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3. When did his father die?

A. When BJ. Habibie studied in
B. After BJ Habbie married
Text 1. Read the following text and answer the
C. When BJ. Habibie was
fourteen years old
BJ Habibie Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie D. Before BJ. Habibie married
called BJ. Habibie was born on twenty-five of
June 1936. He was the Third President of the 4. “They are married in 1962, returning to
Republic of the Republic of Indonesia (1998– German shortly later” (paragraph 2), the
1999). Habibie was born in Parepare, South word they refer to ….
Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie A. Habibie and his father
and R.A. Tuti Giambattista Marino B. Ainun and her father
Poespowardojo. His father was a grower from C. Ainun and her son
Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was D. Habibie and Ainun
a Javanese peeress from Yogyakarta. His elders
Text 2. Read the following text and answer the
met while learning in Bogor. Once he was
fourteen years old, Habibie’s father died.
Following his father’s death, Habibie continued Faraday studied the magnetic field around a
his studies in the national capital then in 1955 conductor carrying a DC electric current. While
moved to Germany. conducting these studies, Faraday established
the basis for the electromagnetic field concept
In 1962, Habibie came to the Republic of
in physics, subsequently enlarged upon by
Indonesia for 3 months on leave. Throughout
James Maxwell. He similarly discovered
this point, he was reacquainted with Hasri
electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and
Ainun, the girl of R. Mohamad Besari. They are
laws of electrolysis. He established that
married in 1962, returning to Germany shortly
magnetism could affect rays of light and that
later. Habibie and his mate settled in Aken for a
there was an underlying relationship between
brief amount before moving to Oberforstbach.
the two phenomena. His inventions of
In 1963 they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar
electromagnetic rotary devices formed the
Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal
foundation of electric motor technology, and it
was largely due to his efforts that electricity
1. When was BJ. Habibie born? became viable for use in technology.
A. 25th June 1936
As a chemist, Michael Faraday discovered
B. 26th June 1936
benzene, investigated the clathrate hydrate of
C. 27th June 1936
chlorine, invented an early form of the Bunsen
D. 28th June 1936
burner and the system of oxidation numbers,
and popularized terminology such as anode,
2. Where did BJ. Habibie continue his study
cathode, electrode, and ion.
after his father’s dead?
A. South Sulawesi Although Faraday received little formal
B. Parepare education and knew little of higher
C. Jakarta mathematics, such as calculus, he was one of
D. Yogyakarta the most influential scientists in history.
Historians of science refer to him as the best A. Faraday and James found the similar
experimentalist in the history of science. The SI electromagnetic
unit of capacitance, the farad, is named after B. Faraday found the electromagnetic
him, as is the Faraday constant, the charge on induction
a mole of electrons (about 96,485 coulombs). C. James discovered a DC electric
Faraday’s law of induction states that magnetic current
flux changing in time creates a proportional D. James invented the motor
electromotive force. technology
E. Faraday found the motor technology
Faraday was the first and foremost Fullerian
Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution
of Great Britain, a position to which he was Text 3. Read the following text and answer the
appointed for life. Albert Einstein kept a questions
photograph of Faraday on his study wall
Picasso was one of the most outstanding and
alongside pictures of Isaac Newton and James
important artists of the 1900’s. He is best
Clerk Maxwell.
known for his paintings. Almost every style in
Faraday was highly religious. He was a member modern art is represented in Picasso’s works.
of the Sandemanian Church, a Christian sect Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain as
founded in 1730 that demanded total faith and the son of an art teacher. He studied painting
commitment. Biographers have noted that a from his father and his college level course of
strong sense of the unity of God and nature study at the academy of arts in Madrid.
pervaded Faraday’s life and work.
From about 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic
5. What was Michael Faraday expert? works in a traditional style. He, then, entered
A. science, history and religion what was called the Blue Period. During this
B. chemistry, electricity and calculus time, he only used shades of blue in his
C. electronic, technology and religion paintings to show the poverty he saw in
D. chemistry, physic and mathematics Barcelona.
E. physic, technology and photography After 1908, he entered into the style of cubism.
Among his well-known cubist paintings are
6. Which of the following statements “Three Musicians” and “Man with a Guitar”.
closely relates to Michael Faraday?
Picasso died in Moughins, France in 1973. He
A. Michael Faraday dedicated his life in
was really great artist.
science and religion.
B. Michael Faraday was downhearted 8. What did Picaso show in his painting at The
his life in science. Blue Period?
C. Michael Faraday concentrated his A. The glamorous in Barcelona
life in technology. B. The violence case in Barcelona
D. Michael Faraday was one of C. The government of Barcelona
successful scientists. D. The prosperity in Barcelona
E. Michael Faraday poured his science
in technology.
9. Where did Picasso learn painting from?
7. Based on the first paragraph, we A. His mother and his college
conclude that …. level course
B. His teacher and his college the time said that the sheep was created from
level course a mammary gland cell, and that Parton offered
C. His father and his college level an excellent example.
course The creation of the sheep captured the public
D. His friend and his college level imagination and instantly became a scientific
course sensation. The experiments drew not only
admiration but also anger from some who
10. Why did Picasso become so popular? raised questions about the ethics of cloning.
because …. Animal rights activists were outraged, while
A. he was the most outstanding the church of England expressed reservations.
artist of the 1990’s. Dolly was put down in 2003 after she
B. he painted in traditional style. developed a lung diseasE. Campbell’s interest
C. he was known for his great in cellular growth dated back to his college days
paintings studying microbiology in London.
D. he was son of an art teacher.
12. Which of the following statements is
TRUE according to the text?
11. According to text, Picasso ….
A. Campbell never felt leaving for the
A. died in Spain 1973
B. was famous for his painting
B. Campbell stopped working because
of his sickness
C. had a father who worked as an
C. Campbell focused his research
art teacher.
dealing with humans
D. finished his study at the
D. Campbell started researching
academy of Arts in Madrid.
animal cloning as his experiments
E. Campbell focused his research not
only on the animal experiments
Text 4. Read the following text and answer the
13. Why did the experiments not draw
admiration perfectly?
A. Animal rights activists were
Keith Campbell, a prominent biologist who
worked on cloning Dolly the sheep, died at 58,
B. The public imagination became a
the University of Nottingham said Thursday.
scientific sensation
Campbell, who had worked on animal
C. Some people felt dissatisfied with
improvement and cloning since 1999, died
the experiment results
October 5, 2012, University spokesman Tim
D. Some people were angry from their
Utton saiD. He did not specify the cause, only
question about the ethics of cloning
saying that Campbell had worked at the
E. The experiments did not show the
University until his death.
representative results of the cloning
He began researching animal cloning at the
Roslin Institute near Edinburgh in 1991. In 1996
the experiments led to the birth of Dolly the
14. Why was the sheep named after Dolly
sheep, the first mammal to be cloned from an
adult cell. The sheep was named after the
A. The researchers admired her
voluptuous singer Dolly Parton. Researchers at
B. She was a voluptuous singer D. he was a lecturer in many parts
C. She was a very popular singer of Indonesia E. he was a
D. The mammary gland cell was taken professor in physiology
from her 16. The main idea of the first paragraph is
E. She was the one who inspired the that Abdulrachman Saleh …
researchers A. studied at the medical school in
B. started his career as a doctor in
Text 5. Read the following text and answer the
C. became a doctor because of his
Born into a family of doctors in Kampung family
Ketapang, Kwitang Barat, Jakarta, D. had his own medical practice
Abdulrachman Saleh also became a doctor. 17. Besides medicine, Abdulrachman also
After finishing MULO, he studied at STOVIA. had a special interest in ….
While still a student, he was appointed A. laboratorium assistance
assistant at the laboratory of physiology. B. aeroplane designing
Graduating from STOVIA, Abdulrachman Saleh C. broadcasting
continued his work at the lab while having his D. student organizations
own medical practice. Abdulrachman Saleh’s
role in medicine was significant. He became a 18. What youth organization did Abdul
lecturer in Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and Rahman Saleh join?
Klaten. For his meritorious service in medicine, A. Boy scout
specifically in physiology, in 1958, the B. Indonesian Red Cross
University of Indonesia bestowed him the title C. Junior of The Red Cross
of Bapak Ilmu Faal (Father of Physiology). D. Volunteer of Indonesia
Abdulrachman Saleh was a man of many
interests. He was involved in youth 19. “He became a lecturer in Jakarta” . The
organizations like Boy Scouts and Indonesia synonym of the underlined word is …
Muda. He was also a member of Aeroclub, and A. A master
co-founded theVerenigde Oosterse Radio B. A principle
Omroep (VORO), an organization of C. A teacher
broadcasters. It was he who established the D. A rector
Voice of Free Indonesia, the radio station which
spread the proclamation of Indonesia’s 20. What title was given to Abdul Rahman
independence to the world. Saleh from University of Indonesia ?
A. Father of doctor
15. Abdulrachman Saleh was bestowed the title
B. Young doctor
Father of Physiology because ….
C. Father of scouts
A. he had significant contribution in
D. Father of Physiology
B. he was a lecturer in the Medical faculty
of the University of Indonesia
Text6. Read the following text and answer the
C. he was a lecturer as well as a doctor
Maria Yuryevna Sharapova is a Russian 23. “… was spotted by Martina Navratilova
professional tennis player. She was born in …” (Paragraph 2). The synonym of word
1987 in Ngayan, Siberia. At the age of three, “spotted” is…
Sharapova moved with her family to Sochi. She A. seen
began playing tennis at the age of four using a B. searched
racket given to her by Yevgeng Kafelnikov’s C. placed
father. At the age five or six, at a tennis clinic in D. introduced
Moscow, Sharapova was spotted by Martina
Navratilova, who urged her parents to get her
Text 7. Read the following text and answer the
serious coaching in the USA. At the age of
seven, she and her father boarded a plane to
the USA with only $700. Her father took her to Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) — Astronomer and
the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy where one Scientist. Galileo developed a superior
of the coaches check her out. The story goes telescope and made many significant
that maria knocked his hat off with the tennis discoveries in astronomy. He was sentenced to
ball, thereby making a favorable impression. life imprisonment by the inquisition for his
This led her obtaining a scholarship. At the age support for the Copernican theory that the sun
of nine, she was signed up by a number of was at the centre of the solar system.
sponsors including Prince (racquets), Oakley
Galileo was born in Florence, Italy in 1564 to a
and Nike.
poor but noble family His parents recognized
In 2004, Sharapova became the second
their child’s innate intelligence and talents and
youngest Wimbledon women’s champion in
so made sacrifices to have him educated. At his
open era (after Martina Hingis) by defeating
father’s insistence, Galileo studied the
defending two-time champion Serena Williams
profitable career of medicine. But, at the
in straight sets (6-1, 6-4). In the process she
University of Pisa, Galileo became fascinated in
also became the first Russian ever to win that
a wide range of subjects. He was also critical of
many of Aristotle’s teaching which had
21. What is the text about? dominated education for the past 2,000 years.
A. The family of maria Sharapova
Galileo was appointed to be a mathematics
B. Professional tennis players in the
professor at the University of Pisa, but his
strident criticisms of Aristotle left him isolated
C. The happiness of having a great
among his contemporaries. After three years of
persecution, he resigned and went to the
D. The working experienceof maria
University of Padua, where he taught maths.
His entertaining lectures attracted a large
following and he was able to spend the next 18
22. In what age was miss Sharpova being a
years pursuing his interests in astronomy and
model of some products?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five 24. Something that we can learn from
D. Nine Galileo Galilei’s biography is …
A. We must always believe whatever D. Inborn
the society believes to avoid getting E. Strident
B. We must never go against the 28. Heru : I heard, you took a vacation in
believe of the society to avoid getting Talang Indah Pajarisuk. It’s beautiful
imprisoned. place
C. We should believe in something Zayn : Yes, you are right.
and stay faithful to it no matter how Heru : How did you spend time there ?
hard Zayn : …
D. We must sacrifice everything to get A. I take floating boat and visit hobit’s
ourselves educated. home
E. We should spend 18 years to B. I take floating boat and visiting
pursue our interests. hobit’s home
C. I am taking floating boat and visit
25. From the fact that Galileo Galilei was hobit’s home
imprisoned for supporting the D. I took floating boat and visited
Copernican theory, which later was hobit’s home
proven to be true, we know that Galileo
Galilei was … 29. Azra : Where did you go last night?
A. Reckless Mom : I went to groceries store.
B. Stubborn Azra : …. ?
C. Tenacious Mom : Sorry, I didn.t buy you anything
D. Arrogant A. Did you buy me something?
E. Foolish B. Do you buy me something?
C. Are you buying me something?
26. According to the biography, why did D. Were you buying me
Galileo Galilei resign from his teaching something?
job at the University of Pisa? 30. Akbar : I dropped in your house and you
A. He had attracted many followers. were not at home yesterday morning ?
B. He was persecuted for three years Where were you, Dafa ?
C. He was appointed as a mathematics Dafa : …
professor. A. I go to Malang with my parents.
D. He had a better offer from the B. My parents ask me to go to
University of Padua. Malang
E. He wanted to pursue his interests in C. I went to Malang with my
astronomy and mechanics. parents.
D. My parents and I are going to
27. “His parents recognized their child’s Malang.
innate intelligence and talents and so 31. . . . . Tuesday I saw Enid hunt a rabbit in
made sacrifices to have him educated.” the woods.
(Paragraph 2). The underlined word a. Later
“innate” is closest in meaning to … b. More
A. Acquired c. Ago
B. Ingenious d. Last
C. Multiple
32. Paul : Why didn't you come to the d. today
Alicia : The rain was big, and I was 38. Wendy: I thought you got the invitation.
trapped. Rika: Yes I . . . . .
Paul : Mr. Bane . . . . us how to play drum Wendy: Then why didn't you show up
correctly, you missed the lesson. last night?
a. teach Rika: I'm sorry, My mom needed me last
b. teaches night.
c. taught a. did
d. teached b. done
c. do
33. Jhon : Why did Alex move to London ? d. thought
Arya : …
A. He gets a new job there 39. I . . . . the ball to you, But you didn't . . . .
B. He found a new job there it back to me. The coach said so.
C. He is finding a new job there a. throw - threw
D. He likes live there b. threw - threw
c. threw - throw
34. She … a delicious cookies for Lebaran’s d. threw – thrown
day last Ramadhan.
A. bakes 40. The link . . . available one hour ago. If
B. baking you can't access it anymore it means the
C. baked registration . . . closed.
D. bake a. is - was
b. was - is
35. Malik and Agung … diligent students in c. was - was
the school, they … English competition d. is – is
and they also … English Club actively last
year. 41. Andra : How was your holiday in Bali?
A. Were, won, joined Sandy : It’s nice, … . I just spent it four
B. Are, win, join days there, it’s too short to pass.
C. Were, win, joined A. I couldn’t see any places
D. Were, won, join B. I’ll be there again for vacation
36. The teachers … their car in the school C. Bali makes the tourists want come
yard yesterday, but today they can park again
their car in the school parking area. D. I enjoyed being there very much
A. parking
B. parked 42. Afghan : …
C. park Julia : No, I didn’t.
D. parks A. Do you go to the go to the museum
37. Leonardo registered himself for an last week ?
online game competition . . . . . B. Where did you go to last week ?
a. tomorrow C. Did you go to the go to the museum
b. yesterday last week ?
c. next monday
D. What did you do at the museum last a. The guests do in the lobby.
week ? b. The guests did in the lobby.
43. I … anywhere, I just stayed at home last c. The guests was in the lobby.
holiday. d. The guests were in the lobby.
A. Don’t go
B. Didn’t go 49. Change into English!
C. Didn’t going
D. Don’t went "Kenapa kamu mengadu kepada ibu Lisa
44. Atha : I am sorry for being late in the last
meeting a. Why did you snitch to Mrs. Lisa
Boss : Never mind, what did happen yesterday?
with you ? b. Why do you snitch to Mrs. Lisa
Atha : … yesterday?
A. It loses when I put it on drawer c. Why was you snitch to Mrs. Lisa
B. I forgot where I put my car’s key last yesterday?
night d. Why were you snitch to Mrs. Lisa
C. I don’t know where I save it yesterday?
D. I forget where I put my car’s key last
night 50. Change into English!

45. How many times . . . . your uncle visit "Aku tidak pergi kemanapun, aku di sini
Bali? sejak kamu pergi."
a. was
b. were a. I don't go anywhere, I have been here
c. did since you left.
d. does b. I didn't go anywhere, I was here since
you left.
46. What . . . . the most spectacular part of c. I didn't went anywhere, I was here
the circus last week? since you left.
a. was d. I doesn't go anywhere, I am here since
b. were you left.
c. did
d. does 51. What . . . Bill . . . last Thursday in the
47. Change into simple past tense! a. did - do
Danny fixes his bed. b. did - did
a. Danny had fixed his bed. c. do - did
b. Danny fix his bed. d. do – do
c. Danny fixed his bed.
d. Danny fixd his bed. 52. Wulan . . . . snitch to Mr. Melissa, Wilson
did. I saw him in Mr. Melissa's office.
48. Change into simple past tense! a. wasn't
The guests are in the lobby. b. was
c. didn't
d. did

53. Tara . . . . an original merchandise of

Jurassic World, but she said he had sold
a. didn't have
b. have
c. has
d. had

54. Brian didn't ... his parents about his

english test score last week
a. told
b. tell
c. telling
d. telled

55. One day last year, John …….off his bike.

a. falls
b. fell
c. has been falling
d. is falling

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