Tugas Kelas 8
Tugas Kelas 8
Tugas Kelas 8
Do not speed before, in, and after the school safe zone. School children are crossing the street or
doing some. Activities around the area.
12. Visitors with breathing problems are not allowed to visit the area because …
A. the fumes can make them difficult to breathe
B. the fumes can enter the human’s lung
C. it is very tiring to climb the volcano
D. certain people cannot breathe well
15. You may find this warning at a super market or mall. What does it mean?
a. We must make a pocket
b. We must have a pocket
c. We have to be friendly to pick-pockets
d. We must be careful of pick-pocket
17. You read a notice in front of a house like the one above. What does it mean?
a. People must not stop in front of it.
b. Visitors cannot drop by there now
c. Pedestrians may not cross there.
d. Other people must not enter it
22. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to ask somebody to do something
b. to warn somebody not to do something
c. to advise somebody not to do something
d. to inform somebody that something is not dangerous
29. Where do you usually find the cautions above?
a. At the stationary
b. At the bus station
c. At a petrol station
d. At a police station