Nature and Function of Leadership

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Leadership can simply be defined as the ability to influence others.

Leadership is the work that is

done by the leader.

It is a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in

the accomplishment of a common task.

In the course of his survey of leadership theories and research; Stogdill came across innumerable

definitions of leadership.

For our purpose, we may define leadership as the process of directing and influencing people so

that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group


Keith Devis said that leadership is the process of encouraging and helping others to work

enthusiastically toward objectives.

According to Koontz and Donnell, the act of leadership is the process of influencing people so that

they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of the group goal.

Ideally, people should be encouraged to develop not only a willingness to work but also a

willingness to work with confidence and zeal. Confidence reflects the experience and

technical expertise; zeal is earnestness, and intensity in the execution of work.

A leader acts to help a group achieve objectives through the exploitation of its maximum


A leader does not stand behind a group to push and prod; she/he places herself/himself before the

group, facilitates progress and inspires the group to accomplish organizational goals.

Leadership is the potential to influence the behavior of others.

It is also defined as the capacity to influence a group towards the realization of a goal. Leaders are

required to develop a future vision and to motivate the organizational members to achieve the


Leadership is both a process and a property.

As a process -focusing on what leaders do; leadership is the use of no coercive influence to shape

the group or organizational goals, motive behavior towards the achievement of those goals

and help define a group or organizational culture.

As property leadership is the set of characteristics attributed to individuals who are perceived to be

Nature of leadership

Leadership derives from the power and is similar to, yet distinct from, management. In fact,

“leadership” and “management” are different. There can be leaders of completely

unorganized groups, but there can be managers only of organized groups. Thus it can be said

that a manager is necessarily a leader but a leader may not be a manager.

Leadership is essential for managing. The ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an

effective manager because she/he has to combine resources and lead a group to achieve


Leadership and motivation are closely interconnected. By understanding motivation, one can

appreciate better what people want and why they act as they do. A leader can encourage or

dampen workers’ motivation by creating a favorable or unfavorable working environment in

the organization.

The essence of leadership is followership. In other words, it is the willingness of people to follow

a person that makes that person a leader. Moreover, people tend to follow those whom they

see as providing a means of achieving their desires, needs and wants.

Leadership involves an unequal distribution of power between leaders and group members. Group

members are not powerless; they can shape group activities in some ways. Still, the leader

will usually have more power than the group members.

Leaders can influence the followers’ behavior in some ways. Leaders can influence workers either

to do ill or well for the company. The leader must be able to empower and motivate the

followers to the cause.

The leader must co-exist with the subordinates or followers and must have a clear idea about their

demands and ambitions. This creates loyalty and trust in subordinates for their leader.

Leadership is to be concerned about values. Followers learn ethics and values from their leaders.

Leaders are the real teachers of ethics, and they can reinforce ideas. Leaders need to make

positive statements of ethics if they are not hypocritical.

Leading is a very demanding job both physically and psychologically. The leader must have the

strength, power, and ability to meet the bodily requirements; zeal, energy, and patience to

meet the mental requirements for leading. ▸

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