DNA Damage Ancient DNA
DNA Damage Ancient DNA
DNA Damage Ancient DNA
Under favorable conditions DNA can survive for thousands of years in the remains of dead
organisms. The DNA extracted from such remains is invariably degraded to a small average
size by processes that at least partly involve depurination. It also contains large amounts of
deaminated cytosine residues that are accumulated toward the ends of the molecules, as well
as several other lesions that are less well characterized.
n living cells, DNA molecules continuously fest themselves in three different ways: (i) a re-
I suffer chemical insults, which are countered
by enzymatic repair mechanisms that maintain
duction in DNA fragment size, (ii) lesions that
block the replication of the DNA molecules by
the integrity of the genome (Lindahl 1993). On polymerases, thus impeding many forms of
death, these cellular repair mechanisms cease to analysis, and (iii) lesions that cause incorrect
function. As a consequence, the genome be- nucleotides to be incorporated when the DNA
comes exposed to the unmitigated effects of nu- is replicated. Here, we summarize what is known
merous factors that threaten its stability. These about each of these forms of damage in ancient
factors include intracellular nucleases, which are DNA.
no longer sequestered in the cell and can thus
gain access to DNA and degrade it, as well as
microorganisms that spread in the decaying tis-
sues. Together these factors may lead to the loss Already in the first systematic study of the prop-
of all retrievable DNA. However, under favorable erties of ancient DNA (Pääbo 1989), it was
environmental conditions, for example when shown that almost all DNA extracted from sam-
tissues are frozen or become desiccated quickly ples varying in age between 4 and 13,000 years
after death, these processes become inhibited was degraded to fragments of 40 – 500 bp. Sub-
before the complete destruction of all DNA en- sequent work has confirmed that this is a general
dogenous to the organism. In these instances feature of DNA extracted from almost all ancient
other destructive factors, particularly hydrolytic remains. Based on in vitro experiments using
and oxidative processes, become limiting to the modern DNA (Lindahl and Andersson 1972;
time that DNA survives in a tissue. Lindahl and Nyberg 1972), it has been suggested
When DNA is extracted and analyzed from that fragmentation is owing to hydrolytic depu-
ancient samples these destructive factors mani- rination and subsequent b elimination resulting
Editors: Errol C. Friedberg, Stephen J. Elledge, Alan R. Lehmann, Tomas Lindahl, and Marco Muzi-Falconi
Additional Perspectives on DNA Repair, Mutagenesis, and Other Responses to DNA Damage available at www.cshperspectives.org
Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012567
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2013;5:a012567
J. Dabney et al.
in single-strand breaks (Fig. 1) (Pääbo and Wil- and not removed by enzymatic treatments
son 1991; Lindahl 1993). Indeed, alkali treat- used during library preparation. Using this ap-
ment of ancient DNA extracts indicates the pres- proach and a reference genome to infer the bas-
ence of terminal 50 -phosphate and aldehydic es immediately adjacent to the ancient DNA
30 ends, which are products of b elimination fragments, it was shown that the purines ade-
(Jones et al. 1968). nine (A) and guanine (G) are overrepresented
During the last decade, high-throughput se- next to the 50 ends of DNA fragments extracted
quencing methods have allowed a better under- from the remains of Neanderthals, mammoths,
standing of fragmentation patterns in ancient and cave bears, which were all 40,000 years old
DNA. This is because these methods rely on (Fig. 2) (Briggs et al. 2007). In Pleistocene horse
the ligation of DNA adaptors to the ends of remains preserved in permafrost (Orlando et al.
DNA molecules to construct sequencing librar- 2011) it was shown that G residues were even
ies (Margulies et al. 2005). Subsequent sequenc- more overrepresented than A residues adjacent
ing from the adaptors allows the location of to the 50 ends. A possible explanation for the
strand breaks to be determined as long as the preferential depurination of G over A residues
terminal nucleotides are amenable to ligation is a resonance structure in guanine that may
N (guanine)
O– O–
5′ N N NH2 C O Abasic C O
O– O–
O P O site
O Hydrolysis
DNA sugar O O–
H+, H2O OH–
backbone 3′ Depurination O P O β Elimination O P O
O– O–
B Amine
Carbonyl group
+ H2O
Cytosine Uracil
Figure 1. Fragmentation and deamination. (A) A likely cause of fragmentation in ancient DNA is depurination,
in which the N-glycosyl bond between a sugar and an adenine or guanine residue is cleaved, resulting in an abasic
site. The DNA strand is then fragmented through b elimination, leaving 30 -aldehydic and 50 -phosphate ends. (B)
Deamination of cytosine to uracil is the major mechanism leading to miscoding lesions in ancient DNA. DNA
polymerases will incorporate an A across from the U, and in turn a Tacross from the A, causing apparent G to A
and C to T substitutions.
treatments to improve amplification yield (Roh- number over other substitutions (Stiller et al.
land and Hofreiter 2007; Binladen and Willer- 2006; Gilbert et al. 2007). Moreover, it has been
slev 2010). found that these substitutions are primarily lo-
It has also been suggested, based on the re- calized to fragment ends where up to 40% of all
fractivity of permafrost-derived ancient DNA cytosines appear as thymines, followed by an
to heat denaturation, that cross-links accumu- exponential decrease of such substitutions along
late about 100 times faster than single-strand the DNA molecule (Fig. 3) (Briggs et al. 2007;
breaks in such DNA (Hansen et al. 2006). In Brotherton et al. 2007). Notably, blunt-end re-
contrast, primer extensions on ancient DNA pair by T4 DNA polymerase used to prepare the
fragments that were 27,000 – 48,000 years old DNA sequencing libraries results in the elimina-
and came from three bones preserved in perma- tion of overhanging 30 ends, whereas overhang-
frost and one bone from a cave site concluded ing 50 ends are filled in. Consequently, toward the
that all blocking lesions, including cross-links, 30 ends of the sequenced molecules, deaminated
were present in no more than 40% of molecules cytosine residues result in apparent G to A sub-
(Heyn et al. 2010). Thus, there is currently con- stitutions, explaining the occurrence of these
flicting evidence about the extent to which substitutions in libraries prepared from ancient
blocking lesions are present in ancient DNA. DNA (Briggs et al. 2007; Brotherton et al. 2007),
which was initially mistaken for deamination of
guanine residues (Stiller et al. 2006). Analysis of
the 30 end of ancient DNA fragments, made pos-
Nucleotide bases are susceptible to hydrolytic sible by both new sequencing technologies (Or-
deamination, resulting in modifications that lando et al. 2011) and the recent single-stranded
cause them to be misread by DNA polymerases. library preparation method (Meyer et al. 2012),
A primary target of deamination is cytosine. Its unequivocally shows that C to T changes occur at
product, uracil (Fig. 1), will direct the incorpo-
ration of adenine (A) during DNA replication,
resulting in apparent C to Tor G to A substitu-
tions (depending on the strand sequenced). Be-
C to T
cause ancient DNA is sensitive to uracil-N-gly- 0.4 Other
cosylase (UNG) it has been inferred that it
contains uracil residues (Pääbo 1989). Further-
Substitution frequency
more, asymmetric PCR that amplifies only one
DNA strand has shown that the large majority of
nucleotide substitutions in ancient DNA se- 0.2
quences are from C to T and that treatment
with UNG results in a substantial reduction of
such substitutions (Hofreiter et al. 2001). Some 0.1
similar and high frequencies on both ends of (Willerslev et al. 2007). In contrast, a number
ancient DNA fragments. of publications of DNA sequences determined
Because deaminated cytosines are localized from remains that are several million years old
primarily to the ends of DNA fragments and exist in the literature, including inclusions of
because the rate of cytosine deamination is animals and plants enclosed in amber (DeSalle
about two orders of magnitude faster in sin- et al. 1992) and fossils of plants and dinosaurs
gle-stranded than double-stranded DNA (Lin- (Golenberg et al. 1990; Woodward et al. 1994).
dahl 1993), it is likely that the accumulation These probably all represent DNA from present-
of C to T substitutions at the ends of ancient day organisms that have contaminated the sam-
DNA fragments reflects the occurrence of sin- ples or experiments (Pääbo and Wilson 1991;
gle-stranded overhanging ends in ancient DNA Lindahl 1993; Pääbo et al. 2004).
(Briggs et al. 2007; Orlando et al. 2011). Because DNA sequence features indicative of DNA
uracils occur only rarely in the middle of ancient damage have recently been assessed in animal
DNA strands they can be removed using uracil- remains varying in age from 18 to 60,000 years
N-glycosylase and Escherichia coli endonuclease (Sawyer et al. 2012). No correlation between
VIII to improve sequence quality without sub- fragment length and age was found, and only a
stantially impairing the overall recovery of DNA weak negative correlation between age and the
sequence (Briggs et al. 2010). occurrence of purines immediately adjacent
to the 50 ends of fragments was seen. Interest-
ingly, in samples younger than 100 years of age,
adenine residues predominated adjacent to the
Although environmental conditions such as hu- 50 ends of fragments, whereas guanine residues
midity, temperature, salinity, and pH will have a predominated in samples older than 40,000
strong effect on DNA preservation, it has been years. This suggests that some process other
estimated through extrapolation from in vitro than depurination, which likely causes the ele-
experiments (Lindahl 1993) that DNA would vated guanine signal in older samples, occurs in
survive no more than a few hundred thousand younger samples, perhaps degradation by en-
years. Indeed, it was recently estimated that the zymes shortly after death. Of the DNA sequence
half-life of 242 bp mitochondrial DNA frag- features studied, only cytosine deamination was
ments in bird bones excavated in a small area strongly positively correlated with age, despite
in New Zealand is around 500 years and that the fact that the samples came from different
only preservation in frozen conditions might sites and a variety of burial conditions. Cytosine
allow DNA to survive for more than a million deamination, manifested by an elevated C to T
years (Allentoft et al. 2012). When several such substitution frequency, can therefore be used as
detailed studies of DNA survival from different an indication that DNA molecules are indeed
environments become available it will hopefully ancient (Krause et al. 2010).
be possible to estimate the likelihood of DNA
survival given the environmental conditions at
an archaeological site. However, even then, con-
ditions of relevance for DNA survival such as Our understanding of postmortem DNA dam-
amount of water percolation, salinity, pH, and age is still very fragmentary. For example, de-
microbial growth are likely to vary within a site purination is a well-characterized mechanism
or an archaeological stratum and make preser- of DNA degradation but its contribution to an-
vation conditions variable on a “microscale.” cient DNA fragmentation is based entirely on
Nevertheless, it is clear that DNA will not indirect evidence and it probably accounts for
survive over geological time scales. The oldest only 10%– 40% of the fragmentation that oc-
credible samples that have been sequenced stem curs in ancient DNA (Sawyer et al. 2012). Fur-
from plant and insect DNA found in 450,000- thermore, it is unclear how prevalent block-
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