Meo 20 29847
Meo 20 29847
Meo 20 29847
odern medical education relies on a wealth of Second, obtaining bones for anatomical study is a
and increasing the number and variation of the osteological resolution and the scans produced include the internal
samples. structure of the bones which will also then mimic the actual
Bones were scanned using the handheld Artec Spider weight of human bones if an appropriate consumable is
3D surface scanner. The obtained 3D images in them- used for printing. This also eliminates the extra step of
selves represent useful educational tools as they can be scanning bones and then using the software to create a
easily downloaded from the universities’ databases and 3D file, thus saving time and increasing the resolution
manipulated by students (e.g., enlarged, viewed from for printing.
different perspectives, and annotated). 3D replicas were
then printed at both universities using the following Conclusion
3D printers: Objet Connex, Mojo, and the MakerBot 3D-printed bones are being successfully applied in anat-
Replicator. Osteometric analysis was carried out and omy education at Macquarie University and Western
revealed that there were no significant differences in the Sydney University. The application of 3D prints will
shape and dimensions of the prints when compared to further ramify and expend into other subjects. Further-
the real bones upon which they were made. Similar more, the 3D-printing project will soon involve other
results were obtained in an earlier study that examined anatomical structures, particularly those that are difficult
the accuracy of the 3D prints of cadaveric material (8). to observe and manipulate. The resources for medical
The obtained 3D prints of bones were then used in education will continue to develop and evolve following
anatomy laboratories at both participating universities. both technological development and increasing educa-
Students had a chance to handle and examine all speci- tional demands for the development of clinical competen-
mens, including the rare and fragile elements previously cies which, just as the world we live in, constantly change
not available for inspection. It is planned that 3D prints and increase in their complexity.
will also be utilised in pathology and radiology classes at
both Macquarie University and Western Sydney University. Yousef AbouHashem
Currently, another study is underway that focuses Faculty of Science and Engineering
on the usefulness of these 3D prints in education. The Macquarie University
study includes an investigation of students’ and teachers’ Sydney, Australia
perceptions of the educational value of the 3D prints
and projects in which volunteers will complete a series of Manisha Dayal
anatomy tests on the anatomy models, 3D prints, and School of Science and Health
real bones. Western Sydney University
Future plans regarding this stream of 3D printing Campbelltown, Australia
include scanning and printing of other anatomical
structures, particularly those not easily visible on cada- Stephane Savanah
vers and difficult to visualise. These will include, but not Faculty of Human Sciences
be limited to, small elements (bones of the middle ear), Macquarie University
cavities (sinuses, ventricles of the brain), and anatomical Sydney, Australia
variations and pathologies. These 3D prints will be used
in anatomy and a number of clinical subjects. Goran Štrkalj
Furthermore, as 3D-printing technologies evolve and Faculty of Science and Engineering
continue to reduce in cost, alternative printers and Macquarie University
techniques will be explored. A range of options, such Sydney, Australia
as vat photopolymerisation, binder jetting, and powder Email: [email protected]
bed fusion, will allow printing of structures that more
closely mimic the original resource. For example, choice
of materials and printer options can customise anatomy
prints to match the weight of the original model. In 1. Rengier F, Mehndiratta A, von Tengg-Kobligk H, Zechmann
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liminary study is to reduce the effort of using a handheld 25667.
3D surface scanner and instead use a micro-CT like the 3. Sugand K, Abrahams P, Khurana A. The anatomy of anatomy:
Quantum GX creating images that can be converted to a review for its modernization. Anat Sci Educ 2010; 3: 8393.
.STL files ready for 3D printing. This technology lends
itself well to human bones as images are of very high All authors made equal contribution in writing this paper.
(page number not for citation purpose)
Citation: Med Educ Online 2015, 20: 29847 -
Letter to the editor
4. Yammine K. The current status of anatomy knowledge: where dimensional (3D) printing technology. Anat Sci Educ 2014; 7:
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The production of anatomical teaching resources using three-