SL 399 3 Iwt Opt-Out

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Outdoor Sensor

(to master boiler)

SL 40-399 G3
SL 40-399 G3 SL 40-399G3
Master subordinate
and opt-out

Load 1 Load 2
Pump Pump
Secondary Loop
(to master boiler)

Domestic fill station with isolation valve closed
Hot or: fill tank
– 3-Boiler in-line Multiplex racking system shown, IBC part M03-L-3".
System comes complete with Boiler racking, UPS 43-44 FC boiler
pumps, near boiler piping, isolation valves, and 3” manifold headers.
– Multiplex headers flange-to-flange dimension matches 3rd-party Low-
Low Headers (Hydraulic Separators)
– Recommended DHW opt-out pump UPS 43-100 on speed two, or
other pump sized for 28 gpm and 16 feet of head.
– Opt-out piping requires field modification of Multiplex piping.
DHW Sensor
well -to opt-out
IBC 399 3.2.opt-out

BRAD POULSEN 18/10/2018


IBC 115 XHO Multi-boiler multi-load installation with an Extra

Indirect Hot High OutputDATE
Indirect Tank on opt-out.
CAUTION: Thi s drawing is a simple schematic gui de to a successful i nstallat ion. There may be many necessary Water Tank 15/05/2015
components not shown here. We require that our boilers be installed by licensed and experienced trades people
who are familiar with the applicable local and national codes . Sy stem design is to be completed by an experienced
hydronic designer or Engineer. It is necessary to carefully read and fol low the instal lation i nstructi ons that come
with the boiler along wi th the application drawing that fits your system. 1 OF 2
Master Boiler Middle Subordinate Boiler Subordinate Opt-Out Boiler
JA02 removed 120VAC
120VAC 120VAC
5 (HOT) (COM)
AC in L

black black
AC in L AC in L


white white N

Primary L yellow Boiler Primary L yellow Boiler Primary L yellow
Pump N white
Pump Pump N white
Pump Pump N Boiler Wiring Diagram
VS Pump Not used VS Pump Not used VS Pump Not used Pump

Load 1 pump Indirect pump

Load 2 pump
Programming Notes
– For Master Boiler, in Installer Setup menu set
Load 1 as DHW. Set Water ° From to Secondary
Factory- Factory- Factory- Loop.
installed installed installed – In the same Installer Setup menu set Loads 1
and 2 for desired values; use Zoning, or see Load
Pairing Tech Memo as needed.
– In the Installer Setup menus for DHW Opt-Out
Load 1 boiler, define Load 1 as DHW. Set Boiler Pump
dry contact to Off. Provisional recommendation for the
Load 2 DHW Tank Differential: 8°F.
dry contact – See memo Multiple Boiler Systems for full
1 1 details about network configuring. For the
Master Boiler only, in Installer Setup Menu /
MultiBoiler, turn Master Boiler to On, and define
boiler ID as “1”. Set boiler ID at subordinate
boilers to “2”and “3” respectively, leaving
Master Boiler Off.
– In Installer Setup Menu / Edit, for any load:
Maximum Supply Temperature acts as a high

Wiring Notes IBC 399 3.2.opt-out

1 – No external voltages to be applied to TB2 control terminal strip connections 1-20. DRAWN BY DATE

2 – Pump circuits are fused for a total draw of 5A; maximum amperage draw of 4A per pump is recommended. BRAD POULSEN 18/10/2018
3 – Outdoor sensor installed on a North-facing exterior wall for accurate exterior air temperature reading. DESCRIPTION

4 – Boiler network wires are polarity-sensitive, and must be twisted once per inch, and not be routed parallel to line voltage wires Multi-boiler multi-load installation with an Extra
5 – Boiler 2, being non-terminal in the network, has its Jumper A02 removed, as illustrated in Multiple Boiler Systems Tech Memo High OutputDATE
Indirect Tank on opt-out.
(or see Touch Screen manual page 25). 15/05/2015

CAUTION: Thi s drawing is a simple schematic gui de to a successful i nstallat ion. There may be many necessary components not shown here. We require that our boilers be installed by licensed PAGE
and experienced trades people who are fami liar wi th the applicable local and national codes. Sy stem design is to be completed by an experienced hydroni c designer or Engi neer. It is necessary to
carefully read and foll ow the install ation instructions that come with the boi ler along wit h the applicati on drawing t hat fits your system. 2 OF 2

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