TECUMSEH++4-STROKE+ENGINES+ (Cortadoras+de+cesped) BY+OSIARG
TECUMSEH++4-STROKE+ENGINES+ (Cortadoras+de+cesped) BY+OSIARG
TECUMSEH++4-STROKE+ENGINES+ (Cortadoras+de+cesped) BY+OSIARG
(Except Vector & Overhead Valve Engines)
Model Bore Stroke Displacement Power Rating
ECV100 2.625 in. 1.844 in. 9.98 cu. in.
(66.68 mm) (46.84 mm) (164 cc)
H30 2.500 in. 1.844 in. 9.05 cu. in. 3.0 hp
(63.50 mm) (46.84 mm) (148 cc) (2.2 kW)
H35 2.500 in. 1.938 in. 9.51 cu. in. 3.5 hp
(63.50 mm) (49.23 mm) (156 cc) (2.6 Kw)
H50, HH50 2.625 in. 2.250 in. 12.18 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (57.15 mm) (229 cc) (93.7 Kw)
H60, HH60, HSK60 2.625 in. 2.500 in. 13.53 cu. in. 6.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (63.50 mm) (222 cc) (4.5 kW)
HS40 2.625 in. 1.938 in. 10.49 cu. in. 4.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (49.23 mm) (172 cc) (3.0 kW)
HS50 (early) 2.812 in. 1.938 in. 12.04 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71.43 mm) (49.23 mm) (197 cc) (3.7 kW)
HS50 (later) 2.795 in. 1.938 in. 11.90 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71 mm) (49.23 mm) (195 cc) (3.0 kW)
HSSK50 (early) 2.812 in. 1.938 in. 12.04 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71.43 mm) (49.23 mm) (197 cc) (3.7 kW)
HSSK50 (later) 2.795 in. 1.938 in. 11.90 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71 mm) (49.23 mm) (195 cc) (3.0 kW)
LEV80 2.313 in. 1.844 in. 7.75 cu. in. 3 hp
(58.75 mm) (46.84 mm) (127 cc) (2.2 kW)
LEV100 2.625 in. 1.844 in. 9.98 cu. in. 4.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (46.84 mm) (164 cc) (3.0 kW)
LEV115 2.795 in. 1.844 in. 11.32 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71 mm) (46.84 mm) (185 cc) (3.73 kW)
LEV120 2.795 in. 1.938 in. 11.90 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71 mm) (49.23 mm) (195 cc) (3.73 kW)
TNT100 2.625 in. 1.844 in. 9.98 cu. in. 4.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (46.84 mm) (164 cc) (3 kW)
TNT120 2.812 in. 1.938 in. 12.04 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71.43 mm) (49.23 mm) (197 cc) (3.7 kW)
TVM125 2.625 in. 2.250 in. 12.18 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (57.15 mm) (229 cc) (3.7 kW)
TVM140 2.625 in. 2.500 in. 13.53 cu. in. 6.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (63.50 mm) (222 cc) (4.5 kW)
TVS75 2.313 in. 1.844 in. 7.75 cu. in. 3.0 hp
(58.74 mm) (46.84 mm) (127 cc) (2.2 kW)
TVS90 2.500 in. 1.844 in. 9.05 cu. in. 3.5 hp
(63.50 mm) (46.84 mm) (148 cc) (2.6 kW)
TVS100 2.625 in. 1.844 in. 9.98 cu. in. 4.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (46.84 mm) (164 cc) (3.0 kW)
TVS105 (early) 2.625 in. 1.938 in. 10.49 cu. in. 4.0 hp
(66.68 mm) (49.23 mm) (172 cc) (3.0 kW)
TVS105 (later) 2.795 in. 1.844 in. 11.32 cu. in. 5.0 hp
(71 mm) (46.84 mm) (185 cc) (3.73 kW)
Engines must be identified by the complete model num-
ber, including the specification number in order to obtain
correct repair parts. Engine identification numbers, in-
cluding the model number, specification number and serial
number, are located on the blower housing or on a tag at-
tached to the engine. The numbers are stamped in an iden-
tification plate or directly in the metal as shown in Fig. T1.
On some later models, engine identification information is
Fig. T1–View of a typical Tecumseh engine identification number. provided on a decal. Remove top cover bezel on LEV series
engines for access to the decal on the blower housing.
The engine model number identifies the basic engine
ECH Exclusive Craftsman Horisontal Crankshaft family. Refer to Fig. T2 for a breakdown and example of a
ECV Exclusive Craftsman Vertical Crankshaft typical Tecumseh engine model number.
H Horizontal Crankshaft The specification number specifies the parts configura-
HH Horizontal Crankshaft Heavy Duty (Cast Iron)
HHM Horizontal Crankshaft Heavy Duty (Cast Iron)
tion of the engine, as well as cosmetic details such as paint
Medium Frame color and decals. The specification number also determines
HM Horzontal Crankshaft Medium Frame governor speed settings depending on the engine’s applica-
HS Horizontal Crankshaft Small Frame tion, i.e., lawnmower, tractor, pump, etc.
HSK Horizontal Crankshaft Snow King The serial number provides information concerning the
HSSK Horizontal Crankshat Snow King Small Frame manufacturing of the engine. Refer to Fig. T2 for a break-
LAV Lightweight Aluminum Vertical Crankshaft down of a typical serial number.
LEW Low Emissions Vertical Crankshaft
OHM Overhead Valve Horizontal Crankshaft Note that some engines are classified using the term
Medium Frame “frame.” Tecumseh classifies the basic engine structure ac-
OVH Overhead Valve Vertical Crankshaft cording to the type of metal, either aluminum or cast iron,
Medium Frame used to manufacture the engine crankcase and the metal
OVRM Overhead Valve Vertical Crankshaft Rotary Mower in the cylinder bore. A small frame engine is made of alu-
TNT Toro N’Tecumseh minum with an aluminum cylinder bore. A medium frame
TVM Tecumseh Vertical Crankshaft (Medium Frame) engine is made of aluminum and has a cast iron liner in the
TVS Tecumseh Styled Vertical Crankshaft
cylinder bore. A heavy frame engine is made of cast iron
TVXL Tecumseh Vertical Crankshaft Extra Life
V Vertical Crankshaft with a cast iron cylinder bore.
VH Vertical CrankshaftHeavy Duty (Cast Iron) It is important to transfer the blower housing or identifi-
VLV Vector Lightweight Vertical Crankshaft cation tag from the original engine to a replacement short
VN Vertical Crankshaft Medium Frame block assembly so unit can be identified when servicing.
EXAMPLE If selecting a replacement engine and model or type
Engine model and specification numbers TVS90-4356A number of the old engine is not known, refer to chart in
TVS Techumseh Styled Vertical Crankshaft Fig. T3 and proceed as follows:
90 Indicates 9 cubic inch displacement 1. List the corresponding number that indicates the crank-
43056A Is the specification number uses to identify shaft position.
engine parts 2. Determine the horsepower needed.
Engine serial number 8310C 3. Determine the primary features needed. (Refer to the
8 First digit is the year of manufacture (1978) Tecumseh Engines Specification Book No. 692531 for spe-
310 Indicates calendar day of that year (310th day or cific engine variations.)
November 6, 1978) 4. Refer to Fig. T2 for Tecumseh engine model number and
C Represents the line and shift on which the engine
serial number interpretation.
was built at the factory
Note that new short blocks are identified by a tag
Fig. T2–Table showing Tecumseh engine model number and se- marked SBH (Short Block Horizontal) or SBV (Short Block
rial number interpretation. Vertical).
AIR FILTER Fig. T5–Drain hole (D) must be down when installing valve tap-
pet cover.
The filter element may be made of foam or paper, or a
combination of both foam and paper. The recommended
maintenance interval depends on the type of filter ele-
Foam type filter elements should be cleaned, inspected
and re-oiled after every 25 hours of engine operation, or af-
ter three months, whichever occurs first. Clean the filter in
soapy water then squeeze the filter until dry (don’t twist
the filter). Inspect the filter for tears and holes or any other
opening. Discard the filter if it cannot be cleaned satisfac-
torily or if the filter is torn or otherwise damaged. Pour
clean engine oil into the filter, then squeeze the filter to re-
move the excess oil and distribute oil throughout the filter.
Paper type filter elements should be replaced annually
or more frequently if the engine operates in a severe envi-
ronment, such as extremely dusty conditions. A dirty filter
element cannot be cleaned and must be discarded.
Three types of crankcase breather have been used: an in-
tegral breather, a top-mounted breather and a Fig. T6–View of top-mounted crankcase breather used on some
side-mounted breather. engines with a vertical crankshaft.
Refer to owner’s manual or spark plug manufacturer’s
recommendations for recommended spark plug. Note that
engine application may affect recommended spark plug.
A resistor type plug may be required in some localities.
Specified spark plug electrode gap for all models is 0.030
inch (0.76 mm). Tighten spark plug to 18-20 ft.-lb. (24.5-27
N•m) torque.
Fig. T7–Cross-section of top-mounted crankcase breather.
Several different carburetors are used on these engines.
Refer to the appropriate paragraph for model being ser-
Cover plate viced.
(29) regardless of size or placement of washers around the
Fig. T12–If carburetor flange is not marked with an “F” (see Fig.
On carburetors marked with a “F” as shown in Fig. T11, T11), diaphragm and gasket should be installed in order shown.
gasket (33–Fig. T9) must be installed between diaphragm
(32) and cover (34). All other models are assembled as
shown in Fig. T12, with gasket between diaphragm and
sition is one turn open. Clockwise rotation leans mixture
carburetor body.
and counterclockwise rotation richens mixture.
Final adjustment is made with the engine at operating
Tecumseh Standard Float Carburetor temperature and running. Operate engine at rated speed
and adjust main fuel mixture screw (35) for smoothest en-
Refer to Fig. T13 for an exploded view of the Tecumseh gine operation. Operate engine at idle speed and adjust
standard float carburetor. idle mixture screw (16) for smoothest engine idle. If the en-
Initial adjustment of idle mixture screw (16–Fig. T13) gine does not accelerate smoothly, slight adjustment of
and main fuel mixture screw (35) from a lightly seated po- main fuel mixture screw may be required.
11/64 in.
drill bit
Fig. T17–Float height
can be set using
Tecumseh float tool
670253A as shown.
NOTE: Some carburetors on low-emission engines and retainer into the carburetor using a 3
4 inch deep well
are equipped with caps to prevent adjustment of socket.
mixture screws. Mixture adjustment should be per-
formed only if approved by Tecumseh. Tecumseh Low-Emission Carburetor
Some engines are equipped with a low-emission carbure-
Refer to Fig. T22 for operating principles of Automagic tor that enables the engine to comply with CARB (Califor-
carburetor. Dual System carburetor operation is similar. nia Air Resources Board) and EPA emission requirements.
On carburetors equipped with a primer bulb, air pressure The carburetor is equipped with a fixed main jet (26–Fig.
from the primer bulb forces fuel through the main jet and T23) and a fixed idle jet (13) that is covered by a cap (12).
up the nozzle, thereby enriching the air:fuel mixture for When servicing carburetor, refer to service procedures
starting. for Tecumseh float carburetors while also noting the fol-
Follow service procedures outlined in previous section lowing: Upper O-ring (22) may remain in carburetor body.
on Tecumseh float carburetors when servicing Automagic Remove O-ring from body. Before installing nozzle (23),
or Dual System carburetor. On Dual System carburetors, place both O-rings on nozzle before inserting nozzle in car-
install the primer bulb and retainer by pushing the bulb buretor body. Install the primer bulb (10) and retainer (11)
Before Start
Before starting fuel fills well to
Throttle level maintained in float bowl.
When engine is stopped prime
well refills instantly to prepare
for next starting cycle.
Air bleed
Main jet
Fig. T26–Drawing of underside of speed control panel. Fig. T30–View of governor mechanism on horizontal crankshaft
7. Control panel 16. Idle speed stop engines for constant speed application showing location of gov-
10. Ignition stop switch 18. High-speed stop ernor spring (G), governor lever (L) and adjusting screw (S).
Fig. T27–View of governor mechanism on light frame, horizontal Fig. T31–View of governor mechanism on horizontal crankshaft
crankshaft engines showing location of governor spring (G), engines on Snow King engines showing location of governor
governor lever (L) and adjusting screw (S). spring (G), governor lever (L) and adjusting screw (S).
Fig. T28–View of governor mechanism on light frame, horizontal Fig, T32–View of governor mechanism on medium frame, hori-
crankshaft engines for recrational vehicle application showing zontal crankshaft engines on Snow King engines showing loca-
location of governor spring (G), governor lever (L) and adjusting tion of governor spring (G), governor level (L) and adjusting
screw (S). screw (S).
Fig. T36–View of governor mechanism on vertical crankshaft en- Fig. T40–View of governor mechanism on Model TVS engines
gines showing location of governor spring (G), governor lever with a fully adjustable carburetor showing location of governor
(L) and adjusting screw (S). spring (G), governor lever (L) and adjusting screw (S).
Model Position BTDC
ECV100, HS40, TNT100,
TNT120, TVS105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.035 in. (0.89 mm)
HS50, TVS120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.050 in. (1.27 mm)
H30, H35, TVS75, TVS90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.065 in. (1.65 mm)
H50, HH50, H60, HH60,
TVM125, TVM140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.080 in. (2.03 mm)
Engines equipped with breaker-point ignition have the
ignition points and condenser mounted under the fly-
wheel, and the coil and laminations mounted outside the
flywheel. This system is identified by the round shape of
the coil (Fig. T43) and a stamping “Grey Key” in the coil to
identify the correct flywheel key.
Fig. T41–View of governor mechanism on Model TVM engines The correct air gap setting between the flywheel mag-
showing location of governor spring (G, governor lever (L) and nets and the coil laminations is 0.0125 inch (0.32 mm). Use
adjusting screw (S).
Tecumseh gauge 670297 or equivalent thickness plastic
strip to set gap.
Key A flywheel brake is used on some engines that will stop
the engine within three seconds when the mower safety
Rounded coil
handle is released. The ignition circuit is grounded also
when the brake is actuated. On electric start models, an in-
Fig. T43–Drawing of ignition coil and flywheel key used on en- terlock switch prevents energizing the starter motor if the
gines equipped with a breaker-point ignition system and an ex- brake is engaged.
ternal ignition coil. Coil is marked “GREY KEY” and key is
colored grey. Refer to FLYWHEEL BRAKE in REPAIRS section for
adjustment and service.
Clearance between valve tappet and valve stem (engine
cold) is 0.008-0.012 inch (0.20-0.30 mm) for intake and ex-
haust valves for Models H50, HH50, H60, HH60, TVM125
and TVM140. Valve tappet clearance for all other models is
0.004-0.008 inch (0.10-0.20 mm) for intake and exhaust
To check and adjust clearance, remove the valve tappet
chamber cover (37–Fig. T45 or 30–Fig. T46). It may be nec-
essary to remove the carburetor and muffler for access to
the tappet chamber. Rotate crankshaft so piston is at top
dead center on compression stroke. Measure clearance be-
tween valve stem and tappet with a feeler gauge. If clear-
Square module Spacer ance is less than specified, remove valve and carefully
Fig. T44–Drawing of ignition coil, flywheel key and spacer used grind valve stem end as necessary to obtain specified clear-
on some engines with a solid-state ignition system. Coil is ance. To reduce the clearance, reface the valve and valve
marked “GOLD KEY” and key is colored gold. seat or replace the valve.
Fig. T46–Exploded view of typical engine with a
horizontal crankshaft.
1. Oil seal (camshaft) 25. Exhaust valve
2. Oil seal 26. Spring
3. Governor shaft 27. Retainer
4. Washer 28. Dowel pin
5. Flyweight assy. 29. Breather tube
6. Snap ring 30. Tappet cover
7. Governor spool 31. Gasket
8. Snap ring 32. Filter
9. Crankcase cover 33. Breather
10. Gasket 34. Gasket
11. Piston rings 35. Clamp
12. Retaining ring 36. Governor lever
13. Piston 37. Drain plug
14. Connecting rod 38. Crankcase
15. Thrust washer 39. Washer
16. Tappets 40. Governor shaft
17. Camshaft 41. Shroud
18. Crankshaft 42. Oil seal
19. Rod cap 43. Spacer
20. Oil dipper 44. Flywheel
21. Key 45. Starter cup
22. Cylinder head 46. Belleville washer
23. Gasket 47. Nut
24. Intake valve
To remove cylinder head (16–Fig. T45 or 22–Fig. T46),
remove blower housing and all interfering shrouds and
brackets. Clean area around cylinder head to prevent en-
trance of foreign material. Unscrew cylinder head screws
and remove cylinder head and gasket.
Clean carbon from cylinder head being careful not to
damage gasket mating surface. Use a straightedge to
check cylinder head for distortion. If cylinder head is
warped more than 0.005 inch (0.13 mm), replace the cylin- Fig. T47–Install Belleville washer (B) and flat washer (W) on
cylinder head screw as shown.
der head.
A new head gasket should be installed when installing
cylinder head. Do not apply any type of sealant to the head
gasket. Some cylinder head screws are equipped with flat
washers, while some screws are equipped with a Belleville
washer (B—Fig. T47) as well as a flat washer (W). The
Belleville washer must be installed so the concave side is
toward the screw threads. On H50 and H60 series engines,
install cylinder head screws equipped with a Belleville
washer in the locations shown in Fig. T48.
Tighten the cylinder head screws on engines with eight
cylinder head screws in the sequence shown in Fig. T49.
Tighten the cylinder head screws on engines with nine cyl-
inder head screws in the sequence shown in Fig. T50.
Tighten cylinder head retaining screws evenly in 50 in.-lb.
(5.6 N•m) increments to a final torque of 200 in.-lb. (23
CRANKCASE COVER Fig. T48–On H50 and H60 series engines, install cylinder head
screws and equipped with a Belleville washer in the locations
Some horizontal crankshaft models are equipped with a shown.
ball bearing at the PTO end of the crankshaft. On Models
H30 through HS50 the ball bearing is retained in the
crankshaft cover, while on Models H50, H60, HH50 and
HH60, the bearing is pressed on the crankshaft.
Before removing the crankcase cover on Models H30
through HS50, measure oil seal depth then remove the oil
seal. Detach snap ring (Fig. T51) from the crankshaft and
remove crankcase cover. A screw on the inside of the cover
secures the main bearing. When installing cover, press
new seal in to same depth as old seal before removal.
To remove the crankcase cover on Models H50, H60,
HH50 and HH60, refer to Fig. T52 and note location of
bearing lock screws. Loosen locknuts and rotate protrud-
ing ends of lock screws counterclockwise. The inner ends of
the lock screws will move away from the bearing (Fig. T53)
thereby allowing withdrawal of the cover from the crank-
shaft and bearing.
Install crankcase cover with a new gasket. Tighten
crankcase cover screws evenly to 125 in.-lb. (14 N•m).
To remove valves, first remove the cylinder head as pre-
viously outlined. Remove the valve tappet chamber cover. Fig. T49–Tighten cylinder head screws in sequence shown on
Rotate crankshaft so piston is at top dead center on com- engines equipped with eight cylinder head screws.
pression stroke. Compress the valve spring and remove the
spring retainer. Remove spring and valve from cylinder
Remove carbon from valve head and stem. Inspect valve seat angle is 46° for intake and exhaust. Replace valve if
and valve seat for evidence of pitting, overheating, distor- valve head margin is less than inch (0.79 mm) after grind-
tion or other damage. If valve is in useable condition, valve ing. Valve seats are not replaceable.
face should be reground. Valve face angle is 45° and valve Refer to following table for specified valve seat width:
PTO ball
Interior of cover
Snap ring Fig. T54–If valve spring has dampening coils, install spring with
dampening coils against the cylinder block (away from valve
spring retainer).
Valve stem guides are cast into cylinder block and are
not replaceable. If excessive clearance exists between
Flat Exterior
of cover
valve stem and guide, guide should be reamed and a new
valve with an oversize stem installed. The valve seats
must be refaced after reaming valve guides to align the
seat to the guide.
When installing the valves, make certain the valves are
installed in the correct location. Valves marked “EX” are
exhaust and valves marked “I” are intake. If valve spring
has dampening coils (Fig. T54), the spring must be in-
stalled with the dampening coils against the cylinder block
Turn counterclockwise Turn clockwise (away from the valve cap and retainer).
to lock to lock
Fig. T52–View showing bearing locks on Models H50, H60, HH50 CAMSHAFT
and HH60 equipped with ball bearing main bearings. Locks must
be released before removing crankcase cover. Refer to Fig. T53 Remove the crankcase cover/oil pan for access to the
for interior view of cover and locks. camshaft. When removing camshaft, align timing marks
marks Fig T62–View of governor
used on engines with hor-
izontal crankshaft.
Refer to the following table for standard crankpin jour- Fig. T63–Detach snap ring
nal diameter: (R) to remove flyweight
Model Crankpin Diameter
ECV100, H30, LEV80, LEV115,
TNT100, TVS75, TVS90, TVS100,
TVS105, TVS115, TVXL115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8610-0.8615 in.
(21.869-21.882 mm)
H35, HS40, HS50, HSSK50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9995-1.0000 in.
(25.390-25.400 mm) Connecting rod bearing-to-crankpin journal clearance
LEV100, LEV115, LEV120, TNT120, should be 0.0005-0.0015 inch (0.013-0.038 mm) for all mod-
TVS105, TVS120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9995-1.0000 in. els.
(25.390-25.400 mm)
Assemble connecting rod and piston as outlined in previ-
H50, HH50, H60, HH60,
ous section. Tighten connecting rod screws to 170 in.-lb.
HSK60, TVM125, TVM140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0615-1.0620 in.
(19.2 N•m) torque on H50, H60, HSK60, TVM125 and
(26.962-26.975 mm)
TVM140 engines or to 105 in.-lb. (11.5 N•m) torque on all
other models.
Standard inside diameter for connecting rod big end is
listed in the following table (if engine has external ignition,
check list for a different specification than engines not so GOVERNOR
equipped): On most engines with a vertical crankshaft and low
Model Rod Big End Diameter horsepower horizontal crankshaft engines, the governor is
ECV100, H30, LEV80, LEV115, retained on the shaft by snap ring (R–Fig. T61). On larger
TNT100, TVS75, TVS90, TVS100, horizontal crankshaft engines, the governor is retained by
TVS105, TVS115, TVXL115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8620-0.8625 in. bracket (B–Fig. T62).
(21.895-21.908 mm) To remove spool, detach either upper snap ring or
H35, HS40, HS50, HSSK50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0005-1.0010 in. bracket. Detach lower snap ring (R–Fig. T63) to remove
(25.423-25.425 mm) flyweight assembly. A washer (W–Fig. T64) is located un-
LEV100, LEV115, LEV120, der the flyweight assembly. On some engines, a spacer
TNT120, TVS105, TVS120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0005-1.0010 in. (S–Fig. T65) is located under washer (W).
(25.413-25.425 mm) On later small frame engines and replacement shafts, no
H50, HH50, H60, HH60, snap rings are used on the governor shaft. The governor is
HSK60, TVM125, TVM140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0630-1.0636 in. held in place by a boss on the governor shaft. The fly-
(27.000-27.013 mm) weights and gear are available only as a unit assembly.
Vertical crankshaft engines are equipped with a barrel
and plunger type oil pump located in the oil pan. An eccen-
tric on the camshaft drives the oil pump.
Chamfered side of drive collar (Fig. T67) should be to-
ward camshaft gear. Oil pumps may be equipped with two
chamfered sides, one chamfered side or with flat boss as
Fig. T65–Some engines
are equipped with a shown. Be sure installation is correct.
spacer (S) under thrust
Always note oil seal depth and seal lip direction before
removing oil seal from crankcase or cover. New seal must
be pressed into seal bore to the same depth as old seal be-
fore removal on all models.
Refer to CONNECTING ROD section for specified
crankshaft crankpin journal diameters.
Crankshaft main bearing journals on some models ride
directly in the aluminum alloy bores in the cylinder block
and crankcase cover or oil pan. Other engines are origi-
Fig. T66–Install governor nally equipped with replaceable steel backed bronze bush-
shaft so height is as spec- ings, and some are originally equipped with a ball type
ified in text.
main bearing at the PTO end of crankshaft. On Models
H50, H60, HH50 and HH60, the bearing is pressed on the
Standard diameters for main bearing bores are listed in
the following table (if engine has external ignition, check
the list for a different specification than engines not so
Main Bearing
Model Inside Diameter
ECV100, TVS75, TVS90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8755-0.8760 in.
(22.238-22.250 mm)
Fig. T67–Install oil pump ECV100 (external ignition),
so chamfer (F) is toward
camshaft. H30, LEV80, TVS75 (external ignition),
TVS90 (external ignition),TNT100, TVS100:
Crankcase side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0005-1.0010 in.
(25.413-25.425 mm)
Cover (flange) side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8755-0.8760 in.
(22.238-22.250 mm)
H35, H50, H60, HH50,
The governor shaft is pressed into the crankcase cover or HH60, HS40, HS50,
oil pan and may be replaced if the mounting boss is not HSK60, HSSK50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0005-1.0010 in.
damaged or the hole is not enlarged. To remove the gover- (25.413-25.425 mm)
nor shaft, clamp the shaft in a vise and using a soft mallet, LEV100, LEV115, LEV120,
drive the crankcase cover or oil pan off the shaft. Do not at- TNT120,TVM125, TVM140,
tempt to twist governor shaft out of boss. Twisting will en- TVS105, TVS115, TVS120,
large the hole. TVXL115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0005-1.0010 in.
Apply Loctite 271 (red) to end of new shaft. If shaft is (25.413-25.425 mm)
retainerless design, position washer and governor gear as-
sembly on shaft before installing shaft, then press in shaft Standard diameters for crankshaft main bearing jour-
until the governor gear has 0.010-0.020 inch (0.25-0.50 nals are shown in the following table (if engine has exter-
mm) axial play. If snap rings are used on the governor nal ignition, check the list for a different specification than
shaft, press shaft into crankcase cover or oil pan until the engines not so equipped):
Main Bearing Standard cylinder bore diameters are listed in the fol-
Model Journal Diameter lowing table (if engine has external ignition, check the list
ECV100, TVS75, TVS90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8735-0.8740 in. for a different specification than engines not so equipped):
(22.187-22.200 mm)
ECV100 (external ignition), H30,
Model Bore Diameter
LEV80, TVS75 (external ignition),
H30, LEV80, TVS75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3125-2.3135 in.
TVS90 (external ignition), TNT100,
(58.738-58.763 mm)
H30, H35, TVS90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5000-2.5010 in.
Crankcase side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9985-0.9990 in.
(63.500-63.525 mm)
(25.362-25.375 mm)
ECV100, H50, H60, HH50,
Cover (flange) side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8735-0.8740 in.
HH60, HS40, HSK60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6250-2.6260 in.
(22.187-22.200 mm)
(66-675-66.700 mm)
H35, H50, H60, HH50, HH60,
LEV100, TNT100, TVM125,
HS40, HS50, HSK60, HSSK50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9985-0.9990 in.
TVM140, TVS100, TVS105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6250-2.6260 in.
(25.362-25.375 mm)
(66.675-66.700 mm)
LEV100, LEV115, LEV120,
HS50 (later), HSSK50 (later),
TNT120, TVM125, TVM140,
LEV115, LEV120, TVS115 (later),
TVS105, TVS115, TVS120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9985-0.9990 in.
TVS120 (later), TVXL115 (early) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.795-2.796 in.
(25.362-25.375 mm)
(70.993-71.018 mm)
HS50 (early), HSSK50 (early),
Main bearing clearance should be 0.0015-0.0025 inch TNT120, TVS115 (early),
(0.038-0.064 mm). Crankshaft end play should be TVS120 (early), TVXL115 (early) . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8120-2.8130 in.
0.005-0.027 inch (0.13-0.069 mm) for all models. (71.425-71.450 mm)
On models equipped with a ball bearing, inspect the Refer to PISTON, PIN AND RINGS section for correct
bearing and replace when damaged. On Models H50, H60, piston-to-cylinder block clearance. Note also that cylinder
HH50 and HH60, the bearing must be pressed on or off block used on Models H50, HH50, TVM125 and TVM140
crankshaft journal using a suitable press or puller. has been “trenched” to improve fuel flow and power (Fig.
When installing crankshaft, align crankshaft and cam- T59).
shaft gear timing marks as shown in Fig. T55. If there is no The proper crosshatch pattern must be restored in the
timing mark on the crankshaft gear, align the keyway in cylinder bore when installing new piston rings. A rigid
the crankshaft with the timing mark on the camshaft gear. hone is recommended for reconditioning or resizing the cyl-
If the crankshaft is equipped with a ball bearing or the inder. Use honing stones and lubrication recommended by
crankshaft gear is pressed on (no keyway), align the crank- the hone manufacturer to produce the correct cylinder wall
shaft gear tooth that is beveled or has a punch mark (Fig. finish. Operate hone at 300-700 rpm and with an up and
T56) with the mark on the camshaft. down movement that will produce the desired crosshatch
pattern. Always check availability of oversize piston and
ring sets before honing cylinder.
CYLINDER AND CRANKCASE After honing, the cylinder and crankcase must be thor-
oughly cleaned to remove all abrasive particles. Honing
Cylinder and crankcase are an integral casting on all grit is extremely abrasive and will result in rapid wear to
models. Cylinder should be honed and fitted to nearest all internal components if not completely removed. Use a
oversize piston and ring set that is available if cylinder is stiff brush with a solution of detergent and hot water to
scored, tapered or out-of-round more than 0.005 inch (0.13 clean the cylinder wall and crankcase. Clean until all
mm). traces of honing grit and metal particles are removed.