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.......... 8

2. GENERAL ..........................
......... 9
2.1 AXES CONV ENTION..........................
......... 9
2.2 DEFINITIONS, DENSITY AND UNITS...........................
............... 9
2.3 DEFINITION OF TERMS..........................
.... 11
2.4 AB BREVIA TIONS..........................
............. 14
2.5 CONDITIONS.........................
GENERAL CONDITIONS......................................
.... 15
2.5.1 Design respons
resp ons ibil ib il it ies ........
.... 15
2.5.2 Plans and speci fi cati ons on s ........
..... 15
2.5.3 Materials , work
wo rkmansh
mansh ip and Barge care ........ ............
...... 16
2.5.4 Weight con tr ol ........
.... 21
2.5.5 Techni cal drawi ngs ng s and and doc umentsum ents ........
... 22
2.5.6 Spare
Spar e parts
par ts .........................
.... 23
2.6 TRIAL S ..........................
TESTS AND TRIAL .......................................
......... 23
2.6.1 General
Gener al .........................
............ 23
2.6.2 Shore
Sho re tests
tes ts ........................
....... 24
2.6.3 Sea tr ials.......................
ial s....................................
........... 26
STATE .......................
............... 27
3.1 CLASSIFICATION .........................
............. 27
............ 27
3.3 FLAG STATE ........................
...... 28
3.4 CERTIFICATES ........................
.... 28
3.4.1 Plans,
Plan s, Notic
Not ic es .........................
............. 29
3.4.2 Regist
Regi st ratio
rat io n .........................
.... 29
S ........................
........ 30
4.1 DESIGN TEMPERATURES ........................
.. 30
4.2 NAVIGATION RANGE ..........................
...... 30
4.3 AUTONOMY ........................
........ 30
4.4 LA UNCH OPERATIONAL CONDITION ..........................
OPERATIONAL CONDITION .......................................
........... 30
4.5 CONDITIONS .........................
LOAD OUT OPERATION CONDITIONS ......................................
........... 31
4.6 TRANSPORT CONDITIONS .........................
............. 31
4.7 DESIGN LOADS..........................
.. 32
DESCRIPTION ..........................
........... 33
5.1 MAIN DIMENSIONS .........................
........... 33
5.2 DESCRIPTION .........................
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................
.. 33
... 36
6.1 HULL .........................
.... 36
6.1.1 General
Gener al .........................
............ 36
6.1.2 Main sub divi
di visi
on ........
.... 36
Page 3
6.1.3 Material
Mater ial ........................
............ 37
6.1.4 System
Syst em of con stru st ructctio
io n ........
... 37
6.1.5 Bi lg e keels
keel s ..........................
..................... 37
6.1.6 Skegs
Skeg s ..........................
............... 38
6.1.7 Shell
Shel l .........................
..................... 38
6.1.8 Seawater
Seawater inlet in let chests
ch ests ........
... 38
6.1.9 Bu lk heads ..........................
..................... 38
6.1.10 Tanks
Tank s .........................
............... 39
6.1.11 Main deck ..........................
....... 39
6.1.12 Hawse
Haws e pip e .........................
..................... 39
6.1.13 Buil
Bu il t in found
fo und atio ns .........
......... 40
6.1.14 Local str engthenin g f or jacket p rot rus ion ...... .........
..... 40
6.2 SUPERSTRUCTURES ..........................
...... 40
6.2.1 Barge
Bar ge access
acc ess ........................
............... ... 40
6.2.2 Ventil
Vent il ation
ati on deck hous ho us e........................
............. 40
6.2.3 Coami ng s ..........................
....... 41
6.3 HULL EQUIPMENT OUTFITTING ..........................
EQUIPMENT AND OUTFITTING ......................................
............ 41
6.3.1 Barge’s name, Port Port of r egistr y and Draught mark s ...... .........
..... 41
6.3.2 Waterti
Water ti gh t door do or s ........................
.......... 42
6.3.3 Masts
Mast s .........................
............... 42
6.3.4 Hatches
Hatc hes............
........... 42
6.3.5 Chain
Chai n lo ck er ........................
..................... 43
6.3.6 Railings
Raili ngs and walk ways ........ ............
.. 43
6.3.7 Ladder
Lad ders s and st air s .........................
....... 43
6.3.8 Buil
Bu il t on foun
fo undati
dationons s ........
......... 44
6.3.9 Manhol es and covers co vers ........
... 44
6.3.10 Hois ting
ti ng b eams and l ifti if ti ng eyes ........
... 44
6.3.11 Raised
Rais ed fl oo r .........................
..... 45
6.3.12 Ventil
Vent il ation
ati on caps
cap s .........................
.......... 45
6.3.13 Boll
Bo llards
ards and chock ch ock s..........
... 45
6.3.14 Fender in g ..........................
...... 45
6.3.15 Towi ng applianc
appl iances es ........
..... 45
UNCHING AND L OAD OUT SYSTEM....................................
.............. 46
7.1 GENERAL ........................
.......... 46
7.2 SKIDDING MECHANISM .........................
.... 46
7.2.1 Skidd
Ski ddinin g unit
un it s .........................
............. 46
7.2.2 Diesel
Dies el HPU
HPU .........................
.... 47
7.3 SKID TRACKS ..........................
.... 48
7.4 ROCKER ARM..........................
.... 50
7.5 ROCKER LOCKING DEVICES ........................
........... 50
7.6 HINGE POINTS ........................
.... 51
7.7 UFFERING..........................
ROCKER B UFFERING .......................................
...... 51
GENERATION ..........................
........... 52
8.1 GENERAL ........................
.......... 52
8.2 MAIN GENERATOR SETS .........................
.. 52
8.3 AUXIL IARY GENERA TOR SET..........................
......... 53
Page 4
OUTFITTING .........................
... 54
9.1 MOORING ARRANGEMENT ........................
MOORING .....................................
............. 54
9.1.1 General
Gener al .........................
............ 54
9.1.2 Tempo rar y mo or in g .........................
.... 54
9.1.3 Quaysi de moo ri ng ........ ............
.. 55
9.1.4 Load
Lo ad out moor mo orin ingg ........
.... 55
9.2 NGEMENT ........................
TOWING ARRA NGEMENT .....................................
.. 55
9.2.1 General
Gener al .........................
............ 55
9.2.2 Towin
Tow in g gear ........................
..... 56
9.2.3 Emergen
Emer gency cy Towin
Tow in g Gear...............................
.... 56
9.3 WINDLASS .........................
........ 57
RD ROOM......................
............ 58
10.1 GENERAL ........................
.......... 58
SYSTEMS .........................
....... 59
11.1 GENERAL ........................
.......... 59
SYSTEM .........................
........... 59
11.3 STRIPPING SYSTEM .........................
......... 61
11.4 SYSTEM ..........................
BIL GE SYSTEM .......................................
................. 62
11.4.1 Main bi lg e syst sy st em............
em .........................
....... 63
11.4.2 Bi lge
lg e st ri ppi ng sys tem ......... .............
... 63
11.4.3 Bi lge
lg e water separato r ........ ............
...... 64
11.5 FIRE WATER EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM .........................
......... 64
11.6 FIXED CO2 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM.........................
..... 65
11.7 SYSTEM & SOUNDING PIPES ..........................
TANK A IR VENT SYSTEM .......................................
........... 65
11.7.1 Tank air vent sys tem ......... .............
..... 65
11.7.2 Sound
Sou nd in g pi pes .........................
........... 66
11.8 POTABLE WATER / HOT WATER..........................
..... 66
11.9 SEAWATER/ FRESHWATER COOLING SYSTEMS......................... ......................................
......... 67
11.9.1 Main diesel
di esel generato r sets ........ .............
...... 68
11.9.2 Au xi l iar y d ies el g ener ato r set ......................
.......... ........................
...... 68
11.9.3 Au xi li ari es .......................
........... .......................
............... 68
11.10 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM .........................
........... 69
11.11 FUEL OIL SYSTEM..........................
........... 70
11.12 LUBRICA TING OIL SYSTEM........................
............. 71
....... 71
11.13.1 Pump room ro om and p ipe ip e tun nel ........
..... 72
11.13.2 Engin
Eng in e ro om ........................
.... 72
11.13.3 CO2-ro om .........................
......... 72
11.13.4 Spare
Spar e parts
par ts ro om ..........................
....... 72
11.13.5 Cont rol
ro l room
ro om and offi of fi ce ........
...... 73
11.14 GREY WATER SYSTEM..........................
.... 73
11.15 DIESEL ENGINE EXHAUST GAS LINES ..........................
......... 74
11.16 PIPING AND VAL VE SPECIFICATION.........................
.. 74
Page 5
SYSTEMS .........................
....... 75
12.1 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT.........................
........... 75
12.1.1 Fixed CO2 syst sy st em .........................
....... 75
12.1.2 Lo ose
os e equip
equ ip ment
men t ........................
......... 75
12.1.3 Deck wash
was h .........................
....... 75
12.1.4 Insul
Ins ul ati on .........................
........ 75
12.2 FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM .........................
............. 75
12.3 GENERAL AL ARM SYSTEM.........................
FIRE AND GENERAL ......................................
........... 76
12.4 EQUIPMENT........................
LIFE SA VING EQUIPMENT .....................................
.. 76
13. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ........................
.. 78
13.1 GENERAL ........................
.......... 78
13.2 SWITCHBOARD/ MCC .........................
...... 78
13.2.1 Swi tc hboar
hb oard d S-C4101
S-C4101 ........................
... 78
13.2.2 Distr
Dis tr ib ut io n Panel S-C4601.......................
....... 79
13.3 TRANSFORMERS .........................
............. 79
13.4 380V AC MOTORS .........................
......... 79
13.5 AC MOTOR STARTERS ........................
.... 80
13.6 CABLES ..........................
.......... 80
13.7 LIGHTING AND SMALL POWER..........................
....... 81
13.7.1 Li ghti
gh ti ng ..........................
.......... 81
13.7.2 Emergen cy li ghti gh ti ng ........
.... 81
13.7.3 Navigat ion io n li ght ing
in g ........
..... 81
13.7.4 Small
Smal l power
po wer ..........................
.. 82
13.8 SYSTEM .........................
BA TTERY SYSTEM ......................................
........... 82
13.9 SHORE SUPPLY .........................
.. 82
CONTROL A ND ALA RM SYSTEMS SYSTEMS ..........................
................. 83
13.10.1 General
Gener al .........................
............ 83
13.10.2 Al arm
ar m & Mon it or i ng Sys t em..........
em ......................
.......... 83
13.10.3 Contr
Con tr ol System
Sys tem .........................
........... 83
COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT.........................
..... 84
.... 85
14.1 GENERAL ........................
.......... 85
14.2 PAINT SYSTEM ..........................
.. 85
14.2.1 General
Gener al .........................
............ 85
14.2.2 Surfac
Sur face e pr eparat io n ........................
..... 85
14.2.3 Under
Under w ater ater part (Bottom and si de shell up to 5 meter
wat erl in e) ........................
....... 85
14.2.4 Side shell above water (fro (fro m 5 metermeter waterli ne) and and ro cker
arm 86
14.2.5 Decks; expos ed and in teri or ........ .............
... 86
14.2.6 Walls
Walls and und erside decks; decks; p ump ro oms, engine room and
pi pe tunn
tu nnel
el segments
segm ents ....................
.... 86
14.2.7 Tanks
Tank s .........................
............... 86
14.2.8 Ballas
Bal lastt Tanks ........................
Page 6 ... 86
14.2.9 Void
Voi d spaces
sp aces ........................
..... 86
14.2.10 Offic e, cont rol roo m and swi tch board r oom ...... .........
... 86
14.2.11 Out fi tt in g .........................
......... 86
14.2.12 Miscel
Mis cellanlaneou
eous s st eel ..........................
.. 87
14.3 INSPECTION AND TESTING ........................
............. 87
14.4 GALVANIZING ..........................
.... 87
14.5 PROTECTION.........................
INTERNAL CATHODIC PROTECTION ......................................
............. 88
14.6 PROTECTION..........................
EXTERNAL CATHODIC PROTECTION .......................................
........... 88
15. BA RGE MAINTENANCE ..........................
........... 89
15.1 EQUIPMENT.........................
MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT......................................
........... 89
15.2 HOISTING EQUIPMENT ..........................
.... 89





Page 7

A has requested B
to perform a concept and a basic design for a steel jacket launch

The barge will be designed as an unmanned, non-propelled steel deck barge for
launching jackets up to 30,000 t. Load out and launching operations will be
performed in the X area. In addition to launching operations the
barge will be used as transportation barge for miscellaneous items, such as
topsides and process equipment.

It is the intention of this specification to provide a description, covering the design

and technical requirements for the building, outfitting, testing and delivery of the

The specified data shall be verified by the Yard during the Detailed Design Stage.

Reference is made to drawing 0240 DNC 01 001 Barge – General Arrangement –


Page 8


The axes convention used in the project is presented in Figure 2.1.


y PS

Figure 2.1 axes conventi on

The origin of the system is as follows:

• at APP: X positive to bow
• at CL : Y positive to PS
• at BL : Z positive upwards


The units as used in this document are summarized in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 definitions and units

unit description definition SI
kn knot 0.514 m/s

Table 2.2 density

description definition
Seawater 1.025 t/m3
Lubrication Oil 0.90 t/m3
Marine Gas Oil 0.89 t/m3

Page 9
The SI metric system shall be used as the primary means to describe physical
quantities. Common commercial designations, when used in a descriptive manner
not involving calculations, may be expressed in the customary units.

The following SI units, SI derived units and permissible non-SI units should be
used in all drawings, specifications, etc.

Length meter m
millimeter mm
Time second s
minute min
hour h
day d
year y
Temperature degree Celsius °C
Volume cubic meter m3
liter l
Area square
square meter
meter m²
Mass kilogram kg
metric ton (1,000 kg) t
Plane angle radian rad
degree ° or deg
minute '
second "
Speed (velocity) meters per second m/s
Power Watt W
Angular veloc
ity radians
radians per
per secon
secondd rad/s
ion meters
meters per
per square
square secon
d m/s²
Force Newton N
kilogram meter per square second kgm/s²
load per unit length t/ m
Pressure bar bar
Pascal Pa
Stress N/mm2
deck load per square meter t/ m2
Density kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
metric ton per cubic meter t/ m3
Specific volume cubic meter per kilogram m3/kg
Rate of flow cubic meter per second m3/s
cubic meter per minute m3/min
cubic meter per hour m3/h
Electric current Ampere A
Electric voltage Volt V
Electric power VoltAmpere VA
Frequency Herz Hz
Suction head meter water column mWc

Page 10

The following terms appearing in this specification shall be understood as stated

here after:

The unmanned, non self-propelled launch barge, of which the design, technical
requirements and construction details are defined in this specification and the
accompanying plans.

The present specifications and accompanying plans and documents representing
this design. The design shall be approved by Classification Society, China
Classification Society.

Basic Design:
Preparation of specifications and plans/drawings outlining the design and in
sufficient detail to gain Class Approval. In terms of structural plans, for example,
this relates to determination of the main scantlings.

Detailed Design:
Development of Basic Design into specifications, plans/ drawings that are Class
approved enabling production of Barge. In terms of structural plans, for example,
this relates to the development of fabrication shop drawings.

The company (Shipyard) to whom the building contract shall be awarded and who
shall have responsibility for detailed design, construction, procurement, outfitting,
testing and delivery of Barge, including all subcontracted work.

Any person
person or company
company engaged
engaged by Yard or a Subcontr
actorr of any tier to
execute a part of the work on behalf of Yard including any nominated, designated,
named or preferred Subcontractor or supplier. Including those companies
providing the Owner Furnished Equipment (OFE).

Page 11
The Bureau under whose Rules, Regulations and Inspection the Barge shall be
constructed and fitted out namely: CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY (CCS).
Use of the word Class in this document implies the mentioned Classification

The Shipping Inspection Bureau of the Country of Registry under whose Laws
and Regulations Barge shall be registered, namely: CHINA CLASSIFICATION

(Owner's Representative): Any person or persons or organization designated by
Owner and to whom the authority and responsibility have been given to represent
Owner in dealing with Yard for the purpose of fulfillment of the building contract.

Vendor is any firm or agent who manufactures or sells various materials,
equipment and/or services used for the purpose of fulfillment of the building

Owners Furnished Equipment (OFE):

OFE are all materials, equipment or services that will be supplied by Owner to

OFE is listed in "Owner Furnished Equipment List”, Appendix II of this

specification, which will be part of the building contract. All items not mentioned in
the list, but necessary for the proper functioning of Barge, will be provided by

Where the term "install" is used in relation to any material, equipment or coating, it
will mean that those materials, equipment or coatings will be received, checked,
stored, insured, handled, mounted on Barge and connected and tested by Yard,
regardless whether the mentioned materials or equipment are supplied by Owner
or by Yard.

Installation shall specifically

specifically take into account: (but not limited to)
• Configuration,
Configuration, weight, dynamic loading of the materials or equipment
• Recommendations
Recommendations from Manufacturer
• Access
Access for
for operati
on and
and mainte
• Provision of Services, e.g., Ventilation, heating, cooling if required

• Power supply, drainage etc. as required.

Page 12
“Provide” or “Supply”:
Where the term "provide" or “supply” is used in relation to any materials or
equipment, it will mean that those materials or equipment will be delivered by
Yard, except for OFE (as listed in Appendix II), and installed in accordance with
the fore-mentioned definition. Use of this term also applies to resources as far as
necessary to comply with Yard's obligations.

Where the term "foundation" is used, in relation to any equipment to be installed
in Barge, it will mean that Yard shall design, provide and install the necessary
material to properly seat the equipment in Barge, including all and any work
needed to transfer the static and dynamic loads into Barge’s structure and comply
with the requirements of vibration suppression and equipment manufacturers.

Main Deck:
Where the term “main deck” is used it shall refer to the continuous deck at 14.25
m above base line and assigned as the freeboard deck.

Invitation To Tender issued by Owner.

Page 13

ABS American
American Bureau
Bureau of of Shippin
APP Aft Perpe
BL Baseline
BOJ Bottom of Jacket
CR Control Room
CCS China Classification
Classificati on Society
CL Centerline
COG Center of Gravity
DNV Det Norske Veritas
ER Engine Room
FPP Forward Perpendicular
GA General Arrangement
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit (or Pack)
JLB Jacket Launch Barge
LCG Longitudinal Center of Gravity
LSW Lightship Weight
MBL Maximum Breaking Load
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
MGO Marine Gas Oil
MOU Mobile Offshore Unit
NDT Non Destructive Testing
OFE Owner Furnished Equipment
PA Public Address
PS Portside
PPM Parts per million
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SB Starboard
SWL Safe Working Load
TCG Transverse Center of Gravity
TOJ Top of Jacket
UPS Uninterrupted
Uninterrupt ed Power Supply
VCG Vertical Center of Gravity
WB Water Ballast

Page 14

1 Desig
Desig n respon sib ili ties
The selected Yard shall have full responsibility for the Barge and its performance.

2 Plans and specif icati ons
Plans and documents associated with this specification are listed in Appendix I. It
shall be Yard's obligation to verify that construction, materials and equipment
purchased by Yard will be compatible with the design embodied in these plans
and specifications. If this is not the case, the plans and/or specifications are to be
changed at Yard's cost and Yard is to obtain Class approval, if necessary.

In case of discrepancy between technical documents Yard shall notify Owner in

writing for interpretation and direction.

Yard shall develop and is responsible to develop the Detailed Design on the basis
of Basic Design supplied by Owner:
• Owner will supply plans and documents approved by Class corresponding
to Basic Design.
• It shall be Yard's obligation to follow the Rules and Regulations listed in this
• In case of conflict between applicable Rules, Regulations and Conventions
and Basic Design as submitted by Owner, Yard shall notify Owner in writing.
The conflict will be treated in accordance with the Contract, and Yard shall
accordingly supply the equipment and/or systems as derived from detailed

Should any part of the technical documents be in error or in conflict with any
applicable rule or regulation, it shall be Yard's obligation to follow the concerning
Rules and Regulations after notifying Owner in writing.

In case the technical documents have identified functional requirements, but

some items or provisions have not been mentioned explicitly, it is Yard's
responsibility to identify and supply these missing items and/or provisions at
expense of Yard.

If some items are specified several times in the specifications they shall only be
provided in the quantity as needed.

When and where special manufacture or trade names are mentioned it is

understood that Yard has the option to use equivalent equipment, but not before
written approval has been obtained from Owner, on any proposed alternative.

Page 15
3 Materials,
Materials, wor kmanshi p and Barge care
Yard binds himself to execute all the work according to the best practice of his
industry to meet Contract requirements using the best method to ensure that
Barge will be conform to the intended design. Maintenance of high standards of
workmanship is also Yard's responsibility.

Yard shall be responsible for the performance of the Contract. Yard will do so in
accordance with the intent of these specifications, including associated plans,
despite any mistake, omission, discrepancy or lack of clarity in these
specifications which should reasonably be apparent to an experienced Yard,
upon a careful and critical study. This will also include those parts, which have not
or can not be clarified by Owner at Yard's request prior to the starting of Contract.

Yard shall be fully responsible for the Barge from signing of contract to final
delivery upon satisfactory completion
completion of all work, which forms part of this contract.

Whilst in the hands of Yard Barge’s hull is to be earthed to a suitable point

ashore, whether docked or afloat.

Yard will be responsible for the safe shifting, anchoring, mooring and docking of
Barge and the supply of all the necessary facilities, services and equipment. Any
associated cost will be to Yard’s account as part of the tendered Lump Sum Price.

Equipment and Materials

Any license-
builtt equipme
nt shall
shall conform
conform to the original,
original, includin
g the latest
improvements transferred by the original manufacturer at the starting date of the
building contract.

Yard shall fulfill all responsibilities of any nature relating to the licenses, patents
and rights covering Barge design, construction and equipment (restricted to
Yard's supply).

Any machinery
machinery or equipmen
equipmentt will be of standard-pr
ed type, unless
unless otherwise

Before ordering any major item, material, machinery or equipment, Yard shall
forward to Owner a written purchase specification for approval. Owner will return
such specification as detailed in 2.5.2, bearing Owner's approval and/or remarks.
Failing this, Yard may consider the Specification to be approved and place a
purchase order after notifying Owner. In any case, one copy of each purchase
order without price shall be submitted to Owner for his information.

Materials, fittings, furnishing equipment and outfit shall be new, undamaged and
of first class marine offshore industrial quality as far as applicable.

Page 16
All structur
al steel
steel used for construc
tion of Barge
Barge and machinery
machinery,, includin
possible forgings and castings, shall be of shipbuilding and marine engineering
quality, tested, inspected and certified as and when required by Classification
Society and shall be physically and chemically in conformity with such
requirements. All steel shall be free from cracks, lamination and similar defects.

All structu
ral steel
steel plate
plate and sectio
ns will be
be shot
shot blasted
blasted and shop
shop primed
primed prior
prior to
any fabrication.

Timber shall be well seasoned, pressure impregnated, dried and reasonably free
from knots.

All materia
ls used
used in construct
ion of Barge
Barge shall
shall be accepta
ble to Inspec
tor, Class
or any other prevailing regulation. Asbestos shall not be used.

All equipme
nt and major
major componen
components ts shall
shall carry permanen
permanentt identific
stamped-in, cast-on or engraved plate, showing manufacturer's name or trade
name, model, serial number, size and type rating.

Where this identification is obscured Yard shall supply additional engraved plates
of a standard design repeating this information, and permanently affix these
plates in a clearly visible location.

Yard shall also permanently affix instruction plates engraved in both Chinese and
English in all cases where original instruction plates have been obscured, have a
text other than Chinese or English, have been omitted or give inadequate
instruction for the service intended. In addition safety notices and notices
pertaining to the well being of the crew must be provided in both Chinese and
English text.

Instruments, gauges and metering devices must be supplied with all components
calibrated in metric SI units.

Bolts, studs, nuts, capnuts, pins, hingepins, screws, hooks, etc. subject to
corrosion, sticking or freezing in damp or exposed locations, shall be of stainless
steel of a quality compatible with service conditions except where specifications
state otherwise. Exposed threads from studded bolts shall be protected with
capnuts to prevent damage to the threads.

Square threads may be approved for transport screws, but Whitworth threads
shall not be used in any part of the construction.

Stainless steel fittings, if fitted, shall be electrically isolated from steel parts.
Isolation shall be achieved by means of nylon strips or equivalent fitted between
faces, nylon ferrules between rivets or bolts, to Inspector's approval.

Page 17
Yard shall keep records of type, serial number and/or other identification of all
material, equipment and component parts which shall be used in the construction
or outfitting of Barge as part of Yard's contractual obligations.

Where Yard specifies equipment, proof of after sales spares and service facilities
must be submitted to Owner for approval. This also applies to equipment items,
which are offered as alternatives to those quoted within this specification as being
Owner’s preferred supply.

Cleaning and preservation

Yard is to operate a “clean ship policy”. This assumes a state of general
cleanliness will be maintained on decks and in internal compartments, including
those that are to be permanently covered or which may become inaccessible.
Rubbish and debris from work in hand are to be regularly removed. Oil or other
liquid spillages shall be dealt with promptly in an approved manner.

Yard shall ensure machinery, equipment, assemblies, sub-assemblies,

components, pipe work and tanks are cleaned and preserved as appropriate
during all stages of manufacture, storage and trials until delivery to Owner.

Main and auxiliary engines, electrical and electronic equipment shall be protected
in the period between shop tests and sea trials by vapor phase inhibitors or other
method of inhibiting corrosion approved by manufacturers, Owner and engine

Machinery compartments and bilges shall be cleaned prior to sea trials and prior
to delivery.

Barge is to be thoroughly cleaned to the satisfaction of Owner of all dirt and

debris prior to delivery to Owner.

Yard will also bear the cost of the extermination of any insect or rodent infestation
on completion of Contract.

Care is to be taken that no mechanical damage occurs to grit blasted areas on

weather decks, when moving machinery or equipment.

Prior to any grit blasting taking place, Yard is to ensure that the area and its
surroundings are free from flammable vapors or gases which may be ignited by
sparks generated by the blasting process.

All vulnerab
vulnerablele equipmen
t, such as winches
winches and hydrauli
c rams,
rams, and adjacent
surfaces not subject to blasting, are to be protected from damage and the ingress
of grit and blast debris.

Page 18
In general special attention shall be given to protect equipment against sand
ingress e.g. when sealings are considered.

Yard shall undertake precautions to protect all finished flooring, sheeting, control
boards, cables, piping with valves, instruments and other exposed equipment
against damage.

During cold and/or wet weather and high humidity, Yard shall provide suitable
protection, heating and ventilation as required to prevent deterioration of
equipment and component parts.

All materia
ls intende
d for or alloc
ated to
to the build
ing of
of the Barge
Barge shall
shall be prope
stored and protected from the environment, immediately upon arrival at Yard's

Safety precautions
It is the responsibility of Yard to have an effective safety organization. Yard's
safety representative(s) must liaise and discuss with Owner’s representative at a
properly convened meeting as soon as possible before work commences at
Yard’s works and draw up an agreed and clear ship/shore emergency plan.
Suitable Barge and tank access procedures to be established and agreed by
Owner and Yard.

Maintenance of watertight integrity and maintenance of safe moorings is the

responsibility of Yard throughout Contract period.

For any ‘hot work’ (whether gas free or not) Yard is to provide a fire watch with the
necessary instructions and equipment to prevent the outbreak of fire and to
contain any resultant combustion. On completion of work the fire watch is to
remain at the work site long enough to ensure that the area has reduced to a safe

Yard is responsible for the safe isolation and connection of fluid and electrical
systems. This is to be achieved using “lock off” or “tag out” system to ensure that
the isolation and de-isolation of systems is under positive control.

Yard is to take all necessary precautions to prevent contamination of any spaces,

pipe lines, pumps or other equipment by any liquids or gases that might be
contained anywhere on the Barge. Yard is to restore at its own expense any
space and all equipment contained therein to its original condition should any
contamination occur.

No transfers of fuel or water ballast will be performed during the building period
without discussion and agreement between Yard and Owner. Fuel or water
ballast shall not be transferred by means of any of Barge’s pumps, systems or
pipelines while hot work is being performed on the deck, on the shell or internally
in way of fuel oil tanks. If fuel or ballast is transferred within Barge then allPage
tanks and systems shall be restored to a certified gas free condition prior to work
in them or adjacent to them being recommenced. It shall be the responsibility of
Yard to maintain all certified gas free spaces in a gas free condition.

It shall be the responsibility of Yard to organize and undertake the safe and
environmentally acceptable removal of all redundant materials from Barge in
accordance with all the applicable rules and regulations.

All welding
welding shall
shall at least
least be in accorda
nce with the requireme
nts of Class.
Welding shall be performed only by personnel who have successfully passed
Class qualification tests for the type of welding they will be doing and have been
regularly employed on such work for a minimum period of six months.

Individual operator's certificates shall be made available by Yard for inspection

and approval by Owner.

It shall be Owner's prerogative to request the removal from the work of any
welder that is not producing work of the required quality in Owner or Class

All welding
welding shall
shall be double
double continu
ous fillet
fillet in all areas
areas unless
unless noted
noted otherwise
and shall include all void spaces adjacent to the sea. Full penetration or partial
penetration welds are to be provided where required and in accordance with
Designer or Class requirements.

For all manual and machine welding, only electrodes on the "Approved
Electrodes" listing, as issued by Class, and suitable for the particular application
intended shall be used.

A planned
planned program
program of NDT shallshall be carried
carried out at Yard's
Yard's expense
expense and the results
made available to Owner for approval. The program for NDT shall be approved by
Owner and be in compliance with Class Standards. Additional NDT testing is
required for all high stress areas.

In addition to Class requirements, pipe work fabrication/inspection shall be in

accordance with Owner’s pipe work specifications.

Yard shall submit to Owner details of proposed welding sequences and

procedures for approval. Special attention shall be paid to minimization of
distortion and residual stresses due to welding.

All plate edge

edge preparatio
preparation n shall be in accordan
ce with Class
Class requireme
nts and all
materials shall be free from rust, grease, slag or other harmful material at the weld

Proper precautions shall be taken to ensure that all welding is carried out under
conditions where the welding site is protected against the detoriating effects
Page 20 of
moisture, wind and severe cold.

Yard will be expected to use the appropriate welding materials and welding
procedures to match the steel to be welded.

Pre-heat, post-heat or special grade of steel requirements for any part of Barge
structure, shall be strictly complied with by Yard throughout the work.

Operators of automatic welding machines shall have available for inspection by

Owner a valid welding procedure for all plate thickness being assembled.

Manual welding shall be down-hand welding where possible and sections shall be
turned accordingly.

All weldin
g showing
showing exces
sive irreg
ity, exces
sive conv
y or concavi
ty, "end-
craters" or other defects out with acceptance criteria shall be rejected and shall be
corrected in a satisfactory manner to Yard's account.

Yard shall provide an adequate number of trained and qualified welding

supervisors so that welding operations can be properly surveyed at all times,
including night work.

Lugs temporarily welded for positioning or mounting of permanent parts shall be

carefully removed by flame cutting or gouging, re-welding if necessary and flush
grinding followed by appropriate NDT to verify soundness of affected area.
Exposed parts of finished products or installed equipment shall be adequately
protected from damage.

4 Weigh
Weigh t cont rol
Yard shall set up a procedure for weight control for approval by Owner so that at
the latest 45 days after acceptance of tender by Owner, Yard will be able to
provide an estimate of Barge’s lightship weight and Center of Gravity (COG).

For this Yard shall receive from Owner a list of weights of Owner Furnished

The first weight estimates shall be compared with the result of the Basic
Engineering and will be used as reference for the execution of the project.

During the construction of Barge, Yard will update the weight control and COG
continuously for:
• Installed equipment, systems and structure to Barge
• Installed steel sections, blocks and outfitting
• Design changes, if any

Yard shall issue a monthly report of the lightship weight and COG. In case of a
significant shift in lightweight or COG from reference values, Yard shall notify
Page 21
Owner immediately.
Weight control will end with deadweight survey and an inclining experiment to
confirm lightship weight and COG, as per section 2.6.

5 Techni
Techni cal drawi ngs and docu ments
Before construction commences, all drawings and/or calculations according to
agreed list are to be submitted to Owner for approval. Number of drawings should
be 5 copies (2 to site office and 3 for forwarding to Owner). Owner shall return
one of every received drawing and/or calculation within 14 days from date of
receipt (a maximum of 10 working days).

Yard will incorporate all remarks on the drawings made by Owner prior to
commencement of the work. All changes in construction or equipment as a result
of Owner's remarks are to be carried out when received within the 14 days
limitation as stated above.

Yard at no expense to Owner will manage all drawings and/or calculations and
documents, which require approval from CCS or a Regulatory Authority. Approval
from Owner will not relieve Yard from the responsibility to satisfy any Regulatory
Authority or Class,
Class, unless
unless speci
ly agreed
agreed upon.

Documentation standard to be equivalent to that for Mobile Offshore Unit (IMO

MOU Code 89).

Yard shall supply six (6) hard copies and one set of diskettes, CD or any other
data carrier to be agreed between Owner and Yard of all drawings of Barge "as-
built", to Owner.

Six (6) complete sets of documentation and instruction books covering all Yard-
supplied equipment shall be handed over to Owner on delivery of the Barge.

Furthermore a complete list of all supplied equipment and machinery items of the
Barge, including recommended lists of spare parts for 2-years of operation and all
piping installed in Barge shall be handed over in triplicate as well.

A preliminary
preliminary stabi
lity booklet
booklet,, complying
complying with all
all the requirem
ents to the appro
of all relevant regulatory bodies, is to be submitted in triplicate by Yard to Owner
for their approval, at least three months before delivery of Barge.

Results of the inclination experiment are to be included in the comprehensive trim

and stability booklet, complying with all the requirements to the approval of all
relevant Regulatory Bodies,
Bodies, for use by ship's officers with two copies for Owner.

Page 22
Yard shall prepare an Operation Manual for Marine Equipment and Operations
parts thereof in accordance with MOU CODE 89 including maintenance guide
and shall incorporate Owner's part for any OFE in the deliverance of a
comprehensive Operation Manual for submission to Class for approval. The Yard
shall provide six (6) hard copies plus one (1) electronic copy to Owner on

2.5.6 Spare part s
Spare parts and maintenance tools based on Manufacturer's recommendations
and as recommended by Class and as agreed with Owners will be supplied by

In addition Yard shall supply to Owner, manufacturer's recommended spare parts

lists for 2 years of continuous operations in due time to ensure the delivery of
such parts prior to Barge delivery.

All spare parts shall be properly

properly protected
protected against
against physical
physical decay,
decay, corrosio
n and
mechanical damage. They shall be clearly marked and adequately identified so
that replacements can be ordered without difficulty.

Yard shall complete storage spaces on Barge in time to enable the positioning,
labeling and listing of all spare parts (Yard- and Owner-supplied) prior to Barge
delivery. Yard shall be responsible for handling and storage aboard Barge of all
spare parts and all tools furnished by Owner as well as pieces and supplies.

Yard shall transfer any spares and tools received with equipment ordered by Yard
to Owner.


2.6.1 General
Before Barge delivery to Owner all work performed by Yard shall be thoroughly
tried out and tested to the satisfaction of Owner, Class and other regulatory

If any of the tests and trials does not demonstrate proper working and compliance
with the specifications to the satisfaction of Owner and/or Class, the tests and
trials shall be re-run at no additional cost to Owner until proper working and
compliance with the specifications is obtained to the satisfaction of above
mentioned parties.

Before conducting a test Yard shall give a minimum of 48 hours notice in writing
to Owner of the time, date and place and type of test. If the test is delayed by
Yard then the test will be required to be re-scheduled with the required 48 hour

Owner shall have the right to inspect or witness the testing of any part of the
under Contract at any place where materials or part of the work is located or in

Yard shall keep a record of all tests and trials, whether performed by him or by
Manufacturer's representative, and shall be responsible for recording all data
such as temperatures, pressures, etc. at all stages.

Yard shall obtain from manufacturers all readings and data of various tests
performed prior to installation, and these shall be forwarded to Owner.

Yard shall forward the following test results to Owner:

a. Manufacturer's test reports of all engines and machinery carried out before
b. Reports of all results obtained during shore trials
c. Reports of all results obtained during sea trials

Yard shall prepare a comprehensive program for tests and trials and submit it to
Owner and CCS for approval, one month before the planned start of the tests and

Yard shall prepare a specification and planning for incorporation of tests and
commissioning of both OFE and Yard furnished equipment.

Machinery and equipment tests shall be conducted at full load where practicable
and these tests shall include OFE.

Before Barge is delivered to Owner the following tests and trials shall take place:
• Shore tests
• Sea trials

Yard shall be responsible for the preparation and fulfillment of the shore tests and
sea trials.

All materials
materials,, labor,
labor, tools,
tools, instrume
nts, services
services,, fuel,
fuel, oils,
oils, glycol
glycol etc, as may be
necessary to conduct these tests and trials, shall be furnished by Yard without
charge to the Owner.

All tests
tests and trials includin
g the tests of Owner’s
Owner’s Furnishe
d Equipmen
Equipmentt to be for
Yard’s account, unless otherwise specified.

2.6.2 Shore
Shor e test s
All work accompl
d under
under this Specific
n includin
g Barge
Barge main structur
main machinery, auxiliary machinery, piping, electrical, automation/control,
ventilation and other systems shall be thoroughly tested during shore tests in
order to demonstrate proper workmanship and suitability for the intended service
in accordance with CCS Class requirement and as stated elsewhere.
Page 24
Testing program shall involve at least, but not limited to, the following tests:
• NDT testing of all welded structures, repairs or modifications and pressure
piping in accordance with requirements and the Owner Piping Specification.
• X-ray tests of important welded seams (Owner and/or his supervisor can
require up to 100 photos in excess to those required by Classification
• Hydrostatic testing of all tanks, cofferdams, piping systems etc
• Operational tests for doors, access hatches, anchor winch, retrieval winch,
ventilator enclosures, capstans and flaps
• Operational tests for all watertight closures and transits
• Operational tests for fire water and CO2 systems
• Operational and load test diesel generator units
• Operational tests for all control and alarm systems
• Operational tests for all piping systems
• Operational tests for valve remote control panel, emergency stop and
closing plant
• Operational test of remote tank level indication plant
• Operational test of ventilation and noise level protocol
• Operational tests for water- and electrical heating systems, incl. lay-up
• Protocol of electro magnetic disturbance measurements
• Protocol of air gap measurements in generators after installation
• Operational tests for the whole electric plant including tests with parallel
running generator, reverse power, under voltage, overspeed, etc.
• Operational tests for skidding systems
• Operational tests for the ballasting and shipping systems
• Shore supply

Where all these tests cannot be successfully completed in harbor due to physical
limitations, then the tests are to be performed during sea trials and shall be added
to those described in section 2.6.3.

All tanks forming an integral

integral part of the hull shall be tested
tested by water
water pressure
pressure in
accordance with the requirements of Class. Adjacent compartments shall not be
tested simultaneously. The ballast system shall be used during the ballast tests to
demonstrate satisfactory operation.

All piping
piping will be pressure
pressure tested.
tested. Pipes
Pipes for lubricat
ing oil, fuel oil, hydrauli
c oils,
water and air, will be cleaned according to Manufacturer’s and/or Owner’s
requirements and yard standard for pre and post pressure testing. All pipeline
systems and associated valves, and ventilation systems to be fully tested.

The electrical system will be tested for several loading conditions including single
and parallel running of the generators. 100% load and overload will be tested to
the satisfaction of Class. Before testing the total electric plant will be megger
tested and figures will be presented to Owner.
Page 25
During the shore tests, when Barge is essentially complete, an inclining
experiment shall be conducted at the minimum possible draft in accordance with
the regulatory bodies' rules to establish Barge’s LSW and COG.

2.6.3 Sea trials
tr ials
When Barge is near delivery and is suitably equipped, sea trials shall be
conducted to fulfill Class, regulatory bodies' and Owner's requirements. Yard is to
prepare a loading condition and a sea trial program, which is to be submitted to
Owner for their approval.

In addition to the standard tests, required by Class and Flag State, Owner will
require at least the following tests to be carried out in deep water.
• Anchorin
Anchoringg test
• Machinery control tests including test for unmanned machinery
• Ballasting sequences

Fuel consumption will during all trials be recorded as a function of produced

power and as a function of time during the trials. This to enable Owner to
determine fuel consumption on a daily basis.

Yard shall submit to Owner and Class the proposed location for the sea trials for

Page 26


Vessel including machinery, equipment and outfitting will be constructed under

supervision of China Classification Society to obtain class notation. The barge will
be classed as an unmanned, non self propelled, steel deck barge. In addition to
the CCS Rules, the JLB will comply with applicable ABS Rule requirements.

The class notation of the barge will be:


Ice Class
Class B



The following Rules and Regulations will be included, but not limited to:
• CCS Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Sea
Going Ships 2001
• Hull – Volume 2, Part 2 – Chapter 1 to chapter 4 and chapter 12
(Shell plating according chapter 2)
• Machinery – Volume 3, Part 3
• Electrical – Volume 4, Part 4
• Technical Regulations for Statutory Survey of Ships and Installations– Non
International Voyage Ships
• Life-saving equipment:
equipment: Chapter 2, Part 4, Section 2.14(2)
• Stability during Launching:
Launching: Chapter 7, Part 4, Section 1,2 & 3.10
• ABS Rules
Rules for
for Building
Building and Classing
Classing Steel
Steel Barges
Barges 2003
• ABS Rules
Rules for
for Mobile
Mobile Offsh
ore Drillin
g Units
Units for
for direct
direct structural
structural calculati
• CCS Guidelines for direct analysis of oil tankers – January 2003 – section 9,
for (buckling) strength of bulkheads and decks
• DNV Classification note 30.1 – Buckling strength analysis – 1995
• The International Convention on Load Lines 1966, revised by the protocol of
1988, consolidated edition 2002
• International Convention on Tonnage Measurements 1967/1969
• International Convention of the Prevention of Collisions at Sea 1972 incl.
• International
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS 1974, Protocol of
1988 including 2000 Amendments
• Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing – MSC/ Circ. 884 – 21 December 1998
• Technical Regulations for statutory survey of Ocean Towing 1999,
promulgated by the Register of Shipping of People’s Republic of China
Page 27
• International Convention of the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
73/78, Consolidated Edition, IMO 1997
• IMO Regulations (not limited to)
• IMO Resolution A.468 - XII – Noise Control
• IMO Resolution A.749(18) – Intact Stability, Pontoon Barge
• International Electronical Commission (IEC), Electrical Installation in Ship,
Publication no. 92
• IACS Recommendation 47 – Shipbuilding Repair and Quality Standard
• ANSI Standard

3.3 FLAG

The flag state of the JLB will be the People’s Republic of China.


The following certificates or provisional certificates and protocols shall be

furnished at delivery of Barge:

To be issued by Class / Flag Authorities and/or Regulatory Bodies (Yard to

include price in Lump Sum tendered):
1. Classification
Classification certificate of Barge
2. Safety construction certificate
3. Load line certificate
4. International
International tonnage certificate
5. Stability compliance certificate
6. Safety equipment certificate
7. Oil record book
8. International
International oil pollution prevention certificate
9. Fitness for towing certificate

To be issued by Yard's Vendors (for Yard's supplied equipment only):

1. Certificates of pressure
pressure Vessels, incl. relief valves, hull valves, fuel
tankvalves and other as required by CCS
2. Explosion proof equipment certificates or industrial safety certificates
3. Navigation equipment certificates
certificat es (compasses and lanterns)
4. Safety and marine equipment certificates
certificat es
5. Towing, anchoring and mooring equipment certificates
certifica tes
6. Certificates of materials used in hull construction

Page 28
To be issued by Yard:
1. Yard's certificate of Barge
2. Protocol of delivery and acceptance
3. Protocols of tests and trials
4. Declaration of warranty
5. As-built plans, data and calculations
6. Operation manual (including lay-up and start-up instructions)
7. Inclining test report
8. Trim and stability booklet
9. Noise and vibration report
10. Safety Information and Instruction Notices
11. De-rat certificate

3.4.1 Plans, Noti ces
• Yard to provide capsulated plans for bulkhead mounting of the following
plans according to Regulatory requirements :
• General Arrangement
• Fire Fighting and Safety
• Tank and Capacity Plan and Sounding Tables (including
corrections for heel and trim)
• Yard to provide safety signs, notices and exit markings in accordance with
Regulatory requirements.

These are all to be in the English and Chinese language.

3.4.2 Registration
Registration will be dealt with by the Owner, but Yard shall provide all necessary
assistance to Owner to obtain the maximum reduction for net and gross registers
tonnage including deduction for permanent ballast spaces.

The registered tonnage shall be engraved on the main deck.

Page 29


• Ambient
Ambient tempe
res -20°C
-20°C – +45°C
• Water temperature -2°C – +30°C
• Humidity 55% Relative Humidity @45°C

The mechanical ventilation systems shall be designed for an outside air inlet
temperature of +40°C.


Navigation range of the barge for transport will be unrestricted ocean service.


The barge tank capacities will be suitable for a normal load out, transport and
launch operation of 60 days. Tank layout will ensure power functionality for trim
angles up to 10 deg by stern.


The maximum (environmental) launch condition data is:

• Maximum jacket weight 30,000 t
• Maximum 30,000 t jacket VCG 33.4 m
• Minimum 30,000 t jacket Length 200 m

• Wind speed (Vw) 13.8 m/s

• (Surface) Current speed (Vc) 2.0 kn

ed waves
• Significant wave height (Hs) 2.1 m
• Peak Period (Tp) 8.0 - 9.0 s

• Maximum scantling draught 38.0 m at APP

• Maximum trim (incidental) 12.0 deg
• Maximum trim (operational)
(operational) 10.0 deg

The barge shall be positioned with the bow into the waves during launching

Page 30

The load out operation is limited by the following data, based on enlarged skid
track height at the different quays to 3,500 mm and a JLB skid track height of
2,000 mm above main deck

The following limits are applicable:

• Minimum water depth in a tide cycle 4.7 m
• Maximum distance quayside skid track to water level 12.3 m

• Maximum Draught 11.75 m

• Scantling Draught 12.25 m

• Allowabl
e tide
tide variati
on 7.1 m
• Maximum tide variation speed 1.0 m/h

With the dimensions of the barge determined in the Concept Design and the
above limits load out will be feasible at the two intended load out yards with the
enlarged skid track heights presented in Table 4.1. The corresponding draughts
of the barge are presented in the table as well.

Table 4.1 yard skid track height and required draught variation
Skid track height Requir
ed Draughts
Chiwan 3,500 mm 8.45 11.75 m
Zhan Jiang 3,500 mm 6.25 11.37 m


The environmental data used for motional calculation representing a 10-years

storm condition in the South China Sea area is presented based on Noble
Denton “Guidelines for Marine Transportation”; the design storm for the towage
should be the 10 year return period monthly
m onthly extreme storm for the towage

Based on the above mentioned Noble Denton guideline and Global Wave
Statistics of the South China Sea area (Area b2), the following conditions are
applicable during transport:

• Significant wave height (Hs) 8.5 m

• Peak Period (Tp) 10.5-16.0 s
• Peakedness factor ( g) 2.7 -

Reference Document 0240 CNC 01 011 Barge – Motion Analysis –

Transport Report

Page 31

The resulting design loads derived from all operational conditions are summarized
in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Design Loads

Scantling draught forward 12.25 m
Scantling draught aft 38.0 m
Deck load - cargo deck area 15.0 t/m2
Deck load - deck area forward (175 m from APP to FPP) 10.0 t/m2
Total Bending Moment (Rule Value - unrestricted) 716,600 tm
Rocker Arm Load 10,500 t
Rocker Arm Load – Load per unit length 840 t/m
Skid Beam Load – Pressure 2,540 kPa
Skid Beam Load – Load per unit length 330 t/m
Webframe load 750 t

Page 32

Reference is made to 0240 DNC 01 001 Barge – General Arrangement – Plan.


The main dimensions of the barge shall be:

• Length Overall (approximately)
(approximat ely) 235.00 m
• Length between Perpendiculars
Perpendicula rs 215.00 m
• Breadth moulded 52.50 m
• Depth moulded 14.25 m
• Typical Transit Draught 6.50 m
• Block coefficient (approximately)
(approximately) 0.96 -
• Scantling Draught (forward) 12.25 m
• Design load line draft 10.45 m


The Barge shall be an unmanned, non self-propelled steel deck barge designed
for launching steel jackets weighing up to 30,000 t and up to 300 m total length.
Besides for launching operations the barge will be used for transportation
purposes with maximum cargo load capacity of 60,000 t.

For launching purposes two (2) skid beams including skidding equipment as well
as two rocker arms, hingeable at the stern, shall be provided. The beams and
rocker arms shall be adjustable in between positions
positions from 8 to 14 m from CL.

The Barge shall be equipped with suitable towing gear, including emergency
towing gear, as well equipment to handle this gear. Also a single anchor system
for temporary mooring shall be provided.

The Barge shall be subdivided into watertight and non-watertight compartments

by means of transverse and longitudinal bulkheads.

A double
double bottom
bottom shall
shall be under
under the engine
engine room
room to accommod
accommodateate the fresh
fresh water
cooling tank. A double bottom shall be provided under both pump rooms as well.
These double bottom sections shall be void. The pump room forward shall be
closed with watertight doors forward and aft and the aft pump room shall be
closed with a watertight door at the forward bulkhead of the pump room.

Page 33
The general arrangement below main deck shall comprise:
• Forepeak Water ballast tank
• Anchor
Anchor reces
• Anchor
Anchor chain
chain locker
locker includ
ing access
access coffe
• Central store
• Rope store
• Office spaces, meeting room and changing room (upgradeable to pantry,
accommodation and washing room)
• Control and switchboard room
• Battery room and electrical store
• Engine and Auxiliary room
• CO2 room
• Spare parts store
• Workshop
• Fresh Water cooling tank in double bottom
• Escape trunk (from Control Room)
• Various tanks, comprising
• Fuel Oil tanks
• Lube Oil tank
• Grey water tank
• Bilge water tank
• Sludge tank
• Hydraulic Oil tank
• Potable Water tanks
• Pipe tunnel (in three sections)
• Forward pump room
• Aft pump
pump room
• Water ballast tanks

On main deck the following shall be allocated:

• Towing and emergency towing arrangement including retrieval equipment
• Navigation lights
• Anchor
Anchor windlass
windlass,, combined
combined with bridle
bridle retrieva
retrievall winch
winch and includin
g warping
• Skidding and Launching Equipment
• Life saving equipment
• Mooring arrangement

Page 34
Figure 5.1 Genera
Generall A rrangement – Side and
and Top view

For the General Arrangement of the Barge reference is made to the following
• 0240 DNC 01 001 Barge – General Arrangement – Plan
• 0240 DNC 01 003 Barge – Machinery Spaces – Arrangement
• 0240 DNC 01 004 Barge –Pump Room Aft – Arrangement
• 0240 DNC 01 005 Barge –Pump Room Forward – Arrangement

Page 35

6.1 HULL

6.1.1 General
The construction plans associated with these specifications shall be approved by
the Classification Society. The construction of the Barge shall be in compliance
with the applicable Rules and Regulations, as set out in Section 3 of this

Scantlings of structural members may be adapted to Yard's practice, however

due consideration shall be given to the required section modulus and overall
strength. It is not allowed to change the principal construction layout.

The Barge shall be subdivided into watertight compartments by longitudinal and

transverse watertight bulkheads.

2 Main
Main subd ivi sio n
The hull shall be divided in tank sections by eight (8) transverse watertight
bulkheads. The bulkhead at frame 80 shall be a collision bulkhead. Tank lengths
shall vary between 25m, 35m and 40m and forepeak tanks shall be 15m. Pump
room lengths shall be 15m and machinery and service spaces area will be 25 m
in length. All bulkheads shall be placed on webframe distance.

Two longitudinal watertight bulkheads at 15,000 mm from CL shall run from APP
to FPP. On CL a bulkhead shall be provided between frames 0 and 10 as well as
frame 80 to 86 (aft tank and forepeak tank). Between frames 10 and 80 a 9,000
mm wide pipe tunnel shall be provided by means of longitudinal bulkheads at
4,500 mm from CL.

Between frames 70 and 80 the machinery and service spaces shall be located,
provided with a tween deck, division bulkheads and inner bottom of 1,500 mm
high. Inner bottom shall be the tanktop of fresh water cooling tank. The space
shall extend to the two outer bulkheads.

Two (2) pump rooms shall be located in between frames 20&26 and 50&56 and
shall extend to the two outer bulkheads. Large openings in the pipe tunnel
bulkheads shall be provided for accessing the pump room without compromising
longitudinal strength. The pump rooms shall be provided with a inner bottom of
1,500 mm height.

The rest of the compartments shall function as ballast tanks. Other tanks shall be
arranged in the machinery space.

The main deck at 14,250 mm above base shall be the freeboard deck of the
Page 36
Figure 6.1 Gene
ral Ar rangement – Subdivi sion

6.1.3 Material
The barge shall be constructed of all welded shipbuilding quality steel in
accordance with the Requirements of the Classification Society. Mild steel with
yield stress of 235 N/mm2 Shall be used as far as possible.

In bottom and deck higher tensile steel with yield stress of 315 N/mm2 shall be

In the stern section higher steel grades may be considered, however never
exceeding the maximum allowed steel grade E36.

The skid beams and rocker beams shall be made from steel E36 or D36.

4 System of cons tru cti on
A longitudin
al framing
framing system
system shall be applied
applied.. The longitud
inal stiffen
ers shall
shall be
supported by transverse bulkheads and web frames. The web frames shall be
supported by longitudinal bulkheads. For the stiffeners standard bulb profiles or
alternatively construc
ted members for stiffening shall be used.

Main transverse (web) frame spacing shall be 2,500 mm.

Transverse bulkheads shall be stiffened vertically, with three (3) horizontal girders
to support the stiffeners.

6.1.5 Bilg
Bi lge
e keels
The parallel midship section part of the barge from frame 13 to frame 67 shall be
fitted with bilge keels. Bilge keels shall be welded on a flat bar of 60x20 mm, web
shall be 230x20 mm and at the tip a round bar of 50 mm shall be fitted.

Page 37
6.1.6 Skegs
Two skegs underneath the bottom plating at the aft ship in line with the outside
longitudinal bulkheads shall be provided.

6.1.7 Shell
The plating of bottom and side shell shall be reinforced in way of openings and
appendages as required by the Classification Society.

Shell plating in way of the anchor shall be increased by 4mm in thickness down to
the light water line.

6.1.8 Seawater
Seawater inlet
in let chest s
Six (6) large sea chests will be provided for supply of ballast water and will ensure
a fast ballast intake during load out and launching operations. In proximity of each
pump room a low and high sea chest will be provided and two low sea chests will
be provided on the aft end of the pipe tunnel.

Furthermore a high and low sea chest for machinery consumers will be provided
as required.

Each sea chest shall be provided with galvanized steel plate gratings bolted to the
shell and be equipped with a compressed air and vent pipe connection.

6.1.9 Bulkheads
A watertight
watertight collision
collision bulkhead
bulkhead shall be located at frame 80. The other watertight
transverse bulkheads shall be located at: frame 10. 20, 26, 40, 50, 56, 70 and
frame 80. The following subdivision shall be provided by the bulkheads:
APP to fr10
fr10 (Aft peak)
peak) Ballast
Ballast tanks

fr10 to fr20 Ballast tanks, pipe tunnel

fr10 to fr26 Ballast tanks
fr20 to fr26 Ballast tanks, aft pump room

fr26 to fr40 Ballast tanks, pipe tunnel

fr40 to fr50 Ballast tanks, pipe tunnel

fr40 to fr56 Ballast tanks
fr50 to fr56 Ballast tanks, forward pump room

fr56 to fr70 Ballast tanks, pipe tunnel

fr70 to fr80 Ballast tanks, machinery spaces, various tanks, stores,

workshop, control room and office

fr80 to FPP (Fore Peak) Ballast Tanks including Chain locker

Page 38
For longitudinal bulkheads reference is made to section 6.1.2.

6.1.10 Tanks
The arrangement of the tanks and their capacities shall be as be as indicated in
the drawing 0240 DNC 03 001 Barge – Tank and Capacity – Plan.

Drain plugs shall be provided at the bottom each tank. At least two (2) plugs shall
be installed at opposite corners. Tanks shall be accessible through at least two
(2) manholes with flush water tight covers and steel ladders with safety cages and

All structur
es shall
shall be construc
ted with continuo
us welding.
welding. Bottom
Bottom and top
stiffeners in tanks shall be provided with lumber holes for drainage purposes and
to avoid trapping of air.

6.1.11 Main deck
The main deck shall be straight over the entire length of the Barge, without sheer
or camber. At the aft part of the Barge two (2) inclined deck sections shall be
provided in way of the allowable rocker beam positions. Rounder corners shall be
applied at sheer strake in a gun whale.

The main deck shall be the freeboard deck.

The main deck shall be constructed for a deck load of 15 t/m 2 for the deck area
from APP to frame 70. The deck load for the deck area forward of frame 70 shall
be 10 t/m2. Adequate stiffening shall be arranged under and around ventilators,
openings, hatches, etc.

Large recesses in main deck shall be provided for accommodating the rocker
arms at the stern. Recesses shall be provided for bollards and chocks as well.

The main deck forward and aft shall be locally reinforced in way of the capstans,
bollards, shocks, etc.

6.1.12 Hawse
Haws e pi pe
A hawse pipe shall be provided
provided for the anchor
anchor and shall
shall have sufficient
sufficient slope for
anchor to slide out by gravity.

An anchor
anchor pocket
pocket of fabricat
ed steel
steel construct
ion shall
shall be provided
provided in the stem
structure, sufficient to house the anchor leg, locking and tightening devices on the
chain stopper.

Plating shall be reinforced in the way of the anchor pocket and hawse pipes.

Page 39
13 Built in foundations
Where required the decks shall be reinforced to take the loads of the equipment.
The built-in foundations shall be able to withstand the forces due to Barge
motions, vibrations and forces of the machinery.

14 Local strengthening for jacket
jacket protr usion
To allow for protruding jackets the forepeak of the Barge shall be strengthened.
Transverse bulkheads shall be added at frame 83, 84 and 85 and the plating of
the longitudinal bulkheads shall be suitably increased.

Reference is made to 0240 CVC 10 003 Barge – Local Strength – Calculation

Report and 0240 DVC 01 043 Barge – Transverse Sections and Bulkheads –
Forepeak – Basic Construction Plan.


6.2.1 Barge
Barg e access
The barge shall be accessed through a small enclosed structure near CL, closed
with a watertight door. The access housing shall be located above the machinery
space and combined with a ventilation deckhouse (refer to section 6.2.2). The
structure shall be 2,200 mm in height.

The access superstructure shall start between frame 79 and frame 80 and be
approximately 2.5 m long and 9.0 m wide. Watertight access door shall be
provided at the aft side of the superstructure.

A second
second entrance
entrance from main deck
deck shall be provided
provided from a small superstr
at the aft side of the machinery spaces for emergency escape.

2 Venti
Venti lation deckhou se
Deckhouses shall be placed on the main deck with fan rooms to provide
ventilation inlet and outlet for generator room and other spaces under the main
deck and accommodate the electrical fans for mechanical ventilation.
Furthermore two separate sections of the Barge access superstructure shall
accommodate generator room exhausts as well.

Deck houses shall be 2,200 mm in height and 5,000 mm wide. All openings shall
be ventilation louvres with watertight fire covers and not be located below 900 mm
from main deck. Access hatches shall be provided in roof of each deckhouse.

Page 40
The following fan rooms shall be provided:
• fr66 to fr67 – ventilation exhaust for pump room and pipe tunnel
• fr68 to fr70 – ventilation supply for pump room and pipe tunnel
• fr70 to fr75 - ventilation supply engine and auxiliary room, minus 1,250 mm
wide emergency access and escape structure
• fr75 to fr76 - ventilation exhaust engine and auxiliary room
• fr76 to fr77 – trunk for generator exhaust
exhaust lines

6.2.3 Coamings
Coaming shall be provided around the tank access lines at main deck, e.g. fuel oil
tank lines, sludge draining, fresh water filling line.

The height of coamings shall be in relation to the position of the fans, the degree
of water tightness and the degree of hazardous area, according to Classification
requirements, as indicated on GA.

The plate thickness shall be in accordance with the Classification Society.


1 Barge’s name, Port of regist ry and Draught marks
The name of the Barge shall be placed on both sides in 1,000 mm high
characters and on the stern name in 450 mm high characters and port of registry
in 300 mm high characters.

Characters, numbers and marks in general shall be cut from 6 mm plates and
welded on with continuous welding and painted in a contrasting color.

Draft marks, shall be tack-welded and painted on both sides fore, aft and at mid
ship of the Barge. Draft marks shall be 100 mm in height and shall be placed
every 200 mm. Freeboard marks, size and location shall be according to

Yard’s sign with engraved yard No. and year of delivery is to be mounted on the
access deckhouse.

On both sides and on main deck the position of transverse bulkheads and tank
markings shall be marked; frame numbers and tank numbers shall be tack
welded and painted.

Manhole covers shall have tack welded and painted numbering.

On the bottom plating, tank plug numbers shall be tack welded.

Page 41
2 Waterti
Waterti ght doo rs
The entrances giving access to machinery space below main deck level shall be
fitted with a steel watertight door of the hinged and dogged type with manual
operation. Manual check valve, to verify the compartment is not flooded, shall be
fitted in the watertight bulkhead next to the watertight door.

Below the freeboard deck watertight closures are to be provided for every
opening through any watertight boundary as indicated in the drawing 0240 DNC
03 003 Barge – Watertight Subdivision – Plan.

6.3.3 Masts
On the bow one (1) foldable mast shall be provided. All signaling lights, day
signals and Halyards as required, shall be fitted to this mast. A battery shall
power the navigation lights. The mast shall be placed on a raised platform to
enable passing of the bridle retrieval wire.

One (1) mast shall be provided on the aft with a battery powered yellow
navigation light, in accordance with CCS requirements. The mast shall be divided
in two, separated by a bolt secured flanged connection. This connection provides
easy removal of the mast during a launching procedure.

6.3.4 Hatches
Six (6) escape hatches shall be provided as indicated on general arrangement
plan, four (4) shall provide escape from pipe tunnel and pump rooms to main
deck and two (2) shall provide escape from engine room to tween deck (escape
trunks). All hatches shall be flush.

Four (4) access hatches shall be provided as indicated on general arrangement

plan for accessing the fan rooms. All access hatches shall be flush.

All hatches
hatches shall
shall be closed
closed with watertigh
watertightt hatch
hatch covers
covers with a central
central locking
device, operated from the inside by a hand wheel. Electronic control shall be
installed over the trunk for indication of closure.

Bolts and wing nuts of bronze shall be provided with neoprene gaskets. All
moving parts shall be bronze bushed and grease lubricated. Neoprene gaskets
on cover shall be fitted after paint application.

The escape hatches shall incorporate hold-back securing devices for covers in
open position.

Escape routes shall be arranged in all working compartments where two

independent accesses cannot reasonably be fitted.

Page 42
Four (4) flush hatches shall be installed for lowering spare parts and equipment in
the machinery spaces; two (2) in the main deck and two (2) on the tween deck in
line with the hatches on main deck. Typical size shall be 2,050 x 1,050 mm, fitted
with a watertight bolted steel cover.

Two (2) flush hatches shall be provided of 2,300 x 1,800 mm, one above each
pump room. The hatches shall be fitted with a watertight bolted steel cover.

Since the engine room is protected by CO2 fire fighting system all openings on
deck from baseline to engine room shall be gas-tight.

6.3.5 Chain lock
lo cker
A cylindric
al chain locker shall
shall be provided
provided just forward
forward of the collision
collision bulkhead.
The diameter of the locker shall be 3,000 mm.

The chain locker shall extend to bottom with a grated floor at 1,500 mm from BL.
The bilge well shall be equipped with an ejector serviced by the fire pump.

A cofferda
m shall
shall be provided
provided next to the chain
chain locker
locker with access
access ladder
ladder for
maintenance. Access manhole shall be closed with watertight manhole centrally
bolted cover.

6 Raili
Raili ngs and walkw ays
Open railing shall be provided alongside walkways and stairs. The height of the
top rail shall be according to Classification and authority’s requirements and made
of 50 mm OD galvanized steel tube. Two intermediate rails of 20 mm round bar
shall be fitted.

Railing stanchions shall be made of flat bar 60 x 19 mm welded to the deck and
curtain plate.

A toe plate
plate of 150 mm high
high shall
shall be provid
ed on
on floors
floors or
or walkway

Where removable railing work is required, the flat bar stanchions shall have 8 mm
galvanized chain in between.

Removable railing shall be provided around the main deck.

7 Ladders and stair s
Steel stairs shall be provided from barge access superstructure to tween deck
passageway with access to offices, store, control room, electrical room, battery
room and CO2 room and stairs to floor in the machinery room. The stairs shall
have an angle of 55° in machinery spaces and executed with anti-slip steps and
50 mm diameter galvanized steel tube handrail, according China National
Page 43
Stairs with an angle of 55° and anti-slip steps and 50 mm diameter galvanized
steel tube handrail, according China National standard shall be provided aft
access as well.

Steel ladders of China National standard shall be fitted in all tanks as required.

Hand grips and foot rungs shall be fitted as required at entry manholes and
lighting holes inside tanks.

Four (4) barge access ladders shall be incorporated in the hull sides. Two (2) at
SB and two (2) at PS as indicated on General Arrangement.

At main deck a provisio

n for a pilot
pilot ladder
ladder shall
shall be fitted, both on SB as well as

8 Built on foundations
Built-on foundations for skid mounted deck machinery and equipment, other than
jacket skid beams, shall consist
consist of angle
angle bars welded to deck
deck and incorporatin
transverse brackets as far as necessary.

9 Manhol
Manhol es and covers
Manholes shall be provided as indicated on General Arrangement.

Each tank shall be provided with two (2) manholes in opposite corners close to
the bulkheads. Manhole covers shall be watertight, flush and central bolted with a
stainless steel bolt.

Manhole diameter shall be 600 mm.

Manholes on tank tops shall be raised.

For the center tanks, access shall be provided from the pipe tunnel by means of
manholes. These manholes shall be watertight and bolted peripherally. The
manhole cover on the chain locker shall be watertight and bolted peripherally as

10 Hoisti ng beams and lif tin g eyes
In the machinery space and pump rooms hoisting beams or lifting eyes in way of
the following, shall be provided:
• Diesel generator sets
• E-motors
• Ballast Pumps
• Workshop area

All necessa
ry lifting
lifting eyes, pads
pads on deck
deck heads shall
shall be arrange
d for lifting
lifting tackles
over motors, pumps etc. Page 44
Pad eyes shall be provided over equipment exceeding 40 kg weight. Pad eyes
and hoisting beams shall be marked with SWL and tested.

6.3.11 Raised fl oor
oo r
In all areas where corrosion is prone to develop quickly, galvanized gratings shall
be used throughout for raised platforms or floors. These floors shall be provided
in pump rooms and pipe tunnel segments.

In the machinery spaces raised floors shall consist of aluminum plating.

Where required raised floors shall be surrounded with suitable handrails.

12 Venti
Venti lation caps
Ballast tanks and other tanks below main deck shall be provided with tank vent
check valves; valves shall be of Winel make or equivalent. All ventilation caps
shall be located on main deck forward of frame 63 and positioned inside of pipe
tunnel bulkheads alongside and in vicinity of the vent houses.

13 Boll ards and choc ks
Sixteen (16) 50 t double bollards shall be provided on main deck at regular
intervals as arranged on drawing 0240 DVC 15 002 Barge Equipment – Fender
and Bollard – Arrangement. The bollards shall be installed in recesses flush with
main deck except for the forward bollard.

Chocks shall be provided in the recesses and on main deck for the forward
bollard on SB and PS.

6.3.14 Fendering
All around
around the Barge
Barge steel
steel fenderin
g shall
shall be provided
provided.. The protecti
on shall
shall be
installed from transom to bow. Reference is made to 0240 DVC 15 002 Barge
Equipment – Fender and Bollard – Arrangement.

15 Towing appliances
The barge shall be equipped with four (4) Smit towing brackets on the main deck
forward, two (2) at PS and two (2) at SB. The bracket capacity shall be at least
300 t SWL in direction of towing chain. Necessary fairleads (pipe 600x20) shall be
provided for each bracket. Fairleads shall be closed at top. Position shall be
conform Class requirements.

Reference is made to section 9.2.

Page 45


The barge shall be equipped with two skid beams and two rocker beams. The
rocker beams shall be hinged at the stern. The position of the tracks and beams
shall be adjustable to any position between 8 and 14 m from CL of the barge.

Skidding will be performed by four (4) skid units, placed on separate skid rails
along both sides of the skid beam. The skid rails and main skid beam are
integrated into 10m single sections that can easily be handled for (re)-positioning
on deck. Each skid unit typically consists of 2 hydraulic cylinders, 1 gripper unit for
clamping onto the skid rail, and an interconnecting push/pull yoke.

The Launch and Load Out system shall include the following:
• One (1) skidding mechanism, comprising four (4) skid units and one (1) HPU
• Two (2) skid beams built up in sections with integrated skid rails on both sides
• Two (2) rocker arms with integrated hinge shaft
• Two (2) hinge gutters, integrated in the barge’s stern structure
• Four (4) locking devices, welded onto the hinge gutters locking the hinge shaft
to the barge.
• Two (2) rocker buffers, welded onto the barge’s stern

The skidding mechanism shall be capable of functioning as an autonomous

(stand-alone) system.


Reference is made to 0240 SMC 03 002 Launch – Skidding Mechanism –


The diesel-hydraulic skidding mechanism shall comprise:

• Four (4) hydraulic skidding units
• One (1) diesel-hydraulic power pack
• Four (4) sets of hydraulic hoses, connecting the skidding units to the power

The hydraulic skidding units shall run over separate skid rails on both sides of the
skid beams.

1 Skiddi ng uni ts
The barge is equipped with 4 skidding units of 950 ton (9,500 kN) push and pull
capacity each. Each unit typically consists of 2 large hydraulic cylinders, 1 gripper
unit for clamping onto the skid rail, and an interconnecting push/pull yoke. The
weight of the units will be approximately 17 t each. Approximate dimensions of
each unit are 6.0x1.8x0.75m Page 46
The hydraulic cylinders are connected to the yoke at the rod ends and to the
gripper units at the bottom ends. The two cylinders in one skid unit are sized to –
together – deliver a 950 t force both in pushing and pulling mode.

The gripper unit consists of a number of hydraulic jacks, mounted vertically in a

frame which envelopes the top flange of the skid rail. By powering the jacks, the
unit will grip the flange tightly and thus the push/pull force can be transferred from
the jacket via the skid rail to the barge’s deck.

The yoke is a double swivel plate connected at the outer ends to the push/pull
cylinder rod ends and at the center equipped with a central pin of 250 mm outer
diameter. A clevis is designed accordingly. Weight of the swivel plate will be
approximately 1.8 t.

The swivel is equipped with bolted-on push plates for launch assistance, which
must be unbolted when a pull operation is to be performed.

The jacket needs to be equipped with push/pull supports to fit into this clevis or
onto the push plate. Such jacket supports will be designed depending on the
shape and size of the jacket and therefore be project-specific.

The swivel is also equipped with a gripper for locking onto the skid rail and
repositioning the main gripper section. This auxiliary gripper is smaller since it
only has to clamp just enough to move the skid unit’s own weight.

The skid units shall be fully manually lever-operated from a control panel at the
diesel power pack. All units can be operated together or individually.
Synchronization of the units shall be manual/ visual, to keep the system as simple
and straight-forward as possible.

The skidding mechanism shall not be clamping right at the heaviest loaded parts
of the skid beam to avoid overloading the deck frames. For the design jacket this
implies that the grippers shall not clamp within the first 20 meters of the jacket and
in between 30 and 55 meters. (This applies only when pulling or pushing the
jacket, not
not when
when moving
moving the skidd
ing mech
anismm itself).

7.2.2 Diesel HPU

The skidding mechanism is capable of functioning as an autonomous system;
therefore it is provided with its own diesel-hydraulic power pack on deck.

The diesel power pack runs in between both skid tracks to serve all skid units. It is
mounted on rugged wheels and is driven by a hydro motor. It is possible to
disconnect the power pack from the skid unit.

The stability of the power pack can be maintained under the barge’s operating roll
angles. Under transit conditions it must be stowed.
Page 47
The diesel engine power shall be rated at approximately 2x 500 kW. The power
pack overall dimensions are approx. 6.0x3.0x1.9m and weight is approximately
10 t. Built on fuel tank shall have a capacity 300 L. The HPU shall be functional at
maximum power for trim angles up to 12 deg.

The HPU contains the skidding control panel, at least incorporating pressure
gauges for the pressures of skid jacks, main grippers and swivel plate auxiliary

Flexible hoses between the power pack and the skidding units are supplied of
sufficient length for on-barge operations; length shall be approximately 95m. Per
skid unit the following 6 hoses are typically supplied:
• 2 pcs 1½“ for the skid jacks
• 2 pcs ¾” for the main grippers
• 2 pcs ½” for the auxiliary grippers in the swivel plate

The hose connections shall be of the Quick-Release type.


Reference is made to 0240 DMC 03 001 Launch – Skid Track – Basic

Construction – Plan and 0240 DMC 03 002 Launch – Skid Track Forward Section
– Structu
ral Drawin

The skid tracks shall be executed as steel boxes with a U-shaped cross-section,
opened at the bottom. They will have a typical height of 2.0 m, a width of 1.9 m at
the top plate and a 2.5 m wide base. The skid beam structure is open at the
bottom to allow for easy manufacturing and for weight reduction.

Each skid track has two integrated but separate skid rails to accommodate the
hydraulic skid units.

The skid track shall run from the rocker beams at the stern towards the bow and
its total length will be 190 m. The top plates of main skid beam and skid rail must
be flat with a tolerance of 5 mm relative to the bottom surface. The skid system
supplier may specify additional skid rail tolerances. The skid track does not cover
the remaining 4 m of length at the barge’s bow end. This area will normally not be
needed for the support of the jacket.

To be able to transport protruded jackets the most forward section of the skid
beam on both PS and SB side shall be strengthened in order to increase the
allowable load and transfer the concentrated jacket loads into the designated
strengthened area of the barge. These special skid track sections shall weigh
approximately 70 t.

Page 48
Each skid track is divided into longitudinal sections, each 9.97 m in length, in
order to be able to easily move or remove the skid track sections from the Barge.
In order to take up any barge deformations (hogging and sagging) a 30 mm play
between adjacent sections is designed. Each section weighs approximately 57 t
and is equipped with 4 hoist lugs for hoisting from a single hook in a 4-rope

For the design of the skid track it is assumed that the jacket will be equipped with
a hard-wooden lining and/or other means of spreading the load to the design load
level as in Section 4.7.

The overall width of the skid track, together with the integrated skid rail structures
and hoist lugs, will be approximately 5,800mm. The total of all skid beam sections
on the barge will weigh approximately 2,170 t. The skid beams shall be
manufactured out of steel D36 or equivalent.

The skid tracks can be moved laterally over (part of) the width of the barge in
order to be able to accommodate various widths of jackets. After moving the skid
track sections, the assembled skid track must be checked for the correct
horizontal alignment
alignment and shimmed for the correct vertical alignment at the position
of the large web frames. A nominal shim height of 40 mm is taken into the design.
After ensuring
ensuring the proper
proper alignment
alignment,, the skid beams
beams must be welded
welded onto the

In case adjacent beam sections are in different loading conditions, the vertical
alignment is ascertained by welding key plates onto the side plates of adjacent
beams. In longitudinal direction these plates allow for 30 mm of barge
deformation. Also the top plates are chamfered at the ends of the beam sections.

A PTFE sliding
sliding track
track shall
shall be placed
placed at the top of the skid beam over its full
length. Quality and details of the slide pads are, as well as the mating material at
the jacket, very important to ensure the lowest possible friction coefficient and
wear. For the mating material at the jacket hard wooden lining is assumed to
result in the lowest possible friction. The PTFE pads shall typically be factory-
bonded to steel carrier plates that must be tack welded to the skid beam’s top
plate. Steel guiding strips shall be installed on both sides of the PTFE track, to
ensure the lateral guiding of the jacket’s skid shoes or lining.

Page 49

Reference is made to 0240 DMC 01 001 Launch – Rocker Arm and Hinge Points
– Arrangem
Arrangementent and 0240 DMC 02 001 Launch
Launch – Rocker
Rocker Arm – Basic
Construction Plan.

The two (2) rocker arms shall be located at the stern of the launch barge. The
hinge shaft center shall be positioned 1,350 mm from APP. The rocker arms can
be laterally moved to follow the skid track width.

The rocker arms and hinge are designed to take up the forces as derived from the
launch analysis. Refer to Section 4.7 for design loads.

The rocker arm shall be executed as a closed box section of 41.135 m total length
and approx. 3.9 m. wide at its mid-section. The beam shall be reinforced at the
mid-section where the hinge shaft will be integrated.

The rocker arm shall have tapered ends in the vertical plane; at the mid-section
the maximum height shall be approximately 6.4 m, while at the forward end the
height shall be approximately 2.0 m. so that it aligns with the skid beams.

Each rocker arm will weigh approximately 590 t, including the integrated hinge
shaft. The rocker arm is entirely made from steel D36 and E36. Thick plates are
inserted where necessary. Maximum used steel grade shall not exceed E36.

Since the rocker arms must be adjustable in lateral position, the hinge part at the
barge is executed as a half-round gutter section integrated into the barge’s stern


Reference is made to 0240 DMC 02 005 Launch – Locking Mechanism

Construction Plan – Structural Drawing.

Each rocker arm shall be laterally secured by locking devices (or retainers) on
both sides. They are designed to take up any lateral and uplift forces which might
occur during launching and buffering of the rocker arm.

The locking devices must be welded in position onto the barge’s stern after proper
alignment of the rocker with the skid track. The locking devices shall be
constructed entirely of steel D36.

Page 50

Reference is made to 0240 DMC 02 002 Launch – Hinge Point – Basic

Construction Plan.

The hinge gutter on the barge is executed as a steel welded section in E36 or
equivalent steel integrated into the Barge structure.

The hinge structure has approximate dimensions of 13.5x2.8x3.8m and a weight

of approximately 94 t each.

To lubricate the hinge points the following grease shall be used:

GRAFLOSCON A-G 1 ULTRA of Klϋber Lubrication or equivalent.


Reference is made to 0240 DMC 02 004 Launch – Buffer for Rocker Beam –
Basic Construction Plan.

The rocker beams are buffered in their fully rotated positions, 85 deg rotated from
their initial position.

When the jacket is launched, the rockers rotate under the influence of the jacket’s
dynamic reaction forces. The rocker is slowed down before hitting the rocker
buffer by the displacement of the surrounding water.

The steel buffer structure shall be designed for being welded in place onto the
barge’s stern. The buffer structure shall be covered with a wooden lining and
fenders/tires to dampen the impact. The structure has frames matching the
horizontal stiffening in the barge stern in order to transfer the buffer forces
correctly into the barge.

The buffers shall be able to be laterally positioned in any arbitrary position in a

vertical line below the rocker arms.

Page 51


The load capacity of the power plant shall be compatible with the actual electric
power consumption of the barge. Three (3) main generator sets and one (1)
auxiliary generator set shall be installed in the engine room.

Electrical power generating capacity shall be installed for the following

operational cases.
• Launch operation
• Load out operation

All diese
diesell engines
engines shall
shall run
run on Marine
Marine Gas Oil – MGO ISO-F-DMA.

Functionality of the power generation shall be ensured at trim angles up to 12 deg

by stern.

Reference is made to:

SEC 41 002 Electrical Diesel Generators Specification
SEC 41 004 Electrical Auxiliary Diesel Generator Specification


Three (3) main generator sets shall be installed, providing a 380 V, 50 Hz power
system, each comprising the following main components

One (1) marine diesel engine

Minimum output 940 kW MCR
Speed 1,500 rpm

Each engine complete with built-on:

• Fuel injection pumps
• Speed governor
• Mechanical overspeed trip
• Turbo charging
• Fuel oil supply system
• Lubricating oil system
• Jacket water-cooling system
• Starting system

Page 52
One (1) Electric generator
Nominal apparent power 1,175 kVA
Nominal rated power 940 kW
Power factor (assumed) 0.8
Nominal voltage 380 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Speed 1,500 rpm
Insulation class H
Max. ambient temperature 50°C
Rating Continuous, S1
Cooling Air
Enclosure IP 23
Exciter brushless
n heater
heater 230 V, 2 phase
Temperature detection 2 (two) resistance temperature
detectors in each stator winding.

Generator control and synchronization shall be from LV switchgear



One (1) marine auxiliary set shall be installed as described below

One (1) diesel engine

Minimum output 350 kW cont.
ies same as main
main diesel
diesel engine

One (1) generator

Nominal apparent power 438 kVA
Nominal rated power 350 kW
Power factor (assumed) 0.8
Nominal voltage 380 V, 3 phases
Frequency 50 Hz
Speed 1,500 rpm
Insulation class H
Max. ambient temperature 50°C
Rating Continuous, S1
Cooling Air
Enclosure IP 23
Exciter brushless
n heater
heater 230 V, 2 phase
Temperature detection 2 (two) resistance temperature
detectors in each stator winding.

Page 53


9.1.1 General
The Barge shall encounter three different types of mooring during the intended
utilization of the barge:
• Temporary mooring; mooring of the barge by means of a single anchor
system after launch
• Quayside mooring; barge lay-up at a miscellaneous quayside, when not used
• Load out mooring; barge secured to the quayside longitudinally, with bow or
stern, to enable load out operations.

The mooring arrangement shall be in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 2 of

CCS Rules for Sea Going Steel Ships Vol.2 Part 2 (2001).

Reference is made to 0240 CNC 01 006 Barge – Mooring Arrangement –

Calculation Report.

2 Tempo
Tempo rary moo rin g
For temporary mooring a bow anchor shall be provided. The bow anchor shall be
housed in anchor pocket with air vent located on the raked bow with protected
corners. An inclined hawse pipe shall be provided to lead the anchor chain to the
anchor winch mounted on main deck. Just before the collision bulkhead the chain
locker as defined in section 6.3.5 will be provided. All corners likely to get in
contact with the chain to be suitably rounded in order to minimize chafe.

Ground tackle shall comprise at least 8.7 t stockless bow anchor of normal
holding power or 6.5 t anchor of high holding power, 650 m of 73 mm - U3 (OR
AMS3) quality
quality anchor
anchor chain
chain together
together with necessar
y swivels,
swivels, shackles
shackles and
anchor chain stopper. The anchor must self stow and flukes and crown shall be
within line of shell when stowed.

All equip
ment shall
shall be certified
certified by Certific
n Authori

Anchor shall
shall be lowered
lowered and hoisted
hoisted by an anchor
anchor windlass
windlass mounted
mounted on deck.
For the windlass specification reference is made to 9.3.

Suitable cable clench, chain stopper and chain compressor shall be provided.

Page 54
3 Quayside moor ing
For general lay-up at miscellaneous quaysides four (4) capstans shall be installed
on the barge, with 10 t pull capacity. The capstans shall be electrically driven and
locally operated from deck. Hauling speed shall be 20 m/min.

As a conseque
nce of the launching
launching procedure
procedure the two capstan
s on the aft shall
be able to be submerged.

The aft capstans shall be installed on recessed decks flush with main deck. The
forward capstans shall be installed on main deck.

Ten (10) polyester mooring lines of 200 m in length and 52 mm in diameter and 6”
circumference shall be provided, with a MBL of approximately 50 t.

Sixteen (16) double bollards - eight (8) on each side of the Barge - shall be
provided, with 50 t safe working load capacity. The bollards shall be placed at
regular intervals in recesses flush with main deck.

The aft bollards shall be placed on the recessed deck with the capstans flush with
main deck. The forward bollards shall be placed on main deck.

Sixteen (16) Panama chocks, eight (8) on SB and eight (8) on PS shall be
provided, each accompanying a double bollard. All chocks will be flush with main
deck in the recesses, except for the chocks located at the forward bollards.

4 Load out moo rin g
Two (2) Smit towing brackets on the aft deck with 200 t SWL shall be provided for
securing the barge during load out. Chain tension shall be provided with winch
capacity from shore.

Reinforcement in way of brackets shall be provided.

When secured to the quayside in load out operation over the bow, the towing
appliances as specified in section 6.3.15 shall be used.


9.2.1 General
Towing and emergency towing equipment the capacities are to be in accordance
with Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing – MSC/ Circ. 884 – 21 December 1998,
and Technical Regulations for statutory survey of Ocean Towing 1999,
promulgated by the Register of Shipping of People’s Republic of China.

Reference is made to 0240 CNC 01 002 Barge - Towing Resistance - Calculation

Page 55
9.2.2 Towi ng gear
Two (2) Bridle 87 mm studlink chains of 45 m length shall be provided. The chain
shall be U3 (OR AMS3) quality and end links shall be suitable for shackles. One
(1) Fore runner of 15 m shall be provided of same chain. Proof load of the chain is
at least 400 t.

The forerunner shall be connected to the bridle chains through a triangular plate
of the same breaking strength. The plate shall be installed together with 15 m of
82 mm wire with a breaking strength of at least 450 t.

All conne
ns to
to be made with steel
steel shackle
s, MBL
MBL 600
600 t.

The bridle chain shall be lowered and hoisted the anchor windlass mounted on
the main deck. For the windlass specification reference is made to 9.3.

One (1) A frame with 25 t SWL shall be provided on the bow for retrieving towing
bridle. Connection to deck shall be by means of stainless steel bolts.

9.2.3 Emergenc y Towi ng Gear
The PS towing bracket shall be provided with a stud link chain cable. Chain shall
be U3 (AMS3) quality, 45 m long and 87 mm diameter and suitable for shackles
at both ends.

An emergen
emergencycy towing
towing wire shall
shall be 210 m long with a SWL of at least
least 450 t,
connected to the free end of the chain cable

All conne
s shall
shall be
be made
made with
with steel
steel shackles
shackles,, MBL 600 t.

On the free wire end a polypropylene wire of 350 m shall be provided, with plastic
buoy and pick up hook. The floating rope shall be coiled up at the aft ship, the
emergency towing line (chain and wire) shall be clipped over its entire length on
top of the PS gunwale or next to the bollard recesses with clips. Clips shall be
provided every 2.5 m and made such, that the wire will not be damaged.

Page 56

One totally enclosed electrically driven anchor windlass shall be provided at the
bow on main deck. The windlass shall be of capacity and design to allow for
proper self-stowage of steel wire for bridle retrieval, chain cable lifting and
warping head handling.

The windlass shall be located on a suitable foundation on main deck subject to

Class approval.

The windlass shall be rated for at least the following capacities:

• chain cable lifter
• 30 t pulling capacity @ 10 m/min
• 73mm U3 (or AMS3) quality chain cable
• wire drum
• 25 t pulling capacity in 2nd layer @ 3 m/min
• 32 mm steel wire, storage capacity at least 100m (indicative drum size:
610mm diameter x 1,000mm in length)
• warping head
• 10 t pulling capacity @ 20 m/min
• warping head diameter 450mm

Manual operated band brakes including manual operated spindle emergency

shall be provided as well as manual dog-clutches.

Page 57


Since the barge is unmanned no accommodation shall be provided on board. For

operational purposes office spaces and a control room are provided in the
machinery space of the Barge.

One of the office spaces shall allow for upgrade into an accommodation space,
one into a pantry or kitchen and one into a sanitary space.

Reference is made to the following drawing 0240 DNC 01 003 Barge – Machinery
Spaces – Arrangement.

Offices and control rooms shall have all furniture and outfit installed which is
considered necessary for the functions that space is designated for. To enable a
future upgrade space for four (4) double bunk beds shall be reserved in one of the
office spaces.

All materials
materials,, outfit
outfit and equipmen
equipmentt used
used and installe
d in the office
office and control
room area shall be of Marine quality and standard and shall be delivered with the
required certificates. Layouts, details, materials, decorations, connections etc.
shall be subject to Owner's approval prior to ordering.

Non steel walls and ceilings in office spaces, control room and switchboard room
shall be in accordance to the applicable Rules and Regulations (SOLAS).

Outfitting in the office spaces shall at least comprise the following:

• kitchenette with sink
• hand wash basin
• 120 l boiler (10 kw)
• Refrigerator 120 liter
• 1 table
• 12 chairs
• benches
• Space and provisions for four (4) double bunk beds
• Computer
• Printer
• Fax machine
• Copy machine

A separate
separate space shall
shall be reserved
reserved for at least
least two chemical
chemical toilets.
toilets. This room
may be refurbished as wash room in case of a future upgrade.

Page 58


All marine
marine auxiliar
y systems
systems are sized
sized for a power
power system
system of three (3) 965 kW
main generators and one (1) auxiliary generator of 350 kW capacity.

11.2 BALL

Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 006
Marine – Ballast System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 003
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

A comple
completete ballas
ballastt system
system shall
shall be installe
d compri
• Four (4) ballast pumps
• Twenty-four (24) ballast tanks
• Vacuum priming unit
• Distribution piping system
• Ballast control panel

The ballast pumps shall be vertical, split casing, centrifugal, electrically driven.
The pumps shall each have a capacity of 3,500 m 3/h at 20 mWc. The ballast
pumps shall be connected to a central vacuum priming system.

The vacuum system shall comprise 2 x 100% capacity vacuum pumps,

cooling/sealing water tank and vacuum tank. The vacuum system shall have a
capacity of 770 m3/h at 48% vacuum.

The distribution piping system shall consist of four suction/discharge mains

connected at the fore and aft ends such forming two ring mains. The system shall
allow for:
• Filling ballast tanks, using the ballast pump(s)
• Emptying ballast tanks, using the ballast pump(s)
• Filling ballast tanks by gravity flow
• Tank to tank transfer to allow quick respond on load changes, however limited
to transfer from inside to outside tanks and from PS to SB and vice versa.

The suction/discharge lines from the outboard water ballast tanks shall be
connected to the outsides of the ring mains and the suction/discharge lines from
the inboard water ballast tanks shall be connected to the insides of the ring

Page 59
Two (2) high seawater inlet chests shall be installed inside WB wing tank No.04
PS, just forward to the transverse bulkhead on frame 50 and inside WB tank wing
tank No.06 PS, just forward to the transverse bulkhead on frame 20. At the same
longitudinal position two (2) low seawater inlet chests shall be installed just
outside the pump room on SB side. Between the sea chests, at PS and at SB,a
crossover line shall be provided complete with isolation valves and inlet strainers.
The crossover and ballast (ring) mains shall be installed at an elevation as low as
possible. Therefore the crossovers shall be routed through the ballast tanks just
aft of the bulkheads on frame 50 and 20.

ally two (2) low seawater
seawater inlet
inlet chests
chests shall
shall be installe
d in the aft pipe
tunnel at the aft end. From the sea chest two seawater supply lines shall be
installed complete with isolation valves and inlet strainers. The supply lines shall
be connected one to each ballast ring main.

Two (2) ballast pumps shall be installed in the aft pump room, one at PS and one
at SB side and two (2) ballast pumps shall be installed in the forward pump room
in the same way. The pumps shall have connections as follows:

Suction from:
• Sea via cross-overs
• Ballast (ring) mains

Discharge to:
• Sea (SB & PS) via overboard discharge main
• Ballast (ring) mains via overboard discharge main

Expansion joints are to be fitted in the ring mains and branches (when required)
to take up expansion, hogging and sagging. The suctions in the tanks are to be
provided with bell mouths and with erosion plates underneath.

Valves in the ballast system shall be hydraulically actuated. Control of the valves
shall be possible locally at the solenoid valve boxes and remote from the ballast
control desk in the control room. In case of hydraulic power failure local manual
operation of the valves shall be possible by means of a portable hand pump.
Valve open/close indication shall be available locally at the valve and remote from
the ballast control desk. Valves that are required for throttling shall have position
indication from full open to the closed position.

The hydraulic system will allow for simultaneous operation of the five largest
valves with an open/close cycle speed of 30 s the greater of simultaneously
operating 6 of the largest system valves. In case of hydraulic system failure the
valves remain in position.

A Loadmast
er will be installe
d for monitorin
g of the loading
loading condition
conditionss of the
barge. Ullage/level, volume, weight, draught, trim/list, stress/stability and alarms
will be made available.
Page 60
The tank gauging and draught measuring system will be based on pressure
transmitter type sensors. Alternatively an air-bubble type system may be
considered. In addition inclination meters will be provided.

Start/stop of the ballast pumps shall be possible locally at the pumps and remote
from the ballast control
control desk in the control room.
room. Start/stop of the vacuum
vacuum pumps
shall be possible locally at the vacuum unit and from the ballast control desk. The
control system shall allow for automatic operation. Monitoring of the suction -and
discharge pressures of the ballast pumps and the vacuum tank pressure shall be
possible from the ballast control desk as well as locally at the pumps.


Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 007
Marine – Stripping System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 003
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

In addition to the ballast system a ballast stripping system shall be installed

• Two (2) stripping pumps
• Distribution piping system

The stripping pumps shall be horizontal, centrifugal, electrically driven and shall
be connected to the central vacuum priming system. The pumps shall each have
a capacity of 200 m3/h at 20 mWc. The stripping pumps shall be installed in the
aft pump room, one at SB and one at PS.

The distribution piping system shall consist of two suction/discharge mains

connected at the fore and aft ends such forming a ring main. The
suction/discharge lines from the PS WB-tanks are connected to one leg of the
ring main and the suction/discharge lines of the SB WB-tanks are connected to
the other leg of the ring man. The stripping ring main shall be installed at an
elevation as low as possible. The stripping pumps shall be installed in the aft
pump room, one at PS and one at SB side and shall have connections as follows:

Suction from:
• Sea via cross-over
• Stripping ring main

The stripping pumps shall each be provided with an emergency bilge suction.

Page 61
Discharge to:
• Sea SB and PS via overboard discharge main
• Stripping ring main via overboard discharge main

Expansion joints are to be fitted in the ring mains to take up expansion, hogging
and sagging. The suctions in the tanks are to be provided with bell mouths and
with erosion plates underneath.

Valves in the ballast stripping system shall be hydraulically actuated. Control of

the valves shall be possible locally at the solenoid valve boxes and remote from
the ballast control desk in the control room. In case of hydraulic power failure local
manual operation of the valves shall be possible by means of a portable hand
pump. Valve open/close indication shall be available locally at the valve and
remote from the ballast control desk. Valves that are required for throttling shall
have position indication from full open to the closed position.

Start/stop of the stripping pumps shall be possible local at the pumps and remote
from the ballast control console in the control room.

Monitoring of the suction and discharge pressures of the stripping pumps shall be
possible from the ballast control panel in the control room as well as locally at the


Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 005
Marine – Bilge System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 DKC 02 015
Marine – Bilge Stripping System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 003
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

A comple
te bilge
bilge system
system shall
shall be insta
lled comprisin
• Two (2) bilge pumps
• One (1) bilge water separator unit
• Two (2) bilge water stripping pumps
• Bilge piping system (main system)
• Bilge stripping piping system

The system is to comply with the Classification Society and IMO MARPOL, for
overboard discharges. The bilge system is to be based on a dry bilge concept
with no system drains flowing into the bilge.

Page 62
.1 Main
Main bil ge syst em
The main bilge pumps shall be horizontal, centrifugal, electrically driven and be
provided with a self priming device (air ejector). The pumps shall each have a
capacity of 370 m3/h at 25 mWc.

Start/stop of the bilge pumps shall be possible locally at the pumps and remote
from the ballast control console in the control room.

Bilge wells with a capacity of at least 0.15 m3 shall be arranged in the engine
room and in the aft and forward pump rooms. The bilge wells shall be located one
at each corner. A strum-box shall be applied for suctions from the bottom while a
mud-box shall be applied at locations with a bilge well in a tank top.

A bilge main
main is to be
be provided
provided runnin
g over the
the length
length of the barge.
barge. Bilge
Bilge suction
shall be provided from all WT compartments to the bilge main.

In the aft pump rooms at PS and at SB an emergency bilge suctions shall be

provided, connected to the ballast stripping pumps. In the engine room an
emergency bilge suction shall be provided, connected to one of the cooling water
pumps for a main diesel generator set. For the emergency bilge suctions in the
engine room reference is made to 0240 DKC 02 003 Marine – Seawater/Fresh
water Cooling System – Piping Diagram. For the emergency bilge suctions in the
aft pump room reference is made to 0240 DKC 02 007 Marine – Stripping System
–Piping Diagram.

One bilge pump shall be installed in the engine room and one in the forward
pump room and shall have connections as follows:

Suction from:
• Bilge main
• Direct bilge suctions

Discharge to:
• Overboard

In each bilge well and in the vicinity of each strum-box a float-operated bilge high-
level alarm switch. shall be fitted The switches shall be connected to the
machinery alarm and monitoring system.

.2 Bil ge str ipp ing syst em
A bilge stripping
stripping system
system shall
shall be provided
provided as a separate
separate part of the bilge system
Start/stop of the bilge stripping pumps shall be possible locally at the pumps and
remote from the ballast control console in the control room.

The bilge stripping pumps shall be, piston-type, electrically driven and shall have
a capacity of 2 m3/h at 45 m.
Page 63
The stripping system shall have its own suction main with branches from WT
compartments where bilge water polluted with oil can be expected.

One (1) bilge stripping pump shall be installed in the forward pump room and one
(1) bilge stripping pump shall be installed in the ER. The bilge stripping pumps
shall have suction connections from the bilge stripping main line and discharge to
the dirty bilge water tank. A separate sludge or dirty oil pump shall be installed in
the engine room. This pump shall have the same capacity and be of the same
type as the bilge stripping pumps. This pump shall have a suction connection
from the sludge/dirty oil tank and a discharge connection to a standard shore
connection at main deck.

The bilge stripping pump and the sludge pump in the engine room shall be
provided with a drip tray complete with drain.

The sludge tank and dirty bilge water tank are to be fitted with a float-operated
high-level alarm switch. The high-level set point shall be at 80% of the tank
content. Switches shall be connected to the machinery alarm and monitoring

.3 Bil ge water separator
A bilge
bilge separato
separatorr unit, comprising
comprising a separato
separatorr vessel,
vessel, a pump and a 15 ppm oil
content monitor, shall be installed in the engine room. The bilge water separator
shall have a capacity of at least 1 m 3/h. The output oil content is to be not more
than 15 ppm in accordance with IMO MARPOL requirements. The separator shall
further be provided with connections for ancillary systems such as fresh water
and service air. The bilge water separator unit shall be installed in the engine
room and shall be provided with suction connection and return connection from/to
the dirty bilge water tank and with a connection for separated oil to the double
bottom sludge/dirty oil tank in the engine room. The unit shall further be provided
with a clean water discharge connection to overboard (less than 15 ppm oil).


Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 005
Marine – Bilge System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 DKC 02 012
Marine – Fire Water System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 003
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

A firewat
er exting
ing syste
m shall
shall be
be install
ed compr
• Two (2) fire pumps
• Distribution piping system

The firewater extinguishing system shall be capable supplying the water Page
for two hose streams simultaneously and each provided with a 16 mm nozzle and
maintaining a pressure at the hydrants of 2.7 barg. Nozzles shall be of dual-
purpose type incorporating a shutoff.

The fire pumps shall be capable to deliver 60 m3/h at 60 mWc for fire fighting

A non-pres
zed fire water
water main shall
shall be installe
d with hydrant
s in the engine
room, pump rooms and pipe tunnel segments. On the main deck in the vicinity of
the main entrance to the engine room supply connections with two branches and
an international shore connection shall be arranged.


A CO2 fire extinguishing installation of the “High Pressure Total Flood” type shall
be installed for the protection of the engine room.

The system shall be in accordance with the CCS and SOLAS Rules and

The CO2 system shall be based on the following:

• Standard 45 kg CO2 cylinders
• All high-press
ure component
components s shall be located
located in a dedicated
dedicated CO2 room. The
cylinders shall be placed in suitable racks.
• Means shall be provided in the CO 2 room for lifting/weighting
lifting/weighting of cylinders
• Two means of manual release of CO2 shall be provided:
• From inside the CO2 room
• From a stainless steel release panel located next to the engine room
• Upon release a pilot line shall be pressurized with nitrogen which shall open
the main valve and the valves of the CO2 cylinders after a time delay of
minimum 30 seconds
• Opening of the CO2 release panel door shall initiate CO2 alarm inside the
engine room and outside at the engine room entrance
• The alarm whistle shall be gas powered (CO2)

From the CO2 room a distribution piping system complete with CO2 nozzles shall
be installed in the engine room.


.1 Tank
Tank air vent syst em
Reference is made to:
• 0240 DKC 02 009
Marine - Air and Sounding System – Piping Diagram
Page 65
Tank air vent pipes shall be installed for all tanks. All ballast tanks shall be
provided with two vents.

Tank vents lines shall be provided with automatic closing appliances (floater ball
type tank vent check valves), with flame screens on oil tanks and dust screens on
fresh water tanks. The height of the tank vent lines measured from the main deck
to the point where water may have access shall be 760 mm.

Tank vent lines shall be internally and externally galvanized except vents of oil
tanks, which shall be externally galvanized only. Vent lines of water ballast tanks
shall be provided with automatic drain valves (floater ball type check valves).

Expansion joints are to be fitted in the ballast tanks vent lines to take up
expansion, hogging and sagging.

Vents shall be located at the forward side of the barge above main deck and be
grouped within the inner bulkheads area of the barge.

.2 Soundin g pip es
Sounding pipes shall be provided for all tanks and void spaces, complete with
striking plates underneath and screw caps on top. Sounding pipes are to be
located within the tanks they serve. Sounding pipes ending on the main deck shall
be mounted flush in the deck.

Fresh water tanks, potable water tanks, dirty bilge water tank and the MGO tanks
shall not be equipped with sounding pipes. These tanks shall be equipped with a
level gauge complete with bottom and top valves and supports.

The double bottom tanks shall be fitted with short sounding pipes, ending above
the floor level. These sounding pipes shall be provided with self-closing cocks and
test cock.

Sounding pipes shall have a nominal bore of 1½” (40 mm)


Reference is made to:

• 0240 SKC 03 003
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

A potable
potable water system
system shall
shall be provided
provided to supply
supply operatin
operatingg water
water to the bilge
water separator and to supply domestic water to the sink in the office, as well as a
shower on main deck.

Page 66
The system shall comprise:
• Two (2) potable water storage tanks each with a capacity of approx. 35m3.
• Bunker line (nominal bore of 2 ½”) with connections and isolation valves to the
potable water tanks.
• Drain line (nominal bore 2”) with connections and isolation valves from the
potable water tanks to the bilge.
• Potable water hydrophore unit, capacity approx.2 m3/h @ 3.5 bar and a vessel
capacity of approx. 300 liters.
• Active
Active carbo
n filter
• UV filter
• Hot water boiler, capacity approx. 120 liter
• Distribution piping system

The hydrophore unit shall have connections as follows:

• Suction from:
• Potable water tanks

• Discharge to:
• Bilge water separator
• Via active carbon filter to the hot and cold water mixer of the sink in
the office
• Hot water boiler in the office
• Shower on main deck

A back flow prevente

preventerr shall
shall be provided
provided in the supply
supply line to the bilge
bilge water

From the hot water boiler a supply line shall be provided to the hot and cold water
mixing tap at the sink in the office and shower on the main deck.

Tank and system isolation valves/cocks shall be fitted as required.


Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 003
Marine – Sea Water/ Fresh Water Cooling Water System –Piping
0240 SKC 03 003
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

Cooling water systems shall be provided for the main diesel generator sets,
auxiliary diesel generator
generator set and for other auxiliaries, such as the AC-unit.

Page 67
.1 Main
Main diesel generator sets
The cooling water pipe line systems for the Main diesel generator sets shall be
arranged for seawater cooling drawn from the seawater cross over line, as well as
from the fresh cooling water circulation tank in the double bottom.

Each Main diesel generator set shall be equipped with a heat exchanger capable
to match the total cooling requirements of the diesel engine. A dedicated cooling
water pump, provided with a self priming device (air ejector) shall be installed for
each set with a suction line from the seawater cross-over line and from the double
bottom fresh cooling water circulation tank. Discharge lines to overboard (PS and
SB) and to the double bottom fresh cooling water circulation tank shall be
installed. Change-over valves shall be provided in the suction lines close to the
cooling water pumps and in the discharge lines as close as possible to the heat
exchangers, to allow cooling of the diesel engines with seawater or cooling with
fresh water by circulating through the double bottom tank. Drain valves shall be
installed for draining of seawater in case of changeover
changeover to freshwater cooling.

Fresh cooling water suction point and discharge point shall be arranged as wide
as possible from each other. (suctions aft between fr.70-71, discharges forward
between fr.79-80)

One of the cooling water pumps shall be provided with emergency bilge suction.

A seawater
seawater inlet
inlet crosso
ver line
line shall
shall be installed
installed,, capable
capable of drawing
drawing water
water from a
high inlet chest sited at SB in a ballast tank and from a low inlet chest in the
engine room. Sea inlet grids shall be installed in the sea chests and two strainers
shall be provided in the crossover line each with two isolating valves.

.2 Auxi liary diesel generator set
The auxiliary diesel generator set shall be equipped with a built-on heat
exchanger and a dedicated cooling water pump, provided with a self priming
device (air ejector).

Only freshwater cooling shall be applied for the auxiliary diesel generator set by
circulation through the double bottom fresh cooling water tank. A suction line and
discharge line from / to the double bottom tank shall be installed. Suction point
and discharge point shall be arranged as wide as possible from each other.
(suction between fr.70-71, discharge between fr.79-80)

11.9.3 Auxiliaries
Two (2 x100%) cooling water pumps, provided with a self priming device (air
ejector) shall be installed in the engine room for cooling of the AC-unit,
compressed air after cooler and the ballast vacuum system in the pump room.

A suction
suction line from the double
double bottom
bottom fresh
fresh cooling
cooling water
water circulatio
n tank shall
shall be
installed to the cooling water pumps and discharge lines to the consumers.
Page 68
Return lines from the consumers shall be provided connected to a common line to
the double bottom circulation tank. Suction point and return point penetrating the
double bottom, shall be arranged as wide as possible from each other. (suction
between fr.70-71, discharge between fr.79-80)


Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 004
Marine – Compressed Air System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 303
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

A combined
combined service
service and start air system
system shall
shall be provided
provided consisti
ng of the
following major components:
• Two(2) air compressors
• Two(2) air receivers
• One(1) after cooler
• One (1) dryer

A complete
complete service air piping system
system shall be installed
installed throughout
throughout the barge with
service connections at suitable places in the engine room, auxiliary room,
workshop, pipe tunnel segments, pump room aft and forward. A service air line
shall be installed to the main deck with service points for portable air tools.
Service air connections shall be complete with a valve and quick type hose

Air connecti
ons shall
shall also be provided
provided to all sea inlet
inlet chests
chests with pressure
reducing station and safety valve in accordance with the CCS Rules. For charging
of the freshwater hydrophore vessel an airline with hose connector shall be
installed as well.

Drain cocks shall be fitted at the lowest points of the system and just up stream of
the pressure reducing stations.

Starting air piping shall be arranged to supply air for starting of all main diesel
generator sets. The diesel generator sets shall be delivered with a complete built-
on starting air system including a starting air motor.

The piping system shall be arranged to allow both air receivers to be connected to
the service air system as well as to the starting air system. Both air receivers shall
be fitted with safety valve, pressure gauge, inspection openings, and automatic
drain with drain line to the bilge.

In the air supply for control air to the tank gauging system absorption type air-
dryer will be fitted. This will be located in the forward pump room.

Two air compressors shall be installed to maintain a normal system pressure

Page 69
8.5barg in the air receivers. The pressure switch of one air compressor shall be
adjusted at 8.5barg, the other one at 7.5barg. The design pressure of the piping
system shall be 11barg.

An after
after cooler
cooler shall
shall be installe
d with water
water separato
separatorr and automatic
automatic drain
drain and
drain pipe to the bilge system.


Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 001
Marine - Fuel Oil System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 303
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

A complete
complete Marine
Marine Gas Oil (MGO)
(MGO) system
system shall
shall be provided
provided includin
g filling,
service, discharge and transfer arrangements.

Two (2) fuel oil tanks shall be built in the engine room (structural steel tanks) with
one filling line from the filling station on main deck. Vent lines to the main deck
shall be provided with tank vent check valves with flame screens and gate valves
to be locked in the open position.

Each MGO tank shall be fitted with high and low level alarm, level gauge and a
self-closing water drain valve.

All suction connectio

ns shall be provided
provided with quick closing valves
valves on the tanks.
The quick closing valves shall be operable from the main deck.

High and low suctions shall be installed in the MGO tanks and connected to
supply lines with strainers to the diesel engines. Return lines shall be routed from
the diesel engines to the top of the tanks. Anti-siphoning holes shall be drilled in
the return pipes within the tanks.

A MGO transfer
transfer pump shallshall be installed
installed with suction
suction lines
lines from both tanks
tanks and
discharge manifold with pipelines to both tanks and the main deck (filling station).
Local start / stop facilities shall be provided and an emergency stop from the main

The MGO tanks, MGO transfer pump and diesel engines shall be provided with
drip trays and drain lines (1”) to the sludge/dirty oil tank, located in the double
bottom. For sludge/dirty oil tank refer to the Bilge Stripping System in section

The filling station on main deck shall be provided with drip tray and drain cock.

Page 70

Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 002
Marine – Lubricating Oil System – Piping Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 303
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

A complete lubricating oil system shall be provided including

including filling, service and
discharge arrangements.

A lubricati
ng oil storag
e tank shall
shall be install
ed in the engin
e room with
with a filling
filling line
from the filling station on main deck.

One (1) lubricating oil transfer pump shall be installed with suction strainer and
suction connection from the storage tank. The transfer pump shall be provided
with a discharge line to the diesel engines with hose connection for filling of the
crankcases. Gravity filling of the crankcases shall also be possible.

The main diesel engines shall have a built-on electrical driven pre-lube oil pump,
which also can be used for draining of the crankcases to the sludge/dirty oil tank.
The auxiliary diesel engine shall have a manual pre-lube oil pump for this

Lubricating oil storage tank and lube oil pump shall be provided with drip trays
and drain lines to the sludge/dirty oil tank, located in the double bottom. For
sludge/dirty oil tank refer to the Bilge Stripping System in section 11.4.2.

From each diesel a crankcase vent line shall be arranged up to above the main
deck with flame screen and gate valve locked in the open position.


Reference is made to:

• 0240 DKC 02 013
Marine – HVAC – Principle Diagram
• 0240 SKC 03 303
Marine – Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

Mechanical ventilation systems shall be installed for the pump rooms, pipe tunnel
segments, engine room, battery room, switchboard room and CO2-room.

The control room and office shall be provided with an air conditioning system.

Although the maximum
maximum ambient
ambient temperatu
temperature shall be 45ºC, the design inlet
re shall
temperature for mechanical ventilation may be taken as 40ºC, and engine room
temperature as 50ºC (maximum temperature increase of 10ºC in ER).
Page 71
1 Pump roo m and pip e tun nel
Supply ducting with axial flow fans shall be installed for air distribution through the
rooms. The air inlet fans and exhaust fans shall be installed in fan rooms on main

Hydraulic actuated valves shall be installed in the supply duct at the watertight
bulkheads between the pump rooms and pipe tunnel segments . Also for air
exhaust hydraulic actuated valves shall be installed at the WT-bulkheads
between the pump rooms and pipe tunnel segments.

To operate the supply duct valves, the valves shall be connected to the hydraulic
power system of the ballast valves. Control of the valves shall be possible locally
at the solenoid boxes and remote from control room. In case of hydraulic power
failure local manual operation of the valves shall be possible by means of a
portable hand pump. Open/closed indication shall be available locally in the pipe
tunnel and remote in the control room.

Supply and exhaust fans shall be locally started and stopped and remotely from
the control room.

2 Engine
Engi ne room
ro om
Six (6 x 16.67%) supply fans shall be provided for ventilation of the engine room
and shall be installed in an air inlet housing (fan room) on main deck. Air inlet
housing shall be fitted with weather louvers. Supply ducting shall be installed for
air distribution through the engine room.

Exhaust ducting shall be provided from tween deck to main deck, terminating in
an air outlet housing on main deck and fitted with weather louvers. The pressure
drop across the total exhaust routing shall not exceed 50-60Pa.

For air supply to the Passage on tween deck, a duct shall be branched from the
engine room supply duct. Air is exhausted via the engine room outlet housing.

11.13.3 CO2-room
For ventilation of the CO2-room, an exhaust fan shall be installed with ducting
extended to near the tween deck.

Ventilation goosenecks with gate valves shall be provided for air inlet and air
outlet on main deck.

4 Spare part s room
ro om
The spare part room form part of the engine room and the ventilation of these
rooms shall be integrated with the engine room ventilation.

Page 72
5 Contro l roo m and off ice
Control room and office shall be air-conditioned for which a self-contained AC-unit
shall be installed in the control room.

Conditions for design/selection of AC-unit:

Outside 45 ºC – 55% R.H.
Inside 270C – 50% R.H.

Outside -200C
Inside 200C

Supply ducts shall be routed from the AC-unit through the control room and to the
Office for air distribution. Balancing dampers shall be fitted where necessary.
Return of air from the Office to the AC-unit shall be possible through a louver in
the Office wall.

For fresh air supply from outside an air pipe shall be installed from the main deck
and connected to the AC-unit. The pipe shall be suitable for a flow rate of approx.
700 m3/hand be provided with a goose neck and with a gate valve.

An air pipe for natural

natural exhaust
exhaust shall
shall be installed
installed for the Office,
Office, suitable
suitable for a
capacity of approx. 700m /h and complete with goose neck and with gate valve.


Reference is made to:

• 0240 SKC 03 300
Marine - Main Machinery Equipment – Specification

Waste water from the sink in the Office shall be collected in a grey water double
bottom tank, located in the engine room.

A drain
drain line with
with siphon
siphon shall
shall be
be installe
d from the
the sink to the grey
grey water
water tank.
tank. The
grey water tank shall be provided with a vent pipe, level gauge, and manhole.

To evacuate grey water from the tank, a centrifugal pump shall be installed in the
engine room complete with suction line and stop valve, and strainer. For
overboard discharge a pipe line shall be made, complete with stop-check valve.
Also for discharg
e to the main deck
deck a pipeline
pipeline with stop valve and Internat
shore connection shall be provided. Suction and discharge manometer shall be

Page 73

For main diesel engines and the auxiliary diesel engine, exhaust gas lines will be
installed to the main deck. Each exhaust gas line will be fitted with a
silencer/spark arrestor (supplied with diesel engines) and expansion bellows to
suit thermal expansion.

The exhaust pipe will be fitted with a flanged connection on exiting the deck
house, so that the top of the line can be removed when transporting large jackets

Fixed supports will be made at one side of the expansion bellows and at one side
of the silencers and further sufficient number of sliding points along the lines.
Each exhaust gas line will be provided with a condense-water trap, gate valve
and drain line to the bilge.

The exhaust pipes and silencers shall be insulated with rock wool with a thickness
of 3” in the engine room and 2”-thickness in the casing (from tween-deck to
outside) and be lagged with stainless steel sheeting. The expansion bellows shall
be insulated with removable quilted blankets.


For the piping and valve specification reference is made to

SKC 03 004
Marine – Piping and Valve – Specification.

Page 74


12.1.1 Fixed
Fix ed CO2 system
Fixed CO2 fire extinguishing installations of the "Total Flood" type shall be
supplied according to CCS and Authority requirements the Engine room.

The specification of the fixed fire extinguishing system for the Engine Room is
given in Section 11.16.

.2 Loos e equipm ent
Portable fire fighting equipment shall be supplied in accordance with the
requirements of the regulatory bodies.

Portable refillable A, B, C dry powder and CO2 fire extinguishers shall be provided
in accordance with Classification Society. All portable extinguishers shall be
numbered and provided with suitable supports for installation at proposed

Two (2) firemen suits with equipment shall be delivered according to SOLAS
requirements and stowed in suitable lockers. The fireman’s outfit shall be with
CCS type approval certificate

Four (4) sets of self contained (SC BA) 30 min breathing apparatuses, Sabre
Centurion brand or equal, shall be provided to Owners approval. Two (2) of these
sets are to be provided in the machinery space.

12.1.3 Deck wash
A deck connection
connection for fire water/de
ck washing
washing shall be provided
provided,, supplied
supplied by fire
pumps. Refer to section 11.5

12.1.4 Insulation
The following spaces shall be A60 insulated:
• Emergency access staircase at aft of machinery room
• Control and switchboard room
• CO2 room


A fire detectio
n system
system shall
shall be installed
installed,, fully
fully in complia
nce with the
requirements of Authorities.

Page 75
The system shall at least perform/indicate the following:
• Office, switchboard room and control room heat/ thermal radiation and smoke
• Office, switchboard room and control room heat/ thermal radiation door
closures activation and air conditioning intakes
• Engine room and pump rooms heat/ thermal radiation and smoke/ flame
• Break glass station color coding alarms
• System test

Fuel cut-off, air intakes closing, watertight doors closing and CO 2 releasing will be
performed manually from the fire station outside the entrance of the ER.

The system shall be an addressable type that shall give an unambiguous

indication in the central control room of where the event is detected.

Thermal detectors, smoke and flame detectors, and manual call points shall be
provided in the office, switchboard room, control room and machinery spaces.



A fire and general

general alarm
alarm system
system shall
shall be provided
provided with the main fire detectio
panel in the control room.

A fire-figh
ting plan shall
shall be displaye
displayedd adjacent
adjacent to the panel, showing
showing the spaces
covered. Location of fire flaps to be indicated on the plan.

Switches for fire alarm and general alarm shall be provided at the exits from
spaces and in pipe tunnel.

Alarm bells
bells for fire and general
general alarm
alarm and rotating
rotating flash
flash lamps
lamps in machinery
spaces and work areas shall be provided.


The life saving equipment shall be according to the Authority’s requirements

(SOLAS) and Technical Regulations for Statutory Survey of Ships and
installations – Non International Voyage Ships, Section 2.14(2) of Chapter 2, Part

Reference is made to drawing 0240 DNC 05 001 Barge – Safety and Escape
Routes – Plan.

The life saving equipment is sized for a maximum number of 15 people on board.

Page 76
The following life saving appliances shall be provided as a minimum.
• Two (2) inflatable rafts of 15 persons capacity, one on each side
• Fourteen (14) pieces of life buoys
• Fifteen (15) lifejackets
• Fifteen (15) working lifejackets
• One (1) piece of line-throwing appliance
• Twelve (12) pieces of rocket parachute flare

Page 77


The electrical installation shall comply with the rules and requirements as
described in Chapter 3.

The Electrical equipment shall be suitable for a humid, salt laden atmosphere with
vibrations and accelerations normal to a marine environment.

The following electric systems shall be installed on board:

• 380V, 50Hz, 3ph, for main generators and Barge auxiliaries
• 230V, 50Hz, for small consumers, general and engine room alarms, ballast
controls, navigational lighting and PA system small power VHF radio


13.2.1 Swit chb oard S-C410
The switchboard/ MCC shall be of the dead front
fr ont type, drip-proof construction,
well ventilated and provided with lifting eyes. The front shall have hinged panel
doors and handrails and the rear side shall have detachable panels.

All parts shall be accessible for inspection, maintenance or replacement.


Degree of protection shall be IP23.

Oil resistant, insulating matting shall be provided in front and back of the

The switchboard shall be installed consisting of:

• Three incoming feeders from the diesel generator sets
• Four starter panels for the ballast pumps complete with auto transformers
• Withdrawable drawers for motor starters and consumer feeders
• One incoming feeder from the aux. diesel generator set for start up purpose
• One Bus Tie panel
• Shore supply incoming feeder
• Two 380V/ 230V transformer supply panels
• Synchronizing Equipment

Reference is made to 0240 SEC 41 003 Electrical – LV Switchgear / MCC -


Page 78
13.2.2 Dist ri but ion
io n Panel S-C460
The panel shall be a wall mounted distribution board.

All parts shall be accessible for inspection, maintenance or replacement.


Degree of protection shall be IP23.

The switchboard shall contain all lighting groups and small power consumers.

Reference is made to 0240 SEC 41 003 Electrical – LV Switchgear / MCC -



Transformers for the supply to the

t he lighting distribution shall be cast resin type
protection IP23, insulation class B or better, designed for marine service
provided with natural cooling.

13.4 380V AC MOTORS

All 380V AC motors shall be of the induction type with squirrel cage rotors. All
motor design shall be based upon +50°C ambient temperature.

The insulation of all motors shall be class F, the maximum temperature rise
shall be for class B insulation. If
I f two speed motors are applied these motors
shall employ a separate winding for each speed, motors with tapped windings
are not acceptable. Both ends of all windings shall be brought out to the
terminal box, where the “star” or “delta” connections shall be made.

The enclosure for all motors shall be totally enclosed, with or without fan
f an
cooling, IP 44. For all motors on main deck minimum protection shall be IP 56.

The construction of all motors shall be suitable to guarantee a proper working

order up to a trim angle of 12 degrees.

Motors above 5kW shall be fitted with 230V anti condensation heating
elements, supplied from the motor starter control transformer when the motor is
not running.

Motors above 100 kW shall be fitted with

wit h thermistors embedded in the stator

Motors in extreme wet or cold rooms are to be provided with anti condensation
heating elements. Alternatively heating arrangement via windings, using a low
voltage, can be used.

Page 79

All motor starters shall be designed for marine application, withstanding the
high moisture environment and normal shipboard vibration. All equipment in the
motor starter shall be rated for a 50°C ambient temperature.

All AC motor starters for motors of less than 100 kW shall be of the direct
online type. For motors above 100 kW an auto transformer type starter will be
provided. Star-delta starters shall not be used.

Generally, starters shall contain:

• Isolating switch with locking device
• Magnetic contactor with auxiliary contacts
• Temperature compensated, thermal overload relay, with single phasing
• Necessary control relays
• Set of control fuses
• Control circuit step down transformer
• Control pushbuttons start/stop
• Running light
• Power indicating light

All AC motor starters shall be concentrated in the 380V Motor Control Center


Only cables of class approved make shall be used. Three phase circuits shall
generally be supplied through three core cables. Two or more identical three
core cables in parallel may be used for the larger capacities.

All cables shall have cores of stranded copper,

copper, with ethylene propylene rubber
(EPR) or cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation. Maximum conductor
temperature shall be 85°C.

For 380V circuits at least 600/1000 V grade cables shall be used. For 230V and
lower voltage circuits 250V grade cables may be used.

All cables shall have the following properties in case of fire:

• Halogen free
• Flame retarding
• Low smoke generation.

Some cables shall have fire resistant properties in addition, e.g. for emergency
lights, emergency stops and general alarms.

All power cables shall be of the armored or screened type, all other cables
be of the screened type with copper wire braiding between inner and outer

The minimum conductor size for power and lighting circuits shall be 2,5mm2.
The maximum voltage drop from main switchboard to final consumers shall not
exceed 6% of the nominal voltage.

Multicore cables with more than four (4) conductors shall have one (1) spare
conductor for each five (5) conductors in use.

Cables shall as far as practical not be installed in areas exposed to the

weather, heat dissipating surfaces or inaccessible spaces. Exposed runs,
where necessary, shall be kept as short as possible.

Where cables penetrate watertight bulkheads or decks, watertight stuffi ng

tubes shall be provided. At deck penetrations kick plates shall be provided.

Penetrations of multiple cables through watertight bulkheads and decks shall

be made by means of “multi cable transits” type Brattberg, Hawke or
equivalent. Additionally all accessories shall be as recommended by the cable
transit manufacturer.


13.7.1 Lighting
The lighting shall be compensated fluorescent lighting fixtures, designed for 230V
AC, 50Hz and single
single phase.
phase. Illumination
Illumination intensit
y shall be in accordan
ce with the
rules, but at least as follows:
• Engine room, pump rooms or machinery space 200 lux
• Offices, switchboard room and control room 300 lux

Illumination levels shall be determined by applying a maintenance factor of 75%

to initial values, to allow for deterioration of lamps, reflectors, enclosures and
painted surfaces.

Suitable flush lights shall be provided on the deck houses.

.2 Emergency lig hti ng
30% of the total amount of light fixtures shall be fed via a separate distribution
panel. The light fixtures shall be provided with battery back-up and shall be
situated in emergency access routing and in areas where emergency lighting is
necessary for safe disembarkation of personnel in case of total black-out or other
emergency situations.

.3 Navig
Navig ation lig hti ng
Navigation lights following the rules shall be installed on deck. The lighting
Page shall
be installed on removable masts at the front and back of the Barge, port and
starboard lights to be installed at the back of the Barge. The forward lights shall
have a dedicated battery placed in the battery room. The aft lights shall have a
dedicated battery in a suitable battery box in the aft section of the pipe tunnel in
near vicinity of the light. All batteries shall have a dedicated replacement battery
situated in the battery room, charged and ready for operation. The batteries shall
be charged via the battery chargers in the battery room.

Accordingg CCS requirement
requirements s the barge shall be provided
provided with three ball shaped
and one diamond shaped signals and one portable day communication flash light.
The horizontal arc of light limited for operational ability and not under command
light covered by signal shall not be more than 6 deg.

The Barge shall be provided with one fore and one aft anchor light. The fore
anchor light shall be 4.5 m higher than the aft light. The aft light shall be installed
near the stern.

In addition the navigation light system will be equipped with a photocell.

13.7.4 Small pow er
Power supply for power operated handheld tools, hand lamps and small VHF
Radio be of the double isolated type supplied via suitable marine type socket
outlets approved by Class and other relevant authorities.


A battery
battery system
system shall
shall be provided
provided in a dedicate
d battery
battery room complete
complete with
battery chargers and suitable battery rack to fit all required batteries. At the start
of the auxiliary diesel-generator set the batteries shall be charged via two main
battery chargers sized to fit the total capacity of all batteries installed comprising
start batteries for the auxiliary diesel and navigational
navigational light batteries.

Batteries shall be low maintenance NiCd type batteries that allow for longer
periods of non-charging to operate. The batteries are sized for 60 days operation.


The barge will be equipped with a shore connection to feed the main switchboard
with power from shore. The connection will be located at the main deck next to
the entrance to the Engine Room.

A manual
manual winch
winch with 100 meters
meters shore
shore power
power cable
cable will be fitted
fitted on the main
deck in way of the shore connection.

Page 82

13.10.1 General
A detailed
detailed descripti
on of the Barge
Barge control
control and alarm
alarm system
system is given
given in 0240
SEC 51001 – Instrumentation
Instrumentation – Control System - Specification

2 Alarm & Monito rin g System
The Barge shall be equipped with at least the following alarm systems:
• General alarm
• Engine alarm and monitoring
• Fire detection alarm
• Fire fighting alarm (CO2, or other)

The engine room alarm and monitoring system shall comprise as a minimum
the following measuring points:
• For each of the generator diesel engines
- Lubrication oil pressure
- Lubrication oil temperature
- Cooling water pressure
- Cooling water temperature
- Overspeed
- Exhaust temperature alarm

• Additional alarms:
- Fuel Oil level alarms
- Auxiliary equipment alarm points
- Bilge level alarms
- Escape hatch and watertight door switches
- Common alarm of package units (HPU, AC)
- Min 20% or 15 alarm points spare inputs and outputs, whichever is

3 Contro
Cont ro l System
Syst em
The Barge shall be equipped with a manual remote control system for remote
operated equipment, i.e. ballast system, fire and bilge pumps, connected to the
Alarm and Monitoring System.

Loading computer complete with TFT bulkhead mounted touch screen and
printer shall be installed in the CR. The loading computer shall be complete
with software and interface with all level measurements via the Alarm &
Monitoring PLC.

Package units at different locations shall be locally controlled with only a

common alarm to the alarm & monitoring system, unless otherwise specified.

Locally operated equipment shall have running and trip lamps fitted in the
Page 83
switchboard mimic with a one common alarm signal (one of any of the locally
operated equipment) to the Alarm & Monitoring system.

The Fire detection and alarm system shall be separate from the Alarm &
Monitoring system fully complying with IMO/SOLAS regulations.

Switchboard, Alarm & Monitoring system, Fire Detection and alarm system and
operating console are installed in the control room.

The central fire control panel with ESD panel and CO2 release shall be installed
near the entrance to the machinery room on main deck.


The barge will be equipped with a public address system, comprising loud-
speakers in the forward and aft pump room, office, engine room, deck house,
workshop, pipe tunnel and a microphone station in the control room.

Type and size of cables for interconnecting stations, loudspeakers and central
unit will be specified by the manufacturer of the system. Power supply will be via
an UPS.

Page 84


The corrosion control system (coating and cathodic protection) of the exterior hull
surfaces, interior spaces and tanks shall be defined for at least 60 months
protection, without dry-docking.

All steel
steel structure
s, spaces,
spaces, housing,
housing, equipmen
t, piping
piping and other
other steel
steel and all
inside and outside areas shall be painted in accordance with the requirements as
specified in this section.


14.2.1 General
It shall be Yard's responsibility to apply an adequate paint system for a Barge
suitable for world-wide operation.

Methods and conditions of application shall be strictly in compliance with the paint
Manufacturer's instructions. Yard's proposal shall be submitted for approval to the
Owner, prior to ordering.

The paint system for the hull shall be at least equivalent

equivalent to the following:

14.2.2 Surf ace preparatio
pr eparatio n
Unless indicated otherwise, all fabrication and assembly shall be complete before
starting surface preparation.

All surfaces
surfaces to be coated
coated shall
shall be properly
properly prepared
prepared accordin
according g to the paint
manufacturer's specifications prior to application of any paint. Surface preparation
and coating shall be scheduled by Yard to best practice and to avoid (a) damage
to surrounding areas/systems (b) reworking of areas.

Shop primer shall be removed completely by means of blasting till ISO 8501-1,
SA 2½, unless it is proven to be compatible with the final system, in which case it
shall be sweep blasted to at least SPSS-Ss.

Rusty and bare surfaces shall be blasted to ISO SA 2½.

.3 Under water part (Bott om and side shell up to 5 meter waterli ne)
• 1 coat 50 µ DFT Epoxy Primer
• 2 coats 150 µ DFT each Free Epoxy
• 1 coat 80 µ each DFT - Tin free Anti-Fouling Long Life

Page 85
.4 Side shell above water (from 5 meter waterli ne) and roc ker arm
• 1 coat 50 µ DFT Epoxy Primer
• 2 coats 150 µ DFT Tar Free Epoxy

.5 Decks;
Decks; exposed and int erior
• 2 coats 150 µ each Epoxy Mastic
• 1 coat 50 µ Epoxy Topcoat

.6 Walls
Walls and unders ide decks; pump roo ms, engine roo m and pip e tun nel
• 1 coat 80 µ DFT Sealer
• 1 coat 50 µ DFT undercoat
• 1 coat 50 µ DFT Enamel

14.2.7 Tanks
• Stripe coat
• 2 coats 200 µ DFT each Epoxy Mastic of light color.

14.2.8 Ball ast Tanks
• Stripe Coat
• 2 coats solvent/chemical resistant Epoxy Mastic of light color 200 µ DFT

14.2.9 Void spaces
• 1 coat of Tar Free Epoxy 200 µ DFT

0 Office, control room and swit chboard room
Unexposed steel surface behind paneling or insulation:
• 1 coat primer 80 µ DFT

• 1 coat primer 80 µ DFT
• 2 layers marine deck paint 80 µ - non skid type for last coat

14.2.11 Outfitting
Deck outfitting (masts, skid beams, bollard, brackets, etc)
• 2 coats 150 µ each Epoxy Mastic
• 1 coat 50 µ Polyurethane Topcoat as proposed hull topside

Ventilators (inside)
• 2 coats 150 µ DFT each Epoxy Mastic

Ventilation ducts (inside), non galvanized

• 1 coat of Primer 80 µ Page 86
Ventilation ducts (inside), galvanized
• No paint

In general all outfitting such as doors, ladders, handrails etc. shall be painted as
specified for the space in which they are located.

2 Misc ellaneou s steel
st eel
In general all piping shall be treated with approved anti-corrosive coatings.

All ballast
ballast piping,
piping, tank over-flow
over-flow pipes,
pipes, drain pipes,
pipes, fresh and
and salt water pipes,
pipes, air
or gas lines, etc. shall be galvanized steel or approved corrosive resistant
material such as PVC or copper-nickel.

All bolts
bolts and nuts and other
other fastener
s shall
shall be cadmium
cadmium plated,
plated, galvaniz
ed, or
coated with an approved anti-corrosive coating.

All steel
steel wire ropes
ropes shall
shall be drawn
drawn galvaniz
ed. This includes
includes all wire ropes
ropes for
hoists, tow lines, etc. All wire ropes shall have certificates.

All light
light fittings
fittings for
for externa
externall use
use shall
shall be
be made
made of
of aluminu
m or of galvan
ized steel.


All surfaces
surfaces shall
shall be inspecte
d by the Yard's inspector
inspector prior
prior to inspectio
n by the
Owner's representative. Safe and adequate staging and lighting shall be provided
for inspection. Yard shall supply an inspection program.

The Owner shall be represented by an inspector to ensure that the specifications

for the job are complied with.

All aspec
ts of the work
work shall
shall be acces
e to the Owner
's inspec

The inspector shall have the authority to inspect any materials, tools or equipment
used in the coating procedures and surface preparation operations. He shall have
the right to condemn any and all material, work or equipment, which does not
comply with this specification.

The test shall comprise the following:

• Performance test
• Film thickness
• Adherenc
Adherence e test


All equipme
equipmentnt in connect
ion with wood,
wood, canvas,
canvas, fiber,
fiber, ropes,
ropes, etc. and as
described in the different sections in this specification shall be heavily galvanized,
Page 87
such as:
• Lashing equipment for life rafts, foundations etc.
• Outside railings
• Protection rails
• Fittings for ladders and walkways
• Ventilation grids
• Raised floor plates

Furthermore, protection covers including hangers, hinges, holders for cables,

ventilation ducts, pipes and similar outfit and equipment shall also be heavily
galvanized, including hangers for portable fire extinguishers.


In addition to the specified paint system, all seawater tanks, and seawater inlet
chests shall be protected by means of a suitable number of sacrificial anodes.

Zinc and/or aluminum anodes shall be fitted, suitable in number and configuration
for an average of 20 mA/m², giving at least 5 years protection against galvanic
corrosion based on 8% bare steel.

Location, size and number of anodes shall be in harmony with the paint system,
according to manufacturers' recommendations and to Owner's approval.

Double plates shall be mounted (continuously welded) to the plating behind the

The anodes shall be fastened to the double plate in an approved manner, to allow
easy replacement, to Owner's satisfaction.


Yard to specify and supply sufficient sacrificial anodes for protection of hull.

Zinc and/or aluminum anodes shall be fitted, suitable in number and configuration
for an average of 20 mA/m², giving at least 5 years protection against galvanic
corrosion based on 8% bare steel.

Location, size and number of anodes shall be in harmony with the paint system,
according to manufacturers' recommendations and to Owner's approval.

Double plates shall be mounted (continuously welded) to the plating behind the

The anodes shall be fastened to the double plate in an approved manner, to allow
easy replacement, to Owner's satisfaction.

Page 88


On the Barge various maintenance equipment shall be provided in accordance

with the Owner’s requirements.

A workshop
workshop area shall
shall be provided
provided with vertical
vertical drilling
drilling machines
machines,, welding
transformers and grinding machines. Also a workbench, bench vice, injection
nozzle test bench, steel lockers, drawers and shelves as well as all necessary
tools shall be provided.

The normal engine room maintenance inventory shall be installed.

Deck connections for welding, air and power shall be provided.


Hoists shall be provided as follows:

For the main diesel engine generators and ballast pumps; two as per
Manufacturer's specification.
• Hand operated trolley of 50 kN.
• Hand operated chain hoist with lifting capacity of 50 kN

For auxiliaries:
• Hand-operated
Hand-operated chain hoists with lifting capacity of 50 kN.

Final arrangement of trolleys, beams and lifting equipment to be advised by


Suitable hoisting equipment such as trolley, beam and lifting pad-eyes etc. shall
be provided for equipment over 40 kg.

Page 89


Page 90
0240 Document
Document List

S C C 01 001 Barge Basis of Design Report
M C C 01 001 Barge Conceptual Design Report
D C C 01 001 Barge Conceptual General Arrangement Plan
S C C 01 002 Barge Technical Outline Specification


D N C 01 001 Barge General Arrangement Plan
General Arrangement - Elevations with
D N C 01 002 Barge Plan
Jacket Launching
D N C 01 003 Barge Machinery Spaces Plan Views Arrangement
D N C 01 004 Barge Pump Room Aft Arrangement
D N C 01 005 Barge Pump Room Forward Arrangement
D N C 01 006
006 Barge Machinery Spaces Longitudinal Sections Arrangement
D N C 01 007 Barge Machinery Spaces Transverse Sections Arrangement
D N C 02 001 Barge Lines (Hull Shape) - Aft and Fore Body Plan
D N C 03 001 Barge Tank and Capacity Plan
D N C 03 002 Barge Tank Sounding Table Report
D N C 03 003 Barge Watertight Subdivision Plan
D N C 04 001 Barge Deck Load Plan
D N C 05 001 Barge Safety and Escape routes Plan
D N C 05 002 Barge Fire Fighting Control Plan
S N C 01 001 Barge Yard Specification
C N C 01 001 Barge Lightship Weight Calculation Report
C N C 01 003 Barge Deadweight Definition Report
C N C 01 007 Barge Basic Design Report
C N C 01 008 Barge Cost Estimate Report

C N C 01 002 Barge Towing Resistance Calculation Report
C N C 01 006 Barge Mooring system Calculation Report
C N C 01 004 Barge Hydrostatic Particulars Report Calculation Report
C N C 01 005 Barge Loading Conditions and Intact Stability Calculation Report
Launch Analysis – Strength, Stability and
C N C 01 009 Barge Calculation Report
C N C 01 010 Barge Load-Out Analysis Calculation Report
C N C 01 011 Barge Motion Analysis - transit Calculation Report
Page 91
Midship Section With Sectional
D V C 01 001 Barge Basic Construction Plan
D V C 01 002 Barge Midship Section WT Bulkhead Basic Construction Plan
D V C 02 010 Barge Bottom and Side Shell plating Basic Construction Plan
D V C 03 020 Barge Main deck and horizontal sections Basic Construction Plan
D V C 01 030 Barge Longitudinal Sections and Bulkheads Basic Construction Plan
Transverse Sections and Bulkheads -
D V C 01 040 Barge Basic Construction Plan
Transverse Sections and Bulkheads -
D V C 01 041 Barge Basic Construction Plan
Transverse Sections and Bulkheads
D V C 01 042 Barge Basic Construction Plan
Engine Room Fore
Transverse Sections and Bulkheads
D V C 01 043 Barge Basic Construction Plan
Stern with reinforcements & Support
D V C 01 050 Barge Basic Construction Plan
D V C 01 051 Barge Hinge Point Barge Integration Basic Construction Plan
Global Hull Scantlings & Midship
C V C 01 001 Barge Calculation Report
sectional properties
C V C 01 006 Barge FEM Aft ship Analysis during Launching Report
C V C 20 001 Barge Material Weight Take Off Report
D V C 01 110 Barge Sea Chests Low Sea-Inlet Aft Basic Construction Plan
D V C 01 111 Barge Sea Chests Low Sea-High Inlet Basic Construction Plan
D V C 01 112 Barge Sea Chests Low Sea-Low Inlet Basic Construction Plan
C V C 10 003 Barge Local Strength Calculation Report
C V C 20 002 Barge Deck Strength Information Data sheet

D V C 15 001 Towing Gear Arrangement
D V C 15 002 Fender and Bollard Arrangement
D V C 15 003 Capstan and Anchor winch Arrangement
D V C 15 010 Towing Gear Basic Construction Plan
D V C 15 020 Fender and Bollard Basic Construction Plan
D V C 15 030 Capstan and anchor winch Basic Construction Plan
D V C 15 040 Watertight Hatches and manhole covers Basic Construction Plan

Page 92
D M C 01 001 Launch Rocker arm and Hinge Points Arrangement
D M C 02 001 Launch Rocker arm Structural Drawing
C M C 01 001 Launch Rocker arm Structural Design Calculation Report
C M C 01 002 Launch Hinge Point Structural Design Calculation Report
D M C 02 002 Launch Hinge Point Structural Drawing
S M C 02 001 Launch Hinge Point Welding Specification
D M C 02 004 Launch Buffer for Rocker Arm Structural Drawing
D M C 02 005 Launch Locking Mechanism Construction Plan Structural Drawing
D M C 03 001 Launch Skid Track Structural Drawing
D M C 03 002 Launch Skid Track Forward Section Structural Drawing
C M C 01 100 Launch Skid Track Calculation Report
S M C 03 002 Launch Skidding Mechanism Specification

D M C 01 003 Launch Skid Track Arrangement

D M C 01 060 Barge Special Joints Details Plan


D E C 41 200 Electrical Central Control Room Arrangement

D E C 41 201 Electrical Main Switchboard Arrangement
D E C 41 100 Electrical Key One-Line Principle Diagram
S E C 41 002 Electrical Diesel Generators Specification
S E C 51 001 Instrumentation Control System Specification
L E C 41 011 Electrical Electrical Load Analysis List
C E C 41 020 Electrical Preliminary Short Circuit Calculation Report
S E C 41 003 Electrical LV Switchgear/MCC
Switchgear/MCC Specification
S E C 41 004 Electrical Auxiliary Diesel Generator Specification

Page 93
D K C 02 001 Marine Fuel Oil Piping Diagram
D K C 02 002 Marine Lubricating Oil Piping Diagram
Sea Water / Fresh water Cooling
D K C 02 003 Marine Piping Diagram
D K C 02 005 Marine Bilge System Piping Diagram
D K C 02 006 Marine Ballast System Piping Diagram
D K C 02 009 Marine Air and Sounding Piping Diagram
D K C 02 004 Marine Compressed Air System Piping Diagram
S K C 03 003 Marine Main Machinery Equipment Specification
S K C 03 004 Marine Pipes and Valves Specification
C K C 04 001 Marine Marine System Weight Calculation Report
D K C 02 011 Marine Major Machinery Equipment Equipment List
M K C 02 012 Marine Major Machinery Equipment Vendor List
D K C 02 007 Marine Ballast Stripping System Piping Diagram
D K C 02 012 Marine Fire Water System Piping Diagram
D K C 02 013 Marine HVAC Principle Diagram
D K C 02 015 Marine Bilge Stripping System Piping Diagram
D K C 02 016 Marine Symbols Piping Diagram

Page 94



Page 95
Owner fu rnished equipment list

• Skidding system as specified in document:

SMC 03 002 Launch – Skidding Mechanism – Specification
Specificatio n

Page 96


Page 97

Diesel Generator sets

• Chong Qing Cummins
• Luo Yang Deutz
• Zhen Jiang B&W
• Caterpillar
• Detroit Diesel
• Cummins

y Diesel
Diesel Gener
ator set
• Chong Qing Cummins
• Luo Yang Deutz
• Zhen Jiang B&W
• Caterpillar
• Detroit Diesel
• Cummins

Ballast Pumps & Ballast stripping pumps

• DaLian DNB
• TianJin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Hamworthy
• Nijhuis Pumps
• Allweile

Vacuum Priming Unit

• Da Lian DNB
• Tian Jin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Sterling Sihi
• Hamworthy

Bilge and Fire Pumps

• Da Lian DNB
• Tian Jin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Hamworthy
• Johnson Pumps
• Naniwa

Page 98
Bilge stripping Pump / Sludge Pump
• Da Lian DNB
• Tian Jin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Speck
• Johnson Pumps
• Naniwa

Bilge Water Separator

• Lu Zhou Machine Works
• Facet Industrial
• Blohm & Voss
• Sterling Berkefield

Grey Water Pump

• Da Lian DNB
• Tian Jin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Hamworthy
• Johnson Pumps
• Allweile

Gas Oil Transfer Pump and Lub. Oil Transfer Pump

• Da Lian DNB
• Tian Jin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Kracht
• Johnsons Pumps
• Desmi

Fresh Cooling Water Pumps

• Da Lian DNB
• Tian Jin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Hamworthy
• Johnson Pumps
• Allweile

Service Starting Air System

• Tian Jin Atlas Copco
• Nan Jing Pioneer
• Da Lian Sulzer
• Atlas
Atlas Copco
• Ingersoll Rand
• Grass Air
Page 99
After Cooler
Cooler Compre
ssed Air Syste
• Tian Jin Atlas Copco
• Nan Jing Pioneer
• Da Lian Sulzer
• Atlas
Atlas Copco
• Ingersoll Rand
• Grass Air

Hydrophore set
• Da Lian DNB
• Tian Jin CTP Taiko
• Shanghai Di Yi Pumpworks
• Hatenboer
• Sterling Sihi
• Speck

Hot Water Boiler

• An Qing
Qing Marin
e Equipm
• Hatenboer
• Vaillant

A.C. Unit
• Carrier Transicold
• Daikin
• Heinen & Hopman

Axial Supply
Supply Fans
• Novenco
• Heinen & Hopman
• Hi-Press

Butterfly Valves for Ballast / Stripping / Bilge system

• Nakakita

Control Panel for Ballast Control & Alarm System

• Si Yang Electrical Equipment Factory
• Nan Tong nav machines
• Shanghai Yenke Suo
• Merlin Gerin

Tank gauging & draft measurement system

• Kockum Sonic
• Calm
• Nakakita Page 100
Main Switchboard MCC
• Si Yang Electrical Equipment Factory
• Merlin Gerin

Lighting & small power distribution panel

• Si Yang Electrical Equipment Factory
• Merlin Gerin

• Si Yang Electrical Equipment Factory
• Merlin Gerin

Anchor Winch
Winch and Retrieva
Retrievall Winch
• Rexroth
• Qing Jiang Machine Works
• Lu Zhou Machine Works
• Lemans
• Ridderinkhof
• Rolls Royce
• Plimsol

Planetary Capstans (electric driven):

• Qing Jiang Machine Works
• Lu Zhou Machine Works
• Lemans
• Ridderinkhof
• Rolls Royce
• Plimsol

Owner Furnished Equipment:

Skidding System
• IHC Handling Systems
• Rexroth Hydraudyne
• Bardex

Page 101

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