Articulo 5
Articulo 5
Articulo 5
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011301-2 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
advanced models, which account for Reynolds-number where A and m = 1.32 are obtained from the measurements.
effects7 and intermittency.8 The development of such models At a distance x0 downstream of the grid, a fine heated wire is
has been made possible by the recent investigations of La- stretched across the center of the wind tunnel in the
grangian properties using direct numerical simulations z-direction 共at y = 0兲. The distance downstream of wire is
共DNS兲 and experiments with modern diagnostics. The paper denoted by x⬘ = x − x0, so that the coordinate system 共x⬘ , y , z兲
concludes with some thoughts on the current challenges and has its origin in the center of the wire. The wire is suffi-
future prospects for the modeling and simulation of turbulent ciently fine that it has a negligible effect on the turbulent
flows. velocity field. Because of the electrical heating of the wire,
This paper is intended primarily for nonspecialists, with the air passing very close to the wire is heated. Thus, to an
the aim to provide an introduction to stochastic Lagrangian approximation, the wire is a continuous line source of heat.
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011301-3 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
冉 冊
1 − y2
具共x⬘,y兲典 = exp , 共3兲 where the model constant C2 and the exponent m are related
共x⬘兲冑2 2共x⬘兲2 by
where 共x⬘兲 is the characteristic width of the mean profile. 1+m
All theories and models predict the Gaussian shape: the chal- C2 = . 共9兲
lenge is to predict the downstream spreading, i.e., the depen-
dence of 共x⬘兲 on x⬘. Thus, the k- model is successful for this simplest of turbu-
In the laboratory frame considered, the flow is statisti- lent flows in correctly describing the decay of the turbulence.
cally stationary and two-dimensional, with statistics varying According to the k- model, the turbulent diffusivity is
only in the x⬘ and y directions, and spatial gradients of sta- k2
tistics are dominantly in the y-direction. It is also convenient ⌫T = C⌫ , 共10兲
to consider a frame moving with the mean velocity. Thus, we
define where C⌫ is a constant, and indeed this relation is inevitable
once k and are taken to represent the turbulence.
x̂ = x⬘ − 具U典t, 共4兲
In the moving frame, the exact conservation equation for
and consider the scalar 共x̂ , y , z , t兲 in this frame. Now, to a the mean scalar is
good approximation, statistics depend only on y and t, and
the wire 共which is a continuous line source in the laboratory
frame兲 appears as an instantaneous plane source at y = 0, t
− 具v典 . 冊 共11兲
= 0. Thus, in this frame, the flow is decaying homogeneous The right-hand side represents the divergence of two fluxes:
isotropic turbulence 共with zero-mean velocity兲, and the phe- that due to molecular diffusion and that due to turbulence
nomenon under study is the evolution of 共x̂ , y , z , t兲 from the convection. The term 具v典 is called the 共turbulent兲 scalar
initial condition of a heated plane sheet 关i.e., 共x̂ , y , z , 0兲 flux, and it is the covariance of the scalar and the y-direction
= ␦共y兲兴. velocity v.
The turbulent diffusion model amounts to approximating
B. Turbulent diffusion model the scalar flux by
The simplest models for turbulent flows are those based 具典
on the concepts of turbulent viscosity and turbulent diffusiv- 具v典 ⬇ − ⌫T , 共12兲
ity. The basic notion is that the mean fields in turbulent flows
behave similarly to fields in laminar flows, but with en- so that Eq. 共11兲 becomes
冉 冊
hanced “effective” viscosity and diffusivity. Specifically, the
molecular diffusivity ⌫ is enhanced by a turbulent contribu- 具典 具典
= ⌫eff . 共13兲
tion ⌫T to yield the effective diffusivity t y y
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011301-4 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
u+共t⬘兲dt⬘ , 共19兲
0 0
具u+共t⬘兲u+共t⬙兲典dt⬘dt⬙ . 共20兲
Fifty years before the k- turbulence model, Taylor3 This is Taylor’s principal result, showing that the dispersion
tackled the problem of turbulent dispersion in his famous 共t兲2 is known in terms of the two-time Lagrangian velocity
1921 paper “Diffusion by continuous movements.” For the autocovariance.
line source problem, the equation governing the mean 具典 Further deductions are most simply made for the case of
关Eq. 共11兲兴 is derived from the instantaneous equation, statistically stationary turbulence 共as opposed to decaying
grid turbulence兲. In the stationary case, the autocovariance
D can be reexpressed as
= ⌫ⵜ2 . 共15兲
具u+共t⬘兲u+共t⬙兲典 = 具u2典共兩t⬘ − t⬙兩兲, 共21兲
Taylor argued that at high Reynolds number, the molecular
where 具u2典 is the velocity variance and 共s兲 is the Lagrangian
flux in Eq. 共11兲 is negligible compared to the turbulent flux.
With the molecular term neglected, the equation for the mean velocity autocorrelation function. DNS 共Ref. 15兲 shows that
then rises from the instantaneous equation, 共s兲 is well approximated by the exponential
= 0, 共16兲 共s兲 = exp 冉 冊
− 兩s兩
, 共22兲
i.e., the scalar is conserved following the fluid. This ob- where TL is the Lagrangian velocity integral time scale
servation transforms the problem into that of describing the
motion of fluid particles. For the line source problem in the
moving frame, the mean 具共y , t兲典 is proportional to the PDF
TL ⬅ 冕 0
共s兲ds. 共23兲
共at y , t兲 of the position of fluid particles originating from the 关The approximation equation 共22兲 is scrutinized in Sec. IV.兴
source 共y = 0兲 at time t = 0. Using Eq. 共21兲 and a nontrivial manipulation 共see, e.g.,
We denote by X+共t , Y兲 the position at time t of the fluid Ref. 16兲, Eq. 共20兲 can be reexpressed as
particle which is at position Y at time 0. By definition, the t
fluid particle moves with its own velocity 关denoted by 共t兲2 = 2具u2典 共t − s兲共s兲ds. 共24兲
u+共t , Y兲兴, which is the local Eulerian fluid velocity, 0
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011301-5 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
⌫ˆ 共t兲 ⬅
d 1
冉 冊 冕
dt 2
共t兲2 = 具u2典
D. The Langevin model FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Samples of fluid-particle paths X+共t兲 for short times
共t / TL ⱕ 1, top兲 and for long times 共t / TL ⱕ 100, bottom兲 obtained from the
In an appendix to his paper,3 Taylor proposed a stochas- Langevin model. The dashed lines show ⫾共t兲, the standard deviation of
tic model for the position X+共t兲 of a fluid particle. According X+共t兲. Normalization is by the Lagrangian integral time scale TL and the rms
velocity u⬘.
to this model, over successive small time intervals ⌬t, the
position increments 关X+共t + ⌬t兲 − X+共t兲兴 and 关X+共t兲 − X+共t
− ⌬t兲兴 are highly correlated. In fact, this model is identical to
the stochastic model for velocity u+共t兲 proposed a decade Realizations 共or sample paths兲 of u+共t兲 can be generated
earlier by Langevin2 to model the velocity of a particle un- from Eq. 共28兲 and then integrated to yield corresponding
dergoing Brownian motion. sample paths of X+共t兲. Figure 3 shows such sample paths at
For the case of statistically stationary homogeneous tur- short times 共top兲 and long times 共bottom兲. The ballistic and
bulence, the Langevin model can be written as the stochastic diffusive regimes identified by Taylor are clearly evident.
differential equation 共SDE兲, In order to apply the Langevin equation to the case of
冉 冊
decaying grid turbulence, we rewrite it as
dt 2u⬘2 1/2
du+共t兲 = − u+共t兲 + dW共t兲, 共28兲 du+ = − uu+dt + bdW, 共30兲
and we seek to relate the relaxation rate u and the diffusion
where W共t兲 is a Wiener process. The reader unfamiliar with
coefficient b to properties of the turbulence, which is char-
SDEs can understand this equation through its finite-
acterized by the kinetic energy k and the dissipation rate .
difference analog,
Two pieces of information are required to determine these
Uhlenbeck 共OU兲 process, which is readily analyzed 共see, The second piece of information comes from Kolmogorov1
e.g., Ref. 16兲. The OU process corresponding to Eq. 共28兲 is theory. This pertains to the second-order Lagrangian velocity
fully characterized by the fact that it is a continuous statisti- structure function defined by
cally stationary Gaussian process with mean 具u+共t兲典 = 0, vari-
D共s兲 ⬅ 具关u+共t + s兲 − u+共t兲兴2典, 共32兲
ance 具u+共t兲2典 = u⬘2, and exponential autocorrelation 共s兲
= exp共−兩s兩 / TL兲. The mean and variance are 关by construction which is simply the variance of the velocity increment over a
of Eq. 共28兲兴 consistent with the given properties of the tur- time interval s. According to Kolmogorov, at high Reynolds
bulence, and, as mentioned above, the exponential autocor- number, and for s in the inertial range 共i.e., Ⰶ s Ⰶ TL,
relation is supported by DNS data. where is the Kolmogorov time scale兲, D共s兲 is uniquely
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011301-6 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
E. Scalar variance
The success of stochastic Lagrangian models based on
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Width of the thermal wake 共normalized by L
= k3/2 / at the source兲 against distance from the source x⬘ normalized by the the Langevin equation to describe the mean temperature field
distance x0 of the source from the grid: symbols, experimental data 共Refs. 11 was well established 25 years ago. Only recently, however,
and 12兲; dashed line, from the Langevin model for fluid particles; solid line, has the same success been achieved for the temperature vari-
from the Langevin model for Brownian particles. ance.
For the temperature variance, which reveals the extent of
determined by s and . Dimensional analysis then leads to turbulent mixing, there are two distinct modeling ap-
proaches. The first is based on pair dispersion in which one
D共s兲 = C0s, for Ⰶ s Ⰶ TL , 共33兲 models the motion of a pair of Brownian particles: see Ref.
where C0 is a universal Kolmogorov constant. 共Since this 18 for a recent review. We follow the second approach in
relation is linear in , it also holds according to Kolmogor- which the stochastic Lagrangian model is extended by add-
ov’s refined similarity hypotheses17 in the presence of inter- ing composition +共t兲 as a particle property. Furthermore, we
mittency.兲 consider particles uniformly distributed throughout the flow
The Langevin equation is consistent with Eq. 共33兲 pro- domain, rather than just those originally from the location of
vided that b is taken to be 共C0兲1/2. Then Eq. 共31兲 requires u the source.
to be 共 21 + 43 C0兲 / k. Thus, for decaying turbulence, the Lange- An important aspect of this approach is the estimation of
vin equation can be written as mean fields from particle properties. For example, the mean
scalar field 共in a general flow兲 is obtained as
du+ = − 冉 1 3
+ C0 u+dt + 共C0兲1/2dW.
2 4 k
共34兲 具共x,t兲典 = 具+共t兲兩X+共t兲 = x典, 共36兲
i.e., the mean Eulerian field 具共x , t兲典 is the expectation of the
共The same equation applies to the stationary case, but with
particle composition +共t兲, conditional upon the particle be-
the 21 omitted from the drift coefficient.兲
ing located at x at time t. 共In Sec. III C, we explain how such
The dispersion 共t兲2 = 具X+共t兲2典 given by the Langevin
means are estimated in practice, in a numerical implementa-
equation 共34兲 can be determined analytically:4,16 it depends
tion of the method.兲
solely on the decay exponent m 共known from the experi-
For the case considered of a single conserved passive
ment兲 and the constant C0. Figure 4 compares the experimen-
scalar, the simplest Lagrangian model for the scalar is the
tal data for 共t兲 with the Langevin-model prediction for C0
interaction by exchange with the mean 共IEM兲 model,19,20
= 2.1—the value determined by reference to these data. As
may be seen, there is excellent agreement, except for very d+共t兲
= − m关+共t兲 − 具+共t兲兩X+共t兲典兴, 共37兲
small times. This discrepancy is due to the complete neglect dt
of molecular diffusion, which is not justified in this
moderate-Reynolds-number flow 共R ⬇ 50兲. This deficiency where the composition relaxation rate m is taken to be
is readily remedied by redefining the particles considered to 1
be Brownian particles, moving both with the local fluid ve- m = C , 共38兲
2 k
locity and by molecular diffusion. Thus, X+共t兲 evolves by the
SDE where C is a model constant. Thus, according to this IEM
model, the particle composition +共t兲 relaxes to the local
dX+共t兲 = u+共t兲dt + 共2⌫兲1/2dW⬘ , 共35兲
mean 具+共t兲 兩 X共t兲典 at the rate m.
where W⬘共t兲 is a Wiener process 关independent of W共t兲 in the Despite its apparent simplicity, the line source in grid
Langevin equation兴. With this modification, as may be seen turbulence contains features that are challenging to over-
from Fig. 4, the Langevin model is in excellent agreement simple models, and the IEM model is found to be deficient in
with the data. predicting the variance. Close to the heated wire, the instan-
As indicated in Fig. 4, the theory identifies three re- taneous structure of the temperature field is that of an un-
gimes: at very early times molecular diffusion dominates and steady laminar thermal wake that is flapped around by the
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011301-7 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
y= 0
0 −3 1
10 10
x /xo
FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Axial profile of the ratio of the rms temperature
fluctuation to the mean temperature excess on the centerline downstream of FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Radial profiles of the rms temperature fluctuation
the line source: symbols, experimental data 共Ref. 11兲; line, calculations us- normalized by its centerline value at axial locations 共from top to bottom兲
ing the IECM model 共Ref. 6兲. x⬘ / M = 0.36, 0.62, 1.0, 100: symbols, experimental data 共Ref. 11兲; line, cal-
culations using the IECM model 共Ref. 6兲.
turbulent motions. As a consequence, in this early region, the sive scalars, denoted by 1 and 2. As functions of x⬘ and y,
direct effects of molecular diffusion to broaden the thermal in addition to the means 具1典 and 具2典, and variances 具1⬘2典
wake are important, and the temperature field is highly cor- and 具2⬘2典, we can consider the covariance 具1⬘2⬘典 and the
related with the velocity 共in the y-direction兲. correlation coefficient
A refined model6 which accounts for these effects is
given by 12 ⬅ . 共40兲
d 共t兲
= − m关+共t兲 − 具+共t兲兩X+共t兲,u+共t兲典兴 The covariance and the correlation coefficient are important
quantities, as they reveal the rate of mixing of different sca-
2具+共t兲兩X+共t兲,u+共t兲典 lars, which is clearly relevant to reactive flows. In the experi-
+⌫ . 共39兲
y2 ment, Warhaft deduced the covariance using a superposition
principle based on three separate measurements of the tem-
The term in m is similar to the IEM model, but now the
perature variance: one with the wire at y = 21 d0 heated, one
relaxation is to the mean conditioned on the particle velocity
with the wire at y = − 21 d0 heated, and one with both wires
共in addition to its position兲. This part is called the interaction
by exchange with the conditional mean 共IECM兲 model.21–23
Figure 7 shows the axial evolution of the correlation
The term in ⌫ implements the direct effects of molecular
coefficient 12 on the centerline 共y = 0 , z = 0兲 for different
diffusion in the evolution of the composition, instead of
wire separations d0. As may be seen, this evolution is highly
through a random walk in the position equation, Eq. 共35兲.
nontrivial and strongly dependent on the value of d0. The
Analysis shows that while the use of Brownian particles, Eq.
stochastic Lagrangian model is completely successful in rep-
共35兲, is valid for studying the mean 具典, it introduces a spu-
resenting these observations.
rious source of composition variance.
Figures 5 and 6 show axial and radial profiles of the
normalized rms temperature fluctuations ⬘ for Warhaft’s
line source experiment. As may be seen, there is excellent With straightforward modifications and extensions, the
agreement between the model calculations and the measure- simple stochastic Lagrangian models for position, X+共t兲, ve-
ments. The calculations are obtained from the stochastic La- locity, u+共t兲, and composition, +共t兲, can be used to produce
grangian model for fluid particles 共dX+ / dt = u+兲, in which the a closed modeled equation for inhomogeneous turbulent
velocity u+共t兲 evolves by the Langevin equation 关Eq. 共34兲兴, flows, including reacting flows. Specifically, the models pro-
and the composition +共t兲 evolves by the IECM model 关Eq. vide a closure for the transport equation for the one-point,
共39兲兴. one-time Eulerian joint PDF of velocity and composition. In
This stochastic Lagrangian model has been applied to practice, this modeled PDF equation is solved by a particle/
the ingenious experiment by Warhaft11 on pairs of line mesh Monte Carlo method, the core of which is a large num-
sources. Instead of a single heated wire at x⬘ = 0, y = 0, there ber of particles, each evolving according to the stochastic
are two wires, separated by a distance d0, located at x⬘ = 0, Lagrangian models.
y = ⫾ 21 d0. Conceptually, and in the modeling, we can con- In this section, this PDF method is described, along with
sider the two wires to be sources of different conserved pas- its associated particle-mesh method, and its application to a
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011301-8 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
+ 具U典 · ⵜ 具典 = ⵜ · 共⌫ ⵜ 具典 − 具u典兲 + 具S共兲典, 共42兲
冉 冊
The Eulerian statistical approach, which goes back to
Reynolds’ paper,24 consists of the following stages:
+ 具U典 · ⵜ 具典 = ⵜ · 共关⌫ + ⌫T兴 ⵜ 具典兲 + S共具典兲. 共46兲
共1兲 The starting point is the set of exact, instantaneous con-
servation equations for the flow variables considered. This Eulerian statistical approach, described here for the
共2兲 We then derive the exact 共but unclosed兲 equations gov- means, can be applied to means, variances, and covariances
erning a chosen set of statistics 共e.g., means, variances兲, 共to yield a “second-moment” closure兲 or to higher statistics.
which are called “knowns.” In particular, it can be applied to the Eulerian one-point one-
共3兲 We provide models for other statistics arising in these time joint PDF of velocity and composition. This quantity,
equations 共referred to as “unknowns”兲 in terms of the denoted f共V , ; x , t兲, is the joint probability density of the
knowns. event 兵U共x , t兲 = V , 共x , t兲 = 其, where V and are the corre-
共4兲 The result is a set of closed, modeled equations for the sponding sample-space variables. In this case, the unknowns
knowns. to be modeled are conditional statistics, such as the condi-
tional diffusion
As a simple example, we consider a constant-property flow
involving a single reactive scalar 共x , t兲, whose conservation D共V, ;x,t兲 = 具⌫ⵜ2兩U = V, = 典. 共47兲
equation is
冉 冊
+ U · ⵜ = ⌫ⵜ2 + S共兲, 共41兲
2. The stochastic Lagrangian approach
where U共x , t兲 is the Eulerian velocity field, ⌫ is the molecu- In the stochastic Lagrangian approach, we select a set of
lar diffusivity, and S is the chemical source term, which is a fluid properties to be considered. For definiteness, we con-
known, highly nonlinear function of the local value of . sider the velocity U and composition . As in the Eulerian
In the simplest “mean flow” closure, the set of statistics statistical approach, the starting point is the instantaneous
considered consists of the mean velocity 具U典, the mean pres- conservation equations for the quantities considered. In the
sure 具p典, and the mean scalar 具典. Conservation equations for case considered, these are the Navier–Stokes equations for
具U典 and 具p典—the Reynolds equations—are derived from the U共x , t兲,
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011301-9 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
= − ⵜ p + ⵜ2U,
ⵜ ·U=0 共48兲 dU+ + 冋 1
ⵜ 具p典 册 +
dt = − u关U+ − 具U典+兴dt + 共C0兲1/2dW,
共where and are the constant density and kinematic vis- 共53兲
cosity and p共x , t兲 is the pressure兲, and Eq. 共41兲 for 共x , t兲. where again the relaxation rate u and the mean dissipation
The end result of the approach is a closed modeled conser- rate are specified as another aspect of the modeling. The
vation equation for the one-point, one-time Eulerian joint determination of n, m, and is discussed in Sec. III B.
PDF of the properties considered; here f共V , ; x , t兲, the Note that for the inhomogeneous flows considered, the ap-
velocity-composition joint PDF. propriate drift term in the Langevin equation causes U+ to
We consider the joint PDF f to be “known” and hence relax to the local mean velocity. Also, if the effects of mean
any quantity that can be deduced from f is also a known. diffusion and mean viscous stresses are important, then these
Consequently, moments such as 具U典 , 具典 , 具uiu j典 , 具ui典 are terms 共which are known兲 can be included.
known, as is the mean pressure field 具p典, since it can be The final stage is to derive from the model particle equa-
obtained from a Poisson equation of known source. tions a modeled conservation equation for the joint PDF
The second step in the stochastic Lagrangian approach is f共V , ; x , t兲. By design, this equation is closed.
to write down the fluid-particle evolution equations, which
follow directly from the Eulerian conservation equations. 3. Comparison of approaches
Thus, for the case considered, the fluid-particle properties
A significant difference between the Eulerian and La-
X+共t兲 , U+共t兲 , +共t兲 evolve by
grangian approaches is in the form of the quantities to be
dX+ modeled. In the Eulerian approach, it is statistics which re-
− U+共t兲 = 0, 共49兲 quire modeling, and their complexity increases with the level
of closure considered. In the stochastic Lagrangian approach,
冋 册 冋 册
+ + to be modeled are the instantaneous, time-dependent physi-
dU+ 1 1
+ ⵜ 具p典 = − ⵜ p ⬘ + ⵜ 2U , 共50兲 cal processes affecting the fluid-particle properties. Thus, the
dt modeling is very direct.
A second-moment closure and a PDF model can be com-
d+ pared in terms of the processes requiring modeling. To this
− S共+共t兲兲 = 共⌫ⵜ2兲+ , 共51兲
dt end, we rewrite the governing equations as
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011301-10 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
on each side. As shown in the sketch, a rectangular solution = 0. The intermediate values of 共n兲 共i.e., 0 ⬍ 共n兲 ⬍ 1兲 arise
domain is selected and covered by a uniform Cartesian mesh. solely due to the IEM mixing model 共because mixture frac-
The fundamental representation of the flow is in terms of tion is a conserved scalar and so has no chemical source
a large number N of computational particles, which model term兲. The chemical source of product S共 , Y p兲 is appropri-
fluid particles 共on different realizations of the flow兲. At time ately specified to be zero for = 0 共pure air兲 and for = 1
t, the nth particle has the following properties: position 共pure fuel兲. Hence, mixing to intermediate values of pre-
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011301-11 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
FIG. 9. 共Color online兲 Scatter plots of particles in the x-y solution domain FIG. 10. 共Color online兲 Cell means of product mass fraction obtained from
for the lifted jet flame. The particles are grayscale-coded 共color-coded on- the particle/mesh method applied to the simple lifted flame. Left: contour
line兲 by mixture fraction 共left兲 and by product mass fraction 共right兲 共en- plot of instantaneous cell means. Right: lateral profile at y ⬇ 3.2 of the in-
hanced online兲. 关URL:兴 stantaneous 关circles 共red兲兴 and time-averaged 关squares 共blue兲兴 cell mean 共en-
hanced online兲.关URL:兴
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011301-12 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100
Tc (K)
FIG. 11. Lift-off height H 共normalized by the jet diameter D兲 against coflow FIG. 13. 共Color online兲 Scatter plot of mixture fraction and temperature of
temperature Tc: symbols, experimental data 共Ref. 39兲; line with symbols, particles emanating from the fuel jet in PDF calculations 共Ref. 42兲
PDF calculations 共Ref. 41兲. of the Cabra flame. Print version, particles at x / D = 13; on-line version,
animation with time corresponding to x / D 共enhanced online兲. 关URL:兴
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011301-13 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
governing equations have been derived,47 modeled, and molecular mixing is modeled to be determined by the large-
implemented.48 However, the FDF pertains to a single real- scale turbulent motions, independent of the molecular prop-
ization and does not account for the distribution of subfilter- erties. Given that the Reynolds numbers of the turbulent
scale fields. In the author’s view, a better definition is that of flames mentioned are not large, it is perhaps surprising how
a PDF conditional on the resolved fields, as proposed by successful this scaling argument appears to be.
Fox33 and developed by Pope.49 At this stage of develop- In spite of the successes mentioned above, it is certainly
ment, the difference between LES/FDF and LES/PDF is the case that the modeling of molecular mixing is not satis-
purely conceptual, with the modeled equations used being factory in all respects, and many attempts have been made to
the same. However, there are real differences in their exact construct improved models, e.g., Refs. 57–59. Perhaps the
evolution equations, especially in the molecular transport greatest challenge is posed by premixed turbulent combus-
terms as the LES is refined to approach DNS, and we can tion in the flamelet regime. In that case, the steepest scalar
expect modeled LES/PDF equations to be developed to con- gradients result from a reaction-diffusion balance in the
form to this known limiting behavior. flamelets, rather than from the straining-diffusion balance ex-
There are several different PDF approaches, dependent perienced by nonreactive scalars. In several studies,60,61 PDF
on the set of variables considered, primarily combinations of methods have been applied to premixed combustion in the
composition, velocity, and frequency. Most of these ap- flamelet regime.
proaches have been implemented in the LES context by Givi There are two interesting observations concerning mo-
and co-workers.50 However, the most widely used LES/PDF lecular diffusion in LES/PDF. First, in contrast to PDF meth-
approach is for reactive flows, and it uses conventional LES ods, the direct effect of molecular diffusion can be signifi-
modeling for the velocity field, and the PDF approach for the cant, and even dominant. In LES simulations of the Sandia
compositions. In this case, the position X+共t兲 of the compu- Flame D, it is found that 共on reasonable grids兲 the molecular
tational particles evolves by the SDE diffusivity is larger than the turbulent diffusivity in the near
field and at all but the lowest temperatures.62 共This observa-
冋 册 冑冉 冊
tion is relevant to all LES approaches, not just to LES/PDF.兲
+ +
1 2⌫T To make the second observation, we consider a high-
dX+共t兲 = Ũ + ⵜ ⌫T dt + dW, 共56兲
具典 具典 Reynolds-number flow involving the mixing of a conserved
scalar , the mixture fraction, which is zero in one stream
and unity in the other. The integral scale of the turbulence is
where Ũ共x , t兲 is the resolved LES velocity field, 具典 is the L, and the LES resolution parameter 共e.g., the filter width兲 ⌬
resolved density, and ⌫T is the turbulent 共subgrid-scale兲 dif- is in the inertial range 共L Ⰷ ⌬ Ⰷ 兲.
fusivity. With ¯ denoting the LES field, and with 具 典 denoting the
In recent years, there has been an increasing use of LES/ mean, the scalar can be decomposed as
PDF methods for turbulent combustion, both in academic
research and in industry.51 Reviews of this work are provided
by Pitsch,52 Haworth,26 and Haworth and Pope,53 and there = 具
¯ 典 + 共
¯ − 具
¯ 典兲 + 共 −
¯ 兲. 共57兲
are recent examples using a particle/mesh method,54 using
the stochastic fields method55 and using DQMOM.56 While The three terms on the right-hand side correspond to the
LES/PDF is computationally more expensive than both LES mean, the resolved fluctuation, and the residual fluctuation.
and PDF methods, it combines the merits of both in provid- To a good approximation, the composition variance can be
ing an accurate description of the turbulent velocity field and expressed as the sum of resolved and residual contributions,
of the turbulence-chemistry interactions, which typically oc-
cur on the smallest, unresolved scales. 具共 − 具典兲2典 ⬇ 具共
¯ − 具
¯ 典兲2典 + 具共 −
¯ 兲2典. 共58兲
F. Discussion on the modeling of mixing in PDF Standard scaling arguments16 give the residual variance de-
and LES/PDF methods
creasing as 共⌬ / L兲2/3 as ⌬ decreases, and hence this modeled
Models are sometimes criticized for lacking a represen- contribution becomes small compared to the known resolved
tation of a physical process deemed essential to the phenom- contribution. This is the normal picture of LES—the mod-
enon at hand. Clearly, in reactive flows, the processes of eled unresolved contributions become progressively less im-
molecular diffusion and thermal conductivity are essential, portant as ⌬ decreases.
since only by molecular diffusion can fuel and oxidant mix Consider now the composition +共t兲 of a computational
to form a reactive mixture, and only by conduction can hot particle in a LES/PDF calculation of this flow. For the case
and cold fluids produce warm fluid. It is these processes that considered 共⌬ Ⰷ 兲, the direct effects of molecular diffusion
in PDF methods are modeled by the IEM and similar models. are negligible 共since ⌫ Ⰶ ⌫T兲, whereas molecular mixing is
It is interesting to observe, therefore, that PDF methods are modeled, for example, by the IEM model. We observe, there-
successful in accounting for challenging phenomena such as fore, that +共t兲 evolves solely due to the modeled term: if the
local extinction and reignition, and stabilization of lifted mixing model were omitted, then there would be no mecha-
flames in hot coflows, and yet these models do not involve nism for +共t兲 to depart from its initial value 共0 or 1兲, and
the molecular diffusivity or conductivity of the fluid. Instead, hence the predicted composition PDF would be a double-
in accord with the cascade picture of turbulence, the rate of delta function everywhere. Furthermore, scaling arguments
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011301-14 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
In this section, we examine more closely the Lagrangian
velocity in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, and the extent
to which it is described by the Langevin model. Referring to 2
Box’s statement, “All models are wrong; but some are use-
ful,” we have already seen the usefulness of the Langevin
model not only for isotropic turbulence, but as an important 0 −2 0 2
component of PDF methods applied to inhomogeneous flows 10 10 10
such as turbulent flames. Nevertheless, when examined in s/TL
detail, the model is found to be wrong—or, more charitably,
it provides an incomplete description of the phenomena. In FIG. 14. 共Color online兲 Compensated second-order Lagrangian structure
Secs. IV A–IV D that follow, we examine the Lagrangian functions: solid lines, DNS 共Ref. 70兲 at Reynolds numbers 共from bottom to
top兲 R = 43, 86, 140, 235, 393, 595, 1000; dashed line, Langevin model
velocity on small time scales, observe deficiencies of the with C0 = 2.1.
Langevin model, and show how they can be remedied.
Prior to 1989, we had little detailed knowledge of La-
grangian statistics in turbulence due to the obvious experi-
mental difficulties. However, over the past 20 years, starting
with the work of Yeung and Pope,15 we have obtained exten- D共s兲 ⬇ C0s, for Ⰶ 1, 共64兲
sive, detailed information from DNS;63–65 and in the past TL
decade, remarkable progress has been made in experimental consistent with the Kolmogorov hypotheses.
techniques enabling the measurement of Lagrangian velocity Figure 14 shows compensated structure functions, i.e.,
and acceleration.66–69 It is this information from DNS and D共s兲 / 共s兲, obtained from DNS,70 for Taylor-scale Reynolds
experiments which has enabled the development of more ad- numbers R from 43 to 1000, compared to the Langevin-
vanced stochastic Lagrangian models. model result, Eq. 共62兲. The following clear observations can
be made from the DNS data:
A. Lagrangian velocity increments
共1兲 There is a strong Reynolds-number dependence. Indeed,
We consider statistically stationary, homogeneous, iso- it is generally found that compared to Eulerian statistics,
tropic turbulence with turbulence intensity u⬘ and mean dis- Lagrangian statistics exhibit a stronger Reynolds-
sipation rate . A component of the Lagrangian velocity 共of a number dependence, and do so up to higher Reynolds
fluid particle兲 is denoted by u+共t兲. This has mean zero and numbers.
variance u⬘2. The most basic multitime statistics are the au- 共2兲 Even at the highest Reynolds number, D共s兲 / 共s兲 does
tocorrelation function not convincingly display the plateau predicted by Kol-
共s兲 ⬅ 具u+共s兲u+共0兲典, 共59兲 mogorov theory 关Eq. 共64兲兴.
共3兲 At larger times 关for s to the right of the peak of
and the second-order Lagrangian structure function D共s兲 / 共s兲兴 there is a collapse of the compensated struc-
D共s兲 ⬅ 具关u+共s兲 − u+共0兲兴2典, 共60兲 ture functions at different Reynolds number 共when plot-
ted against s / TL兲.
which is just the variance of the increment over the time 共4兲 At very small times, D共s兲 / 共s兲 increases linearly with s,
interval s ⱖ 0. These two functions are related to each other since a Taylor series for 关u+共s兲 − u+共0兲兴 yields
冓冉 冊 冔
by 2
du+ s
D共s兲 = 2u⬘2共1 − 共s兲兲. 共61兲 D共s兲 ⬇ s2 , for Ⰶ 1. 共65兲
According to the Langevin model, the structure function
is In comparison, the Langevin model has no Reynolds-number
dependence, it does yield a plateau, and this extends to s
D共s兲 = C0TL共1 − e−s/TL兲, 共62兲 = 0. 关Note that u+共t兲 given by the Langevin equation is con-
where the Lagrangian velocity integral time scale TL is re- tinuous but not differentiable, and so Eq. 共65兲 does not apply
lated to the Eulerian turbulence properties by to it.兴
2u⬘2 4k B. Reynolds number
TL = = . 共63兲
C0 3C0
It is straightforward to incorporate Reynolds-number de-
Note that for small times 共s / TL Ⰶ 1兲, Eq. 共62兲 yields pendence in the Langevin model simply by making the
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011301-15 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
FIG. 15. 共Color online兲 The Langevin-model constant C0 against Reynolds FIG. 16. 共Color online兲 Compensated second-order Lagrangian structure
number: symbols, from DNS 共Ref. 70兲 and Eq. 共67兲; line, empirical fit, functions: solid lines, DNS 共Ref. 70兲 at Reynolds numbers 共from bottom to
Eq. 共68兲. top兲 R = 43, 86, 140, 235, 393, 595, 1000; dashed lines, Langevin model
with C0 obtained from Eq. 共67兲.
C0 = . 共67兲 The two specified time scales T⬁ and are related to the
integral scale and the Kolmogorov scale, respectively, and
Figure 15 shows values of C0 thus obtained from DNS,70 their ratio increases with Reynolds number. Based in these
compared to the empirical fit time scales and the rms velocity u⬘, the acceleration scale is
6.5 defined by
C0共R兲 = , 共68兲
共1 + 140R−4/3兲3/4 u ⬘2
a ⬘2 = . 共70兲
T ⬁
which is based on a suggestion by Sawford et al.71 As may
be seen, the fit represents the data well, and is consistent with Analytic expressions for the autocorrelation functions
the Kolmogorov hypotheses with C0 = 6.5. and structure functions can be deduced from Sawford’s
Figure 16 compares the compensated structure functions model. Figure 17 compares the predicted compensated struc-
from DNS with those from the Langevin model with C0共R兲 ture functions with those from DNS. As may be seen, there is
specified by Eq. 共67兲. As may be seen, the Langevin model good agreement, and in particular the small time scales are
now provides an accurate representation of the structure well represented.
function for s / ⬎ 10, say. Even though C0 is specified
based on the data, this agreement for the structure function is D. Intermittency
not inevitable. Instead, it indicates that, except in the dissi-
As is to be expected, the statistics of acceleration and
pation range 共s ⬍ 10兲, D共s兲 is characterized by the single
velocity increments over small time intervals are found to be
time scale TL.
highly non-Gaussian—a manifestation of interval intermit-
tency. For example, in an experiment at R = 680, Mordant et
C. Stochastic model for acceleration
al.72 measured the kurtosis of acceleration to be greater than
As observed from Fig. 16, the behavior of the Langevin 100, compared to the Gaussian value of 3. From the DNS of
model is qualitatively incorrect at small times. This is inevi- Yeung et al.,73 Fig. 18 shows the PDF of acceleration. As
table given that u+共t兲 is modeled as a diffusion process. The may be seen, this is much broader than the Gaussian distri-
problem can be removed, however, by moving the stochastic bution 共of the same standard deviation兲.
modeling to the next level; that is, by constructing a stochas- As originally suggested by Oboukhov74 and
tic model for the Lagrangian acceleration a+共t兲, and then Kolmogorov17 in 1962, the standard way to approach inter-
obtaining the velocity from du+ / dt = a+. nal intermittency is to condition statistics based on the local
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011301-16 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
FIG. 18. 共Color online兲 Standardized PDFs of acceleration from DNS 共Ref.
73兲: outer solid line 共red兲, unconditional PDF; inner solid lines 共six indis-
tinguishable lines兲, PDFs conditional on pseudodissipation quintiles 共ma- FIG. 20. 共Color online兲 Autocorrelation function of , the logarithm of
genta, online兲, and the cubic Gaussian equation 关Eq. 共73兲兴 共green, online兲; pseudodissipation, obtained from DNS 共Ref. 77兲 compared to the exponen-
inner dashed line, Gaussian 共blue兲. tial 共dashed line兲.
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011301-17 Simple models of turbulent flows Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
a+共t兲 than modeling the velocity and related quantities. Some rea-
â共t兲 ⬅ . 共72兲 sons for these challenges 共not all independent兲 are the fol-
The fact that the PDFs of conditional acceleration collapse in 共1兲 In the conservation equation for compositions, there is
Fig. 18 indicates that the one-time PDF of â共t兲 is indepen- no term analogous to the pressure gradient that appears
dent of +共t兲 and is that observed in the figure. An empirical in the velocity equation, and which has a randomizing
finding is that this PDF is well approximated by a “cubic effect.
Gaussian.” That is, the PDF of â共t兲 is well approximated by 共2兲 Mixing occurs predominantly at the smallest scales,
that of whereas the particle composition 共or, equivalently, the
one-point joint PDF of composition兲 contains no scale
information, but is dominated by the large scales.
ã ⬅ 共1 − p兲ā + pā3 , 共73兲 共3兲 Different compositions can have different diffusivities,
leading to differential diffusion effects, including
where ā is a Gaussian random variable and p = 0.1. thermal-diffusive instabilities.
Based on the above observations, Lamorgese et al.8 pro- 共4兲 Individual compositions 共e.g., species mass fractions兲
posed a stochastic model for velocity u+共t兲, acceleration are bounded 共i.e., between 0 and 1兲, and sets of compo-
a+共t兲, and pseudodissipation +共t兲, which, by construction, sitions with equal diffusivities satisfy joint boundedness
yields the correct one-time joint PDF of these quantities, thus conditions.
appropriately accounting for internal intermittency. 共5兲 Sets of compositions with equal diffusivities satisfy lin-
earity and independence conditions,92 to which models
E. Further stochastic Lagrangian models should adhere.
共6兲 In reacting flows 共especially premixed turbulent com-
Without attempting a comprehensive review, we mention bustion in the flamelet regime兲 the steepest composition
here some further stochastic Lagrangian models that have gradients can be caused by reaction fronts, rather than
been developed. For velocity and acceleration, the models by turbulent straining.
described above focus on the small time scales. For inhomo-
geneous flows, of more importance is the effect of mean Over the past 30 years, several models have been devel-
velocity gradients. The generalized Langevin model 共GLM兲 oped based solely on particle composition. These include the
共Ref. 78兲 accounts for these effects by making the drift term modified Curl model,93,94 the binomial Langevin model,95
in the Langevin equation for the velocity vector depend lin- the mapping closure,96,97 the Euclidean minimum spanning
early on the mean velocity gradient tensor. There is a corre- tree 共EMST兲 model,57 and multiple mapping conditioning.59
spondence between the tensor drift coefficient and models It is natural to attempt to improve the description of the
for the pressure-rate-of-strain tensor in Reynolds-stress physics of mixing by incorporating scale information. It has
models.21 In a similar manner, Sawford’s acceleration model proved difficult to do so in a way that leads to a tractable
can be generalized to incorporate the effects of mean veloc- model for inhomogeneous reactive flows. Some attempts
ity gradients.79 have been based on composition gradients,98 and on spectral
The GLM models 共in part兲 the “rapid” pressure, and it is representations,58 including combining PDF methods with
consistent with rapid distortion theory to the limited extent the eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian 共EDQNM兲
that it correctly represents the initial response of isotropic approach.99
turbulence. The stochastic wave-vector model80 introduces a
unit wavenumber vector e+共t兲 as an additional particle prop-
erty. Coupled equations for u+共t兲 and e+共t兲 are then con-
structed using a mathematical analogy to the Navier–Stokes In this paper, we have illustrated the potency and broad
equations in wavenumber space such that the Reynolds- applicability of stochastic Lagrangian models of turbulence.
stress evolution is correct for all rapid distortions of homo- Dispersion from a line source in grid turbulence is a funda-
geneous turbulence. It is interesting to note that this exact mental flow in the study of turbulent transport and mixing.
treatment of rapid distortion is possible through stochastic Turbulent diffusion models 共e.g., based on the k- model兲 are
modeling, but it cannot be achieved in moment closures. qualitatively incorrect, except far from the source. In con-
Other quantities and processes related to turbulent veloc- trast, the simple Langevin model for the fluid-particle veloc-
ity fields for which stochastic Lagrangian models have been ity and the IECM model for composition yield accurate pre-
constructed include the velocity gradient tensor,81–83 two- dictions of the mean, variances, and covariances from single
particle dispersion,84–87 and inertial particles.88–90 Some re- and multiple line sources.
cent reviews are provided by Meneveau91 and Sawford and In Sec. III, it is shown that with straightforward exten-
Pinton.18 sions, these simple stochastic Lagrangian models for velocity
Above we have described the IEM and IECM models and composition can be used to effect a turbulence closure,
which model the evolution of the composition +共t兲 of a in terms of the joint PDF of velocity and composition, and
fluid particle due to molecular diffusion. Such “mixing mod- the stochastic models form the basis for a natural particle/
els” are central to PDF methods for turbulent reactive flows. mesh numerical method to solve the modeled PDF equation.
Arguably, this general problem is much more challenging These PDF methods have been applied to several turbulent
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011301-18 Stephen B. Pope Phys. Fluids 23, 011301 共2011兲
flames, and they have proved most successful in accounting M. S. Anand and S. B. Pope, in Turbulent Shear Flows 4, edited by L. J.
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