纤维施胶混合 US20050064169A1
纤维施胶混合 US20050064169A1
纤维施胶混合 US20050064169A1
Patent Application Publication Mar. 24, 2005 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2005/0064169 A1
Patent Application Publication Mar. 24, 2005 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2005/0064169 A1
• <> cu:
Fig. 4
US 2005/0064169 A1 Mar. 24, 2005
PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR WETTING WOOD ing out on the preSS end. The essential influence is however
FIBERS WITH A BINDING FLUID the Sluggish reactivity of the binding agent.
0001. The invention relates to a process and a device for 0007 Acceleration testing with e.g. hardeners or another
wetting wood fibres with a binding fluid, in particular for dry production method for resins have So far not shown any
sizing of wood fibres. The invention also relates to a proceSS Success, Since the associated advanced curing in the dryer
for manufacturing a fibre board as well as the fibre board has not brought about any improvement of mechanical board
itself. properties or any reduction in the press factor and/or any
reduction in the required quantity of adhesive.
0002. In general terms, the invention relates to applying
a fluid to Solid particles in a conveying air Stream. 0008 Also, the binding agent in the blowline is subjected
to water, So that the binding agents are also curtailed in this
0003. The manufacture of fibre boards such as e.g. respect. Different binding agents, which are Suitable per Se
medium-density fibre board (MDF), high-density fibre board for producing fibre boards, cannot be used for contact with
(HDF) and fibre boards of low density (LDF) according to water, or can be used but only limited. This applies in
the dry method is known. Lumpy wood is pulped in the particular for isocyanates. So-called encapsulated isocyan
pulper by the effect of preSSure and temperature in a Satu ates are in use, and are Suited principally for a blowline
rated Steam atmosphere. The lumpy Wood thus Softened adhesion, yet trouble-free operation over Several days is not
reaches the refiner, in which it is mechanically pulped into possible. As a rule the blowline accrues through isocyanate
fine wood fibres. reacting with water and the plant must be shut down for
0004. A pipe, the so-called blowline, guides the mixture cleaning.
of steam, water and fibres from the refiner to the dryer. In the 0009. The water present in the blowline has a minimal pH
blowline the fibres travel at a very high speed in the vicinity value, which results from the previous cooking of the wood
of 30 to 100 m/sec. The Sudden drop in pressure when the chips. Aminoplasts Such as urea formaldehyde resins (UF)
water vapour-water-fibre mixture exits from the blowline and melamine formaldehyde resins (MF) are acid hardening,
and enters the dryer Supports Singling out the fibres. Fibre which is why advanced hardening already takes place in the
agglomerates can be shredded, So that Subsequent drying in blowline.
the bus tube dryer brings the fibres effectively in a few
seconds to fibre humidity by ca. 10%, relative to the dry 0010. The technical problem of the present invention is
SS. now to improve the wetting of wood fibres with a binding
0005 Cyclones separate the dried fibres from the air flow 0011. This technical problem is solved by a device as
and via conveyor equipment these are fed to a Sifter for claimed in claim 1 as well as by a process as claimed in
Separating out glue lumps, fibre agglomerates or other claim 18. Herein below the invention is explained first in
entrained lumps, which detach from the inner wall of the bus greater detail by means of the individual procedural Steps,
tube dryer and/or from the lines. The dried fibre material before the inventive device is described by means of
thus treated reaches the former, where a fibre cake of embodiments.
minimal thickness (20 to 30 kg/m) is formed. Under the
effect of pressure and temperature a board is formed in a 0012 Beyond the process and device directed at the
preSS, which may have a thickness of 2 to 50 mm and a wetting of wood fibres and described herein below the
density between 60 to 1000 kg/m. invention also generally comprises applying or wetting Solid
0006 The above described manufacturing technology particles with a fluid, independently of whether the particles
known from the prior art provides for Supplying the binding are wood fibres and the fluid is a binding fluid. The descrip
tion of the wetting of wood fibres with a binding fluid is
agent to the mixture of water and wood fibres in the made as a preferable exemplary application.
blowline, and also on the path of the fibres between refiner
output and dryer input. The binding agent is thus Subjected 0013 The process for wetting wood fibres with a binding
to a high temperature of well over 100° C. for a certain fluid as claimed in claim 1 consists of the following StepS.
period from being fed to the fibres. This is significant insofar 0014. The wood fibres are guided along a transport tube
as the binding agent is to be cured in the preSS by the action with a transport air current to a guide tube, in which a
of temperature. Usual binding agents are condensation res conveying air Stream is generated. The binding fluid is fed
ins Such as aminoplasts (urea formaldehyde resin (UF), from outside and distributed in the guide tube inside the
melamine formaldehyde resin (MUF) or mixtures thereof) conveying air Stream, preferably resulting in a mist of
and/or isocyanates (e.g. PMDI). The reaction capacity of the binding agent. The Wood fibres are then conveyed in the
resins must match the increased temperature requirements conveying air Stream along with the distributed binding fluid
during gluing and drying insofar as the latter react very and brought into contact therewith, so that the wood fibres
Sluggishly. This is reflected in the curing rate. If the preSS are wet at least partially with the binding fluid.
factor (dwell time of the board in seconds per millimetre of
board thickness in the press) is compared, then that of a 0015 Since the conveying air stream serves exclusively
MDF board is in the region by 8 to 12 S/mm of that of a to convey the wood fibres, the parameters of temperature,
particle board of comparable density and Same thickness by preSSure and moisture of the conveying air Stream can be
4 S/mm. Therefore a board preSS of the same size for particle adjusted for optimal wetting of the wood fibres, in particular
board has a performance higher by ca. 50% than that for adapted to the properties of the binding fluid. The advantage
MDF. In addition, the high press factor for MDF is also of this is that the quantity of the binding fluid added to the
influenced by other parameterS Such as e.g. heat penetration, Wood fibres can be adjusted very precisely and more effec
Steam transport from the exterior to the board centre, Steam tively. This can be done in particular with respect to the
US 2005/0064169 A1 Mar. 24, 2005
properties of the binding fluid, Such that the proportion of comprising at least a portion of wood fibres and a portion of
the binding agent by weight of wood fibres can be reduced binding agent. The fibre board is characterised in that the
compared to previous processes. portion of binding agent is less than 12% by weight relative
0016 Preferably the wood fibres are conveyed upwards to the dry mass of the fibre portion. The portion of binding
Substantially vertically in the guide tube, by which deposits agent is preferably less than 10% by weight relative to the
are reduced or prevented on Side walls of the guide tube. dry mass of the fibre portion. In particular the portion of
binding agent is less than 8% by weight relative to the dry
0.017. By way of example an additive in the form of a mass of the fibre portion.
fluid or in the form of a solid dispersed in a fluid can be 0026. Therefore a fibre board can be made with a lesser
added in to the conveying air Stream. The wood fibres can portion of binding agent than previously, offering improved
thus be at least partially wet with the additive in addition to environmental-related properties, quite apart from cost
the binding fluid. In this way additives Such as dyes, economising during manufacture.
hardenerS or means for better fire resistance can be added
Simply. 0027. The binding agent can preferably be a urea form
0.018. The above mentioned method can be applied as aldehyde resin (UF), melamine urea formaldehyde resin
follows to a process for producing a fibre board. The fibre (MUF) or an isocyanate (PMDI). However, other binding
board is in particular a medium-density fibre board (MDF), agents, Suitable for making a fibre board, can also be
a high-density fibre board (HDF) or a fibre board with low
density (LDF), which at least comprise a proportion of wood 0028. The inventive device will now be explained in
fibres and a proportion of binding agent. greater detail herein below by means of embodiments, with
0.019 First, wood is pulped conventionally in a pulper reference to the attached diagrams, in which:
under the effect of temperature and pressure. The pulped 0029 FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an inventive
Wood is mechanically shredded and the resulting mixture of process Sequence for manufacturing a fibre board,
water, water vapour and wood fibres is sent to a dryer by 0030 FIG.2 is a first embodiment of an inventive device
means of a blowline. The wood fibres are separated and for wetting Solid particles, in particular wood fibres with a
dried in the dryer at least partially. fluid, in particular a binding fluid,
0020. The resulting shredded and dried wood fibres are 0031 FIG. 3 is a second embodiment of an inventive
then wet with a binding fluid (dry adhesion) at least partially device for wetting Solid particles, in particular wood fibres
by means of the above described process in the dry State. with a fluid, in particular a binding fluid, and
0021 Next the wood fibres at least partially wet with 0032 FIG. 4 shows two configurations of means for
binding fluid are Sent to a former for producing a form cake Supplying the fluid, in particular a binding fluid.
and a fibre board is made out of the form cake by preSS.
0022. Using the inventive process for wetting wood fibres 0033 FIG. 1 shows a principal drawing, such as e.g. the
with a binding fluid in a separate procedural Step following device for wetting the wood fibres, which can be integrated
shredding and drying the wood fibres offers the possibility of into an existing manufacturing process for producing fibre
wetting the wood fibres with the binding agent or also with boards after the drying procedure. The fibres are dried in the
other additives. This effectively improves the properties of buS tube dryer 1 in a known manner to a moisture required
the fibre board to be made. for the manufacturing process of for example 10% relative
to the dry mass. Prior to drying a part of the binding agent
0023 The process in principal has no particular require and of the additives can already be applied to the fibres in the
ments for other manufacturing processes before or after. So usual manner in the blowline. Additives are understood to
it can be utilised for each type of applying a fluid to a fibre include wax and paraffin for Swelling tempering, means for
or to fine transportable material, by means of an air flow. improved resistance against biological pests, dyes for indi
Previous drying of the material is just as little required as vidual colour shaping of the finished board or other liquid,
further processing, e.g. forming of boards following appli Solid and pasty constituents.
cation of the fluid. The process is accordingly Suitable for 0034) Applying binding agents and additives in known
applying e.g. binding agents to mineral fibres (rock wool fashion can also be completely dispensed with and the entire
damping products), to fibre glass (fibreglass damping prod quantity of binding agent and additives is applied to the
ucts) or to any kind of natural fibres (coconut, jute, hemp, fibres according to the inventive process. The necessary
sisal) for making insulating materials, fibre items or similar, moisture, which the fibres should have following the dryer
or also to any kind of Synthetic fibres. In the Same way fine
material Such as e.g. Wood dust, dust from mineral material 1, can deviate considerably from the usual moisture (ca. 5 to
(Sands, quartz sand, marble dust, corundum) or similar can 15%). While the wood fibres are being treated by the
be wet with fluid. inventive process it is possible to match the fibre moisture
ideally to the Subsequent process of board manufacture.
0024. The process is suitable also both as a standalone 0035). After the dryer 1 the fibres reach the fibre cyclone
device for applying a fluid to a material transportable by
means of an air flow, and for integration of this process in 2 for Separating the drying air. A fibre fan 3 here takes over
a production process. the fibres and forwards them to a generally vertically
arranged ascending pipe 5, in which transport air is intro
0.025 The invention also relates to a fibre board, in duced in addition by a fan 4. The fibres are wet with binding
particular medium-density fibre board (MDF), high-density agent and other components Such as e.g. additives in the
fibre board (HDF) or fibre board with low density (LDF) ascending pipe 5 by means of a plurality of nozzles in a
US 2005/0064169 A1 Mar. 24, 2005
misting Zone 6. The wet fibres then reach a cyclone 7 and a ascending pipe 17 is Selected depending on the aerodynamic
coarse material separator 8 (Sifter) and are then sent for the properties of the material Such that on the one hand transport
usual further processing 9 Such as forming of the fibre cake of the material 10 is enabled, and on the other hand
and pressing to form the boards. agglomerates of the material can decrease. There are devices
0.036 FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of a plant for 24 present for discharging these agglomerates. Depending
carrying out the inventive process. The material 10 to be wet on their nature the discharged agglomerates 25 can be
is sent to a pipe 16 via a transport device 11. The mass flow supplied to the flow of material 10 of the transport device 11,
of the material 10 can be determined by a weighing instru and if required the agglomerates 25 are dispersed in a
ment 13. A fan 14 conveys the material 10, mixed with mineral processing plant 26.
additional transport air 15, via a transport line 16 to a 0042. The device 24 is shown here as a downwards
generally vertical ascending pipe 17. The quantity of trans directed collecting cone, but any other design is feasible,
port air 15 should be sufficient to ensure trouble-free trans Such as e.g. a conveyor belt in the floor region of the
port of the material 10 to the ascending pipe 17. The fan 14 ascending pipe 17 or a Screw type extractor.
also has the task of loosening possible agglomerates of the
material. At the end of the transport line 16 a nozzle 18 can 0043. The mixture of material 10, transport air 15 and
be located for homogeneous distribution of the material 10 conveying air 23 freed of agglomerates flows on in the
acroSS the croSS-Sectional area of the ascending pipe 17, ascending pipe 17 to the fluid wetting unit 27. The latter
which can have special flow guide baffles 19 for better comprises a plurality of nozzles 28, which distribute the
fulfilling this task. fluid 30 as a fine fluid mist 29 across the cross-sectional area
of the ascending pipe 17. For this a pump 31 conveys the
0037. The transport speed of the material 10 in the fluid 30 out of a supply tank 32 to the nozzles 28.
transport line 16 is-to avoid depositS-20 m/sec and more.
An air fan 20 sends air 23 in sufficient quantity to the 0044) High-pressure nozzles according to the airless prin
ascending pipe 17 to convey the material 10. Air is not ciple have proven effective as nozzles 28, but also atomisers
exclusively understood to mean air in the Sense of ambient according to all other principles are possible Such as e.g. air
air, rather any kind of gases and mixtures thereof. The air 23 atomisers or rotation atomisers. High-pressure nozzles
can, if wanted, be warmed with a heat register 41. Likewise according to the airleSS principle and rotation atomisers
it is conceivable to bring the moisture in the air 23 with require no additional medium, Such as e.g. air, to form the
devices 40 to adjust Same in a desired range. These devices necessary Spray mist 29.
40 can for example comprise water injection or Steam 0045. The pump 31 guides the fluid 30 to the nozzles 28.
injection, So far as the absolute humidity is to be raised. The pressure depends on the rheologic properties of the fluid
Cooling devices for condensation of water vapour are just as 30 and the requirements for the fluid mist 29 with respect to
feasible for lowering the absolute humidity. The device 40 the diameter of the individual fluid drops.
can also be arranged after the heat register 41.
0038. The air 23, conveyed to the fan 20, can be ambient 0046) While the material 10 is conveyed by the fluid mist
air or can originate from another process, Such as e.g. from 29, the fluid drops condense on the material 10 and wet the
latter. The wetting can be Supported by the presence of an
a combustion process, waste air from a gas turbine or waste electric potential difference between the fluid drops and the
air from any other production process. A mixture of different material. Potential differences can be achieved by friction or
waste air flows is also possible. In any case it is a requisite by applying different Voltage potentials. Such a device 33 is
that possibly present gaseous, vaporous or Solid contami schematically illustrated by the lines for the fluid 30 from the
nants do not interfere with the function and operation of the pump 31 to the fluid wetting unit 27 lying on the earth
inventive device. In particular, faults can be caused by Solid potential.
and vaporous contaminants, which lead to depositing on the
inner walls of the entire device and in particular in the air fan 0047 Specific components made of a special material can
2O. be produced or can have a Special coating for Supporting the
0.039 The air 23 coming from the air fan 20 guides an air formation of potential differences. Special materials can be
line 21 to the ascending pipe 17. Baffles 22 should provide those, which . . . on account of the friction of the . . .
or ensure distribution of the air 23 over the cross-sectional incomplete original sentence. The fan 14, the transport line
area of the ascending pipe 17 to adjust an flow profile 16, the nozzle 18 and the baffles 19, as well as the parts 27,
favourable for carrying out the process. This can be homo 28, 31 and 32 are particularly suitable for this purpose.
geneous or display sharp differences between the edge and 0048. The fluid wetting unit 27 comprises a plurality of
core areas. The flow distribution must not be necessarily nozzles 28, attached to the side averted from the flow.
homogeneous. It may be necessary to Synchronise the dis
tribution with the direction of flow of the devices behind the 0049. The material 10 wet with fluid 30 reaches a mate
baffles 22, such as e.g. the nozzle 18 and the baffles 19. rial Separator 34 for Separating air flow and is forwarded for
further processing or storage 35. The excess air 36 from the
0040 Baffles 22 for deflecting the air flow are also material Separator 34 is either Sent to the atmosphere as
feasible at other points Such as e.g. in the ascending pipe 17. waste air 38 (optionally on completion of waste air cleaning)
But in the event of an arrangement in areas, where fluid or Sent on the proceSS as return air 37.
and/or material are already present, it must be considered
that contamination and/or wear of the baffles 22 is possible, 0050. The ratio of waste air 38 to return air 37 is set by
which would impair the functioning of the inventive device. means of both butterfly valves 39.
0041. In the ascending pipe 17 the air 23 mixes with the 0051. The cross-sections of the transport line 16 and of
material 10 and the transport air 15. The speed in the the ascending pipe 17 are preferably rotationally Symmetri
US 2005/0064169 A1 Mar. 24, 2005
cal, but also any other cross-section shape is feasible, Such butterfly valve 125. Excess air is discharged to the atmo
as e.g. Square, rectangular, polygonal or elliptical. sphere via the line 124. The heat register 126 enables the air
115 to be heated. The thus glued wood fibres 103a are sent
0.052 An embodiment for applying binding agents or on for further production.
additives to wood fibres is shown in FIG. 3. Dried wood
fibres from the dryer are separated in the cyclone 101 from 0060. In addition to the binding agent additives can also
the dryer air and discharged by the latter by means of a cell be applied to the wood fibres. A possibility is the Supplying
wheel sluice 102. The wood fibres 103 usually have mois as a mixture of binding agent and additives, Separate Supply
ture in the range between 5 to 15%. A conveyor belt 104 with two Separate coating Systems 120 and 131 and Separate
takes over the wood fibres and forwards them to the fibre nozzle planes is just as possible. FIG. 3 shows this variant
transport line 105. The fibre fan 106 brings the wood fibres with the device 130, whereby the mist Zone of the additives
103 along with the transport air 107 to the nozzle 108, which can be locally Separated from the mist Zone 122.
discharges the fibres parallel to the axis into the ascending 0061 Common application of binding agent and addi
pipe 109. tives in a Single nozzle plane is likewise conceivable. For
0053) The diameter of the transport line 105 is clearly this, Specific lances 120 are Supplied with binding agent, and
smaller than that of the ascending pipe 109. A diameter ratio other lances of the Same nozzle plane are Supplied with
of D1:D2=3:1 to 7:1, in particular 4:1 to 6:1, preferably additives.
approximately 5:1 has proven favourable. 0062) The following examples 1 to 3 clarify the advan
0.054 An air fan 110 Supplies air to the ascending pipe tages of the inventive process.
109. For regulating the quantity of air in the ascending pipe
109 there is the bypass feeder 111, which depending on the EXAMPLE 1.
position of the butterfly valve 112 guides a partial flow of the
air past the ascending pipe 109 and terminates in the 0063. In a device for dry adhesion of wood fibres accord
ascending pipe before its inlet to the cyclone 113. This ing to FIG. 3 ca. 3000 kg/h wood fibres are adhered. The
ensures on the one hand that the cyclone 113 works at the fibres originate from a conventional MDF production line
ideal work point independent of the quantity of air guided following the drying process. Adhesion via the blowline is
via the ascending pipe 109, and that on the other hand the just as possible as adhesion exclusively via the dry adhesion
quantity of air required for optimal operation of the device device. The guide tube is designed as a vertical ascending
is present in the ascending pipe 109. pipe with a diameter ratio of ascending pipe to transport pipe
of 3:1.
0.055 Baffles 114 in the intake area of the ascending pipe 0064. The air speed in the transport line is approximately
109 should distribute the incoming air 115 in known fashion
over the cross-section. In the vicinity of the nozzle 108 the 8-12 m/s, while that of the conveying air Stream in the
transport air 107, the wood fibres 103 and the air 115 are ascending pipe is between 20 and 30 m/s.
mixed and move up the pipe. A vertical arrangement of the 0065 Conventional MDF boards are manufactured
ascending pipe 109 offers certain advantages for this type of according to conventional blowline adhesion with the fol
material, while a horizontal or oblique arrangement is also lowing properties:
0056. A binding agent 116 is conveyed by a pump 118 0066 density 760 kg/m
from the reservoir 117 into a distributor pot 119. This 0067 adhesive type: conventional UF adhesive
Supplies Several nozzle lances 120, on which a plurality of
airleSS high-pressure nozzles is arranged. The number of 0068 quantity of adhesive: 12% by weight sold resin
nozzles is approximately 20 to 50 pieces per 1000 kg of to wood fibre dry mass
wood fibres, which are guided by the plant per hour. The 0069) wax emulsion: 0.6% solid wax relative to wood
pressure range of the nozzles lies between 10 to 80 bars, fibre dry mass
preferably between 20 and 40 bar.
0057 FIG. 3 shows the position of the nozzle lances 0070 board thickness: 15 mm
according to nozzle 108, by means of which a contact of the 0071 flexural resistance: 35 N/mm.
nozzle lances 120 and of the nozzles 121 is possible with the
wood fibres. An arrangement at the level of the nozzle 108 0072 flexural elasticity module: 3500 N/mm.
or underneath to avoid contact with the wood fibres is just
as feasible, however. 0073 transverse strength: 100 N/mm
0.058 FIG. 4 shows a sectional view of the arrangement 0074 24-hour thickness swelling: 9.0%
of the lances 120 in the ascending pipe 109. So a star-shaped
arrangement (FIG. 4a) of the lances 120 with the nozzles 0075) Adhesion was modified to the extent that 4.5%
121 is just as feasible as a parallel arrangement (FIG. 4b). quantity of adhesive relative to the dry mass was metered via
the blowline and 4.5% via the dry adhesion device. The
0059. In FIG.3 the wood fibres 103 flow in the ascending properties of the resulting board were not modified signifi
pipe 109 through the binding agent mist 122, by means of cantly by this. The binding agent, which was applied via the
which uniform wetting of the fibres is possible. The cyclone dry adhesion device, was clearly more reactive than that of
113 separates the fibres from the air flow. The waste air from the blowline adhesion, by means of which the press factor
the cyclone can be partially supplied back to the fan 110 via was able to be reduced by approximately 15% from 10 S/mm
the return air line 123 depending on the position of the to 8.5 S/mm.
US 2005/0064169 A1 Mar. 24, 2005
0.076 Adhesion was then changed to the extent that the 0101 Adhesion was varied as in the following table
entire quantity of binding agent of 5.5% relative to the wood without Significant change in the board properties:
dry mass was applied with the dry adhesion device. The
press factor could be reduced to 7 S/mm. The properties of
the resulting board were not modified by this significantly. adhesion blowline: 2% O%
EXAMPLE 2 dry adhesion: 2% 3%
17. The device as claimed in claim 15, wherein the means feeding the resulting mixture of water, water vapour and
for Supplying the binding fluid and the means for Supplying wood fibres to a dryer by means of a blowline,
additives are arranged in the direction of flow inside the at least partially shredding and drying the wood fibres in
guide tube in the same nozzle plane. the dryer,
18. A process for wetting wood fibres with a binding fluid,
Said process comprising: at least partially wetting the dried wood fibres by means
Supplying the Wood fibres to a guide tube with a transport of the process as claimed in claim 18 with a binding
air flow, fluid,
generating a conveying air Stream in the guide tube, feeding the wood fibres at least partially wet with binding
conveying the wood fibres fed with the transport air flow fluid to a former for manufacturing a form cake, and
to the conveying air Stream in the guide tube, making a fibre board out of the form cake by means of a
Supplying the binding fluid from the outside and distrib
uting in the guide tube, and 22. A fibre board, in particular a medium-density fibre
board, high-density fibre board or fibre board of minimal
wetting the wood fibres at least partially with the distrib density comprising at least a portion of wood fibres and a
uted binding fluid. portion of binding agent, wherein the portion of the binding
19. The process as claimed in claim 18, further compris agent for aminoplasts is less than 12% by weight or for
ing conveying the wood fibres in the guide tube Substantially isocyanate is less than 5% by weight relative to the dry mass
Vertically upwards. of that of the fibre portion.
20. The process as claimed in claim 19, further compris 23. The fibre board as claimed in claim 22, wherein the
ing feeding an additive in the form of a fluid or in the form portion of the binding agent for aminoplasts is less than 10%
of a Solid dispersed in a fluid to the conveying air Stream and by weight or for isocyanate is less than 4% by weight
wetting the wood fibres are wet at least partially with the relative to the dry mass of that of the fibre portion.
21. A process for manufacturing a fibre board, in particu 24. The fibre board as claimed in claim 22, wherein the
lar a medium-density fibre board, a high-density fibre board portion of the binding agent for aminoplasts is less than 8%
or a fibre board of minimal density comprising at least a by weight or for isocyanate is less than 5% by weight
portion of wood fibres and a portion of binding agent, said relative to the dry mass of that of the fibre portion.
process comprising: 25. The fibre board as claimed in claim 22, wherein the
binding agent is an aminoplast Such as urea formaldehyde
pulping wood in a cooker under the effect of temperature resin, melamine urea formaldehyde resin or an isocyanate.
and preSSure,
mechanically Shredding the pulped wood,