PH Su Hoto Ulfate Ometr Eina Ric D Aque Eterm Eous Mina Solu Ation Ution Nof Ns

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Titrration Applica

A tion No
ote T–77
hotoometrric determ
n of
e in aque
a eous soluution

This Applicatioon Note describes

d tthe photometric detterminationn of sulfate in
aqueeous solutions by usin
ng the Opttrode (520 0 nm). Sulfaate is preci pitated witth an
um chloride solution . Back-titraation of the unreacteed barium with
exceess of bariu
EDTAA provides the sulfatee content.
Method description

Sample Parameters
Sulfuric acid Titration mode DET U
Measurement drift 50 mV/min
Sample preparation Min. waiting time 0s

No sample preparation required Max. waiting time 26 s

Min. increment 10 μL
EP criterion 5
EP recognition greatest
907 Titrando 1 x 2.907.0010 Stirring speed 8
800 Dosino 5 x 2.800.0010
Dosing unit 2 mL 1 x 6.3032.120 Calculations
Dosing unit 10 mL 3 x 6.3032.210 mol/L SO42–= ((C01 × C02) – (EP1 × C03)) × C04/C00
Dosing unit 50 mL 1 x 6.3032.250
802 Rod Stirrer 1 x 2.802.0020 EP1 = titrant consumption in mL
815 Robotic USB SP 1 x 2.815.0110 C00 = sample volume in mL
C01 = volume of the BaCl2 solution in mL
Sample beaker 1 x 6.1432.320
250 mL C02 = conc. of the BaCl2 solution in mol/L (0.1)
C03 = conc. of Na2EDTA solution in mol/L (0.025)
Sample rack 1 x 6.2041.820 C04 = titer Na2EDTA (dimensionless unit)
28 × 250 mL
Optrode (at 520 nm) 1 x 6.1115.000

Solutions c(SO42–) in mol/L

0.0516 ± 0.0002
Titrant Dissolve 9.855 g
(n = 6)
c(Na2EDTA) = Na2EDTA•2H2O in dist.
0.025 mol/L water, add 10 mL c(NaOH)
= 1 mol/L, and make up to
1 L with dist. water.
Indicator /buffer Dissolve 12.8 g MgEDTA
solution (calmagite) (CAS 14402-88-1) and
0.150 g calmagite (CAS
3147-14-6) indicator in
dist. water. Add 400 mL of
25% ammonia and make up
to 1 L with dist. water.
Auxiliary solution CAS 7647-01-0
c(HCl) = 1 mol/L
Barium chloride Dissolve 24.428 g
solution BaCl2•2H2O (CAS 10326-
c(BaCl2) = 0.1 mol/L 27-9) in dist. water and
make up to 1 L.

To x mL sample solution add 100 mL dist. water, 2 mL
hydrochloric acid, and 5 mL barium chloride solution.
Titration Application Note T–77

After a precipitation time of about 120 s, add 5 mL of

buffer solution. Then titrate with c(Na2EDTA) = 0.025
mol/L using the DET mode and the Optrode (520 nm).
Version 1

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