PCE - 97 - 6 - New Building
PCE - 97 - 6 - New Building
PCE - 97 - 6 - New Building
Processes in the
Shipbuilding Industry
By L. Baldwin, Appledore International Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
W is an increasingly
competitive inter-
national busi-
ness. For long-
term profitability and mar-
ket advantage, the modern
shipbuilder must continu-
ously improve productivity
with the other aspects of
shipbuilding, namely steel-
work and outfitting.
As a result of the re-
search programme, a tech-
nical association was set
up at the end of 1996
between Appledore Inter-
and quality. Today, ship- national and International
builders seek new techno- Paint. The aim of this asso-
logical solutions for the ciation is to combine the
problems associated with shipyard production and
steel fabrication and sur- Coordinating newbuilding and coating work can enhance shipyard engineering expertise of
face preparation/coating productivity, the author says. (Photo courtesy of International Paint) the consultants with the
application, both of which often Background coatings experience of the paint
are regarded as “bottlenecks” in A research programme at the manufacturer to improve coating
the flow of production. University of Newcastle examined productivity within shipyards.
In leading shipyards, careful the techno-economic aspects of
selection of coatings and profes- painting in shipbuilding. The Methodology
sional production planning now result was the development of a A three-phase approach to this
are recognised as critical to main- computer-based cost estimation work has been developed by
taining a smooth process flow and tool that allows shipyards to accu- Appledore International and Inter-
ensuring delivery on time, on bud- rately estimate the costs involved national Paint. These phases
get, and at the right level of quali- in coating ships, from initial involve technical benchmarking,
ty. With the coatings process plate/section cleaning and shop cost analysis, and development of
accounting for up to 30 percent of primer application through final improved coating strategies using
total man-hours, integrating the touch-up at the outfitting quay. work study techniques.
entire coating process with auto- The cost estimation tool takes
mated steelwork activities needs into account man-hour, power, Phase 1: Technical
to be managed extremely carefully and material consumption, and Benchmarking of the
to ensure maximum productivity recognises variations in cleaning Coating Process
and efficiency. and application rates resulting Technical benchmarking of the
This article describes the from alternative surface prepara- existing coating process is a tech-
approach taken by one leading tion standard requirements, ship nique based on a shipyard tech-
marine consultancy to tackle this areas, and work locations. This nology audit. The aim of bench-
problem. involves an analysis of the coating marking is to analyse the whole