Discount Rate
Discount Rate
Discount Rate
Final Report
October 2006
The contents of this report reflect the views of the author who is
responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
Materials and Geotechnical Branch
4670 Holly St. Unit A 11. Contract or Grant No.
Denver, Colorado 80216
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Colorado Department of Transportation Final
4201 E. Arkansas Ave.
Denver, CO 80222
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
16. Abstract
This report provides information on life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) as applied to CDOT’s roadways. It
describes the methodology CDOT uses to select discount rates to be used in LCCA calculations. It also
summarizes pavement selection terminology for deterministic and probabilistic LCCA procedures.
The discount rate is a major input for calculating an LCCA, which is used in selecting pavement types or
rehabilitation strategies.
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 38
Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Discount Rate on Pavements
for the Colorado Department of Transportation
Prepared by
October 2006
The author wishes to give special thanks to Bob Locander and Jay Goldbaum
many excellent suggestions and comments. Without their efforts this report
LCCA Process....................................................................................................................10
Agency Cost.......................................................................................................................14
Appendix A – Glossary…………………………………………………………………A-1
Agencies have historically used some form of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) to assist in the
evaluation of alternative pavement design strategies. For example, in the 1986 American
Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for the Design of
Pavement Structures, the use of LCCA was encouraged and a process laid out to evaluate the
requires that a life cycle cost analysis supporting the pavement type selection be prepared for all
appropriate projects with more than $1,000,000 initial cost of the pavement(1). LCCA is a
process used by the CDOT to compare concrete to asphalt pavements, and/or compare alternative
rehabilitation techniques. CDOT’s life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) procedures were adopted in
Alternative designs for the same section of roadway, whether new construction, reconstruction,
or rehabilitation, should have the same levels of reliability and serviceability loss. These factors
are independent of pavement type and are dependent on the traffic load and use of a road.
Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a tool used to compare the total user and agency costs of
LCCA is a subset of Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA), an economic analysis tool that compares
the distinction between LCCA and BCA can be confusing in day-to-day practice, the differences
between LCCA and BCA, and their appropriate applications, are discussed below. The agency
that uses LCCA has already decided to undertake a project or improvement and is seeking to
determine the most cost-effective means to accomplish the project’s objectives. LCCA is
appropriately applied only to compare project implementation alternatives that would yield the
same level of service and benefits to the project user at any specific volume of traffic. LCCA, for
instance, is an appropriate tool to use when comparing two alternatives to replace a bridge that
has reached the end of its service life, where each design alternative will result in the same level
of service to the user. Costs measured in LCCA typically include expenses to the state or local
agency, such as construction, operation, and maintenance costs. As a matter of best practice,
LCCA should also include costs accruing to the users of the project facility; especially costs
associated with increased congestion and reduced safety experienced during project construction
and maintenance. Unlike LCCA, BCA considers the benefits of an improvement as well as its
costs and therefore can be used to compare design alternatives that do not yield identical benefits
(e.g., bridge replacement alternatives that vary in the level of traffic they can accommodate), as
well as to compare projects that accomplish different objectives (a road realignment versus a
widening project). Moreover, BCA can be used to determine whether or not a project should be
undertaken at all (i.e., whether the project’s life cycle benefits will exceed its life cycle costs).
Benefits measured in BCA are typically those associated with the desired results of the project
(i.e., the reasons for undertaking the project), and may include shorter travel distance or time,
reduced vehicle operating costs, improved safety, and other benefits to facility users. Other
effects of a project that may be considered involve emissions and noise, which affect project
nonusers as well as users, and are often referred to as “externalities.” In summary, LCCA is a
cost-centric approach used to select the most cost-effective alternative that accomplishes a
preselected project at a specific level of benefits that is assumed to be equal among project
alternatives being considered(4). BCA is the appropriate tool to use when design alternatives will
not yield equal benefits, such as when unlike projects are being compared or when a decision-
The following major steps are essential in performing a benefit cost analysis:
1. Establish objectives
8. Evaluate risk
Having identified objectives and assumptions, the analyst (or analytical team) then develops a
full set of reasonable improvement alternatives to meet the objectives. This process begins with
the development of a "do minimal" option, known as the base case. The base case represents the
continued operation of the current facility under good management practices but without major
investments. Under these "do minimal" conditions, the condition and performance of the base
case would be expected to decline over time. Reasonable improvement alternatives to the base
case can include a range of options, from major rehabilitation of the existing facility to full-depth
reconstruction to replacement by a higher volume facility. Such alternatives will often involve
construction, but alternatives that improve highway operations (such as the use of intelligent
transportation systems) or manage travel demand (such as incentives for off-peak travel) are
suitable for consideration. The project is considered acceptable if the ratio equals or exceeds 1.0,
that is, if B/C ≥ 1.0(5). Benefit-cost analysis is the most comprehensive method to evaluate the
reasonableness of highway projects in economic terms. This method is often used in municipal
project evaluations where benefits and costs accrue to different segments of the community.
LCCA is an engineering economic analysis tool useful in comparing the relative merit of
competing project alternatives(6). By considering all of the agency and user costs incurred during
the service life of an asset, CDOT is able to analyze and select the lowest cost option.
Additionally, LCCA introduces a structured methodology that accounts for the effects of agency
activities and roadways users and provides a means to balance them with the effects of
the application of sound economic analysis techniques. In brief, the LCCA process begins with
the development of alternatives to accomplish the structural and performance objectives for a
project. The analyst then defines the schedule of initial and future activities involved in
implementing each project design alternative. Next, the costs of these activities are estimated.
Best practice for an LCCA calls for including not only direct agency expenditures (for example,
construction or maintenance activities), but also roadway users costs that result from CDOT
activities. The predicted schedule of activities and their associated agency and user costs form
the projected Life Cycle Cost (LCC) stream for each design alternative. Using an economic
technique known as “discounting,” these costs are converted into present dollars and summed for
each alternative. The analyst can then determine which alternative is the most cost-effective. It
is important to note that the lowest LCC option may not necessarily be implemented when other
considerations such as risk, available budgets, and political and environmental concerns are
taken into account. LCCA provides critical information to the overall decision-making process,
LCCA is defined in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) as "a process
for evaluating the total economic worth of a usable project segment by analyzing initial costs and
discounted future costs, such as maintenance, user costs, reconstruction, rehabilitation, restoring,
and resurfacing costs, over the life of the project segment." TEA-21 focuses on the engineering
(project) costs and does not directly identify the social costs - air quality, accidents, and noise -
An inherent problem in any kind of evaluation or decision analysis is the difficulty of making
value comparisons among projects that are not measured in equal units. Even when values are
stated in monetary units such as dollars, the values still may not be comparable, for at least two
1.) Inflation: Expenditures typically occur at various points in the past or future and are
therefore measured in different value units because of changes in price (e.g., a 1980
dollar would, in general, have purchased more real goods and services in 1980 than a
2006 dollar would in 2006). A general trend toward higher prices over time, as
called deflation(3). Dollars that include the effects of inflation or deflation over time
are known as nominal, current, or data year dollars. Dollars that do not include an
inflation or deflation component (i.e., their purchasing power remains unchanged) are
2.) Discounting: Costs or benefits (in constant dollars) occurring at different points in
time past, present, and future cannot be compared without allowing for the
versus future funds can be understood in terms of the economic return that could be
earned on funds in their next best alternative use (e.g., the funds could be earning
interest) or the compensation that must be paid to induce people to defer an additional
amount of current year consumption until a later year. Adjusting for the opportunity
discounting are entirely separate concerns, and they should not be confused by
attempting to calculate both at once. Instead, future costs and benefits of a project
discount rate that reflects only the opportunity value of time (known as a real discount
rate). This is because public sector project benefits should be dependent only upon
real gains (cost savings or expanded output), rather than purely price effects(2).
This report addresses CDOT’s practice to modify the discount rate. Discount rates used in
LCCA typically range from 3 to 5 percent, representing the prevailing rate of interest on
borrowed funds, less inflation. The CDOT currently uses 4% for its discount rate(1). Because
there is always an opportunity value of time, discount rates will historically always exceed zero.
Through the use of a real discount rate, the following transformations can be performed to
1.) Relocation in Time. A single figure can be “moved” (transformed into an equivalent
value) backward or forward in time, without altering its real value, i.e., its present
2.) Uniform Annual Cost. A lump sum can be transformed into an equivalent multiyear
flow (e.g., uniform series or sinking fund) equation 2. A sinking fund is a fund or
account into which annual deposits of A are made in order to accumulate F at t(time)
calculated as A = F(A/F, i%, n), the (A/F) factor is known as the sinking fund factor.
⎡ idis ⎤
( A / F , I %, N ) = F × ⎢ ⎥ Eq. 2
⎢⎣ (1 + idis ) − 1⎥⎦
period values)
PW is the summation of all future costs over the project life in today’s dollars; it combines the
discounted future maintenance costs, rehabilitation costs, and a salvage value. The future costs
are discounted to account for the time value of money using the discount (real interest) rate.
Present worth analysis is limited to comparing alternates with equal analysis periods(8,9).
The present value calculation uses the discount rate and the time a cost was or will be incurred to
establish the present value of the cost in the base year of the study period. Since most initial
expenses occur at about the same time, initial expenses are considered to occur during the base
year of the study period. Thus, there is no need to calculate the present value of these initial
expenses because their present value is equal to their actual cost. The determination of the
present value of future costs is time dependent. The time period is the difference between the
time of initial costs and the time of future costs. Initial costs are incurred at the beginning of the
study period at year zero, the base year. The present value calculation is the equalizer that allows
the summation of initial and future costs. Along with time, the discount rate also dictates the
present value of future costs. Because the current discount rate is a positive value, future
expenses will have a present value less than their cost at the time they are incurred. If future
costs of a project are provided in nominal dollars, conversion of these nominal dollars to constant
Net Present Value (NPV) = Initial Cost + ∑ Future Value * 1/(1+r)n Eq. 3
Where: r = Real discount rate which is adjusted to eliminate the effects of expected inflation and
n= number of years in the future when the cost will be incurred
The term 1/(1+r)n is known as the discount factor and is always less than or equal to one. Using
the above formula, a $1,000 cost incurred in year 30, discounted to the present (year zero) at a 4
percent real discount rate, would have a present value of $308. It should be noted that the term
Net Present Value (NPV) is mostly used when referring to the present value of life cycle costs
for roadway analysis. However, NPV is more appropriately used in benefit-cost analysis to
convey the net difference between the present values of benefits and costs of an alternative or
project. In roadway analysis the terms “net present value” and “present value” are identical(2).
The first component in an LCC equation is cost. There are two major cost categories by which
projects are to be evaluated in an LCCA: initial expenses and future expenses. Initial expenses
are all costs incurred prior to occupation of the facility. Future expenses are all costs incurred
after occupation of the facility. Defining the exact costs of each expense category can be
somewhat difficult at the time of the LCC study. However, through the use of reasonable,
One should also note that not all of the cost categories are relevant to all projects. The engineer is
responsible for the inclusion of the pertinent cost categories that will produce a realistic LCC
comparison of project alternatives. If costs in a particular cost category are equal in all project
alternatives, they can be documented as such and removed from consideration in the LCC
comparison. In other words, they can cancel each other out. An LCCA should be conducted as
The primary purpose of an LCCA is to quantify the long-term economic implications of initial
pavement decisions. The initial pavement decision with related various rehabilitation and
maintenance strategies can be employed over the analysis period see (Figure 1) below(1).
Figure 1
Lifetime of One Design Alternative
As outlined in the FHWA Interim Technical Bulletin, the LCCA process consists of the
1. Establish alternative pavement design strategies, (concrete vs. asphalt) for the
analysis period.
2. Determine pavement performance periods and establish M&R activity timings.
7. Analyze results.
8. Reevaluate strategies.
Steps two through six are performed for each alternative strategy. At the conclusion of the eighth
and final step, the engineer will have either identified the most economical design or identified
When evaluating future costs and benefits as part of an LCCA, a decision must be made whether
to use real dollars or nominal dollars in the calculation process. Real (or constant) dollars reflect
dollars with the same or constant purchasing power over time, whereas nominal (or inflated)
dollars reflect dollars that fluctuate in purchasing power as a function of time. For example, in
the case of real dollars, if the current estimated unit cost of a full-depth PCC patch is $100/yd2,
then the same $100/yd2 cost should be used for future-year patching cost estimates. Although the
projected quantities of patching may vary from year to year, the same unit cost is used over time.
When using nominal dollars, on the other hand, the estimated cost of patching would change as a
function of the year in which it is accomplished. Thus, if inflation were estimated at 4 percent,
the unit cost of the full-depth PCC patching at year zero would be $100/ yd2, whereas 1 year later
the unit cost would increase to $104/ yd2 (i.e., $100/ yd2 * 1.04). The engineer must be sure not
to mix the two types of dollars in any given LCCA. All costs must either be in real dollars or
nominal dollars. CDOT currently uses real dollars, to keep things simple.
The analysis period is defined as the time period over which the initial and future costs are
evaluated for different design alternatives. As a rule of thumb, the analysis period should be long
enough to incorporate the cost of at least one rehabilitation activity for all design alternatives, but
no longer than the period for making reasonable forecasts. FHWA recommends a minimum of
35 years. For CDOT, a 40 year analysis period will be used(1). There are two exceptions to the
general guideline noted above. The first exception is for paving projects that are considered
that will be rebuilt in a high development or changing social economical area, or the structural-
roadways are being rebuilt or rehabilitated. For these cases, the analysis period should equal the
The second exception is for the long-life pavement design. Long-life pavements are those that
are designed to an endurance limit (i.e., no structural damage from wheel loads) and only require
surface repairs as a result of surface deterioration from environmental and wheel loads.
Agency costs include all costs incurred directly by construction being the major input over the
life of the project. These costs typically include expenditures for cost of materials, labor, traffic
construction, construction supervision, and all future maintenance (routine and preventive),
User costs are a key ingredient in any LCCA of competing pavement design alternatives.
Although borne by the highway user, these costs must be given serious consideration by the
highway agency, since the agency acts as the proxy for public benefit. User costs are the costs
incurred by the highway user over the life of the project. The user costs of concern in an LCCA
are the differential or extra costs incurred by the traveling public as a result of one design being
used instead of another. For instance, a design that requires more frequent and/or longer lane
closures in the future (to satisfy upkeep needs) will inevitably lead to added user costs due to
increased delay, greater fuel consumption, and so on. Also, a design that provides a lower overall
level of serviceability during normal operating conditions will yield increased Vehicle Operating
User cost components recommended for consideration in the 2002 Design Guide 1-37A include
time delay costs and VOCs. These components can be estimated reasonably well and comprise a
large portion of the total user costs. The following components are extremely difficult to
1.) Accident costs can be a significant portion of total user cost; however, they are
difficult to estimate because the value of a human life and the cost of a debilitating
injury are very controversial. Due to the lack of crash cost data for certain types of
work zone activities, CDOT will not consider the costs due to crashes.
2.) Discomfort costs are probably the most difficult to estimate and generally
3.) Environmental costs is a user cost component which requires much more research
before practical application can occur. These costs include traffic noise, as well as
the pollution created and energy expended in the construction and upkeep of a
pavement facility.
As described below, user costs can be incurred during the operation of a work zone or during
Work zone costs deals with costs brought about by the establishment of a work zone. A work
operations are taking place, which impinge on the number of lanes available to moving traffic or
affect the operational characteristics of traffic flowing through the area. A work zone disrupts
normal traffic flow, drastically reduces the capacity of the roadway, and leads to specific changes
During normal operating conditions, user costs are associated with using a facility during periods
free of construction, repair, rehabilitation, or any work zone activity that restricts the capacity of
A software program called “WorkZone” was developed for CDOT which calculates normal
traffic flow with and without roadway construction activity; WorkZone is capable of calculating
costs for construction lane closure or relocating traffic to the opposite direction of the facility.
These costs are considered to be indirect “soft” costs accumulated by the facility user in the work
zone as they relate to roadway condition, maintenance activity, and rehabilitation work over the
analysis period. For example, these costs include user travel time, and increased vehicle
operating costs (VOC). Though these “soft” costs are not part of the actual spending for CDOT,
they are costs borne by the road user and are included in the LCCA(1).
A final step in the completion of the LCCA of a project alternative is to define all the future
maintenance costs of the alternative. Maintenance costs are those costs associated with
includes maintenance of the pavement surface, shoulders, and related drainage, and all associated
costs (e.g., administrative costs, operating or overhead costs, traffic control costs, and any testing
and contract administration costs, if CDOT contracts the maintenance work). Typical
maintenance costs that should not be included in LCCA for pavement design and strategy
selection include those that are equal between all alternatives, such as guardrail repair, sign
repair, vegetation mowing, and tree/shrub maintenance. Maintenance costs should be subdivided
into costs for preventive maintenance (carefully planned activities intended to extend pavement
life) and routine maintenance (day-to-day activities performed to address safety and operational
concerns). These costs can be projected to occur at certain periods over the life of a pavement or
on an annual basis that are based on real performance data. Though maintenance costs can be
estimated based on previous experience and historical cost data, the estimates should be modified
for any differences that may exist between the proposed alternative and the projects from which
the experience was derived (e.g., traffic levels, materials, reflection crack control). Maintenance
costs depend on pavement deterioration and operational factors that are all highly variable. The
determination of accurate and real design costs can be estimated only if CDOT maintains
Salvage value represents the value of an investment alternative at the end of the analysis period.
One future expense that warrants further explanation is that of residual value. Salvage value is
the net worth of a pavement at the end of the LCCA study period. Unlike other future expenses,
an alternative’s salvage value can be positive or negative, a cost or a value. Since an LCC is a
summation of costs, a negative salvage value indicates that there is value associated with the
pavement at the end of the study period. Whatever the reason for the remaining value, it is a
tangible asset of the pavement ownership and should be included in the LCCA. A positive
salvage value indicates that there are disposal costs associated with the pavement at the end of
the study period. Whatever the cause, these are costs of pavement ownership and should be
included in the LCCA. The salvage value is the salvage value of the pavement at the end of the
life cycle analysis period; CDOT uses a deterministic value of zero. Finally, CDOT has
concluded that the probabilistic salvage difference is the value between years used and
rehabilitation life all divided by the rehabilitation life that total multiplied by the rehabilitation
Salvage value = [(Rehab. Life – Years Used)/Rehab. Life] * Rehab. Cost Eq. 4
The discount rate is the interest rate charged to commercial banks and other depository
institutions on loans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Bank's lending facility--the
discount window. The Federal Reserve Banks offer three discount window programs to
depository institutions: primary credit, secondary credit, and seasonal credit, each with its own
Under the primary credit program, loans are extended for a very short term (usually overnight) to
depository institutions in generally sound financial condition. Depository institutions that are not
eligible for primary credit may apply for secondary credit to meet short-term liquidity needs or to
resolve severe financial difficulties. Seasonal credit is extended to relatively small depository
institutions that have recurring intra-year fluctuations in funding needs, such as banks in
The discount rate charged for primary credit (the primary credit rate) is set above the usual level
of short-term market interest rates. (Because primary credit is the Federal Reserve's main
discount window program, the Federal Reserve at times uses the term "discount rate" to mean the
primary credit rate.) The discount rate on secondary credit is above the rate on primary credit.
The discount rate for seasonal credit is an average of selected market rates. Discount rates are
established by each Reserve Bank's board of directors, subject to the review and determination of
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The discount rates for the three lending
The discount rate used in roadway LCCA is a function of both the interest rate and the inflation
rate. In general, the interest rate (often referred to as the market interest rate) is associated with
the cost of borrowing money and represents the earning power of money. Low interest rates
favor those alternatives that combine large capital investments with low maintenance or user
costs, whereas high interest rates favor reverse combinations. The inflation rate is the rate of
increase in the prices of goods and services (construction and upkeep of highways) and
represents changes in the purchasing power of money. The discount rate used in roadway LCCA
is approximately the difference of the interest rate minus inflation rates. Discount rate represents
The exact mathematical relationship between the discount rate, the interest rate, and the inflation
rate is as follows:
Selection of an appropriate discount rate is highly debatable. The FHWA Office of Engineering,
Pavement Division, conducted a pavement design review and found that the discount rates
currently used by State Highway Agency to have a distribution of values clustering in the 3 to 5
percent range. A range of discount rates is recommended for use in the Guide for Mechanistic-
Empirical Design 1-37A procedure to determine the effect or sensitivity of the discount rate on
1.) It is not the absolute values of the interest and inflation rates that matter, but rather
2.) The discount rate takes into account the competing forces of interest and inflation.
This allows the engineer performing the analysis to use constant, or today’s, dollars in
an analysis.
For example, the present value of $1,000 of benefits received 30 years in the future is $412 when
discounted at 3 percent per year, $231 when discounted at 5 percent, but only $57 when
discounted at 10 percent. Thus, present values of costs and benefits 30 years in the future can be
Constant Maturity Rate. Figure 3 is a histogram of discount rates from 1981-2005. CDOT
historically used a discount rate of 4% for deterministic LCCA. Figure 4 was used to calculate
both deterministic and probabilistic LCCA, after further analysis we’ve calculated the
deterministic value to be 2.8 and the probabilistic value to be log normal 4.1 with a standard
deviation of 1.84.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Data Used to Calculate Log Normal Distribution and Deterministic Average Using
10 year Running Average
LCCA is used to compare the agency and user cost among alternatives. However, this
comparison does not address the uncertainty contained in those outputs. Application of
sensitivity analysis can reveal where analysis results may be subject to uncertainty. Deterministic
sensitivity analysis is helpful in determining the “most likely” scenario where the selected input
values are most likely to occur (based on objective data or expert opinions). Most likely to occur
Ideally, the “best” alternative will have the lowest PV in the most likely of “what-if” situations.
The deterministic approach assigns each LCCA input variable a fixed, discrete value. The
analyst determines the value most likely to occur for each input parameter. This determination is
usually based on historical evidence or professional judgment. Collectively, these input values
are used to compute a single LCC result. Traditionally, applications of LCCA have been
manually using a calculator or automatically with a spreadsheet. However, it fails to convey the
degree of uncertainty associated with the PV estimate. The results of deterministic analysis can
be enhanced through the use of a technique called sensitivity analysis. This procedure involves
changing a single input parameter of interest, such as the discount rate or initial cost, over the
range of its possible values while holding all other inputs constant, and estimating a series of
PVs (output values). Each PV result will reflect the effect of the input change. In this way input
variables may be ranked according to their impacts on the bottom-line conclusions. This
with alternative choices. It also allows the agency to identify those input factors or economic
conditions that warrant special attention in terms of their estimation procedures. To calculate a
deterministic result in LCCA, CDOT has been using the software AASHTOWare DARWinTM.
Probabilistic LCCA is a relatively new concept that utilizes the processing capabilities of today’s
computers to simulate and subsequently account for the simultaneous changes of input
frequency (or probability) distribution, rather than by discrete values. It represents a risk analysis
of the life cycle costs of a particular design alternative. For a given design strategy, sample input
values are randomly drawn from the defined frequency distributions and the selected values are
used to compute one forecasted life cycle cost value. The sampling process, which is commonly
performed using Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube techniques (details of these techniques are
provided in the 1998 FHWA Interim Technical Bulletin), is then repeated hundreds or even
thousands of times, thereby generating many forecasted life cycle cost values for the design
strategy. The resulting forecasted costs can then be analyzed and compared with the forecasted
Probabilistic LCCA attempts to model and report on the full range of possible PV outcomes. It
also shows the estimated likelihood that any given outcome will actually occur. The engineer is
able to array this information so that the underlying uncertainty inherent in each project
alternative is reflected in the PV output results. This analysis also provides important statistical
information to assist the decision-maker. As with deterministic LCCA, probabilistic LCCA can
be enhanced by incorporating sensitivity analysis into the process. The sensitivity analysis will
point to the variables most significant in influencing the LCCA results. Engineers must define
the level of risk with which they are most comfortable. For example, those with a low tolerance
for risk prefer less variability in the results, which may affect their selection between two or
more options. In this case, the decision-maker may select an alternative with a somewhat higher
PV but with much lower risk of cost overrun. When interpreting the probabilistic LCCA, CDOT
The type and range of each input sampling distribution are user-defined, and may be developed
using either objective or subjective methods. The objective method uses hard data, such as bid
price history or pavement survival distributions, to formulate the distribution, whereas the
subjective method uses expert opinion. In most cases, a combination of the two must be used.
For example, in the case of pavement performance, past service life information might be
supplemented with expert opinion about the effects of incorporating new materials or
technologies. Although many different types of frequency distributions exist, normal, log
normal, and triangular are the most commonly used. Normal, log normal, and triangular
distributions are used in the current version of the CDOT Pavement Design Manual (PDM) for
calculating a probabilistic LCCA. These distribution types are fairly simple to apply and
deterministically with sensitivity analysis of key variables. However, the preferred approach to
LCCA is the probabilistic approach. When properly applied, probabilistic LCCA provides a full
view of the expected life cycle costs, because it takes into consideration the real-world
tendencies of uncertainty and variation. In addition, it accounts for the simultaneous change of
all input parameters and for the likelihood of a particular input value occurring. Every input into
the LCCA is uncertain and may vary from the most expected value. In 2004, CDOT formed a
task force to investigate which probabilistic LCCA software to use and FHWA’s “RealCost”
software was unanimously selected. RealCost calculates a probabilistic output for LCCA on
roadways. (11)
The LCCA concludes with a review of the findings to determine if adjustments or modifications
to any of the proposed alternatives might be indicated prior to finalizing the alternative selection.
Revisions might include design changes, newly defined work zone criteria for the contractors, or
Once all pertinent costs have been established and discounted to their present value, the costs can
be summed to generate the total life cycle cost of the project alternative. After this has been done
for all the viable project alternatives, a summary of the results should be prepared. The summary
of project alternatives should compare the total life cycle costs of initial investment, operations,
maintenance and repair, replacement, and residual value of all the project alternatives(1,2,3).
1. The 2007 Colorado Department of Transportation Pavement Design Manual, Chapter 10,
Pavement Type Selection.
3. User Benefit Analysis for Highways, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO), August 2003.
4. Life Cycle Costing for Design Professionals, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.
5. Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 6th Edition, Michael R. Lindeburg, P.E.
Chapter 2 “Engineering Economic Analysis” 1997.
6. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design, FHWA interim technical bulletin (FHWA-SA-
98-079, 1998).
7. Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA – 21), financial section.
8. Fundamentals of Engineering, the Most Effective FE/EIT Review, Dr. Merle C. Potter PhD,
PE editor, 4th edition Chapter 5 1993.
10. ACPA’s Definition of Discount Rate "Life Cycle Cost Analysis: A Guide for Comparing
Alternate Pavement Designs," EB220P, American Concrete Pavement Association, Skokie,
Illinois, 2002.
Pavement Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Software User Manual, Version 2.1, United States
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration August 2004.
Advanced Pavement Life-Cycle Cost Workshop, Showcasing FHWA RealCost Software Federal
Highway Administration US Department of Transportation.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design, Demonstration Project No. 115, U.S. Department
of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Participant’s Manual.
Guide for Mechanistic-Empirical Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures, 1-37A
Appendix C.1, March 2004.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis: State-of-the-Practice, Jay Goldbaum, CDOT Report Number CDOT-
R1-R-003, March 2000.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design Participant’s Notebook Demonstration Project No.
115, Publication No. FHWA-SA-98-040 August 1998.
Analysis Period: period of time used in making economic comparisons between design
alternatives. The analysis period should not be confused with the pavement design life (i.e.,
performance period).
Benefit Cost Analysis: process is often used where project evaluations where benefits and costs
accrue to different segments of the community. With this method the present worth of all
benefits (irrespective of the beneficiaries) is divided by the present worth of all costs. The
project is considered acceptable if the ratio equals or exceeds 1.0 (i.e., B/C ≥ 1.0). This will be
Constant-Dollars: dollars that have uniform purchasing power over time and that are not
Current-Dollars: dollars that do not have uniform purchasing power over time and that are
Discount Rate: rate of interest that balances an investor’s time value of money.
Inflation: an increase in the prices paid for goods and services bringing about a reduction in the
purchasing power of the monetary unit, is a business reality that can affect the economic
comparison of alternatives.
Initial Investment Cost: any cost of creation of a facility prior to its occupation.
Life Cycle Cost: a sum of all costs of creation and operation of a facility over a period of time.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis: a technique used to evaluate the economic consequences over a
Maintenance Cost: any cost of scheduled upkeep of building, building system, or building
Nominal Discount Rate: a discount rate that includes the rate of inflation.
Present Value (PV): an economic analysis method that requires converting all present and
future costs and benefits to a single point in time (usually at or around the time of the first
Real Discount Rate: a discount rate that excludes the rate of inflation.
Replacement Cost: any cost of scheduled replacement of a building system or component that
Residual Value: value of a building or building system at the end of the study period.
Study Period: the time period over which a life cycle cost analysis is performed.
User Costs: costs incurred by highway users traveling on the facility and the excess costs
incurred by those who cannot use the facility because of either agency or self-imposed detour
requirements. User costs are typically comprised of vehicle operating costs and accident costs,