ES3C2 - Individual Design Study - Portfolio - Briefing - 2023-24

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School of Engineering

The University of Warwick

General Assignment Information
Module Code ES3C2
Module Title Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design
Assignment Title Individual design Study/Portfolio
Assignment 50% (7.5 CAT)
Weighting / Credits
Submission Deadline Week 35 (noon Thursday 30th May, 2024)

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Assessed

Intended Learning Outcome(s) (ILOs) Criterion

Evaluate and apply suitable constraints to Effective evaluation of the elements

systematically manage and progress a complex required as part of a fully functional
design task, with due regard to technical automotive rear suspension, including
uncertainty and the need to proceed with the selection of suitable existing and
incomplete information. [C1, C3, C4, M1, M3, commercial components that respond to
M4] the technical design requirements.

Choose appropriate components, assemblies, The competent application of concept

and configurations, and apply suitable design design comparison and ranking tools
and analysis techniques to make judgements (Pugh matrix) in conjunction with
on key dimension and material choices and effective materials selection (e.g.:
model solutions. [C3, C12, C13, M3, M12, Edupack) to comply with the calculated
M13] load levels.

Make judgements on the accuracy of analytical Competent use of numerical analysis for
and numerical models, and use these to the calculation of design elements
inform design choices. [C3, C6, M3, M6] including shaft, bearings, wishbone
elements, bolted connections, braking
and load transfer.

Design solutions for broadly-defined problems Effective application of technical

that meet a combination of user, business and sketching standard codes such as BS
customer needs as appropriate. This will 8888: British standard for engineering
involve consideration of applicable health & drawings.
safety, mitigating security risk, diversity,
inclusion, cultural, societal and environmental
matters, codes of practice and industry
standards. [C5, C10, C11, M5, M10, M11]

Critique a design using methods such as Failure Critical analysis of a complex design (full
Modes and Effects Analysis, analysing the race car suspension) taking into account
effects of uncertainty in design, and aspects such as safety, reliability and risk.
considering the effect of safety factors to Ability to identify and determine ‘risks’
identify workable improvements. [C5, C9,M5, within a design, being able to technically
M9] justify the rationale along with consistent
metrics to guide improvement.

• A total mark below 30% indicates that the ILOs have not all been met at the threshold
• A total mark in the range 30 – 38% indicates that the ILOs have all been partially met to
at least the threshold level;
• A total mark of at least 40% indicates that the ILOs have all been met.

Submission Details
The submission details for this assignment are:
• Deadline: Week 35 (noon Thursday 30th May, 2024)
• Method: Online individual submission via TABULA and via Moodle for Quizzes
• Format of submission: Individual Report (submitted as PDF), Portfolio File (Submitted as
OneDrive link) and Moodle Quizzes (submitted via Moodle)
• Contents requirements: A final Individual design Study and Portfolio including the following:
Section Details Weight

A single .pdf file with a filename containing: Student No, module

code, and the assignment name, for example:
Part 1)
Individual “u1287327_ES3C2_ Individual_Design_Study.pdf”. 60%
Design Max length 15 A4 pages, including ALL: front page, any indexes,
Report appendix, and references). A detailed description of the expected
report sections is available on Moodle/Assessment Information

This is a OneDrive Folder to be Submitted as a link within the main

report, which is expected to contain the following:
▪ The full, filled DFMEA Excel file template used for your study
Part 2) (available on Moodle/Assessment Information).
Portfolio ▪ 2D part drawings for your redesigned component. Submitted as a 30%
link provided within the main report or included in the “Project
Portfolio File”.
▪ Any extra materials in support of your project, such as: sketches,
calculations, datasheets, literature read, etc.

Part 3) All Moodle quizzes and activities that are marked as ‘Individual
Moodle Portfolio activity’. These will be released as the course progresses 10%
Quizzes with the same deadline (Week 35)

Note: Submissions should be of an appropriate file size and students are responsible for
ensuring that work is uploaded successfully before the deadline. If there are technical issues
when submitting online, please contact the Engineering Student Office
([email protected]).

Guidance and Referencing Style

It is serious Academic Misconduct to pass off the work of others (including peers or AI-based
chatbots such as ChatGPT) as your own and you should not permit colleagues to copy from
you. Sources must be appropriately and properly acknowledged every time reference is made

to another’s work, using the Harvard Referencing system. Failure to do so amounts to
plagiarism which breaches university regulations and falls short of the Academic Integrity
expected in the department and university.
Find out more about the School of Engineering Referencing System here:
There are also other types of academic offences including duplication or ‘self-plagiarism’.
Refer to
for further details.

Assignment Feedback
• Individualised written comments on submitted work.
• Feedback in design seminars.
• Support through advice and support hours.

The Brief
Individual Design Study: Investigate and apply Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
This is an individual report study which will focus on the suspension design you have produced
as a group to take it as the main subject of analysis in order to apply a well-known
methodology you have previously covered in ES192 and ES2D2. This is an individual
submission and it is expected each team member will produce a different and independent
‘Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis’ (DFMEA) is a design and analysis technique applied
to analyse and re-design critical components which are prone to fail due to a variety of
reasons, such as the selected material, unexpected wear and fatigue or simply due to design
failures. The premise of this method relies on answering the following questions:
1) How can an element fail (Failure Modes)
2) What consequences will be to the system and environment (Effects)
While some of the usual 'failure modes' (e.g: fatigue failure, rupture, crack propagation, over-
stressing in bending, etc.) may be the result of ill-designed parts, you will also find that
common failure modes are also related to material selection, tolerances, manufacturing
methods, assembly connections, degradation, misuse, etc.

Your Group’s Suspension:

How can it fail during normal
operation over time?

In order to apply this methodology, you will require:

• A system to analyse. Use your Group's rear suspension design as the case study.
• Identification of at least 7 specific components and their key function
• An assessment of the "Severity" of the potential failure (using a scale from 1-10)
• Likelihood analysis. This probability will also be based on a 1-10 scale
• Apply a detection scale (how easy it is to detect?)
You will be using the DFMEA analysis template available on Moodle/Assessment Information.
The template (shown below) includes a worked example which you can follow for your

Expected Individual submission contents
1) Individual Design Study.
A report document of maximum 15 A4 pages (all inclusive) including:
• Brief introduction and explanation of how FMEA is applied to engineering re-design
• Identification of the most likely parts, and specific components prone to fail from
your Suspension Group design. Include at least 7 components.
• A re-design proposal of the one component with the highest failure probability. Your
redesign should be supported by your rationale, concept development, material
selection, etc. The use of FEA analysis is encouraged although not essential.
• If your ‘optimized design’ relies on using a commercial off the shelf component, its
selection must be supported by the corresponding analysis and calculations.

Part 2) Portfolio
• Full DFMEA Excel-file matrix with your analysis and final ranking (using template
• 2D sketches, 3D Design and 2D part drawings for the re-designed component only (it
is not necessary to revisit your assembly) using Fusion 360. These can be included as
web-links on the main report PDF.
• Any additional documentation you deem relevant in support of your analysis:
material datasheets, component datasheets, sketches, worked calculations, etc.

Part 3) Moodle Quizzes and activities marked as ‘Individual Portfolio activity’.

• Quizzes will be automatically submitted once you complete them via Moodle. Some
quizzes will also be used to unlock other follow-up activities.
• Activities marked as ‘Individual Portfolio Activity’, such as the Week 16 Wheel
Assembly, will need to be part of your Design Portfolio. Each section will include
instructions on how to include your work to your portfolio.

Marking Scheme
Class Scale Mark Individual Design Study (60%) Project Portfolio (30%) Moodle Quizzes (10%)
Exceptional understanding and evaluation Exceptional work of the highest quality, Work of original and exceptional quality
with relevant arguments, debates and/or demonstrating excellent knowledge and which in the examiners’ judgement merits
interpretations in a manner that demonstrates understanding, analysis, organization, special recognition by the award of the
an exceptional capacity for entirely original accuracy, relevance, presentation and highest possible mark. All activities
100 thought. Proposes improved approaches over appropriate skills. Work that achieves or correctly submitted with all answers
currently established design analysis is close to publishable standard. Meets correct, reflecting a complete
methodologies with suitable justification. all of the content and presentation understanding of the subject.
Excellent 1st

Outstanding organization and clarity of requirements to an exceptional standard.


Understands and evaluates relevant Exceptional work of high quality, Exceptional work of the highest quality,
arguments, debates and/or interpretations in demonstrating excellent knowledge and demonstrating excellent knowledge and
a manner that demonstrates an exceptional understanding, analysis, organization, understanding, analysis, organisation,
capacity for entirely original thought. accuracy, relevance, presentation and accuracy, relevance, presentation and
Proposes improved approaches over appropriate skills. Work that achieves or appropriate skills. All activities correctly

currently established design analysis is close to publishable standard. Meets submitted with all answers correct,
methodologies with suitable justification. all of the content and presentation reflecting a complete understanding of
Excellent organization and clarity of structure. requirements to an exceptional standard. the subject.

Understands and evaluates relevant Work demonstrating excellent knowledge Very high-quality work demonstrating


arguments, debates and/or interpretations in and understanding, analysis, excellent knowledge and understanding,
a manner that demonstrates a very good organization, accuracy, relevance, analysis, organisation, accuracy,

capacity for independent thought. presentation and appropriate skills. Work relevance, presentation and appropriate


Successfully applies established design that pushes the boundaries of typical skills. Work which may extend existing
analysis methodologies with suitable third year students. Meets all of the debates or interpretations. All activities

justification. Very good to excellent content and presentation requirements to correctly submitted with all answers


organization and clarity of structure. an excellent standard. correct, reflecting a complete

understanding of the subject.


Understands and evaluates relevant High quality work demonstrating very High quality work demonstrating good

Upper Second (2-1) 68

arguments, debates and/or interpretations in good knowledge and understanding, knowledge and understanding, analysis,
a manner that demonstrates a good capacity analysis, organization, accuracy, organisation, accuracy, relevance,
Mid 65 for critical thought. relevance, presentation and appropriate presentation, and appropriate skills.
2-1 Applies established design analysis skills. Meets the majority of the content
Most activities correctly submitted with
methodologies with suitable justification. and presentation requirements to a high
most answers correct, reflecting a


Good organization and clarity of structure. standard.

complete understanding of the subject.

Competence in evaluating relevant Competent work, demonstrating Competent work, demonstrating


Lower Second (2-2)

arguments, debates and/or interpretations in reasonable knowledge and reasonable knowledge and
a manner that demonstrates a reasonable understanding, some analysis, understanding, some analysis,


capacity for critical thought. organization, accuracy, relevance, organisation, accuracy, relevance,
Attempts to apply established design analysis presentation and appropriate skills. presentation and appropriate skills.
methodologies with some justification. Meets the majority of the content and
Low 2-2

52 Acceptable organization and structure. presentation requirements to a

competent standard

Evaluates relevant arguments, debates Work of limited quality, demonstrating Work of limited quality, demonstrating



and/or interpretations in a manner that some relevant knowledge and some relevant knowledge and
demonstrates a minimum capacity for critical understanding. Meets some of the understanding


thought. content and presentation requirements


Attempts to apply established design analysis but missing a number of the criteria.
Low 3rd

methodologies but shows some deficiencies

in its justification. Not optimal organization
and structure.

Does not evidence competence in evaluating Work does not meet standards required. Work does not meet standards required
relevant arguments, debates and/or There may be evidence of some basic for the appropriate stage of an Honours

High Fail (sub

interpretations in a manner that demonstrates understanding of relevant concepts and degree. Evidence of study and

a reasonable capacity for critical thought. techniques demonstrates some knowledge and
Does not apply design analysis some basic understanding of relevant
methodologies in any significant capacity and concepts and techniques, but subject to
lacks justification. Non-suitable organization significant omissions and errors.
and structure.

Does not evidence competence in evaluating Work is significantly below the standard Work is significantly below the standard
relevant arguments, debates and/or required for an honours degree student. required for the appropriate stage of an
interpretations in a manner that demonstrates Some evidence of understanding. Honours degree. Some evidence of study
a reasonable capacity for critical thought. and some knowledge and evidence of

No evidence of applying design analysis understanding but subject to very serious

methodologies in any significant capacity and omissions and errors.

lacks justification. Non-suitable organization
and structure.

25 The report is technically flawed and shows Poor quality work below the standards Poor quality work well below the
major deficiencies when addressing different required for honours Students standards required for the appropriate
design analysis techniques. Lacks clarity and stage of an Honours degree.

organization throughout.

Work of no merit OR Absent, work not Work of no merit OR Absent, work not Work of no merit OR Absent, work not

0 submitted, penalty in some misconduct cases submitted, penalty in some misconduct submitted, penalty in some misconduct
cases cases

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