DLP Arts 6

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Name Jemilyn A. Guerrero VI

April 19, 2024 2:00-2:50
& Time Area (ARTS)

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of shapes, colors, and the principles of contrast and
harmony through the use of new media in creating audio-video art and product or
package design.
B. Performance Creates an actual 3- D digitally enhanced paper bag for a product or brand. Applies
Standard concepts on the use of new technologies (hardware and software) in creating an
audio-video art/animation.
C. Learning Explain the elements and principles applied in product design. A6PL-Iva
Competencies a. Identify the elements and principles applied in a product design.
b. Apply the elements and principles in paper bag making.
c. Appreciate the elements and principles applied in product design.

II. CONTENT Explain the elements and principles applied in product design
Package/Product Design (Paper Bag Making)
A. References ARTS6-Q4-MOD2
B. Other Learning Powerpoint, Bond paper, Colored Paper, Scissor, Glue, Popsicles stick, Yarn, Ribbon
Resources lace
A) Reviewing previous  Preliminaries Indicator 4.
Plan, manage,
lesson or presenting the  Prayer and implement
new lesson developmentally
 Checking of Attendance sequenced
 Classroom rules teaching and
The class will learning
 Energizer processes to meet
dance along curriculum
 Motivation (GAMIFICATION) and varied
Mechanics: contexts.
The students shall play 4 pics and 1 word. The
Indicator 2.
students will guess the word using the pictures and Use range of
jumbled letters as their hints. teaching
strategies that
enhance learner
achievement in
Balance literacy and
Unity numeracy skills.
Indicator 3.
Pattern Apply a range of
Line teaching
strategies to
develop critical
and creative
thinking, as well
as other higher-
order thinking

B) Establishing the At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
purpose for the lesson Knowledge:
Identify the elements and principles applied in
a product design.

Apply the elements and principles in paper
bag making.

Appreciate the elements and principles applied
in product design.
C)Presenting 1. Who among you here loves art? 1.Answer may Indicator 3.
Apply a range of
examples/instances of vary teaching
the new lesson 2. What do you like to draw ? 2.Answer may strategies to
develop critical
vary and creative
3. Why do you love art? 3.Answer may thinking, as well
as other higher-
vary order thinking
D) Discussing new Elements and Principles applied in product
concepts and practicing design
new skills #1
Elements of Arts

Line - it is a mark with greater length than width. It

can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal; straight or
curved; thin and thick.

Color - is the visual perception seen by the human

eye. It is all come from the three primaries and
black and white.

Shape - implies spatial from in is usually perceive

as to dimensional, form has depth, length and with
and resides in space. It is perceived as three-

Space - is the area between and around of the art

piece and might be positive or negative, shallow or
deep, open or closed

Texture - it is the surface quality that can be seen

and felt. It can be rough or smooth, soft or hard.
Principles of Arts

Balance – is the impression of equilibrium in a

pictorial or sculptural composition. It’s often
referred to us symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial.

Unity – is achieved with the components of a work

of art are perceived as harmonious, giving the work
a sense of completion.

Pattern – it refers to the repetition or re occurrence

of a design element, exact or varied which
establishes a visual beat.

Contrast– refers to the formation between opposite

elements such as light versus dark, rough versus
smooth, large versus small and so on.
E) Discussing of new
concepts and practicing Indicator 1
Apply knowledge
new skills #2 of content within
and across
“Creativity leads to success” teaching areas.
( Math)

Bea is a grade 6 pupil. She is very good in

arts. She loves to paint and makes paper bag
using recyclable materials. Then, she’s
selling it. Every weekend she can make 12
paper bags and 3 paintings. Each paper bag Indicator 1
cost 35 pesos and each painting cost 120 Apply knowledge
of content within
pesos. Her art work and design is very 1.She loves and across
appealing and user-friendly that’s why manyto paint and curriculum
teaching areas.
people wants to buy it. Her creativity leads
makes paper ( Science )
her to success. bag.
2. She used
Questions: recyclable Indicator 2.
Use range of
1. What does Bea loves to do? materials. teaching
2. What did Bea used in making her paper bag? 3.Plastics, strategies that
enhance learner
3. Can you give any example of recyclable catalogs, food achievement in
materials? wrapper ,cardbo literacy and
numeracy skills.
4. How many paper bags she can ard, drinking
make every weekend? Straw
5. Bea sold 3 paper bags and 1 painting, how 4.She can make
much is the costs? 12 paper bags.
5. 225 pesos
F. Developing Mastery Indicators 5 points 3 points 1 point
(Leads to Formative The paper bag The paper bag The paper bag
Assessment) Creativity was truly was not very was not
creative creative creative at all.

The group The group The group Indicator 4.

finishes their finishes their finishes their Plan, manage
task before the task within the task after the and implement
time limit time limit time limit developmentally
All of the Some of the There is no teaching and
Cooperation members members did cooperation at learning
cooperated not cooperate all. processes to meet
Information curriculum
All information applied in requirements
applied in their their paper and varied
Presentation applied in their
paper bag was bag was not teaching
paper bag was
well delivered. mentioned at contexts.
not mentioned.
Collaborative Learning.
I will group you into four groups. Each
group will be given a set of materials. Each group
shall design your own paper bag for 10 minutes.
Your output will be graded based from the rubrics


G) Finding practical 1. In What certain occasions do we use paper 1.Birthdays Indicator 1

Apply knowledge
application of concepts bags? Wedding of content within
and skills 2. Who among you here have a store and Christmas and across
in daily living selling paper bag? 2.Answer may teaching areas.
3. Have you try to sell something like foods, vary ( TLE )

school supplies or anything that can be 3.Answer may

sold? vary.
H) Making 1. What are the elements and principles applied in a 1.The elements
generalization and product design? of arts are line,
abstractions about the color, shape,
lesson space and
texture. And the
principle of arts
pattern, and Indicator 3.
Applied a range
contrast. of teaching
strategies to
develop critical
and creative
2. We should be thinking, as well
2.What are the things we need to do in making creative and as other higher-
order thinking
paper bag? artistic. skills.

3.We need to be
creative and
artistic so that
our product is
both appealing
and user-
4. Why do we need to be creative and artistic in friendly. And
designing product? easy to sell.
I)Evaluating Learning Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the best
answer. Answer Key
1. A
1.It is perceived with the components of a work of 2. B
art are perceived as harmonious, giving the work a 3. C Indicator 5.
Design , select,
sense of completion. 4. D organize and use
a. Unity c. Color 5. B diagnostic,
formative and
b. Space d. Line summative
2. Kind of design composes of lines, color, texture, assessment
space and shape to create design on an object consistent with
effectively? the curriculum

a. Principle of design
b. Elements of design
c. Product design
d. Design
3. Refers to the formation between opposite
elements such as light versus dark, rough versus
smooth, large versus small and so on.
a. Balance c. Contrast
b. Pattern d. Unity
4. It is the surface quality that can be seen and felt.
It can be rough or smooth, soft or hard.
a. Color c. Shape
b. Line d. Texture

5. Which of the following is not a principle of arts?

a. Balance c. Unity
b. Texture d. Pattern
J) Additional activities Draw you dream house. Apply the
for application or elements and principle of design that you have
remediation learned.



Prepared by:

_Jemilyn A. Guerrero

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