DNA Libraries / Genomic DNA Vs cDNA
DNA Libraries / Genomic DNA Vs cDNA
DNA Libraries / Genomic DNA Vs cDNA
Saba Parvin Haque
M.Sc. Life Sciences
(Specialization in Neurobiology)
from “Sophia College”
(Autonomous), Mumbai.
https://images.app.goo.gl/eTvyU23f8TxnzHG6A https://images.app.goo.gl/AQRHJ5dnrVZgLkde9
• Gene sequence are arranged in genome in a random fashion and selecting or isolating a
gene is a big task especially when the genomic sequences are not known.
• A small portion of genome is transcribed to give mRNA where as a major portion
remained un-transcribed.
• Hence, there are two ways to represent a genomic sequence information into the multiple
small fragments in the form of a library:
• (1) Genomic library (2) cDNA library.
• A genomic library represents complete genome in multiple clones containing small DNA fragments.
• Depending upon organism and size of genome, this library is either prepared in a bacterial vector or in yeast
artificial chromosome (YAC).
• Construction of genomic library is given in it has following steps:
1. Isolation of genomic DNA
2. Generation of suitable size DNA fragments
3. Cloning in suitable vector system (depending on size)
4. Transformation in suitable host.
• Restriction digestion: Genomic DNA can be digested with a frequent DNA cutting enzyme such
as EcoR-I, BamH-I or Sau3A to generate the random sizes of DNA fragments.
• The criteria to choose the restriction enzyme or pair of enzymes in such a way so that a reasonable
size DNA fragment will be generated.
• As fragments are randomly generated and are relatively big enough, it is likely that each and
every genomic sequence is presented in the pool. As size of the DNA fragment is large, complete
genome will be presented in very few number of clones. In addition, genomic DNA can be
fragmented using a mechanical shearing.
• If a organism has a genome size of 2x107 kb and an average size of the fragment is 20kb, then no. of
fragment, n= 106.
• In reality, this is the minimum number to represent a given fragment in the library where as the actual number
is much larger.
• The probability (P) of finding a particular genomic sequence in a random library of N independent clone is as
• N=ln (1-P)/ln (1-f)
• Where, N=number of clones, P=probability, n= size of average fragment size.
N is the necessary number of recombinants.
P is the desired probability that any fragment in the genome will occur at
least once in the library created.
F is the fractional proportion of the genome in a single recombinant
f can be further shown to be:
i is the insert size
g is the genome size.
• The suitable vector to prepare the genomic library can be selected based on size of the fragment of genomic
DNA and carrying capacity of the vector.
• Size of average fragment can be calculated and accordingly a suitable vector can be chosen.
• In the case of fragment generated by restriction enzyme, vector can be digested with the same enzyme and
put for ligation to get clone.
• In one of the approach's, a adopter molecule can be used to generate sticky ends, alternatively a
endonuclease can be used to generate sticky ends.
• A cDNA library represents mRNA population present at a particular stage in a organism into multiple clones
containing small DNA fragments.
1. Isolation of mRNA
2. Preparation of complementary DNA fragments
3. Cloning in suitable vector system
4. Transformation in suitable host.
• It has a CAP structure at 5‟, coding sequence and a poly A tail at its 3‟ region.
• The Nucleotide A forms 2 hydrogen bonding with nucleotide T and this pairing is very specific.
• Exploiting this feature, m-RNA population can be isolated from RNA pool using a poly-T affinity column.
• Multiple approaches have been developed to prepare complementary DNA (cDNA) from isolated
mRNA. In all approaches the 3 steps are performed.
1. First strand synthesis with a reverse transcriptase
2. Removal of RNA template
3. Second strand synthesis.
• This method exploits the presence of poly A tail present on m- RNA to synthesize first DNA strand followed by
degradation of RNA template and synthesis of second strand. It has following steps:
1. An oligo dT primer is used with mRNA as template to prepare first strand of DNA with the help of reverse
transcriptase and dNTPs.
2. After the synthesis of first strand, terminal transferase is used to add C nucleotides on 3‟of both mRNA and newly
synthesized first strand of DNA.
3. DNA: RNA hybrid is loaded on a alkaline sucrose gradient. This step will hydrolyze RNA and allow the full
recovery of cDNA.
4. Next, an oligo dG primer is used with cDNA as template to prepare second strand of DNA with the help of reverse
transcriptase and dNTPs.
https://nptel.ac.in › mod3PDFLecture 10: DNA Libraries (PART-I) - NPTEL
1. Genomic library construction is the first step in any DNA sequencing projects.
2. Genomic library helps in identification of the novel pharmaceutically important genes.
3. Genomic library helps in identification of new genes which were silent in the host.
4. It helps us in understanding the complexity of genomes.
5. Serving as a source of genomic sequence for generations of transgenic animals through genetic
6. Study of the function of regulatory sequences in vitro.
7. Create cDNA libraries to determine what genes are being expressed at a particular time.
1. Storage of reduced amount of information due to the which helps in the transcription process of prokaryotes.
removal of non-coding regions.
7. It is used to isolate DNA sequences to code mRNA.
2. cDNA can be directly expressed in prokaryotic organisms.
8. Advantage of cDNA library is to isolate homologous genes.
3. cDNA libraries are useful in reverse genetics where the
9. It is also used for the screening genomic libraries to isolate
additional genomic information is of less use.
specific cDNA.
4. cDNA library is useful for isolating gene that codes for
10. cDNA of protein can facilitate to generate antibodies and
particular mRNA.
monoclonal antibodies.
5. cDNA library is a powerful and useful tool in the area of
11. The most important application of cDNA library is to study
expression of mRNA.
6. It is helpful in expressing eukaryotic gene in prokaryotes,
• Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2007). Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th Edition (5th
ed.). Garland Science.
• https://pediaa.com/difference-between-cdna-and-genomic-dna/
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