Key Amendments To Maintenance of Accounts
Key Amendments To Maintenance of Accounts
Key Amendments To Maintenance of Accounts
26 March 2021
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has issued the Company (Accounts) Amendment
Rules, 2021, Companies (Audit and Auditors) Amendment Rules, 2021 and made
amendments to Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act). These amendments
companies, enhance reporting responsibilities of the auditors and require companies to use
audit trail of each and every transaction, creating edit log of each change made including
the date of such change and ensuring that the audit trail cannot be disabled.
Rule 8 - Matters to be included in the Board's Report (applicable with effect from
1 April 2021)
‒ Details of application made or pending proceedings under Insolvency and Bankruptcy
‒ Details of difference between the valuations done during one-time settlements versus
arrangements where the company is either the investor or investee, other than those
already disclosed in the financial statements, where there exist separate understanding,
whether in writing or otherwise, between lending company and receiving company, for
• Reporting on compliance with Section 123 of the Act in respect of declaration or payment
of dividend during the year.
• Reporting on:
‒ Whether the accounting software used by the company has a feature of recording of
‒ Whether the above feature operated throughout the year for all transactions recorded in
the software and the audit trail feature has not been tampered with
‒ Audit trail feature has been preserved by the company as per the statutory record
retention requirements
Asset- related Equity and liability related Statement of Profit and Loss
• Extensive details of transactions where the company is either an investor (advances, loans,
share capital or otherwise) or investee, where there is an understanding that the intermediary
entity will further directly or indirectly, lend, invest or provide any guarantee, security or the like
on behalf of ultimate beneficiaries including declaration regarding compliance with the relevant
provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, Companies Act, 2013 and whether
• Details of proceedings initiated or pending against the Company under the Benami
• Details of transaction not recorded in the books that has been surrendered or disclosed as
• Disclosure where a company is declared as a wilful defaulter by any bank or financial Institution
• Disclosure of specified financial ratios (along with explanation of more than 25% change as
financial reporting. It is pertinent to note that there are already significant reporting
requirements that have been included in the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020,
changes need to be brought in with adequate time being given for implementation.
impractical to comply with in a short span of time for the vast number of small and
medium-sized companies which use software without the required functionality. These
amendments also raise several questions on the manner in which they need to be
disclosed and reported on and will require guidance from the regulator as well as the
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