Benacerraf B.R. Gynecologic Ultrasound (2014)
Benacerraf B.R. Gynecologic Ultrasound (2014)
Benacerraf B.R. Gynecologic Ultrasound (2014)
A Problem-Based Approach
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A Problem-Based Approach
Beryl R. Benacerraf, MD
Clinical Professor of Radiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology and
Reproductive Biology
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Consultant in OB-GYN
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Steven R. Goldstein, MD
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
New York University School of Medicine
Director, Gynecologic Ultrasound
Co-Director, Bone Densitometry
New York University Langone Medical Center
New York, New York
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About the Authors
Receiving her MD in 1976 from Harvard Medical board member of the International Society of Ultra-
School, Beryl R. Benacerraf went on to complete her sound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Benacerraf
internship at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, her resi- is also the medical director and president of Diagnos-
dency at Massachusetts General Hospital, and her fel- tic Ultrasound Associates, PC, a medical practice that
lowship in ultrasound and computed tomography at she founded in 1982. She served as Editor in Chief of
Brigham and Women’s Hospital. During her 34-year the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine from 2000 to
academic affiliation with Harvard Medical School, 2010. Her contributions to the field of diagnostic
she has risen to the rank of clinical professor in ultrasound have been recognized by the Ian Donald
obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology and Gold Medal of the International Society of Ultra-
radiology. From 1991 through 1993, Dr. Benacerraf sound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Frye Award,
was co-director of high-risk obstetric ultrasound at and the Holmes award (both from the American
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and from 1993 Institute of Ultrasound). She was selected to deliver
through 1999 she was director of the obstetric ultra- the Silver Lecture at Barnard College in 2007, and she
sound unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. received the 2008 Marie Curie Award from the Asso-
Active in the ultrasound community, Dr. Benacer- ciation of Women Radiologists. In 2010, she was the
raf has directed and organized a host of postgraduate recipient of the Larry Mack award for lifetime achieve-
ultrasound courses. Among her many roles in the ment in ultrasound research from the Society of Radi-
ultrasound community, she is an elected fellow of the ologists in Ultrasound.
American College of Radiology and the Society of Having authored more than 260 peer-reviewed arti-
Radiologists in Ultrasound, was treasurer of the World cles, she has focused her research on the detection
Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology and significance of fetal anomalies. Dr. Benacerraf
for 7 years, is the current president-elect of the Ameri- did the original research that linked nuchal thicken-
can Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, and is a ing directly to an increased risk for fetal Down
About the Authors
syndrome and developed the genetic sonogram, both His pioneering work in menopausal and perimeno-
of which have changed the way all pregnant women pausal ultrasound led him into design of uterine
are currently screened for fetal Down syndrome. She safety studies for several Selective Estrogen Receptor
has also made important contributions to the imple- Modulators. In addition he is the Co-Director of the
mentation of 3-D ultrasound in both obstetrics and Bone Densitometry Unit at NYU Langone Medical
gynecology. She has contributed chapters to many Center. Clinically, his practice has evolved into issues
textbooks in the field and is the sole author of Ultra- of menopausal and perimenopausal medicine with
sound of Fetal Syndromes, recently published in its sec- particular interest in ultrasound applications for both
ond edition. More recently, she has taken a special adnexal masses and abnormal bleeding.
interest in ultrasound of gynecologic patients, in par- He has authored textbooks titled Endovaginal Ultra-
ticular those with chronic pelvic pain. sound and Ultrasound in Gynecology. More recently, he
authored Imaging in the Infertile Couple and Textbook of
Steven R. Goldstein, MD, is a Magna Cum Laude Perimenopausal Gynecology. He is one of the most
graduate of Colgate University with a Baccalaureate highly recognized and regarded individuals in the
degree in Biology. He graduated from the New York field of vaginal probe ultrasound worldwide. He has
University School of Medicine and did an internship authored more than 60 chapters in textbooks and
in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Parkland Memorial more than 80 original research articles. He has been a
Hospital in Dallas, Texas. He did a residency in guest faculty member, invited speaker, visiting profes-
Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University sor, or course director more than 400 times through-
Affiliated Hospitals/ Bellevue Hospital Center. There- out the United States and the world.
after he joined the faculty of the Department of Dr. Goldstein has a long history as an adviser and
Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University consultant to the pharmaceutical industry. He has
School of Medicine, rising to his current rank of Pro- been on gynecologic advisory boards and/or con-
fessor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a tenured full- sulted for Amgen, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli
time academic position. However, in this capacity, he Lilly, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Novo Nordisk,
maintains a half-time private practice as a generalist Wyeth, Procter & Gamble, Warner Chilcott, Shion-
in Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Faculty Practice ogi, QuatRx, Depomed, and Pfizer. He has repre-
suites at New York University. sented Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and Mirabilis Medica in their
His longstanding interests in OB-GYN ultrasound appearances before FDA Advisory Boards. He has
have led him to his current position as Director of designed studies of uterine safety for Eli Lilly,
Gynecologic Ultrasound at New York University Wyeth, Pfizer, and GlaxoSmithKline. He holds two
Medical Center. He is a Fellow of the American patents in the medical device arena. He was director
Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and is currently of a publicly traded ultrasound company, SonoSite,
President of this national organization. He is a past Inc., from its inception until its sale to Fuji Medical
President of the North American Menopause Soci- in 2012.
ety. He served on the Board of Directors of the He resides in New York City.
American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonogra-
phers, having prepared the test and administered Yvette S. Groszmann attended Tufts University
policy for the certification of over 40,000 sonogra- and graduated with a BS in Biopsychology. She
phers nationwide. He is a past Chairman of the obtained her medical degree in 2000 from the Uni-
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, versity of Connecticut, as well as a Master’s in Public
New York section. He was author of their Technical Health. She then completed a residency in Obstetrics
Bulletin Ultrasound in Gynecology as well as the and Gynecology at Pennsylvania Hospital in Phila-
author of their practice guidelines on SERMs (selec- delphia. Her residency training emphasized the
tive estrogen receptor modulators). He serves as the importance of ultrasound as part of the routine prac-
liaison physician from the American College of tice of obstetrics and gynecology. As a result, she
Obstetrics and Gynecology to the Women’s Health received considerable training and practice in ultra-
Imaging Panel of the American College of Radiol- sound during her time at Pennsylvania Hospital.
ogy. He has been an examiner for the American After completing her formal training, she joined a
Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. multispecialty medical group in Boston as a full-time
About the Authors
obstetrician-gynecologist with hospital appointments received a teaching award during residency. She is
at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Faulkner Hos- currently a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical
pital. In 2009, Dr. Groszmann left her practice as a School and teaches gynecologic ultrasound to the
generalist to do a fellowship in diagnostic ultrasound OB-GYN residents.
under the guidance of Dr. Beryl Benacerraf. She joined Dr. Groszmann is a fellow of the American College
Diagnostic Ultrasound Associates in 2010 and contin- of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of the
ues her affiliation with Brigham and Women’s American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. She is
Hospital.Dr. Groszmann enjoys teaching, and she board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
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This book is designed for the clinician as a practi- Differential Diagnosis, Clinical Aspects and
cal approach to problem-solving for gynecologic Recommendations, and Suggested Reading.
patients. The book provides a stepwise and con- There is also a chapter on the normal ultra-
venient guide to the diagnosis of gynecologic sound examination of the female pelvis, fol-
abnormalities for practitioners providing gyne- lowed by a series of 26 test cases of abnormalities
cologic care. for readers to see what they have learned.
The book is organized by a listing of symptoms This book is not a standard textbook on gyne-
or findings that a practitioner might encounter cologic ultrasound, of which there are many
when evaluating a patient sonographically (in the excellent offerings. Most of these textbooks are
Contents section called List of Differential Diag- constructed with separate chapters for each organ
noses). These categories include a variety of topics, (such as the uterus, ovary, and fallopian tubes).
including pelvic pain, pelvic masses, and post- Rather, this book is intended as a reference
menopausal bleeding. Under each category, there focused on problem solving. A clinician can con-
is a list of differential diagnostic possibilities. For sult the book to look up a specific symptom or
example, within pelvic pain, the differential diag- finding and help narrow down the differential
noses include appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, diagnoses to one correct entity.
hemorrhagic cyst, degenerating fibroid, and so This book is intended for radiologists,
on. The reader can select or refer to the specific obstetricians/gynecologists, infertility specialists,
disease or entity to go into a “mini-chapter” (there emergency physicians, sonographers, and resi-
are 54 of these) and read more about that particu- dents in OB-GYN and radiology who perform
lar entity and its sonographic appearance, as well pelvic ultrasound. The book may also be useful
as review images illustrating it. to primary care physicians, nurse practitioners,
The 54 mini-chapters focus on each entity or physician’s assistants, and other personnel who
diagnosis (such as hemorrhagic cyst, fibroid, or see patients with pelvic symptoms and order the
polyps) and contain abundant images (more imaging. The diagnoses are presented by symp-
than 600) from several patients to give compre- tom, differential diagnosis, and alphabetically
hensive examples of the sonographic and for easy searching.
Doppler findings for each of these findings or It is hoped that this book will give practitio-
disease states. Each mini-chapter is arranged in ners who take care of women with pelvic com-
a standard format that includes Synonyms/ plaints a practical reference that will be useful in
Description, Etiology, Ultrasound Findings, solving their diagnostic dilemmas.
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Section 1 ENTITIES M
A Metastatic Tumor to the Ovary 118
Mucinous Cystadenoma 122
Müllerian Duct Anomalies 125
Adhesions (Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst) 8
Appendiceal Mucocele 11 O
Atrophic Endometrium 14
Ovarian Calcifications 136
B Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial) 137
Ovarian/Tubal Torsion 147
Bladder Masses 15
Ovarian Vein Thrombosis 153
Borderline Ovarian Tumor 21
Bowel Diseases 26 P
Brenner Tumor 32
Paratubal or Paraovarian Cysts 155
C Pelvic Congestion Syndrome 157
Pelvic Kidney 159
Cervical Masses 34
Polycystic Ovaries 161
Cesarean Scar Defect 39
Polyps, Endometrial 163
Corpus Luteum and Hemorrhagic Cyst 43
Premature Ovarian Failure 170
Cyst, Clear 48
Cystadenofibroma51 R
D Retained Products of Conception 172
Dermoid Cyst 53 S
Scarred Uterus and Asherman’s Syndrome 177
E Schwannoma182
Serous Cystadenoma 184
Ectopic Pregnancy 58
Struma Ovarii 186
Endometrial Carcinoma 65
Endometrial Hyperplasia and the Differential T
Diagnosis for Thick Endometrium 71
T-Shaped Uterus 189
Tarlov Cysts 192
Epidermoid Cyst 83
Theca Lutein Cyst 194
F Tube Carcinoma, Primary Fallopian 196
Tubo-Ovarian Abcess and Pelvic Inflammatory
Fibroma (Ovarian), Thecoma, and Fibrothecoma 93
Ureteral Stone 203
Granulosa Cell Tumor 96
Uterine Sarcoma 205
Hematometra and Hematocolpos 98
Vaginal Masses 209
List of Differential Diagnoses
Pelvic Pain
Appendicitis or mucocele 11
Degenerating fibroid 85
Ectopic pregnancy 58
Hemorrhagic cyst 43
Ovarian/adnexal torsion 147
Ovarian torsion 147
Ovarian vein thrombosis 153
Tubo-ovarian abscess/PID 199
Ureteral stone 203
Adenomyosis 3
Adhesions—peritoneal inclusion cyst—loculated fluid 8
Cystitis 15
Deep penetrating endometriosis 76
Endometriosis/endometrioma 76
Fibroids 85
Hydrosalpinx 104
Inflammatory bowel disease 26
IUD (abnormal location) 111
Pelvic congestion 157
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 11
Salpingitis 199
Pelvic Mass
Adenomyosis 3
Degenerating fibroid 85
Fibroid 85
Hematometra/hematocolpos 98
Nabothian cyst 38
Sarcoma 205
List of Differential Diagnoses
Vaginal mass
Fibroid 85 and 209
Gartner’s duct cyst 209
Lymphoma 116 and 209
Sarcoma 209
Cervical mass
Cervical cancer 38
Cervical fibroid 38 and 85
Cervical lymphoma 38 and 116
Cervical polyp 38 and 163
Complex cystic mass
Appendiceal mucocele 11
Corpus luteum 43
Cystadenofibroma 51
Decidualized endometrioma in pregnancy 76
Ectopic pregnancy 58
Endometrioma 76
Epidermoid cyst 83
Hemorrhagic cyst 43
Hydrosalpinx 104
Mucinous cystadenoma 122
Ovarian malignancy (borderline or invasive) 137
Serous cystadenoma 184
Theca luteum cyst 194
Tubal malignancy 196
Tubo-ovarian abscess 199
Solid mass
Appendiceal mucocele 11
Bowel-related masses 26
Brenner tumor 32
Dermoid 53
Dysgerminoma 56
Endometriosis implants 76
Enlarged lymph node (lymphoma) 116
Epidermoid cyst 83
Fibroma 93
Granulosa cell tumor 96
Hemorrhagic cyst (acute) 43
Intravascular leiomyomatosis 109
Massive ovarian edema 147
Metastatic carcinoma 118
Ovarian calcifications 136
Ovarian malignancy (borderline or invasive) 137
List of Differential Diagnoses
Pelvic kidney 159
Schwannoma 182
Tarlov cysts (bilateral) 192
Theca cell tumor 194
Tubal malignancy 196
Clear cyst
Cystadenoma 122 and 184
Follicle/unilocular physiologic cyst 48
Paraovarian cyst 155
Adnexal mass with normal ovary documented
Appendiceal mucocele 11
Appendix- or bowel-related mass 11 and 26
Broad ligament fibroid 85
Ectopic pregnancy 58
Hydrosalpinx 104
Intravascular leiomyomatosis 109
Paratubal cyst 155
Pelvic kidney 159
Peritoneal inclusion cyst 8
Tubal malignancy 196
Tubo-ovarian abscess 199
Abnormal Bleeding
Adenomyosis 3
C-section scar defect (with collected blood) 34
Endometrial carcinoma 65
Endometrial hyperplasia 71
Functional ovarian cyst 48
Hematuria—bladder masses 15
IUD (abnormal location) 111
Polyps 163
Retained products of conception 172
Postmenopausal bleeding
Atrophic endometrium 14
Endometrial carcinoma 65
Endometrial hyperplasia 71
Hematuria—bladder masses 15
“One more cycle” 221
Polyps 163
Asherman’s syndrome 177
Excessive exercise/anorexia No page reference
List of Differential Diagnoses
PCOS 161
Perimenopause No page reference
Pregnancy No page reference
Asherman’s syndrome 177
Hydrosalpinx or salpingitis 104 and 199
Lack of follicular development 170
Lack of normal maturation of the endometrium during the cycle No page reference
Müllerian duct abnormalities 125
PCOS 161
Pelvic inflammatory disease 199
Premature ovarian failure 170
Submucous fibroid 85
T-shaped uterus 189
Tubal occlusion No page reference
Uterine synechiae 177
Video Contents
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Section 1
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Section 1
Adenomyosis A
Synonyms/Description outline of the endometrial cavity on 3-D coronal
Endometriosis of the uterus or myometrium view of the uterus.
Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Etiology has been useful for diagnosing adenomyosis, it is
Adenomyosis is defined pathologically when unnecessary because ultrasound has similar
endometrial glands and stroma are found in the accuracy. A comparison between ultrasound and
myometrium, distant from the endometrial cav- MRI was reported using 23 articles (involving
ity itself. This ectopic endometrial tissue has the 2312 women). Transvaginal ultrasound had a
ability to induce hypertrophy of the surrounding sensitivity and specificity of 72% and 81%,
myometrium. This process can be focal or diffuse respectively, whereas MRI had a sensitivity and
and thus accounts for the variability in the ultra- specificity of 77% and 89%, respectively.
sound appearances noted. The endometrium- Doppler evaluation of adenomyosis usually
myometrium junctional zone is jagged and fuzzy does not add to the diagnosis because the
because the endometrial mucosa essentially amount of vascularity is variable and
invades the underlying myometrium, thus blur- nonspecific.
ring the interface between these two, typically
distinct zones. (This may be focal or global.) Differential Diagnosis
If the area of adenomyosis is focal, it may be con-
Ultrasound Findings fused with a fibroid or a polyp if it projects into
Generalized Adenomyosis the endometrial cavity. Because of the lucencies
The uterus is typically enlarged and globular and heterogeneities in the myometrium, uterine
with heterogeneous myometrium, which is typi- malignancy (though very rare) is sometimes con-
cally wider on one side than the other. The het- sidered. The clue to the correct diagnosis is the
erogeneous myometrium often contains asymmetry of the width of the myometrium
myometrial cysts, which likely represent areas of comparing the posterior to the anterior aspect
glandular dilatation or hemorrhage caused by on longitudinal view as well as the shaggy
repeated bleeding. These cysts are also frequently appearance of the endometrial echo in a patient
seen in a subendometrial location. with chronic pain and abnormal bleeding.
Section 1 Adenomyosis
imaging techniques as are currently available. In endometrial tissue confined within the
A fact the obvious presence of endometrial glands
and stroma contained within the myometrium
Definitive treatment for adenomyosis is hys-
in a large number of asymptomatic women terectomy. Because disease is confined to the
should cause clinicians to rethink whether ade- uterus, ovarian conservation can be considered
nomyosis is truly a “disease” or whether in some unless there are other reasons for their removal.
cases it may be co-existing and not causal of the As there is no true plane separating the adeno-
patient’s symptoms. The exact percentage of myotic tissue from normal myometrium, surgical
patients who will have classic findings of adeno- excision as in myomectomy is not appropriate.
myosis on sophisticated ultrasound studies and Various medical (nonsurgical) approaches have
yet be totally asymptomatic is unknown. been employed, including oral contraceptive
When present, the menorrhagia is probably pills for treatment of the dysmenorrhea and
related to the increased endometrial surface area menorrhagia, progestin only therapy, and more
of the enlarged uterus. Dysmenorrhea may be recently levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine
caused by the cyclic bleeding and swelling of the devices (IUDs).
Figure A1-1 Two different patients. Typical appearance of the myometrium, which is asymmetric because of
adenomyosis. Note that the endometrial echo is closer to the anterior than the posterior wall of the uterus.
Adenomyosis Section 1
Figure A1-2 Heterogeneous myometrium containing small echolucencies, typical of adenomyosis (two different
Figure A1-3 Adenomyoma projecting into the endometrial cavity from a broad base within the myometrium.
A shows the mass as ill-defined within the cavity, worrisome for a malignancy, especially in a postmenopausal patient.
B from the same patient shows the sonohysterogram with saline outlining the adenomyoma diagnosed by pathology.
Section 1 Adenomyosis
Figure A1-4 Three-dimensional ultrasound of two different patients with extensive adenomyosis. A shows the
reconstructed coronal view of the uterus with a fuzzy, ill-defined junction and linear echogenicities emanating out
from the edges of the endometrium. B shows a different patient with adenomyosis and a right-sided fibroid
demonstrating similar echolucencies. C (same patient as B) shows the inverse mode of the 3-D image that accentu-
ates the lack of a clear border at the junction of the endometrium and myometrium.
Adenomyosis Section 1
Section 1
Adhesions (Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst) Section 1
A 2 B
LT ovary
Figure A2-1 A and B show two views of a left peritoneal inclusion cyst. The top of the ovary is noted along the
lateral aspect of the cyst. C (arrows) and D show the ovary in the lateral aspect of the cyst, but showing normal
ovarian architecture.
Section 1 Adhesions (Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst)
A 1
Figure A2-3 Atypical appearance. A shows a multi-
Figure A2-2 Two views of a right peritoneal inclu-
septate cystic mass with color flow in the septations,
sion cyst. A shows the cyst with its typical fine
originally thought to be a cystadenoma. B, This
septations. B shows the right ovary trapped along the
peritoneal inclusion cyst that was diagnosed at
lateral aspect of the cyst.
surgery and pathology.
Suggested Reading Vallerie AM, Lerner JP, Wright JD, Baxi LV. Peritoneal
Guerriero S, Ajossa S, Mais V, Angiolucci M, Paoletti inclusion cysts: a review. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2009;
AM, Melis GB. Role of transvaginal sonography in 64:321-334.
the diagnosis of peritoneal inclusion cysts. J Ultra- Veldhuis WB, Akin O, Goldman D, Mironov S,
sound Med. 2004;23:1193-1200. Mironov O, Soslow RA, Barakat RR, Hricak H. Perito-
Jain KA. Imaging of peritoneal inclusion cysts. Am J neal inclusion cysts: clinical characteristics and imag-
Roentgenol. 2000;174:1559-1563. ing features. Eur Radiol. 2013;23:1167-1174.
Section 1
Appendiceal Mucocele A
Synonyms/Description appearance of an appendiceal mucocele is more
A mucocele is an appendiceal mass characterized easily confused with a tubal lesion such as a
by hypersecretion of mucus contained within the hydrosalpinx, tubo-ovarian abscess, or endome-
appendix causing dilatation of the lumen. triosis. It is essential to identify the uterus and
ovaries separately from the mass to identify a
Etiology bowel etiology. Once the origin of the mass is sus-
Mucoceles of the appendix are caused by exces- pected to be appendix, the differential diagnosis
sive mucous production secondary to retention includes acute inflammation of the appendix
cyst (simple) (18%), mucosal hyperplasia (20%), (appendicitis), malignancy (adenocarcinoma),
mucinous cystadenoma (52% to 84%), or muci- mucocele, carcinoid, and appendiceal endome-
nous cystadenocarcinoma (10% to 20%). They triosis. Other diagnostic possibilities include a
occur in males twice as frequently as females and colonic mass or mesenteric cyst. The sonographic
most often in the fifth or sixth decade. The inci- appearance of the mucocele is very characteristic,
dence of mucocele of the appendix is 0.2% and even pathognomonic, with the onion-skin texture
0.3% of all appendectomies. and nonvascular center of a tubular mass. Other
etiologies for an appendiceal mass are almost
Ultrasound Findings impossible to distinguish from one another with-
Mucocele of the appendix is an elongated tubular out a history such as acute pain and fever, or
mass with a very specific onion-skin texture of the endometriosis.
internal structure, giving the appearance of echo- See Bowel Diseases.
genic layers. There is no internal blood flow, and
Doppler signal is confined to the outer walls of Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
the mass. Although the mass is usually seen using Appendiceal mucoceles are symptomatic in
transvaginal ultrasound, it is also usually visible about half of cases. The most common symp-
using a transabdominal approach in the right toms are a palpable mass and abdominal pain.
lower quadrant. The dreaded complication of The treatment is appendectomy to prevent rup-
mucocele rupture or leak is pseudomyxoma peri- ture and to diagnose any malignant component.
tonei, which appears as diffuse gelatinous ascites. If the mucocele is the result of a cystadenocarci-
noma and the tumor has spread, more extensive
Differential Diagnosis surgery is needed.
Most cases are incidental findings and often mis- The feared complication of this entity is pseu-
diagnosed. In women, it is commonly diagnosed domyxoma peritonei, which results from the dis-
as an ovarian or tubal mass. The correct preop- semination of the mucinous cells because of
erative diagnosis based on imaging studies is rupture of the mucocele. This complication is
made in only 15% to 29% of cases. very serious and extremely hard to treat; it can
The appendix is typically located in the right lead to intestinal obstruction and death. Treat-
lower quadrant just cephalad to the right adnexa; ment typically involves a combination of surgery
therefore it is important to consider an appendi- for debulking and intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
ceal etiology for a right lower quadrant tubular Although the prognosis for appendiceal muco-
mass with or without pelvic pain. Diagnostic pos- cele without complication is excellent, the 3-year
sibilities for a complex, right lower quadrant mass survival of patients with pseudomyxoma perito-
include an ovarian etiology, although the tubular nei is reportedly 81%.
Section 1 Appendiceal Mucocele
A E8
Appendiceal Mucocele Section 1
Videos Pickhardt PJ, Levy AD, Rohrmann CA, Kende AI. Pri-
Videos 1, 2, and 3 on appendiceal mucocele are
available online.
mary neoplasms of the appendix: radiologic spec-
trum of disease with pathologic correlation.
RadioGraphics. 2003;23:645-662.
Witkamp AJ, de Bree E, Kaag MM, van Slooten GW,
Suggested Reading
van Coevorden F, Zoetmulder FA. Extensive surgi-
Caracappa D, Gullà N, Gentile D, Listorti C,
cal cytoreduction and intraoperative hyperthermic
Boselli C, Cirocchi R, Bellezza G, Noya G. Appen-
intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with
diceal mucocele. A case report and literature review.
pseudomyxoma peritonei. Br J Surg. 2001;88:
Ann Ital Chir. 2011 May-Jun;82(3):239-245.
Dragoumis K, Mikos T, Zafrakas M, Assimakopoulos E,
Yabunaka K, Katsuda T, Sanada S, Fukutomi T. Sono-
Venizelos I, Demertzidis H, Bontis J. Mucocele of
graphic appearance of the normal appendix in
the vermiform appendix with sonographic appear-
adults. J Ultrasound Med. 2007;26:37-43.
ance of an adnexal mass. Gynecol Obstet Invest.
Papoutsis D, Protopappas A, Belitsos P, Sotiropoulou
M, Antonakou A, Loutradis D, Antsaklis A. Muco-
cele of the vermiform appendix misdiagnosed as
an adnexal mass on transvaginal sonography. J Clin
Ultrasound. 2012;40:522-525.
Section 1
A Atrophic Endometrium
Endometrial atrophy
Endometrial atrophy is most often the result of
postmenopausal status, although it may also
occur in premenopausal women with lack of
estrogen from other etiologies.
Ultrasound Findings
A very thin endometrial echo is characteristic of
atrophic endometrium. This occurs primarily in
postmenopausal or anovulatory women. Often Figure A4-1 Retroverted uterus of a postmeno-
the endometrium is so thin it is reflective of pausal patient with atrophic endometrium. Note the
sound waves, such that it looks like a continuous very thin linear endometrial echo.
line. An atrophic endometrium measures less
than 4 mm, but is more commonly 1 to 2 mm in
width. In postmenopausal women there can
occasionally be a small amount of fluid in the
cavity outlining a paper-thin endometrial lining.
This is usually transudate associated with cervi-
cal stenosis and not associated with pathology.
Differential Diagnosis
If the endometrial lining is very thin in a patient
who is hypoestrogenic, the diagnosis is likely to
be atrophic endometrium.
Figure A4-2 There is a small amount of fluid in the
Clinical Aspects and Recommendations endometrial cavity, outlining a very thin endome-
Postmenopausal bleeding is often caused by trium. This finding is normal.
atrophy of the endometrium.
In the absence of estrogen, the functional layer
atrophies, leaving only the basalis layer. In Suggested Reading
patients with postmenopausal bleeding, a Davidson KG, Dubinsky TJ. Ultrasonographic evalua-
workup is necessary to rule out uterine cancer, tion of the endometrium in postmenopausal vagi-
hyperplasia, and polyps before the cause can be nal bleeding. Radiol Clin North Am. 2003;41:
attributed to atrophic endometrium, especially 769-780.
because endometrial cancer can coexist with Goldstein SR. Sonography in postmenopausal bleed-
atrophic endometrium. ing. J Ultrasound Med. 2012;31:333-336.
Tsai MC, Goldstein SR. Office diagnosis and manage-
ment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Clin Obstet
Gynecol. 2012;55(3):635-650.
Section 1
Bladder Masses
Synonyms/Description Urethral Diverticula
Bladder tumor Urethral diverticula occur just under the bladder
Focal bladder lesion along the urethra. They can be quite painful,
especially when the patient voids.
Transitional Cell Cancer Other Bladder Masses
In the United States, bladder cancer is reportedly There are many benign tumors such as paragan-
the fourth most common malignancy. The vast glioma, plasmacytoma, hemangioma, neurofi-
majority of bladder neoplasms arise from the broma, and lipoma that can occasionally (rarely)
epithelium, with urothelial (transitional cell) occur in the bladder. Malignant neoplasms
carcinoma accounting for 90% of cases. Squa- reported in the bladder include rhabdomyosar-
mous cell carcinoma is rare and accounts for 2% coma, leiomyosarcoma, lymphoma, osteosar-
to 15% of bladder cancers. The least common is coma, and metastatic tumors such as melanoma.
adenocarcinoma, which may be primary or met-
astatic to the bladder. Ultrasound Findings
Bladder masses are typically located in the blad-
Fibroma der wall. Because these arise from the submuco-
Fibroma (leiomyoma) is the most common sal portion of the bladder wall, they typically
benign tumor of the bladder, although it repre- appear as smooth intramural lesions. Transi-
sents only 0.4% of all bladder neoplasms. It is tional cell carcinoma is a focal mucosal lesion,
most prevalent among women in the third to which is fungating and extends into the lumen of
fifth decades of life. the bladder with an irregular surface. Color Dop-
pler usually reveals abundant blood flow, as with
Endometriosis other pelvic malignancies. Bladder wall lesions
Endometriosis occurs as a fusiform mass in the are typically fusiform with an intact mucosal sur-
bladder wall and is covered in the section on face and focally widen the wall of the bladder.
endometriosis. Endometriosis of the bladder wall (likely the
most common diagnosis in gynecologic patients)
Diffuse Bladder Wall Thickening has spotty blood flow by Doppler and a smooth
Diffuse bladder wall thickening is seen in cases inner and outer wall. Lesions involving the ure-
of severe chronic cystitis or in chronic bladder teral orifice can be cystic, such as ureteroceles
outlet obstruction where the bladder becomes (which are usually asymptomatic); in the case of
trabeculated (more common in males with large reimplantations, there will be a surgical history.
prostates). Urethral diverticula are complex masses along
the urethra, just under the bladder (see Vaginal
Findings Specifically Related to the Ureteral Masses). These may indent the floor of the blad-
Orifice der and be quite painful during the ultrasound.
They are best seen by placing the transducer on
• Ureterocele
the perineum and looking cephalad toward the
• Ureteral reimplantation site
bladder. They are usually cystic with varying
• Stone at the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ)
amounts of solid area and calcification, depend-
with edema of ureteral orifice
ing on chronicity of the lesion.
Section 1 Bladder Masses
tional cell carcinomas. Lesions that are solid and Bladder malignancies typically present with
completely contained within the bladder wall hematuria because of their location in the muco-
may be endometriosis (fusiform with little sal layer of the bladder. Pedunculated intralumi-
detectable blood flow) or fibroma (rounded and nal masses may lead to obstruction of urine flow
ball-like) versus other rare solid rounded tumors. or inability to completely empty the bladder. If a
If the bladder wall is diffusely abnormal and bladder mass arises in proximity to one of the
thickened, etiologies may include long-standing ureters, it can obstruct the ureter, thus present-
bladder dysfunction or obstruction or chronic ing with flank pain and hydronephrosis. Lesions
cystitis. It is normal for the bladder wall to appear that develop outside the wall of the bladder not
thickened and trabeculated if the bladder is impinging on the lumen may remain asymp-
underfilled. tomatic for a long time. There are no general
If the lesion is along the urethra, it is likely to management recommendations because this
be a urethral diverticulum. depends on the type of lesion diagnosed.
Figure B1-2 A, Fusiform bladder wall mass (calipers)
Figure B1-3 Ureterocele. A, A longitudinal view of
in a patient with endometriosis. B, The 3-D volume
the ureterocele implant into the bladder. B, The
view of the bladder wall mass, showing a smooth
patient has bilateral ureteroceles.
mucosal surface.
Section 1 Bladder Masses
Figure B1-4 Patient with surgically reimplanted ureters. Note the homogeneous rounded structures at the site of
reimplantation, 2-D and 3-D.
Bladder Masses Section 1
Figure B1-5 Urethral diverticulum (arrows). A, Note the complex mass, partly calcified, indenting the floor of the
bladder. B, The long axis view of the mass alongside the urethra.
Section 1 Bladder Masses
Figure B1-6 A and B, Two small stones stuck in the distal end of the ureter. C, The associated hydronephrosis.
Section 1
Section 1 Borderline Ovarian Tumor
Figure B2-2 A mucinous borderline tumor. Note the abundant solid portions and unilocular and large lesion.
Borderline Ovarian Tumor Section 1
Figure B2-3 A and B, Borderline serous papillary tumor. Note the papillations and color Doppler, indicating flow
in the solid areas. C, The papillations using 3-D surface imaging.
Section 1 Borderline Ovarian Tumor
B 1
Figure B2-4 Bilateral serous borderline tumors. A and B, The left ovarian mass with the small lesion containing a
single vascular nodule. C, The right ovarian mass is larger, with low-level echoes and a large vascular nodule. D, A
3-D volume illustrating the surface of the nodularity.
Borderline Ovarian Tumor Section 1
Suggested Reading
Behtash N, Modares M, Abolhasani M, Ghaem-
maghami F, Mousavi M, Yarandi F, Hanjani P. Bor-
derline ovarian tumours: clinical analysis of 38
cases. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004;24:157-160.
Fruscella E, Testa AC, Ferrandina G, De Smet F, Van
Holsbeke C, Scambia G, Zannoni FG, Ludovisi M.
Ultrasound features of different histopathological
subtypes of borderline ovarian tumors. Ultrasound
Obstet Gynecol. 2005;26:644-650.
Morice P, Uzan C, Fauvet R, Gouy S, Duvillard P,
Darai E. Borderline ovarian tumour: pathological
diagnostic dilemma and risk factors for invasive or
Figure B2-5 Color flow is seen using Doppler in the lethal recurrence. Lancet Oncol. 2012;13:103-115.
septation of this borderline tumor. Tropé CG, Kaern J, Davidson B. Borderline ovarian
tumours. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol.
Section 1
Bowel Diseases
B Synonyms/Description from the mass to correctly diagnose it as a bowel
Pelvic masses related to bowel such as appendici- problem.
tis, endometriosis, colon cancer, Crohn’s disease,
ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, lymphoma, sar- Endometriosis
coma, or other bowel-specific diseases identified Endometriosis of the rectosigmoid colon is cov-
on a pelvic ultrasound ered in the section on endometriosis.
Etiology Appendicitis
There are multiple etiologies in this grouping of The typical ultrasound findings include a dis-
bowel diseases. The etiologies range from inflam- tended, noncompressible tubular mass, greater
matory/infectious such as appendicitis, inflamma- than 7 mm in diameter and with relatively cystic
tory bowel diseases, and diverticulitis to neoplasms center suggesting bowel. In the transverse view, the
such as lymphomas, carcinomas, and sarcomas. abnormal appendix often appears as a double ring
In the small bowel, neuroendocrine tumors, indicating the swollen wall. Gentle compression
adenocarcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, and will displace normal loops of bowel to better dem-
miscellaneous tumors comprise 36.5%, 30.9%, onstrate the inflamed appendix, although the com-
10.0%, 18.7%, and 3.9% of malignancies, respec- pression is usually uncomfortable for the patient.
tively. In the appendix, neuroendocrine tumors, There can also be inflammation of the adjacent
adenocarcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, and omental fat with a very echogenic characteristic
miscellaneous tumors comprise 31.7%, 65.4%, appearance, sometimes with shadowing from an
greater than 1%, 1.7%, and 1.1% of malignan- appendicolith. The sensitivity for ultrasound com-
cies, respectively. Colon tumors include mostly pared with computed tomography to diagnose
adenocarcinomas (93.0%), whereas sarcomas appendicitis is 75% versus 90%, and the specificity
and lymphomas are relatively rare. is 86% versus 100%. Ultrasound is often the only
These entities are briefly discussed in terms of imaging needed to make the diagnosis.
ultrasound findings because they may be encoun-
tered during a sonographic gynecologic exam. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
For more detailed information about any of these These include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
lesions, please refer to the suggested reading. colitis, which typically produce a diffuse thicken-
ing of a segment of bowel wall, with reduced
Ultrasound Findings peristalsis and a “stiff-looking,” relatively straight
Diseases of the bowel are detectable and can be segment of bowel. There is usually a loss of the
accurately diagnosed using ultrasound. Typically normal striated gut appearance because of the
the sonographic evaluation of bowel abnormali- disease involving multiple layers of the bowel
ties includes the appearance of the bowel wall, wall. Ulcerative colitis is found mostly in the rec-
amount and quality of peristalsis, reaction to tum and rectosigmoid, whereas Crohn’s is typi-
manual compression using the transducer, and cally seen in the distal ileum.
relative “stiffness” of the bowel loop. Also there
may be a nonspecific mass, which is difficult to Diverticulitis
distinguish from adnexal or uterine masses. It is When a diverticulum becomes inflamed, it
crucial to identify the uterus and ovaries separate appears sonographically as a segmental area of
Bowel Diseases Section 1
thickened bowel wall with an inflamed out- homogeneous soft-tissue solid masses that may
pouching (diverticulum) and inflamed sur- be small or grow into a large necrotic, heteroge-
rounding pericolic fat. Diverticulitis can also neous mass. They are usually malignant tumors
result in an abscess that can be seen sonographi- that can metastasize to the liver.
cally. The bowel wall thickening is usually asym-
metric but retains its normal three layers, thus Differential Diagnosis
differentiating it from the appearance of inflam- The main differential diagnosis for a tender mass
matory bowel disease. in the right lower quadrant includes appendicitis
as well as many gynecologic etiologies such as
Duplication Cyst hydrosalpinx, hemorrhagic cyst, or degenerating
Bowel duplication cysts are rare congenital fibroid. It is important to view the mass transab-
anomalies that may be asymptomatic for much dominally as well as transvaginally to get a better
of a person’s life. However, when these undergo sense of its location. As previously discussed, iden-
hemorrhage, infection, or torsion, the symptoms tifying the uterus and ovaries separately from the
are similar to appendicitis or ovarian torsion. mass is essential to making the correct diagnosis.
Sonographically, when these cysts are symptom- A thickened loop of bowel suggests a more dif-
atic, they will show internal hemorrhage and fuse diagnosis such as lymphoma or chronic
appear similar to an endometrioma. inflammatory disease. A focal area of bowel wall
nodularity or thickening may indicate an endo-
Lymphoma metriotic implant or diverticulitis. (A careful his-
Lymphomas of the bowel wall are typically B-cell tory may help differentiate these diagnoses.) A
tumors and usually involve the small intestine in solitary mass separate from the uterus or ovaries
the region of the distal ileum. The ultrasound may represent a bowel tumor such as a leiomy-
appearance is that of a bulky circumferential oma, sarcoma, or adenocarcinoma. A cyst sepa-
irregular wall thickening with occasional dila- rate from the ovary or tube may represent a bowel
tion of the bowel and lymph node enlargement. duplication cyst, although these can be confused
with endometriomas.
Colon Cancer
Adenocarcinoma is the most common malig- Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
nant tumor of the colon. The ultrasound appear- Ultrasound should be the first test done in
ance is that of a hypoechoic mass with many tiny patients suspected of having appendicitis and is
echogenic septations, some areas of calcification, often sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. In
and a bubbly or airy texture. In many cases, the many cases of bowel malignancy or chronic
original loop of colon affected is difficult to see inflammatory disease, other imaging modalities
sonographically and often the mass is not ini- and procedures are necessary to arrive at the cor-
tially attributed to the bowel. rect diagnosis, and the treatment and prognosis
depend on the final diagnosis. However, ultra-
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor sound may be the entry point at which patients
These are a group of mesenchymal sarcomas that with various bowel problems enter the medical
arise typically from the muscularis mucosa of care system, and it is important to keep these
the bowel wall and are therefore submucosal. diagnoses in mind when performing pelvic
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are ultrasound.
Figure B3-1 A and B, Transvaginal view of acute appendicitis (longitudinal and transverse views). The calipers
show the distended thick-walled appendix with echogenic surrounding edema. This was misdiagnosed as a tubal
Figure B3-2 A, B, and C, Same case as Figure B3-1 after a course of antibiotic and after the correct diagnosis of
28appendicitis had been made.
Bowel Diseases Section 1
Figure B3-5 A and B, Two different patients, both
with Crohn’s disease. Note the diffuse bowel wall
2 1
thickening in a relatively straight loop of bowel, with
loss of architecture of the wall layers.
Figure B3-6 Multiple diverticula in a loop of colon.
Figure B3-4 A and B, Enlarged appendix later Note the smooth posterior wall compared with the
diagnosed as adenocarcinoma of the appendix. multiple outpouchings (arrows) of the anterior wall.
Section 1 Bowel Diseases
Bowel Diseases Section 1
Videos Lee NK, Kim S, Kim GH, Jeon TY, Kim DH, Jang HJ,
Video 1 on bowel-related masses is available Park DY. Hypervascular subepithelial gastrointesti-
online. nal masses: CT-pathologic correlation. RadioGraph-
ics. 2010;30:1915-1934.
Suggested Reading
Ackerman SJ, Irshad A, Anis M. Ultrasound for pelvic
Linam LE, Munden M. Sonography as the first line of
evaluation in children with suspected acute appen-
dicitis. J Ultrasound Med. 2012;31:1153-1157.
pain. II: Nongynecologic causes. Obstet Gynecol
Maturen KE, Wasnik AP, Kamaya A, Dillman JR, Kaza
Clin North Am. 2011;38:69-83.
RK, Pandya A, Maheshwary RK. Ultrasound imag-
Gustafsson BI, Siddique L, Chan A, Dong M, Drozdov
ing of bowel pathology: technique and keys to
I, Kidd M, Modlin IM. Uncommon cancers of the
diagnosis in the acute abdomen. AJR.
small intestine, appendix and colon: an analysis of
SEER 1973-2004, and current diagnosis and ther-
O’Malley ME, Wilson SR. Ultrasound of gastrointesti-
apy. Int J Oncol. 2008;33:1121-1131.
nal tract abnormalities with CT correlation. Radio-
Hughes JA, Cook JV, Said A, Chong SK, Towu E, Reidy
Graphics. 2003;23:59-72.
J. Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of the duode-
num in a 7-year-old boy. Pediatr Radiol. 2004;34:
Section 1
Brenner Tumor
B Synonyms/Description co-existent cystic epithelial neoplasm, such as a
Transitional cell tumor of the ovary serous or mucinous cystadenoma. These cystic
Typically asymptomatic, rare, benign ovarian components can have solid papillations, and
tumor they may be malignant (about 15% of cases).
Brenner Tumor Section 1
Section 1
Cervical Masses
Synonyms/Description Ultrasound Findings
C None Cervical masses can obstruct the cervical canal
and result in a hematometra, which may be the
Etiology first sonographic sign of a cervical malignancy.
Cervical cancer accounts for the majority of cer- Cervical carcinomas, especially squamous, are
vical malignancies and is second to breast cancer often subtle or undetectable sonographically as
in incidence worldwide. Approximately 85% to they can be quite small. As they grow, they appear
95% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carci- as solid lobulated masses with abundant vascu-
nomas and develop at the squamous-columnar larity. Sarcomas and lymphomas are typically
junction. large solid vascular tumors when discovered. The
Adenocarcinomas represent only 5% of cervi- appearance of these malignant tumors is non-
cal cancers and arise from glandular cells found specific, although the excessive and disorganized
in the endocervical canal. Squamous cell lesions blood flow within the tumor suggests a malig-
of the cervix are typically detected early using nancy. Epstein and colleagues compared the
conventional cytologic screening methods (Pap sonographic characteristics of squamous cell and
test) because they are easy to sample. The major- adenocarcinoma of the cervix. The ultrasound
ity of endocervical glands are deep within the appearances of the tumors were all solid masses;
cervical canal, so detection usually occurs at however, 73% of the squamous cell carcinomas
more advanced stages of disease; hence they have were hypoechoic, whereas 68% of the adenocar-
a poorer prognosis than squamous cell cancers. cinomas were isoechoic (p = 0.03). Mixed echo-
The survival for stages I, II, and III cervical ade- genicity was a nonspecific finding, and Doppler
nocarcinoma is 60%, 47%, and 8% compared color flow was abundant in almost all the tumors
with 90%, 62%, and 36% for squamous cell of both types.
carcinoma. Benign masses of the cervix also tend to be
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the cervix is solid sonographically, although the blood flow
rare, accounting for 1% of all extranodal lym- pattern seen with color Doppler tends to be dif-
phomas. Clinically it may present as a large ferent from that of the cancers. Polyps typically
lobular vascular solid mass of the cervix. have a single feeding vessel, and are usually
Metastatic disease, such as melanoma and
echogenic, sometimes containing a cystic center.
breast, lung, and ovarian cancers, may also Fibroids are solid masses with a similar appear-
involve the cervix. ance to those in the uterine corpus. They are well
Malignant mixed Müllerian tumors and leio- circumscribed, with acoustic shadowing, often
myosarcomas occur more frequently in the uter- with a pattern of stripes or swirls caused by these
ine corpus, but may arise in the cervix in rare shadows. The blood flow in fibroids is variable
cases. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas typically although less abundant than in malignant
occur in the pediatric age group. lesions and more peripheral.
Benign masses of the cervix include fibroids Nabothian cysts appear as very smooth and
and polyps, which are similar in origin and round, cystic, hypoechoic masses without any
appearance to their counterparts in the uterine areas of Doppler color flow, and are extremely
corpus. Nabothian cysts are also commonly common, especially in women with previous
seen. pregnancies.
Cervical Masses Section 1
Figure C1-1 Small squamous cell carcinoma of the surface of the cervix, identified by the cluster of blood vessels
(arrow) on the external os region.
Section 1 Cervical Masses
Figure C1-2 Transvaginal view of a large cervical tumor (arrows) with abundant blood flow, arising from the
endocervical canal and protruding through the cervix. This proved to be an adenocarcinoma of the cervix.
Figure C1-3 Cervical polyp originating from the lower uterine segment and protruding through the cervix. Note
the feeding vessel.
Cervical Masses Section 1
1 C
Section 1 Cervical Masses
Figure C1-7 Large vascular mass protruding through the cervix. The appearance was worrisome because of the
heterogeneity of the mass and the abundant blood flow. This mass proved to be a benign fibroid at surgery.
Section 1
or hypoechoic area in the anterior lower uterine
segment myometrium, directly above the level of
Cesarean sections (C-sections) are performed in the cervix.
the United States at the rate of 20% to 50% of Saline distention of the cavity during a sono-
deliveries depending on clinical environment hysterogram can further delineate the scar defect,
and demographics. The C-section scar is readily if clinically indicated. This more clearly shows the
visible sonographically in the nonpregnant uterus diverticulum-like outpouching of the endometrial
as a focal narrowing of the anterior lower uterine cavity into the thinned, scarred myometrium.
segment, which becomes more pronounced with Occasionally if the patient has had a classical
increasing number of prior sections. There is C-section, a vertical scar can be seen on the front
often a small myometrial discontinuity within of the uterus, puckering the length of the body of
the scar, seen as a triangular fluid collection or the uterus (see Figure C2-3).
“niche,” likely representing menstrual blood that Rarely the C-section scar can dehisce, resulting
pools within the defect. Many patients who have in a myometrial defect, bulging anteriorly under
had C-sections complain of intermittent inter- the bladder. This cystic mass typically has low-
menstrual or prolonged menstrual bleeding. level echoes consistent with unclotted blood that
Uppal and colleagues reported that among 71 has accumulated during menses (see Figure C2-2).
patients with a history of C-section, 29 (40%)
had a sonographically visible fluid-filled defect in Differential Diagnosis
the hysterotomy incision, and the presence of The appearance of a C-section scar defect is
such a defect was significantly associated with characteristic and unmistakable. If the scar has
prolonged periods or intermenstrual spotting. ballooned anteriorly and caused a cystic mass in
The incidence of abnormal bleeding was more the lower uterine segment, the lesion could be
frequent in patients with larger defects, and the confused with a degenerating fibroid or even a
size of the defect or niche was directly related to lesion involving the floor of the bladder such as
the number of prior C-sections. Wang and col- an endometrioma. Most cases of C-section scar
leagues studied 207 patients with C-section scars defects do not present a diagnostic dilemma.
and also found that those who had multiple
C-sections had larger myometrial defects (width Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
and depth) compared with those with only one The presence of a fluid collection in the scar defect
prior C-section. Patients with retroflexed uteri is an important finding that may explain abnormal
also had wider defects than those whose uterus uterine bleeding in some patients. It has also been
was anteflexed. associated with dysmenorrhea as well as infertility.
The myometrial thickness at the C-section scar At this point, most of the research is still focused
becomes thinner as the number of C-sections on the prevalence and conditions associated with
increases; however, there is no established norm C-section scar defects. There are some reports of
for this measurement. The presence of a C-section surgical repair of the defects resulting in improved
scar defect and the size of this myometrial niche fertility and resolution of prolonged or intermen-
seem to be better predictors of abnormal bleeding strual bleeding. Given that this is a relatively new,
and even risk of uterine dehiscence in subsequent although rapidly increasing diagnostic entity, there
pregnancies. are as of yet no standard recommendations.
Section 1 Cesarean Scar Defect
Figure C2-1 Longitudinal view of the normal uterus of a patient with a C-section scar defect. A small amount of
fluid outlines the C-section scar defect (arrow) in the anterior lower uterine segment where the C-section scar is
located. The niche is formed by the puckering of the anterior wall of the uterus, just above the cervix.
Figure C2-2 Large rounded area of dehiscence of a C-section scar ballooning anteriorly and indenting the bladder.
A and B, Two-dimensional views of the lower uterine segment taken obliquely, showing the mass-like defect between
the cervix and bladder. The defect (calipers) is filled with low-level echoes indicating unclotted blood. Note the
proximity of the defect to the bladder. C, A 3-D longitudinal view of the anterior aspect of the uterus, showing the
defect (arrows) originating from the lower uterine segment and bulging anteriorly at the level of the C-section scar.
Cesarean Scar Defect Section 1
Figure C2-3 Classical C-section scar in a pregnant
patient. A, Note the puckering of the anterior surface
of the entire uterus (arrows). B, A 3-D multiplanar Naji O, Abdallah Y, Bij De Vaate AJ, Smith A,
reconstruction of the uterus showing the linear Pexsters A, Stalder C, Mcindoe A, Ghaem-
vertical scar in three orientations (arrows). Maghami S. Standardized approach for imaging
and measuring Cesarean section scars using
ultrasonography. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.
Suggested Reading 2012;39:252-259.
Bujold E, Jastrow N, Simoneau J, Brunet S, Gauthier Uppal T, Lanzarone V, Mongelli M. Sonographically
RJ. Prediction of complete uterine rupture by sono- detected caesarean section scar defects and menstrual
graphic evaluation of the lower uterine segment. irregularity. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011;31:413-416.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009;201:320. Vikhareva Osser O, Jokubkiene L, Valentin L. High
Jastrow N, Chaillet N, Roberge S, Morency AM, Lacasse prevalence of defects in Cesarean section scars at
Y, Bujold E. Sonographic lower uterine segment transvaginal ultrasound examination. Ultrasound
thickness and risk of uterine scar defect: a systematic Obstet Gynecol. 2009;34:90-97.
review. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2010;32:321-327. Vikhareva Osser O, Jokubkiene L, Valentin L. Cesar-
Monteagudo A, Carreno C, Timor-Tritsch IE. Saline ean section scar defects: agreement between trans-
infusion sonohysterography in nonpregnant vaginal sonographic findings with and without
women with previous cesarean delivery: the “niche” saline contrast enhancement. Ultrasound Obstet
in the scar. J Ultrasound Med. 2001;20:1105-1115. Gynecol. 2010;35:75-83.
Section 1 Cesarean Scar Defect
Vikhareva Osser O, Valentin L. Clinical importance of Wang CB, Chiu WWC, Lee CY, Sun YL, Lin YH,
appearance of cesarean hysterotomy scar at trans- Tseng CJ. Cesarean scar defect: correlation
vaginal ultrasonography in nonpregnant women. between Cesarean section number, defect size,
Obstet Gynecol. 2011;117:525-532. clinical symptoms and uterine position. Ultrasound
Obstet Gynecol. 2009;34:85-89.
Section 1
Functional cyst (corpus luteum)
of the CL is the “ring of fire” pattern of color
Doppler, showing intense and abundant circum- C
No synonym for hemorrhagic cyst ferential blood flow. The hemorrhagic CL often
has a fine reticular or fishnet-like internal pattern
Etiology and/or a solid area consistent with a retracting
The corpus luteum (CL) is a transient structure clot. Color Doppler reveals circumferential flow
formed as a result of ovulation, due to the mid- but no internal blood flow. The specific diagno-
cycle luteinizing hormone surge from the pitu- sis is often possible sonographically, but because
itary gland. The CL is responsible for the the CL is a mimicker of adnexal pathologies, a
production of progesterone, hence the term follow-up scan may be helpful when uncertain
“functional cyst.” It is necessary for regulating of the diagnosis, as discussed in clinical recom-
menses and for maintaining a pregnancy until it mendations. A hemorrhagic cyst will have the
develops the ability to make its own progester- same appearance as a hemorrhagic corpus
one. If a pregnancy does not occur, the CL breaks luteum but without color flow. If internal hem-
down. It can, on occasion, undergo internal orrhage occurs with cyst rupture or partial rup-
hemorrhage and develop into a hemorrhagic ture, then complex fluid may be seen in the
cyst. When such a cyst continues producing pro- cul-de-sac or higher, or surrounding the ovary.
gesterone, it is a hemorrhagic corpus luteum. If
progesterone synthesis ceases, but the cyst Differential Diagnosis
persists, then it is considered a hemorrhagic cyst. The correct diagnosis is often challenging because
Hemorrhagic cysts can enlarge up to 5 cm or of variations in size, irregularity of the cyst wall,
more, causing pain, and may occasionally rup- and internal solid areas (clot), all of which are
ture, resulting in a hemoperitoneum. The pain nonspecific sonographic findings mimicking
typically resolves within a few days, whereas the pathology. Knowing the menstrual cycle day is
cyst may take 1 to 3 months to regress. Patients very helpful, although not always possible, in
with symptomatic hemorrhagic cysts typically patients with irregular bleeding or menses.
present with acute unilateral pelvic pain and In the setting of a patient presenting with pel-
have a complex-appearing lesion on ultrasound vic pain and a tender, cystic adnexal mass, the
evaluation. Often they are asymptomatic and differential diagnosis is vast and includes most
can be an incidental finding. The nonspecific commonly ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflamma-
and confusing sonographic appearance of the tory disease (PID), adnexal torsion, and neo-
hemorrhagic corpus luteum and hemorrhagic plasm in addition to a functional or hemorrhagic
cyst often results in misdiagnosis and unneces- cyst. In a patient with a positive pregnancy test,
sary surgery. the adnexal ring of an ectopic pregnancy can
have a similar appearance to a CL, including the
Ultrasound Findings “ring of fire” Doppler pattern. Useful sono-
The CL is an ovarian cystic structure, typically 2 graphic discriminators between these two enti-
to 3 cm in size. Gray scale ultrasound character- ties are the location of the cyst and the
istics include an irregular thick wall, unilocular appearance. An ectopic pregnancy typically has a
cyst, often with internal debris or echogenic more echogenic rim than a corpus luteum,
material. The most constant and specific feature and most (although not all) ectopics are
Section 1 Corpus Luteum and Hemorrhagic Cyst
extraovarian, whereas functional cysts are always Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
in the ovary. The circumferential Doppler pat- It is important to understand that the CL is a nor-
tern of a corpus luteum (ring of fire) is easily mal, short-lived, functional cyst found in pre-
distinguishable from a torsed ovary, which menopausal and pregnant women. Its function
would typically have a paucity of flow. Doppler is essential, and if the corpus luteum is surgically
pattern is also a key factor in distinguishing a CL removed in early pregnancy an abortion will
Figure C3-1 Typical corpus luteum with crenated edges, thick wall, and internal debris. The color Doppler image
shows the signature intense circumferential flow of the corpus luteum.
Corpus Luteum and Hemorrhagic Cyst Section 1
Figure C3-2 Two different patients showing the characteristic “ring of fire” flow in the corpus luteum, as seen
with color Doppler.
Figure C3-3 Two views of the same hemorrhagic cyst. Note the solid areas within the cyst representing retracting
Section 1 Corpus Luteum and Hemorrhagic Cyst
Figure C3-4 Two different cases of hemorrhagic
cysts with retracting clot. A, The typical reticular or
fishnet internal structure consistent with a retracting
clot. B, A more solid internal structure of the cyst.
Note that the solid areas are retracting toward the Figure C3-6 Ectopic pregnancy adjacent to a normal
periphery of the cyst rather than growing into the ovary. Note that the tubal ring is highly echogenic
center, as would a neoplasm. No flow was seen within (arrows), distinguishing it from the appearance of a
the clot. corpus luteum.
Corpus Luteum and Hemorrhagic Cyst Section 1
Figure C3-7 Large hemorrhagic corpus luteum with internal solid areas consistent with clot. The rounded solid
areas could be confused with an ovarian neoplasm; however, the signature color Doppler “ring of fire” makes the
correct diagnosis simple.
Suggested Reading Stein MW, Ricci ZJ, Novak L, Roberts JH, Koenigsberg
Guerriero S, Ajossa S, Melis GB. Luteal dynamics dur- M. Sonographic comparison of the tubal ring of
ing the human menstrual cycle: new insight from ectopic pregnancy with the corpus luteum. J Ultra-
imaging. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2005;25: sound Med. 2004;23:57-62.
425-427. Swire MN, Castro-Aragon I, Levine D. Various sono-
Jain KA. Sonographic spectrum of hemorrhagic ovar- graphic appearances of the hemorrhagic corpus
ian cysts. J Ultrasound Med. 2002;21:879-886. luteum cyst. Ultrasound Q. 2004;20:45-58.
Parsons AK. Imaging the human corpus luteum.
J Ultrasound Med. 2001;20:811-819.
Section 1
Cyst, Clear
Synonyms/Description Any cyst that has a thick wall or any solid com-
C Simple cyst
Clear ovarian cyst
ponent is in a different category and discussed in
other sections (refer to the differential diagnosis
list for a complex cyst).
Etiology It is very important to scrutinize the sono-
A simple ovarian cyst is a clear, thin-walled, uni- graphic appearance of cysts for any solid compo-
locular cyst. nents or areas of wall thickening. A study by
Valentin reports that 11 (0.96%) out of 1148
Premenopausal masses classified as unilocular cysts on ultra-
Simple cysts up to 3 cm in maximal diameter are sound were malignant. However, postoperatively,
considered normal physiologic follicles in 7 of the 11 malignancies thought to be unilocular
cycling women, and thus should not be reported cysts on ultrasound had gross papillary projec-
as a cyst, particularly when the patient is midcy- tions on the surgical specimen. Therefore accu-
cle. If a clear simple cyst does not resolve, it may rate classification of a cyst as clear and unilocular
be extraovarian, specifically paraovarian or para- is crucial on ultrasound examinations. Color
tubal. A persistent thin-walled and unilocular Doppler may be useful to interrogate the walls of
cyst may also represent a serous cystadenoma. a cyst to better demonstrate any wall irregularity.
Cyst, Clear Section 1
postmenopausal patients. With benign epithelial benign sonographically and yearly follow-up is
ovarian lesions there is no indication that malig- recommended.
nant transformation occurs; for example, cystad- Cysts larger than 7 cm may be difficult to assess
enomas do not become cystadenocarcinomas. fully with ultrasound; thus surgical evaluation or
Current recommendations for management of alternative imaging should be considered.
simple cysts are the result of a collaborative con-
sensus panel hosted by the Society of Radiologists
in Ultrasound. The following recommendations C
pertain only to thin smooth-walled, completely
clear, unilocular cysts.
In Premenopausal Women
Cysts less than 3 cm are considered normal and
need not be followed. Cysts measuring 3 to 5 cm
should be reported with a statement that they are
almost certainly benign and may not need fol-
low-up. Cysts between 5 and 7 cm are almost
certainly benign but should be followed yearly
with ultrasound. Cysts larger than 7 cm may be
difficult to evaluate completely sonographically
and might warrant further imaging.
Figure C4-2 Five-centimeter unilocular simple cyst
In Postmenopausal Women showing the characteristic thin smooth walls and
Cysts less than 1 cm are clinically inconsequen- anechoic internal structure.
tial and may not be reported.
Cysts between 1 and 7 cm should be reported
with a statement that they are almost certainly
1 D 2.15 cm
2 D 1.53 cm
3 D 1.94 cm
Figure C4-1 Two views of a thin-walled unilocular Figure C4-3 Differential diagnosis—paraovarian
cyst. This is a dominant follicle and is entirely cyst (see Paratubal or Paraovarian Cysts). Note that
normal. Such a cyst should not be mentioned in the the unilocular cyst is located adjacent to the ovary
ultrasound report because it is a normal finding. (arrows).
Section 1 Cyst, Clear
Suggested Reading
Greenlee RT, Kessel B, Williams CR, Riley TL, Ragard
LR, Hartge P, Buys SS, Partridge EE, Reding DJ.
Prevalence, incidence, and natural history of sim-
ple ovarian cysts among women >55 years old in a
large cancer screening trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
C 2
Levine D, Brown DL, Andreotti RF, Benacerraf B, Ben-
son CB, Brewster WR, Coleman B, DePriest P,
Doubilet PM, Goldstein SR, Hamper UM, Hecht
JL, Horrow M, Hur HC, Marnach M, Patel MD,
Platt LD, Puscheck E, Smith-Bindman R. Society of
Radiologists in Ultrasound. Management of
Figure C4-4 Differential diagnosis of large perito- asymptomatic ovarian and other adnexal cysts
neal inclusion cyst (see the section on complex cysts). imaged at US Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound
This cyst is neither totally anechoic nor unilocular. It consensus conference statement. Ultrasound Q.
seems to take on the shape of the peritoneal space, a 2010;26:121-131.
characteristic that is typical of a peritoneal inclusion Valentin L, Ameye L, Franchi D, Guerriero S, Jurkovic
cyst secondary to adhesions after pelvic surgery. D, Savelli L, Fischerova D, Lissoni A, Van Holsbeke
C, Fruscio R, Van Huffel S, Testa A, Timmerman D.
Risk of malignancy in unilocular cysts: a study of
1148 adnexal masses classified as unilocular cysts
at transvaginal ultrasound and review of the litera-
ture. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2013;41:80-89.
Section 1
Synonyms/Description incidentally during pelvic imaging. Less com-
Benign ovarian tumor that arises from surface
epithelium and underlying cortical connective
monly they can be associated with pelvic pain,
which may be a result of enlargement of the mass. C
tissue of the ovary. Unlike fibroadenomas, which are primarily solid
tumors, the epithelial portion of cystadenofibro-
Etiology mas always has a cystic component. The presence
These are rare benign ovarian tumors represent- of papillary projections (solid mural nodules)
ing less than 2% of benign ovarian neoplasms. emanating from the cyst wall may raise concerns
Originally thought to be fibrous variants of cyst- about potential malignancy. However, emerging
adenomas (the most common benign epithelial clinical evidence suggests that when cystadenofi-
ovarian neoplasms), these tumors actually origi- bromas present as a unilocular cystic structure with
nate from the surface epithelium as well as the a small avascular mural nodule, conservative man-
underlying cortical connective tissue of the ovary. agement may be a more appropriate approach.
Ultrasound Findings
Cystadenofibromas are often complex in their
sonographic appearance. They are at least partly
if not predominantly cystic and may contain
septations, solid areas, and nodularity. The most
common appearance (69% in a series of 58
cases) is a unilocular cyst with papillations that 1
project into the lumen but do not demonstrate
blood flow using color Doppler. The appear-
ance, however, can be quite variable, and can
mimic the appearance of a malignancy, with A
thick septations and blood flow in the solid
areas. Occasionally, ovarian cystadenofibromas
may be borderline tumors (5 in a series of 47
Differential Diagnosis
In some patients, the tumor has an appearance
indistinguishable from a malignancy, with solid
areas and septations containing color flow on
Doppler evaluation; these are usually removed.
The majority of cystadenofibromas are unilocular
with solid areas devoid of blood flow. The main
differential diagnosis includes an endometrioma
or a cystadenoma (mucinous or serous).
Figure C5-1 A, Typical appearance of a cystadenofi-
Clinical Aspects and Recommendations broma: a unilocular cyst with a solid nodule. B, The
Like most adnexal masses, such tumors are usually nodule contains a paucity of blood flow by color
discovered at the time of bimanual examination or
Section 1 Cystadenofibroma
Figure C5-2 Atypical appearance of a cystadenofibroma appearing as a multiseptate cystic mass with solid
components. A paucity of blood flow is demonstrated in the solid areas, although scant blood flow is present in
the septae.
Section 1
Dermoid Cyst
Synonyms/Description Differential Diagnosis
Mature cystic teratoma The diagnosis of a dermoid is very specific when
the appearance is characteristic. When the
Etiology appearance is not typical, dermoids can be mis-
This is a benign germ cell tumor containing ecto-
derm, mesoderm, and endoderm, thought to
taken for endometriomas, fibromas, and struma
ovarii. The absence of color flow on Doppler D
arise from a single germ cell. Components may examination is a very important and helpful fea-
include hair, teeth, fat, and bone. These tumors ture of dermoids. If a dermoid is suspected but
represent 25% of all ovarian neoplasms and 60% color flow is observed in the solid areas, other
of all benign ovarian tumors. They are bilateral etiologies must be considered. The sonographic
and or recurrent in 10% of cases. These lesions appearance of the rarer malignant teratoma is
are benign and typically occur in teenagers and similar to the mature lesions except for the Dop-
young adults, although approximately 1% may pler pattern of blood flow. This is rarely seen in
be immature teratomas with malignant compo- the benign lesions but common in malignancies.
nents mixed with mature elements. The short growth interval of the lesion may also
suggest a malignancy.
Ultrasound Findings
The classic sonographic appearance of a dermoid Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
is an echogenic mass with intense acoustic shad- Most dermoid cysts are asymptomatic. If symp-
owing obscuring the back wall. A finding coined toms are present, it often depends on the size
“tip of the iceberg” refers to this characteristic, of the mass. Such ovarian pathology is not usu-
which can make obtaining accurate measure- ally associated with adhesion formation, and
ments of the mass difficult. The intensely echo- adnexal torsion can occur, especially if the cyst
genic components of dermoid cysts represent is large. They rarely rupture, but when they do,
varying combinations of fat, sebaceous material, spillage of sebaceous material into the abdomi-
hair, teeth, and bone. There are often a multitude nal cavity may cause chemical peritonitis and
of thin echogenic lines emanating from the echo- development of dense intra-abdominal adhe-
genic center representing strands of hair within sions. This rare complication can present with
the mass. The so-called “Rokitansky nodule” is a acute symptoms, but the most common cause
very echogenic, discrete, rounded protuberance of acute pelvic pain in the presence of a der-
characteristic of a dermoid. There is typically no moid is torsion.
demonstrable blood flow within these lesions. Malignant transformation, although extremely
Less commonly, dermoids can be predomi- rare (quoted to be 0.2% to 2% in such benign
nantly cystic with only a small echogenic nodule teratomas), can occur. This is unlike epithelial
that is easy to miss and that indicates the correct ovarian neoplasms, in which benign growths do
diagnosis. There can be septations and low-level not transform into malignant ones.
echoes, which may be confused as findings con- Ovarian cystectomy is the treatment of choice
sistent with an endometrioma. Occasionally, in reproductive-age women when intervention
dermoids can be made up of a multitude of small is indicated. This allows for a definitive diagno-
round balls within a mass, like a cluster of bil- sis, preservation of ovarian tissue, and decreased
liard balls. This is rare but when visualized is a risk of torsion or rupture. For those women
characteristic appearance of a dermoid cyst. who have completed their child bearing,
Section 1 Dermoid Cyst
Dermoid Cyst Section 1
Suggested Reading
Outwater EK, Siegelman ES, Hunt JL. Ovarian terato-
mas: tumor types and imaging characteristics.
Radiographics. 2001;21:475-490.
Sokalska A, Timmerman D, Testa AC, Van Holsbeke
C, Lissoni AA, Leone FP, Jurkovic D, Valentin L.
Diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound
examination for assigning a specific diagnosis to
adnexal masses. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009;34:
Ushakov FB, Meirow D, Prus D, Libson E, BenS-
hushan A, Rojansky N. Parasitic ovarian dermoid
tumor of the omentum. A review of the literature
and report of two new cases. Eur J Obstet Gynecol
Reprod Biol. 1998;81:77-82. Review.
Section 1
Synonyms/Description can have a similar appearance although less vas
Malignant germ cell tumor diagnosed predomi cular. Other solid ovarian malignancies should
nantly in young adults ages 20 to 30. The most be considered, including metastatic disease to
common benign germ cell tumor is the mature the ovary, lymphoma, and predominantly solid
D teratoma, commonly called a dermoid cyst (see
Dermoid Cyst).
cystadenocarcinomas (although the common cys
tic portions of these cystadenocarcinomas are
not usually seen in dysgerminomas). The exten
Etiology sive blood flow makes the fibroma and mature
Primitive germ cell tumors include the dys dermoid unlikely.
germinoma, immature teratoma, endodermal
sinus/yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma, Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
and nongestational choriocarcinoma. Dysgerminomas may present either as palpable
Ovarian dysgerminomas arise from primor adnexal masses or as incidental findings on an
dial germ cells and represent 1% to 2% of ovar imaging study. Occasionally, these tumors dis
ian malignancies and 30% of all malignant germ play unusually rapid growth, and patients may
cell tumors. Dysgerminoma is a rare tumor simi present with abdominal enlargement and pain
lar in histology to the male testicular seminoma caused by rupture with hemoperitoneum or tor
and can arise bilaterally in 15% of affected sion. If the tumor is hormonally active, men
patients. Serum human chorionic gonadotropin strual abnormalities may occur. These tumors
(hCG) is occasionally elevated. can produce placental alkaline phosphatase and
LDH. Thus, in patients with a solid-appearing
Ultrasound Findings adnexal mass, assessment of such tumor markers
Findings involve a solid, mostly isoechoic, but het may be helpful. An occasional patient may pro
erogeneous mass with apparent lobulations. The duce hCG but virtually never produces alpha
lobulations are caused by inhomogeneous internal fetoprotein (AFP). Studies indicate that approxi
echogenicity giving the sonographic appearance of mately 75% of women with dysgerminomas
different compartments in this solid tumor. Blood present with stage I disease. There is bilateral
flow is moderate to abundant in most lesions, involvement in approximately 10% to 15% of
indicating a high risk of malignancy. cases. Because the ultrasound findings are non
specific, treatment is surgical exploration and
Differential Diagnosis resection in virtually all cases. These patients are
The solid appearance of this tumor makes the often young and have not completed their child
differential diagnosis extensive. Struma ovarii bearing; therefore, unilateral salpingo-oophorec
(ectopic thyroid tissue, monodermal teratoma) tomy is appropriate and is curative in most cases.
Dysgerminoma Section 1
Figure D2-1 Dysgerminoma (two patients). A and B, Solid rounded lobular ovarian mass with no visible cystic
component. C, Color flow Doppler of the mass shows blood flow pattern in a different patient with dysgerminoma.
Section 1
Ectopic Pregnancy
Synonyms/Description difficult. Approximately 7% to 20% of women
Tubal, cornual, cervical, ovarian, or abdominal presenting with a PUL are ultimately diagnosed
pregnancy/ectopic with ectopic pregnancy.
When there is no visible intrauterine preg-
Etiology nancy, it is important to determine the level of
An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Serial
as a result of implantation of a fertilized ovum hCG levels are necessary when evaluating preg-
E outside the endometrial cavity. Ectopic preg-
nancy occurs in approximately 1.5% to 2.0% of
nancies of unknown location to observe the
trend. In a normal early pregnancy, hCG levels
gestations and can be life threatening, account- will rise by at least 53%, but typically greater
ing for 6% of all maternal deaths because of late than or equal to 100% (99% confidence interval)
presentation or unrecognized symptoms. Ecto- every 48 hours. Most ectopic pregnancies are
pic pregnancy is most common in the fallopian associated with a low and abnormally slow ris-
tube, especially when damaged by prior tubal ing hCG level. The reported “discriminatory hCG
surgery, pelvic inflammatory disease, endome- value” at which an intrauterine pregnancy must
triosis, or previous ectopic pregnancies. be identified sonographically has varied in the
Less than 10% of ectopic pregnancies occur in literature between 1000 and 3000 mIU/mm. It is
the cervix, the cornua, the ovary, or the abdo- probable that a patient with an empty uterus and
men. These are more difficult to diagnose and an hCG level of greater than 3000 mIU/mm has
treat, thus resulting in higher morbidity than an ectopic pregnancy unless she has had a recent
tubal pregnancies. More recently, implantation complete spontaneous abortion between the
in Cesarean section scars has been described time of the hCG and the sonogram.
with increasing frequency. In the absence of an intrauterine pregnancy,
the most common sonographic signs of a tubal
Ultrasound Findings pregnancy include an adnexal mass (heteroge-
Transvaginal ultrasonography has 73% to 93% neous cystic and/or solid), a tubal ring (small
sensitivity for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy, round cyst with echogenic rim), a tubular mass
depending on sonographer expertise and gesta- consistent with a hematosalpinx, and echogenic
tional age. On rare occasions, there is a gestational free fluid in the cul-de-sac consistent with blood.
sac with a live embryo in the adnexa and the sono- Color Doppler often shows circumferential flow
graphic diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy can be around a tubal ring, similar to a corpus luteum,
definitive. In 8% to 31% of women suspected of but there is typically no flow inside a hematosal-
having an ectopic pregnancy, the initial ultrasound pinx. It is helpful to distinguish the ovary as sep-
does not show the whereabouts of the pregnancy arate from the ectopic pregnancy mass so as not
(pregnancy of unknown location [PUL]). to misdiagnose the mass as ovarian in origin.
An empty-appearing uterus may indicate an Pushing the mass gently past the ovary can dem-
intrauterine pregnancy too early to see (less than onstrate that they are separate.
5 weeks), a failed pregnancy too small or already Cornual ectopic pregnancies account for 1%
passed, or an ectopic pregnancy. Technical fac- to 6% of ectopic pregnancies and can be diag-
tors such as fibroids, adenomyosis, morbid obe- nosed if the gestational sac is located clearly out-
sity, or an axial uterus may make imaging more side of the endometrial cavity but surrounded by
Ectopic Pregnancy Section 1
Section 1 Ectopic Pregnancy
E Figure E1-1 Intrauterine pregnancy. Longitudinal and transverse views of the uterus showing a small 5-week-size
gestational sac. The rounded sac with echogenic rim within the decidua is the earliest visible indication of an
intrauterine pregnancy.
Figure E1-2 Tubal ectopic pregnancy. View of the right adnexa showing a hemorrhagic cyst within the ovary,
adjacent to which is a small ectopic pregnancy (arrow). Note the intense echogenic rim of the ectopic sac, com-
pared with the echolucent border of the hemorrhagic corpus luteum.
Ectopic Pregnancy Section 1
Figure E1-3 Live ectopic pregnancy. A, Transverse view of the uterus, showing that there is no intrauterine
pregnancy. B and C, A live ectopic pregnancy with a gestational sac and an embryo in the adnexa. The embryo has
a heartbeat seen with Doppler and m-mode. D, A moderate amount of echogenic free fluid in the cul-de-sac of the
same patient, indicating leakage of blood from the ectopic pregnancy.
Section 1 Ectopic Pregnancy
Figure E1-4 Longitudinal view of an empty uterus in a patient with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Note multiple
blood clots (arrows), both in front of and behind the uterus.
Figure E1-5 Cervical pregnancy. Longitudinal view and 3-D rendering of a 5-week cervical pregnancy. Note the
presence of the gestational sac within the cervix (arrows on 3-D view).
Ectopic Pregnancy Section 1
Endometrial cavity
C-section ectopic
Figure E1-6 Cornual pregnancy. A, The gestational
sac with its echogenic rim, located adjacent to the
fundus of the uterus. B, A 3-D rendered image Cervix
Section 1 Ectopic Pregnancy
Figure E1-8 Heterotopic pregnancy at 12 weeks. A, The normal intrauterine pregnancy at 12 weeks. B and C, A
tubular solid mass in the right adnexa of the same patient. Note that there is only peripheral vascularity and no
blood flow in the center of the mass. This was an ectopic pregnancy with a hematosalpinx in the setting of a
co-existing intrauterine pregnancy.
Suggested Reading Lin EP, Bhatt S, Dogra VS. Diagnostic clues to ectopic
Barnhart KT. Ectopic pregnancy. N Engl J Med. 2009; pregnancy. RadioGraphics. 2008;28:1661-1671.
361:379-387. Osborn DA, Williams TR, Craig BM. Cesarean scar
Kamaya A, Shin L, Chen B, Desser TS. Emergency pregnancy: sonographic and magnetic resonance
gynecologic imaging. Semin Ultrasound CT MRI. imaging findings, complications, and treatment.
2008;29:353-368. J Ultrasound Med. 2012;31:1449-1456.
Kirk E, Bourne T. Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy with
ultrasound. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol.
Section 1
Endometrial Carcinoma
Synonyms/Description or ill defined, a sonohysterogram can be per-
Uterine cancer formed to outline the endometrium and deter-
mine whether there is a focal or diffuse process.
Etiology More advanced tumors often have a texture of
Endometrial cancer is the most common cancer mixed echogenicity and abundant vascularity evi-
of the female genital tract. The overall 5-year sur- dent on color Doppler. The tumor vessels are typi-
vival rate is 85%, 75%, 45%, and 25% for stages cally multiple, disorganized, and entering from
I through IV, respectively.
Risk factors for endometrial cancer include
multiple foci. As the tumor continues to grow, the
borders become increasingly irregular and ill-
obesity, diabetes, nulliparity, estrogen-producing defined, invading the myometrium, with loss of
ovarian tumors, polycystic ovarian syndrome, definition of the endometrial-myometrial junction.
advanced age, unopposed estrogen therapy, There can be cystic spaces within the characteristi-
tamoxifen, and a family history of nonpolypoid cally solid tumor and, sometimes, fluid in the endo-
colorectal cancer. metrial cavity outlining the mass. As the endometrial
The prognosis depends on the tumor type and tumor invades further into the myometrium, the
stage. Type 1 endometrial cancer or endometri- uterus enlarges and becomes blotchy in texture.
oid carcinoma accounts for 80% of uterine carci- With extensive myometrial invasion, the residual
nomas and is associated with increased and mantle of myometrium may be very thin. Some
unopposed estrogen exposure. It typically arises tumors seem to be entirely in the myometrium
from a background of endometrial hyperplasia rather than the endometrium (see Figure E2-3).
and is frequently low-grade and slow-growing. Endometrial cancer can arise not only in the
Type 2 tumors are not estrogen driven and are uterine fundus (most common), but also in the
generally far more aggressive than type 1. They lower uterine segment, at the cervical junction,
often occur in the setting of atrophic endome- distorting the shape of the lower segment (see
trium and include serous, clear cell, and other Figure E2-5).
cell types. These tumors tend to invade the myo-
metrium earlier and spread rapidly. Differential Diagnosis
When the endometrial abnormality is confined to
Ultrasound Findings the endometrium and appears typically echo-
The gray-scale sonographic appearance of endo- genic, the differential diagnosis includes polyps
metrial cancer depends on the stage of disease. If and endometrial hyperplasia. A sonohysterogram
the tumor is confined to the endometrium and is very helpful as the initial workup for a thick-
small, the scan may reveal a thickened, heteroge- ened or ill-defined endometrium in a patient with
neous endometrium or even a normal-appearing abnormal or postmenopausal bleeding. The age,
endometrium if the tumor is very small. In post- history, and hormonal status of the patient are
menopausal patients who are bleeding, an endo- important factors to consider, but tissue sampling
metrial thickness greater than 4 mm (some use is necessary when malignancy is being consid-
greater than or equal to 5 mm) is considered ered. The differential diagnosis for a uterine mass
abnormal and requires further evaluation. Early- with irregular cystic areas and excessive vascular-
stage tumors are typically hyperechoic and may ity includes sarcoma and fibroids (see Uterine
have some but limited color flow within the endo- Sarcoma and also Fibroids). Because fibroids are
metrium. If the endometrium appears abnormal far more common than uterine cancers, a uterine
Section 1 Endometrial Carcinoma
mass may be mistaken for an atypical fibroid at Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
first scan. If a fibroid is unusual in appearance, it Endometrial cancer is typically treated with
is important to rescan the patient in a relatively total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral
short time interval to evaluate growth of the salpingo-oophorectomy, and staging, which
lesion. Adenomyosis can give the myometrium a includes lymph node sampling. Further therapy
focal blotchy appearance, although the vascular- depends on the stage and type of tumor; it may
ity should differentiate adenomyosis from a involve gynecologic, radiation, and medical
cancer. oncologists.
2 1
Figure E2-1 Polypoid endometrial cancer. A, A solid isoechoic mass in the endometrium (calipers). B, Extensive
color flow displaying multiple, irregular vessels in the mass (arrows). C, A 3-D coronal rendering of the uterus after
saline had been introduced into the cavity. Note the tumor (arrows) at the fundus of the uterus, outlined by fluid.
Endometrial Carcinoma Section 1
Figure E2-2 A, Longitudinal view of the uterus in a patient with adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. Note the
thick and heterogeneous endometrium with ill-defined borders on the gray scale image. B, The color flow image
shows abundant vascularity (arrow) in the endometrium.
Section 1 Endometrial Carcinoma
Figure E2-3 A and B, Large echogenic endometrial cancer (calipers) invading the myometrium with only a small
component in the endometrial cavity. C, The color flow image shows the abundant vascularity in this aggressive
Figure E2-4 Large endometrial cancer located within the endometrial cavity and involving approximately 50% of
the circumference of the endometrium. This mass is protruding into the cavity and outlined by endometrial fluid.
Note the intense vascularity evident on the color flow image.
Endometrial Carcinoma Section 1
Figure E2-5 Two different patients with invasive endometrial cancer in the lower uterine segment and upper
cervix. A and B, A solid, homogeneous mass (arrows) that is very vascular and located in the lower uterine segment
and involving the upper portion of the cervix. C, The 3-D coronal view of the same mass showing its location in the
lower portion of the uterus as well as its irregular contour (arrows). D and E, A different patient with a similar
tumor (calipers) in the lower uterus/cervix. Note the disorganized abundant vascularity to the mass.
Section 1 Endometrial Carcinoma
Video 1 on endometrial carcinoma is available
Suggested Reading
Amant F, Moerman P, Neven P, Timmerman D, Van
Limbergen E, Vergote I. Endometrial cancer. Lancet.
Epstein E, Van Holsbeke C, Mascilini F, Måsbäck A,
Kannisto P, Ameye L, Fischerova D, Zannoni G,
Vellone V, Timmerman D, Testa AC. Gray-scale and
color Doppler ultrasound characteristics of endo-
Section 1
Endometrial hyperplasia refers to abnormal pro-
5 mm; however, the American College of Obstet-
rics and Gynecology states less than or equal to
4 mm is normal. It is important to evaluate the
liferation of endometrial glands and stroma, rep- endometrium in its entirety. If part of the endo-
resenting a spectrum of endometrial abnormalities metrium is obscured by fibroids, polyps, or ade-
ranging from benign overgrowth to precancerous nomyosis or if the margins are indistinct, saline
tissue. Endometrial hyperplasia can cause a dif- infusion sonohysterography can be used for fur-
fusely thickened endometrium or, less commonly, ther evaluation. There is no accepted normative
focal thickening within the cavity. data for the width of the endometrium in non-
bleeding postmenopausal patients. The sono-
Ultrasound Findings graphic appearance of the endometrial echo and
The sonographic appearance of endometrial color flow are important factors in detecting the
hyperplasia is a heterogeneous thickening of the presence of endometrial disease.
endometrial echo (lining). Endometrial hyper- Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor
plasia may be circumferential, involving most of modulator used in the treatment and prevention
the endometrium or focal and nodular. In pre- of breast cancer. The estrogen receptor agonist
menopausal patients, optimal evaluation of the activity in the uterus caused by Tamoxifen has
endometrium is in the early follicular (prolifera- been associated with an increased risk of endo-
tive) phase when the lining is at its thinnest. metrial polyps, hyperplasia, and cancer when
Later in the menstrual cycle the endometrium used in postmenopausal women. In addition,
becomes topographically irregular, and the patients on Tamoxifen can have a very indistinct
appearance of endometrial hyperplasia may be endometrial/myometrial border that often
indistinguishable from the normal thickening results in the overestimation of the endometrial
that occurs during the luteal (secretory) phase. echo width. This is often caused by microcystic
There are no established values for the normal formation in the subendometrial region, which
width of the endometrial echo in premenopausal results in an irregular endometrial-myometrial
women. The sonographic texture of the endo- junction. These microcysts are glandular cystic
metrial echo is an important feature, and focal atrophy. Sonohysterography is very useful to
irregularities may be further delineated with delineate the true appearance of the endometrial
sonohysterography. surface itself.
In postmenopausal patients with bleeding, the
normal width of the endometrium in longitudinal Differential Diagnosis
view should measure less than or equal to 4 mm The differential diagnosis for a thickened endo-
and appear linear, with no focal irregularities. metrium is extensive, but generally includes endo-
Some authors report that a measurement less than metrial hyperplasia, polyps, fibroids (submucous),
Section 1 Endometrial Hyperplasia
endometrial cancer, retained products of concep- Adenomyosis; and Retained Products of Con-
tion, and adenomyosis. Patients with endometrial ception for more detail on each.
hyperplasia typically have a circumferentially
thickened endometrium. Unfortunately, endo- Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
metrial hyperplasia and cancer are indistinguish- Clinically there is a great difference between
able sonographically and require tissue sampling. endometrial evaluation in premenopausal and
Sonohysterography is crucial to differentiat- postmenopausal patients. In premenopausal
ing a focal lesion such as a polyp from a global patients who are still cycling, it is essential that
process such as hyperplasia or malignancy. Pol- sonographic evaluation be performed in the
yps are echogenic focal lesions, typically with a early follicular phase, when the endometrium is
feeder vessel, and often detectable without thinnest. In postmenopausal patients who are
sonohysterography. Submucous fibroids are not on hormone therapy, there is no “cycling,”
E typically rounded structures, more echolucent
than the surrounding endometrium and dis-
and sonographic evaluation may be carried out
at any time. The value of sonography in patients
placing the endometrial echo. Adenomyosis suspected of having endometrial hyperplasia is
may make the endometrial-myometrial junc- the high negative predicative value of a thin, dis-
tion indistinct, necessitating a sonohysterogram tinct endometrial echo when present. When a
to clarify. If a patient has had a recent preg- thin echo is not present, saline infusion sono-
nancy, retained products of conception should hysterography can help to differentiate between
be considered. Color flow Doppler may show global abnormalities, which can be sampled
extensive vascularity, further confirming the blindly, and focal abnormalities (polyps, focal
diagnosis. Please see the individual sections for tissue growth), which should be sampled under
Endometrial Carcinoma; Polyps, Endometrial; direct visualization (hysteroscopically).
Endometrial Hyperplasia Section 1
Figure E3-1 Endometrial hyperplasia. A, A diffusely thickened endometrium. B and C, Images from the
sonohysterogram showing that the thickening is global.
Figure E3-2 Differential diagnosis. A, A thickened endometrium. B, A 3-D image from the sonohysterogram
showing a focal lesion that was a large polyp.
Section 1 Endometrial Hyperplasia
Figure E3-3 Differential diagnosis. A, A thickened and blotchy endometrium with a hint of a focal lesion. B, The
3-D coronal view shows the polyp without the need for a sonohysterogram.
Endometrial Hyperplasia Section 1
Section 1
Synonyms/Description The ground-glass texture of the cyst content is
Endometriosis signifies the presence of endome- very characteristic and makes 90% of endome-
trial tissue outside the endometrial cavity. These triomas easily recognizable. Some benign endo-
ectopic glands respond to the cyclical hormones, metriomas also have solid components (often
thus causing microscopic internal bleeding and echogenic) in the inner aspect of the cysts, but
pain during the course of the menstrual cycle. these are typically without discernible blood
This ectopic tissue bleeds episodically, causing flow and represent clot. When interrogating
E inflammation, adhesions, and scarring. These
ectopic glands can also react to hormones of
endometriomas with color Doppler, there is no
discernible flow in the cyst (only in the wall) and
pregnancy. there is usually no visible streaming of the low-
level echoes within the cyst, thus distinguishing
Etiology it from cystadenomas and other cysts. Patients
The exact cause of endometriosis is unknown with endometriomas often have adhesions so
and there are multiple theories. In addition, the that tubal disease in the form of a hydrosalpinx
true prevalence of this condition is also unclear or other signs of adhesive disease may be a com-
because endometriosis is not always symptom- mon finding.
atic. There does, however, appear to be a higher When the cyst wall is thickened and irregular,
incidence in women who are diagnosed with the possibility of malignancy, specifically endo-
infertility and pelvic pain. metrioid carcinoma, must be considered. Typi-
Endometriosis can occur in many forms, cally endometrioid carcinoma looks like an
including the formation of cysts known as endo- endometrioma but with internal solid nodular-
metriomas (chocolate cysts), which typically ity that contains abundant color Doppler flow.
develop in ovarian tissue. Endometriosis can In a study of 309 endometrioid cysts surgically
also occur in the uterus with the propagation of removed, 1.2% were classified as borderline, and
endometrial glands through the junctional zone 3.4% as invasive endometrioid tumors. Patients
into the myometrium, a condition known as with malignancies were typically older (median
adenomyosis (see Adenomyosis). Endometriosis 52 years) compared with those with benign cysts
can also take the form of small deep implants of (median 34 years). All of the malignant and bor-
endometrial tissue in many different places in derline tumors were characterized as having
the body, including the wall of the bladder, the solid components with evidence of color flow,
anterior abdominal wall, the bowel wall, and the compared with only 7.8% of the benign lesions.
uterosacral ligaments, as well as other pelvic
sites. Rarely, endometriosis can occur in distal Decidualized Endometrioma
sites such as the lung, potentially causing If the patient is pregnant, the endometrioma
hemoptysis. may become decidualized and have ultrasound
characteristics suggestive of a malignancy. The
Ultrasound Findings stromal transformation of endometrial cells
Endometrioma within the endometrioma can occur because of
The typical appearance of an endometrioma is high levels of progesterone in pregnancy. In
that of a unilocular cyst with homogeneous low- gravid patients, these cysts can contain internal
level echoes and through transmission of sound. solid nodularity with blood flow, and are
Endometriosis Section 1
indistinguishable from borderline or even frank have had abdominal surgery such as a prior
ovarian cancers sonographically. C-section or laparoscopy. Endometriosis of the
Therefore such cysts may potentially be bladder wall appears as a fusiform solid thicken-
watched with frequent serial ultrasounds before ing of the wall itself. If endometrial implants
making a final decision to remove the cyst during impinge on the ureter, the patient may have
the pregnancy. If the cyst remains unchanged, it chronic ureteral obstruction that is silent and
is unlikely to be malignant, and removal can be may lead to a nonfunctioning kidney.
planned after delivery. In patients who have had prior abdominal
surgery, endometriosis may present as a hard,
Deep Penetrating Bowel Wall and Pelvic solid mass in the anterior abdominal wall in the
Implants region of the scar. Little color flow may be pres-
Sonographically, deep implants of endometriosis ent, and the mass is often tender.
are small solid masses with little if any detectable
blood flow using color Doppler. The bowel wall Differential Diagnosis
implants are nodular and fusiform swellings of Endometrioma
one side of the bowel wall. This swelling is often Most endometriomas involve the ovary and have a
adherent to the back of the cervix, thus hindering characteristic appearance, which is a unilocular
any sliding of the uterus past the bowel on exam. cyst with homogeneous low-level echoes and no
Bazot reports a sensitivity and specificity of color flow. Some endometriomas can be multi-
78.5% and 95.2%, respectively, for detecting dis- locular or septate or have a thickened wall with
ease in that location, suggesting that ultrasound echogenic material. These cysts may be confused
(in experienced hands) is accurate in diagnosing with dermoids (echogenic area), cystadenomas
rectosigmoid endometriosis. Hudelist and col- (septations), or even malignancy if there is some
leagues report a sensitivity and specificity of 91% solid component. Color Doppler is essential to
and 98%, respectively, and positive likelihood interrogate these solid areas for blood flow. The
ratio and negative likelihood ratios of 30.4 and absence of flow may suggest a cystadenoma-
0.1, respectively, for detecting bowel wall endo- fibroma or endometrioma. If color flow is present,
metriosis using ultrasound. Although MRI can one must consider decidualized endometrioma
also detect implants of endometriosis, evidence (in pregnancy) versus a borderline or invasive
shows that pain-guided transvaginal ultrasound endometrioid carcinoma.
is likely more sensitive for detecting bowel Streaming is typically absent in endometrio-
involvement. mas when using Doppler. If the cyst has stream-
Implants in the rectovaginal septum are also ing echoes, a diagnosis other than endometriosis
nodular, small, rounded, solid structures best should be considered.
seen along the most distal portion of the cervix
and along the posterior fornix and upper vagina. Deep Penetrating Bowel Wall and Pelvic
Implants may also be found on the pelvic liga- Implants
ments such as the uterosacral ligaments and para Patients with deep bowel wall and pelvic endo-
pelvic regions. metrial implants are typically in a lot of pain
during the transvaginal examination, and the
Bladder Wall, Ureter, and Anterior Abdominal pelvic organs tend to be adherent to each other.
Wall Lesions (Also See Bladder Masses) It is important to try to move the uterus with the
Implants of endometriosis can occur practically vaginal probe to see if it slides past the anterior
anywhere; however, the more common areas of wall of the rectosigmoid and the ovaries. If these
involvement include the bladder wall, ureter, organs are stuck together in a patient with pain,
and anterior abdominal wall in patients who then endometriosis is likely. Other lesions
Section 1 Endometriosis
involving the bowel wall include inflammatory minimally invasive surgery in the form of lapa-
bowel disease or lymphoma; however, both of roscopy would be preferable to open laparot-
these diseases have diffuse (nonfocal) bowel omy although often the extent of adhesions
involvement without extensive adhesions or may make a minimally invasive approach dif-
focal pain (see Bowel Diseases). Solid implants ficult, if not impossible.
with color flow in the peritoneal cavity may indi-
cate carcinomatosis, although this is usually
accompanied by ascites.
Bladder Wall Lesions
Endometriosis of the bladder wall is usually well
contained within the wall and has little detect-
E able blood flow. The mucosal surface remains
smooth, unlike a transitional cell carcinoma,
which is a fungating vascular lesion of the muco-
sal surface.
Endometriosis Section 1
Section 1 Endometriosis
Figure E4-5 A, Cystic mass in a pregnant patient
showing an irregular and nodular inner wall with Figure E4-6 Transverse and longitudinal views of
cystic contents displaying low-level echoes. B, Image the anterior wall of the rectosigmoid, showing solid
showing blood flow in the solid areas, a finding that nodular masses compressing the lumen (arrows).
is worrisome for a malignancy. This mass was proved These are typical of endometriotic implants in the
to be a decidualized endometrioma at surgery. bowel wall. Note that the involved bowel is adjacent
to the back of the cervix and posterior fornix of the
Endometriosis Section 1
Bowel wall
2 1
RT post
Figure E4-11 Oblique view of the right cul-de-sac showing a small implant on the utero-sacral ligament in a
patient with extensive disease. This lesion was very tender.
Section 1 Endometriosis
Videos 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on endometriosis/endo-
metrioma are available online.
Suggested Reading
Koninckx PR, Ussia A, Adamyan L, Wattiez A,
1 Donnez J. Deep endometriosis: definition, diagno-
sis, and treatment. Fertil Steril. 2012;98:564-571.
Miranda-Mendoza I, Kovoor E, Nassif J, Ferreira H,
Wattiez A. Laparoscopic surgery for severe ureteric
endometriosis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.
Figure E4-12 Fusiform thickening of the bladder 2012 Dec; 165(2):275-279.
E wall in a patient with endometriosis of the bladder. Ozel L, Sagiroglu J, Unal A, Unal E, Gunes P, Baskent
E, Aka N, Titiz MI, Tufekci EC. Abdominal wall
endometriosis in the cesarean section surgical scar:
a potential diagnostic pitfall. J Obstet Gynaecol Res.
Poder L, Coakley FV, Rabban JT, Goldstein RB, Aziz S,
Chen LM. Decidualized endometrioma during
pregnancy: recognizing an imaging mimic of ovar-
ian malignancy. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2008;32:
1 555-558.
Testa AC, Timmerman D, Van Holsbeke C,
Zannoni GF, Fransis S, Moerman P, Vellone V,
Mascilini F, Licameli A, Ludovisi M, Di Legge A,
2 Scambia G, Ferrandina G. Ovarian cancer arising
in endometrioid cysts: ultrasound findings.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2011;38:99-106.
Figure E4-13 Two views of a solid and tender lesion
in the anterior abdominal wall within a C-section
scar. B, A paucity of blood flow in the mass, typical of
Section 1
Epidermoid Cyst
Synonyms/Description Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
Epidermal cyst or sebaceous cyst of the ovary Epidermoid cyst is usually detected as an inci-
Mature monophyletic teratoma dental finding on a pathology specimen, benign,
and rarely symptomatic.
Epidermoid cysts are benign cysts, lined by
mature keratinizing squamous epithelium but
without hair (unlike dermoids). These lesions
represent less than 0.25% of all ovarian neo-
plasms. Two main theories exist regarding the
etiology: This may be a monophyletic variant of
a dermoid or teratoma with only the epithelial
component present, resulting in a highly differ-
entiated lesion. Alternatively, epidermoid cysts
may arise from epithelial cell nests in the ovary
similar to those seen in Brenner tumors. The
cysts can contain keratin and other sebaceous
material. There is a similar counterpart tumor
that occurs in the testes.
Ultrasound Findings
Epidermoid cysts are solid-appearing lesions
with heterogeneous and echogenic texture but
no internal color flow on Doppler evaluation.
The detectable blood flow is peripheral, suggest-
ing a cyst wall. Epidermoid cysts are not as echo-
genic as dermoids, making the appearance
nonspecific. The lack of flow inside is helpful in
this otherwise solid-appearing lesion.
Differential Diagnosis 1
The presence of a solid ovarian mass brings to
mind many diagnoses. The lack of internal blood
flow typical of the epidermoid cyst helps to narrow Figure E5-1 Two views of an ovarian epidermoid
the differential diagnoses to dermoid, endometri- cyst. Note the slightly echogenic but heterogeneous
internal sonographic texture.
oma, fibroma, or other benign solid ovarian tumor.
Section 1 Epidermoid Cyst
Suggested Reading
Fan LD, Zang HY, Zhang XS. Ovarian epidermoid
cyst: report of eight cases. Int J Gynecol Pathol.
Sheikh SS, Amr SS. Epidermoid cyst of the ovary.
J Obstet Gynaecol. 2003;23:213.
Figure E5-2 Color flow Doppler image of the same
epidermoid cyst showing only peripheral flow in the
capsule of the cyst.
Section 1
Synonyms/Description Intramural
Leiomyoma, myoma, fibromyoma, and uterine Fibroids are most commonly intramural and
fibroma occur within the confines of myometrium.
Etiology Submucosal
Fibroids are the most common benign pelvic A fibroid that protrudes into the endometrial
tumor in women. The prevalence in women age cavity is submucosal. These can occasionally be
50 and older is estimated at 80% in African pedunculated into the cavity and slide down into
Americans and up to 70% in Caucasians. Others the cervix as the uterus tries to expel it. Three-
have estimated a lower incidence (up to 50% of
perimenopausal women).
Myomas are thought to be monoclonal and
dimensional ultrasound and sonohysterography
can be very helpful in outlining the extent of the
submucosal component of the fibroid within the
originate from a single myocyte that undergoes cavity.
somatic mutation as it grows. Cytogenetic anom-
alies are found in 40% of fibroids. Estrogen and Subserosal
progesterone are known to stimulate the growth A fibroid that indents the serosal surface and
of fibroids. Although many fibroids are asymp- gives a bumpy appearance of the outside of the
tomatic, others may cause bleeding, pain, mass uterus is subserosal.
effect, urinary frequency, constipation, pregnancy
loss, and infertility. The presence of symptomatic Pedunculated
fibroids is the most common indication for A fibroid that has grown from a subserosal
hysterectomy. fibroid outward and remains tethered to the
uterus by a pedicle is considered pedunculated.
Ultrasound Findings Occasionally these can pick up vascularity from
Fibroids are typically solid masses, which are outside organs and become parasitic, no longer
sonographically hypoechoic or isoechoic with connected to the uterus, making the sonographic
the surrounding myometrium. They are well diagnosis more difficult.
circumscribed, with acoustic shadowing, often
with a pattern of stripes or swirls caused by Degenerating
these shadows. They can be calcified, often with Discrepancy between the rate of growth of the
a circumferential pattern of calcification. If they myoma and its blood supply can lead to an
degenerate, they can have central cystic por- infarction of part (most often the center) of the
tions. Color Doppler findings of fibroids are myoma. The degenerating fibroid has a variable
variable. Some fibroids have abundant flow manifestation, the most common being a donut-
and others scant; therefore there is no Doppler appearing mass with a cystic center and a thick
flow pattern specific to fibroids. Doppler is wall, located within the confines of the uterus.
helpful to map the blood flow to the fibroid. If The acute infarction leads to severe pain and is
it is pedunculated, it may be confused with an more common during pregnancy. Some degen-
ovarian mass. erating fibroids can mimic ovarian cystic masses,
Fibroids are further described by their location especially if they are pedunculated and multisep-
in the uterus. tate in appearance.
Section 1 Fibroids
could be confused with an endometrial polyp. A levonorgestrel-releasing IUD, progestin-only
central blood supply with a feeding vessel and pills, tranexamic acid, and even nonsteroidal
cystic spaces would favor a polyp. A bumpy and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in some
asymmetric uterus may be confused with a Mül- patients. Preoperatively, GnRH agonists such as
lerian duct anomaly such as a unicornuate uterus leuprolide or danazol have been employed to
with a rudimentary horn forming a mass. Three- reduce uterine size. Some women close to meno-
dimensional ultrasound is essential for diagnos- pause may use such agents to eliminate bleeding
ing Müllerian duct abnormalities and the and reduce uterine size, thus allowing them to
position of fibroids within the uterus. drift into natural menopause, when symptoms
If the fibroid is pedunculated laterally, in the and bleeding will cease. In patients with severe
broad ligament, it may be difficult to distinguish symptoms of pelvic pressure, pain, bowel/blad-
it from a solid adnexal mass such as a fibroma or der complaints, or abnormal uterine bleeding,
Brenner tumor. Finding the ipsilateral ovary sep- hysterectomy will be definitive therapy. Other
arate from the mass is important to rule out such less invasive approaches such as high-frequency
entities. focused ultrasound (HiFUS) and uterine artery
embolization are also used.
Clinical Aspects and Recommendations Perimenopausal patient’s estradiol levels ini-
Fibroids are so common and variable in size and tially rise as women become anovulatory and
location that clinical management and recommen- produce multiple follicles, without any becom-
dations depend on many variables, such as age, ing dominant. This can result in temporary
parity, desire for future fertility, bleeding pattern, enlargement of fibroids before actual menopause
and hormonal status (e.g., premenopausal vs. post- and may concern clinicians. Although uterine
menopausal). In general, therapies for fibroids sarcomas may be difficult to distinguishsono-
include gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, graphically from very vascular fibroids, true leio-
hysterectomy or myomectomy (abdominal or trans- myomas are benign and do not undergo malignant
cervical), MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery, degeneration.
Fibroids Section 1
Figure F1-1 3-D ultrasound showing an intramural fibroid in the right midbody of the uterus.
Section 1 Fibroids
Figure F1-3 Two cases of submucosal fibroids (2-D and 3-D coronal views). A and B, Small, almost completely
submucosal fibroid in the left side of the cavity best seen with 3-D. C and D, Larger fibroid, lower in the uterus and
50% submucoal. Three-dimensional imaging is necessary to map out the exact position of the fibroid within the
uterine cavity.
Fibroids Section 1
Figure F1-4 2-D and 3-D views of multiple submucoal fibroids throughout the uterus.
Section 1 Fibroids
Figure F1-5 Submucosal fibroids using sonohysterography for mapping. A, Simple 3-D coronal view. B, After
instilling saline into the cavity. C, Virtual hysteroscopy using the 3-D surface view.
Fibroids Section 1
1 D 10.94 cm
2 2 D 7.64 cm
Section 1 Fibroids
Figure F1-8 A, Pedunculated submucosal fibroid prolapsing through the cervix (arrows). B, Color Doppler shows
feeding vessels. C, 3-D coronal view shows the position of the fibroid.
Section 1
Section 1 Fibroma (Ovarian), Thecoma, and Fibrothecoma
Right Right
usually seen.
Fibroma (Ovarian), Thecoma, and Fibrothecoma Section 1
Suggested Reading
Chechia A, Attia L, Temime RB, Makhlouf T, Koubaa
A. Incidence, clinical analysis, and management of
ovarian fibromas and fibrothecomas. Am J Obstet
Gynecol. 2008;199:473.e1-4.
Conte M, Guariglia L, Benedetti Panici P, Scambia G,
Rabitti C, Capelli A, Mancuso S. Ovarian fibrothe-
coma: sonographic and histologic findings. Gyne-
col Obstet Invest. 1991;32:51-54.
Paladini D, Testa A, Van Holsbeke C, Mancari R, Tim-
merman D, Valentin L. Imaging in gynecological
disease (5): clinical and ultrasound characteristics
in fibroma and fibrothecoma of the ovary. Ultra-
sound Obstet Gynecol. 2009;34:188-195.
Yaghoobian J, Pinck RL. Ultrasound findings in the-
coma of the ovary. J Clin Ultrasound. 1983;11:
Yen P, Khong K, Lamba R, Corwin MT, Gerscovich
EO. Ovarian fibromas and fibrothecomas. J Ultra-
sound Med. 2013;32:13-18.
Section 1
Granulosa Cell Tumor Section 1
Figure G1-2 A and B, Large GCT with more solid
Figure G1-1 A and B, Large, heavily septated GCT
portions than cystic. B, Note the intense vascularity
with thick septae. B, The abundant vascularity in the
on color Doppler.
thick septae.
Section 1
Hematometra and Hematocolpos Section 1
determine if the obstruction has extended to the the ipsilateral ovary is normal sonographically,
fallopian tubes. The inner lining of the uterus then fluid in a rudimentary horn may be confused
(endometrial surface) should be evaluated care- with a degenerating fibroid or a hydrosalpinx. Rec-
fully for any masses indicating polyps or malig- ognizing the uterus as unicornuate using 3-D ultra-
nancy. The cervix should be assessed for the sound would be an important clue to the correct
presence of obstructing lesions such as fibroids diagnosis of a Müllerian duct abnormality. The
or large polyps. It may be difficult to see a small presence of such a uterine anomaly is also vital to
cervical carcinoma sonographically; however, making the correct diagnosis of an obstructed
the type of cervical lesion that obstructs the hemivagina. Otherwise the vaginal fluid could be
uterus is likely large enough to be visualized confused with a Gartner’s duct cyst or urethral
using a high-frequency transvaginal probe. diverticulum (see Vaginal Masses and also Bladder
The vagina is often easier to evaluate sono- Masses). The patient’s age, pain, and menstruation
graphically by placing the vaginal probe on the history are likely to be important factors in arriving
introitus and looking down the length of the at the correct diagnosis.
vagina and urethra (see Vaginal Masses and also
Bladder Masses). Any fluid collection along the Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
vagina may represent an obstructed hemivagina, The cause of the hematometra/hydrometra or
a finding often associated with congenital uterine hematocolpos/hydrocolpos will guide the man-
anomalies. agement. Patients who are asymptomatic and
simply have a small amount of clear intrauterine
Differential Diagnosis
Fluid inside a normal uterine cavity does not have
fluid with a normal endometrium do not require
treatment because this is not considered a clini- H
a differential diagnosis and is not always patho- cally significant finding. Pediatric patients are
logic. It is important to note that a small amount of likely to have Müllerian duct abnormalities that
clear fluid in a postmenopausal uterus is not abnor- need surgical intervention. Postmenopausal
mal. The different causes of hematometra/hydro- patients who are bleeding and have a fluid col-
metra (described in Etiology, earlier) are the more lection in the uterus require evaluation of the
diagnostically challenging step. The presence of cervix and endometrium to rule out malignancy.
fluid in an abnormal uterine cavity such as a rudi- Those with a previous ablation that somehow
mentary uterine horn can be confused with a cystic spared the fundus of the uterus are a challenge
adnexal mass, including those of ovarian origin. If and should be evaluated on an individual basis.
Section 1 Hematometra and Hematocolpos
Hematometra and Hematocolpos Section 1
Figure H1-4 This is a patient post-endometrial ablation with pelvic pain. A, A transverse view through the uterine
fundus showing a hematometra (centrally). B, A dilated fallopian tube full of fluid (arrows) with debris consistent
with a hematosalpinx. The contralateral tube had the same appearance, suggesting that there is residual cycling
endometrium at the uterine fundus, above the level of the ablation.
Section 1 Hematometra and Hematocolpos
Figure H1-5 Postmenopausal patient with endometrial cancer and a 5-week history of postmenopausal bleeding.
A and B, An endometrial mass (calipers) with abundant vascularity, located in the uterus and outlined by intracavi-
tary fluid. C, A 3-D rendered image of the uterine cavity distended with fluid, showing two separate irregular
masses in the endometrium and protruding into the cavity.
Hematometra and Hematocolpos Section 1
Suggested Reading
Goldstein SR. Postmenopausal endometrial fluid col-
lections revisited: look at the doughnut rather than
the hole. Obstet Gynecol. 1994;83:738-740.
Drakonaki EE, Tritou I, Pitsoulis G, Psaras K, Sfaki-
anaki E. Hematocolpometra due to an imperforate
hymen presenting with back pain: sonographic
diagnosis. J Ultrasound Med. 2010;29:321-322.
Shaked O, Tepper R, Klein Z, Beyth Y. Hydrometro-
colpos—diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas.
J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2008;21:317-321.
Verma SK, Baltarowich OH, Lev-Toaff AS, Mitchell
DG, Verma M, Batzer F. Hematocolpos secondary
to acquired vaginal scarring after radiation therapy
for colorectal carcinoma. J Ultrasound Med. 2009;28:
Section 1
Synonyms/Description Hydrosalpinges are often accompanied by free
Fluid-filled, distended fallopian tube pelvic fluid, especially in acute pelvic inflamma-
tory disease or ectopic pregnancy. The presence
Etiology of a solid mass within a dilated tube, along with
A hydrosalpinx is a dilated fallopian tube filled a negative pregnancy test, may suggest fallopian
with fluid. A normal tube is not visible sono- tube carcinoma, although abundant vascularity
graphically; however, when a tube becomes would also usually be present.
obstructed, it distends and fills with fluid, giving Three-dimensional ultrasound is very helpful
it a sausage-like appearance. Infection is a major for demonstrating the course of the dilated tubes.
cause of hydrosalpinx, also called pelvic inflam- Once a volume is obtained, the complete cast of
matory disease (PID), in which the tube fills with the convoluted fallopian tube is easily seen using
pus in the acute phase of the disease (pyosal- the inverse mode. This technique enables the
pinx). In ectopic pregnancy, the tube can distend practitioner to view a cast of the entire cystic tube
and fill with blood (hematosalpinx) and have a previously hidden within the volume. The whole
similar appearance to a pyosalpinx. Tubal tor- tube is then demonstrated, even if the tube tra-
H sion presents with acute pain and a tender, dis-
tended tube. Scarring and adhesions in the pelvis
verses multiple planes.
can obstruct the tubes and allow them to fill with Differential Diagnosis
fluid, but this is more often found in asymptom- Most hydrosalpinges are tubular fluid collections
atic patients since it is not an acute process. This that do not conform to any single plane. There-
can also be seen in cases of severe endometriosis, fore with 2-D ultrasound, they can have the
or previous pelvic surgery. Rarely, tuberculosis appearance of a multiseptate cystic mass. The
and other infections can attack the pelvis and “spoke-wheel” walls and a separate ovary suggest
result in hydrosalpinx. the correct diagnosis; however, too often the
findings are nonspecific. Using standard 2-D
Ultrasound Findings sonography, the differential diagnosis includes
A hydrosalpinx has a typical sonographic appear- an ovarian neoplasm or a peritoneal inclusion
ance. Evaluation of the adnexa reveals a cystic, cyst. Volume (3-D) ultrasound with inverse
sausage-shaped, serpiginous, tubular mass. The mode is essential to connecting the cystic spaces
distended tube often has a characteristic “spoke- into a tubal architecture if the mass is a hydrosal-
wheel” pattern made up by the incomplete sep- pinx. The patient’s symptoms also play an impor-
tae of the tube. The tube can become redundant tant part in making the correct diagnosis. If a
and fold upon itself, giving the appearance of a patient presents with a cystic adnexal mass and
multiseptate cystic mass. If the adjacent ovary is severe pain, the differential diagnosis would
not clearly visualized, it is easy to suspect ovarian include pelvic inflammatory disease (signs of
pathology. If the hydrosalpinx is the result of pel- infection), an ectopic pregnancy (positive preg-
vic inflammatory disease, the tubal wall can nancy test), or tubal torsion. Chronic pain or
occasionally be thick and irregular, making the cyclic pain might indicate endometriosis. Ovar-
correct diagnosis more difficult. In the study by ian neoplasms are often asymptomatic, but so
Sokalska and colleagues (from the IOTA multi- are chronic hydrosalpinges.
center study), the sensitivity for the sonographic A right-sided adnexal mass can be confused
diagnosis of hydrosalpinx was 86%. with an appendiceal mucocele. A dilated ureter
Hydrosalpinx Section 1
can occasionally mimic a hydrosalpinx although filled with anechoic fluid, has thin walls, and the
the ureter typically peristalses. patient is asymptomatic, treatment is not typi-
cally required. Salpingectomy may be indicated
Clinical Aspects and Recommendations for infertile patients or those with prior ectopic
Most hydrosalpinges are found incidentally and pregnancies desiring to conceive. Acute pelvic
are asymptomatic. Treatment, if indicated, inflammatory disease will be treated with antibi-
focuses on the etiology. If the hydrosalpinx is otics, often intravenously.
Figure H2-1 Classic sonographic appearance of a simple hydrosalpinx in three different patients. Note that the
dilated tube is seen entirely in one plane, a rare finding.
Section 1 Hydrosalpinx
Figure H2-2 A, A 2-D sonographic image of the distal end of a hydrosalpinx, showing the typical “spoke-wheel”
appearance of the incomplete septae in a dilated tube. B, The 3-D inverse rendering of the same tube, demon-
strating the complete outer contour of the hydrosalpinx, including the bulbous blunted distal end seen in the 2-D
Hydrosalpinx Section 1
Figure H2-3 Two- and three-dimensional images of a large hydrosalpinx. The 2-D image shows several individual
cysts; however, the 3-D image demonstrates that these cysts connect and represent a hydrosalpinx rather than
ovarian cysts.
Figure H2-4 Two-dimensional image of the left adnexa showing a normal ovary with a tubular multiseptate
cystic mass (calipers) lateral to the ovary. There are small “spoke-wheel” type incomplete septae within the cysts,
but the cysts do not appear to connect to each other. The 3-D image shows that these cystic components connect
into a long and narrow hydrosalpinx, confirming the diagnosis only suspected using 2-D ultrasound.
Figure H2-5 Large multiseptate cystic mass suspected to be a hydrosalpinx using 2-D ultrasound, but confirmed
with 3-D inverse mode.
Section 1 Hydrosalpinx
Suggested Reading
Sokalska A, Timmerman D, Testa AC, Van Holsbeke C,
Lissoni AA, Leone FPG, Jurkovic D, Valentin L.
Diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound
examination for assigning a specific diagnosis to
adnexal masses. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.
Timor-Tritsch IE, Monteagudo A, Tsymbal T. Three-
dimensional ultrasound inversion rendering tech-
nique facilitates the diagnosis of hydrosalpinx. J
Clin Ultrasound. 2010;38:372-376.
Figure H2-6 Thick-walled large hydrosalpinx in a
patient with acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Note
the thick and irregular wall as well as the debris and
echogenic fluid in the tube consistent with a
Section 1
Figure I1-1 Mirena IUD in place. Figure I1-2 ParaGard IUD in place.
Section 1 Intrauterine Device Location, Abnormal
Figure I1-3 A and B, Uncommon IUDs from foreign countries. C, A Lippes loop IUD, no longer on the market.
Intrauterine Device Location, Abnormal Section 1
Figure I1-4 A and B, Longitudinal and transverse views of an IUD lodged in the cervix. C, The 3-D coronal view
showing that the IUD is embedded in the upper cervical substance.
Figure I1-5 A, A prominent IUD shadow, upside down in the region of the left cornu. B, Backing the ultrasound beam
in from the shadow reveals the exact position of the Mirena IUD, malpositioned across the top of the uterine cavity. 111
Section 1 Intrauterine Device Location, Abnormal
Intrauterine Device Location, Abnormal Section 1
Suggested Reading
Benacerraf BR, Shipp TD, Bromley B. 3D ultrasound
detection of embedded intrauterine contraceptive
devices—a source of pelvic pain and abnormal bleed-
ing. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009;34:110-150.
Bonilla-Musoles F, Raga F, Osborne NG, Blanes J.
Control of intrauterine device insertion with three-
dimensional ultrasound: is it the future? J Clin
Ultrasound. 1996;24:263-267.
Lee A, Eppel W, Sam C, Kratochwil A, Deutinger J,
Bernaschek G. Intrauterine device localization by
three-dimensional transvaginal sonography. Ultra-
sound Obstet Gynecol. 1997;10:289-299.
Peri N, Graham D, Levine D. Imaging of intrauterine
contraceptive devices. J Ultrasound Med. 2007;
Shipp TD, Bromley B, Benacerraf BR. The width of
the uterine cavity is narrower in patients with an
embedded intrauterine device (IUD) compared to
a normally positioned IUD. J Ultrasound Med.
Figure I1-10 Correct placement of Essure coils in 2010;29:1453-1456.
the interstitial portion of the tubes bilaterally. Valsky DV, Cohen SM, Hochner-Celnikier D, Lev-
Sagie A, Yagel S. The shadow of the intrauterine
device. J Ultrasound Med. 2006;25:613-616.
Section 1
Intravenous Leiomyomatosis
Synonyms/Description Differential Diagnosis
Benign metastasizing leiomyoma Pelvic malignancies separate from the uterus and
ovaries, such as sarcoma or lymphoma.
This is caused by intravascular proliferation of a Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
smooth muscle, leiomyoma-like tumor, which is This is an extremely rare condition. The disease
noninvading locally, but grows within venous is usually asymptomatic and will often be dis-
channels of the uterus and pelvis as serpiginous covered incidentally on a chest x-ray. However,
tubular masses. This growth can be extensive and some patients will present with a cough, short-
occasionally even reach the inferior vena cava and ness of breath, or even chest pain. The ultimate
the right atrium, causing cardiac symptoms. In one diagnosis is based upon histologic findings of
study, 56% of patients with this condition had the extrauterine leiomyomas on bronchoscopic
previously had a hysterectomy for uterine fibroids. biopsy.
There are two possible etiologies for this rare When the disease is asymptomatic, expectant
tumor: (1) The tumor may originate from smooth management may be an option, although the
muscle in the vessel wall itself. (2) The tumor treatment of choice for symptomatic patients is
originates from a uterine leiomyoma, subse- removal of the intravascular tumors as well as
quently invading adjacent venous channels. hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
I Ultrasound Findings
The tumor typically contains estrogen and pro-
gesterone receptors. Thus treatment with oopho-
These leiomyoma-like lesions are nodular, tubu- rectomy and medications that induce medical
lar, and serpiginous solid masses in the pelvis. menopause, such as GnRH agonists, aromatase
The intravascular location of these masses is not inhibitors, or even progestins, has been shown to
well seen sonographically. Color flow is typically result in tumor regression. Usually the lesions
visible within these masses. The characteristic will shrink or disappear after castration. Thus,
features are tubular solid masses, often bilateral, hormone replacement therapy is usually
following the course of pelvic veins. contraindicated.
Intravenous Leiomyomatosis Section 1
Figure I2-1 Four different views of the serpiginous and tubular solid mass in the right side of the pelvis, which
was subsequently proven to be intravenous leiomyomatosis. There was abundant Doppler color flow in the mass.
Section 1
Lymph nodes are common sites of metastatic 2
disease in gynecologic tumors and are an impor-
tant prognostic factor in these malignancies. For
example, the 5-year survival for a patient with
vulvar cancer and normal nodes is 90%, com-
pared with a patient with nodal disease, whose
5-year survival rate is 50%.
Ultrasound Findings
Normal lymph nodes (including pelvic) are typi-
cally oblong bean-shaped and small, with the
transverse diameter less than or equal to 10 mm.
They have a peripheral hypoechogenic band with a
hyperechogenic (fatty) hilum. The vascular pattern
of normal lymph nodes is characteristic, with the Figure L1-1 Normal lymph node. The normal lymph
feeding artery and vein coursing in and out from node is identified by calipers. Color flow to the node
the hilum. Lymph nodes containing tumor tend to (arrows) shows a single source of vessels along the
be enlarged, with an irregular border and loss of long axis of the small node.
normal sonographic architecture. They are rounded
in shape rather than oblong, and their blood-flow
pattern can become multifocal and disorganized.
L Differential Diagnosis
Sonographically, an enlarged lymph node appears
as a mass, and may be difficult to distinguish from
any other solid mass in the pelvis, unless the loca-
tion and pattern of blood flow suggest a lymph
node. The color flow pattern of a lymph node will
virtually always have a single vascular source.
Lymph Nodes, Enlarged Section 1
Figure L1-3 A, Magnified view of a left-sided mass seen transvaginally, showing a homogeneously solid mass
(calipers). This enlarged and abnormal node is rounded and wide, with loss of normal architecture. B, The same
mass is interrogated with color flow Doppler, showing that the blood flow into the mass originates from one side,
characteristic of a lymph node. C, The contralateral lymph node (seen here using 3-D color Doppler) is also
enlarged with abundant color flow.
Suggested Reading Gore RM, Newmark GM, Thakrar KH, Mehta UK, Ber- L
Fischerova D. Ultrasound scanning of the pelvis and lin JW. Pelvic incidentalomas. Cancer Imaging.
abdomen for staging of gynecological tumors: a 2010;10:S15-S26.
review. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2011;38:246-266.
Lai G, Rockall AG. Lymph node imaging in gyneco-
logic malignancy. Semin Ultrasound CT MRI.
Section 1
Metastatic Tumor to the Ovary Section 1
A 1 D 15.20 cm
2 D 9.89 cm
Figure M1-1 A and B, Metastatic colon cancer to B
the ovary—Krukenberg tumor. Note the multiple tiny Figure M1-2 A and B, Adenocarcinoma of the
cystic areas and septations, giving a frothy appear- stomach metastatic to the ovary—Krukenberg tumor.
ance. B shows that part of the mass is solid. Note the large size of the tumor with multiple small
cystic areas within a solid matrix.
1 D 13.09 cm
2 D 12.55 cm
Section 1 Metastatic Tumor to the Ovary
Figure M1-4 A and B, Largely solid-appearing ovarian mass with some cystic areas as well as small punctate
calcifications. This tumor proved to be metastatic colon adenocarcinoma.
Figure M1-5 A, B, and C Small echogenic mass with internal blood flow shown on Doppler examination (B and
C). This proved to be an adenocarcinoma originating from the appendix and metastatic to the ovary, first present-
ing as an adnexal mass.
Metastatic Tumor to the Ovary Section 1
Figure M1-6 Two different cases of metastatic
breast cancer to the ovary. Both are small tumors
that are largely solid, although A shows a small cystic
portion. Figure M1-7 Small solid ovarian mass with internal
blood flow. This was found to be metastatic angiosar-
coma of the ovary at surgery. The appearance is
nonspecific sonographically, although suspected to be
a malignancy.
Section 1
Mucinous Cystadenoma
Synonyms/Description invasive tumors, although this is a very subjective
One of the epithelial-stromal tumors containing finding.
mucoid material
Differential Diagnosis
Etiology The differential diagnosis includes any complex
Most mucinous cystadenomas are benign cystic mass of the adnexa. These diagnoses are
tumors, although 20% can be borderline (low numerous and include serous cystadenoma,
malignant potential) or malignant. Benign muci- cystadenofibroma, endometrioma, peritoneal
nous cystadenomas represent 20% to 25% of all inclusion cyst, degenerating fibroid, complex hy-
benign ovarian tumors and occur mostly during drosalpinx, and so on. It may not be possible to
the third to fifth decades. These mucinous tumors arrive at a specific diagnosis sonographically
are comprised most often of the mucin-producing when faced with a multiseptate cystic mass; how-
cell type similar to a cell type that lines the intes- ever, the characteristic finding to consider in a
tinal tract, although a minority of the tumors mucinous cystadenoma is the presence of low-
have endocervical-like mucin-producing cells. level echoes, much like an endometrioma but
Some tumors may contain both cell types. with multiple septations. Often a patient with
Borderline mucinous cystadenomas are of low endometriosis will be symptomatic and may
malignant potential and carry a 5-year survival have other sites of endometriotic implants that
prognosis of 95%. The less common borderline would differentiate it from a single asymptom-
the endocervical type has a worse prognosis and atic mass such as a cystadenoma. If a separate
higher recurrence rate than the intestinal type. For ovary can be found, the differential might in-
the borderline and invasive neoplasms, see else- clude non-ovarian diagnoses such as hydrosalpinx
where in this book. or peritoneal inclusion cyst.
Mucinous Cystadenoma Section 1
RT A 2
Dist 9.09 cm
Section 1 Mucinous Cystadenoma
Section 1
Section 1 Müllerian Duct Anomalies
Müllerian Duct Anomalies Section 1
Section 1 Müllerian Duct Anomalies
Figure M3-4 Bicornuate uterus seen in 2-D and 3-D in two different patients. The 2-D image is a transverse view
M through the fundus of the uterus, showing two islands of endometrium and indicating a Müllerian anomaly. The
3-D image shows the typical bicornuate uterus with a deep indentation at the fundus, dividing the uterus into two
distinct horns. These horns merge in the lower uterine segment. Figures A and B are one patient and C and D are
Müllerian Duct Anomalies Section 1
2.0 nm
* 1
Figure M3-5 A and B, Uterus didelphys. Note that the two uterine horns are widely separated and take on the
appearance of floppy rabbit ears on this 3-D coronal view.
Figure M3-6 3-D coronal view of a typical partial septum or subseptum. The calipers demonstrate the method of
measuring the depth of the septum.
Section 1 Müllerian Duct Anomalies
Figure M3-7 A to D, Four different patients with partially septate uteri. Note the very different widths and
depths of the septae when comparing the appearance of these uteri. The smallest septum (A) measured 12 mm
and has an appearance similar to the arcuate uterus in Figure M3-3.
Müllerian Duct Anomalies Section 1
Figure M3-8 A partially septate or subseptate uterus. A is a 2-D transverse view, showing the typical two islands
of endometrium consistent with a Müllerian anomaly. B shows the preoperative 3-D coronal view of the partial
septum. C shows the postoperative result of the septal excision.
Section 1 Müllerian Duct Anomalies
2.0 nm
M 3
Figure M3-9 Partially septate/subseptate uterus seen using 3-D and sonohysterography. A and B show the 3-D
volume displaying the partial septum. C to E show the sonohysterogram images of the same septum (C is a parallel
tomographic cut through the uterus). Note that the catheter is visible inside the left endometrial cavity.
Müllerian Duct Anomalies Section 1
Figure M3-10 Unicornuate uterus. A shows a unicornuate uterus seen with 2-D ultrasound. The anomaly is very
hard to detect on this view. B and C show the single uterine horn using 3-D ultrasound. The 3-D rendered coronal
view makes the anomaly obvious.
Section 1 Müllerian Duct Anomalies
Figure M3-11 A and B, Unicornuate uterus with a
noncommunicating rudimentary horn. A, The 2-D
Müllerian Duct Anomalies Section 1
Suggested Reading
Deutch TD, Abuhamad AZ. The role of 3-dimensional
ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging
in the diagnosis of Müllerian duct anomalies: a
review of the literature. J Ultrasound Med. 2008;27:
Faivre E, Fernandez H, Deffieux X, Gervaise A, Fryd-
man R, Levaillant JM. Accuracy of three-dimensional
ultrasonography in differential diagnosis of septate
and bicornuate uterus compared with office hyster-
oscopy and pelvic magnetic resonance imaging.
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2012;19:101-106.
Ghi T, Casadio P, Kuleva M, Perrone AM, Savelli L,
Giunchi S, Meriggiola MC, Gubbini G, Pilu G,
Pelusi C, Pelusi G. Accuracy of three-dimensional
ultrasound in diagnosis and classification of
congenital uterine anomalies. Fertil Steril. 2009;
Homer HA, Li TC, Cooke ID. The septate uterus: a
Figure M3-14 Complete septate uterus with an early review of management and reproductive outcome.
pregnancy in the left horn Fertil Steril. 2000;73:1-14.
Khati NJ, Frazier AA, Brindle KA. The unicornuate
uterus and its variants: clinical presentation, imag-
ing findings, and associated complications. J Ultra-
sound Med. 2012;31:319-331.
Troiano RN, McCarthy SM. Müllerian duct anoma-
lies: imaging and clinical issues. Radiology.
Woelfer B, Salim R, Banerjee S, Elson J, Regan L,
Jurkovic D. Reproductive outcomes in women with
congenital uterine anomalies detected by three-
dimensional ultrasound screening. Obstet Gynecol.
Section 1
Ovarian Calcifications
Synonyms/Description conceivably represent a small dermoid or just a
Echogenic foci or “bright spots” of the ovary scar, but is also likely not to be clinically signifi-
Most commonly thought to represent calcified cant. If there is an associated mass, the differen-
corpora albicans tial diagnosis includes many different ovarian
tumors either benign or malignant, and the pos-
Etiology sible diagnoses relate to the appearance and tex-
In a study by Brown and colleagues, small ovar- ture of the mass rather than the presence of small
ian calcifications (1 to 3 mm) were found in calcifications.
more than half of women examined with trans-
vaginal ultrasound who were scheduled to Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
undergo oophorectomy for unrelated diagnoses. Isolated punctate echogenic foci in an otherwise
The mean number of echogenic foci per ovary normal ovary are typically incidental findings.
was 8.7 (range, 1 to 30). In 23 ovaries with sono- No treatment is recommended for this benign
graphically detected echogenic foci, the location finding.
was peripheral in 17 ovaries, central in 1, and
both central and peripheral in 5. Histology iden-
tified a potential cause of the echogenic foci in
17 of the 23 ovaries (74%). The most frequent
sole histologic finding was a corpus albicans
with hemosiderin (26% of cases). Inclusion cysts
were also frequently seen along with a corpus
albicans. The foci were not associated with either
endometriosis or malignancy.
Brown and colleagues also studied larger calci-
fications on the ovary (greater than 5 mm; range,
5 to 13 mm) in patients with otherwise normal
ovaries who did not undergo surgery and found
that they were stable over time (mean, 3 years).
Figure O1-1 Normal-appearing ovary with multiple
Ultrasound Findings small peripheral punctate calcifications.
These are small echogenic foci, often without
acoustic shadowing, that usually appear along
the peripheral aspect of normal ovaries, espe- Suggested Reading
cially in older women. If there is an associated Brown DL, Frates MC, Muto MG, Welch WR. Small
O mass in the ovary and the calcifications are part
of the mass, they should be interpreted as such.
echogenic foci in the ovaries: correlation with
histologic findings. J Ultrasound Med. 2004;23:
Differential Diagnosis Brown DL, Laing FC, Welch WR. Large calcifications
Ovaries that have small punctate echogenic foci in ovaries otherwise normal on ultrasound. Ultra-
without a mass are considered normal. A single sound Obstet Gynecol. 2007;29:438-442.
larger calcification without a mass could
Section 1
Section 1 Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial)
the blood flow indices within a mass may be of have a similar, but imperfect accuracy. Either
some value, it does not seem to add substantially way, about 15% of benign and 10% of malignant
to the subjective sonographic assessment of the masses will be misdiagnosed. Furthermore there
mass by experienced practitioners. is no evidence that any other imaging modality
The International Ovarian Tumor Analysis performs better than ultrasound for the evalua-
(IOTA) multicenter group has devised and tested tion of ovarian masses.
several approaches to determining whether an
adnexal mass is malignant. Its five simple rules Differential Diagnosis
include five features suggestive of malignancy: M1, The differential diagnosis of solid or complex
irregular contour; M2, ascites; M3, 4+ papillations; ovarian masses is vast. The main goal of the
M4, irregular, multilocular, solid tumor with a ultrasound examination is to determine whether
largest diameter greater than or equal to 100 mm; the mass is suspicious for malignancy or almost
M5, strong vascularity. The group also compiled certainly benign. Once the mass is deemed to
five features suggestive of a benign mass: B1, uni- have malignant sonographic characteristics
locular; B2, solid components less than 7 mm in (thick septations, irregular walls, vascular nodu-
largest diameter; B3, acoustic shadows; B4, larity, or solid areas with abundant blood flow),
smooth, multilocular tumor; B5, no visible blood the differential diagnosis includes primary ovar-
flow. The presence of one or more of the M fea- ian tumors versus metastatic lesions to the ovary.
tures in the absence of any B feature conveys a The sonographic appearance of primary and
diagnosis of malignancy. If one or more B features secondary ovarian malignancies is very similar.
are present in the absence of any M feature, the Furthermore a tubal cancer also has an appear-
diagnosis is benign. If both M features and B fea- ance similar to an ovarian tumor, so the sono-
tures exist in the same mass, the diagnosis is graphic appearance does not help to differentiate
inconclusive. The group studied 1938 patients between these types of malignancies. A mass
with an adnexal mass of which 1396 (72%) were associated with ascites is worrisome for a malig-
benign, 373 (19.2%) had primary invasive can- nancy. A borderline ovarian tumor typically has
cers, 111 (5.7%) had borderline tumors, and 58 some sonographic characteristics of malignancy,
(3%) had metastatic tumors to the ovary. The M but the nodularity is often smaller and perhaps
and B rules gave definitive results in 77% of less vascular. A uterine tumor such as a sarcoma
masses. In the other 23% cases, pattern recogni- can be exophytic and mimic a malignant adnexal
tion by an expert was necessary to aid in the diag- mass. If the mass has indeterminant characteris-
nosis. These simple rules ultimately resulted in a tics such as some nodularity with limited blood
sensitivity and specificity for predicting a malig- flow, it could be a cystadenoma or cystadenofi-
nant mass of 92% and 96%, respectively. For com- broma. Although purely solid masses can be
parison, the corresponding sensitivity and epithelial cancers, they are more likely to be
specificity of subjective assessment by a specialist fibromas or teratomas or dysgerminomas
were 91% and 96%, respectively. The IOTA group because epithelial malignancies tend to have
also reported that serum CA125 does not improve some cystic component of varying sizes.
the diagnostic performance ultrasound models for
Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial) Section 1
Rt Ov-PS 9.66 cm/s
Rt Ov-ED 5.76 cm/s
E8 Rt Ov-S/D 1.68
Rt Ov-RI 0.40
Figure O2-2 A to C, Ovarian cancer. Nine-centimeter ovarian cancer showing small cystic areas within a largely
solid mass with extensive vascularity. C shows the low resistive index of 0.4 using spectral Doppler. This abundant
diastolic flow is frequently seen in malignant tumors; however, the mere presence of disorganized blood vessels in
the center of the mass is the most important Doppler finding.
Section 1 Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial)
1 2
2 1
Figure O2-3 Advanced ovarian cancer. A shows a large amount of ascites anterior to the uterus (calipers) on a
transverse view of the pelvis. B shows the large complex irregular mass (calipers), which was the ovarian tumor.
Note the surrounding ascites. C shows the extensive ascites surrounding bowel loops, higher up in the abdomen.
Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial) Section 1
Figure O2-5 Serous cystadenocarcinoma in a
pregnant patient who presented for a routine 9-week
obstetric scan. Note the typical deranged and irregu-
lar branching vascularity within the nodule.
Figure O2-4 Clear cell carcinoma. A shows a largely
cystic tumor with areas of nodularity that are often
associated with endometriosis. B shows that the solid
nodules contain blood flow, which is a characteristic
of malignancy.
Section 1 Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial)
Figure O2-6 A and B, Very large serous cystadenocarcinoma, almost completely solid with a few small internal
cysts. C shows the intense vascularity with typical disorganized tumor vessels.
Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial) Section 1
Figure O2-7 Bilateral papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma. A shows the right-sided lesion, which is predomi-
nantly cystic with several solid areas and a thick septum. B and C, The left-sided lesion is mostly solid with a small
cystic component.
Section 1 Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial)
Figure O2-8 A to C, Typical serous cystadenocarcinoma with a mostly solid texture and extensive disorganized
Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial) Section 1
2 1
Figure O2-9 Stage 1 ovarian cancer in a 73-year-old patient. A shows an enlarged left ovary with a subtle 1.5-cm
solid mass (calipers). B shows the normal (small) right ovary for comparison. C and D show the abundant blood
flow to the small tumor. Typically it is difficult to demonstrate blood vessels within a normal postmenopausal
ovary, making the flow pattern in the left ovary abnormal.
Section 1 Ovarian Cancer (Epithelial)
Section 1
Ovarian/Tubal Torsion
Synonyms/Description because venous flow may be obliterated, but
Adnexal torsion arterial flow may still be present. The ovary also
has a dual blood supply, which may confound
Etiology the Doppler findings. Doppler interrogation of
Torsion is defined as the twisting by at least one the twisted vascular pedicle may reveal a spiral
complete turn of the adnexa, ovary, or (rarely) the appearance of the vessels, referred to as the
tube only around the infundibulo-pelvic and tubo- “whirlpool” sign. A positive whirlpool sign has a
ovarian ligament, resulting in ischemia. It occurs high positive predictive value for diagnosing tor-
more frequently on the right side (70%), perhaps sion and should be part of the evaluation in a
because of a longer tubo-ovarian ligament on the symptomatic patient.
right. Approximately 15% of ovarian torsions occur The detection rate of torsion is reportedly only
in children. An increase in weight of the adnexa is between 46% and 74%, likely because of the
the primary risk factor for torsion, particularly with nonspecific findings associated with this entity
dermoid cysts and other mobile ovarian masses. and lack of expertise in recognizing them.
Ovarian cancer or endometriomas seldom cause Isolated tubal torsion is rare, and it typically
torsion because of lack of mobility of these lesions. mimics a hydrosalpinx such that differentiation
The incidence of ovarian torsion increases during between an uncomplicated hydrosalpinx and tubal
pregnancy, and ovarian stimulation is an addi- torsion is difficult. The whirlpool sign can be very
tional risk factor. helpful when considering tubal torsion.
Up to 26% of cases of torsion occur in patients
who have an apparently normal adnexa; therefore Differential Diagnosis
a leading ovarian mass is not always present. A patient with ovarian or tubal torsion typically
Paratubal cysts weighing down the tube can presents with fairly acute, worsening pelvic pain.
cause isolated torsion of the tube, although this This is often, although not always, accompanied
is rare compared with ovarian torsion. Occasion- by nausea, vomiting, and fever. The clinical dif-
ally a torsed fallopian tube is associated with a ferential diagnosis includes appendicitis, ureteral
hydrosalpinx. calculi, diverticulitis, colitis, ectopic pregnancy,
pelvic inflammatory disease, and ruptured or
Ultrasound Findings hemorrhagic ovarian cyst. The presence of an
An adnexal mass in a patient with pain should adnexal mass narrows the differential diagnosis
prompt consideration of adnexal torsion as a to a tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA), an ectopic
diagnosis. The typical appearance of a torsed pregnancy, a hemorrhagic cyst, or torsion. Color
ovary is a large, edematous ovary with multiple, Doppler may help because a TOA is associated
small, peripherally placed follicles and heteroge- with excessive blood flow caused by inflamma-
neous texture of the ovarian stroma. The ovary
may be very large and tender during the scan. If
tion, and an ectopic pregnancy can be excluded
by a negative pregnancy test. An inflamed O
color Doppler reveals no blood flow in the ovary, appendix can occasionally be confused with an
then the diagnosis of torsion can be made confi- adnexal mass; however, the tubular configuration
dently. The presence of flow, however, cannot be of the appendix should help to exclude ovarian
used to rule out adnexal torsion. Blood flow to torsion, and a normal ovary usually can be visu-
the ovary may be intermittent or diminished alized transvaginally.
Section 1 Ovarian/Tubal Torsion
Clinical Aspects and Recommendations will eventually result in necrosis of the ovary
Adnexal or ovarian torsion is a gynecologic sur- and/or fallopian tube. The longer surgical treat-
gical emergency, and quick diagnosis is essen- ment is delayed, the more severe the sequelae
tial. If the diagnosis is made early and normal because of increasing release of cytokines, which
blood flow is restored, the adnexa may be saved. can result in sepsis and more severe systemic
If the diagnosis is missed or delayed, ischemia sequelae.
1 D 11.43 cm
A 1 D 10.07 cm
2 D 6.26 cm
B 2 D 7.23 cm
Figure O3-1 Adolescent girl with a 1-month history of pelvic pain. Endometriosis was the diagnosis initially given
before referral. A shows a large pelvic mass seen anterior to the uterus on a transabdominal scan (calipers). B to D
show various transvaginal views of the mass, which has both cystic and solid components. Note that there is
complete absence of blood flow to the ovary. The diagnosis of torsion was made based on these findings, and the
patient was taken to surgery.
Ovarian/Tubal Torsion Section 1
Twisted pedicle
Twisted pedicle
Figure O3-2 Young, reproductive-age woman with a 2-day history of acute pelvic pain. Local diagnosis of ovarian
tumor was made. A shows the huge edematous ovary with a few peripheral follicles. B shows the edematous
twisted pedicle. C shows color Doppler of the whirlpool sign of the twisted pedicle.
Section 1 Ovarian/Tubal Torsion
Figure O3-3 A, Transvaginal view of a huge pelvic mass with no blood flow. Note the severely edematous ovary
with a few peripheral follicles. B and C show the twisted vascular pedicle or positive whirlpool sign in 2-D and 3-D.
Ovarian/Tubal Torsion Section 1
* 45 3 2
2.0 mm
* 1
2 3 4
Figure O3-4 Torsed fallopian tube. A shows a hydrosalpinx with a very thickened wall and debris within the tube.
B and C show 3-D of the tube, demonstrating the complex-appearing fluid and debris within the swollen tube. The
diagnosis of torsion was made at surgery.
Section 1 Ovarian/Tubal Torsion
Section 1
Section 1 Ovarian Vein Thrombosis
Figure O4-2 A and B, Longitudinal view of the right
Figure O4-1 A and B, Longitudinal and transverse external iliac containing multiple clots incidentally
views of the right ovarian vein showing a hypoechoic noted on a gynecologic scan. B shows color Doppler
mass with internal strandy echoes consistent with of the vein in the same projection, showing defects
internal organizing clot. No blood flow was identified within the color consistent with clot. The thrombosis
using Doppler color flow. was confirmed with contrast CT, and the patient was
O Oncol. 2011;121:344-346.
Section 1
Ultrasound Findings
Paratubal and paraovarian cysts are typically uni-
locular thin-walled adnexal cysts that are separate
from the ovaries. Paratubal cysts are usually farther
removed from the ovaries than paraovarian cysts,
which are usually adjacent to the ovary. These cysts
can (rarely) cause tubal or adnexal torsion or
undergo hemorrhage or rupture, resulting in severe A
pelvic pain. Occasionally paratubal or paraovarian
cysts can have septations, nodularities, and excres-
cences, suggesting a malignancy (occurs in 2% of
such cysts).
Differential Diagnosis
The presence of a thin-walled, clear adnexal cyst
separate from the ovary is considered to be a
paratubal or paraovarian cyst. The differential
diagnosis may include a hydrosalpinx (although
the tubal wall is thicker than that of a cyst) or a
peritoneal inclusion cyst (usually contains mul-
B 1 D5.20 cm
tiple septations and takes on the shape of the
adjacent peritoneal surface). It is important to Figure P1-1 A and B, Two views of a simple para-
ovarian cyst
identify the ovary separately; otherwise, an
Section 1 Paratubal or Paraovarian Cysts
Section 1
Differential Diagnosis
The diagnosis of pelvic venous congestion is sug-
gested after all other causes of pelvic pain have
been excluded. Endometriosis is a common cause
of chronic pelvic pain that should be investigated
before implicating venous congestion as a final
diagnosis. Furthermore, there are patients with
large pelvic veins who have no pain at all and oth-
ers who barely make the subjective criteria for this
disorder but who complain of debilitating pain.
Certainly once a patient has been investigated for
other causes of pelvic pain, large, dilated, tortu-
ous pelvic varicosities with sluggish and occa- Figure P2-1 Color flow Doppler image showing
sional retrograde flow do suggest the diagnosis of excessive and large veins around the uterus in a
patient with characteristic dull but chronic pelvic pain.
pelvic venous congestion syndrome.
Section 1 Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
Suggested Reading Ignacio EA, Dua R, Sarin S, Harper AS, Yim D, Mathur
Beard RW, Reginald PW, Wadsworth J. Clinical fea- V, Venbrux AC. Pelvic congestion syndrome: diag-
tures of women with chronic lower abdominal nosis and treatment. Semin Intervent Radiol. 2008;25:
pain and pelvic congestion. Br J Obstet Gynecol. 361-368.
1988;95:153. Tu FF, Hahn D, Steege JF. Pelvic congestion syn-
Hobbs JT. The pelvic congestion syndrome. Br J Hosp drome-associated pelvic pain: a systematic review
Med. 1990;43:200. of diagnosis and management. Obstet Gynecol Surv.
Section 1
Pelvic Kidney
Synonyms/Description hydronephrotic kidney may be mistaken for an
Ectopic location of kidney—normal variant adnexal cystic mass such as an ovarian neoplasm
or hydrosalpinx (in the case of a dilated ureter).
Etiology Ectopic kidneys are associated with Müllerian
The incidence of pelvic kidney is reported as duct anomalies, which may further confuse the
being between 1 in 2200 and 1 in 3000. The nor- sonographic appearance of the other pelvic
mal human kidney migrates to the renal fossa organs.
from a pelvic location early in embryonic devel-
opment, typically before the 10th week of gesta- Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
tion. The congenital failure of this migration Pelvic kidneys are most often incidental and not
results in a pelvic kidney. Although a pelvic kid- clinically significant; however, they are associ-
ney is defined as a normal variant, it is associated ated with Müllerian duct anomalies, which can
with Müllerian duct anomalies such as uterine cause significant reproductive, mostly obstetric,
malformation (see Müllerian Duct Anomalies). complications. Therefore when an ectopic kid-
Pelvic kidney is the most common type of renal ney is identified in a patient of reproductive age,
ectopia and is typically clinically asymptomatic. sonographic evaluation of the reproductive tract,
However, ectopically located kidneys are at preferably 3-D, must be documented.
increased risk of urinary tract infection, stone Occasionally, ectopic kidneys can be diseased
formation, and trauma. and related to lower abdominal pain if there are
renal stones, hydronephrosis, or cysts or pyelo-
Ultrasound Findings nephritis. Rarely, renal masses such as malignan-
Pelvic kidneys that have a normal reniform cies have been identified in pelvic kidneys.
appearance can easily be recognized as an ecto-
pic kidney. It is important to check the corre-
sponding renal fossa to confirm the absence of
the kidney in its normal location before diagnos-
ing a pelvic kidney. If there are cysts or fluid col-
lections associated with the pelvic kidney, the
correct diagnosis may be more challenging, and
it is crucial to consider the diagnosis of ectopic
kidney with hydronephrosis and hydroureter.
The patient may also have an associated uterine
anomaly, so a transvaginal gynecologic ultra-
sound should be included as part of the
Differential Diagnosis
An abnormal-appearing pelvic kidney may result
in misdiagnosis when there is hydronephrosis, Figure P3-1 Typical right pelvic kidney seen trans- P
large cystic structures, or stones. Ureteropelvic vaginally, adjacent to the vaginal probe. It is impor-
junction (UPJ) obstruction has been reported in tant not to mistake this structure for a solid pelvic
22% to 37% of ectopic kidneys. A cystic or
Section 1 Pelvic Kidney
Suggested Reading
Cinman NM, Okeke Z, Smith AD. Pelvic kidney:
associated diseases and treatment. J Endourol.
2007;21:836-842. Review.
Debenedectis CM, Levine D. Incidental genitourinary
findings on obstetrics/gynecology ultrasound.
Ultrasound Q. 2012;28:293-298.
Hall-Craggs MA, Kirkham A, Creighton SM. Renal
and urological abnormalities occurring with Mül-
lerian anomalies. J Pediatr Urol. 2011;28:27-32.
Meizner I, Yitzhak M, Levi A, Barki Y, Barnhard Y,
Glezerman M. Fetal pelvic kidney: a challenge in
prenatal diagnosis? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.
Figure P3-2 Right pelvic kidney (arrows) with a 1995;5:391-393.
common malrotation, which resulted in mild Yildirim I, Irkilata HC, Aydur E, Zor M, Basal S, Gok-
hydronephrosis. tas S. Different clinical presentations of pelvic ecto-
pic kidneys: report of two cases and review of the
literature. Urologia. 2010;77:212-215. Review.
Section 1
Polycystic Ovaries
Synonyms/Description either ovary, the scan does not meet sonographic
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) definition of PCO. Guidelines recommend the
Stein-Leventhal syndrome scan be repeated at another time (during ovarian
quiescence or in the next cycle).
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most Differential Diagnosis
common endocrine disorder in women of repro- There is no differential diagnosis for a polycystic
ductive age, occurring in 4% to 6% of the female ovary when using the Rotterdam sonographic
population. PCOS is a complex of symptoms definition earlier on this page. Oral contracep-
often associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, met- tives can make the ovaries appear polycystic,
abolic syndrome, and infertility. Historically there and normally functioning ovaries can also
had been a lack of consensus regarding the fea- appear polycystic. The ultrasound definition is
tures that define PCOS. In 2003 a consensus state- limited to the appearance of the ovaries. It is
ment was developed between the European and important to take a clinical history in addition
American reproductive societies, known as the to the ultrasound findings so as not to overdiag-
Rotterdam criteria, which standardized the defini- nose PCOS. For example, many adolescent
tion of PCOS. The diagnosis requires two of the women have irregular menses because their
following three findings: (1) oligo-ovulation or hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis has not yet
anovulation, (2) clinical or biochemical signs of matured, and they may have many small
hyperandrogenism, (3) polycystic ovaries on ultra- follicles.
sound. It is important to note that the sonographic
appearance of the ovaries is not always required Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
for this diagnosis. The Rotterdam criteria clarify Ultrasound findings alone are not sufficient to
the difference between polycystic ovaries (PCO), diagnose or exclude PCOS in the absence of clin-
which is a diagnostic finding, and PCOS, which is ical information. Between 16% and 25% of the
a diagnosis affecting multiple organ systems. normal population have multicystic ovaries on
ultrasound, but only 4% to 6% of women have
Ultrasound Findings polycystic ovarian syndrome. Conversely, when
The Rotterdam sonographic definition of a PCO is ultrasound reveals normal-appearing ovaries in a
the presence of either 12 or more follicles measur- patient with oligo-ovulation or anovulation and
ing 2 to 9 mm in diameter or an ovary that has an hyperandrogenism, PCOS should be included in
increased ovarian volume defined as greater than the differential diagnosis.
10 cm3 (ovarian volume is calculated using simpli- Patients with PCOS who are overweight
fied formula for prolate ellipsoid = 0.5 × length × should be encouraged to lose weight through
width × thickness). Only one ovary with these find- diet and exercise. Drug therapies such as oral
ings is required with the following two exceptions. contraceptives or metformin can help with the
This definition does not apply to women tak- symptoms of PCOS. PCOS may increase the risk
ing oral contraceptives.
If there is evidence of a dominant follicle
for endometrial cancer, especially in patients
with prolonged amenorrhea, because of equally
(greater than 10 mm) or a corpus luteum on long episodes of unopposed estrogen.
Section 1 Polycystic Ovaries
Right ovary
1 3
1 D 4.06 cm
B 2 D 2.12 cm
3 D 3.67 cm
Suggested Reading
Balen AH, Laven JSE, Tan SL, Dewailly D. Ultrasound
assessment of the polycystic ovary: international
consensus definitions. Hum Reprod Update. 2003;
Polson DW, Wadsworth J, Adams J. Polycystic ovaries: B
a common finding in normal women. Lancet.
Figure P4-2 Typical polycystic ovary shown using
2-D ultrasound (A) and 3-D inverse mode (B), which
Wilson JF. In the clinic. The polycystic ovary syndrome.
shows all the individual follicles in the ovary.
Ann Intern Med. 2011; 154(3): ITC2-2-ITC2-15.
Section 1
Polyps, Endometrial
Synonyms/Description or in the proliferative/follicular phase of her
None cycle, a sonohysterogram may be necessary to
further define the finding. If there is a small mass
Etiology within the cavity, the differential diagnosis is
Endometrial polyps are relatively common intra- either a polyp or a submucosal fibroid. A polyp is
uterine lesions that are typically benign and usually more hyperechoic than the surrounding
often asymptomatic. Hyperplastic/proliferative endometrium, or it may be partly cystic. A fibroid
polyp is the most common type of polyp; it rep- is likely to have the same echotexture as the myo-
resents overgrowth of endometrial glands and metrium. Rarely, an adenomyoma can present as
stroma. Clinically they can be associated with an intracavitary mass (see Adenomyosis). It may
postmenopausal and abnormal uterine bleeding be difficult to differentiate a nonglobal endome-
as well as infertility. trial cancer, which appears polypoid, from a true
Ultrasound Findings
The ultrasound appearance of endometrial pol- Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
yps varies depending on whether the patient is Postmenopausal patients with nonbleeding
premenopausal or postmenopausal. In premeno- polyps are not automatic candidates for polypec-
pausal women, the endometrium (especially in tomy. If it is removed, it should be done hystero-
the secretory/luteal phase) can be thick and het- scopically, because blind D&C often misses such
erogeneous, which often camouflages the polyps. focal lesions. Patients with abnormal or post-
In the proliferative/follicular phase or in post- menopausal bleeding are always candidates for
menopausal women, when the endometrium is removal of their polyps.
at its thinnest, the polyps may be more obvious Increasingly, it appears that patients with
because of their rounded contour and different asymptomatic polyps discovered incidentally
echotexture from the surrounding endometrium. need not have them automatically removed.
Polyps appear as hyperechoic or cystic lesions Fernandez-Parra and colleagues reported that
within the uterine cavity. In most cases, there is none of the 117 polyps removed in asymptom-
evidence of blood flow in the polyp, as seen by atic postmenopausal women were malignant.
color flow Doppler. The stalk of the polyp can Ferrazzi and colleagues report that there was one
often be identified by Doppler, revealing a single- endometrial cancer (less than 0.1%) in a polyp
vessel pattern and thus highlighting the connec- among 1152 asymptomatic postmenopausal
tion between the polyp and the underlying women in a multicenter trial. Furthermore, Ger-
endometrium. ber and colleagues report that the detection of
A sonohysterogram is very helpful when eval- endometrial cancer in asymptomatic postmeno-
uating the endometrial cavity because polyps pausal patients does not confer a better outcome
may not be discernible from the rest of the endo- compared with cancer patients presenting with
metrium unless outlined by fluid. abnormal uterine bleeding. Finally, operative
Differential Diagnosis
hysteroscopy in such postmenopausal patients is
associated with a small but significant incidence
When the endometrium is thickened and hetero- of complications (e.g., perforation, false channel,
geneous and the patient is either postmenopausal anesthesia problems).
Section 1 Polyps, Endometrial
Figure P5-1 A, Patient with thickened endometrium. B shows that when saline is introduced into the endome-
trial cavity, the polyps become visible (calipers on largest one).
Polyps, Endometrial Section 1
Figure P5-2 A, Thickened heterogeneous endometrium with focal echogenic area within the cavity. B and C show
the smooth-walled polyp outlined by fluid during the sonohysterogram. D shows the blood flow to the polyp using
color Doppler.
Section 1 Polyps, Endometrial
Figure P5-3 Two different patients with small 10-mm polyps seen in 2-D and 3-D at the fundus of the uterus.
Note the characteristic smooth, round appearance of the polyps. A and B show the polyps with 2-D and 3-D
transvaginal sonography. C and D show the polyp of a different patient using sonohysterography and color
Polyps, Endometrial Section 1
Figure P5-4 A and B, Small polyp (calipers) identified on 2-D transvaginal sonography. The diagnosis is confirmed
by the presence of blood flow with a single-vessel pattern. C shows blood flow to a polyp in a different patient,
demonstrating the similar vascular pattern.
Section 1 Polyps, Endometrial
Figure P5-5 A and B, Tiny cystic polyp seen using
2-D and 3-D ultrasound, mimicking an early preg-
nancy. The patient was postmenopausal.
Figure P5-6 Sonohysterography with 3-D ultrasound
is an excellent way to demonstrate polyps. A and B
show two different patients with polyps.
Polyps, Endometrial Section 1
Figure P5-7 A to D, Very large polyp shown in standard 2-D (A), sonohysterography (B), and 3-D sonography with
saline in the uterine cavity outlining the polyp (C and D).
Section 1
Premature Ovarian Failure Section 1
Suggested Reading
Kokcu A. Premature ovarian failure from current per-
spective. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2010;26:555-562.
Maclaran K, Horner E, Panay N. Premature ovarian
failure: long-term sequelae. Menopause Int.
Michalakis K, Coppack SW. Primary ovarian insuffi-
ciency: relation to changes in body composition
and adiposity. Maturitas. 2012;71:320-325.
Sokalska A, Valentin L. Changes in ultrasound mor-
phology of the uterus and ovaries during the meno-
pausal transition and early postmenopause: a 4-year
longitudinal study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.
A 1 D 1.25 cm 2008;31:210-217.
B 1 D 1.81 cm
2 D 1.04 cm
Section 1
Retained Products of Conception Section 1
Figure R1-1 Typical case of RPOC after an incomplete first trimester pregnancy loss. A and B (gray-scale views)
show the ill-defined margins of the endometrium at the fundus with irregular cystic spaces. The color Doppler in C
shows that these spaces are blood vessels in this very vascular case of RPOC.
Section 1 Retained Products of Conception
Figure R1-2 A to D, The uterine cavity contains an echogenic mass, filling the cavity (A) and extending to the
edge of the endometrium, blurring the margins (B, calipers). C shows the abundant color flow at the site of the
RPOC. D shows the 3-D appearance of the same case, demonstrating an asymmetric enlargement and deformity of
the left fundus/cornu, representing the RPOC.
Retained Products of Conception Section 1
Figure R1-3 A to C, Sclerotic RPOC, 6 months after a term delivery (2-D, Doppler, and 3-D images). Note the
complex-appearing vascular mass involving the endometrium. If this were seen in a postmenopausal patient with
bleeding, the appearance would be consistent with endometrial cancer. The history of a symptomatic postpartum
patient enabled the correct diagnosis of longstanding RPOC (sclerotic on pathologic examination).
Section 1 Retained Products of Conception
Videos 1 and 2 on retained products of contracep-
tion are available online.
Figure R1-5 Rare case of spontaneous AVM unre-
Suggested Reading lated to pregnancy. The entire uterus is replaced by
Atri M, Rao A, Boylan C, Rasty G, Gerber D. Best pre- cystic areas on gray-scale imaging. Color flow Doppler
dictors of grayscale ultrasound combined with shows abnormal vessels reaching to the serosa and
color Doppler in the diagnosis of retained products involving much of the myometrium. The pattern and
of conception. J Clin Ultrasound. 2011;39:122-127. clinical history were very different in this nulliparous
Casikar I, Lu C, Oates J, Bignardi T, Alhamdan D, patient.
Condous G. The use of power Doppler colour scor-
ing to predict successful expectant management in
women with an incomplete miscarriage. Hum
Reprod. 2011;27:669-675.
Creinin MD, Huang X, Gilles J, Barnhart K, Westhoff
C, Zhang J. Medical management of early preg-
nancy failure. Obstet Gynecol. 2006;107:901-907.
Durfee SM, Frates MC, Luong A, Benson CB. The
sonographic and color Doppler features of retained
products of conception. J Ultrasound Med. 2005;
Section 1
Section 1 Scarred Uterus and Asherman’s Syndrome
it is unlikely because of the asymmetry of adhe- typically treated with hysteroscopic lysis of
sions compared with septa. adhesions, sometimes with intrauterine “stent-
ing,” followed by treatment with sequential
Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
estrogen and progesterone therapy to repair the
Patients with significant Asherman’s syndrome endometrium.
are usually infertile and amenorrheic. They are
Figure S1-2 A and B, 2-D and 3-D views of a
B severely scarred (arrows) endometrium in a patient
who had recurrent SABs and D&C’s.
Figure S1-1 A and B, Two 3-D coronal views of a
patient with Asherman’s syndrome. Note the echolu-
cent linear jagged structures (adhesions; arrows)
traversing the endometrial cavity.
Scarred Uterus and Asherman’s Syndrome Section 1
Figure S1-3 A, 3-D coronal view of the shaggy endometrial cavity in a patient with Asherman’s syndrome and
infertility. B is a similar view of the same uterus after hysteroscopic surgery for lysis of the adhesions. Note that
the margins of the endometrium are sharper and smoother than preoperatively.
Section 1 Scarred Uterus and Asherman’s Syndrome
Figure S1-4 A to C, 2-D, multiplanar, and 3-D rendering of the uterine cavity in a patient who had an
endometrial ablation because of excessive vaginal bleeding. Note the irregular outline and severe scarring of the
margins of the cavity; this should not be confused with a partial septum.
Scarred Uterus and Asherman’s Syndrome Section 1
Suggested Reading
Berman JM. Intrauterine adhesions. Semin Reprod
Med. 2008;26:349-355.
Knopman J, Copperman AB. Value of 3D ultrasound
in the management of suspected Asherman’s syn-
drome. J Reprod Med. 2007;52:1016-1022.
Schenker JG, Margalioth EJ. Intrauterine adhesions: an
updated appraisal. Fertil Steril. 1982;37:593-610.
Yu D, Wong YM, Cheong Y, Xia E, Li TC. Asherman
syndrome—one century later. Fertil Steril. 2008;89:
Figure S1-5 A and B, Two different patients with
uterine synechiae seen during a sonohysterogram.
Note the fluid outlining the adhesion within the
uterine cavity. These adhesions are similar in appear-
ance to a uterine septum, although correctly diag-
nosed because of asymmetry.
Section 1
S Synonyms/Description often with central hemorrhage and infarction.
Schwann cell tumor The appearance is nonspecific, making the correct
diagnosis by imaging difficult. The large masses
Etiology often displace normal retroperitoneal structures
Schwannomas are peripheral nerve sheath tumors such as the kidney and ureter without invading
composed of Schwann cells, which produce them.
myelin that covers and insulates nerve fibers.
Schwannomas can occur in isolation or may be Differential Diagnosis
associated with neurofibromatosis type I (previ- The differential diagnosis includes any solid or
ously known as von Recklinghausen’s disease). complex vascular mass that is large, posterior
Nerve sheath tumors can occur anywhere (retroperitoneal), and displacing other organs.
along the peripheral nervous system, with only This includes sarcomas, lymphomas, neurofibro-
3% of Schwannomas arising in the retroperito- mas, metastatic disease, renal cell carcinoma, and
neum and pelvis. Retroperitoneal Schwannomas other retroperitoneal tumors. When present in
tend to be very large when detected because they the pelvic area (presacral), they may be confused
are usually asymptomatic or associated with with degenerating fibroids, although the lack of a
nonspecific symptoms, thus delaying diagnosis. uterine stalk should argue against a fibroid.
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are
even more rare and are classified as sarcomas. Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
Schwannomas are typically benign and only
Ultrasound Findings treated when symptomatic. Malignant Schwan-
Schwannomas are typically solid, hypoechoic, nomas are classified as sarcomas and typically
and well encapsulated, sometimes with cystic are very aggressive. These are managed by multi-
areas and calcifications. They can grow large, up disciplinary teams, which include surgeons,
to 20 cm in diameter, and tend to be vascular, oncologists, and other specialists.
Schwannoma Section 1
1 S
A B 2
Figure S2-1 A, Large, predominantly solid tumor with an irregular cystic component, located high in the adnexa,
just below the inferior pole of the left kidney. B and C show two different views of the mass, demonstrating the
smooth outer border and the solid texture with cystic spaces.
Section 1
Serous Cystadenoma
S Synonyms/Description compartments compared with a serous cystade-
An epithelial-stromal cystic tumor containing noma. An endometrioma typically has character-
serous fluid istic homogeneous low-level echoes. Serous
cystadenomas and some cystadenofibromas can
Etiology be virtually indistinguishable.
Serous cystadenomas are the most common type
of epithelial-stromal tumors. They are lined with Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
cells similar to those lining the fallopian tubes, sug- Cysts that are symptomatic, growing over several
gesting that the origin may be tubal rather than cycles, or extremely large are typically managed
ovarian. These cysts can become very large, although surgically. The type of surgery and route will
not typically as large as mucinous cystadenomas, depend on multiple factors, such as the patient’s
and up to 20% are bilateral. Most (70%) are benign, age, reproductive stage, size of the mass, and benign
whereas 5% to 10% have borderline malignant versus nonbenign appearance of the mass.
potential, and 20% to 25% are frankly malignant,
although there is no indication that benign serous
tumors transform into malignant ones. Left ovary
Ultrasound Findings
Serous cystadenomas are typically thin-walled
unilocular cysts, although they can also be multi-
locular. They are filled with serous fluid, which is
usually clear or may contain tiny particles.
Although less common, a borderline or malignant
tumor must be considered (see elsewhere in the
book for more information on borderline and
malignant ovarian tumors) in cysts with solid
components or nodules, especially if blood flow is A
detected with color Doppler.
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis includes any adnexal
cystic mass such as a mucinous cystadenoma,
cystadenofibroma, endometrioma, peritoneal
inclusion cyst, degenerating fibroid, or hydrosal-
pinx. When unilocular, or simple, they are virtu-
ally indistinguishable from functional type
follicular cysts. The presence of a separate ovary
may be helpful to focus on non-ovarian etiolo- B
gies such as a hydrosalpinx, degenerating fibroid,
or even paraovarian cysts. A mucinous cystade- Figure S3-1 A and B, Unilocular serous cystad-
noma is more likely to be multicystic, displaying enoma of the left ovary. Note that there are no solid
areas or nodularity.
varying sonographic textures within the different
Serous Cystadenoma Section 1
Suggested Reading
Maheshwari V, Tyagi SP, Saxena K, Tyagi N, Sharma R,
Aziz M, Hameed F. Surface epithelial tumours of
the ovary. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 1994;37:75-85.
Sujatha VV, Babu SC. Giant ovarian serous cystade-
noma in a postmenopausal woman: a case report.
Cases J. 2009;2:7875.
Figure S3-3 A and B, Small paraovarian serous
cystadenoma. Similar to Figure S2-2, this lesion has
some mural irregularities but without detectable
blood flow.
Section 1
Struma Ovarii
S Synonyms/Description Up to 17% of patients with benign struma
Monodermal, highly specialized mature cystic ovarii may have ascites. Struma ovarii may be
teratoma comprised of ectopic thyroid tissue associated with a contralateral dermoid or other
types of teratoma.
Etiology There are no specific sonographic features that
Struma ovarii is an extremely rare condition. It is help distinguish malignant from benign struma
defined as the presence of thyroid tissue com- ovarii tumors.
prising greater than 50% of the cellular compo-
nent in an ovarian tumor, virtually always a Differential Diagnosis
teratoma. Struma ovarii is a mature teratoma Struma ovarii can mimic a dermoid cyst, although
and accounts for approximately 3% of all ovar- presence of Doppler flow in the solid portions is
ian teratomas. It is usually benign, although 5% very helpful to distinguish a struma ovarii from a
have malignant components that can occasion- dermoid. Because struma ovarii can be solid,
ally metastasize. Tumors may have features of a solid and cystic, or completely cystic with or with-
multinodular goiter, with colloid nodules and out septations, the appearance is nonspecific and
hyperplastic changes. These tumors can vary in makes a precise diagnosis almost impossible.
size, but most are greater than 5 cm at diagnosis. Struma ovarii can also masquerade as an endo-
metrioma, other types of teratomas, or essentially
Ultrasound Findings any ovarian malignancy, depending on the degree
The typical sonographic appearance of struma of flow demonstrated by Doppler.
ovarii is similar to that of a dermoid cyst with
one or more echogenic nodules known as struma Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
pearls. Although the echogenic nodules in der- They are most commonly seen in reproductive-
moids have no evidence of color flow on Dop- age women; however, incidence peaks between
pler interrogation, the struma pearl may be quite the ages of 40 and 60. The possible presence of
vascular, which is a valuable clue to the correct struma ovarii should be suspected in a woman
diagnosis. Sonographically, most cases of struma with hyperthyroidism who has no goiter and
ovarii are nonspecific in appearance and are minimal thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine.
largely solid or have both cystic and solid por- Even among such women, however, true struma
tions. Less commonly, the tumor is predomi- ovarii is rare.
nantly or entirely cystic, although most of these Treatment of hyperthyroidism associated with
are multilocular. Occasionally, struma ovarii will struma ovarii consists primarily of surgical exci-
have a unilocular cystic appearance, making a sion, mainly because of the risk of carcinoma. In
specific sonographic diagnosis difficult. those patients who are symptomatic or have sub-
Doppler is very helpful in detecting struma stantial serologic evidence of hyperthyroidism,
ovarii because most are vascular and demonstrate use of an antithyroid drug for 4 to 6 weeks before
more blood flow than typically seen in a dermoid surgery is recommended. The cyst should be
cyst. removed surgically.
Struma Ovarii Section 1
Figure S4-1 A, Small echogenic mass whose appear-
ance suggests a dermoid. B, Doppler color flow with
moderate vascularity in the mass, a characteristic of
struma ovarii.
Section 1 Struma Ovarii
Figure S4-3 A to C, Struma ovarii presenting as a large 8-cm cystic mass with a few septations. The cystic portions
have dense, homogeneous echoes and no blood flow. Although the pattern of internal echoes might suggest an
endometrioma, the internal echoes are too coarse.
Section 1
T-Shaped Uterus
Synonyms/Description A normal uterine cavity is triangular or V-shaped,
T-shaped uterus refers to the imaging appearance
of a T rather than a triangular-shaped endome-
with the three apices being the two cornua and the
junction of the lower uterine segment and the T
trial cavity cervix (level of internal os). When the uterus is
T-shaped, there is a waist in the sides of the triangle
Etiology such that the corpus of the endometrial cavity is
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a synthetic estrogen that narrowed and takes on the shape of a T rather than
was widely prescribed to pregnant women from a V. The outer myometrial surface of the uterus
the late 1940s until 1970 to prevent miscarriage. (the serosal surface) is typically unaffected.
An estimated 1 million to 1.5 million women
received DES during their pregnancies, and this Differential Diagnosis
ultimately affected the reproductive organs of 35% The differential diagnosis of a T-shaped uterine
to 69% of their female offspring. The daughters of cavity relates more to the cause, such as Asherman’s
women treated with DES developed congenital syndrome and uterine scarring versus congenital
malformations of the uterus, cervix, and vagina as anomaly (see Scarred Uterus and Asherman’s Syn-
well as adenosis and (rarely) clear cell adenocarci- drome and also Müllerian Duct Anomalies).Occa-
noma of the vagina. The T-shaped uterus is the sionally a fibroid can press on the uterine cavity,
most common and characteristic deformity of creating the appearance of a T shape because of the
the uterus resulting from the prenatal exposure location of the fibroid. Other congenital Müllerian
to DES and is highly associated with infertility duct abnormalities are usually characteristic, such
and recurrent miscarriage. as a septate or unicornuate uterus, and quite differ-
Initially, the term “T-shaped uterus” was ent from a T-shaped cavity.
reserved for the DES daughters with the character-
istic uterine cavity shape. More recently, patients Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
with multiple D&Cs or hysteroscopic procedures Women found to have a T-shaped endometrial
can develop endometrial scarring that can be very cavity are best managed by specialists in infertility,
similar in appearance and outcome to the con- hysteroscopic surgery, and high-risk obstetrics.
genital T-shaped uterus. Sometimes a patient may Fernandez and colleagues studied 97 infertile
have recurrent miscarriages and D&Cs with a sub- women who had T-shaped uteri, and 49.5% of
sequent diagnosis of T-shaped uterus as a result of them became pregnant after metroplasty. For
Asherman’s syndrome. Whether those patients these patients, the pregnancy rate increased from
had a congenital T-shaped uterus or acquired 0% to 73%, and their miscarriage rate fell from
extensive scarring that distorted the endometrial 78% to 27% (p = 0.05). For all 57 pregnancies in
cavity often cannot be determined. 48 women, the preterm delivery rate was 14%,
the term delivery rate was 49%, and the live birth
Ultrasound Findings rate was 63%.
The exact shape of the uterine cavity is usually not In another study by Katz and colleagues, which
discernible on a standard 2-D ultrasound. The included eight patients with T-shaped uteri and
coronal view of the uterus, usually reconstructed recurrent miscarriage, hysteroscopic surgery resulted
from a 3-D volume, is necessary to evaluate the in four term pregnancies in three women, one
shape of the uterus and endometrial cavity. ectopic pregnancy, and no abortions.
Section 1 T-Shaped Uterus
T-Shaped Uterus Section 1
Suggested Reading
Fernandez H, Garbin O, Castaigne V, Gervaise A,
Levaillant JM. Surgical approach to and reproduc-
tive outcome after surgical correction of a T-shaped
uterus. Hum Reprod. 2011;26(7):1730-1734.
Katz Z, Ben-Arie A, Lurie S, Manor M, Insler V. Benefi-
cial effect of hysteroscopic metroplasty on the
reproductive outcome in a ‘T-shaped’ uterus. Gyne-
col Obstet Invest. 1996;41(1):41-43.
van Gils AP, Tham RT, Falke TH, Peters AA. Abnor-
A malities of the uterus and cervix after diethylstil-
bestrol exposure: correlation of findings on MR
and hysterosalpingography. AJR Am J Roentgenol.
Figure T1-3 A and B, 2-D and 3-D images of the
uterus in a patient with multiple D&Cs. Note that
although the shape is slightly T-shaped, the main
abnormality is scarring (arrows) and irregularity of
the left cornu with asymmetry of the shape of the
uterine cavity.
Section 1
Tarlov Cysts
Synonyms/Description Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
T Perineural cysts Treatment is undertaken for symptomatic
patients with perineural cysts and may involve
Etiology surgery with sacral laminectomy and cyst
These perineural cysts are of unknown etiology removal. Microsurgical cyst fenestration and CT-
and arise in sacral nerve roots, in an extradural guided percutaneous cyst aspiration have also
location and communicate with the thecal sac. been undertaken, but the fluid tends to reaccu-
They are seen on pelvic ultrasound when they mulate after aspiration.
extend through adjacent foramina with erosion
of the bone. These cysts are often multiple and
bilateral. They are usually an incidental finding
on asymptomatic patients, although they may
cause pelvic or lower back pain.
Ultrasound Findings
The sonographic appearance of Tarlov cysts
includes cystic masses (often bilateral) in the 1
posterior part of the pelvis, fixed to the pelvic
side wall. Careful scanning will reveal that the
uterus and ovaries are separate from these masses, 2
which lie along the posterior pelvic side wall.
Tarlov cysts are avascular on color Doppler.
Differential Diagnosis
It is important to visualize the ovaries separately
from these cysts; otherwise, it is easy to mistake
them for endometriomas, hydrosalpinges, ecto-
pic pregnancy, lymphadenopathy (lymphoma),
or retroperitoneal sarcoma. These entities all
have the sonographic appearance of complex
cystic masses, often bilateral and sometimes
solid-looking because of their internal echoes.
Because Tarlov cysts are found in the posterior
compartment of the pelvis, the practitioner needs
to consider this diagnosis and seek out separate Figure T2-1 Bilateral posterior adnexal masses—
proven Tarlov cysts in two different patients.
ovaries to arrive at the correct diagnosis.
Tarlov Cysts Section 1
Suggested Reading
H’ng MW, Wanigasiri UI, Ong CL. Perineural (Tarlov)
cysts mimicking adnexal masses: a report of three
cases. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009;34:230-233.
McClure MJ, Atri M, Haider MA, Murphy J. Perineural
B cysts presenting as complex adnexal cystic masses
Figure T2-2 The same patient as in the top image of on transvaginal sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol.
Figure T2-1. A, Note the lack of blood flow in the 2001;177:1313-1318.
mass. B shows the normal ovary anterior to the mass. Mummaneni PV, Pitts LH, McCormack BM, Corroo
JM, Weinstein PR. Microsurgical treatment of
symptomatic sacral Tarlov cysts. Neurosurgery. 2000;
Raza S, Klapholz H, Benacerraf BR. Tarlov cysts: a
cause of bilateral adnexal masses on pelvic sonog-
raphy. J Ultrasound Med. 1994;13:803-805.
Section 1
should be considered to exclude torsion since Figure T3-1 Markedly enlarged right ovary in a
these patients are at increased risk. pregnant patient previously treated with ovulation-
induction drugs. The contralateral ovary was similar
Differential Diagnosis in appearance. Note that a few of the cystic spaces
Although there is a vast differential diagnosis, contain clots consistent with focal areas of
including many benign ovarian tumors, the
Theca Lutein Cyst Section 1
1 2
1 2
Figure T3-2 A to C, Multiple views of the ovaries of a patient with spontaneous theca lutein cysts during
Section 1
Tube Carcinoma, Primary Fallopian Section 1
1 T
Figure T4-1 Three views of a large tubal carcinoma. A and B show the tubular or sausage shape of the solid mass
and the prominent vascularity within. C is an image taken from the distal end of the same mass, showing several
cystic components typical of the complex appearance of tubal cancers.
Figure T4-2 Large papillary serous carcinoma of the fallopian tube showing the sausage shape of the solid mass
and abundant internal vascularity. This tumor had little if any cystic component.
Section 1 Tube Carcinoma, Primary Fallopian
1 Right
Figure T4-4 Small complex adnexal mass in a
postmenopausal patient. The appearance of a solid
Figure T4-3 Two views of a tubal adenocarcinoma
mass with cystic spaces is nonspecific but consistent
that is predominantly cystic, with thick septa, a
with a malignancy. This tubal carcinoma contains a
thick wall, and areas of internal nodularity. The
small tubular cystic space (arrows) suggesting its tubal
appearance of this mass is indistinguishable from an
origin (only appreciated in retrospect).
ovarian cancer but was proved tubal at surgery.
Section 1
Section 1 Tubo-Ovarian Abcess and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
diagnosing, and treating PID because long-term assisted by ultrasound findings. TOAs may be
complications are more common if treatment is more chronic and the diagnosis better assisted by
delayed. Easily obtainable sensitive pregnancy the presence of complex adnexal masses as well as
tests have helped quickly exclude possible ectopic clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings.
pregnancy in patients who present with lower Antibiotics or surgical intervention may be indi-
abdominal pain. Appendicitis and ovarian torsion cated, but specific recommendations are beyond
T are part of a clinical differential and may be the scope of this book.
Figure T5-1 Very large pyosalpinx in a very sick patient with severe PID. A and B show the 2-D view of the very
large pyosalpinx. The distal end of the tube is filled with a large amount of echogenic fluid. The rest of tube is
more narrow and folded upon itself (calipers and arrows). C is a 3-D rendering of the entire dilated tube (arrows).
Tubo-Ovarian Abcess and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Section 1
RT SAG 2 1
Figure T5-2 A and B, Acute PID with a very dilated
tube in a patient later found to have a TOA. Note that
the tubal wall is thick and edematous with multiple
cystic spaces (pockets of pus) inside.
Figure T5-3 Tubo-ovarian abscess in two different
patients. A shows a large complex cystic mass with
irregular borders and septations in a patient with
severe PID. Note that the borders of the mass are
indistinct and blurry because of the surrounding
edema. Although the sonographic appearance of the
mass is nonspecific, the setting of a septic patient
helps to make the diagnosis more definitive. B shows
a completely solid adnexal mass containing small
linear echoes throughout, consistent with an air-
containing abscess.
Section 1 Tubo-Ovarian Abcess and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Suggested Reading
Chappell CA, Wiesenfeld HC. Pathogenesis, diagno-
sis, and management of severe pelvic inflamma-
tory disease and tuboovarian abscess. Clin Obstet
1 Gynecol. 2012;55:893-903.
Cicchiello LA, Hamper UM, Scoutt LM. Ultrasound
2 evaluation of gynecologic causes of pelvic pain.
T Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2011;38:85-114.
Crossman SH. The challenge of pelvic inflammatory
A disease. Am Fam Physician. 2006;73:859-864.
Ghiatas AA. The spectrum of pelvic inflammatory dis-
ease. Eur Radiol. 2004;14(suppl):E184-E192.
LT Kamaya A, Shin L, Chen B, Desser TS. Emergency
1 gynecologic imaging. Semin Ultrasound CT MRI.
Kim MY, Rha SE, Oh SN, Jung SE, Lee YJ, Kim YS,
Byun JY, Lee A, Kim MR. MR imaging findings of
hydrosalpinx: a comprehensive review. Radiograph-
ics. 2009;29:495-507.
Soper DE. Pelvic inflammatory disease. Obstet Gyne-
col. 2010;116:419-428.
B Varras M, Polyzos D, Perouli E, Noti P, Pantazis I,
Figure T5-4 A and B, Salpingitis in two different Akrivis CH. Tubo-ovarian abscesses: spectrum of
patients. Note the elongated and straight swollen- sonographic findings with surgical and pathologi-
appearing tubes (calipers). Both patients had local- cal correlations. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol.
ized pain in the area of the tube. For the patient in A, 2003;30:117-121.
the diagnosis of pyosalpinx was confirmed at laparos-
copy. The second patient improved with antibiotics.
Section 1
Ureteral Stone
Synonyms/Description associated ipsilateral hydronephrosis and flank
Renal stone pain. Partial obstruction of the distal ureter may
Kidney stone also cause asymmetry of the ureteral jets in the
Nephrolithiasis bladder (seen best using color Doppler in the
urinary bladder).
Renal and ureteral stones are typically calcium Differential Diagnosis
stones (calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, or Patients with flank pain who are scheduled for
mixed calcium oxalate and phosphate). A minor- pelvic ultrasound should also have a cursory
ity (20%) of stones are uric acid, cystine, and stru- examination of the ipsilateral kidney. If there is
vite in origin. They become especially symptomatic evidence of hydronephrosis, the ultrasound
when they travel down the ureter and become examination should include a careful look at the
lodged, causing a blockage in the flow of urine. course of the ureter, including the junction of
the distal ureter and the bladder, which is best
Ultrasound Findings done transvaginally. If there is a stone at the UVJ,
Sonography is very useful in visualizing stones at there is essentially no differential diagnosis.
the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ), the ureterovesi- Occasionally there may be other disease pro-
cal junction (UVJ), the renal pelvis, and in the cesses in that location, such as a bladder mass or
kidney itself, although stones are harder to see endometriosis, causing constriction of the distal
when located in the mid ureter. Patlas and col- ureter and mimicking the symptoms of a stone
leagues reported a sensitivity and specificity of (see Bladder Masses).
95% and 93%, respectively, for diagnosing ure-
teral calculi, although unfortunately a majority Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
of urologists are still ordering CT scans for the Patients with ureteral stones have extreme,
workup of renal colic. Stones lodged in the distal crampy flank pain, with tenderness at the costo-
ureter are easily seen sonographically either vertebral angle (CVA). Most patients (90%) have
transabdominally through a full bladder, or even gross or microscopic hematuria. The treatment
better transvaginally. Ureteral calculi are echo- for ureteral stones requires referral to a urologist,
genic foci with acoustic shadowing, seen within who may remove or break up (i.e., lithotripsy)
the lumen of a dilated ureter. There is usually the stone if spontaneous passage does not occur.
Section 1 Ureteral Stone
Suggested Reading
Ackerman SJ, Irshad A, Anis M. Ultrasound for pelvic
pain II: nongynecologic causes. Obstet Gynecol Clin
North Am. 2011;38:69-83.
Masarani M, Dinneen M. Ureteric colic: new trends in
diagnosis and treatment. Postgrad Med J. 2007;83:
469-472. Review.
Patlas M, Farkas A, Fisher D, Zaghal I, Hadas-
Halpern I. Ultrasound vs CT for the detection of
ureteric stones in patients with renal colic. Br J Radiol.
Figure U1-1 A shows a stone (calipers) lodged in the
distal ureter of a patient with flank pain. Note that the
stone has a posterior acoustic shadow and is located
at the distal end of the dilated, fluid-containing
ureter. B shows the kidney on the ipsilateral side with
moderate hydronephrosis.
Section 1
Uterine Sarcoma
Synonyms/Description Endometrial stromal sarcomas represent approx-
Many different types of uterine sarcoma, includ- imately 10% of uterine sarcomas and typically
ing but not limited to carcinosarcoma, adenosar- present with vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain in
coma, leiomyosarcoma, and endometrial stromal women 40 to 55 years of age.
Ultrasound Findings
Etiology Uterine sarcomas usually present as large uterine
Uterine sarcomas are rare tumors of mesenchy- masses that may be difficult to distinguish from
mal origin, representing approximately 5% of all fibroids. They can be polypoid with cystic spaces
uterine malignancies. and ill-defined borders. They often involve the
They are classified into three groups according endometrium, at least in part, and may prolapse
to their source: or extend through the endocervical canal. This
1. Mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumors, type may be mistaken for a submucosal degener-
which include carcinosarcomas. These were ating fibroid or an endometrial polyp. The
previously termed malignant mixed Mülle- appearance of a vascular, intraluminal mass can
rian tumors (MMMTs) and adenosarcomas. also mimic endometrial adenocarcinoma. Dop-
2. Smooth muscle tumors, which are pler usually shows abundant blood flow as is
leiomyosarcomas common in malignancies. The diagnosis of a sar-
3. Endometrial stromal tumors, which include coma may be suspected if the mass is irregular
endometrial stromal sarcoma and high-grade with disorganized cystic areas and especially if
undifferentiated sarcoma the mass is rapidly growing and very vascular.
Carcinosarcoma is the most common, account- Leiomyosarcomas are typically difficult to distin-
ing for 50% of all uterine sarcomas. It is typi- guish from highly vascular benign leiomyomas
cally diagnosed in the sixth decade and often by imaging alone.
presents with postmenopausal bleeding. The
presentation and risk factors are similar to endo- Differential Diagnosis
metrial adenocarcinoma. It is an aggressive The differential diagnosis for a large uterine mass
tumor with extrauterine spread to lymph nodes with irregular cystic areas includes a degenerat-
or beyond found in 30% of patients at initial ing fibroid and an adenomyoma. These typically
diagnosis. do not grow and do not have the abundant blood
Adenosarcoma is a less aggressive tumor than flow seen in a sarcoma. Endometrial cancers can
carcinosarcoma. It tends to be smaller and con- also grow to a large size and look like a sarcoma;
fined to the uterus at presentation and has a however, endometrial cancers are typically less
more favorable prognosis. aggressive and usually present at an earlier stage
Leiomyosarcoma is the second most common with abnormal bleeding. Because fibroids are far
uterine sarcoma, occurs mostly in the fifth decade more common than sarcomas, a uterine mass
of life, and accounts for almost 40% of cases. may be mistaken for an atypical fibroid at first
These tumors are not thought to arise from exist- scan. If a fibroid is unusual in appearance, it is
ing myomas. They generally present with the important to rescan the patient in a relatively
same symptoms attributed to enlarging fibroids short time interval to evaluate growth of the
and rapid growth of the uterus. lesion.
Section 1 Uterine Sarcoma
Clinical Aspects and Recommendations The treatment for uterine sarcomas depends
Five-year overall survival for patients with stage 1 on the type of tumor and the extent of disease.
to 2 uterine carcinosarcoma is 44% to 74%. The Uterine sarcomas are relatively rare and should
survival for women with stage 1 to 2 leiomyosar- be managed at specialized centers because treat-
coma is 52% to 85%. ments are typically multimodal and evolving.
Endometrial stromal sarcoma has the best prog- Recurrence rates are relatively high compared
nosis, with a 90% 5-year survival rate in women with other types of gynecologic malignancies.
with stage I disease. Survival is poor in patients with
stage III to IV disease for all types of sarcomas.
Uterine Sarcoma Section 1
Figure U2-1 A, Adenosarcoma presenting as a mass (arrows) protruding through the cervical canal. Note the
small cystic areas within the solid matrix of the mass. B and C show abundant color flow with a large stalk origi-
nating from the uterine fundus. D and E show a 3-D image of the vasculature of the mass as it attempts to pass
through the cervix.
Section 1 Uterine Sarcoma
Figure U2-2 Endometrial stromal sarcoma. A, Note that the solid mass (arrows) is largely intraluminal; however,
the color flow images (B and C) show abundant blood flow coming from the uterine fundus where the borders of
the mass are ill-defined. D is a 3-D rendered image of the endometrial cavity showing a sharp border on one side
but no real border (arrows) at the right fundus where the tumor appears to reach the serosa.
Suggested Reading Wu TI, Yen TC, Lai CH. Clinical presentation and diag-
Seddon BM, Davda R. Uterine sarcomas—recent nosis of uterine sarcoma, including imaging. Best
progress and future challenges. Eur J Radiol. 2011; Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2011;25(6):681-689.
78(1):30-40. Xue WC, Cheung AN. Endometrial stromal sarcoma
Shah SH, Jagannathan JP, Krajewski K, O’Regan KN, of uterus. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol.
George S, Ramaiya NH. Uterine sarcomas: then and 2011;25(6):719-732.
now. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2012;199(1):213-223.
Section 1
Vaginal Masses
Synonyms/Description vagina or vesicovaginal septum. These are usu-
None ally solid rounded masses that are well encapsu-
lated and not particularly vascular. Implants of
Etiology endometriosis are commonly found in the recto-
The most common vaginal masses are benign. vaginal septum or along the posterior wall of the
bladder, and may indent or involve the vaginal
Vaginal Cysts wall. Malignant masses in the vagina are very
Vaginal wall cysts tend to be embryologic in
nature and often asymptomatic. These cysts
rare. Metastatic spread (such as lymphoma or
melanoma) accounts for the most common
include Gartner’s duct cysts, Müllerian cysts, malignant masses in the vagina, followed by pri-
epithelial inclusion cysts (ectopic epithelium), mary squamous cell carcinoma. Primary vaginal
urethral diverticula, and cysts resulting from a cancers represent only 1% to 2% of all gyneco-
blocked gland Bartholin duct cyst) or obstructed logic malignancies, and 85% of these primary
Müllerian duct anomaly. A complete vaginal vaginal malignancies are squamous cell carci-
septum will typically be diagnosed during men- noma. Other rare primary vaginal cancers include
arche when a hematometra develops from the adenocarcinoma, melanoma, lymphoma, and
obstructed menstrual flow (see Hematometra sarcomas.
and Hematocolpos). Gartner’s duct cysts are Postoperative or radiation changes may result
remnants of the mesonephric ducts and are in vaginal lesions secondary to inflammation
most often discovered incidentally. They are and fibrosis. Fistulas between the vagina and rec-
located along the anterolateral aspect of the tum can present with vaginal symptoms.
vagina and are typically clear unilocular cysts.
Bartholin’s glands are mucus-secreting glands Ultrasound Findings
in the posterolateral aspect of the vaginal open- The best way to evaluate the vagina sonographi-
ing, near the rectum. Bartholin’s duct cysts result cally is by placing a high-frequency transducer
from blockage of the duct and swelling from (such as the transvaginal probe) on the perineum
accumulated secretions. and by looking down the vagina, rectum, and
Kondi-Pafiti and colleagues studied 40 cases urethra simultaneously. Once the vaginal probe
of benign vaginal cysts. Of these, 12 cases were is actually inserted into the vagina, it will bypass
Müllerian cysts (30.0%), 11 were Bartholin’s duct any vaginal pathology, and the vaginal findings
cysts (27.5%), 10 were epidermal inclusion cysts will be obscured and undetectable.
(25.0%), 5 were Gartner’s duct cysts (12.5%), 1 A 3-D acquisition taken from the perineum is
was an endometrioid cyst (2.5%), and 1 was an important to generate the coronal view of the
unclassified cyst (2.5%). Mean patient age was floor of the pelvis. Using that reconstructed view,
35 years (range 20 to 75). Most of the patients the vagina, urethra, and rectum can be seen in
(31 cases, 77.5%) were asymptomatic, and the cross-section and their relationship with one
Bartholin’s duct cyst was the more frequently another evaluated. This view can demonstrate
symptomatic. the location of the mass within the floor of the
pelvis, specifically showing the relationship of
Vaginal Solid Masses the mass to the vagina, urethra, and rectum. This
Fibroids may occur in the vagina, originating reconstructed view of the pelvic floor is also
from the smooth muscle cells of the anterior ideal to demonstrate defects in the vaginal wall
Section 1 Vaginal Masses
such as fistulas (see Figure V1-9), and is increas- be a Bartholin’s duct cyst and has only peripheral
ingly being used in urogynecology. Similar to color flow. The most common rounded and focal
any other pelvic mass, the appearance of the vag- solid mass (with limited color flow) is a fibroid
inal mass, such as gray-scale texture, contour, in the vaginal wall.
and degree of vascularity using color flow Dop- Although vaginal cysts are usually benign,
pler, provides clues as to the diagnosis. The loca- most solid vaginal masses with abundant color
tion of the mass is also important, keeping in flow tend to be malignant. The appearance of the
mind that masses in the anterior compartment solid mass is not useful to determine the specific
may be urologic and those in the posterior com- tissue diagnosis, as sarcomas, lymphomas, and
partment may be gastrointestinal. The vagina, other lesions look similar to one another. Malig-
urethra, and rectum are in close proximity to nant vaginal masses are typically completely
one another, sharing walls that may be affected solid, abundantly vascular, and irregular in con-
V by the mass. Refer to the differential diagnosis
section that follows for a description and com-
tour. They may extend into the surrounding tis-
sues such as the pelvic side walls.
parison of these masses and their sonographic
appearance. Clinical Aspects and Recommendations
The treatment of vaginal masses depends on
Differential Diagnosis the diagnosis. Benign cysts are treated depending
A clear and asymptomatic cyst in the lateral wall on the patient’s symptoms. Asymptomatic Gart-
of the vagina is likely to be a Gartner’s duct cyst. ner’s duct cysts are typically monitored with
Fluid (or blood) in a hemi-hematocolpos sec- follow-up ultrasounds, whereas a symptomatic
ondary to a vaginal septum typically has low- Bartholin’s duct cyst requires drainage or marsu-
level echoes indicating unclotted blood, much pialization. Urethral diverticula may be found
like an ovarian endometrioma. A complex cyst incidentally or when they become symptomatic,
with solid elements seen anterior to the vagina and are usually managed by a urogynecologist or
suggests a urethral diverticulum. When the lesion urologist. Treatment of malignant vaginal masses
is symptomatic, peripheral color flow may be depends on the specific type of malignancy and
seen, owing to inflammation. A complex cyst in usually involves a multidisciplinary team includ-
the posterior-lateral wall of the vagina is likely to ing gynecologic and medical oncology.
Vaginal Masses Section 1
Figure V1-1 A and B, 3-D reconstructed view of the floor of the normal pelvis, showing the urethra, vagina, and
rectum en face. B demonstrates the multiplanar view of the pelvic floor, showing the acquisition planes. The 3-D
volume was acquired from the perineum and sweeping side to side. The A plane in the upper left-hand corner
shows the acquisition view looking straight down the vagina. The B plane shows the same view at right angles
from the A plane. The C plane is the reconstructed view of the floor of the pelvis, which is crucial to evaluating the
perineal structures, including the length of the vagina and its relationship to neighboring structures.
Section 1 Vaginal Masses
2 Cyst
Figure V1-2 A and B, Gartner’s duct cyst: Long axis view looking down the vagina from the perineum, showing a
clear unilocular cyst just posterior to the urethra. B is a 3-D reconstructed image of the pelvic floor, showing that
the cyst is located along the left side of the vagina.
Vaginal Masses Section 1
Figure V1-3 Urethral diverticulum. A and B, 2-D view of a complex cystic mass with irregular borders and
internal debris. Note that the vascularity is only in the peripheral aspect of the mass. The mass was located ante-
rior to the vagina and lateral to the urethra. The patient was quite symptomatic, particularly upon voiding. C, 3-D
reconstructed view of a different case of a urethral diverticulum. Note the complex, multicystic mass anterior to
the vagina where the urethra should be. The exact location of the urethra is obscured and likely encapsulated by
this cystic mass, which was quite symptomatic.
Section 1 Vaginal Masses
Figure V1-5 Vaginal fibroid. Magnified view of a
small, rounded, solid mass in the wall of the vagina.
Figure V1-4 Bartholin’s duct cyst. (A) 2-D and (B) 3-D
views of a heterogeneous solid mass located antero-
lateral to the rectum. Note that the interior of the
mass has no discernible blood flow.
Vaginal Masses Section 1
RT Buttock
A 1 D 10.03 cm
2 D 6.49 cm
Figure V1-6 A to C, Leiomyosarcoma. Multiple views of a solid and very vascular mass located along the right
side of the vagina and extending posteriorly toward the right buttock.
Section 1 Vaginal Masses
V Figure V1-8 Vaginal lymphoma. Long axis view from
the perineum, looking down the vagina, showing a
lobulated irregular vascular mass extending the
Urethra entire length of the vagina.
Figure V1-7 A and B, Myxoid spindle cell sarcoma.
Very vascular, lobulated and irregular solid mass
along the lateral and posterior aspect of the vagina.
Note that the mass has a fingerlike extension into the
surrounding side wall, indicating the aggressive
behavior of the tumor.
Vaginal Masses Section 1
Suggested Reading
Dai Y, Wang J, Shen H, Zhao RN, Li YZ. Diagnosis of
female urethral diverticulum using transvaginal
contrast-enhanced sonourethrography. J Int Urogy-
necol. January 31, 2013. [Epub ahead of print].
Elsayes KM, Narra VR, Dillman JR, Velcheti V, Hameed
O, Tongdee R, Menias CO. Vaginal masses: mag-
Bladder netic resonance imaging features with pathologic
correlation. Acta Radiol. 2007;48:921-933.
Fletcher SG, Lemack GE. Benign masses of the female
periurethral tissues and anterior vaginal wall. Curr
Urol Rep. 2008;9:389-396.
Hwang JH, Oh JM, Lee NW, Hur JY, Lee KW, Lee KJ.
A Multiple vaginal Müllerian cysts: a case report and
review of literature. Arch Gynecol Obstet.
Kondi-Pafiti A, Grapsa D, Papakonstantinou K, Kairi-
Vassilatou E, Xasiakos D. Vaginal cysts: a common
pathologic entity revisited. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol.
Figure V1-9 A and B, Recto-vaginal fistula. 2-D and
3-D views of the perineum looking down the vagina
in a patient with Crohn’s disease who had clinical
evidence of a fistula. Arrows demonstrate the loca-
tion of the fistula, which was identified first on the
3-D reconstruction (B) and then recognized on
standard 2-D imaging (A). An MRI done the same day
had been read as negative.
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Section 2
Section 2
Section 2 Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants
Figure II-1 Transabdominal scan (TA). A and B show a longitudinal and transverse view of the uterus seen
transabdominally through a distended bladder. Calipers show the measurements of the uterus. C and D show the
normal ovaries, also seen transabdominally.
done for infertility and the patient is a candi- The technique for performing the transrectal
date for insemination, it is crucial not to use (TR) scan (Figure II-3):
a gel that may be harmful to the sperm, and
water or saline can be utilized in these spe- 1. After emptying her bladder, the patient is
cial circumstances. placed in the Sims position, on her side with
2. The TV scan is typically done with an empty her legs tucked toward her abdomen or main-
bladder (except for rare instances in which tained in a dorsolithotomy position.
the bladder itself is to be evaluated); there- 2. The transvaginal transducer is prepared in
fore, the patient should empty her bladder the same way as for TV scan, and inserted
just before initiating the TV scan. into the rectum by the physician or sonog-
3. The vaginal probe can be introduced into the rapher. The insertion is done very slowly,
vagina by a physician, a sonographer, or the with steady but gentle pressure, and under
patient herself, whichever is most appropri- direct visualization of the rectum (sono-
ate and comfortable for the patient. In cer- graphically), thus giving time for the sphinc-
tain cases, a chaperone may be necessary, ter to relax. One can also perform a digital
especially if the physician or sonographer rectal exam preceding the probe insertion to
is male. relax the sphincter muscle and gauge the
Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants Section 2
Figure II-2 Transvaginal scan (TV). A demonstrates the transvaginal view of a normal anteverted uterus seen
longitudinally. B shows a similar view of a normal retroverted uterus. Note that in both cases the body of the
uterus is at right angles to the ultrasound beam. C shows an axial uterus that is hard to image well transvaginally
because of its vertical orientation away from the ultrasound beam.
Section 2 Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants
Figure II-4 The perineum. A shows a longitudinal scan of the floor of the pelvis looking from the introitus, down
the length of the vagina. B and C show the 3-D volume acquisition with the axial reconstructed transverse view of
the pelvic floor. The reconstructed view shows the urethra, vagina, and rectum in transverse section.
structures are no longer visible. An attempt to for any polyps, fibroids or masses (Figure II-5).
visualize them on the way out of the vagina is Color Doppler is helpful to detect abnormal
hampered by the introduction of air with the blood flow or a feeder vessel if a polyp or mass
initial placement of the probe; hence if the is suspected. Small cysts in the wall of the cer-
clinical problem involves the vagina, it must be vix are usually nabothian cysts, also referred to
evaluated with a perineal scan before placing as cervical inclusion cysts, and typically are
the probe inside. With the probe on the ignored on a sonogram. Evaluating the outer
perineum, a 3-D volume can be acquired and contour of the cervix is important to look for
reconstructed to show the floor of the pelvis, implants of endometriosis along the posterior
the anterior and posterior compartments of the outer surface of the cervix and in the upper
pelvis (Figure II-4, B and C). This enables the portion of the rectovaginal septum (see
practitioner to assess the relationships between Endometriosis).
the urethra, vagina, and rectum and any mass
or cyst that may be present (see Vaginal Masses). The Uterus
As the vaginal probe is placed in the vagina,
The Cervix there is direct visualization of the length of the
The appearance, size, and symmetry of the cer- vagina down to the cervix, which is typically at
vix are evaluated as well as the cervical canal right angles to the vagina (Figures II-2 and II-6).
Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants Section 2
Figure II-5 The cervix. A shows a transvaginal longitudinal view of the normal cervix showing a normal endocer-
vical canal. B demonstrates a nabothian cyst (arrow) located in the cervix of a postmenopausal patient. These are
of no clinical significance and typically are not mentioned in the ultrasound report.
Section 2 Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants
Figure II-8 A and B, Measurements of the uterus done transvaginally.
Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants Section 2
Figure II-10 A and B, The normal endometrium seen transvaginally both in longitudinal and transverse
sections, showing no irregularities or focal lesions.
A 1 D 0.66 cm B 1 D 0.16 cm
Figure II-11 The measurement of the endometrial echo is done in a midline longitudinal section of the uterus
with the transverse axis of the uterus identical to the axis of the transducer to obtain the true sagittal view of the
uterus. A and B show the measurements done on a premenopausal and postmenopausal patient, respectively.
C shows the presence of a focal polyp with a feeder vessel demonstrated using color Doppler. The rest of the
endometrium was less than 4 mm in this postmenopausal patient with bleeding.
Section 2 Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants
Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants Section 2
Section 2 Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants
Figure II-17 A shows a transvaginal view of the typical paper-thin, echogenic endometrium in a postmenopausal
patient. B and C show a small amount of fluid in the endometrial cavity of a postmenopausal patient, which is not
considered clinically significant in the presence of a thin endometrium (calipers).
Figure II-18 A and B, Normal sonohysterogram seen both in 2-D and 3-D coronal reconstruction. Note the saline
in the endometrial cavity outlining a thin and smooth lining.
Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants Section 2
Figure II-19 3-D volume acquisitions of the uterus are essential to generate the reconstructed coronal view of the
uterus. A shows the multiplanar display of the volume acquisition. B shows the reconstructed coronal view of the
uterus and cavity showing a normal shape. Note that even the interstitial portions of the tubes can be visualized.
C shows the normal positioning of an IUD within the uterine cavity.
are at right angles to each other (Figure II-22). Color Doppler ultrasound is often helpful to
Women who are cycling typically have one or determine whether an adnexal cyst or lesion is
more follicles on each ovary (up to 2.5 to 3 cm vascular. An intense circular vascular pattern
in largest diameter), particularly if examined indicates a corpus luteum, which is a normal
midcycle (Figure II-23; also see the section on finding in a cycling woman. Other masses with
ovarian cysts). Postmenopausal women should abundant central blood flow may be worrisome
not normally have ovarian cysts, although a for malignancy.
small clear cyst less than or equal to 10 mm is
considered clinically insignificant. The Cul-de-sac
It is also important to evaluate the entire The cul-de-sac should be evaluated for the pres-
adnexal area, including the pelvic side wall, to ence of masses or free fluid behind the cervix.
identify any abnormal fluid collection or masses. This is an area that is often affected by deep pen-
The fallopian tubes are not usually seen unless etrating endometriosis in the anterior wall of the
abnormal or outlined by free fluid. rectosigmoid (see Endometriosis). Masses in this
Section 2 Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants
Nongynecologic Organs
We must not forget that the uterus, ovaries, and
fallopian tubes are not alone in the female pelvis.
There are multiple loops of small and large bowel
as well as the appendix, the ureters, lymph nodes,
blood vessels, and sacrum. It is important to 2
keep these organs in mind when performing 3
pelvic ultrasound because not all masses and
fluid collections are attributable to the uterus
and adnexa (see related sections).
In conclusion, ultrasound is well known and 1
accepted as the chosen method of imaging the
female pelvis for practically all indications. The
sonographic armamentarium at our disposal is
Figure II-22 Transvaginal view of a normal ovary
vast and includes gray scale, 3-D volume imaging,
showing the correct method of measuring the ovary.
color Doppler mapping, introduction of saline
Normal Pelvic Ultrasound and Common Normal Variants Section 2
Figure II-23 Transvaginal view of a normal ovary in
two different patients. A shows the normal ovary as
the dominant follicle is maturing mid-cycle. B shows
multiple follicles in a patient taking Clomid for the
treatment of infertility.
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Section 3
Section 3
Case 1
This adnexal mass was found in a 33-year-old patient who was asymptomatic.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 2
This 48-year-old nulliparous patient had a long history of pelvic pain and dyspareunia,
worse at the time of menses.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 3
This 57-year-old patient was referred for a second opinion of a right ovarian cyst dis-
covered on an ultrasound at a different institution.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 4
This patient presented for a scan to evaluate the uterus due to infertility. These are
images of both ovaries. The uterus was normal.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 5
This 66-year-old patient with breast cancer is being treated with Tamoxifen. She was
referred for a sonohysterogram for evaluation of a “thickened endometrium” seen on
an ultrasound done elsewhere.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 6
This 72-year-old woman presented with pelvic pain on urination and urinary urgency.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 7
This 36-year-old patient had a recent spontaneous abortion but has had persistent
heavy bleeding for the past 3 weeks.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 8
This 32-year-old patient presented with cyclic dysuria and pelvic pain.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 9
This pelvic mass was present in the cul-de-sac of an asymptomatic 44-year-old patient.
The ovaries could not be clearly identified.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 10
This 69-year-old postmenopausal patient with a retroverted uterus presented with a
history of recent vaginal bleeding.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 11
This 27-year-old woman presented with a very large pelvic mass and ascites.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 12
This postmenopausal patient presented with several hours of right lower quadrant
pain. The scan was done transvaginally.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 13
This 56-year-old postmenopausal woman had not had a pelvic exam for decades. She
was brought in by her family for a prolonged history of vaginal bleeding.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 14
This 37-year-old patient has a history of choriocarcinoma that was successfully treated
5 years ago. Recently, she was treated for a missed abortion with a D&C and was being
seen for persistently elevated serum beta-HCG. After a second D&C procedure, the
levels continued to rise and this ultrasound was done.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 15
This 28-year-old pregnant woman had a routine obstetrical ultrasound. This right
ovarian mass was noted incidentally at 18 weeks.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 16
This 36-year-old patient had a positive pregnancy test and vaginal bleeding.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 17
This 66-year-old patient had dull, chronic pelvic pain. The transvaginal ultrasound
shows bilateral avascular posterior pelvic masses.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 18
This is an asymptomatic right adnexal mass in a 32-year-old patient. Images include
both transabdominal and transvaginal views.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 19
This 44-year-old woman presented with chronic severe pelvic pain. The uterus and
ovaries were normal sonographically.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 20
This 37-year-old patient was referred because of a pelvic mass seen on other imaging.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 21
This cystic structure was an incidental finding on a transabdominal pelvic ultrasound
done on a 77-year-old woman.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 22
This 48-year-old patient complained of pelvic pain, and the top two images were
obtained. The patient returned 3 weeks later, and the bottom two images were obtained.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 23
This 64-year-old woman was sent for an ultrasound because of a family history of
ovarian cancer.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 24
This 33-year-old patient complained of irregular bleeding.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 25
This 51-year-old patient had a recent colonoscopy and subsequently developed pelvic
pain and fever several days after the procedure.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 26
This 25-year-old woman presented with an enlarged uterus on physical examination.
The first image (top left) is a transabdominal view of the pelvis. The other images
were taken transvaginally.
Section 3 Case Studies for Review
Case 1 Answer: This mass was mistaken for Case 9 Answer: Degenerating fibroid. The
an ovarian fibroma but was proven to be a appearance of this mass was nonspecific and
mature teratoma at surgery. more suggestive of an ovarian lesion. The
correct diagnosis was not suspected preoper-
Case 2 Answer: Endometriosis involving atively because this appearance is atypical for
the back of the cervix and anterior wall of a fibroid, even with degeneration.
the recto-sigmoid. There was severe focal
tenderness at the site of the abnormality Case 10 Answer: This is a thickened endo-
during the scan. metrium, worrisome for malignancy. The
final pathologic diagnosis was grade 2
Case 3 Answer: Mucocele of the appendix. endometrial adenocarcinoma. Note the
Note the onion skin–like texture of the inter- vascular mass involving the endometrium
nal contents of the lesion. A separate right and invading the anterior myometrium as
ovary that appeared normal was documented. well as the echogenic fluid within the cavity
Case 4 Answer: Bilateral cystadenomas of (blood).
low malignant potential (borderline tumor). Case 11 Answer: Dysgerminoma measuring
Note that these masses with abundant color 20 cm × 12 cm.
flow are worrisome for malignancy.
Case 12 Answer: Acute appendicitis. Note
Case 5 Answer: The initial scan suggested a that the appendix has a cystic area in its tip
polyp due to the thick, heterogeneous, and and is surrounded by very echogenic tissue,
cystic central endometrial echo. When saline which represents inflammation of the sur-
was infused into the uterine cavity, the muco- rounding fat. A separate, normal right ovary
sal surface appeared thin, compatible with was clearly identified.
atrophy. The cystic areas are sub-endome-
trial, which is typical of the Tamoxifen effect Case 13 Answer: Large cervical carcinoma.
and represents glandular cystic atrophy. The first image (top left) shows the measure-
ment of the endometrium, and the second
Case 6 Answer: Urethral diverticulum. The image (top right) shows the calipers on the
scans were all done from the perineum, look- cervical mass. Note the extreme vascularity.
ing down the length of the urethra and
vagina. The location of the diverticulum is Case 14 Answer: Intramural choriocarci-
best seen on the 3-D reconstructed view of noma. The tumor was confined to the myo-
the perineum and forms a semilunar shape metrium and not contiguous with the
around the anterior aspect of the urethra. endometrial cavity. The patient was treated
with chemotherapy to no avail and eventu-
Case 7 Answer: Retained products of concep- ally underwent a hysterectomy for definitive
tion. Note the extreme vascularity, which is therapy. The tissue typing of the tumor was
very common when the abortion is incom- different from the original choriocarcinoma,
plete. This vascularity will resolve completely consistent with a second, primary choriocar-
after a D&C. cinoma as opposed to a recurrence.
Case 8 Answer: Endometriosis of the poste- Case 15 Answer: Decidualized endometrioma.
rior bladder wall and anterior aspect of the
uterus. Note the mass-like thickening of the Case 16 Answer: Left cornual pregnancy.
floor of the bladder (calipers) with involve- Note how the 3-D coronal image best dem-
ment of the wall of the uterus underneath. onstrates the location of the pregnancy.
Case Studies for Review Section 3
Case 17 Answer: Tarlov’s cysts along the ante- seen to retract 3 weeks later. In addition, the
rior aspect of the sacrum bilaterally. The nor- blood flow was only seen peripherally.
mal ovaries were identified separately.
Case 23 Answer: Fibrothecoma of the ovary.
Case 18 Answer: Right dermoid cyst. Note the solid texture with limited blood
flow as well as the multiple vertical shadow-
Case 19 Answer: Nodular, deep-penetrating
ing stripes (Venetian blind appearance) char-
endometriosis of the anterior wall of the
acteristic of fibromas.
recto-sigmoid, behind the distal end of the
cervix. The cul-de-sac was frozen with endo- Case 24 Answer: (Hint: The patient had a
metriotic implants. positive pregnancy test). Complete molar
pregnancy. Note that without the complete
Case 20 Answer: Serous cystadenoma of low
history, the sonographic appearance could
malignant potential (borderline tumor).
be confused with an endometrial polyp or
Note the few internal mural nodules con-
other endometrial process.
taining neovascularity seen by color flow
Doppler. Case 25 Answer: Pelvic inflammatory disease
with pyosalpinx. This was thought to be a com-
Case 21 Answer: Bladder diverticulum. Note
plication resulting from a micro-perforation
the connection to the bladder on the bottom
during a colonoscopy and was treated with
broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Case 22 Answer: Hemorrhagic cyst with
Case 26 Answer: Large dermoid located
retracting clot over the course of 3 weeks.
above the uterine fundus. The location of the
Note that the initial scan suggested a solid
dermoid likely simulated an enlarged uterus
mass, but this was an avascular clot and was
clinically; however, the uterus was normal.
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A Appendiceal mucocele (Continued) Bowel diseases (Continued)
Abdominal pregnancies, 58. See also Ectopic recommendations for, 11 gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), 27
pregnancies. synonyms for, 11 inflammatory bowel diseases, 26
Abdominal wall lesions, anterior, 77–78. See also ultrasound findings for, 11, 12f lymphomas, 27
Endometriosis. Appendicitis, 26. See also Bowel diseases. synonyms for, 26
Abnormal intrauterine device (IUD) locations, Arcuate uterus, 125. See also Müllerian duct ulcerative colitis, 26
109–113 anomalies. ultrasound findings for, 26–27, 28f–30f
clinical aspects of, 110 Asherman's syndrome, 177–181 BRCA 1/BRCA 2, 196
differential diagnosis for, 109 clinical aspects of, 178 Brenner tumors, 32–33. See also Tumors.
etiology of, 109 differential diagnosis for, 177-178 clinical aspects of, 32
recommendations for, 110 etiology of, 177 differential diagnosis for, 32
synonyms for, 109 recommendations for, 178 etiology of, 32
ultrasound findings for, 109 retained products of conception (RPOC) and, recommendations for, 32
Abortion, incomplete, 172. See also Retained prod- 177. See also Retained products of concep- synonyms for, 32
ucts of conception (RPOC). tion (RPOC). ultrasound findings for, 32, 32f
Abscesses, tubo-ovarian (TOAs), 199–202 synonyms for, 177 Bright spots, ovarian, 136. See also Calcifications,
clinical aspects of, 199–200 T-shaped uterus and, 189. See also T-shaped ovarian.
differential diagnosis for, 199 uterus.
etiology of, 199 ultrasound findings for, 177, 178f–180f C
vs. pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 199–200 Asymptomatic ovarian tumors, 32. See also Calcifications, ovarian, 136
recommendations for, 199–200 Brenner tumors. clinical aspects of, 136
synonyms for, 199 Atrophic endometrium, 14 differential diagnosis for, 136
ultrasound findings for, 199, 200f–202f clinical aspects of, 14 etiology of, 136
Adenocarcinomas, colon, 27. See also Bowel differential diagnosis for, 14 recommendations for, 136
diseases. etiology of, 14 synonyms for, 136
Adenomyomas, 3. See also Adenomyosis. recommendations for, 14 ultrasound findings for, 136, 136f
Adenomyosis, 1–7 synonyms for, 14 Carcinomas
adenomyomas and, 3 ultrasound findings for, 14, 14f adenocarcinomas, colon, 27
clinical aspects of, 3–4 Atrophy, endometrial, 14. See also Atrophic endometrial, 65–70
differential diagnosis for, 3 endometrium. ovarian, 137–146. See also Epithelial ovarian
etiology of, 3 cancer.
generalized, 3 B primary fallopian tube (PFTCs), 196–198
recommendations for, 3–4 Benign entities serous intraepithelial tubal carcinomas (STICs),
synonyms for, 3 bladder masses, 15. See also Bladder masses. 137
ultrasound findings for, 3, 4f–6f cystic mesotheliomas, 8. See also Adhesions. tubal, 196
Adenosarcomas, 205. See also Uterine sarcomas. germ cell tumors, 56. See also Dermoid cysts. Carcinosarcomas, 205. See also Uterine
Adhesions, 8–10 metastasizing leiomyomas, 114. See also Intrave- sarcomas.
clinical aspects of, 8 nous leiomyomatosis. Cervical masses, 34–38. See also Masses.
differential diagnosis for, 8 ovarian tumors, 32. See also Brenner tumors. clinical aspects of, 35
etiology of, 8 Bicornuate uterus, 125. See also Müllerian duct differential diagnosis for, 35
intrauterine, 177. See also Asherman's syndrome. anomalies. etiology of, 34
recommendations for, 8 Bladder masses, 15–20. See also Masses. recommendations for, 35
synonyms for, 8 clinical aspects of, 16 synonyms for, 34
ultrasound findings for, 8, 9f–10f differential diagnosis for, 16 ultrasound findings for, 34, 35f–38f
Adnexa, intracavity scan protocols, 221, 229–231, etiology of, 15 Cervical pregnancies, 58. See also Ectopic
232f recommendations for, 16 pregnancies.
Adnexal cysts, 155. See also Paratubal and para- synonyms for, 15 Cervix, intracavity scan protocols, 20f, 224, 225f
ovarian cysts. ultrasound findings for, 15, 16f–20f Cesarean section (C-section) scar defects, 39–42
Adnexal torsion, 147–152 Bladder wall lesions, 77–78. See also Lesions. clinical aspects of, 39
clinical aspects of, 148 Borderline ovarian tumor, 21–25 differential diagnosis for, 39
differential diagnosis for, 147 clinical aspects of, 21 etiology of, 39
etiology of, 147 differential diagnosis for, 21 recommendations for, 39
recommendations for, 148 etiology of, 21 synonyms for, 39
synonyms for, 147 recommendations for, 21 ultrasound findings for, 39, 40f–41f
ultrasound findings for, 147, 148f–151f synonyms for, 21 CL. See Corpus luteum (CL).
Agenesis, 125. See also Müllerian duct anomalies. ultrasound findings for, 21, 22f–25f Clear cysts, 48–50. See also Cysts.
Anatomy, normal, 221–223 Bowel diseases, 26–31 clinical aspects of, 48–49
Anomalies, Müllerian duct, 125–135. See also Mül- adenocarcinomas, colon, 27 differential diagnosis for, 48
lerian duct anomalies. appendicitis, 26 etiology of, 48
Anterior abdominal wall lesions, 77–78. See also colon cancer, 27 postmenopausal, 48
Endometriosis. Crohn's disease, 26 premenopausal, 48
Appendiceal mucocele, 11–13 diverticulitis, 26–27 recommendations for, 48–49
clinical aspects of, 11 duplication cysts, 27 synonyms for, 48
differential diagnosis for, 11 endometriosis, rectosigmoid colon, 26 ultrasound findings for, 48, 49f–50f
etiology of, 11 etiology of, 26 Colitis, ulcerative, 26. See also Bowel diseases.
Colon adenocarcinomas, 27. See also Bowel Conditions (Continued) Dermoid cysts (Continued)
diseases. tumors etiology of, 53
Colon cancer, 27. See also Bowel diseases. Brenner, 32–33 recommendations for, 53–54
Conditions granulosa cell (GCTs), 96–97 synonyms for, 53
abscesses, tubo-ovarian (TOAs), 199–202 metastatic to ovaries, 118–121 ultrasound findings for, 53, 54f–55f
adenomyosis, 1–7 uterus, T-shaped, 189–191 DES. See Diethylstilbestrol (DES).
adhesions, 8–10 vein thrombosis, ovarian, 153–154 Didelphic uterus, 125. See also Müllerian duct
bowel diseases, 26–31 Congenital uterine anomalies, 125. See also anomalies.
calcifications, ovarian, 136 Müllerian duct anomalies. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 189
carcinomas Cornual pregnancies, 58. See also Ectopic Diffuse bladder wall thickening. See Bladder
endometrial, 65–70 pregnancies. masses
primary fallopian tube (PFTCs), 196–198 Corpus luteum (CL), 43–47 Disinfection, probes, 221–222
Cesarean section (C-section) scar defects, clinical aspects of, 44 Distended fluid-filled fallopian tubes, 104. See also
39–42 differential diagnosis for, 43–44 Hydrosalpinx.
corpus luteum (CL), 43–47 etiology of, 43 Diverticula, urethral, 15. See also Bladder masses.
cystadenofibromas, 51–52 recommendations for, 44 Diverticulitis, 26–27. See also Bowel diseases.
cystadenomas synonyms for, 43 Duplication cysts, 27. See also Bowel diseases.
mucinous, 122–124 ultrasound findings for, 43, 44f–47f Dysgerminomas, 56–57
serous, 184–185 Crohn's disease, 26. See also Bowel diseases. clinical aspects of, 56
cysts C-section scar defects. See Cesarean section differential diagnosis for, 56
clear, 48–50 (C-section) scar defects. etiology of, 56
dermoid, 53–55 Cul-de-sac, intracavity scan protocols, 225f, recommendations for, 56
epidermoid, 83–84 231–232 synonyms for, 56
paraovarian, 155–156 Cystadenofibromas, 51–52 ultrasound findings for, 56, 57f
paratubal, 155–156 clinical aspects of, 51
peritoneal inclusion, 8–10 differential diagnosis for, 51 E
Tarlov, 192–193 etiology of, 51 Early menopause, 170. See also Premature ovarian
theca lutein, 194–195 recommendations for, 51 failure (POF).
dehiscence, uterine, 39–42 synonyms for, 51 Ectopic kidney, 159. See also Pelvic kidney.
dysgerminomas, 56–57 ultrasound findings for, 51, 51f–52f Ectopic pregnancies, 58–64
edema, massive, 147–152 Cystadenomas clinical aspects of, 59
endometriosis, 76–82 mucinous, 122–124 differential diagnosis for, 59
endometrium, atrophic, 14 clinical aspects of, 122–123 etiology of, 58
fibroids, 85–92 differential diagnosis for, 122 recommendations for, 59
fibromas etiology of, 122 synonyms for, 58
cystadenofibromas, 51–52 recommendations for, 122–123 ultrasound findings for, 58–59, 60f–64f
ovarian, 93–95 synonyms for, 122 Edema, massive, 147–152
fibrothecomas, 93–95 ultrasound findings for, 122, 123f clinical aspects of, 148
hematocolpos, 98–103 serous, 184–185 differential diagnosis for, 147
hematometra, 98–103 clinical aspects of, 184 etiology of, 147
hematuria, 15–20 differential diagnosis for, 184 recommendations for, 148
hydrosalpinx, 104–108 etiology of, 184 synonyms for, 147
hyperplasia, endometrial, 71–75 recommendations for, 184 ultrasound findings for, 147, 148f–151f
intrauterine device (IUD) locations, abnormal, synonyms for, 184 Endometrial atrophy, 14. See also Atrophic
109–113 ultrasound findings for, 184, 184f–185f endometrium.
leiomyomatosis, intravenous, 114–115 Cystic mesotheliomas, benign, 8. See also Endometrial carcinomas, 65–70. See also
lymph nodes, enlarged, 116–117 Adhesions. Carcinomas.
masses Cystic teratomas, mature, 53. See also Dermoid cysts. clinical aspects of, 66
bladder, 15–20 Cysts differential diagnosis for, 65–66
cervical, 34–38 clear, 48–50 etiology of, 65
vaginal, 209–218 dermoid, 53–55 recommendations for, 66
mucocele, appendiceal, 11–13 duplication, 27 synonyms for, 65
Müllerian duct abnormalities, 125–135 epidermoid, 83–84 ultrasound findings for, 65, 66f–70f
ovarian cancer nonfunctional, 43 Endometrial hyperplasia, 71–75
borderline, 21–25 paraovarian, 155–156 clinical aspects of, 72–75
epithelial, 137–146 paratubal, 155–156 differential diagnosis for, 71–72
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 199–202 peritoneal inclusion, 8–10 etiology of, 71
pelvic kidney, 159–160 Tarlov, 192–193 recommendations for, 72–75
polycystic ovaries, 161–162 theca lutein, 194–195 synonyms for, 71
polyps, endometrial, 163–169 vaginal, 209 Endometrial polyps, 163–169
pregnancies, ectopic, 58–64 clinical aspects of, 163
premature ovarian failure, 170–171 D differential diagnosis for, 163
retained products of conception (RPOC), Decidualized endometriomas, 76–77. See also etiology of, 163
172–176 Endometriosis. recommendations for, 163
sarcomas, uterine, 205–208 Deep penetrating bowel wall/pelvic implants, synonyms for, 163
Schwannomas, 182–183 77–78. See also Endometriosis. ultrasound findings for, 163, 164f–169f
stones, ureteral, 203–204 Degenerating fibroids, 85. See also Fibroids. Endometrial proliferation, 71. See also Endometrial
struma ovarii, 186–188 Dehiscence, uterine, 39–42 hyperplasia.
syndromes clinical aspects of, 39 Endometrial stromal tumors, 205. See also Uterine
Asherman's, 177–181 differential diagnosis for, 39 sarcomas.
pelvic congestion, 157–158 etiology of, 39 Endometriomas, 76–77. See also Endometriosis.
thecomas, 93–95 recommendations for, 39 Endometriosis, 76–82
thick endometrium, differential diagnosis, synonyms for, 39 bladder masses and, 15. See also Bladder masses.
71–75 ultrasound findings for, 39, 40f–41f clinical aspects of, 78
torsion Dermoid cysts, 53–55. See also Cysts. differential diagnosis for, 77–78
ovarian, 147–152 clinical aspects of, 53–54 etiology of, 76
tubal, 147–152 differential diagnosis for, 53 of myometrium, 3. See also Adenomyosis.
Mucinous cystadenomas, 122–124. See also Ovarian insufficiency, 170. See also Premature PFTCs. See Primary fallopian tube carcinomas
Cystadenomas. ovarian failure (POF). (PFTCs)
clinical aspects of, 122–123 Ovarian metastatic tumors, 118–121. See also Meta- PID. See Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
differential diagnosis for, 122 static tumors to ovaries. Placenta, retained, 172. See also Retained products
etiology of, 122 Ovarian pregnancies, 58. See also Ectopic of conception (RPOC).
recommendations for, 122–123 pregnancies. POF. See Premature ovarian failure (POF)
synonyms for, 122 Ovarian sebaceous cysts, 83. See also Epidermoid Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 161–162
ultrasound findings for, 122, 123f cysts. clinical aspects of, 161
Mucocele, appendiceal, 11–13. See also Appendi- Ovarian torsion, 147–152 differential diagnosis for, 161
ceal mucocele. clinical aspects of, 148 etiology of, 161
Müllerian duct anomalies, 125–135 differential diagnosis for, 147 recommendations for, 161
classification of, 125 etiology of, 147 synonyms for, 161
etiology of, 125 recommendations for, 148 ultrasound findings for, 161, 162f
synonyms for, 125 synonyms for, 147 Polyps
ultrasound findings for, 126, 127f–135f ultrasound findings for, 147, 148f–151f endometrial, 163–169
Myomas, 85. See also Fibroids. Ovarian vein thrombosis, 153–154 clinical aspects of, 163
Myometrium clinical aspects of, 153 differential diagnosis for, 163
endometriosis of, 3. See also Adenomyosis. differential diagnosis for, 153 etiology of, 163
intracavity scan protocols, 225–226 etiology of, 153 recommendations for, 163
recommendations for, 153 synonyms for, 163
N synonyms of, 153 ultrasound findings for, 163, 164f–169f
Nephrolithiasis, 203. See also Ureteral stones. ultrasound findings for, 56, 153, 154f hyperplastic, 163
Nonfunctional cysts, 43. See also Corpus luteum (CL). Ovaries, polycystic, 161–162. See also Polycystic proliferative, 163
Nongynecologic organs, 232–233 ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Postmenopausal clear cysts, 48. See also Clear
Normal anatomy, 221–223 cysts.
Normal pelvic scans and variants, 219–234 P Pregnancies, ectopic, 58–64
anatomy, normal, 221–223 ParaGard intrauterine device (IUD), 109. clinical aspects of, 59
intracavity scan protocols, 221–223 See also Intrauterine device (IUD) locations, differential diagnosis for, 59
adnexa, 221, 229–231, 232f abnormal. etiology of, 58
cervix, 20f, 224, 225f Paramesonephric cysts, 155. See also Paratubal and recommendations for, 59
cul-de-sac, 225f, 231–232 paraovarian cysts. synonyms for, 58
endometrium, 224–229, 227f–228f Paraovarian cysts. See Paratubal and paraovarian cysts ultrasound findings for, 58–59, 60f–64f
myometrium, 225–226 Paratubal and paraovarian cysts, 155–156. See also Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL), 58. See
ovaries, 229–231, 232f–233f Cysts. also Ectopic pregnancies.
perineum, 18f, 223–224 clinical aspects of, 155 Premature ovarian failure (POF), 170–171
uterus, 221, 222f–223f, 224–229, 225f–226f differential diagnosis for, 155 clinical aspects of, 170
vagina, 223–224, 224f etiology of, 155 differential diagnosis for, 170
nongynecologic organs, 232–233 recommendations for, 155 etiology of, 170
quality-related considerations of, 232–233 synonyms for, 155 recommendations for, 170
techniques, 221–223 ultrasound findings for, 155, 155f–156f synonyms for, 170
probe disinfection, 221–222 PCOS. See Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) ultrasound findings for, 170, 171f
transabdominal (TA) scans, 221–223, 222f Pedunculated fibroids, 85. See also Fibroids. Premenopausal clear cysts, 48. See also Clear cysts.
transrectal (TR) scans, 222, 223f Pelvic abscesses, 199. See also Pelvic inflammatory Primary fallopian tube carcinomas (PFTCs),
transvaginal (TV) scans, 221–223, 223f disease (PID). 196–198. See also Carcinomas.
Pelvic congestion syndrome, 157–158 BRCA 1/BRCA 2 and, 196
O clinical aspects of, 157 clinical aspects of, 196
Organs, nongynecologic, 232–233 differential diagnosis for, 157 differential diagnosis for, 196
Ovarian calcifications, 136. See also Calcifications, etiology of, 157 etiology of, 196
ovarian. recommendations for, 157 Latzko triad and, 196
Ovarian cancer synonyms for, 157 recommendations for, 196
borderline, 21–25 ultrasound findings for, 157, 157f serous intraepithelial tubal carcinomas (STICs)
clinical aspects of, 21 Pelvic infections, 199. See also Pelvic inflammatory and, 196
differential diagnosis for, 21 disease (PID). synonyms for, 196
etiology of, 21 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 199–202 ultrasound findings for, 196, 197f–198f
recommendations for, 21 clinical aspects of, 199–200 Probe disinfection, 221–222
synonyms for, 21 differential diagnosis for, 199 Proliferation, endometrial, 71. See also Endome-
ultrasound findings for, 21, 22f–25f etiology of, 199 trial hyperplasia.
epithelial, 137–146 recommendations for, 199–200 Proliferative polyps, 163
clinical aspects of, 138 synonyms for, 199 PUL. See Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL).
differential diagnosis for, 138 vs. tubo-ovarian abscesses (TOAs), 199 Pyocolpos, 98. See also Hematometra and
etiology of, 137 ultrasound findings for, 199, 200f–202f hematocolpos.
recommendations for, 138 Pelvic kidney, 159–160 Pyometra, 98. See also Hematometra and
synonyms for, 137 clinical aspects of, 159 hematocolpos.
ultrasound findings for, 11, 137–138, 139f–145f differential diagnosis for, 159
International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) etiology of, 159 Q
multicenter group and, 138 recommendations for, 159 Quality-related considerations, 232–233
metastatic tumors, 118–121 synonyms of, 159
Ovarian cysts, clear, 48. See also Clear cysts. ultrasound findings for, 159, 159f–160f R
Ovarian failure, premature, 170–171. See also Pelvic varicose veins, 157. See also Pelvic conges- Rectosigmoid colon, endometriosis of, 26. See also
Premature ovarian failure (POF). tion syndrome. Bowel diseases.
Ovarian fibromas, 93–95 Peritoneal inclusion cysts, 8–10 Renal stones, 203. See also Ureteral stones.
clinical aspects of, 93 clinical aspects of, 8 Retained placenta, 172. See also Retained products
differential diagnosis for, 93 differential diagnosis for, 8 of conception (RPOC).
etiology of, 93 etiology of, 8 Retained products of conception (RPOC),
recommendations for, 93 recommendations for, 8 172–176
synonyms for, 93 synonyms for, 8 Asherman's syndrome and, 177–178. See also
ultrasound findings for, 93, 93f–95f ultrasound findings for, 8, 9f–10f Asherman's syndrome.
Retained products of conception (Continued) Struma ovarii (Continued) T-shaped uterus (Continued)
clinical aspects of, 172–173 recommendations for, 186 diethylstilbestrol (DES) and, 189
differential diagnosis for, 172 synonyms for, 186 differential diagnosis for, 189
etiology of, 172 ultrasound findings for, 186, 187f–188f etiology of, 189
recommendations for, 172–173 Submucous fibroids, 85. See also Fibroids. recommendations for, 189
synonyms of, 172 Subserosal fibroids, 85. See also Fibroids. synonyms for, 189
ultrasound findings for, 172, 173f-176f Syndromes ultrasound findings for, 189, 190f–191f
RPOC. See Retained products of conception Asherman's, 177–181 Tubal carcinomas, 196. See also Primary fallopian
(RPOC) pelvic congestion, 157–158 tube carcinomas (PFTCs).
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 161 Tubal pregnancies, 58. See also Ectopic
S Synechiae, 177. See also Asherman's syndrome. pregnancies.
SAB. See Spontaneous abortion (SAB), incomplete. Tubal torsion, 147–152
Sarcomas, uterine, 205–208 T clinical aspects of, 148
classification of, 205 TA scans. See Transabdominal (TA) scans. differential diagnosis for, 147
clinical aspects of, 206 TAB. See Therapeutic abortion (TAB). etiology of, 147
differential diagnosis for, 205 Tarlov cysts, 192–193. See also Cysts. recommendations for, 148
etiology of, 205 clinical aspects of, 192 synonyms for, 147
recommendations for, 206 differential diagnosis for, 192 ultrasound findings for, 147, 148f–151f
synonyms for, 205 etiology of, 192 Tubo-ovarian abscesses (TOAs), 199–202
ultrasound findings for, 205, 207f–208f recommendations for, 192 clinical aspects of, 199–200
Scar defects, Cesarean section (C-section), 39–42. synonyms for, 192 differential diagnosis for, 199
See also Cesarean section (C-section) scar ultrasound findings for, 192, 192f–193f etiology of, 199
defects. Techniques, 221–223 vs. pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 199–200
Schwann cell tumors. See Schwannomas. probe disinfection, 221–222 recommendations for, 199–200
Schwannomas, 182–183 transabdominal (TA) scans, 221–223, 222f synonyms for, 199
clinical aspects of, 182 transrectal (TR) scans, 222, 223f ultrasound findings for, 199, 200f–202f
differential diagnosis for, 182 transvaginal (TV) scans, 221–223, 223f Tumors
etiology of, 182 Teratomas bladder, 15
recommendations for, 182 cystic, 53. See also Dermoid cysts. Brenner, 32–33
synonyms of, 182 mature gastrointestinal stromal (GISTs), 27
ultrasound findings for, 182, 183f monodermal highly specialized cystic, 186. germ cell, benign vs. malignant, 56
Sebaceous cysts of ovary, 83. See also Epidermoid See also Struma ovarii. granulosa cell (GCTs), 96–97
cysts. monophyletic, 83. See also Epidermoid cysts. low malignant potential (LMPs), 21
Septate uterus, 125. See also Müllerian duct Theca lutein cysts, 194–195. See also Cysts. metastatic to ovaries, 118–121
anomalies. clinical aspects of, 194 stromal. See Stromal tumors
Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis (SPT), 153. See also differential diagnosis for, 194 transitional cell. See Transitional cell tumors.
Ovarian vein thrombosis. etiology of, 194 TV scans. See Transvaginal (TV) scans.
Serous cystadenomas, 184–185. See also human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and, 194
Cystadenomas. recommendations for, 194 U
clinical aspects of, 184 synonyms for, 194 Ulcerative colitis, 26. See also Bowel diseases.
differential diagnosis for, 184 ultrasound findings for, 194, 194f–195f Ultrasound, gynecologic
etiology of, 184 Thecomas, 93–95 of entities
recommendations for, 184 clinical aspects of, 93 abscesses, tubo-ovarian (TOAs), 199–202
synonyms for, 184 differential diagnosis for, 93 adenomyosis, 1–7
ultrasound findings for, 184, 184f–185f etiology of, 93 adhesions, 8–10
Serous intraepithelial tubal carcinomas (STICs), fibrothecomas, 93–95. See also Fibrothecomas. bowel diseases, 26–31
137. See also Epithelial ovarian cancer. recommendations for, 93 calcifications, ovarian, 136
Sex-cord-gonadal stromal tumors, 96. See also synonyms for, 93 carcinomas, endometrial, 65–70
Granulosa cell tumors (GCTs). ultrasound findings for, 93, 93f–95f carcinomas, primary fallopian tube (PFTCs),
Simple cysts, 48. See also Clear cysts. Therapeutic abortion (TAB), 177 196–198
Solid masses, vaginal, 209. See also Vaginal cysts. Thick endometrium, differential diagnosis, 71–75 Cesarean section (C-section) scar defects,
Spontaneous abortion (SAB), incomplete, 172. See Thrombosis, ovarian vein, 153–154 39–42
also Retained products of conception (RPOC). clinical aspects of, 153 corpus luteum (CL), 43–47
SPT. See Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis (SPT) differential diagnosis for, 153 cystadenofibromas, 51–52
STICs. See Serous intraepithelial tubal carcinomas etiology of, 153 cystadenomas, mucinous, 122–124
(STICs) recommendations for, 153 cystadenomas, serous, 184–185
Stones, ureteral, 203–204 synonyms of, 153 cysts, clear, 48–50
clinical aspects of, 203 ultrasound findings for, 56, 153, 154f cysts, dermoid, 53–55
differential diagnosis for, 203 TOAs. See Tubo-ovarian abscesses (TOAs) cysts, paraovarian, 155–156
etiology of, 203 Torsion, ovarian/tubal, 147–152 cysts, paratubal, 155–156
recommendations for, 203 clinical aspects of, 148 cysts, peritoneal inclusion, 8–10
synonyms for, 203 differential diagnosis for, 147 cysts, Tarlov, 192–193
ultrasound findings for, 203, 204f etiology of, 147 cysts, theca lutein, 194–195
Stromal tumors recommendations for, 148 dehiscence, uterine, 39–42
cystadenomas synonyms for, 147 dysgerminomas, 56–57
mucinous, 122–124 ultrasound findings for, 147, 148f–151f edema, massive, 147–152
serous, 184–185 TR scans. See Transrectal (TR) scans. endometriosis, 76–82
fibromas, ovarian, 93–95 Transabdominal (TA) scans, 221–223, 222f endometrium, atrophic, 14
fibrothecomas, 93–95 Transitional cell tumors endometrium, thick (differential diagnosis),
gastrointestinal (GISTs), 27 of bladder, 15. See also Bladder masses. 71–75
thecomas, 93–95 of ovaries, 32. See also Brenner tumors. fibroids, 85–92
World Health Organization (WHO) classifica- Transrectal (TR) scans, 222, 223f fibromas, ovarian, 93–95
tion of, 93 Transvaginal (TV) scans, 221–223, 223f fibrothecomas, 93–95
Struma ovarii, 186–188 T-shaped uterus, 189–191 hematocolpos, 98–103
clinical aspects of, 186 Asherman's syndrome and, 189. See also Asher- hematometra, 98–103
differential diagnosis for, 186 man's syndrome. hematuria, 15–20
etiology of, 186 clinical aspects of, 189 hydrosalpinx, 104–108
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