(12) United
Cook et al .
States Patent ( 10) Patent No .: US 10,896,756 B2
(45) Date of Patent : Jan. 19 , 2021
( 54 ) ENVIRONMENTAL SENSOR- BASED ( 56 ) References Cited
( 71 ) Applicants : Diane J. Cook , Pullman , WA (US ) ; 2005/0113703 A1 * 5/2005 Farringdon A61B 5/0428
Maureen E. Edgecombe , Pullman , WA 600/509
(US ) ; Prafulla N. Dawadi , Foster City, 2013/0238538 A1 * 9/2013 Cook G05B 15/02
CA (US ) 706/20
( 72 ) Inventors : Diane J. Cook , Pullman , WA (US ) ; OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Maureen E. Edgecombe , Pullman , WA
(US ) ; Prafulla N. Dawadi , Foster City, Schmitter- Edgecombe, M. et al . , “ Assessment of Functional Change
CA (US) and Cognitive Correlates in the Progression from Healthy Cognitive
Aging to Dementia ,” Neuropsychology, vol . 28 , No. 6 , pp . 881-893 ,
( 73 ) Assignee : Washington State University , Pullman , Nov. 2014 , retrieved at
WA (US ) 24933485 .
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued )
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 1134 days. Primary Examiner Taelor Kim
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 15 /135,390 (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Ellen M. Bierman ; Lowe
Graham Jones PLLC
(22) Filed : Apr. 21 , 2016
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data
US 2016/0314255 A1 Oct. 27 , 2016 Methods, systems , and techniques for facilitating cognitive
assessment are provided. Example embodiments provide a
Related U.S. Application Data Cognitive Assessment Facilitator System CAFS , which
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 150,794, filed on Apr. facilitates the gathering and prediction of cognitive assess
21, 2015 . ment of individuals using machine learning and sensors
placed in the home of a resident. These predictive assess
(51 ) Int. Ci . ments can then be used by a clinician to further diagnose
G06F 16/25 ( 2019.01 ) and / or provide health intervention . In one embodiment, the
GO6F 16/906 ( 2019.01 ) CAFS comprises a sensor input module, a machine learning
( Continued ) engine ( or algorithm as part of another component ), a CAAB
( 52) U.S. CI . tool , and activity curve change engine (activity tools ) , and a
CPC G16H 50/20 (2018.01 ) ; G06F 16/254 reporting module 308. These components cooperate to pro
cess and transform smart home based sensor data into
( 2019.01 ) ; GO6F 16/906 ( 2019.01 ) ; G06F activity performance features and statistical activity features
19/00 (2013.01 ) ; which are then processing through a machine learning
( Continued ) engine to predict clinical cognitive assessment values .
( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
CPC G06F 19/00 ; G06N 20/00 ; G06N 20/10 ;
GO6N 20/20 ; G16H 50/20 19 Claims , 21 Drawing Sheets
See application file for complete search history . ( 12 of 21 Drawing Sheet (s ) Filed in Color)
CAA process
U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 2 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
wat(eichdntoelhdgy Sensor
U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 3 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
MLaecrhnieg/AElngorinthem CognitveAse mnt SAtacistvcaly Extraco
CAAB process
Sle p OActhiverty
Ona .
U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 8 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
To ls Network (eSy.stgei.ns
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 9 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 10 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 11 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 12 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 13 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 14 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 16 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 17 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
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U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 20 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 19 , 2021 Sheet 21 of 21 US 10,896,756 B2
US 10,896,756 B2
1 2
ENVIRONMENTAL SENSOR-BASED the relationship between different high-level features repre
COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT senting the location and transition patterns of an individual's
indoor mobility behavior with the Assessment of Motor and
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED Process Skills (AMPS ) scores . Similarly, Suzuki and Murase
APPLICATIONS 5 [7 ] compared indoor activities and outings with Mini-Mental
State Examination (MMSE) scores . Dodge et al . used latent
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Patent Appli trajectory modeling techniques to explore the relationship
cation No. 62 / 150,794 , entitled “ MODELING PATTERNS between gait parameters and cognition [ 8 ] . Similarly, LeB
OF ACTIVITIES USING ACTIVITY CURVES,” filed Apr. ellego et al. [ 9 ] investigated the relationship between indi
21 , 2015 , which is incorporated herein by reference in its 10 cators such as mobility and agitation with patient health
entirety. status in a hospital setting.
In other work, researchers such as Galambos et al . [ 10 ]
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY developed techniques to visualize long -term monitoring of
SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT sensor data including activity level and time spent away
15 from home [ 10] , [ 11 ] . Similarly, other researchers have
This work was supported in part by grants from the developed techniques to visualize activity and behavioral
National Institutes of Health (RO1EB015853 and patterns by monitoring them with smart home sensors [ 12 ] ,
RO1EB009675 ) and by a grant from the National Science [ 13 ] , and by monitoring consumption of electricity usage
Foundation ( 1064628) . [ 14 ]
20 In earlier work , we demonstrated a correlation between
TECHNICAL FIELD smart home sensor - based performance measurements of
simple and complex ADLs and validated performance mea
The present disclosure relates to methods, techniques, and sures derived from direct observation of participants com
systems for using environmental sensor- based data to pro- pleting the ADLs in a smart home laboratory [ 15 ] .
vide insights into cognitive assessment and, in particular, to 25 In addition, researchers have studied the problem of
methods , techniques, and systems for using sensor-based automated discovery and recognition of daily activity rou
data to determine and model activities of daily living, to tines using the data collected from wearable sensors [ 39 ] ,
predict cognitive assessment, and / or to detect change in [ 40 ] , GPS signals [ 41 ] and mobile phones [ 42 ] using algo
functional cognitive abilities over time . rithms such as topic modeling [ 39 ] and collaborative filter
30 ing [ 43 ] . In these approaches, raw sensor data are converted
BACKGROUND to a bag -of-words representation which contains the histo
gram of activity label occurrences or histogram of location /
A decrease in cognitive and /or physical health may proximity information . Data from wearable sensors can be
severely impact an individual's ability to function indepen- used to discover daily routines such as having lunch and
dently. Several clinical studies support a relationship 35 brushing teeth [ 39 ] . Similarly, data from mobile phones can
between daily behavior and cognitive and physical health be used to recognize routines such as commuting to office
[ 1 ] . Everyday activities like cooking and eating are essential and working
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs ) that are required to Researchers also have proposed visualization techniques
maintain independence and quality of life . For example , to visualize daily activity patterns. For example, Galambos
some everyday behavior parameters affected by cognitive 40 et al . [ 44 ] , [ 45 ] developed methods to visualize activity
health include areas such as computer usage (keyboard and level , time spent away from home , deviations in activities of
mouse usage , typing speed, computer game performance ), daily living , and behavioral patterns. Similarly, other
mobility ( ability to move around, climb stairs , stride length ), researchers have developed techniques to visualize devia
gait ( gait velocity, balance ), and everyday activities ( ability tions in activity routines and behavioral patterns using smart
to initiate and complete ADL such as bathing, toileting, 45 home sensors [ 46 ] , [ 47 ] . These methods provide a tool to
eating, etc. ) . Decline in the ability to independently perform understand sensor -monitoring data and to study daily activ
ADLs has been associated with placement in long -term care ity routines. However, these approaches rely on manual
facilities, shorter time to conversion to dementia , and a inspection of the data in order to make any higher -level
lower quality of life for both the functionally -impaired 50 conclusions regarding daily routines .
individuals and their caregivers [ 2 ] . The two - sample test discussed below is a widely used
The relationship between in- home sensor -based measure- statistical analysis tool to compare between two sample
ments of everyday abilities and corresponding clinical mea- populations . Classical two - sample tests such as the t - test are
surements has been explored using statistical tools and used to compare the means of two populations having the
visualization techniques. Researchers have correlated sensor same or different variances . However, the t - test is a para
measurements of sleep patterns, gait , and mobility with 55 metric test that is limited to comparing between two Gauss
standard clinical measurements and self - report data . In one ian distributions. Other examples of non -parametric classi
such work , Paavilainen et al . [ 4 ] monitored the circadian cal versions of two -sample tests are the Wald - Wolfowitz
rhythm of activities of older adults living in nursing homes runs test , the Anderson -Darling test and the Kolmogorov
using the IST Vivago WristCare system . In this study, they Smirnov test [48 ] .
compared the changes in activity rhythms with clinical 60 Recently, Maximum Mean Discrepancy ( MMD ) was pro
observations of subject health status. In a separate study, posed as another non -parametric two - sample test technique
these researchers [ 5 ] studied the relationship between [ 49 ] . MMD compares the means of two distributions in a
changes in the sleep pattern of demented and non - demented universal reproducing kernel Hilbert space and has superior
individuals over a 10 -day period . performance to several of the classic two-sample tests .
Several other researchers have considered the relationship 65 However, the superior performance of MMD relies on a
between sensor-based activity performance and clinical valid choice of a kernel and kernel width , and recommen
health assessment. For example , Robben et al . [ 6 ] studied dations have been made in the literature for obtaining
US 10,896,756 B2
3 4
optimal performance with MMD [ 50 ] . Similarly, the Least FIG . 2 is an example block diagram of the data flow in the
Squares Sample Test (LSTT ) technique has been proposed in smart home based sensor environment to predict assessment
the literature to make use of permutation to perform two- and change using an example Cognitive Assessment Facili
sample tests [ 51 ] . In the LSTT based two -sample test , tator System .
divergence is estimated using the density ratio estimation 5 FIG . 3 is an example block diagram of components of an
technique and the permutation -based technique is used to example Cognitive Assessment Facilitator System running
one or more CAAB tools and / or activity curve tools for
test the significance of the estimated divergence . Such predicting
permutation -based tests are preferable because they are activity pattern cognitive assessment and / or for determining
data - centric approaches that make inferences directly from 10 FIG . 4 is an example
data . block diagram of an overview of an
Also , researchers have developed functional assessment example CAAB tool process of an example Cognitive
algorithms based on different parameters of everyday abili Assessment Facilitator System .
FIG . 5 is an example block diagram of activity labeling
ties . These researchers have studied correlations between automatically performed by an activity recognition logic of
everyday abilities and corresponding standard clinical mea- 15 an example CAFS.
surements . Researchers have correlated sensor measure FIG . 6 is an example aggregated activity curve used by
ments of sleep patterns, gait , activity rhythms, indoor activi activity curve tools in an example Cognitive Assessment
ties and outings, and mobility with standard clinical Facilitator System .
measurements such as MMSE and self-report data . For FIG . 7 demonstrates the steps involved in detecting
example , Paavilainen et al . [ 54 ] compared the changes in 20 changes in an activity curve using a permutation -based
circadian rhythm of activities of older adults living in method
nursing homes with clinical observations of the health status FIG . 8 is an example block diagram of an example
of subjects. In other work , Robben et al . [ 55 ] 6 ] , [ 57 computing system that may be used to practice embodiments
studied the relationship between different high - level features of an example Cognitive Assessment Facilitator System .
representing the location and transition patterns of an indi- 25 FIG . 9 plots the distribution of TUG and RBANS clinical
vidual's indoor mobility behavior, namely the frequency, assessment scores against the ages of the participants.
duration and times being carried out , with the Assessment of FIG . 10 illustrates the correlation coefficients and RMSE
Motor and Process Skills ( AMPS ) scores [ 58 ] . Other actual ( root mean square error) values between predicted and
researchers have studied the relationship between walking cognitive assessment results using different trend
speed and the amount of in - home activity among healthy 30 removal techniques.
older adults and older adults with Mild Cognitive Impair values whenillustrates
FIG . 11
the correlation coefficients and RMSE
learning engine was trained using
ment ( MCI ) [ 59 ] . These researchers found out that coeffi randomly labeled activities versus activity recognition algo
cient of variation in the median walking speed was higher in
the MCI group as compared with the healthy group . How 35 rithm labeled activities .
FIG . 12 illustrates variations in performance of learning
ever , none of these works considered parameters reflecting algorithms when trained with class labels that were dis
the performance of activities of daily living. cretized at different thresholds.
Other researchers have developed functional assessment FIG . 13 illustrates variations in performance of learning
algorithms based on performance of an individual in a fixed algorithms when trained with randomly labeled activities .
set of activities . They have correlated the performance in 40 FIG . 14 is an example aggregated activity curve that
these activities with the direct observation of participants model eight different activities of daily living .
completing the ADLs . In one such work , Dawadi et al . [ 60 ] , FIG . 15 is a heat map representation of the pairwise
[ 61 ] proposed learning algorithms to obtain activity perfor distance matrix between activity distributions computed
mance measures of simple and complex ADLs from sensor from the aggregated activity curve of FIG . 14 .
data and correlated them with validated performance mea- 45 FIG . 16 illustrates how activity distribution distances
sures derived from direct observation of participants com- within an activity curve change as a function of time
pleting the ADLs . They also studied the relationship interval.
between sensor - detected activity performance measures and FIG . 17 illustrates the variations in the length of an
overall cognitive health . In another work, Hodges et al . [ 62 ] aggregate window at different interval sizes calculated using
correlated sensor events gathered during a coffee-making 50 available sensor data .
task with an individual's neuropsychological score . Simi- FIGS . 18A and 18B illustrate the correlations between
larly, in an another research effort by Riboniet al . [ 63 ] activity change scores and clinical scores (of TUG and
researchers developed a Fine - grained Abnormal BEhavior RBANS ) .
Recognition ( FABER ) algorithm to detect abnormal behav- FIG . 19 illustrates different continuous change score for
ior using a statistical- symbolic technique. These researchers 55 two different residents.
hypothesized that such abnormal activity routines may indi- FIG . 20 illustrates different continuous sleep change score
cate the onset of early symptoms of cognitive decline. for the two different residents shown in FIG . 19 .
The patent or application file contains at least one drawing Smart home technologies offer potential benefits for
executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent application assisting clinicians by automating health monitoring and
publication with color drawings will be provided by the wellbeing assessment. The embodiments described herein
Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee. provide enhanced computer- and network - based methods,
FIG . 1 is an example block diagram of a smart home 65 techniques , and systems and tools for monitoring Activities
sensor environment for providing continuous data regarding of Daily Living (ADLs) using automatically collected (con
behavioral activities using an example CAFS . tinuous) sensor - based data and , based upon such data , pro
US 10,896,756 B2
5 6
viding technology assisted cognitive assessments of indi- Example Cognitive Assessment Facilitator Systems also
viduals. The sensor-based data can be used to predict provide a set of Activity Curve (AC ) tools that facilitate the
cognitive and physical health assessments that correlate to modeling and analyzing of activity -based behavioral pat
certain standard clinical assessments as well as to measure terns to detect changes to the activity curves of individuals
changes over time in an individual's cognitive health by 5 over a period of time . An “ activity curve ” represents an
modeling activity patterns . Using such tools , it is possible to abstraction of an individuals normal daily routine based on
help , for example, the aging population by prompting indi automatically recognized activities . Changes to activity
viduals to perform needed activities such as taking medica curves can be used to identify and quantify or even predict
tion on time or to eat, perform home automation , monitor the changes in cognitive and /or physical health so that improved
health of an individual or even to provide preventive mea 10 healthcare such as activity aware interventions can be
administered . In overview , the Activity Curve tools define
sures such as alerts to medical personnel. and use a set of algorithms to compare activity curves
Example embodiments provide a computer based Cogni generated using the smart -home sensor data collected as
tive Assessment Facilitator System ( “ CAFS ” ) which com above in conjunction with statistical evaluation and machine
prises tools that utilize statistical and machine learning 15 learning techniques. Changes to the activity curves are
techniques in conjunction with data received in real time analyzed to identify the possibility of changes to an indi
from sensors placed in an individual's residence (home , vidual's cognitive or physical health and to provide a
apartment, and the like) to predict cognitive health and functional health assessment. Experiments have been con
changes in a person's activities over time . These sensors are ducted to evaluate the performance of the Activity Curve
sometimes referred to hereinafter as “ smart home sensors . " 20 tools and to validate the results using data from 18 real
The smart home sensors provide the capability of providing world smart homes with older adult residents . These experi
measurements, such as measuring activities in real- time (or ments and their results are presented in Appendix B , incor
near real - time) , which can be stored and later analyzed or porated herein by reference in its entirety.
analyzed in real -time using streaming capabilities designed Smart Home - Based Sensor Environment
for capturing large amounts of data. In an example embodi- 25 FIG . 1 is an example block diagram of a smart home
ment, the sensors are placed on the ceilings , walls , ingress sensor environment for providing continuous data regarding
and egresses such as doorways and windows, and / or asso- behavioral activities using an example CAFS . Floor plan
ciated with appliances, so that identification, duration and 101 shows an example smart home environment as envi
location of an activity can be measured . As the ability to sioned by the smart home laboratory used to develop and test
provide sensors associated with appliances increases , for 30 CAAB . The example residence shown by floor plan 101 is
example via Internet of Things (IoT ) technologies or the a single resident apartment, with at least one bedroom , a
like , the smart home sensors may improve in their capacities kitchen , a dining area , and at least one bathroom , although
to measure activities of daily living beyond those discussed many other variations of layout and rooms are contemplated .
herein . Here, the terms “ residence ” or “ home” or “ smart home "
Example Cognitive Assessment Facilitator Systems pro- 35 refers to any potential layout that could be enhanced with
vide a Clinical Assessment Using Activity Behavior tool technology sensors including a single or multi- residence
( CAAB ) to predict the cognitive and mobility scores of home , apartment, condominium , townhome, or the like . The
smart home residents by monitoring a set of basic and homes are equipped with combination motion /light sensors
instrumental activities of daily living . CAAB may be imple- throughout the environment, for example on the ceilings
mented in a networked environment that receives data from 40 e.g. , sensor 103 , and combination door/ temperature sensors
the sensors , performs various measurements and uses vari- on the cabinets and doors , e.g. sensor 102. The location of
ous tools to quantify and convert the data and predicts each sensor is indicated with the corresponding motion (M) ,
cognitive assessments as output. In overview , CAAB first light ( LS ) , door (D ) , or temperature (T ) sensor number. For
labels the raw data with activity labels and processes the example, sensor D002 T102 corresponds to a door /tempera
activity - labeled sensor dataset to extract activity perfor- 45 ture sensor at location 102. Other types and locations of
mance features. CAAB then extracts statistical activity fea- sensors are contemplated . The sensors are meant to unob
tures from the activity performance features to train machine trusively and continuously monitor the daily activities of the
learning algorithms that can predict the cognitive and mobil- residents without awareness or interference by the residents .
ity scores . Various machine learning algorithms can be The residents perform their normal activities in their smart
incorporated . 50 residences, unobstructed by the smart home instrumentation
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance Overview of a Cognitive Assessment Facilitator System
of CAAB and to validate the results using data from 18 (CAFS )
real - world smart homes with older adult residents. In the FIG . 2 is an example block diagram of the data flow in the
prediction -based experiments, a statistically significant cor- smart home based sensor environment to predict assessment
relation ( r = 0 :72 ) between CAAB predicted and clinician- 55 and change using an example Cognitive Assessment Facili
provided cognitive assessment scores was obtained and a tator System . Technology assisted assessment environment
statistically significant correlation ( r = 0 : 45 ) between CAAB 200 comprises a residences 202 with smart sensor technol
predicted and clinician -provided mobility scores was ogy for measuring activities such as the Activities of Daily
obtained . Further, for the classification -based experiments, Living of resident201. The data is collected on a continuous
CAAB showed an accuracy of 72 % while classifying cog- 60 basis and stored somewhere over network 203. In some
nitive assessment scores and 76 % while classifying mobility embodiments it is stored in cloud based server environ
scores . These prediction and classification results suggest ments, such as cloud storage 207 , others it is served on a
that it is feasible to predict standard clinical scores using streaming basis to other computer systems such as server
smart home sensor data and learning -based data analysis as computer system 204 that hosts the CAAB and AC tools . In
performed by CAAB . These experiments and their results 65 other environments the data is collected elsewhere ( e.g. ,
are presented in Appendix A , incorporated herein by refer- onto another computer system or network storage device and
ence in its entirety. pulled as needed by computer system 204 ) . Other architec
US 10,896,756 B2
7 8
tures for getting the data to computer system 204 are niques. The embodiments described also can be practiced
similarly incorporated. Once delivered , the raw sensor data without some of the specific details described herein , or with
is processed by the CAAB tools 205 on computer system other specific details, such as changes with respect to the
204 to be annotated by CAAB with activity labels . There- ordering of the logic , different logic , etc. Thus, the scope of
after, the CAAB tools 205 employ machine learning tools to 5 the techniques and/ or functions described are not limited by
predict clinical assessments which can be then forward to a the particular order, selection , or decomposition of aspects
human clinician 208 for further health purposes such as described with reference to any particular routine , module,
preemptive intervention , consultation with the resident, fur component , and the like .
ther interpretation or diagnosis 209 , and the like. In some Clinical Assessment Using Activity Behavior Tool (CAAB )
deployments, Activity Curve tools 206 are employed to 10 The Clinical Assessment using Activity Behavior tool ( s )
provide further analysis and computation on the labeled data (CAAB ) ( such as CAAB tools 205 ) models a smart home
in order to detect change in activity patterns and produce a resident's daily behavior and predicts the corresponding
functional health assessment. This functional health assess standard clinical assessment scores . In overview , CAAB
ment can also be forwarded to a clinician 208 to further act
upon . 15 extracts and uses statistical features that describe character
FIG . 3 is an example block diagram of components of an istics of a resident's daily activity performance to train
example Cognitive Assessment Facilitator System running machine learning algorithms that can then be used on the
one or more CAAB tools and / or activity curve tools for resident's further daily activity performance to predict the
predicting cognitive assessment and / or for determining clinical assessment scores .
activity pattern changes, respectively . In one example 20 By way of introduction , the notations displayed in Table
embodiment, CAFS comprises one or more functional com- 1 below are defined and used as follows for describing
ponents /modules that work together to predict cognitive functions in CAAB :
assessment and / or to provide a functional assessment uti
lizing activity curve change analysis. For example, a Cog TABLE I
nitive Assessment Facilitator System 300 may comprise a 25 n Number of Activities
sensor input module 301 , a machine learning engine (or T Total number of data collection days
algorithm as part of another component) 305 , a CAAB tool Set of n activities being modeled
310 , and activity curve change engine ( activity tools ) 307 , Pi Activity performance feature vector for activity i modeled over
and a reporting module 308. As described in FIG . 2 , the data collection period T
Activity performance feature d for activity i activity on day t
CAFS receives sensor input monitoring a resident via sensor 30 Pij , d, t Time point at which clinical measurements are made
input engine 301. The CAAB then takes the input, trans S; Clinical assessment score measured at time point ?
forms the ADL input into labeled activities via activity W Sliding window size
recognizer 302 , extracts performance features from this
input using activity performance features extractor 303 , FIG . 4 is an overview block diagram of the process for
extracts statistical features from these activity performance 35 providing
features using statistical performance features extractor 304 , tool of anaexample
clinical assessment score by an example CAAB
Cognitive Assessment Facilitator Sys
and then primes and then uses the machine learning engine tem . The blocks shown
305 via the cognitive assessment predictor 306 to predict processed by one or morein the logic of FIG . 4 may be
components of a computing
clinic assessments which are forwarded to a clinician (or
otherwise used ) via reporting module 308. In some 40 system or environment which communicate with each other
examples, the CAFS includes an activity change engine 307 over one or more networks. Smart home sensors produce a
which uses the activity recognize 302 ( or another one ) and continuous sequence of time- stamped sensor readings , or
extracts and compares change curve data to provide a sensor events . These sensors continuously generate raw
functional cognitive assessment of the resident ( have the sensor events while residents perform their routine activities
characteristics of the activities changed over time). This 45 of daily living . In block 401 , the CAAB collects continuous
functional assessment is then forward to a clinician (or raw output data from a set of sensors in the residence . In
otherwise used) via reporting module 308 . block 402 , CAAB employs activity recognition logic or
Although the techniques of smart sensor technology and algorithms ( as embodied by software , hardware, firmware or
the Cognitive Assessment Facilitator are generally appli- a combination or system element such as an “ activity
cable to any type of measurement of cognitive assessment, 50 recognizer ” ) to automatically annotate each of these sensor
the phrase cognitive assessment is used generally to imply events with a corresponding activity label . As explained
any type of assessment of cognitive abilities including the further below , the events may be streamed in , stored and
activities of daily living discussed herein . Also , although forwarded, delivered in bursts, pulled from storage by the
certain terms are used primarily herein , other terms could be CAAB , etc. In some example CAAB tools , the activity
used interchangeably to yield equivalent embodiments and 55 labeling is performed in real -time (or near real - time) . In
examples. In addition, terms may have alternate spellings some example CAAB tools , the activity recognition logic
which may or may not be explicitly mentioned , and all such labels the raw output data from the sensor events using a
variations of terms are intended to be included . sliding window as explained further below.
Example embodiments described herein provide applica- Activity recognition algorithms map a sequence of raw
tions , tools , data structures and other support to implement 60 sensor events onto an activity label Aj , where the label is
a Cognitive Facilitator Assessment System to be used for drawn from the predefined set of activities A= { A1 ,
predicting a clinical cognitive assessment and / or reporting A2 , ... , An }. Our activity recognition algorithm generates
functional changes in activities . Other embodiments of the a label that corresponds to the last event in the sequence (i.e. ,
described techniques may be used for other purposes. In the the label indicates the activity that was performed when the
following description, numerous specific details are set 65 last event was generated ). Activities from set A can be
forth , such as data formats and code sequences , etc. , in order recognized even when the resident interweaves them or
to provide a thorough understanding of the described tech- multiple residents perform activities in parallel.
US 10,896,756 B2
9 10
In block 403, CAAB extracts activity performance fea- Activity recognition algorithms label activities based on
tures from activity labeled smart home sensor data and readings ( or events) that are collected from smart environ
utilizes these features to predict standard clinical assessment ment sensors such as the smart home sensors shown in FIG .
scores . Therefore, there are two steps involved in CAAB : 1. As described earlier, the challenge of activity recognition
Modeling the ADL performance from the activity - labeled 5 is to map a sequence of sensor events onto a value from a set
smart home sensor data ; and of predefined or predetermined activity labels . These activi
Predicting the cognitive and mobility scores using a ties may consist of simple ambulatory motion , such as
machine learning algorithm . walking and sitting, or complex basic or instrumental activi
Activity Modeling: ties of daily living, depending upon what type of underlying
The tool extracts a d - dimensional activity performance sensor
technologies and learning algorithms are used .
activity recognition algorithm used by CAAB (AR)
. Pid > to model the daily activity [ 22 ] , recognizes
feature vector P;=<P1,1;, 19! ... activities of daily living, such as cooking,
performan ance of an activity A? . Observation Pi,det provides a eating, and sleeping using streaming sensor data from envi
value for feature d of activity A, observed on day t ( 1stsT) . ronmental sensors such as the motion sensors and door
The set of all observations in P , is used to model the 15 sensors described with reference to FIG . 1. These motion
performance of A, during an entire data collection period and door sensors are discrete - event sensors with binary
between day 1 and day T. For example, the activity " sleep " states ( On / Off, Open / Closed ). In an example CAAB , human
may involve features such as duration and number of sensor annotators label one month of sensor data from each smart
events detected while sleeping . home with predefined activity labels to provide the ground
Additionally, during the same data collection period, 20 truth activity labels for training and evaluating the algo
standard clinical tests are administered for the resident every rithm . The inter - annotator reliability ( Cohen's Kappa ) val
m time units , resulting in clinical assessment scores S? , ues of the labeled activities in the sensor data ranged from
S2 , ... , Se (p = T / m ). The clinical tests are administered 0:70 to 0:92 , which is considered moderate to substantial
biannually ( m = 180 days ). Therefore , the clinical measure- reliability . The trained model was then used to generate
ments are very sparse as compared to the sensor observa- 25 activity labels for all of the unlabeled sensor data.
tions . The baseline clinical measurement, S? , is collected AR identifies activity labels in real time as sensor event
after an initial 180 days of smart home monitoring . sequences are observed . Thus, the algorithm can be
Clinical Assessment/Clinical Assessment Scores Predic- employed on continuously streamed data . This is accom
tion: plished by moving a sliding window over the data and using
CAAB's goal is to accurately predict clinical assessment 30 the sensor events within the window to provide a context for
scores at time k, or Sk, using activity performance data Pi labeling the most recent event in the window. The window
between time points j and k , j < k CAAB relies on an activity size is dynamically calculated based on the current sensor.
recognition (AR ) algorithm to generate labeled data for the Each event within the window is weighted based on its time
performance feature vector that is an integral component of offset and mutual information value relative to the last event
activity modeling. The method for activity recognition is 35 in the window . This allows the events to be discarded that
explained briefly below and explored in detail elsewhere are likely due to other activities being performed in an
[ 16 ] . interwoven or parallel manner. A feature vector is calculated
In block 404 , the CAAB extracts statistical activity fea- using accumulated sensor events in a window from the
tures ( certain statistical metrics based upon the extracted labeled sensor data collected over a month . The feature
activity performance features ), which are used to run a 40 vector contains information such as time of the first and last
machine learning algorithm . In block 405 , if this is the first sensor events , temporal span of the window , and influences
time processing the activity data from a resident, the CAAB of all other sensors on the sensor generating the most recent
trains the machine learning algorithm (e.g. , tool , system , event based on mutual information . Currently, the AR used
function, etc. ) using the extracted statistical activity features by an example CAAB embodiment recognizes the activities
versus the actual clinical assessment measurement S? . Then 45 monitored with 95 % accuracy based on 3 - fold cross vali
in block 406 , the CAAB runs the trained machine learning dation . An example of activity -labeled sensor data is pre
algorithm on the extracted activity performance features and sented in FIG . 2 of [ 22 ] . More details on this and other
in block 407 outputs a predicted cognitive and / or mobility approaches to activity recognition can be found in the
score . As shown in FIG . 2 , this score can be provided, for literature [ 16 ] . The CAAB tools can incorporate activity
example, to a clinician for further diagnosis or intervention . 50 recognition algorithms in addition to that described here .
A. Activity Recognition Algorithm B. Modeling Performances of Activities and Mobility Per
FIG . 5 is an example block diagram of activity labeling formances
automatically performed by an activity recognition logic of The first step of the CAAB tool once the data is annotated
an example OAFS . Each sensor event is represented by four is to model the performance of the activities in set A ( steps
fields: date, time , sensor identifier, and sensor value . The 55 403 of FIG . 4 ) . CAAB models activity performance by
raw sensor data does not contain activity labels. An activity extracting relevant features from the activity - labeled sensor
recognition (AR ) algorithm ( running, for example, as part of data . For each activity A ,EA , the CAAB can represent such
CAAB or external to CAAB ) labels collected raw sensor performance features using the d - dimensional activity per
data ( individual sensor events) with the corresponding formance feature vector P ;= < Pi,1, P1,2 , ... , Pi,d > .
activities . Data 501 shows sensor data collected prior to 60 Depending upon the nature of the sensor data and the
automatic labeling. Data 502 shows sensor data after the AR performance window we want to monitor, the CAAB can
algorithm has automatically labeled the data . CAAB utilizes aggregate activity performance P; for activity A, over a day,
sensor data collected from the smart homes without altering week , or other time period . In one example CAAB, activity
the resident's routine and environment. Therefore, the AR performance features were aggregated over a day period (the
approach offers an ecologically valid method to characterize 65 time unit is one day ). For example , if the sleep activity
the ADL parameters and assess the cognitive and physical performance P.1 , is calculated as the time spent sleeping in
health of a smart home resident [ 3 ] . the bedroom on day t , the observation P1,1, ,t + 1 occurs one day
US 10,896,756 B2
11 12
after observation Pi,1, For each individual, the CAAB cal- of times sensor events are triggered on bed to toilet activity
culates activity performance features for the entire data because the data shows that the number of sensor events
collection period T for all activities in the activity set A
generated when performing the bed to toilet activity is often
( 1stsT ). very low . Because of the known importance of sleep and its
Activity performance is modeled by an example CAAB 5 relationship with physical and cognitive health , CAAB
using two (d=2 ) specific activity performance features: a conducts a separate analysis of sleep and bed to toilet
time-based feature and a sensor-based feature { Pi , 1 , P1,2 } . parameters from the other activities that are analyzed as a
Feature Pi , 1 represents the duration of activity A, and P 1,2 group [25 ] , [26] .
represents the number of sensor events generated during 2 ) Mobility : Mobility is the ability of an individual to
activity A;. These two features are generalizable to other 10 move around the individual's home environment and the
activities , are easily interpretable, and can model how the community. Mobility impairments limit an individual's abil
residents perform their daily activities [ 15 ] . In addition to ity to maintain independence and quality of life and are
capturing activity performance, CAAB also represents and common predictors of institutionalization among older
monitors a person's overall mobility. Mobility refers to adults [ 27 ] . Evidence supports a close connection between
movement generated while performing varied activities (as 15 executive brain function and walking speed [ 28 ] . Therefore,
opposed to representing a single activity of its own) and is CAAB separately models mobility as an everyday behav
therefore represented using two different types of features: ioral feature. CAAB models the mobility of a smart home
the number of sensor events triggered throughout the home resident based on the number of sensor events they trigger
and the total distance that is covered by movement through- and the total distance they cover in a day while in the home
out the course of a single day ( Table 2 below ) . 20 (estimated based on known distances between motion sen
sors placed in the home) . As listed in Table 2 , the value for
TABLE 2 the distance -based mobility feature is calculated as the total
Group Activity Performance Features
distance covered by a resident in one day ( the example
aggregation time period ) while inside the home. Similarly,
Mobility Mobility Total distance traveled, # Total sensor 25 the value for the sensor -based mobility feature is calculated
Sleep Sleep
events as the number of sensor events that a resident triggers over
Sleep duration , # Sleep sensor
Bed toilet transition Bed toilet transition duration
events the course of one day while moving around in the home .
ADL Cook Cook Duration 3 ) Activities of Daily Living : Basic activities of daily
Eat Eat Duration living ( e.g. , eating , grooming) and the more complex instru
Relax Relax Duration 30 mental activities of daily living (IADLs ; e.g. , cooking ,
Personal Hygiene Personal Hygiene Duration managing finances) are fundamental to independent living.
Leave Home Leave Home Duration
Data indicate that increased difficulties in everyday activity
completion (e.g. , greater task inefficiencies, longer activity
C. Selection of ADLs completion times ) occur with older age [ 29 ] , [ 30 ] . Clinical
In an example CAAB , a subset of automatically - labeled 35 studies have also demonstrated that individuals diagnosed
resident daily activities is modeled . These activities are with MCI experience greater difficulties (e.g. , increased
sleep, bed to toilet ( a common type of sleep interruption ), omission errors) completing everyday activities when com
cook , eat , relax, and personal hygiene. The CAAB also pared with healthy controls [ 31 ] , [ 32 ] . Therefore , clinicians
captures and model a resident's total mobility in the home . argue the importance of understanding the course of func
1 ) Sleep : The effects of aging include changes in sleep 40 tional change given the potential implications for developing
patterns that may influence cognitive and functional status. methods for both prevention and early intervention [ 30 ] . The
For example, individuals over the age of 75 have been found example CAAB considers five activities of daily living (in
to experience greater fragmentation in nighttime sleep ( e.g. , addition to sleep ): cook, eat , personal hygiene, leave home,
[ 23 ] ) , which concurrently causes decreased total sleep time and relax. Of note the “ relax ” activity represents a combi
and sleep efficiency. Sleep problems in older adults can 45 nation of watching TV, reading , and napping that typically
affect cognitive abilities [ 24 ] and have been associated with takes place in a single location other than the bedroom where
decreased functional status and quality of life . Moreover, the resident spends time doing these activities , such as a
individuals with dementia often experience significant dis- favorite chair. The example CAAB focuses on these activi
ruption of the sleep wake cycle . Thus, the effects of sleep on ties because they are activities of daily living that are
the health of older adults are important clinical construct that 50 important for characterizing daily routines and assessing
both clinicians and caregivers are interested in understand- functional independence. For each of these activities , CAAB
ing [ 25 ] . calculates the total activity duration . Our data shows the
Using activity recognition, the CAAB recognizes sensor number of sensor events generated when performing these
events that correspond to sleep ( in the bedroom , as opposed activities is often very low . Thus, for these activities , fea
to naps taken outside the bedroom ) and bed - to -toilet activi- 55 tures were excluded that calculate number of times sensor
ties . The CAAB then extracts the time spent and number of events are triggered . As listed in Table 2 , CAAB calculates
sensor events features that correspond to these two activi- the value for the time -based ADL feature as the total number
ties . As listed in Table 2 , four features model a smart home of minutes spent in an activity on a particular day.
resident's sleep activity. The value for the time -based sleep D. Activity Feature Extraction
feature is calculated as the total number of minutes spent in 60 The second step of the CAAB tool after sensor event
sleep on a particular day and the value for the sensor-based annotation (e.g. , step 404 of FIG . 4 ) is to extract statistical
sleep feature is calculated as the number of sensor events features from the activity performance vector generated in
that are triggered over the course of one day while the the prior step ( e.g. , step 403 of FIG . 4 ) . CAAB extracts
resident slept . Similarly, the time -based bed to toilet feature features from the time series - based representation of activity
is calculated as the total number of minutes spent in bed to 65 performance and uses these to train a machine - learning
toilet activity on a particular day . An example CAAB algorithm (e.g. , step 405 of FIG . 4 ) . Namely, CAAB extracts
excludes the sensor based feature that calculates the number four standard time series features and one new change
US 10,896,756 B2
13 14
feature . These five features will be referred to as “ statistical
activity features.” Table 3 lists an example set of statistical Algorithm 1
activity features. In Table 3 , u is the mean of the activity ALGORITHM 1 Extracting statistical activity features
performance features p of size n . 1: Input : Activity performance features
5 2: Output: Statistical activity features
TABLE 3 3: Initialize : Feature vector
4: // T? and T , are two consecutive clinical testing time points
1 Variance Variance is the Var (p ) = Ex= 1 " (p ; – u )? 5: Given : T1 ; T2
6: Given : skip size 1
(p ; - 42
11 :
Remove missing observations and detrend based on
the observations that fall into this window ;
Calculate the variance, autocorrelation, skewness,
kurtosis and change features (Algorithm 2 ) using the
are displaced in 15 observations in the window ;
time . Calculate 12 : Append these values to the feature vector ;
autocorrelation at 13 : T2 = T1 + skip size ;
lag 1 . 14 : end foreach
15 : end while
16 : return average ( Feature matrix )
3 Skewness Skewness
measures the
degree of
asymmetry in the skewness ( p ) = =
i= 1
( p; -1)* 20
In addition to these four different time series features,
CAAB uses a fifth feature, a change- based feature , to
distribution of 2 ( P; -2) º |
values . characterize the amount of change in an individual's activity
performance . Algorithm 2 details the steps in calculating this
4 Kurtosis Kurtosis measures new feature . In order to compute this feature, CAAB uses a
the amount of
peakedness of the kurtosis( p )
distribution toward
? i= 1
(p: -4) sliding window of size w days and divides the activity
performance feature observations that fall in W into two
the mean . C. ((P9;:---42 30
different groups. The first group contains feature observa
tions that fall in the first half of Wand second group contains
5 Change Change See Algorithm 1 feature observations that fall in the other half. CAAB then
characterizes the compares between these two groups of feature observations
amount of change using a change detection algorithm . For example, in one
in an individual's example CAAB the Hotelling - T test algorithm [ 34 ] is used .
activity perfor 35 However, different CAAB implementations can also apply
mance over time . other change detection algorithms. CAAB then slides the
window by one day ( skip size= 1 ) and re -computes the
change feature . CAAB calculates the final change value as
1 ) Statistical activity features : To calculate the first four the average over all windows. Similar to the other four
features, CAAB runs a sliding window (e.g. , window size , 40 statistical activity features computed , CAAB computes the
W= 30 days ) over each of the activity performance features value of the change feature for each of the activity perfor
listed in Table 2 and calculates the statistical activity features mance features listed in Table 2 .
( e.g. , variance, autocorrelation, skewness, and kurtosis )
using the observations from data that falls within the sliding Algorithm 2
window . The sliding window starts at one clinical assess- 45 ALGORITHM 2 Calculation of change feature
ment time point and ends at the next assessment time point,
thus capturing all of the behavior data that occurred between 1:
Input : Activity performance features
Initialize : CH = [ ]
two subsequent assessments. For example, CAAB can cal 3: // T , and T2 are two consecutive clinical testing time points
culate the variance, autocorrelation, skewness , and kurtosis 4: Given : T? ; T2
of the duration feature for each activity based on duration 50 5: Given : skip size = 1
observations that fall inside each W sized data window . 6: while T , < ( T2 - W ) do
CAAB repeats the process and calculates these four statis 7: for each activity performance feature do :
8: Place a window of size W at Ti ;
tical activity features for all other activity performance 9: Remove missing values that fall into this window ;
features for all of the activities in set A. Before calculating 10 : Put first half of W in the group A and second half in
the group B ;
these features , CAAB first removes the time series trend 55 11 : // Returns True or False ;
from the sliding window observations in order to remove the 12 : change = Hotelling T -test ( A , B ) ;
effect of non - stationary components (e.g. periodic compo 13 :
13 :
append ( CH , change )
T1 = T1 + skip size ;
nents ) in the time series [ 33 ] . For this step , CAAB fits a 14 : end foreach ;
Gaussian or a linear trend to the data within the sliding 60 15 : end while ;
window . CAAB then detrends the data by subtracting the 16 : return average (CH ).
fitted trend from the data . CAAB slides the window by one
day ( skip size = 1 ) and re - computes all of the statistical Of note , the change feature is different from the variance
activity features. For each feature , CAAB slides a window feature that CAAB calculates earlier. While variance mea
through the sensor home data and computes the final feature 65 sures the variability of samples around its mean , the change
values as an average over all of the windows . Algorithm 1 feature empirically calculates the “ chance ” of observing a
can be utilized to compute these steps . change when two sample groups each of size n from the
US 10,896,756 B2
15 16
given activity performance features are compared with each Modeling and Evaluating Patterns of Activities Using Activ
other. Here , a higher amount of detected change indicates a ity Curve Tools
greater chance of detecting changes in the activity perfor- Many pervasive computing applications ( also known as
mance feature . ubiquitous computing applications) such as home automa
E. Clinical Assessment 5 tion , activity aware interventions, and health assessment
In the final steps of the CAAB tool ( e.g. , steps 405-407 of require analyzing and understanding activity -based behav
FIG . 4 ) , CAAB predicts the clinical assessment scores of the ioral patterns. The performance of such applications
residents being monitored using the smart home sensors depends on the ability to correctly learn a model of general
using the activity performance features computed from the 10 daily activity behavior from a large amount of data and be
able to predict when such daily behavior is likely to continue
activity labeled sensor data . CAAB first aligns the sensor or change. These big data -based approaches to activity
based data collection date with the clinical assessment -based
data collection date before extracting statistical activity modeling activity -
can then in turn be used to provide effective
aware services such as improved healthcare.
features (in step 404 of FIG . 4 ) . After extracting features and Activity recognition lies at the heart of any pervasive
learning the data , CAAB
algorithm then trainsthea supervised
and predicts machine 15 computing approach to modeling behavioral routines. As
clinical assessment described above , an activity recognition algorithm maps a
scores ( step 405 of FIG . 4 ) . To accomplish this goal , CAAB sensor reading or sequence of readings to a corresponding
extracts statistical activity features from the activity perfor activity label . In order to answer general questions related to
mance features that lie between any given two consecutive daily activity patterns, such information needs to be trans
clinical testing points, t1 and t2 . Similarly, it obtains the 20 formed to a higher - level representation . For example, ques
clinical score S2 (or S1 ) at time point t2 (or t1 ) . It considers tions such as how average daily activity patterns have
the pair, statistical activity features and clinical score S2 , as changed over a year, or generally what hours did a particular
a point in the dataset and repeats the process for each of individual sleep last month are difficult to answer using raw
resident that it is monitoring and for every pair of the output from activity recognition algorithms. However, many
consecutive clinical testing points. Algorithm 3 summarizes 25 pervasive computing applications such as home automation
the steps involved to prepare the dataset to train the super- and health assessment require answering such questions .
vised machine learning algorithm . Obtaining higher -level representations or models of
activities has several additional advantages . Higher -level
representations can abstract variations in day - to - day activity
Algorithm 3 30 routines. For example, wake -up times in the morning may be
ALGORITHM 3 Training Set Creation slightly different each day even if the overall routine is fairly
1: Input: Activity performance features for all residents stable. Additionally, such representations simplify the task
2: Output: Training set to train the learning algorithm of modeling an individual's daily routine and at the same
3: Initialize: Empty training set TrSet time make visualization and interpretation of daily activity
for each resident do :
for each consecutive clinical testing point T , and T2 do :
35 routines easy. Collecting big datasets over long periods of
6: F = CAAB ( statistical activity performance time allows us to abstract activity models over such daily
features between T? and T2); variations. Such representations aid with the process of
7: S = clinical score (T1 , T2) and T2 ; identifying long - term changes in a behavioral routine .
Append (F, S , TrSet );
end for each ;
For example, consider the following description high
10 : end for each . 40 lighting aspects of an individual's routine at two different
points in time :
Month of March 2012 : Sleep at 10:00 PM , get up at 6:00
The CAAB is then able to predict the clinical assessment AM , eat breakfast at 7:00 AM , eat lunch at 12:00 PM ,
scores ( see step 406 of FIG . 4 ) using the machine learning go out for a walk at 4:00 PM , and dine at 8:00 PM .
algorithm (tool , system , etc. ) . As explained above, CAAB 45 Month of September 2013 : Sleep at 8:00 PM , wake up
trains a learning algorithm to learn a relationship between frequently during the night, get up at 10:00 AM , no
statistical activity features and the clinical assessment scores breakfast, eat lunch at 11 AM , no going out for a walk ,
using the dataset that is initially constructed . ( Block 405 of and dine at 7:00 PM .
FIG . 4 shown in dashed lines as it is only performed initially Note that each of these sample activity - based descriptions
or when the machine learning tool is updated ). Then in the 50 is aggregated over a one -month period and therefore
final step ( block 406 of FIG . 4 ) for each resident, at each describes a general routine that is maintained over a pro
time point (except the first one ) , CAAB predicts the clinical longed period of time . Based on these descriptions we also
assessment scores using a machine learning algorithm such note changes in the routine from the first observation to the
as an SVM ( support vector machine ) . The machine learning second . From this example, we can infer that by September
algorithm may be part of the CAAB , a separate computing 55 2013 the observed individual was experiencing disturbances
system , a call , for example, to an algorithm provided by a in sleep , was skipping meals , and stopped exercising. Deter
software library of functions, or the like . mining if the overall daily activity patterns has changed may
Of note the CAAB predicts clinical assessment scores be difficult based only on the raw sensor data or even based
based on the relationship that the learning algorithm models on event -by -event labels from an activity recognition algo
between the clinical assessment scores and behavior fea- 60 rithm . Such questions can be more easily answered by
tures. This approach is followed because there are very few comparing two higher - level representations of these activity
clinical observations for a resident. Furthermore , the CAAB patterns.
computes activity performance features by temporally fol- Example embodiments provide an Activity Curve tool ,
lowing an individual over a period and computes statistical such as the Activity Curve Change Engine 307 of FIG . 3 to
activity features by comparing past observations with cur- 65 model an individual's generalized daily activity routines .
rent observations. In this way, CAAB uses an individual as The activity curve modeling algorithm ( for example, as
their own baseline for predictive assessment. implemented by code logic ) employed by the Activity Curve
US 10,896,756 B2
17 18
tool uses activity - labeled sensor events to learn a higher- breakfast at 7:15 AM one day while we might wake up at
level representation of the individual's regular routine. 7:30 AM and eat breakfast at 8:00 AM the next day. In order
These activity labels are automatically -recognized using an to generalize the activity curve model over such day - to -day
activity recognition algorithm . variations in activity routines, we define the notion of an
The Activity Curve tools use a Permutation -based Change 5 aggregated activity curve that is calculated over an aggre
detection in Activity Routine ( PCAR) algorithm as imple gation window of x days.
mented for example by code logic to compare activity Definition 1 .
curves between different time points in order to detect Given a time interval t , an activity distribution models the
changes in an activity routine . The tools and algorithms have daily routine based on the predefined set of activities A as a
been validated using longitudinal smart home sensor data 10 probability distribution over activities in A. The probability
collected by monitoring everyday behavior of residents over distribution can be estimated
two years. The activity curve modeling algorithm and the normalized time an individualfrom sample data based on the
spends on a predefined set of
PCAR algorithm can be used to perform important pervasive n activities during time intervals t as observed during one or
computing tasks such as automated assessment of an indi more days .
vidual's functional health . 15
The activity curve modeling algorithm implemented by An activity distribution for time interval t is a n - element
the Activity Curve tool provides a generic activity curve set Di= {de,1, d.,2 , ... , d.,n } whose length is equal to that of
model that can be calculated both from the output of an the activity set A. The i -th element in an activity distribution,
activity recognition algorithm as well as using other algo- die represents the probability of performing activity A¡
rithms from prior studies . The activity curve model facili- 20 during time interval t .
tates answ swering more complex questions related to activity To model a person's overall daily activity routine, the AC
routines such as whether changes in an activity routine have tool uses m activity distributions corresponding to each of
occurred or not . In an example embodiment, activity curve the m time intervals . The AC tool can then construct an
tool uses the output from an activity recognition algorithm activity curve by collecting activity distributions that model
to calculate the activity curves . 25 daily activity patterns at all different times of the day.
The PCAR algorithm detects significant changes in activ- Definition 2 .
ity curves based on a permutation -based two -sample test
using symmetric Kullback -Leibler divergence as a distance butionsactivity
An curve C is the compilation of activity distri
D , ordered by time interval t .
metric . The Activity Curve (AC ) tool for detecting changes The length of an activity curve is m . The model that
in activity routines has some similarities with activity track- 30 compiles activity distributions is referred to as an “ activity
ing algorithms that have been previously proposed [ 52 ] , curve,” because
[ 53 ] . However, these previously proposed activity -tracking activity A , for alliftime
we consider the activity distribution of
intervals 1 , 2 , ... , m , these activity
algorithms discover and track changes in sensor sequence distributions form a curve that represents the “ fraction of a
patterns for the purpose of adapting home automation strat
egies. In contrast, the Activity Curve tool tracks changes in 35 time ” that an individual is likely to perform activity A ; over
successive time intervals .
the distribution of automatically - recognized activity pat The AC tool calculates an aggregated activity distribution
Activity Curve Ô, for time interval t by aggregating activity distributions
An activity curve is a model that represents an individu- Dk, ( 1sksx ) over an aggregation window of x days . If D1,69
al’s generalized activity routine . The AC tool models activ- 40 D2,19 • . . D. are activity distributions for the t - th time
ity routines for a day -long period but the time period can be interval aggregated over a window of x days and follow
changed as needed . The activity curve uses automatically normal distributions, then we can define an aggregated
recognized activity labels to express daily behavioral char- activity distribution as follows.
acteristics based on the timing of recognized activities . Definition 3 .
Typically, a continuous sequence of time - stamped sensor 45 An aggregated activity distribution Ô , at time interval t is
events is available . the maximum likelihood estimate of the mean that is
In summary , the AC tool first uses an activity recognition obtained from activity distributions Dkt ( 1 sksx) that fall
algorithm to annotate each of these sensor events with an within an aggregation window of size x .
activity label . Activity recognition algorithms map a We can write the aggregated activity distribution , at
sequence of sensor events { e , e2 , ... , en } onto the 50 time interval t as shown in Eq . ( 1 ) :
corresponding activity label A? , where the label is drawn
from the predefined set of activity classes A = { A , A2 ,
An }. (1 )
We note that prevalence of common activities differs by ÔDA-???? . k =1
the time of day. For example, the “ sleep ” activity dominates 55
the prevalent distribution of activities at midnight and the
" cook breakfast” and “ eat breakfast activities dominate the Definition 4 .
early morning hours. To capture such differences in activity An aggregated activity curve is the compilation of aggre
patterns throughout the day, the AC tool segments the gated activity distributions obtained over an aggregation
day - long observation period into m equal-size consecutive 60 window of size x .
windows, or time intervals, and define probability distribu- If E = {C1, C2 , C3 , ... , Cx } is a set of activity curves over
tions over activities , or activity distributions, for each of an aggregation window of size = x days, we can represent an
these time intervals ( see FIG . 1 for an example ). An activityaggregated activity curve over { as C ?. The aggregated
curve is a compilation of these activity distributions for the activity curve C2 compiles the aggregated activity distribu
entire day - long period . 65 tions , Dr. FIG . 6 illustrates an example of an aggregated
In general, activity routines tend to vary from one day to activity curve that models three different activities : sleep ,
the next. For example, we may wake up at 6:30 AM and eat bed toilet transition, and other.
US 10,896,756 B2
19 20
Activity Distribution Distance particular time interval. A minimum aggregate window size
We calculate the distance between two activity distribu- Xmin is chosen such that no smaller window would ensure the
tions using the Kullback -Leibler ( KL) divergence measure . stability criterion .
We assume that the activity distributions model the same To determine the ideal aggregation window size , the
activity set A for the same time interval size and aggregation 5 algorithm starts with a window of size x =2 and considers the
window size . The KL divergence between two activity corresponding aggregated activity curve C ?, aggregated
distributions from the set of individual activity curves > = { C1 , Cx }.
D = { d1,1,01,2 , ...die ... , d1n } and D2= {d2,1, 02,29 - . We estimate the distance between C and Cx+ 1 ?. If the
d2.j ... , d2n } is defined as shown in Eq . ( 2 ) : distance is greater than a predefined threshold T, we increase
10 the window size . Therefore, if SDK (C $||C ++representa 25 < T and
SDK (Cx + 1S ||Cx + 2 ? ) < T, then x is selected as the
n ( 2) tive aggregation window size , otherwise the size of the
DkL ( D1 | D2 ) = \ du,jlog3dii
dzi aggregation window is increased by one and the process
i= 1
repeated. This process is shown in Algorithm 4 .
We note that the standard KL distance metric is a non Algorithm 4
symmetric measure of the differences between two prob ALGORITHM 4 Aggregation Size ( E , T )
ability distributions D , and D2 . Therefore , we use a sym
metric version of the Kullback - Leibler divergence between 20
1: Il Calculate the minimum size of an aggregation window
activity distributions D , and D2 , which is defined as shown 2: E = { C1 , C2 , ... , Cn } for each of the N days in the input data.
3: // Return the minimum aggregation window size .
in Eq . (3 ) . Throughout the remainder of the paper, our 4: initialize x 2 ;
discussion of KL divergence will refer to this symmetric 5:
repeat :
Create C?, aggregated activity curve for window size x ;
version of the KL divergence measure . 7: Create Cx+ 1 , aggregated activity curve for window size x + 1 ;
25 8: Create Cx+ 2 , aggregated activity curve for window size x + 2 ;
SDKL (D1||D2 ) =Dkz (Di ||D2 ) + (D2||D ) (3) 9: Compute di distance between two aggregated activity
curves SDK (CE11 CX 5);
Before defining the distance between two activity curves 10 : Compute d2 = distance between two aggregated activity
C and C2 of length m , we first need to align the activity curves SDK (Cx+ 1 | Cx+25);
distributions in the activity curves (as described later ). As a 12 : If d? > T and dz > T , then x = x + 1 ;
30 13 : else return x ;
result of the alignment step , we obtain a vector of alignment 14 : until x < N ;
pairs I= (p , q ) of length 1= 1 that aligns an activity distri
bution at time interval p ( 1spsm) of activity curve C1 with Activity Curve Alignment
activity distribution at time interval q ( 1sqsm) of activity In order to compute similarity (or distance ) between two
curve C2 . We calculate the total distance , SDK ( C ||C2),
between two activity curves, C , and C2 , as the sum of 35 activity curves, we need to compare each of the activity
distributions that belong to these two activity curves . How
distances between each aligned activity distribution for the
two activity curves , as shown in Eq . (4 ) . ever , we first need to determine which pairs of distributions
to compare by considering alternative distribution alignment
techniques. Activity curve alignment can be performed
( 4) 40 based on aligning the same time of day between two curves .
SD«z«C ||C)= ? SDKL (D1,p||D2,g)
a= 1
Alternatively, we can try to maximally align the activity
occurrences between two curves before performing such a
such that la = ( p , q) comparison . Here we provide details for these two align
ment techniques.
45 Time Interval -Based Activity Curve Alignment
where Dip and D1 , g are the activity distributions that belong The time interval -based activity curve alignment tech
to activity curves C and C2 at time intervals p and q, nique presumes that distributions between two curves should
respectively. be aligned based on time of day and thus aligns activity
Determining the Size of an Aggregation Window distributions between two activity curves if the time inter
Daily activity routines are performed differently from one 50 vals are the same . In essence , this method does not make any
day to the next. As a result , the daily activity curve that extra effort to align activities that occur at different times in
models these activity routines will vary from one day to the the distribution , but simply compares the activity distribu
next. The activity curve tools want to calculate an aggre- tions based on time of day alone . If C , and C2 are two
gated activity curve that generalizes over minor day - to - day activity curves of length m , the time interval-based activity
variations while still capturing the typical routine behavior. 55 distribution alignment method aligns the corresponding
When determining the appropriate size of an aggregation activity distributions using a vector of alignment pairs , T = ( r,
window , the goal is to find the smallest possible number of r ). This technique aligns an activity distribution at time
days that is considered stable . The tool determine that an interval r ( 1srsm) of activity curve C , with activity distri
aggregated activity curve is stable if the shape of the curve bution at time interval r ( 1 srsm ) of activity curve C2 .
remains mostly unchanged when more days are added to the 60 Dynamic Time Warping -Based Activity Curve Alignment
aggregation window . By keeping the aggregation window A person's routine may be relatively stable , even though
small , the model can be more sensitive to significant changes there are minute changes in the time an activity occurs or the
in routine behavior. If the window is too small it will not be duration of a particular activity. For example, an individual
general enough to encompass normal variations in daily may sleep at 10:00 PM one day, an hour earlier at 9:00 PM
routines. Algorithm 1 is used to determine the minimum 65 the next day, an hour later at 11:00 PM a few days later, and
length of an aggregate window that is required to calculate eventually go back to sleeping at 10:00 PM . Aligning
a stable, representative aggregated activity curve for a activity distributions using dynamic time warping allows the
US 10,896,756 B2
21 22
tool to maximally align common activities before comparing Permutation -Based Two - Sample Test
two activity curves . Such an alignment accommodates activ- PCAR identifies significant changes in an activity routine
ity time changes that are shifted temporally backward ( for using a two -sample permutation test [ 64 ] . The permutation
example, an hour earlier ), forward ( for example, an hour based technique provides a data - driven approach to calculate
later ), expanded (longer duration ), compressed ( shorter 5 an empirical distribution of a test statistic . The empirical
duration ), or not changed at all from one day to another. The distribution of a test statistic is obtained by calculating the
tool optimizes activity alignment using Dynamic Time test statistic after randomly shuffling ( rearranging) the data
Warping (DTW ) to align distributions between two activity a specified number of times . The permutation -based test is
curves . Dynamic time warping finds an optimal alignment or exact if the joint distributions of rearranged samples are the
warping path between activity curves . This optimal warping 10 same as the joint distribution of the original samples. In
path has minimal total cost among all possible warping other words, the samples are exchangeable when the null
paths. The tool uses the symmetric KL distance metric that hypothesis is true. This type of test allows us to determine
we previously mentioned to compute this warping path . The the significant difference between two aggregated activity
warping path has the following three main properties : curves . We use a permutation -based test to perform a two
Boundary property: The first and last elements (activity 15 sample homogeneity test . In a two -sample homogeneity test ,
distributions ) from the two activity curves are always we test the null hypothesis that the two samples come from
aligned with each other. the same probability distribution versus the alternate hypoth
Monotonicity property : Paths are not allowed to move esis that they come from different probability distributions .
backwards. Changes in Activity Distributions
Step size property : No activity distributions are omitted 20 We use the permutation -based two - sample test to deter
from the curve alignment. mine whether there is a significant change among a set of
We also note that due to the monotonicity property , DTW activity distributions at a particular time interval. We for
does not allow backward alignments. However, as we have mulate the null hypothesis that the set of activity distribu
seen in practice , activity distributions can be shifted tem- tions comprising two activity curves are identical versus the
porally backward and /or temporally forward . Therefore, the 25 alternative hypothesis that the set of activity distributions is
standard approach is modified to perform two independent significantly different between the two aggregated activity
iterations of DTW : curves . We test the hypothesis of a significant change
In forward dynamic time warping, we start from the first between two aggregated activity distributions, Ô 1.4 and D2.
activity distribution and move forward in time toward Calculate the test statistic : Calculate the test statistic
the last activity distribution to find an optimal align- 30 Dist = SDK ( D2 ) between the two aggregated
ment between activity curves that are similar in the activity distributions.
forward time direction . Permutation : Randomly shuffle individual activity distri
In backward dynamic time warping, we start from the last butions between the two aggregated distributions and
activity distribution and move backward in time toward recalculate the aggregated distributions 1.c and Ô 2.c
the first activity distribution to find an optimal align- 35 Calculate the KL divergence between the new aggre
ment between activity curves that are similar in the gated activity distributions Dist = SDXL DD2( .)).
backward time direction . Repeat the process a specified number of times to
If C? and C2 are two activity curves of length m , the obtain an empirical distribution of KL divergence ( the
DTW -based activity distribution alignment outputs two test statistic ), Dist,
alignment vectors , Iforward (u , v) of length 1toward? and 40 Significance testing: To test if a significant difference
I backward (r, s) of length lbackward, respectively. The forward
DTW aligns an activity distribution from curve C , at time
exists between Du, and D2 ,, calculate the p -value by
calculating the number of times the test statistic from
interval u ( 1 susm) with an activity distribution from curve the permuted sample is equal to or greater than the
C2 at time interval v ( 1svsm) . Similarly, the backward DTW original test statistic Dist ,, in the empirical distribution
aligns an activity distribution from curve C , at time interval 45 Dist . If a small p - value is obtained , reject the null
r ( 1srsm) with an activity distribution from curve Cz at time hypothesis in favor of alternative hypothesis. This is
interval s ( 1 sssm) . The DTW method outputs whichever shown in Eq. (5 ).
vector, Tforward or T backwards that results in the maximal
alignment between the two distributions and thus minimizes
the difference . The activity curve tool will utilize these two 50 (5 )
different alignment techniques in the PCAR algorithm to Pperm ##Dist, > Dist:
detect changes between two aggregated activity curves and
calculate change scores.
PCAR where Dist, is the empirical distribution of the test statistic
Based on this notion of an activity curve , we now intro- 55 at the t - th time interval. We reject the null hypothesis
duce our Permutation - based Change Detection in Activity that no changes have occurred at a significance level of
Routine ( PCAR ) algorithm . This algorithm , which is used a =0.01 .
by the activity curve tool , identifies and quantifies changes Changes in Activity Curves
in an activity routine. PCAR operates on the assumption that We now extend the technique of detecting significant
daily activities are scheduled according to a routine and are 60 changes between activity distributions to quantify the dif
not scheduled randomly. For example , we regularly “ wake ference in activity routine observed from two separate
up ” , “ bathe” and “ have breakfast " in the morning and “ dine” aggregation windows, W , and W2 , each of size x days. To do
and “ relax ” in the evening . In contrast, we rarely dine in the this, PCAR counts the total number of significant differences
middle of night. Such regularities are useful, for example, to between the individual activity distributions within window
determine if there are significant changes in lifestyle behav- 65 W and the distributions within window W2 to output a
ior that might indicate changes in cognitive or physical change score that quantifies the significant changes observed
health . among the activity curves . FIG . 7 demonstrates the three
US 10,896,756 B2
23 24
main steps involved in detecting changes in an activity curve -continued
using the permutation -based method .
PCAR calculates a sum , S , over changes that are detected Algorithm 6
between activity curve distributions for each individual time ALGORITHM 6 PCAR (E1 , E2N )
interval. In order to identify the time intervals at which 5 10 : S = S + 1;
changes in the activity distributions comprising the aggre- 11 : end for;
12 : return S ;
gated activity curves are deemed significant, PCAR per
forms the following steps :
Permutation : Calculate the empirical distributions of the We note that we compare at least m activity distributions
test statistic ( KL divergence) by permuting and com- 10 during this process where m is the number of aggregated
paring the individual activity distributions within the activity distributions in an activity curve. To control the
two aggregation windows W , and W , at each time False Discovery Rate ( FDR) at level a * ( a * =0.01 ) , we apply
interval using the method summarized in Algorithm 5 . the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH ) method [ 65 ] . The BH method
Alignment: Calculate the two aggregated activity curves first orders the p -values, P1 , P2 , , Pks Pm , in ascending
C? and C2 using the activity distributions aggregated 15 order and for a given value of a * , the BH method finds the
for each time interval over windows W and W2 . Align largest k such that
curves C and C , using one of the alignment techniques
described in the previous section to generate the align
ment vector I = ( u , v ) . 20
Calculate the test statistic : For each alignment pair u , p(k) skx
V ) -T , calculate the test statistic Disty , between the
aggregated activity distribution at time interval u of The BH algorithm rejects the null hypothesis corresponding
activity curve C , and the aggregated activity distribu to Pi if isk . If a significant change is detected between
tion at time interval v of C2 .
Significance testing : To test if there is a significant change 25 aligned activity distributions, PCAR increments its change
between activity distributions at time intervals u and v , score , S , by one . PCAR generates two different change
calculate the p -value based on the number of times the scores based on the alignment techniques that are employed:
test statistic from the permuted sample is equal to or either the same index alignment or the DTW -based align
greater than the original test statistic . The steps are 30 ment .
Example Computing System
summarized in Algorithm 6 .
FIG . 8 is an example block diagram of an example
computing system that may be used to practice embodiments
Algorithm 5 of a Cognitive Assessment Facilitator System described
ALGORITHM 5 Empirical Distribution (E1, E2 · N ) herein . Note that one or more general purpose virtual or
1 : // Build empirical distribution of the test statistic . 35 physical computing systems suitably instructed or a special
2 : 21 , 2 - two sets of activity curves purpose computing system may be used to implement an
3 : N , - number of permutations
4 : Initialize Dist , as N , x m matrix;
OAFS . Further, the OAFS may be implemented in software ,
// m is # activity distributions in the activity curves hardware, firmware, or in some combination to achieve the
5 initialize i 0 ; capabilities described herein .
6 : while i < N do : 40 The computing system 800 may comprise one or more
Shuffle the activity curves;
Generate aggregated activity curves CE1 and CE2 by
server and / or client computing systems and may span dis
aggregating the distributions in 21 , 22 ; tributed locations. In addition , each block shown may rep
9 Using the time interval-based alignment technique, align the resent one or more such blocks as appropriate to a specific
two aggregated activity curves to obtain an alignment vector T ; embodiment or may be combined with other blocks . More
10 : for all alignment pairs (u , u) in I do : 45 over , the various blocks of the Cognitive Assessment Facili
11 Find a distance SDK ( D 1,24
distributions in two activity curves ;
| D2u) between uth activity tator System 810 may physically reside on one or more
12 : Insert SDKL ( D 1,44 | D2 , u ) to empirical distribution machines , which use standard (e.g. , TCP/ IP ) or proprietary
Dist at location [i, u) ; interprocess communication mechanisms to communicate
13 : end for; with each other.
14 : i - i+ 1 ; 50 In the embodiment shown, computer system 800 com
15 : end while ; prises a computer memory ( “memory ” ) 801 , a display 802 ,
16 : return Dist one or more Central Processing Units (“ CPU ” ) 803 , Input/
Output devices 804 (e.g. , keyboard , mouse , CRT or LCD
display, etc. ) , other computer - readable media 805 , and one
55 or more network connections 806. The OAFS 810 is shown
Algorithm 6 residing in memory 801. In other embodiments, some por
ALGORITHM 6 PCAR (21 , 22 Np) tion of the contents, some of, or all of the components of the
1: E1 , E2 - two sets of activity curves OAFS 810 may be stored on and /or transmitted over the
// Return a change score S
C1 - Aggregate ActivityCurves (21) other computer -readable media 805. The components of the
4: C2 - Aggregate ActivityCurves (22) 60 Cognitive Assessment Facilitator System 810 preferably
5: 1 - AlignCurves ( C1 , C2 ) execute on one or more CPUs 803 and manage the genera
6: for all alignment pairs (u , v ) in I do : tion and use of predictive cognitive assessments and func
7: Calculate SDK ( D1,2 | D2 , v) between activity distribution tional assessments, as described herein . Other code or pro
D1, EC and D2 , E Cz ; grams 830 and potentially other data repositories, such as
8: Perform significance testing of estimated distance by querying
Dist; 65 data repository 806 , also reside in the memory 801 , and
9: if change is significant: preferably execute on one or more CPUs 803. Of note , one
or more of the components in FIG . 8 may not be present in
US 10,896,756 B2
25 26
any specific implementation. For example , some embodi- be distributed, pooled or otherwise grouped, such as for load
ments embedded in other software may not provide means balancing , reliability or security reasons . A variety of dis
for user input or display. tributed computing techniques are appropriate for imple
In a typical embodiment, the OAFS 810 includes one or menting the components of the illustrated embodiments in a
more smart -home sensor input logic 811 , one or more 5 distributed manner including but not limited to TCP / IP
CAAB logic components 812 , and one or more activity sockets, RPC , RMI , HTTP, Web Services (XML -RPC , JAX
curve change logic components (or engines) 813 , and one or RPC , SOAP, etc.) and the like . Other variations are possible .
more machine learning engines 814 that operate as described Also , other functionality could be provided by each com
herein . In at least some embodiments, the machine learning ponent
logic is provided external to the OAFS such as machine 10 amongst/module , or existing functionality could be distributed
learning tools 855 and is available, potentially , over one or achieve the functions of /an
the components modules in different ways, yet still
more networks 850. Other and / or different modules may be
implemented. In addition , the OAFS may interact via a components of the OAFS 810 may ,besome
Furthermore , in some embodiments or all of the
implemented or
network 850 with application or client code 860 that uses
results computed by the OAFS 810, and /or one or more 15 provided in other manners, such as at least partially in
firmware and / or hardware , including , but not limited to one
third -party information provider systems 865 , such as smart or
home sensor data providers.Also , of note, the OAFS data standard more application - specific integrated circuits ( ASICs ) ,
repository 816 , which may include sensor CAAB , and integrated circuits, controllers executing appropri
change curve data, may be provided external to the OAFS as ate instructions, and including microcontrollers and / or
well , for example in a knowledge base accessible over one 20 GAs
or more networks 850 .
embedded controllers, field -programmable gate arrays (FP
), complex programmable logic devices ( CPLDs ) , and
In an example embodiment, components /modules of the the like . Some or all of the system components and / or data
OAFS 810 are implemented using standard programming structures may also be stored as contents (e.g. , executable
techniques. For example, the OAFS 810 may be imple- or other machine -readable software instructions or struc
mented as a “ native ” executable running on the CPU 103 , 25 tured data ) on a computer -readable medium ( e.g. , a hard
along with one or more static or dynamic libraries . In other disk ; memory ; network ; other computer - readable medium ;
embodiments, the OAFS 810 may be implemented as or other portable media article to be read by an appropriate
instructions processed by a virtual machine . In general, a drive
range of programming languages known in the art may be flash ormemory via an appropriate connection, such as a DVD or
device ) to enable the computer - readable
employed for implementing such example embodiments , 30 medium to execute
including representative implementations of various pro to perform at least some or otherwise use or provide the contents
gramming language paradigms, including but not limited to , or all of the components and of the described techniques . Some
/ or data structures may be stored
object -oriented, functional, procedural, scripting, and on tangible, non - transitory storage
declarative . mediums. Some or all of
The embodiments described above may also use well- 35 stored as data signals (e.g. , by beingstructures
the system components and data may also be
known or proprietary, synchronous or asynchronous client carrier wave or included as part of an analogas orpartdigital
encoded of a
server computing techniques. Also , the various components
may be implemented using more monolithic programming propagated signal) on a variety of computer- readable trans
techniques, for example , as an executable running on a mission mediums , which are then transmitted, including
single CPU computer system , or alternatively decomposed 40 across wireless -based and wired /cable -based mediums , and
using a variety of structuring techniques known in the art, may take a variety of forms ( e.g. , as part of a single or
including but not limited to , multiprogramming, multi- multiplexed analog signal, or as multiple discrete digital
threading, client- server, or peer - to -peer, running on one or packets or frames . Such computer program products may
more computer systems each having one or more CPUs. also take other forms in other embodiments . Accordingly,
Some embodiments may execute concurrently and asyn- 45 embodiments of this disclosure may be practiced with other
chronously and communicate using message passing tech- computer system configurations.
niques . Equivalent synchronous embodiments are also sup- All of the above U.S. patents, U.S. patent application
ported . publications, U.S. patent applications, foreign patents, for
In addition, programming interfaces to the data stored as eign patent applications and non -patent publications referred
part of the OAFS 810 (e.g. , in the data repositories 816) can 50 to in this specification and /or listed in the Application Data
be available by standard mechanisms such as through C , Sheet, including but not limited to U.S. Provisional Patent
C ++ , C # , and Java APIs ; libraries for accessing files, data
bases , or other data repositories ; through scripting languages Application
No. 62 / 150,794 , entitled “MODELING PAT
such as XML ; or through Web servers, FTP servers , or other filed Apr. 21 , 2015 , are incorporated herein by reference in
types of servers providing access to stored data. The data 55 its entirety.
repositories may be implemented as one or more database From the foregoing it will be appreciated that, although
systems , file systems, or any other technique for storing such
information, or any combination of the above, including specific embodiments have been described herein for pur
implementations using distributed computing techniques. poses of illustration , various modifications may be made
Also the example OAFS 810 may be implemented in a 60 without deviating from the spirit and scope of the invention .
distributed environment comprising multiple, even hetero For example , the methods and systems for performing
geneous, computer systems and networks. Different con- facilitating cognitive assessment discussed herein are appli
figurations and locations of programs and data are contem- cable to other architectures other than a client- server archi
plated for use with techniques of described herein . In tecture . Also , the methods and systems discussed herein are
addition , the [ server and /or client] may be physical or virtual 65 applicable to differing protocols, communication media (op
computing systems and may reside on the same physical tical , wireless , cable , etc.) and devices ( such as wireless
system . Also , one or more of the modules may themselves handsets, electronic organizers, personal digital assistants,
US 10,896,756 B2
27 28
portable email machines , game machines , pagers, navigation Technologies for Healthcare ( PervasiveHealth ), 2013 7th
devices such as GPS receivers , embedded systems, etc.). International Conference on , Venice, Italy, 2013 , pp .
97-100 .
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[ 87 ] D. Podsiadlo , S. Richardson, The timed “ Up & Go ” : a tests . FIG . 9 plots the distribution of these two scores against
test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons , the ages of the participants. Chart 901 measures RBANS
J. Am . Geriatr. Soc . 39 ( 2 ) ( 1991 ) 142-148 . scores against age . Chart 902 measures TUG scores against
[ 88 ] C. Randolph , Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of age .
Neuropsychological Status Update , Psychological Corpo- 5 Prediction
ration , San Antonio , Tex ., 1998 . We performed the following four different prediction
based experiments to evaluate the performance of CAAB
OF CAAB approach and its components: 1 ) We first evaluate the overall
CAAB performance in predicting clinical assessment scores .
CASAS Smart Home Test Bed Here , we trained CAAB using the complete set of available
The CAAB approach was tested in CASAS smart homes features. We compared results from several representative
( see ), with test single residence apart supervised learning algorithms. 2 ) We then investigated the
ments [ 17 ] with smart home sensors laid out as in FIG . 1 . importance of different activity feature subsets by observing
Each apartment included at least one bedroom , a kitchen , a 15 the resulting performance of CAAB in predicting the clinical
dining area, and at least one bathroom . The homes were assessment scores. 3 ) Next , we investigated the influence of
equipped with combination motion / light sensors on the parameter values andonanalyzing
parameter choices performance by varying CAAB
the impact on prediction
ceilings and combination door / temperature sensors on cabi
nets and doors . These sensors in the smart home test beds performance. 4 ) In the final experiment, we compared
unobtrusively and continuously monitored the daily activi- 20 CAAB performance utilizing AR - labeled activities with a
ties of its residents. The CASAS middleware collected these baseline method that utilized random activity labels .
sensor events and stored the data on a database server. We evaluated all of the above experiments using linear
Dataset correlation coefficient (r ) and m an squared error ( RMSE ).
The CASAS middleware collected sensor data while All performance values were generated using leave - one -out
monitoring the daily behavior of 18 smart home senior 25 cross validation . The data for each participant was used for
residents for approximately 2 years . We used the AR activity training or held out for testing , but was not used for both to
recognition algorithm to automatically label the sensor avoid biasing the model . We used the following methods to
events with the corresponding activity labels . By running compute our performance measures .
CAAB on the activity - labeled ) sensor data , the activity
performance features were computed and statistical activity 30 Correlation
coefficient( r ): The correlation coefficient
two continuous variables X and Y is given as :
features were extracted from them . CAAB then created a
training set by combining the statistical activity features and
the corresponding clinical assessment scores (RBANS and COV ( x, y )
TUG ) to train a machine learning algorithm . rx, y =
Tx Oy
Residents 35
Residents included 18 community -dwelling seniors ( 5
females, 13 males ) from a retirement community . All par where Ox and 0 , are the standard deviations of X and Y
ticipants were 73 years of age or older (M= 84 : 71 , SD = 5 : 24 , and coy (X , Y) is the covariance between X and Y In
range 73-92 ) and have a mean education level of 17:52 years our experiments, we evaluate the correlation between
( SD =2 : 15 , range 12-20) . At baseline 51 , participants were 40 the learned behavior model and clinical assessment
classified as either cognitively healthy ( N = 7 ) , at risk for scores . We end up interpreting the experimental results
cognitive difficulties ( N = 6 ) or experiencing cognitively dif based on the absolute value of the correlation coeffi
ficulties ( N = 5 ). One participant in the cognitively compro- cient because our learning algorithm finds a nonlinear
mised group met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of relationship between statistical activity features and the
Mental Disorders (DSM -IV - TR ) criteria for dementia [ 18 ] , 45 clinical assessment scores.
while the other four individuals met criteria for mild cog Root Mean Squared Error ( RMSE ) : If ? is a size -n vector
nitive impairment (MCI ) as outlined by the National Insti of predictions and y is the vector of true values , the
tute on Aging - Alzheimer's Association workgroup [ 19 ] . RMSE of the predictor is :
Participants in the risk group had data suggestive of lowered
performance on one or more cognitive tests ( relative to an 50
estimate of premorbid abilities ) , along with sensory and / or
mobility difficulties.
Clinical Tests
i= 1 -
(?: - y )^
Clinicians biannually administered standardized clinical ,
cognitive , and motor tests to the residents . The tests included 55
the Timed Up and Go mobility measure (TUG) as well as the 1 ) Overall CAAB prediction performance: To validate the
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychologi- overall performance of CAAB performance , we computed
cal Status measure of cognitive status ( RBANS ). The Timed correlations between the CAAB -predicted clinical assess
Up and Go ( TUG) measure [ 21 ] is a test that measures basic ment scores and the provided clinical assessment scores
mobility skills . Participants are tasked with rising from a 60 using the complete set of activity features and three different
chair, walking 10 feet, turning around, walking back to the supervised learning algorithms:
chair, and sitting down . The TUG measure represents the Support Vector Regression ( SVR) : Support vector regres
time required for participants to complete the task at a sion uses a support vector machine algorithm to make
comfortable pace . The RBANS [ 20 ] is a global measure of numeric predictions. The learning model can be
cognitive status identifiers and characterizes cognitive 65 expressed in term of support vectors and kernel func
decline in older adults . A clinical dataset was created using tions can be used to learn a non - linear function . SVR
TUG and RBANS scores obtained from biannual clinical uses the epsilon insensitive loss function that ignores
US 10,896,756 B2
35 36
errors that are smaller than threshold > 0 . We used a this experiment, we created five different training sets, each
linear kernel to generate all our prediction -based per- of which contains a subset of the statistical activity features.
formance results [ 35 ] . For example, the first training set contained all of the
Linear Regression (LR) : Linear regression models the variance based features, the second training set contained all
relationship between the class and the features as the 5 of the autocorrelation -based features etc. Using these train
weighted linear combination of the features. The
weights are calculated from the training data often ing sets , we trained five separate support vector machines .
using the least square approach . As listed in Table 5 , we note that the performance of the
Random Forest ( RF ) : Random forest builds an ensemble SVR in predicting clinical assessment scores using the
learner by creating multiple decision trees on different 10 variance of the activity features is strong as compared to
bootstrap samples of the dataset . It averages the pre other major types of statistical activity features. Therefore ,
dictions from these decision trees to make the predic we hypothesized that the variance of activity performance is
tion [35] .
As listed in Table 4 , we observed that the performances of an important predictor. Additionally, we observed that skew
the machine learning algorithms in predicting the clinical 15 ness - based feature is important for predicting TUG clinical
assessment scores were similar. We also observed that the scores while it was slightly weaker for RBANS predictions .
Correlation Coefficient (R) and RMSE Values between SVR predicted RBANS and
TUG Scores when SVR is trained using different types of Statistical Activity Features
Score All
Type Measure Change ACF Skewness Kurtosis Variance Features
RBANS r 0.29 0.17 0.30 * 0.21 0.49 ** 0.72 **
RMSE 25.77 21.39 19.90 25.19 17.76 14.94
TUG r 0.06 0.05 0.43 ** 0.06 0.31 * 0.45 *
RMSE 6.05 6.12 5.23 6.60 5.56 5.87