Cyto Finals 1
Cyto Finals 1
Cyto Finals 1
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Developmental diseases
○hereditary = derived from
parents A. Those that arise spontaneously during gestation
Kinds of ◦ e.g failure of testis to descend
= transmitted in the Congenital
gametes through generations diseases B. Those that are secondary to environmental
○congenital = present at birth problems
3 4
5 6
7 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 Type 2
Age onset Juvenile onset Adult onset
Genetics 60%-65% 10%
HLA region on 6p21 chromosome Insulin receptor gene
Insulin gene in 11p15 chromosome 19p13 chromosome
Pathogenesis Autoimmunity: Islet cell Insulin resistance
Antibodies Relative insulin deficiency
Severe insulin deficiency
Beta cells Severe depletion Mild depletion
7 8
Partly genetic, associated with ABCG2, FACTORS TREATMENT COMPLICATIONS
SLC2A9 and SLC22A12 genes which
results to impaired metabolism of uric 1. Increased consumption of 1. NSAIDS 1. Arthritis
acid (end product of purine metabolism) 2. Increased production of purines
2. Colchicine 2. Tophi
3. Steroids 3. Urinary calculi
precipitation of monosodium urate 3. Decreased clearance of uric
acids 4. Gouty Nephropathy
crystals inside the joints causing arthritis
4. Obesity and diabetes
formation of large crystalline 5. Chemotherapy and radiation
aggregates - tophi 6. Chronic kidney disease
7. Medications
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It is characterized by
moderate intellectual
disability and self-mutilating
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Marfan Syndrome
Genetic disorder of
the connective tissue
Involves: Tall stature
with long slim limbs,
Low tone muscles,
Little subcutaneous or
skin fat, 60% scoliosis
and prone to Heart
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Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hypercholesterolemia
Group of genetic defect of collagen
fibrils - several types - both autosomal Type 2 familial dyslipidemia
dominant and recessive
most frequent mendelian disorder -
hyperextensibility of skin, 1:500 Xanthelasma
hypermobility of joints, joint mutation of gene encoding LDL-receptor
dislocations, vulnerability, rupture of (Chromosome 19)
large vessels, colon, cornea
Reduction of LDL uptake in the liver, thus
Vascular type (Type III collagen) may LDL accumulates in the blood
result to vascular fragility/ rupture, Artherosclerosis
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Progeria Syndrome
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria
Syndrome or premature aging
Point mutation in position
1824 of LMNA gene
(Chromosome 1), cytosine is
replaced with thymine
Noticeable 18-24 months of
Life expectancy 8-21 years with
an average of 14 years
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Cystic fibrosis
1:2000 live births - most common
lethal genetic disease in white
AUTOSOMAL defect in the transport of chloride ions
RECESSIVE across epithelia - increased absorption
of Na+ and water to the blood
widespread defect in the exocrine
glands - abnormally viscid mucous
blockage of airways, pancreatic ducts,
biliary ducts
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Glycogen storage
diseases (glycogenoses)
deficiency of any one of the enzymes
involved in degradation or synthesis of
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Gaucher disease
Tay-Sachs disease defect of glucocerebrosidase
(gangliosidosis) accumulation of glucocerebroside
1. Due to deficiency β- Gaucher cells - spleen (red pulp), liver
hexosaminidase A (sinuses), bone marrow
2. Enzyme responsible for -Crumpled tissue paper;lipid filled
breakdown of gangliosides. macrophages
3. GM2 Gangliosides in large -Symptoms can include:
amount deposits in cells. easy bleeding and bruising, fatigue,
4. neurons and glial cells of CNS anemia, weak bones, bone and joint
- mental retardation, pain, and enlargement of the spleen
blindness or liver
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defect of sphingomyelinase
accumulation of cholesterol and
sphingomyelin in spleen, liver,
BM, LN, lungs - massive
Histiocytes (foamy cells) - severe
neurological deterioration
death during first 4-5 years
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MP synthesized in the connective tissue by
fibroblasts - part of the ground substance
several clinical variants (I-VII)
involvement of liver, spleen, heart (valves,
coronary arteries), blood vessels
Symptoms: coarse facial features (gargoylism-
), clouding of the cornea, joint stiffness,
mental retardation
usually death in childhood (cardiac
most frequent Hurler syndrome and Hunter
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1. alternations in the number or structure
of chromosomes
2. autosomes or sex chromosomes: 22
pairs of autosomes, 2 sex chromosomes
(XX or XY)
3. Detected through Karyotyping: cell
cycle arrested in metaphase (colchicin)
- staining by Giemsa method (G-bands)
- photographed
4. cytogenetic disorders are relatively
frequent (1:160 newborns; 50% of
spontaneous abortions)
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1. Numerical abnormalities
euploidy - normal 46 (2n)
A. polyploidy : spontaneous abortion
-Triploidy (3n)
-Tetraploidy (4n)
B. aneuploidy
monosomy (2n-1) - autosomal - incompatible with life
- sex chromosomal - compatible with life
trisomy (2n+1) - 47 - compatible with life
Tetrasomy: gain 2 chromosomes
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45 46
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Trisomy 13
Patau syndrome
defects of eye, nose, lip, and forebrain
Polydactyly (more then 5 fingers or toes)
hyperconvex fingernails (arches down)
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• Turner syndrome
• Klinefelter syndrome
• Fragile-X syndrome
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Klinefelter Syndrome
Turner Syndrome
Females with only one X sex
chromosomes First sex chromosome abnormality
Physical Characteristics to be reported
Short stature Tall, thin relatively long legs
Web neck
Infertile appear normal until puberty
Normal intelligence Hypogonadism (sex hormones are
Low posterior hairline not released)
broad chest with widely spaced Infertile due to undeveloped sex
elevated frequency of renal (kidney) organs
and cardiovascular anomalies significantly reduced IQ
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Fragile X Syndrome
In males the lower portion of the
X chromosome appears
constricted in a karyotype.
Moderate mental retardation
Fragile site - chromatin fails to
condense during mitosis
Females who carry the trait
may also show symptoms
long face with a prominent jaw,
large prominent ears, high
arched palate; flattened nasal
bridge; Prominent forehead
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Genomic Imprinting
The expression of the disease phenotype depends on whether it
has been inherited from the father or from the mother.
Rare genetic disorder in which 7 genes on chromosome 15 (q11-
13 are deleted or unexpressed
Prader-Willi Syndrome: maternal chromosome
Angelman’s Syndrome: paternal chromosome
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Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds a
fetus inside the uterus
Also contains fetal cells
A sample of amniotic fluid is taken and cells
are grown in a lab
Can be used to make a karyotype – takes 10 days to
grow enough cells
Detects chromosome abnormalities
Can be analyzed for defective alleles
Detects other genetic disorders
Cannot be conducted until the 14th week
of pregnancy
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Gene therapy
Introducing normal genes into
the cells of people with defective
This is the end….
alleles Use your knowledge to be compassionate and kind
Using viruses to inject alleles into cells
towards others.
Enclosing alleles in droplets of fat, which
are taken into cells by endocytosis
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