Case Summary Section 325 CPC
Case Summary Section 325 CPC
Case Summary Section 325 CPC
1. The application for a revision of the Order of the Learned Magistrate in refusing bail
is dismissed.
A. Bail for persons charged under section 39B(1)(a) of the DDA
Here, it is settled law that persons charged under section 39B(1)(a) of the DDA would not be
granted bail.
i. The High Court referred to the case of PUBLIC PROSECUTOR V. CHEW SIEW
LUAN [1982] CLJ 285 (Rep); [1982] CLJ 354; [1982] 2 MLJ 119 where the Federal
Court in this case has affirmed the position that of bail under DDA cases should be
dealt with under their specific law which has been stipulated under section 41B of
ii. In the latest case from the Federal Court which is ABDULLAH ATAN v. PP &
OTHER APPEALS [2020] 9 CLJ 151 recognised and reaffirmed the decision in PP V.
CHEW SIEW LUAN whereby held that;
“The provisions regulating the granting of bail under the Dangerous Drugs Act must be
construed in the context of that Act and not in that of the Criminal Procedure Code and to
that extent the general provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code must ex necessitate yield
to the specific provisions of section 41B of the Dangerous Drugs Act in that regard.”
In our current case, the High Court found there is no miscarriage of justice whereby there was
nothing in the remand that was either illegal, or incorrect or improper. Hence, the revision is
dismissed and the decision of the lower court is affirmed.
TOPIC: Revision by High Court under section 325 of CPC