Session 2
Session 2
Session 2
By using ESL dashboard, we can:
Have an overview of important information such as the total number of labels / The number of offline Labels
/ The number of Labels with low battery / The number of Labels with bad RF signal / The total number of
Gateways / The number of offline Gateways / The total number of Products / The number of assigned
Products / ... (and much more)
By using ESL dashboard, we can:
Have an overview of the list of Labels and information about each one such as Label ID / Assigned Product ID
and description / Linked Gateway / Battery status / Signal strength / Label Type / Label Status / Label
Firmware / ...
Search for a label by ID / Type / Status / Product ID or description / Linked Gateway / ...
Filter the search result by: Offline / Low battery / bad signal / misused.
Schedule the assigned products to an e-Label by selecting the : Start time / End Time / Display page / State
By using ESL dashboard, we can:
Have an overview of the list of Products and information about each one such as Product ID / Product
description / The total number of assigned labels / Store code / Sale price / Category / Layout / Assigned
Label /...
Update Records!!!!
By using ESL dashboard, we can:
Have an overview of the list of Gateways and information about each one such as Gateway Name / IP
address / MAC ID / Data Channel / The total number of connected Labels / Gateway Firmware / ...
By using ESL dashboard, we can:
Have an overview of the list of Stores and information about each one such as Store Name / Store code /
Country / Region / City / The total number of Labels / The total number of Gateways / Settings / ..
Search for a Store by Store Name / Store code / Country / Region / City
By using ESL dashboard, we can:
Have an overview of the list of users and information about each one such as User Name / User ID / User
Level / The number of stores that the user have access to / ..