 14
15 Carryover. Subtract line 14 from line 6 15
C Contributions (other than capital gain property) subject to limit based on 30% of AGI
(If lines 3 and 4 are both zero, leave lines 16 through 22 blank)
16 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 16
17 Add lines 5, 6, and 7 17
18 Subtract line 17 from line 16 18
19 Multiply line 8 by 0.3 19
20 Add lines 3 and 4 20
21 Deductible amount. Enter the smallest of line 18, 19, or 20 21
a Cash portion of deductible amount - for Sch A line 11 a
b Non-cash portion of deductible amount - for Sch A line 12 b
22 Carryover. Subtract line 21 from line 20 22
D Contributions of capital gain property subject to limit based on 30% of AGI
(If line 5 is zero, leave lines 23 through 28 blank)
23 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 23
24 Add lines 6 and 7 24
25 Subtract line 24 from line 23 25
26 Multiply line 8 by 0.3 26
27 Deductible amount. Enter the smallest of line 5, 25, or 26 27
28 Carryover. Subtract line 27 from line 5 28
E Contributions subject to the limit based on 20% of AGI
(If line 2 is zero, leave lines 29 through 37 blank)
29 Multiply line 8 by 0.5 29
30 Add lines 10, 14, 21, and 27 30
31 Subtract line 30 from line 29 31
32 Multiply line 8 by 0.3 32
33 Subtract line 21 from line 32 33
34 Subtract line 27 from line 32 34
35 Multiply line 8 by 0.2 35
36 Deductible amount. Enter the smallest of line 2, 31, 33, 34,
or 35 36
37 Carryover. Subtract line 36 from line 2 37
F Qualified contributions for certain disaster relief efforts (Not applicable for carryovers)
(If line 1 is zero, leave lines 38 through 42 blank)
38 Enter the amount from line 8 38
39 Add lines 10, 14, 21, 27, and 36 39
40 Subtract line 39 from line 38 40
41 Deductible amount. Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 40 41
42 Carryover. Subtract line 41 from line 1 42
G Deduction for the year
43 Add lines 10, 14, 21, 27, 36 and 41. Enter the total here
and include the deductible amounts on Schedule A (Form
1040), line 11 or line 12 whichever is appropriate. Also,
enter the amount from line 41 on the dotted line next to the
line 11 entry space 43
44 Carryover to next year. Add lines 11, 15, 22, 28 and 37 44
Note: Any amounts in the carryover column are not deductible this year but can be carried over to next
year. See Carryovers, later, for more information about how you will use them next year.
Charitable Contributions Summary 2022
G Keep for your records
Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164
Part I Cash Contributions Summary
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Name of Charitable Organization Total 60% 30% 100%
Limit Limit Limit


Part II Non-Cash Contributions Summary

Total Other Property Capital Gain Property

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Name of Charitable Organization Total 50% 30% 30% 20%
Limit Limit Limit Limit

Part III Contribution Carryovers to 2023
Total Cash and Other Capital Gain
Non-Capital Gain Property Property

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Total 60% 50% 30% 30% 20%
Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit

1 2022 contributions
2 2022 contributions
3 Carryovers from:
a 2021 tax year
b 2020 tax year
c 2019 tax year
d 2018 tax year
e 2017 tax year
4 Carryovers
allowed in 2022
5 Carryovers
disallowed in 2022
6 Carryovers to 2023:
a From 2022
b From 2021
c From 2020
d From 2019
e From 2018
f From 2017

Part IV Special Situations in Your Return for Current Year Donations

1 Was the entire interest given for all property donated to all charities? X Yes No
2 Were restrictions attached to any charities’s right
to use or dispose of any property donated to any charity? Yes X No
3 Did you give to anyone other than the charity the right to income from any
of the donated property or to possession of any of the donated property? Yes X No
4 Was any charity other than a 60%/50% charity? Yes X No
Schedule A Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions Worksheet 2022
Lines 16 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

FOR STATE USE ONLY: Employee Business Expenses ' Subject to 2% Limitation

1 Deductible expenses from Form 2106, line 10 less deductions for

performing artists and armed forces reservists claimed elsewhere 1
2 a Qualified Educator Expenses (from Educator Expenses Worksheet) 2a
b Educator Expense Deduction (from 1040, line 23) 2b
c Excess Educator Expenses (line 2a less line 2b) 2c
3 Union and professional dues 3
4 Professional subscriptions 4
5 Uniforms and protective clothing 5
6 Job search costs 6
7 Tax preparation fees 7
8 Entertainment expenses 8
9 Other:

10 Combine lines 1 through 9 10


Miscellaneous Expenses ' Subject to 2% Limitation Expense T
Check the box in investment column if an investment expense

11 Depreciation and amortization deductions X 11

12 Casualty/theft losses of property used in services as an employee 12
13 REMIC expenses, from Schedule E X 13
14 Investment expenses related to interest and dividend income X 14
15 Expenses related to portfolio income, from Schedule(s) K-1 X 15
16 Miscellaneous deductions, from Schedule(s) K-1 16
18 Investment counsel and advisory fees X 18
19 Certain attorney and accounting fees X 19
20 Safe deposit box rental fees X 20
21 IRA custodial fees X 21
22 Loss incurred from total distribution of all traditional IRAs 22
23 Loss incurred from total distribution of all Roth IRAs 23
24 Loss incurred from final distribution of a QTP investment 24
25 Hobby expense (limited to hobby income) 25
26 Other:
a Prior year government unemployment benefits repaid in 2022 26

27 Combine lines 11 through 26 27


Other Miscellaneous Deductions ' Not Subject to 2% Limitation

28 Expenses related to portfolio income, from Schedule(s) K-1 X 28

29 Federal estate tax paid on decedent’s income reported on this return 29
30 Impairment-related expenses of a handicapped employee, from Form 2106 30
31 Amortizable bond premiums on bonds acquired before 10/23/86 31
32 Gambling losses 32
33 Deduction for repayment of amounts under claim of right if over $3,000 33
34 Casualty/theft losses of income-producing property 34
35 Unrecovered investment in annuity 35
36 Ordinary loss attributable to certain debt instruments 36
37 Net Qualified Disaster Loss 37
38 Combine lines 28 through 37 (to Schedule A, line 16) 38
Form 1040 or Standard Deduction Worksheet for Dependents 2022
1040-SR, Line 12 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Use this worksheet only if someone can claim you, or your spouse if filing jointly, as a dependent.
1 Is your earned income* more than $750?
Yes. Add $400 to your earned income. Enter the total 1
No. Enter $1,150
2 Enter the amount shown below for your filing status.
? Single or married filing separately ' $12,950
? Married filing jointly ' $25,900 2 12,950.
? Head of household ' $19,400
3 Standard deduction.
3 a Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 2. If born after January 1, 1958, and not
blind, stop here and enter this amount on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 12.
Otherwise, go to line 3b 3a
3 b If born before January 2, 1958, or blind, multiply the number claimed on top of
page 2 of Form 1040 Wkst by $1,400 ($1,750 if single or head of household) 3b
3 c Add lines 3a and 3b. Enter the total here and on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 12 3c

*Earned income includes wages, salaries, tips, professional fees, and other compensation received for
personal services you performed. It also includes any taxable scholarship or fellowship grant. Generally,
your earned income is the total of the amount(s) you reported on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 1z,
and Schedule 1, lines 3, 6, 8r, 8t, and 8u minus the amount, if any, on Schedule 1, line 15.
Earned Income Worksheet 2022
G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Part I ' Earned Income Credit Worksheet Computation

Taxpayer Spouse Total

1 If filing Schedule SE:
a Net self-employment income
b Optional Method and Church Employee income
c Add lines 1a and 1b
d One-half of self-employment tax
e Subtract line 1d from line 1c
2 If not required to file Schedule SE:
a Net farm profit or (loss)
b Net nonfarm profit or (loss)
c Add lines 2a and 2b
3 If filing Schedule C as a statutory employee,
enter the amount from line 1 of that
Schedule C
4 Add lines 1e, 2c and 3. To EIC Wks, line 5

Part II ' Form 2441 and Standard Deduction Worksheet Computations

5 Net self-employment earnings (line 4 above)

6 Wages, salaries, and tips less distributions
from nonqualified or section 457 plans, etc
7a Taxable employer-provided adoption benefits
b Foreign earned income exclusion
8 Add lines 5 through 7b. To Form 2441, lines 18
and 19
9a Taxable dependent care benefits
b Nontaxable combat pay
10 Add lines 8, 9a & 9b . To Form 2441, lines
4 and 5
11 Scholarship or fellowship income not on W-2
plus wages while incarcerated
12 SE exempt earnings less nontaxable income
13 Distributions from nonqualified/Sec. 457 plans
14 Add lines 5, 6, 7a, 9a and 11 through 13.
To Standard Deduction Worksheet

Part III ' IRA Deduction Worksheet Computation

15 Net self-employment income or (loss)

16 a Wages, salaries, tips, etc
b2 Amount of ln. b1 for graduate/postgrad studies
17 Net self-employment loss
18 Alimony received
19 Nontaxable combat pay
20 Foreign earned income exclusion
21 Keogh, SEP or SIMPLE deduction
22 Combine lines 15 through 21. To IRA Wks, ln 2

Part IV ' Schedule 8812 and Credit Limit Worksheet B Computations

23 Self-employed, church and statutory employees

24 Wages, salaries, tips, etc
25 Nontaxable combat pay
26 Combine lines 23 through 25. To Schedule
8812, line 18a & Credit Limit Wks B, line 3
Form 1040 Earned Income Credit Worksheet 2022
Line 27 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

QuickZoom to Schedule EIC

QuickZoom to Dependent Information Worksheet to enter qualifying children information
QuickZoom to Wages, Salaries, & Tips Worksheet to enter earned and non-earned income
QuickZoom to page 2 of this worksheet, if credit is not calculated on line 7

1 Enter the amount from Form 1040 line 1z 1

2 Adjustments to line 1 amount:
a Income reported as wages and as self-employment income 2a
b Other income entered as wages that is not considered earned income b
c Medicaid Waiver Payments reported as nontaxable c 0.
3 Subtract lines 2a, 2b and 2c from line 1 3 0.
4a Taxpayer’s nontaxable combat pay election for EIC 4a
b Spouse’s nontaxable combat pay election for EIC b
c Total nontaxable combat pay election 4c
5 If you were self-employed or used Schedule C
as a statutory employee, enter the amount from the
Earned Income Worksheet, line 4 5
6 Earned income. Add lines 3, 4, and 5 6 0.
7 Enter the credit, from the EIC Table, for the amount on line 6. Be sure to use
the correct column for filing status and number of children 7 0.

If line 7 is zero, stop. You cannot take the credit.

Enter "No" on the dotted line next to Form 1040, line 27.
8 Enter your AGI from Form 1040, line 11 8
9 If you have:
? No qualifying children, is the amount on line 8 less than $9,200
($15,300 if married filing jointly)?
? 1 or more qualifying children, is the amount on line 8 less than $20,150
($26,300 if married filing jointly)?

X Yes. Go to line 10 now.

No. Enter the credit, from the EIC Table, for the amount on line 8. Be
sure to use the correct column for filing status and number of children 9
10 Earned income credit.
? If ’Yes’ on line 9, enter the amount from line 7
? If ’No’ on line 9, enter the smaller of line 7 or line 9 10

Enter line 10 amount on Form 1040, line 27.

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 3

Compliance and Due Diligence Information

1 Is this how long your dependents lived with you in the U.S in 2022?

Yes, all of the above is correct.

No, I’ll go back and review my dependent information.
The IRS may ask you for documents to prove you lived with anyone you’re claiming for the Earned
Income Credit.

Is this where you lived with your dependents the longest in 2022?

2 Yes, my dependents lived with me at this address.

No, I’d like to add an additional address where I lived with my dependents. Use the Interview to
add an additional address where you lived with your dependents the longest in 2022.

Compliance and Due Diligence Indicator X

Disqualified from Earned Income Credit X Yes No

Potential qualifying child count 0

Non dependent potential qualifying child count 0
Qualifying child count (max 3) 0
Schedule SE Adjustments Worksheet 2022
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Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

(a) Taxpayer (b) Spouse

QuickZoom to the Long Schedule SE

A Approved Form 4029. Exempt from SE tax on all income

B Chapter 11 bankruptcy net profit or loss for Schedule SE, line 3
C QuickZoom to the Explanation statement for any adjustment to
SE income/loss shown on a partnership K-1. (See Help)

Part I Farm Profit or (Loss) Schedule SE, line 1

1 Total Schedules F
2 Farm partnerships, Schedules K-1
3 Other SE farm profit or (loss) (See Help)
4 Less SE exempt farm profit or (loss) (See Help)
5 Total for Schedule SE, line 1
6 Conservation Reserve Program payments not subject to self-
employment tax reported on:
a Schedule F, line 4b
b Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), box 20, code AH
c Total CRP payments not subject to SE tax

Part II Nonfarm Profit or (Loss) Schedule SE, line 2

1a Total Schedules C
b Less SE exempt Schedules C (approved Form 4361)
2 Nonfarm partnerships, Schedules K-1
3 Forms 6781
4 Other SE income reported as income on Form 1040, line 7
5a Clergy Form W-2 wages
b Clergy housing allowance
c Less clergy business deductions
d QuickZoom to the Explanation statement for entry on line 5c
6 Other SE nonfarm profit or (loss) (See Help)
7 Less other SE exempt nonfarm profit or (loss) (See Help)
8 Total for Schedule SE, line 2
9 Exempt Notary Public income for Schedule SE, line 3 (See Help)

Part III Farm Optional Method Schedule SE, page 2, Part II

1 Use Farm Optional Method
2 Gross farm income from Schedules F
3 Gross farming or fishing income from partnership Schedules K-1
4 Other gross farming or fishing self-employment income
5 Total gross income for Farm Optional Method

Part IV Nonfarm Optional Method Schedule SE, page 2, Part II

1 Use Nonfarm Optional Method (Must have had net SE earnings
of $400 or more in 2 of prior 3 years and used the
Nonfarm Optional Method less than 5 times)
2 Gross nonfarm income from Schedules C
3 Gross nonfarm income from partnership Schedules K-1
4 Other gross nonfarm self-employment income
5 Total gross income for Nonfarm Optional Method
Form 6251 Schedule D Tax Worksheet 2022
Line 37 as refigured for the
Alternative Minimum Tax
G Keep for your records

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Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

(a) (b) (c)

Before Allocation of After
Allocation of Capital Gain Allocation of
Capital Gain Excess * Capital Gain
Excess * Excess

1 Not applicable
2 Enter your total qualified dividends as refigured for
the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT):
a Total qualified dividends
b Adjustment from Schedules K-1
c Other adjustments to qualified dividends
d Total. Combine lines 2a, 2b, and 2c 0. 0.
3 Enter the amount from Form 4952 for AMT, line 4g
4 Enter the amount from Form 4952 for AMT, line 4e
5 Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 0. 0.
6 Subtract line 5 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0- 0. 0.
7 Net long-term capital gain:
a Enter the gain from line 15 of Schedule D
as refigured for the AMT 0.
b Enter the gain from line 16 of Schedule D
as refigured for the AMT 0.
c Enter the smaller of line 7a or line 7b 0. 0.
8 Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 4
9 Subtract line 8 from line 7c. If zero or less, enter -0- 0. 0. 0.
10 Add lines 6 and 9 0. 0.
A Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 6. 0.
B Capital gain excess. Subtract line A from line 10. * 0.
11 Total 28% rate and unrecaptured section 1250 gain:
a Enter the gain from line 18 of Schedule D
as refigured for the AMT 0.
b Enter the gain from line 19 of Schedule D
as refigured for the AMT
c Add lines 11a and 11b 0.
12 Enter the smaller of line 9 or line 11c 0.
13 Subtract line 12 from line 10. Also enter this amount
on Form 6251, line 13. 0.

* Capital gain excess applies only if filing Form 2555, Foreign Earned Income.
Form 6251 Alternative Minimum Tax Worksheet 2022
G Keep for your records

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Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Taxable Income ' Line 1

1 Enter the amount from Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 15, if more than zero. If
Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 15, is zero, subtract line 14 of Form
1040 of 1040-SR from line 11 of Form 1040 or 1040-SR and enter the result
here. (If less than zero, enter as a negative amount.) 1 -12,950.
2 Additions to income 2
3 Add lines 1 and 2 3 -12,950.
4 Subtractions from income 4
5 Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter on Form 6251, line 1 5 -12,950.

Taxes ' Line 2a

1 Generation skipping transfer taxes included on Schedule A, line 6 1

Refund of Taxes ' Line 2b

1 Taxable refund of state and local income tax 1

2 Amount and description of any refund of state and local personal property
taxes, foreign income or real property taxes 2
3 Total tax refund adjustment. Enter on Form 6251, line 2b 3

Alternative Tax Net Operating Loss Deduction (ATNOLD) ' Line 2f

1 Alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI) without ATNOLD 1 0.

2 Enter adjustments 2
3 Adjustment for domestic production activities deduction 3
4 Adjusted AMTI without ATNOLD. Add lines 1-3 4 0.
5 ATNOLD limitation. Multiply line 4 by 90% 5 0.
6 Enter ATNOL carried to 2021 from other year(s) 6
7 Enter ATNOL included above attributable to qualified disaster losses 7
8 ATNOL above not attributable to qualified disaster losses. Line 6 minus 7 8
9 ATNOL deduction other than qualified disaster losses. Lesser of line 5 or 8 9
10 ATNOL Disaster Deduction. Lesser of line 7 or (line 4 minus line 9) 10
11 ATNOLD. Add lines 9 and 10. Enter on Form 6251, line 2f, as neg 11

Incentive Stock Options ' Line 2i

1 Incentive stock options adjustment from Schedule K-1 worksheets 1

2 Incentive stock options from Employer Stock Transaction Worksheets 2
3 Incentive stock options from Exercise of Stock Options Worksheets 3
4 Other incentive stock options 4
5 Total incentive stock options. Enter on Form 6251, line 2i 5
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 Page 3
Alternative Minimum Taxable Income ' Line 4

If married filing separately and Form 6251, line 4, is more than $776,100:
1 Alternative minimum taxable income, Form 6251 1
2 Threshold amount 2
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3
4 Multiply line 3 by 25% (.25) 4
5 Smaller of line 4 or $59,050 5
6 Add line 1 and line 5. Enter on Form 6251, line 4 6

Exemption ' Line 5

1 Enter $75,900 if single or head of household, $118,100 if married filing jointly

or qualifying surviving spouse, $59,050 if married filing separately 1 75,900.
2 Enter your alternative minimum taxable income from Form 6251, line 4 2 0.
3 Enter $539,900 if single or head of household, $1,079,800 if married filing
jointly or qualifying surviving spouse, $539,900 if married filing separately 3 539,900.
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0- 4 0.
5 Multiply line 4 by 25% (.25) 5 0.
6 Subtract line 5 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter on 6251, line 5 6 75,900.
Form 6251 Foreign Earned Income 2022
Line 7 Alternative Minimum Tax Worksheet
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Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

1 Enter the amount from Form 6251, line 6 1

2 a Enter the amount from your (and your spouse’s if filing jointly) Form 2555,
lines 45 and 50 2a
b Enter the total amount of any itemized deductions or exclusions you couldn’t
claim because they are related to excluded income 2b
c Subtract line 2b from line 2a. If zero or less, enter 0 2c
3 Add line 1 and line 2c 3
4 Tax on the amount on line 3.
? If you reported capital gain distributions directly on Form 1040 or 1040-SR,
line 7; or you reported qualified dividends on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line
3a; or you had a gain on both lines 15 and 16 of Schedule D (Form 1040 or
1040-SR) (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary), enter the amount from
line 3 of this worksheet on Form 6251, line 12. Complete the rest of Part III
of Form 6251. However, before completing Part III, see Form 2555, later, to
see if you must complete Part III with certain modifications. Then enter the
amount from Form 6251, line 40, here.
? All Others: If line 3 is $206,100 or less ($103,050 or less if married filing
separately), multiply line 3 by 26% (0.26). Otherwise, multiply line 3 by
28% (0.28) and subtract $4,122 ($2,061 if married filing separately) from
the result. 4
5 Tax on amount on line 2c. If line 2c is $206,100 or less ($103,050 or less if
married filing separately), multiply line 2c by 26% (0.26). Otherwise, multiply
line 2c by 28% (0.28) and subtract $4,122 ($2,061 if married filing separately)
from the result 5
6 Subtract line 5 from line 4. Enter the result here and on Form 6251, line 7. 6
Federal Carryover Worksheet 2022
G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

2021 State and Local Income Tax Information

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

State or Paid With Estimates Pd Total With- Paid With Total Over- Applied
Local ID Extension After 12/31 held/Pmts Return payment Amount


2021 State Extension Information 2021 Locality Extension Information

(a) (b) (a) (b)

State Paid With Extension Locality Paid With Extension

2021 State Estimates Information 2021 Locality Estimates Information

(a) (c) (a) (c)

State Estimates Paid After 12/31 Locality Estimates Paid After 12/31

2021 State Taxes Due Information 2021 Locality Taxes Due Information

(a) (e) (a) (e)

State Paid With Return Locality Paid With Return

2021 State Refund Applied Information 2021 Locality Refund Applied Information

(a) (g) (a) (g)

State Applied Amount Locality Applied Amount

2021 State Tax Refund Information 2021 Locality Tax Refund Information

(a) (d) (f) (a) (d) (f)

Total Total Total Total
State Withheld/Pmts Overpayment Locality Withheld/Pmts Overpayment
Federal Carryover Worksheet page 2 2022
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Other Tax and Income Information 2021 2022

1 Filing status 1 1 Single 1 Single

2 Number of exemptions for blind or over 65 (0 - 4) 2
3 Itemized deductions 3 0. 0.
4 Check box if required to itemize deductions 4
5 Adjusted gross income 5 98.
6 Tax liability for Form 2210 or Form 2210-F 6 0. 0.
7 Alternative minimum tax 7
8 Federal overpayment applied to next year estimated tax 8

QuickZoom to the IRA Information Worksheet for IRA information

Excess Contributions 2021 2022

9a Taxpayer’s excess Archer MSA contributions as of 12/31 9a

b Spouse’s excess Archer MSA contributions as of 12/31 b
10 a Taxpayer’s excess Coverdell ESA contributions as of 12/31 10 a
b Spouse’s excess Coverdell ESA contributions as of 12/31 b
11 a Taxpayer’s excess HSA contributions as of 12/31 11 a
b Spouse’s excess HSA contributions as of 12/31 b

Loss and Expense Carryovers 2021 2022

Note: Enter all entries as a positive amount

12 a Short-term capital loss 12 a

b AMT Short-term capital loss b
13 a Long-term capital loss 13 a
b AMT Long-term capital loss b
14 a Net operating loss available to carry forward 14 a
b AMT Net operating loss available to carry forward b
15 a Investment interest expense disallowed 15 a
b AMT Investment interest expense disallowed b
16 Nonrecaptured net Section 1231 losses from: a 2022 16 a
b 2021 b
c 2020 c
d 2019 d
e 2018 e
f 2017 f
17 AMT Nonrecap’d net Sec 1231 losses from: a 2022 17 a
b 2021 b
c 2020 c
d 2019 d
e 2018 e
f 2017 f

Credit Carryovers 2021 2022

18 General business credit 18

19 Adoption credit from: a 2022 19 a
b 2021 b
c 2020 c
d 2019 d
e 2018 e
f 2017 f
20 Mortgage interest credit from: a 2022 20 a
b 2021 b
c 2020 c
d 2019 d
21 Credit for prior year minimum tax 21
22 District of Columbia first-time homebuyer credit 22
23 Residential Clean Energy Credit (Previously the Residential
energy efficient property credit 23
Federal Carryover Worksheet page 3 2022
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Other Carryovers 2021 2022

24 Section 179 expense deduction disallowed 24

25 Excess a Taxpayer (Form 2555, line 46) 25 a
foreign b Taxpayer (Form 2555, line 48) b
housing c Spouse (Form 2555, line 46) c
deduction: d Spouse (Form 2555, line 48) d

Charitable Contribution Carryovers

26 2021 Carryover of Other Property Capital Gain Cash

contributions from: (a) 50% (b) 30% (c) 30% (d) 20% (e) 60%

a 2021
b 2020
c 2019
d 2018
e 2017

27 2022 Carryover of Other Property Capital Gain Cash

contributions from: (a) 50% (b) 30% (c) 30% (d) 20% (e) 60%

a 2022
b 2021
c 2020
d 2019
e 2018

28 Amount overpaid less earned income credit 0.

Qualified Business Income Deduction (Section 199A) carryovers 2021 2022

29 Qualified business loss carryforward 29

30 Qualified PTP loss carryforward 30
31 Applicable percentage 2018 31 a
2019 b
2020 c
2021 d 100.00

2021 State Capital Loss Carryovers (For users not transferring from the prior year)

State Short-term AMT Short-term Long-term AMT Long-term Capital Loss AMT Capital Loss
ID Capital Loss Capital Loss Capital Loss Capital Loss (combined) (combined)
for State for State for State for State for State for State
Form 8582 Modified Adjusted Gross Income Worksheet 2022
Line 7 G Keep for your records

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164

Description Amount


Interest income before Series EE bond exclusion
Dividend income
Tax refund
Alimony received
Nonpassive business income or loss
Royalty and nonpassive rental activities income or loss
Nonpassive partnership income or loss
Nonpassive S corporation income or loss
Nonpassive farm rental income or loss
Nonpassive farm income or loss
Nonpassive estate and trust income or loss
Real estate mortgage investment conduits
Business gains and losses from nonpassive activities
Capital gains and losses
Taxable IRA distributions
Taxable pension distributions
Unemployment compensation
Other income

Total income


Educator expenses
Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and government officials
Health savings account deduction
Moving expenses
Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans
Self-employed health insurance deduction
Penalty on early withdrawals of savings
Alimony paid
Other adjustments

Total adjustments

Modified adjusted gross income

Two-Year Comparison 2022

Name(s) Shown on Return Social Security Number

Shawntae L Adams

Income 2021 2022 Difference %

Wages, salaries, tips, etc

Interest and dividend income
State tax refund
Business income (loss) 98. -98. -100.00
Capital and other gains (losses)
IRA distributions
Pensions and annuities
Rents and royalties
Partnerships, S Corps, etc
Farm income (loss)
Social security benefits
Income other than the above
Total Income 98. -98. -100.00
Adjustments to Income
Adjusted Gross Income 98. -98. -100.00

Itemized Deductions
Medical and dental
Income or sales tax
Real estate taxes
Personal property and other taxes
Interest paid
Gifts to charity
Casualty and theft losses
Total Itemized Deductions 0. 0. 0.
Standard or Itemized Deduction 12,550. 12,950. 400. 3.19
Qualified Business Income Deduction 0. 0. 0.
Taxable Income 0. 0. 0.

Income tax 0. 0. 0.
Additional income taxes
Alternative minimum tax
Total Income Taxes 0. 0. 0.
Nonbusiness credits
Business credits
Total Credits
Self-employment tax
Other taxes
Total Tax After Credits 0. 0. 0.
Estimated and extension payments
Earned income credit 11. -11. -100.00
Additional child tax credit
Other payments
Total Payments 11. -11. -100.00
Form 2210 penalty
Applied to next year’s estimated tax
Refund 11. -11. -100.00
Balance Due 0. 0.

Current year effective tax rate 0.00 %

Tax Summary 2022
G Keep for your records

Name (s)
Shawntae L Adams

Total income
Adjustments to income
Adjusted gross income
Itemized/standard deduction 12,950.
Qualified business income deduction 0.
Taxable income 0.
Tentative tax 0.
Additional taxes
Alternative minimum tax
Total credits
Other taxes
Total tax 0.
Total payments
Estimated tax penalty
Amount Overpaid
Amount Applied to Estimate
Balance due

Taxpayer: Shawntae L Adams

Primary SSN: 572-85-3164

Federal Return Submitted:

Federal Return Acceptance Date:

Your return has not been electronically transmitted yet

The Intuit Electronic Postmark shows the date and time Intuit received your federal tax return. The Intuit
Electronic Postmark documents the filing date of your income tax return, and the electronic postmark
information should be kept on file with your tax return and other tax-related documentation.

There are two important aspects of the Intuit Electronic Postmark:


The electronic postmark shows the date and time Intuit received the federal return, and is deemed the
filing date if the date of the electronic postmark is on or before the date prescribed for filing of the
federal individual income tax return.

For your federal return to be considered filed on time, your return must be postmarked on or before
midnight April 18, 2023 . Intuit’s electronic postmark is issued in the Pacific Time (PT) zone.
If you are not filing in the PT zone, you will need to add or subtract hours from the Intuit Electronic
Postmark time to determine your local postmark time. For example, if you are filing in the Eastern Time
(ET) zone, and you electronically file your return at 9 AM on April 18, 2023 , your Intuit
electronic postmark will indicate April 18, 2023 , 6 AM. If your federal tax return is rejected,
the IRS still considers it filed on time if the electronic postmark is on or before April 18, 2023 ,
and a corrected return is submitted and accepted before April 23, 2023 . If your return is
submitted after April 23, 2023 , a new time stamp is issued to reflect that your return was
submitted after the IRS deadline, and consequently, is no longer considered to have been filed on time.

If you request an automatic six-month extension, your return must be electronically postmarked by
midnight October 16, 2023 . If your federal tax return is rejected, the IRS will still consider
it filed on time if the electronic postmark is on or before October 16, 2023 , and the
corrected return is submitted and accepted by October 21, 2023


Once the IRS accepts the electronically filed return, the acceptance date will be provided by the Intuit
Electronic Filing Center. This date is proof that the IRS accepted the electronically filed return.
We need your consent - Early Access
This is an IRS requirement

IRS regulations require the following statements:

"Federal law requires this consent form be provided to you. Unless authorized by law, we cannot use
your tax return information for purposes other than the preparation and filing of your tax return without
your consent.

You are not required to complete this form to engage our tax return preparation services. If we obtain
your signature on this form by conditioning our tax return preparation services on your consent, your
consent will not be valid. Your consent is valid for the amount of time that you specify. If you do not
specify the duration of your consent, your consent is valid for one year from the date of signature."

If you believe your tax return information has been disclosed or used improperly in a manner
unauthorized by law or without your permission, you may contact the Treasury Inspector General for
Tax Administration (TIGTA) at https://www.treasury.gov/tigta/.

To agree, enter your name and date in the boxes below and select the "I Agree" button on the
bottom of the page.

First Name Last Name

Please type the date below:

F7216U01 SBIA5001
Read and accept this Disclosure Consent
This is an IRS requirement

IRS regulations require the following statements:

"Federal law requires this consent form be provided to you. Unless authorized by law, we cannot
disclose your tax return information to third parties for purposes other than the preparation and filing of
your tax return without your consent. If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information,
Federal law may not protect your tax return information from further use or distribution.

You are not required to complete this form to engage our tax return preparation services. If we obtain
your signature on this form by conditioning our tax return preparation services on your consent, your
consent will not be valid. If you agree to the disclosure of your tax return information, your consent is
valid for the amount of time that you specify. If you do not specify the duration of your consent, your
consent is valid for one year from the date of signature."

If you believe your tax return information has been disclosed or used improperly in a manner
unauthorized by law or without your permission, you may contact the Treasury Inspector General for
Tax Administration (TIGTA) at https://www.treasury.gov/tigta/.

To agree, enter your name and date in the boxes below and select the "I Agree" button on the
bottom of the page.

Sign this agreement by entering your name:

Please type the date below:


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Read and accept this Disclosure Consent
This is an IRS requirement

To, enable the Tax Identity restoration protection service that you purchased
as part of a bundle, we need your consent to send some of your
personal information to our partner, ID Notify.

Entering your name and date below allows us to disclose the data below to IDNotify,
provided by CSIdentity Corp., an Experian company. With your consent, we will send the following:
First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Street Address, City, State,
Zip, Social Security Number, Email Address, Username, and a randomly generated Subscriber Number.

IRS regulations require the following statements:

"Federal law requires this consent form be provided to you. Unless authorized by law, we cannot
disclose your tax return information to third parties for purposes other than the preparation and filing of
your tax return without your consent. If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information,
Federal law may not protect your tax return information from further use or distribution.

You are not required to complete this form to engage our tax return preparation services. If we obtain
your signature on this form by conditioning our tax return preparation services on your consent, your
consent will not be valid. If you agree to the disclosure of your tax return information, your consent is
valid for the amount of time that you specify. If you do not specify the duration of your consent, your
consent is valid for one year from the date of signature."

If you believe your tax return information has been disclosed or used improperly in a manner
unauthorized by law or without your permission, you may contact the Treasury Inspector General for
Tax Administration (TIGTA) at https://www.treasury.gov/tigta/.

To agree, enter your name and date in the boxes below and select the "I Agree" button on the
bottom of the page.

I authorize Intuit to send my information listed above to CSIdentity Corporation.

Sign this agreement by entering your name:

Please type the date below:


sbia5102 05/16/22

If you are owed federal tax refund(s), you have a right to choose how you will receive the refund(s).
There are several options available to you. Please read about these options below.

You can file your federal tax return(s) electronically or by paper and obtain your federal tax refund(s)
directly from the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") for free. If you file your tax return(s)
electronically, you can receive refund checks directly from the IRS through the U.S. Postal Service
in 21 to 28 days from the time you file your tax return(s) or the IRS can deposit your refund(s)
directly into your bank account in less than 21 days from the time you file your tax return(s)
unless there are delays by the IRS. If you file a paper return through the U.S. Postal Service, you
can receive refund checks directly from the IRS through the U.S. Postal Service in 6 to 8 weeks
from the time the IRS receives your return(s) or the IRS can deposit your refund(s) directly
into your bank account in 6 to 8 weeks from the time the IRS receives your return(s). However, if
your return(s) contains Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit, the IRS will
issue your refund(s) no earlier than February 15, 2023.

You can file your federal tax return(s) electronically, select the Refund Processing Service ("RPS"), and have
your federal tax refund(s) processed through a processor using banking services of a financial institution. The RPS
allows your refund(s) to be deposited into a bank account at Green Dot Bank ("Bank") and deducts your
TurboTax fees and other amounts that you authorize from your federal refund(s). The balance of your federal
refund(s) is delivered to you via the disbursement method you select. If you file your tax return(s) electronically
and select the RPS, the IRS will deposit your refund(s) with Bank. Upon Bank's receipt of your refund(s), Santa
Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC, a division of Green Dot Corporation, a Delaware corporation, a processor, will
deduct from your federal refund(s) any fees charged by TurboTax for the preparation and filing of your tax return(s)
and any other amounts authorized by you and disburse the balance of your refund proceeds to you. Unless there are
unexpected delays, federal refunds are received in less than 21 days from the time you file your tax return(s)
electronically. However, if your return(s) contains Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit, the IRS
will issue your refund(s) no earlier than February 15, 2023.

The RPS is not necessary to obtain your refund(s). If you have an existing bank account, you do not need
to use the RPS in order to receive a direct deposit from the IRS. You may consult the IRS website
(IRS.gov) for information about tax refund processing.

If you select the RPS, no prior debt you may owe to Bank will be deducted from your refund(s).

You can change your income tax withholdings which might result in you receiving additional funds
throughout the year rather than waiting to receive these funds potentially in tax refund(s) next year.
Please consult your employer or tax advisor for additional details.

This Agreement requires all disputes to be resolved by way of binding arbitration.

The terms of the arbitration provision appear in Section 10.

Information regarding low-cost deposit accounts may be available at www.mymoney.gov

The chart below shows the options for filing your federal tax returns (e-file or paper returns), the
RPS product, refund disbursement options, estimated timing for obtaining your federal tax refund
proceeds, and costs associated with the various options.

PAPER RETURN IRS direct deposit to Approximately Free

your personal bank 6 to 8 weeks 1
No Refund Processing account.
Check mailed by IRS Approximately
to address on tax 6 to 8 weeks 1

ELECTRONIC IRS direct deposit to Usually within Free

FILING your personal bank 21 days 1
(E-FILE) account.

No Refund Processing Check mailed by IRS Approximately

Service to address on tax 21 to 28 days 1

ELECTRONIC Direct deposit to Usually within Free option with

FILING your personal bank 21 days 1 your purchase of
(E-FILE) account. a Tax Product 2

Refund Processing

1You may experience delays with your tax refund(s) if, for example, you enter incorrect bank account or
contact information, you enter a bank account in someone else's name, or if possible suspicious activity
is detected. If your return(s) contains Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit, the IRS
will issue your refund(s) no earlier than February 15, 2023.

2The charges here consist of a TurboTax Fee, the cost of the Tax Product, and any fees for additional
products and services purchased. Note that the cost of the Tax Product may vary depending on the edition
of TurboTax purchased. See Section 3 of the Refund Processing Service Agreement for the cost of the
service you have chosen.

Questions? Call 877-908-7228

sbia5202.SCR 12/30/22 11/01/2022
Pro Delegation Worksheet 2022

Check this box if you are preparing this return as a PRO preparer

Preparer / Electronic Return Originator (ERO) Information

Print name in signature area?

Preparer Name
Preparer Tax ID # (PTIN)
NY Tax Preparer Registration # or NY Exclusion Code
For NM, OR Preparers Only: State ID#
Preparer E-mail Print date on return?
Preparer Phone CAF #
Electronic Filing Only: ERO Practitioner PIN
Engagement letter (if applicable) :

Electronic Filing and Printing of Tax Return Information

Electronic Filing: Print and Mail Selections (use only if e-file ineligible):
File federal return electronically Federal return printed and mailed to IRS
File state returns electronically State return printed and mailed to state agency
File other returns electronically Other return printed and mailed

Select state returns to file electronically: Select state returns to file by mail:

State(s) State(s)

Select other returns to file electronically: Select other returns to file by mail:

Other Return(s) Other Return(s)

Electronic Filing and Printing of Amended Return Information

Electronic Filing: Print and Mail Selections (use only if e-file ineligible):
File federal amended return(s) electronically Federal amended return printed and mailed
File state amended return(s) electronically State amended return printed and mailed

Select state amended return(s) to file electronically: Select state amended return(s) to file by mail:

State(s) State(s)
New! State e-file disclosure consent:
By using a computer system and software to prepare and transmit my client’s return electronically, I
consent to the disclosure of all information pertaining to my use of the system and software to create my
client’s return and to the electronic transmission of my client’s return to the state Department of
Revenue, as applicable by law.

Practitioner PIN Program:

Sign return electronically using Practitioner PIN
Choose one:
Automatically generate PIN equal to last 5 digits of taxpayer(s) SSN (See help)
Taxpayer(s) entered own PIN(s)
Preparer entered PIN(s) on behalf of taxpayer(s)
Taxpayer’s PIN (enter any 5 numbers).
Spouse’s PIN filing a joint return (enter any 5 numbers)
Date PIN entered

Identity Verification Information

Driver’s License and/or State Id:

Taxpayer and Spouse (if applicable) driver’s license and/or state identification must be completed on the
federal information worksheet prior to e-filing the return.

Documents Used to Verify Primary Taxpayer Identity:

Driver’s license
State issued identification card
Account statement from financial institution
Utility billing statement
Credit card billing statement

Finish and File Info:

To indicate a client return download in FnF
New Finish and File enabled
Full Tilt enabled


Attachment Type File Name PDF Name Entity Version

Description Key
Pro Expert Suggestions 2022
Please fill out the survey at the link below to help us better understand your experience
working with the tax optimization features.

Suggestions For Customer
Suggestion ID Suggestion
0000 No pilot project expert suggestion was determined for this customer

Pro Notes About Suggestions

Suggestion ID Suggestion

fdiv8003.SCR 02/20/20
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 1

Smart Worksheets From 2022 Federal Tax Return

1040/1040SR Wks: Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Tax Smart Worksheet

A Tax 0.
Check if from:
1 Tax table X
2 Tax Computation Worksheet (see instructions)
3 Schedule D Tax Worksheet
4 Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet
5 Schedule J
6 Form 8615
7 Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet
B Additional tax from Form 8814
C Additional tax from Form 4972
D Tax from additional Form(s) 4972
E Recapture tax from Form 8863
F IRC Section 197(f)(9)(B)(ii) election for an additional tax
G Health Coverage Tax Credit Recovery, Form 8885, Line 5, if negative
H Additional tax from Form 8621
I Tax. Add lines A through G. Enter the result here and include in tax below 0.
J Form 8621 tax deferal from line 9c (to line 24)

1040/1040SR Wks: Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Excess Social Security and Tier I RRTA Tax Withheld Smart Worksheet

The calculated amount for Excess social security and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld could include
a portion that needs to be removed. When a taxpayer has multiple W-2’s, each with the same
EIN, excess withholding can only be claimed if the Employer’s Name’s in box c of the W-2’s
reflect separate business entities. This could occur when a parent company has multiple
subsidiaries, or when a temp agency issues W-2’s for distinctly different jobs. If you have
multiple W-2’s with the same EIN, for the same taxpayer, and for the same job, reduce the
amount calculated on Line A below by the excess withholdings from only those W-2’s.

A Total Excess Social Security or Tier I RRTA tax withheld claimed as a credit 0.

Federal Information Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

TurboTax for the Web Filing Status Smart Worksheet

Check this box to override the filing status selected thru Interview
Marital Status
Filing Status Selected
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 2

Dependent Information Worksheet (tony) -- Smart Worksheet

Dependency/EIC Smart Worksheet

NOTE: It is recommended that you answer the questions below using the Step-by-Step mode.
That will help insure that answers to the questions are not inconsistent.

A How many months did this person live with you? The whole year
Note: If born or died in current year and lived with you entire time or qualified
missing child select "The whole year". If more than one-half the year select 7
or more
B Who are the parents of this person?
(Used to determine if additional questions are necessary for children of divorced parents.)
Both Taxpayer and spouse
C Did this person provide more than 1/2 of their own support? Yes X No
D Was this person married on December 31, 2022 and filing a joint return
for the year (You may answer no if the only reason the joint return is filed
is to get a refund of tax withheld or estimated tax payments and neither
spouse would have a tax liability on their return if they filed separate
returns)? Yes No
Detailed answers for this question. This dependent:
- Was married on December 31, 2022 Yes No
- If married, filed a joint return for the year Yes No
- If filed joint return, only filed to get a refund of
tax withheld or estimated tax payments Yes No
- If filed married filing separate, neither spouse
had a tax liability on their return if they had
filed separately Yes No
E Is this person a Full time student? Yes No
F Is this person’s gross income less than $4,400? X Yes No
1 Did you provide over 1/2 the support for this person?
Did you provide over 10% of the support for the person and with other
individuals who would be able to claim the person except for the
support test over 1/2 the support and all of you have agreed that you
alone will claim the person and you have filled out the Multiple Support
Declaration, Form 2120, to attach to your return? X Yes No
G Is there an agreement with this person’s other parent about who can claim
this person as a dependent? Yes No
Note: The noncustodial parent claiming the exemption for the child must
attach to their return Form 8332 from the custodial parent releasing the
claim to the exemption for the child
1 TurboTax Web Only:
Is the other parent claiming this dependent per the custody
agreement? Yes No
Has the other parent waived their legal right so you can claim this
dependent on your tax return? Yes No
H Who will be claiming this person as a dependent as a result of:
- an agreement between the parents
- the rules controlling who can claim a qualifying child when the child meets the
conditions to be a qualifying child of more than one person?
Taxpayer (includes spouse if married filing joint) in this return? X
Other parent in different return?
Someone else in different return?
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 3

Dependent Information Worksheet (tony) -- Smart Worksheet

Child and Dependent Care Expenses, Form 2441, Special Situations Worksheet

Check this box if this person is a qualifying person only for the dependent care
expenses because they were not your dependent but would have been except that:
* They received gross income greater than $4,400 or more or
* They filed a joint return
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 4

Part-Year State Allocation Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Additional Other Income Allocation Smart Worksheet

* Enter the state of source for this income (See Tax Help) B
Federal Residency Info * Allocated
Amount From To Res Src Amount
mm/dd mm/dd St St

Y Not-for-profit (hobby) income T

Not-for-profit (hobby) income S

Z Stock options T

Stock options S

aa Scholarship not on Form W-2 T

Scholarship not on Form W-2 S

bb Medicaid waiver payments T

Medicaid waiver payments S

cc Nonqualified pension / annuity T

Nonqualified pension / annuity S

dd Wages earned w. incarcerated T

Wages earned w. incarcerated S

ee Miscellaneous other income T

Miscellaneous other income S

ee Miscellaneous other income T
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 5

Miscellaneous other income S

Tax and Interest Deduction Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Mortgage Interest Limited Smart Worksheet

If your mortgage interest deduction needs to be limited for one of the following reasons, use
the Deductible Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet to determine the amount to be reported on
lines A, B, and C below:
' The principal amount of your mortgage and home equity debt is over $750,000 ($375,000 if
married filing separate), or
' You had home debt that was not used to buy, build or substantially improve your home that
secures the loan

QuickZoom to Deductible Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet

Does your mortgage interest need to be limited: Yes No X

A Home mortgage interest and points reported on Form 1098:

1 Mortgage interest and points from the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet
2 Limited amount to report on line 5a below
B Home mortgage interest not reported on Form 1098:
1 Mortgage interest from the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet
2 Limited amount to report on line 6a below
C Points not reported on Form 1098:
1 Points not on Form 1098 from the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet
2 Limited amount to report on line 7a below

Misc Itemized Deductions Wks -- Smart Worksheet

Depreciation Smart Worksheet

A Enter Section 179 carryover from prior year
B QuickZoom to the Asset Entry Worksheet
C QuickZoom to the Depreciation/Amortization Reports
D QuickZoom to Form 4562 for Schedule A
E Treat all MACRS assets for activity as qualified Indian reservation property? Yes X No
F Treat all assets acquired after Aug. 27, 2005 as
qualified GO Zone property? Regular Extension X No
G Treat all assets acquired after May 4, 2007 as
qualified Kansas Disaster Zone property? Yes X No
H Was this property located in a Qualified Disaster Area? Yes X No
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 6

Earned Income Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Medicaid Waiver Payments for the Earned Income Credit and

Additional Child Tax Credit Smart Worksheet

A Check box if any wages are Medicaid Waiver Payments that you choose to include
in earned income

Earned Income Credit Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Nontaxable Combat Pay Election Smart Worksheet

QuickZoom to enter nontaxable combat pay on Form W-2

A Taxpayer:
1 Taxpayer, nontaxable combat pay
2 Election for earned income credit (EIC):
Elect taxpayer’s nontaxable combat pay as earned income for EIC? Yes No
3 Election for dependent care benefits (DCB):
Elect taxpayer’s nontaxable combat pay as earned income for DCB? Yes No
4 Election for child and dependent care credit:
Elect taxpayer’s nontaxable combat pay as earned income
for child and dependent care credit? Yes No

B Spouse:
1 Spouse, nontaxable combat pay
2 Election for earned income credit (EIC):
Elect spouse’s nontaxable combat pay as earned income for EIC? Yes No
3 Election for dependent care benefits (DCB):
Elect spouse’s nontaxable combat pay as earned income for DCB? Yes No
4 Election for child and dependent care credit:
Elect spouse’s nontaxable combat pay as earned income
for child and dependent care credit? Yes No

C You may compare the tax benefit of electing or not electing by checking a box on line A or
line B and reviewing the overpayment or amount due below:

Overpayment Amount due 0.

Earned Income Credit Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Earned Income Smart Worksheet

A Current year earned income for EIC 0.
Shawntae L Adams 572-85-3164 7

Earned Income Credit Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Investment Income Smart Worksheet

A Taxable and tax exempt interest

B Dividend income
C Capital gain net income
D Royalty and rental of personal property net income
E Passive activity net income:
1 Rental real estate net income or loss
2 Farm rental net income or loss
3 Partnerships and S corporations net income or loss
4 Estates and trusts net income or loss
5 Total of lines 1 through 4
6 Total passive activity net income, line 5 if greater than zero
F Interest and dividends from Forms 8814
G Adjustments
H Total investment income, add lines A through G 0.

Is line H, total investment income over $10,300?

X No. You may take the credit.
Yes. Stop. You cannot take the credit.

Earned Income Credit Worksheet -- Smart Worksheet

Married Filing Separately Smart Worksheet (with one or more qualifying child)
MFS filers with a qualifying child have additional requirements. Answer the questions below:

Did you and your spouse have the same principal residence for the last 6 months of 2022? Yes No
Are you legally separated according to your state law under a written separation agreement or a
decree of separate maintenance and you lived apart from your spouse at the end of 2022? Yes No

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